Spelling suggestions: "subject:"couting protocols."" "subject:"couting porotocols.""
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Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor NetworksUllah, Muhammad, Ahmad, Waqar January 2009 (has links)
The evolution of wireless communication and circuit technology has enabled the development of an infrastructure consists of sensing, computation and communication units that makes administrator capable to observe and react to a phenomena in a particular environment. The building block of such an infrastructure is comprised of hundreds or thousands of small, low cost, multifunctional devices which have the ability to sense compute and communicate using short range transceivers known as sensor nodes. The interconnection of these nodes forming a network called wireless sensor network (WSN). The low cost, ease of deployment, ad hoc and multifunctional nature has exposed WSNs an attractive choice for numerous applications. The application domain of WSNs varies from environmental monitoring, to health care applications, to military operation, to transportation, to security applications, to weather forecasting, to real time tracking, to fire detection and so on. By considering its application areas WSN can be argue as a traditional wired or wireless network. But in reality, these networks are comprised of battery operated tiny nodes with limitations in their computation capabilities, memory, bandwidth, and hardware resulting in resource constrained WSN. The resource constrained nature of WSN impels various challenges in its design and operations degrading its performance. On the other hand, varying numbers of applications having different constraints in their nature makes it further challenging for such resources constrained networks to attain application expectations. These challenges can be seen at different layer of WSNs starting from physical layer up to application layer. At routing layer, routing protocols are mainly concerned with WSN operation. The presence of these challenges affects the performance of routing protocols resulting in overall WSN performance degradation. The aim of this study is to identify the performance challenges of WSN and analyze their impact on the performance of routing protocols. For this purpose a thorough literature study is performed to identify the issues affecting the routing protocols performance. Then to validate the impact of identified challenges from literature, an empirical study has been conducted by simulating different routing protocols, taking into consideration these challenges and results are shown. On the basis of achieved results from empirical study and literature review recommendations are made for better selection of protocol regarding to application nature in the presence of considered challenges.
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Analysis of Black Hole Attack on MANETs Using Different MANET Routing ProtocolsULLAH, IRSHAD, REHMAN, SHOAIB UR January 2010 (has links)
Wireless networks are gaining popularity to its peak today, as the users want wireless connectivity irrespective of their geographic position. There is an increasing threat of attacks on the Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET). Black hole attack is one of the security threat in which the traffic is redirected to such a node that actually does not exist in the network. It’s an analogy to the black hole in the universe in which things disappear. The node presents itself in such a way to the node that it can attack other nodes and networks knowing that it has the shortest path. MANETs must have a secure way for transmission and communication which is quite challenging and vital issue. In order to provide secure communication and transmission, researcher worked specifically on the security issues in MANETs, and many secure routing protocols and security measures within the networks were proposed. Previously the works done on security issues in MANET were based on reactive routing protocol like Ad-Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV). Different kinds of attacks were studied, and their effects were elaborated by stating how these attacks disrupt the performance of MANET. The scope of this thesis is to study the effects of Black hole attack in MANET using both Proactive routing protocol i.e. Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) and Reactive routing protocol Ad-Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV). Comparative analysis of Black Hole attack for both protocols is taken into account. The impact of Black Hole attack on the performance of MANET is evaluated finding out which protocol is more vulnerable to the attack and how much is the impact of the attack on both protocols. The measurements were taken in the light of throughput, end-to-end delay and network load. Simulation is done in Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET).
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Stratégie d'adaptation de liens sur canaux radios dynamiques pour les communicationsentre véhicules - Optimisation de la qualité de service / Radio link adaptation strategy for dynamical channel in VANET context - QoS optimisationLedy, Jonathan 19 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l'optimisation des communications dans les réseaux véhiculaires à l'aided'une plate-forme de simulation réaliste. Un environnement réaliste implique des modèles demobilité adaptés aux véhicules ainsi que des modèles de couche physique détaillés (modèles decanaux et chaîne de transmission numérique).Notre travail a d'abord consisté à concevoir une plate-forme de simulation réaliste dédiée auxVANETs (Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks). Cette plate-forme a été complétée par un modèle depropagation semi-déterministe que nous avons conçu. L'avantage de ce modèle, appelé UMCRT,est d'avoir un réalisme équivalent à un modèle déterministe tout en réduisantsignificativement le temps de calcul. Ce modèle a été validé par comparaison avec unsimulateur déterministe à tracé de rayons.Nous avons ensuite utilisé cette plate-forme pour évaluer des protocoles de routage.L'efficacité de ces différents protocoles ad hoc testés en conditions réalistes nous a permis defocaliser notre étude sur les protocoles réactifs. De cette évaluation, nous avons retenu AODV(Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector) auquel nous avons notamment appliqué une métriquecross layer pour pallier la baisse de performance induite par le réalisme. Nous avons ensuiteutilisé une technique de tuning appliquée à des protocoles réactifs. Finalement, nous avonsévalué différentes couches physiques, SISO (Simple Input Simple Output) et MIMO (MultipleImput Multiple Output).Ces travaux montrent que seules des améliorations combinées à différents niveaux (physique etréseau) permettraient d'apporter une amélioration significative des performances. / This thesis deals with the optimization of communications in vehicular networks by using arealistic simulation platform. A realistic environment implies the usage of mobility modelsadapted to vehicles and also highly detailed physical models (channel models and digitaltransmission chain).The first part of our work has consisted in the design of a realistic simulation platformdedicated to VANETs (Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks). This platform has been completed by asemi-deterministic propagation model which we have designed. This model called UM-CRThas the advantage to have the same level of realism than a deterministic model while requiringmuch less computation time. This model has been validated by comparison with a deterministicray tracing simulator.We then have used this platform to evaluate routing protocols. The efficiency of different adhoc routing protocols in realistic conditions has led us to focus our study on the family ofreactive protocols. From this evaluation we have selected AODV (Ad hoc On demandDistance Vector) to which we have applied a cross-layer metric in order to reduce theperformance degradation caused by the realistic environment. We then have used a tuningtechnique with reactive protocols. Finally, we have evaluated several SISO and MIMOphysical layers. This work shows that only improvements combined at different levels (physicaland network) can yield a significant increase in performance.
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Contribution aux protocoles de routage dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil : Application à la supervision agricole / Contribution to routing protocol for wireless sensor networks : Application to agricultural monitoringBennis, Ismail 19 October 2015 (has links)
Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (RCSFs) ont suscité un grand intérêt scientifique durant cette dernière décennie. Un des grands défis des RCSFs est d'assurer une communication avec la Qualité de Service (QoS) exigée par l'application tout en prenant en considération les contraintes intrinsèques des capteurs. Un autre défi est relatif à la génération des trafics hétérogènes avec des priorités diverses, ce qui impose des contraintes supplémentaires aux différents protocoles de communication. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux protocoles de routage dédiés aux RCSFs. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons des améliorations de deux protocoles appartenant à deux catégories différentes de routage. L'objectif est de surmonter les contraintes liées aux caractéristiques des capteurs sans fil et d'assurer de meilleure performance. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons une solution pour remédier à la vulnérabilité de la technique des chemins multiples aussi bien dans le cas d'une seule source ou que dans le cas de plusieurs sources. Ainsi, nous avons proposé un protocole de routage à chemins multiples, capable de créer des chemins tout en évitant l'effet du rayon de détection de porteuse. Ce protocole nommé « Carrier Sense Aware Multipath Geographic Routing (CSA-MGR) », satisfait la QoS exigée par les RCSFs. Comme application directe de notre solution, nous avons étudié un scénario d'irrigation par goutte-à-goutte en utilisant les RCSFs. Principalement, nous nous sommes intéressés au cas d'un dysfonctionnement de système, tel que la rupture des tuyaux d'irrigation ou bien le blocage des émetteurs. Ainsi, nous distinguons deux niveaux de priorité pour les informations transmises par le réseau, et en utilisant le protocole CSA-MGR, nous concevons un routage selon la priorité exigée. Notre travail a été validé avec NS2 et TOSSIM ainsi par une implémentation réelle sur des noeuds capteurs TelosB. Les résultats des simulations numériques et des tests expérimentaux montrent l'apport de nos contributions par rapport aux solutions existantes. / Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have aroused great scientific interest during the last decade. One of the greatest challenge of WSNs is to ensure communication with the Quality of Service (QoS) required by the application while taking into account the inherent constraints of the sensor nodes. Another challenge is related to the generation of heterogeneous traffic with different priorities, which imposes additional constraints on different communication protocols. In this thesis, we are interested specifically to routing protocols dedicated to WSNs. First, we propose improvements of protocols based on combinatorial optimization techniques and those based on nodes geographic positions to overcome the related constraints of WSNs. Secondly, we propose a solution to address the vulnerability of the multiple paths technique, whether for the case of a single source or several sources in the network. Thus, our main contribution is to provide a multi-path routing protocol, able to creating paths while avoiding the carrier sense range effect. This protocol denoted "Carrier Sense Aware Multipath Geographic Routing (CSA-MGR)" meets the QoS required by WSNs. As direct application of our solution, we studied a drip irrigation scenario using WSNs. Mainly, we studied the case where a system dysfunctioning occurs, such as irrigation pipe rupture or the emitters blocking. Also, we distinguish two priority levels for the data transmitted over the network, and based on the CSA-MGR, we design routing according to the required priority. Our work in this thesis has been validated through NS2 and TOSSIM simulators and also through a real implementation over the TelosB motes. The results of numerical simulations and experimental results show the advantage of our contributions compared to existing solutions.
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QoS model pro mobilní ad hoc síť / QoS model for Mobile ad hoc networkMašek, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "QoS model for Mobile ad hoc network" focuses on the quality of services in MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc) networks. It describes MANET networks and covers the theoretical analysis of routing protocols with QoS (Quality of Service) support. Furthermore, there is processed the creation process of model MANET networks with the routing protocol DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector) in the simulation environment NS-3 (Network Simulator 3) and its extension of QoS support. The used QoS model is subsequently modified to improve core operating parameters. The implementation of QoS parameters as well as the improvement of delay and jitter (the delay between selected packets) is verified by the functional simulation.
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Medium Access Control Protocols And Routing Algorithms For Wireless Sensor NetworksBag, Anirban 01 January 2007 (has links)
In recent years, the development of a large variety of mobile computing devices has led to wide scale deployment and use of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Networks consist of battery powered, tiny and cheap "motes", having sensing and wireless communication capabilities. Although wireless motes have limited battery power, communication and computation capabilities, the range of their application is vast. In the first part of the dissertation, we have addressed the specific application of Biomedical Sensor Networks. To solve the problem of data routing in these networks, we have proposed the Adaptive Least Temperature Routing (ALTR) algorithm that reduces the average temperature rise of the nodes in the in-vivo network while routing data efficiently. For delay sensitive biomedical applications, we proposed the Hotspot Preventing Routing (HPR) algorithm which avoids the formation of hotspots (regions having very high temperature) in the network. HPR forwards the packets using the shortest path, bypassing the regions of high temperature and thus significantly reduces the average packet delivery delay, making it suitable for real-time applications of in-vivo networks. We also proposed another routing algorithm suitable for being used in a network of id-less biomedical sensor nodes, namely Routing Algorithm for networks of homogeneous and Id-less biomedical sensor Nodes (RAIN). Finally we developed Biocomm, a cross-layer MAC and Routing protocol co-design for Biomedical Sensor Networks, which optimizes the overall performance of an in-vivo network through cross-layer interactions. We performed extensive simulations to show that the proposed Biocomm protocol performs much better than the other existing MAC and Routing protocols in terms of preventing the formation of hotspots, reducing energy consumption of nodes and preventing network congestion when used in an in-vivo network. In the second part of the dissertation, we have addressed the problems of habitat-monitoring sensor networks, broadcast algorithms for sensor networks and the congestion problem in sensor networks as well as one non-sensor network application, namely, on-chip communication networks. Specifically, we have proposed a variation of HPR algorithm, called Hotspot Preventing Adaptive Routing (HPAR) algorithm, for efficient data routing in Networks On-Chip catering to their specific hotspot prevention issues. A protocol similar to ALTR has been shown to perform well in a sensor network deployed for habitat monitoring. We developed a reliable, low overhead broadcast algorithm for sensor networks namely Topology Adaptive Gossip (TAG) algorithm. To reduce the congestion problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, we proposed a tunable cross-layer Congestion Reducing Medium Access Control (CRMAC) protocol that utilizes buffer status information from the Network layer to give prioritized medium access to congested nodes in the MAC layer and thus preventing congestion and packet drops. CRMAC can also be easily tuned to satisfy different application-specific performance requirements. With the help of extensive simulation results we have shown how CRMAC can be adapted to perform well in different applications of Sensor Network like Emergency Situation that requires a high network throughput and low packet delivery latency or Long-term Monitoring application requiring energy conservation.
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Dead Reckoning Location Service For Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksKumar, Vijay January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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An experimental methodology to evaluate the resilience of ad hoc routing protocolsFriginal López, Jesús 23 January 2013 (has links)
Friginal López, J. (2013). An experimental methodology to evaluate the resilience of ad hoc routing protocols [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18483
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Node reliance : an approach to extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networksBoyd, Alan W. F. January 2010 (has links)
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a number of nodes, each typically having a small amount of non-replenishable energy. Some of the nodes have sensors, which may be used to gather environmental data. A common network abstraction used in WSNs is the (source, sink) architecture in which data is generated at one or more sources and sent to one or more sinks using wireless communication, possibly via intermediate nodes. In such systems, wireless communication is usually implemented using radio. Transmitting or receiving, even on a low power radio, is much more energy-expensive than other activities such as computation and consequently, the radio must be used judiciously to avoid unnecessary depletion of energy. Eventually, the loss of energy at each node will cause it to stop operating, resulting in the loss of data acquisition and data delivery. Whilst the loss of some nodes may be tolerable, albeit undesirable, the loss of certain critical nodes in a multi-hop routing environment may cause network partitions such that data may no longer be deliverable to sinks, reducing the usefulness of the network. This thesis presents a new heuristic known as node reliance and demonstrates its efficacy in prolonging the useful lifetime of WSNs. The node reliance heuristic attempts to keep as many sources and sinks connected for as long as possible. It achieves this using a reliance value that measures the degree to which a node is relied upon in routing data from sources to sinks. By forming routes that avoid high reliance nodes, the usefulness of the network may be extended. The hypothesis of this thesis is that the useful lifetime of a WSN may be improved by node reliance routing in which paths from sources to sinks avoid critical nodes where possible.
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