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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vertrauen und Globale Chartas: Eine Sicht der ökonomischen Ethik

Burkhardt, Anne 20 January 2016 (has links)
Der Prozess der Globalisierung hat zu einem enormen Anstieg globaler wirtschaftlicher Interdependenzen und entsprechender Interaktionsmöglichkeiten geführt. Gleichzeitig ist die globale Rahmenordnung als defizitär zu charakterisieren und es stellt sich die Frage nach der Vertrauensbasis globaler wirtschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die vorliegende Dissertation den Beitrag Globaler Chartas zur Stabilisierung des Vertrauensverhältnisses von (Welt-) Gesellschaftsmitgliedern und transnationalen Unternehmen. Die Forschungsarbeit verfolgt hierbei zwei Ziele: Erstens die systematische Verortung des Konzepts Vertrauen im Drei-Ebenen-Paradigma der ökonomischen Ethik sowie zweitens die Entwicklung einer Heuristik zur Gestaltung bzw. Weiterentwicklung Globaler Chartas in der Praxis. Die entwickelte Heuristik wird anhand von drei Globalen Chartas beispielhaft illustriert. Zu diesen zählen der UN Global Compact, das Manifest Globales Wirtschaftsethos sowie die Caux Round Table Prinzipien.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Problemexposition 1.2 Theoretischer Zugriff 1.3 Zielsetzung und Vorgehensweise 2 Grundlegende Axiome der ökonomischen Ethik 2.1 Der Grundkonflikt zwischen Gewinn und Moral 2.2 Die erweiterte Goldene Regel 2.3 Unternehmensverantwortung aus Sicht der ökonomischen Ethik 3 Vertrauen als Grundlage gelingender Kooperation 3.1 Der Vertrauensprozess 3.1.1 Vertrauen des Vertrauensgebers Spezifisches Vertrauen Generalisiertes Vertrauen 3.1.2 Vertrauenswürdigkeit des Vertrauensnehmers 3.1.3 Von Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Vertrauen zu Kooperation 3.2 Vertrauen im Drei-Ebenen-Paradigma 3.2.1 Akteure im Drei-Ebenen-Paradigma 3.2.2 Das Drei-Ebenen-Paradigma Spielzüge Spielregeln Spielverständnis Begriffsbestimmung Funktionen 3.2.3 Relevante Inkonsistenzen 3.3 Investitionsheuristik 3.4 Synopsis 4 Globale Chartas als Investition in den Faktor Vertrauen 4.1 Begriffsbestimmung „Globale Chartas“ als Initiativen der Global Governance 4.2 Bedingungen der Globalität 4.2.1 Moderne Strukturbedingungen von Interaktionen 4.2.2 Defizitäre globale Rahmenordnung 4.2.3 Globaler (Werte-, Normen- und Motivations-) Pluralismus 4.3 Ansatzpunkte Globaler Chartas im Vertrauensprozess 4.3.1 Globale Chartas als (Meta-) Signal auf Spielzugebene? 4.3.2 Globale Chartas als Institution auf Spielregelebene? 4.3.3 Globale Chartas als Investition in ein gemeinsames Spielverständnis? 4.4 Heuristik zur Gestaltung Globaler Chartas 4.5 Synopsis 5 Illustration der Heuristik 5.1 Der United Nations Global Compact 5.1.1 Zum Bekanntheitsgrad des UNGC 5.1.2 Zum Selbstverständnis des UNGC 5.1.3 Zur Sicherstellung der Glaubwürdigkeit des UNGC 5.1.4 Zum Angebot an belastbaren Orientierungspunkten des UNGC 5.1.5 Zur Ermöglichung der lokalen Interpretation der UNGC Prinzipien 5.2 Das Manifest Globales Wirtschaftsethos 5.2.1 Zum Bekanntheitsgrad des Manifest Globales Wirtschaftsethos 5.2.2 Zum Selbstverständnis des Manifest Globales Wirtschaftsethos 5.2.3 Zur Sicherstellung der Glaubwürdigkeit des Manifest Globales Wirtschaftsethos 5.2.4 Zum Angebot an belastbaren Orientierungspunkten des Manifest Globales Wirtschaftsethos 5.2.5 Zur Ermöglichung der lokalen Interpretation des Manifest Globales Wirtschaftsethos 5.3 Die Caux Round Table Prinzipien für verantwortungsvolle Unternehmen 5.3.1 Zum Bekanntheitsgrad der Caux Round Table Prinzipien 5.3.2 Zum Selbstverständnis der Caux Round Table Prinzipien 5.3.3 Zur Sicherstellung der Glaubwürdigkeit der Caux Round Table Prinzipien 5.3.4 Zum Angebot an belastbaren Orientierungspunkten der Caux Round Table Prinzipien 5.3.5 Zur Ermöglichung der lokalen Interpretation der Caux Round Table Prinzipien 5.4 Synopsis 6 Schlussbemerkung LITERATURVERZEICHNIS

Der runde Tisch Österreich - ein missionsstrategisch effizientes Modell für Einheit unter Christen? = ,,Der runde Tisch Österreich" - a mission strategically efficient model for unity among Christians?

Wieland, Andreas 30 November 2005 (has links)
There is a great diversity of initiatives furthering unity among christians. Probably the most important ones are those of the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Roman Catholic Church as such and the Lausanne Movement of the Evangelicals. The "Runde Tisch" (=Round Table) brings together Austrian christians from all parts of the christian scenario as a new initiative towards unity. To find out, which of these initiatives is the most efficient, from a mission-strategical standpoint, this thesis develops the New Testament findings on the question of unity. Then, the 4 models are presented to finally be compared, to find out, where each one has its strengths and weaknesses. The Round Table Austria with its great width of christians involved, its theological profoundness and its leadership structure with proportional engagement of members from all present parts of the christian body is indeed quite close to the New Testament picture of unity. / Initiativen, die die Einheit unter Christen fördern gibt es sehr viele. Mit zu den wichtigsten zählen die des Weltkirchenrates (WCC), die Römisch-katholische Kirche als solche und die Lausanner Bewegung der Evangelikalen. Der Runde Tisch bringt in Österreich Christen aus allen Richtungen der Christenheit in eine neue Einheitsinitiative zusammen. Um nun herauszufinden, welche dieser Initiativen missionsstrategisch effizient ist, entfaltet diese Arbeit zunächst den neutestamentlichen Befund zur Frage der Einheit unter Christen. Dann werden die vier Modelle dargestellt und abschließend mit dem Ziel verglichen, herauszuarbeiten, wo die Stärken und Schwächen eines jeden Ansatzes liegen. Hierbei dient als Maßstab der Befund der neutestamentlichen Analyse. Der Runde Tisch Österreich liegt mit seinem breiten Spektrum an vertretenen Christen, seiner theologischen Tiefe und richtungsparitätischen Leitungsstruktur sehr nahe bei den neutestamentlichen Vorgaben zur Einheit unter Christen. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Ataque e contra-ataque: o jornalismo esportivo televisivo sob a perspectiva de duas trajetórias profissionais

Almeida, Edney Mota 25 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edney Mota Almeida.pdf: 2477208 bytes, checksum: 0d0b4f18e1ae448c9c944cf2aea0cc43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The entail - or not - about to the journalist job to the merchandising with the marketing and propaganda, has making many discussions in the last times. With the advanced of the publicity and the marketing in many entertainment areas and the editorials journalisms, the opened TV in Brazil does not resist the constant investments of the publicity money designed to their programs. The sort "round sportive table" looks to be the privilege focus where you may verify these kinds of things. The television companies (tv senders) use their famous presenters to make easiest to get financial recourses. However a part of the journalistic c1ass doesn't accept and resists articulating its jobs with the publicity and the merchandising. After the and of the 1990 decade this discussion increase and the more resistant journalists to be as a "merchandising boy" lost their spaces in the opened tvs that show the sort "round sportive table". Only those professionals whose have accepted the new economic order and the marketing imposition would continuous in their functions. In some analyses made, excepting by the Globo and Cultura TVs (the first one because it doesn't have in their exhibition the sort program named "round sportive table" and the second because it has a character of a public tv ) the other opened tvs - Rede TV, Bandeirantes TV and Gazeta TV - have adopted this articulation between the both languages, journalistic and publicity,. ln this context, this dissertation has the objective to presents, the historicity of the "round sportive table" on the tv, between Rio - São Paulo, as well a critical observation about the insertion of the merchandising in this kind of tv show. It had evaluated an hypothesis that exists two "schools" of sportive journalisms and for that , make the analysis of the professional trajectory profile of the following journalists: Milton Neves, as well a publicist and Juca Kfouri outstanding journalist because bis militant position ahead of the denunciations of irregularities in the world of the sport. The research grew with the method of for the Critical Analysis, with theoretical approach based in the area of the Social Sciences by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu ideas; in the Theory of Communication, of journalist Eugenio Bucci; in the Political Theory, of Antonio Gramsci in what he refers to the study of the process of symbolic fights in the midia field while social phenomena. They are gatered like this and discussed the authors different texts, among other that they dialogue with the interviewees of this work, in order to if they obtain knowledge on the discussion in subject / A vinculação - ou não - do trabalho do jornalista ao merchandising, ao marketing e propaganda, tem provocado inúmeras discussões nos últimos tempos. Com o avanço da publicidade e do marketing em todas as áreas do entretenimento e de editorias do jornalismo, a TV aberta no Brasil não tem resistido aos constantes investimentos de verbas publicitárias destinadas as suas grades de programação. A mesa-redonda esportiva constitui-se como lócus privilegiado onde se pode verificar esse estado de coisas. As emissoras de tevê se valem de seus apresentadores "famosos" para facilitar a captação dos recursos financeiros. No entanto, uma parte dos profissionais do jornalismo se recusa a articular seu trabalho à publicidade e o merchandising. Esse debate se intensificou, desde o final da década de 1990, e jornalistas esportivos mais resistentes ao papel de garoto-propaganda perderam seus espaços nas tevês abertas que exibem mesas-redondas esportivas. Os que aderiram à nova ordem econômica, e aceitaram imposições mercadológicas,permaneceram em suas funções. Nas análises feitas, a exceção das TVs Globo e Cultura (a primeira, por não incluir a mesa redonda esportiva em sua grade de programação; a segunda, por seu caráter de rede pública de televisão), as demais tevês abertas - Rede TV, TV Bandeirantes e TV Gazeta - adotam a articulação entre as linguagens jornalística e publicitária. É neste contexto que esta dissertação objetivou apresentar um histórico da mesa-redonda esportiva na tevê, no eixo Rio-São Paulo, bem como um levantamento crítico de informações sobre o surgimento e incorporação do merchandising nesse tipo de programa. Avaliou, ainda, a hipótese da existência de duas "escolas" de jornalismo esportivo e, para tanto, acompanhou as trajetórias e os perfis profissionais dos seguintes jornalistas: Milton Neves, também publicitário e Juca Kfouri, destacado por sua postura militante diante de irregularidades no mundo do esporte. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se metodologicamente pela Análise Crítica, com abordagem teórica fundamentada na área das Ciências Sociais pelas idéias do sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu; na Teoria da Comunicação, do jornalista Eugênio Bucci; na Teoria Política, de Antônio Gramsci, no que se refere ao estudo do processo de lutas simbólicas no campo midiático, enquanto fenômenos sociais. Assim são reunidos e discutidos diferentes textos dos autores, entre outros, que dialogam com os entrevistados deste trabalho, a fim de se obterem conhecimentos sobre o debate em questão

Ataque e contra-ataque: o jornalismo esportivo televisivo sob a perspectiva de duas trajetórias profissionais

Almeida, Edney Mota 25 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:57:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edney Mota Almeida.pdf: 2477208 bytes, checksum: 0d0b4f18e1ae448c9c944cf2aea0cc43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The entail - or not - about to the journalist job to the merchandising with the marketing and propaganda, has making many discussions in the last times. With the advanced of the publicity and the marketing in many entertainment areas and the editorials journalisms, the opened TV in Brazil does not resist the constant investments of the publicity money designed to their programs. The sort "round sportive table" looks to be the privilege focus where you may verify these kinds of things. The television companies (tv senders) use their famous presenters to make easiest to get financial recourses. However a part of the journalistic c1ass doesn't accept and resists articulating its jobs with the publicity and the merchandising. After the and of the 1990 decade this discussion increase and the more resistant journalists to be as a "merchandising boy" lost their spaces in the opened tvs that show the sort "round sportive table". Only those professionals whose have accepted the new economic order and the marketing imposition would continuous in their functions. In some analyses made, excepting by the Globo and Cultura TVs (the first one because it doesn't have in their exhibition the sort program named "round sportive table" and the second because it has a character of a public tv ) the other opened tvs - Rede TV, Bandeirantes TV and Gazeta TV - have adopted this articulation between the both languages, journalistic and publicity,. ln this context, this dissertation has the objective to presents, the historicity of the "round sportive table" on the tv, between Rio - São Paulo, as well a critical observation about the insertion of the merchandising in this kind of tv show. It had evaluated an hypothesis that exists two "schools" of sportive journalisms and for that , make the analysis of the professional trajectory profile of the following journalists: Milton Neves, as well a publicist and Juca Kfouri outstanding journalist because bis militant position ahead of the denunciations of irregularities in the world of the sport. The research grew with the method of for the Critical Analysis, with theoretical approach based in the area of the Social Sciences by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu ideas; in the Theory of Communication, of journalist Eugenio Bucci; in the Political Theory, of Antonio Gramsci in what he refers to the study of the process of symbolic fights in the midia field while social phenomena. They are gatered like this and discussed the authors different texts, among other that they dialogue with the interviewees of this work, in order to if they obtain knowledge on the discussion in subject / A vinculação - ou não - do trabalho do jornalista ao merchandising, ao marketing e propaganda, tem provocado inúmeras discussões nos últimos tempos. Com o avanço da publicidade e do marketing em todas as áreas do entretenimento e de editorias do jornalismo, a TV aberta no Brasil não tem resistido aos constantes investimentos de verbas publicitárias destinadas as suas grades de programação. A mesa-redonda esportiva constitui-se como lócus privilegiado onde se pode verificar esse estado de coisas. As emissoras de tevê se valem de seus apresentadores "famosos" para facilitar a captação dos recursos financeiros. No entanto, uma parte dos profissionais do jornalismo se recusa a articular seu trabalho à publicidade e o merchandising. Esse debate se intensificou, desde o final da década de 1990, e jornalistas esportivos mais resistentes ao papel de garoto-propaganda perderam seus espaços nas tevês abertas que exibem mesas-redondas esportivas. Os que aderiram à nova ordem econômica, e aceitaram imposições mercadológicas,permaneceram em suas funções. Nas análises feitas, a exceção das TVs Globo e Cultura (a primeira, por não incluir a mesa redonda esportiva em sua grade de programação; a segunda, por seu caráter de rede pública de televisão), as demais tevês abertas - Rede TV, TV Bandeirantes e TV Gazeta - adotam a articulação entre as linguagens jornalística e publicitária. É neste contexto que esta dissertação objetivou apresentar um histórico da mesa-redonda esportiva na tevê, no eixo Rio-São Paulo, bem como um levantamento crítico de informações sobre o surgimento e incorporação do merchandising nesse tipo de programa. Avaliou, ainda, a hipótese da existência de duas "escolas" de jornalismo esportivo e, para tanto, acompanhou as trajetórias e os perfis profissionais dos seguintes jornalistas: Milton Neves, também publicitário e Juca Kfouri, destacado por sua postura militante diante de irregularidades no mundo do esporte. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se metodologicamente pela Análise Crítica, com abordagem teórica fundamentada na área das Ciências Sociais pelas idéias do sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu; na Teoria da Comunicação, do jornalista Eugênio Bucci; na Teoria Política, de Antônio Gramsci, no que se refere ao estudo do processo de lutas simbólicas no campo midiático, enquanto fenômenos sociais. Assim são reunidos e discutidos diferentes textos dos autores, entre outros, que dialogam com os entrevistados deste trabalho, a fim de se obterem conhecimentos sobre o debate em questão

Der runde Tisch Österreich - ein missionsstrategisch effizientes Modell für Einheit unter Christen? = ,,Der runde Tisch Österreich" - a mission strategically efficient model for unity among Christians?

Wieland, Andreas 30 November 2005 (has links)
There is a great diversity of initiatives furthering unity among christians. Probably the most important ones are those of the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Roman Catholic Church as such and the Lausanne Movement of the Evangelicals. The "Runde Tisch" (=Round Table) brings together Austrian christians from all parts of the christian scenario as a new initiative towards unity. To find out, which of these initiatives is the most efficient, from a mission-strategical standpoint, this thesis develops the New Testament findings on the question of unity. Then, the 4 models are presented to finally be compared, to find out, where each one has its strengths and weaknesses. The Round Table Austria with its great width of christians involved, its theological profoundness and its leadership structure with proportional engagement of members from all present parts of the christian body is indeed quite close to the New Testament picture of unity. / Initiativen, die die Einheit unter Christen fördern gibt es sehr viele. Mit zu den wichtigsten zählen die des Weltkirchenrates (WCC), die Römisch-katholische Kirche als solche und die Lausanner Bewegung der Evangelikalen. Der Runde Tisch bringt in Österreich Christen aus allen Richtungen der Christenheit in eine neue Einheitsinitiative zusammen. Um nun herauszufinden, welche dieser Initiativen missionsstrategisch effizient ist, entfaltet diese Arbeit zunächst den neutestamentlichen Befund zur Frage der Einheit unter Christen. Dann werden die vier Modelle dargestellt und abschließend mit dem Ziel verglichen, herauszuarbeiten, wo die Stärken und Schwächen eines jeden Ansatzes liegen. Hierbei dient als Maßstab der Befund der neutestamentlichen Analyse. Der Runde Tisch Österreich liegt mit seinem breiten Spektrum an vertretenen Christen, seiner theologischen Tiefe und richtungsparitätischen Leitungsstruktur sehr nahe bei den neutestamentlichen Vorgaben zur Einheit unter Christen. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Tables de concertation et préservation du patrimoine, solution porteuse ou chimère ? : deux cas d’étude, le Vieux-Montréal et le mont Royal

Krim, Nacéra 05 1900 (has links)
La concertation est un phénomène récent, de plus en plus répandu. Elle s’applique à de nombreux domaines notamment en urbanisme et plus récemment à la protection du patrimoine. Elle semble être un outil approprié pour les autorités municipales afin de faire face aux conflits autour des projets d’aménagement particulièrement ceux liés à la protection du patrimoine. Notre questionnement porte sur l’apport de la concertation dans le domaine de la préservation du patrimoine et sur la pertinence des moyens mis en place pour atteindre un tel objectif. Les tables de concertation, en tant que processus de concertation, sont-elles appropriées pour la gestion des sites patrimoniaux ? À la lumière d’une discussion théorique sur le concept de la concertation en aménagement, nous faisons l’analyse comparative de deux Tables de concertation, celle du Vieux-Montréal et celle du Mont-Royal. Notre analyse porte sur l’évaluation du processus de concertation et sur la construction d’une vision globale pour le devenir des secteurs patrimoniaux concernés. L’objectif est de caractériser le processus de concertation utilisé à Montréal et d’en apprécier l’apport dans le domaine de la protection du patrimoine. L’analyse de nos deux cas d’étude révèle l’existence d’un processus de concertation propre à Montréal, avec ses caractéristiques spécifiques, mais qui reste à parfaire pour son optimisation. Notre recherche se conclut sur la nécessité d’améliorer le processus de concertation, tel qu’étudié, à travers un certain nombre de pistes à explorer. / Consensus building is a recent and increasingly widespread phenomenon. It is used in many areas, including urban planning, and more recently heritage protection. Consensus building appears to be an appropriate tool for municipal authorities to handle conflicts in development projects, especially those projects that are related to heritage protection. Our research focuses on the contribution of consensus building in the area of heritage preservation, and on the means put in place to achieve such a goal. Are round tables, as part of the consensus building process, appropriate in managing heritage sites? Based on a theoretical discussion on consensus building in development issues, we compare two case studies, namely the Old Montréal and the Mount Royal round tables on consensus building. This analysis focuses on assessing the consensus building process and on developing a global vision for the future of the two heritage sectors under study. Our goal is to characterize the consensus building process used in Montréal and to evaluate its contribution to the field of heritage protection. The analysis of our two case studies reveals the existence of a distinctive consensus building process specific to Montréal, a process which however needs to be optimized. We conclude our research with the need to improve the assessed consensus building process through a number of avenues to explore.

Tables de concertation et préservation du patrimoine, solution porteuse ou chimère ? : deux cas d’étude, le Vieux-Montréal et le mont Royal

Krim, Nacéra 05 1900 (has links)
La concertation est un phénomène récent, de plus en plus répandu. Elle s’applique à de nombreux domaines notamment en urbanisme et plus récemment à la protection du patrimoine. Elle semble être un outil approprié pour les autorités municipales afin de faire face aux conflits autour des projets d’aménagement particulièrement ceux liés à la protection du patrimoine. Notre questionnement porte sur l’apport de la concertation dans le domaine de la préservation du patrimoine et sur la pertinence des moyens mis en place pour atteindre un tel objectif. Les tables de concertation, en tant que processus de concertation, sont-elles appropriées pour la gestion des sites patrimoniaux ? À la lumière d’une discussion théorique sur le concept de la concertation en aménagement, nous faisons l’analyse comparative de deux Tables de concertation, celle du Vieux-Montréal et celle du Mont-Royal. Notre analyse porte sur l’évaluation du processus de concertation et sur la construction d’une vision globale pour le devenir des secteurs patrimoniaux concernés. L’objectif est de caractériser le processus de concertation utilisé à Montréal et d’en apprécier l’apport dans le domaine de la protection du patrimoine. L’analyse de nos deux cas d’étude révèle l’existence d’un processus de concertation propre à Montréal, avec ses caractéristiques spécifiques, mais qui reste à parfaire pour son optimisation. Notre recherche se conclut sur la nécessité d’améliorer le processus de concertation, tel qu’étudié, à travers un certain nombre de pistes à explorer. / Consensus building is a recent and increasingly widespread phenomenon. It is used in many areas, including urban planning, and more recently heritage protection. Consensus building appears to be an appropriate tool for municipal authorities to handle conflicts in development projects, especially those projects that are related to heritage protection. Our research focuses on the contribution of consensus building in the area of heritage preservation, and on the means put in place to achieve such a goal. Are round tables, as part of the consensus building process, appropriate in managing heritage sites? Based on a theoretical discussion on consensus building in development issues, we compare two case studies, namely the Old Montréal and the Mount Royal round tables on consensus building. This analysis focuses on assessing the consensus building process and on developing a global vision for the future of the two heritage sectors under study. Our goal is to characterize the consensus building process used in Montréal and to evaluate its contribution to the field of heritage protection. The analysis of our two case studies reveals the existence of a distinctive consensus building process specific to Montréal, a process which however needs to be optimized. We conclude our research with the need to improve the assessed consensus building process through a number of avenues to explore.

Výběr volebního systému v kontextu demokratické tranzice a konsolidace / Electoral System Choice in the Context of the Democratic Transition and Consolidation

Maděra, Milan January 2017 (has links)
Electoral System Choice in the Context of the Democratic Transition and Consolidation Diploma thesis examines the influence of exogenous factors on motivation and preferences of electoral reform actors based on their power position and value-driven approach in Czechoslovakia. It deals with the relation among mode of transition, the electoral reform type and the electoral system type as outcome for the founding elections. It attempts to identify the difference of conditions for electoral system change during the democratic transition and the consolidation in Czechia; to compare their exogenous factors. It also examines which values were emphasized by electoral reform actors and which values were embodied by their preferred electoral systems. It classifies the type of electoral reform process. It also provides the overview of chosen electoral system parameters and evolution of its changes.

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