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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'onde de Kelvin équatoriale océanique intrasaisonnière et les événements El Nino du Pacifique central / The intraseasonal equatorial oceanic Kelvin wave and the central Pacific El Nino phenomenon

Mosquera Vasquez, Kobi A. 03 July 2015 (has links)
Le phénomène El Niño est le mode dominant de la variabilité du climat aux échelles de temps interannuelles dans le Pacifique tropical. Il modifie considérablement le climat régional dans les pays voisins, dont le Pérou pour lequel les impacts socio-économiques peuvent être dramatiques. Comprendre et prévoir El Niño reste un enjeu prioritaire pour la communauté climatique. Des progrès significatifs dans notre compréhension du phénomène El Niño et dans notre capacité à le prédire ont été réalisés dans les années 80, en particulier grâce à la mise en place du système d'observation dans le Pacifique tropical (programme de TOGA, en particulier, ainsi que l'émergence de l'ère des satellites). À la fin du XXe siècle, alors que de nouvelles théories scientifiques ont été proposées et testées, les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la modélisation numérique et de l'assimilation de données ont conduit à l'idée que le phénomène El Niño pourrait être prévu avec au moins deux ou trois saisons à l'avance. Or, depuis le début du 21ième siècle, les manifestations du phénomène El Niño ont réduit cette expectative: un nouveau type d'El Niño est a été découvert - identifié par des anomalies de température moins intenses et localisées dans le centre du Pacifique équatorial. Ce phénomène, connu sous le nom CP El Niño pour El Niño Pacifique Central ou El Niño Modoki a placé la communauté scientifique devant un nouveau défi. Cette thèse est une contribution à l'effort international actuel pour comprendre la dynamique de ce nouveau type d'El Niño, dans le but de proposer des mécanismes expliquant sa présence accrue au cours des dernières décennies. Plus précisément, l'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier le rôle des ondes longues équatoriales dans le Pacifique tropical sur la dynamique océanique et la thermodynamique associées au phénomène El Niño de type Pacifique Central. Cette thèse s'intéresse tout d'abord au premier CP El Niño du 21ième siècle, le phénomène El Niño 2002/03, à partir des sorties d'un modèle de circulation océanique général. Ensuite, nous documentons les caractéristiques des ondes équatoriales de Kelvin aux fréquences Intra Saisonnières (ISKw) sur la période 1990-2011, fournissant une statistique de l'activité des ondes ISKw durant l'évolution des événements El Niño de type Central Pacifique. Nos résultats montrent que l'onde ISKw subit une forte dissipation dans le Pacifique Est, qui est interprétée comme provenant de la dispersion des ondes lorsqu'elles rencontrent le front zonal de la stratification dans l'Est du Pacifique (i.e. la pente de la thermocline d'Ouest en Est). Une réflexion partielle de l'onde ISKw en onde de Rossby équatoriale de près de 120°W est également identifiée, ce qui peut expliquer le confinement dans le Pacifique central des anomalies de température de surface associées aux événements El Niño de type Central Pacifique. Nous suggérons que la fréquence accrue au cours des dernières années des événements CP El Niño peut être associée à l'état froid - de type La Niña - observé dans le Pacifique Equatorial depuis les années 90 et les changements dans la variabilité saisonnière de la profondeur de la thermocline depuis les années 2000. / The El Niño phenomenon is the dominant mode of climate variability at interannual timescales in the tropical Pacific. It modifies drastically the regional climate in surrounding countries, including Peru for which the socio-economical impacts can be dramatic. Understanding and predicting El Niño remains a top-priority issue for the climatic community. Large progress in our understanding of El Niño and in our ability to predict it has been made since the 80s thanks to the improvement of the observing system of the tropical Pacific (TOGA program and emergence of the satellite era). At the end of the Twentieth century, whereas new theories were proposed and tested, progress in numerical modeling and data assimilation led to the idea that El Niño could be predicted with at least 2 or 3 seasons in advance. The observations since the beginning of the 21st century have wiped out such expectation: A new type of El Niño, known as the Central Pacific El Niño (CP El Niño) or Modoki El Niño has put the community in front of a new challenge. This thesis is a contribution to the current international effort to understand the dynamics of this new type of El Niño in order to propose mechanisms explaining its increased occurrence in recent decades. More specifically, the objective of the thesis is to study the role of the oceanic equatorial waves in the dynamic and thermodynamic along the equatorial Pacific Ocean, focusing on the CP El Niño. This thesis first takes a close look at the first CP El Niño of the 21st century of this type, i.e. the 2002/03 El Niño, based on an Oceanic General Circulation Model. Then it documents the characteristics of the IntraSeasonal Kelvin waves (ISKws) over the period 1990-2011, providing a statistics on the ISKws activity during the evolution of CP El Niño events. We find that the ISKw experiences a sharp dissipation in the eastern Pacific that is interpreted as resulting from the scattering of energy associated to the zonal contrast in stratification (i.e. sloping thermocline from west to east). Partial reflection of the ISKw as Rossby waves near 120°W is also identified, which may explain the confinement of CP El Niño warming in the central Pacific. We suggest that the increased occurrence of CP El Niño in recent years may be associated to the La Niña-like state since the 90s and changes in the seasonality of the thermocline since the 2000s.

Stationary Waves in the Stratosphere-troposphere Circulation

Wang, Lei 23 February 2011 (has links)
Stationary wave theory elucidates the dynamics of the time mean zonally asymmetric component of the atmospheric circulation and separates it from the dynamics of the zonal mean climatological flow. This thesis focuses on the dynamics of stationary wave nonlinearity and its applications in stationary wave modelling and the stationary wave response to climate change. Stationary wave nonlinearity describes the self-interaction of stationary waves and is important in maintaining the observed zonally asymmetric atmospheric general circulation. Stationary wave nonlinearity is examined in quasi-geostrophic barotropic dynamics in both the presence and absence of transient waves. Stationary wave nonlinearity is shown to account for most of the difference between the linear and full nonlinear stationary waves, particularly if the zonal-mean flow adjustment to the stationary waves is taken into account. Wave activity analysis shows that stationary wave nonlinearity in this setting is associated with Rossby wave critical layer reflection. A time-integration type nonlinear stationary wave modelling technique is tested in this simple barotropic setting and is shown to be able to predict stationary wave nonlinearity and capture the basic features of the full nonlinear stationary wave. A baroclinic nonlinear stationary wave model is then developed using this technique and is applied to the problem of the stationary wave response to climate change. Previous stationary wave modelling has largely focused on the tropospheric circulation, but the stationary wave field extends into the stratosphere and plays an important dynamical role there. This stationary wave model is able to represent the stratospheric stationary wave field and is used to analyze the Northern Hemisphere stationary wave response to climate change simulated by the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (CMAM). In the CMAM simulation changes to the zonal mean basic state alone can explain much of the stationary wave response, which is largely controlled by changes of the zonal mean circulation in the Northern Hemisphere subtropical upper troposphere. However, details of the stratospheric wave driving response are also sensitive to other aspects of the zonal-mean response and to the heating response. Many climate change related effects appear to contribute robustly to an increased wave activity flux into the stratosphere.

Stationary Waves in the Stratosphere-troposphere Circulation

Wang, Lei 23 February 2011 (has links)
Stationary wave theory elucidates the dynamics of the time mean zonally asymmetric component of the atmospheric circulation and separates it from the dynamics of the zonal mean climatological flow. This thesis focuses on the dynamics of stationary wave nonlinearity and its applications in stationary wave modelling and the stationary wave response to climate change. Stationary wave nonlinearity describes the self-interaction of stationary waves and is important in maintaining the observed zonally asymmetric atmospheric general circulation. Stationary wave nonlinearity is examined in quasi-geostrophic barotropic dynamics in both the presence and absence of transient waves. Stationary wave nonlinearity is shown to account for most of the difference between the linear and full nonlinear stationary waves, particularly if the zonal-mean flow adjustment to the stationary waves is taken into account. Wave activity analysis shows that stationary wave nonlinearity in this setting is associated with Rossby wave critical layer reflection. A time-integration type nonlinear stationary wave modelling technique is tested in this simple barotropic setting and is shown to be able to predict stationary wave nonlinearity and capture the basic features of the full nonlinear stationary wave. A baroclinic nonlinear stationary wave model is then developed using this technique and is applied to the problem of the stationary wave response to climate change. Previous stationary wave modelling has largely focused on the tropospheric circulation, but the stationary wave field extends into the stratosphere and plays an important dynamical role there. This stationary wave model is able to represent the stratospheric stationary wave field and is used to analyze the Northern Hemisphere stationary wave response to climate change simulated by the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (CMAM). In the CMAM simulation changes to the zonal mean basic state alone can explain much of the stationary wave response, which is largely controlled by changes of the zonal mean circulation in the Northern Hemisphere subtropical upper troposphere. However, details of the stratospheric wave driving response are also sensitive to other aspects of the zonal-mean response and to the heating response. Many climate change related effects appear to contribute robustly to an increased wave activity flux into the stratosphere.

Tides, Rossby and Kelvin waves simulated with the COMMA-LIM Model

Fröhlich, Kristina, Pogoreltsev, Alexander, Jacobi, Christoph 18 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
A 48-layer version of the COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere – Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) three-dimensional global mechanistic model of the Earth\'s atmosphere from 0 km to 135 km with logarithmic pressure height coordinates was developed. The model is capable of reproducing the global structures and propagation of different planetary waves in the middle atmosphere. The contribution of gravity waves, tides, Rossby and Kelvin waves into the zonally averaged momentum budget of the mesosphere / lower thermosphere region has been investigated. / Eine neue Version des COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere – Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) wurde im Zusammenhang mit der Erhöhung der vertikalen Schichtauflösung entwickelt. Das COMMA ist ein dreidimensionales globales mechanistisches Modell der Erdatmosphäre mit einer Ausdehnung von ca. 0 – 135 km in logarithmischen Druckkoordinaten. Damit können globale Eigenschaften der mittleren Atmosphäre sowie die Ausbreitung verschiedener planetarer Wellen nachvollzogen werden. Die Beiträge der Schwerewellen, thermischer Gezeiten, Rossby und Kelvin Wellen zur zonal gemitteltem Impulsbalance der Mesosphäre und unteren Thermosphäre wurden untersucht.

Ventilation de la circulation océanique dans le Pacifique sud-est par les ondes de Rossby et l'activité méso-échelle : téléconnexions d'ENSO / Ventilation of the oceanic circulation in the Southeast Pacific by mesoscale activity and Rossby waves at interannual to decadal timescales : ENSO teleconnections

Vergara, Oscar 07 April 2017 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est l'étude de la connexion entre la variabilité dans l'océan Pacifique équatorial et la circulation de subsurface le long des côtes du Pérou et du Chili, à des échelles de temps interannuelles à décennales. Les diagnostiques menés dans ce travail se basent sur un modèle régional océanique. L'accent est mis sur l'interprétation de la propagation verticale de la variabilité dans les couches intermédiaires de l'océan, où l'on trouve une intense zone de minimum d'oxygène (OMZ ; de l'anglais Oxygen Minimum Zone), et la relation de cette propagation verticale avec les processus advectifs et diffusifs. La propagation verticale est diagnostiquée à travers le flux vertical d'énergie associé à la propagation verticale de l'onde de Rossby extratropicale (ETRW; de l'anglais Extra-Tropical Rossby Wave). Aux échelles de temps interannuelles, les résultats montrent que 80% du flux vertical d'énergie dans l'océan Pacifique Sud-Est (SEP ; de l'anglais South-Eastern Pacific) est associé aux événements El Niño extraordinaires. Ce flux d'énergie s'étend vers l'Ouest en suivant les rayons théoriques WKB, avec une pente plus prononcée au fur et à mesure que la latitude augmente. Les analyses du flux d'énergie mettent aussi en évidence l'existence d'une modulation du flux d'énergie interannuel à l'échelle décennale, qui serait liée aux fluctuations décennales et inter-décennales dans le Pacifique équatorial. Une décomposition de la stratification en modes verticaux montre que le flux d'énergie associé à El Niño et aux fluctuations décennales se projette sur les trois premiers modes baroclines, ce qui confirme l'interprétation du flux d'énergie comme la propagation de l'onde de Rossby. Des tests de sensibilité menés avec un modèle linéaire ajusté aux conditions de la simulation montrent que la propagation d'énergie verticale pendant les événements El Niño est aussi impactée par la contribution des modes baroclines supérieurs. La variabilité méridienne/verticale du flux d'énergie vertical met en évidence une atténuation de l'amplitude le long de la trajectoire de l'onde, ce qui est interprété comme un flux diffusif de chaleur induit par la dissipation de l'onde. La variabilité de subsurface de la circulation à l'échelle saisonnière est aussi étudiée dans cette région à travers la ventilation de l'OMZ. Les résultats montrent que la variabilité saisonnière de l'OMZ en dessous de 400 m de profondeur possède des caractéristiques de propagation similaires à celles du flux d'énergie associé à l'ETRW annuelle, ce qui indique que l'ETRWpourrait influencer la variabilité de l'OMZ profonde, du moins à l'échelle saisonnière. Au-dessus de 400 m de profondeur, le processus dominant qui influence la ventilation de l'OMZ à l'échelle saisonnière est le transport d'oxygène par les tourbillons de méso-échelle. Dans ce travail, nous mettons en évidence la nature complexe de la variabilité de la circulation de subsurface dans le SEP. Nous montrons en particulier la connexion entre la circulation sous la thermocline extratropicale et les modes climatiques de variabilité du Pacifique équatorial. / The oceanic circulation in the subthermocline of the South Eastern Pacific remains poorly documented although this region is thought to play a key role in the climate variability owed to, in particular, the presence of an extended oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) that intervenes in the carbon and nitrogen cycle. The subthermocline in this region is also largely unmonitored and historical estimates of ocean heat content are mostly limited to the upper 500 m. In this thesis we document various oceanic processes at work in the subthermocline based on a regional modeling approach that is designed to take in account the efficient oceanic teleconnection from the equatorial region to the mid-latitudes, in particular at ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) timescales. The focus is on two aspects: (1) the seasonality of the turbulent flow and its role in modulating the OMZ volume off Peru, and (2) the planetary wave fluxes associated with interannual to decadal timescales. It is first shown that the vertical energy flux at interannual timescales can be interpreted as resulting from the vertical propagation of extra-tropical Rossby waves remotely forced from the equatorial region. This flux primarily results from extreme Eastern Pacific El Niño events, despite that a significant fraction of interannual Sea Surface Temperature (SST) variability in the tropical Pacific is also associated with Central Pacific El Niño events and La Niña events. Vertically propagating energy flux at decadal timescales is also evidenced in the model, which, like for the interannual flux, is marginally impacted by mesoscale activity. On the other hand, the wave energy beams experience a marked dissipation in the deep-ocean ( 2000 m) which is interpreted as resulting from vertical diffusivity. While the oxygen field within the OMZ appears to be influenced by the vertical propagation of isopycnals height anomalies, induced by the seasonal Rossby waves, the seasonality of the OMZ is shown to be dominantly associated with the seasonal change in the eddy flux at its boundaries. Implications of the results for the study of both the low-frequency variability of the OMZ and the Earth's energy budget are discussed.

Some simple solutions of trapped Rossby waves in zonal barotropic multiple-jet flows

Harlander, Uwe 20 January 2017 (has links)
This study concerns on trapped Rossby waves and local Rossby wave packets in zonal basic flows with two or more prominent extreme values (so called multiple-jet flows). For simplicity, most of the calculations are performed on the f-plane, but an extension to the ß-plane is also discussed. Under the assumption that the basic fiow is a solution to a special type of second order ordinary differential equation, we show that then the amplitudes of stationary trapped Rossby waves are solutions to an equation of the same type. We investigate the occurrence of trapped modal waves as well as the rays of wave action radiation in a particular multiple-jet flow. Further we consider the development of the local wavenumbers of Rossby wave packets in such a flow, with and without a zonally oriented reflective boundary. lt is found that wave action can propagate in the zonal direction only when the boundary is present. Otherwise the rays of wave action radiation form a closed curve. / Diese Studie beschäftigt sich mit gefangenen Rossby Wellen und lokalen gefangenen Rossbywellenpaketen in einer zonalen Strömung mit zwei oder mehreren ausgeprägten Extrema (sog. Strömungen mit mehrfachen Jets). Der Einfachheit halber werden die meisten Berechnungen auf der f-Ebene angestellt, eine Erweiterung auf die ß-Ebene wird allerdings auch diskutiert. Wenn man annimmt, dass der Grundstrom die Lösung einer bestimmten gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung ist, kann man zeigen, dass die Amplituden gefangener Wellen Lösungen des gleichen Gleichungstypes sind. Wir betrachten die Bedingungen für das Auftreten gefangener modaler Wellen, als auch die Pfade der Wellenenergie-Abstrahlung in einer bestimmten Mehrfach-Jet-Strömung. Ferner untersuchen wir die Entwicklung der lokalen Wellenzahlen von Wellenpaketen in einer solchen Strömung, mit und ohne eines zonal orientierten reflektierenden Randes. Wir finden, dass sich Wellenenergie auf der f-Ebene nur dann in zonaler Richtung ausbreiten kann, falls eine solcher Rand vorhanden ist. Anderenfalls ergeben die Strahlen der Wellenenergie Ausbreitung eine geschlossene Kurve.

Influence of Antarctic oscillation on intraseasonal variability of large-scale circulations over the Western North Pacific

Burton, Kenneth R., Jr. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This study examines Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude wave variations connected to the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) to establish connections with the 15- to 25-day wave activity in the western North Pacific monsoon trough region. The AAO index defined from the leading empirical orthogonal functions of 700 hPa height anomalies led to seven distinct circulation patterns that vary in conjunction with the 15- to 25-day monsoon trough mode. For nearly one half of the significant events the onset of 15- to 25-day monsoon trough convective activity coincided with a peak negative AAO index and the peak in monsoon trough convection coincided with a peak positive index. The remaining events either occur when the AAO is not significantly varying or when the AAO-related Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude circulations do not match 15- to 25-day transitions. When a significant connection occurs between the Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude circulations related to the AAO and the 15- to 25-day wave activity in the western North Pacific monsoon trough, the mechanism is via equatorward Rossby-wave dispersion. When wave energy flux in the Southern Hemisphere is directed zonally, no connection is established between the AAO and the alternating periods of enhanced and reduced convection in the western North Pacific monsoon trough. / Captain, United States Air Force

Verificação da linearidade da resposta oceânica à forçante do vento em larga escala / Verification of the linear ocean response to large scale wind forcing

Watanabe, Wandrey de Bortoli 01 October 2010 (has links)
A resposta oceânica a perturbações com períodos e comprimentos significativamente maiores que o período inercial e que o raio de deformação de Rossby se dá na forma de ondas de Rossby planetárias. Geralmente, as perturbações são atribuídas a variações no rotacional do vento via bombeamento de Ekman. A passagem dessas ondas causa deformação das isopicnais, podendo resultar em anomalias da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) por advecção vertical. Dependendo de como ocorre a interação ar-mar, anomalias de TSM podem alterar o campo de ventos ou serem alteradas por ele através de fluxo de calor. Este trabalho utiliza dez anos de dados de temperatura da superfície do mar, velocidade e direção dos ventos e anomalia da altura do mar obtidos por satélites para identificar regiões do oceano onde há forçamento direto do vento na geração de ondas planetárias que se propagam linearmente. Mapas de correlação cruzada entre essas variáveis permitiram identificar onde a interação entre o oceano e a atmosfera é linear. Um modelo simples de uma camada e meia forçado apenas pelo bombeamento de Ekman foi utilizado para testar se, nestas regiões, a variabilidade atmosférica seria suficiente para explicar a variabilidade das ondas de Rossby estimadas pelos dados altimétricos. A interação entre a TSM e a intensidade do vento no Atlântico sul tropical é distinta das demais bacias oceânicas. Das correlações entre a TSM e o rotacional da tensão de cisalhamento do vento, observou-se que a dinâmica de Ekman não é marcante no Índico. Nas regiões tropicais do Atlântico e do Pacífico, as previsões do modelo foram similares às observações. Por fim, foram obtidas evidências de geração e retroalimentação de ondas planetárias nas bordas leste do Atlântico e do Pacífico. / Rossby waves are the ocean response to perturbations whose temporal and spatial scales are significantly longer than both the inertial period and the Rossby radius of deformation. These perturbations are, more often than not, attributed to variations in the wind stress curl {\\em via} Ekman pumping. The waves cause isopycnal displacement which due to vertical advection may result in sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. Depending on the ocean--atmosphere interaction, SST anomalies can either change the wind field or be changed by it due to the heat flux. This study makes use of ten years of satellite derived SST, wind vector, and sea surface height anomaly data to identify regions where there is direct wind forcing of linear Rossby waves. Cross-correlation maps between these variables show where linear interactions occur. A simple 1½ layer model forced by Ekman pumping was used to check if, in those regions, atmospheric variability alone can explain the observed Rossby wave variability as estimated from radar altimeter data. The interaction between SST and wind magnitude in the South Atlantic is distinct from all other ocean basins. SST and wind stress curl correlations show that the Ekman dynamics is not dominant in the Indian Ocean. In the tropical Atlantic and Pacific the model predictions are similar to the observations. Finally, evidence of genesis and feedback of planetary waves is presented for the eastern boundaries of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Verificação da linearidade da resposta oceânica à forçante do vento em larga escala / Verification of the linear ocean response to large scale wind forcing

Wandrey de Bortoli Watanabe 01 October 2010 (has links)
A resposta oceânica a perturbações com períodos e comprimentos significativamente maiores que o período inercial e que o raio de deformação de Rossby se dá na forma de ondas de Rossby planetárias. Geralmente, as perturbações são atribuídas a variações no rotacional do vento via bombeamento de Ekman. A passagem dessas ondas causa deformação das isopicnais, podendo resultar em anomalias da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) por advecção vertical. Dependendo de como ocorre a interação ar-mar, anomalias de TSM podem alterar o campo de ventos ou serem alteradas por ele através de fluxo de calor. Este trabalho utiliza dez anos de dados de temperatura da superfície do mar, velocidade e direção dos ventos e anomalia da altura do mar obtidos por satélites para identificar regiões do oceano onde há forçamento direto do vento na geração de ondas planetárias que se propagam linearmente. Mapas de correlação cruzada entre essas variáveis permitiram identificar onde a interação entre o oceano e a atmosfera é linear. Um modelo simples de uma camada e meia forçado apenas pelo bombeamento de Ekman foi utilizado para testar se, nestas regiões, a variabilidade atmosférica seria suficiente para explicar a variabilidade das ondas de Rossby estimadas pelos dados altimétricos. A interação entre a TSM e a intensidade do vento no Atlântico sul tropical é distinta das demais bacias oceânicas. Das correlações entre a TSM e o rotacional da tensão de cisalhamento do vento, observou-se que a dinâmica de Ekman não é marcante no Índico. Nas regiões tropicais do Atlântico e do Pacífico, as previsões do modelo foram similares às observações. Por fim, foram obtidas evidências de geração e retroalimentação de ondas planetárias nas bordas leste do Atlântico e do Pacífico. / Rossby waves are the ocean response to perturbations whose temporal and spatial scales are significantly longer than both the inertial period and the Rossby radius of deformation. These perturbations are, more often than not, attributed to variations in the wind stress curl {\\em via} Ekman pumping. The waves cause isopycnal displacement which due to vertical advection may result in sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. Depending on the ocean--atmosphere interaction, SST anomalies can either change the wind field or be changed by it due to the heat flux. This study makes use of ten years of satellite derived SST, wind vector, and sea surface height anomaly data to identify regions where there is direct wind forcing of linear Rossby waves. Cross-correlation maps between these variables show where linear interactions occur. A simple 1½ layer model forced by Ekman pumping was used to check if, in those regions, atmospheric variability alone can explain the observed Rossby wave variability as estimated from radar altimeter data. The interaction between SST and wind magnitude in the South Atlantic is distinct from all other ocean basins. SST and wind stress curl correlations show that the Ekman dynamics is not dominant in the Indian Ocean. In the tropical Atlantic and Pacific the model predictions are similar to the observations. Finally, evidence of genesis and feedback of planetary waves is presented for the eastern boundaries of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Convectively-Generated Potential Vorticity in Rainbands and Secondary Eyewall Formation in Hurricanes

Judt, Falko 01 January 2009 (has links)
Concentric eyewall formation and eyewall replacement cycles are intrinsic processes that determine the intensity of a tropical cyclone, as opposed to purely environmental factors such as wind shear or the ocean heat content. Although extensive research has been done in this area, there is not a single widely accepted theory on the formation of secondary eyewall structures. Many previous studies focused on dynamic processes in the inner core of a tropical cyclone that would precede and ultimately lead to the formation of a secondary eyewall. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 were frequently sampled by research aircraft which gathered a copious amount of data. During this time, Rita developed a secondary eyewall which eventually replaced the original eyewall. This thesis will investigate the formation of a secondary eyewall with particular emphasis on the rainband region, as observations show that an outer principal rainband transformed into the secondary ring. A high resolution, full physics model (MM5) initialized with global model forecast fields correctly predicted the secondary eyewall formation in Rita. The model output will be used to investigate both Katrina and Rita in terms of their PV generation characteristics since PV and vorticity maxima correlate well with wind maxima that accompany the eyewall and rainbands. Furthermore, dynamical processes such as vortex Rossby wave (VRW) activity in the inner core region will be analyzed. Comparison of the differences in the two storms might shed some light on dynamics that can lead to structure changes. Comparison of the model data with aircraft observation is used to validate the results. Doppler radar derived wind fields will be used to calculate the vertical vorticity. The vorticity field is closely related to PV and thus a manifestation of the PV generation process in the rainband. The investigation has shown that Rita?s principal rainband features higher PV generation rates at radii beyond 80 km. Both the azimuthal component and the projection of asymmetric PV generated by convection onto the azimuthal mean connected with the principal band are hypothesized to be of importance for the formation of the secondary eyewall. VRW were found not to be important for the initial formation of the ring but might enhance convective activity once the outer eyewall contracts.

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