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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The management of community development projects in disadvantaged communities in the Eastern Cape

Mbandazayo, Nosinodi Patricia. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research study is to present a profile of the community needs and a description of the community programmes which are in operation at the SHARE organisation. Furthermore, the study aims at compiling data that will attempt to determine how the SHARE project meets the principles for social welfare, namely securing basic welfare and human rights, equity, non-discrimination, accountability, accessibility, appropriateness, transparent quality service, democracy and ubuntu. For purposes of achieving the above aims and the objectives of the study, a literature review was undertaken and empirical research data were gathered and are presented in this study. The literature review support data relevant to the study, and it involves the historical background of social work and community development in Britain, Europe, Great Britain, the United States of America and South Africa. The above historical background is crucial in understanding events that led to community development initiatives in South Africa, especially in relation to the SHARE project under study. Furthermore, a developmental approach to social welfare in South Africa, families living in poverty, management of community work projects from a social work perspective and models of social welfare have been presented. From the above literature presentation, the role of a community social worker in managing community projects has been identified. A community social worker's involvement in managing community projects is important because a social worker possesses expert knowledge and the skills necessary to facilitate the community's own initiatives in the development of the community. Community members are therefore supported towards self-help and self-determination. A local social work practitioner has succeeded in facilitating the efforts of the KwaNobuhle community in the establishment of the SHARE projects. She has made use of her expert knowledge and skill to foster self-initiatives to the KwaNobuhle community to develop their own community. A pre-assessment review undertaken by the researcher at the SHARE project and the KwaNobuhle needs assessment survey data have provided a basis for the empirical study. In this study, an applied research design has been utilised to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of a project. Data gathering has been applied by utilising two instruments. The first instrument, a structured questionnaire was designed to collect data from a sample size of ten SHARE respondents consisting of service providers and beneficiaries. The data gathered have been analysed quantitatively. The second unstructured instrument has collected data from a sample size of eleven respondents. Respondents interviewed were SHARE beneficiaries and service providers. Data gathered have been analysed qualitatively. Variables to be operationalised were the SHARE programmes and the principles of social welfare which were identified earlier. The purpose of operationalising the above variables was to determine whether the SHARE programmes are able to meet the principles of social welfare. With reference to the results of the findings it has been established that hypothetically the SHARE programmes have been able to meet no less than 70% of the principles of social welfare as proposed by the White Paper (1997). In conclusion, the SHARE project has projected a positive image of social work practitioners in South Africa. Social work practitioners in the various provinces are urged to initiate similar projects so as to enhance social development in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie is om 'n profiel van die gemeenskap se behoeftes asook 'n beskrywing van die gemeenskapsprogramme wat in gebruik is by die SHARE-organisasie, saam te stel. Vervolgens is die ondersoek toegespits op die insameling van inligting om te bepaal in watter mate die SHARE-projek aan die beginsels van maatskaplike welsyn voldoen, naamlik die versekering van basiese welsyns- en menseregte, gelykheid, nie-diskriminasie, aanspreeklikheid, toeganklikheid, relevantheid, gehalte dienslewering, demokrasie en Ubuntu. Ten einde die genoemde doelstellings en die doelwitte met hierdie studie te bereik, is 'n literatuurstudie gedoen en empiriese navorsingsdata ingesamel. Die literatuuroorsig rugsteun die data wat relevant is vir hierdie studie en verwys na die historiese agtergrond van maatskaplike werk en gemeenskapsontwikkeling in Brittanje, Europa, die Verenigde State van Amerika en Suid-Afrika. Verwysing na die historiese agtergrond is onontbeerlik om die gebeure te begryp wat aanleiding gegee het tot gemeenskapsontwikkelingsinisiatiewe in Suid-Afrika, veral met betrekking tot die betrokke SHARE-projek. Voorts word 'n ontwikkelingsbenadering vir maatskaplike welsyn in Suid-Afrika, gesinne wat in armoede leef, die bestuur van gemeenskapswerkprojekte vanuit 'n maatskaplike werk oogpunt, en modelle vir maatskaplike welsyn aangebied. Uit die bogenoemde literatuuraanbieding word die rol van 'n maatskaplike werker in die bestuur van gemeenskapsprojekte uitgelig. Die betrokkenheid van 'n maatskaplike werker in die bestuur van gemeenskapsprojekte is belangrik, omdat 'n maatskaplike werker oor die kundigheid en vaardighede beskik wat nodig is om die gemeenskap se eie inisiatiewe by die ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap betrek. Lede van die gemeenskap word sodoende ondersteun om hulself te help en word selfverwesenliking bevorder. 'n Plaaslike maatskaplike werker het daarin geslaag om die inisiatiewe van die KwaNobuhle gemeenskap te fasiliteer om sodoende die "SHARE"-projekte te ontwikkel. Sy het haar kundigheid en vaardigheid aangewend om eie inisiatiewe by die KwaNobuhle gemeenskap te bevorder in die ontwikkeling van hul samelewing. 'n Verkenningstudie wat deur die navorser by die SHARE-projek gedoen is, asook die data van die KwaNobuhle behoeftebepaling, het die grondslag gelê waarop die empiriese studie onderneem kon word. In hierdie studie is van 'n toegepaste navorsingsmodel gebruik gemaak om die doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid van 'n projek aan te toon. Dataversameling het dus geskied deur die gebruik van twee instrumente. Die eerste gestruktureerde vraelys is ontwerp om inligting uit 'n monstergrootte van tien "SHARE"-respondente, wat uit diensverskaffers en begunstigdes saamgestel was, te verkry. Hierdie data is kwantitatief ontleed. Die tweede ongestruktureerde instrument het data versamel uit 'n monstergrootte van elf respondente. Respondente met wie onderhoude gevoer is, was SHAREbegunstigdes en diensverskaffers. Die data wat versamel is, is kwalitatief ontleed. Veranderlikes wat in werking gestel moes word, was die "SHARE"-programme en die beginsels van maatskaplike welsyn wat vroeër geïdentifiseer is. Die oogmerk met die operasionalisering van voorgenoemde, was om te bepaal of die SHARE-programme aan die beginsels van maatskaplike welsyn voldoen. Na aanleiding van die resultate van hierdie bevindings is vasgestel dat die "SHARE"-programme, hipoteties gesproke, aan nie minder nie as 70% van die beginsels van maatskaplike welsyn, soos voorgestel deur die Witskrif (1997), voldoen het. Die "SHARE"-projek het 'n positiewe beeld ten opsigte van maatskaplike werkers in Suid-Afrika geprojekteer. Maatskaplike werkers in die onderskeie provinsies word aangespoor om soortgelyke projekte te inisieer ten einde maatskaplike ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika te bevorder. / wa201509

Funding rural development in South African municipalities

Makgamatho, Kedibone Grace 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / The main purpose of this research paper is to reveal the importance of rural development with the aim of making municipalities the main drivers of rural development - this in an effort to stimulate and increase economic participation for rural people. The study seeks to understand the intervention by municipalities in accelerating rural development, how municipalities are currently implementing and funding development programmes to improve the lives of rural people. Rural development has been a key strategy to develop the lives of rural people in many countries around the globe. The concept has somewhat been paired in other countries with the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In the new South Africa, the rural development concept has been revived through the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), which intended to eliminate the inequality that was brought by the apartheid system. Many other programmes of development or rather, rural development, were introduced to bridge the gap between the poverty-stricken areas/individual and those who have access to resources for the betterment of their lives. The signs of poverty are, however, still visible in many parts of South Africa, with insignificant signs of improved lives, mostly for rural areas, regardless of the programmes that have been initiated by government since the democratic elections took place in 1994. Thus, the effectiveness of rural development policies and implementation of associated programmes are still questionable. Municipalities are mandated to implement the rural development programmes by default, as they are closer to beneficiaries and communities on the ground. Thus, enabling municipalities to steer these development programmes is a good bottom-up approach to development as opposed to national level undertaking to implement these programmes from the top. However, municipalities have also proved to have their challenges, including challenges of sourcing funding, which then make the drive and implementation of these development ideas difficult to carry out. The study reveals that funding of rural services or anything that is rural in nature, has become very difficult. Thus, this study investigated how municipalities strive to raise funding for rural development in an effort to improve rural people’s lives. The related factor that has been investigated is the capabilities and capacity of municipalities to implement the development programmes. The study also explored the current development situation on how municipalities have been able to carry out the development mandates and what has been the impact of rural development programmes/policies since they have been developed to breach the gap of inequality in the country. Indication by municipalities is that most of their funding is from the government through the Municipal Infrastructure Grants (MIG) and Equitable Share. However, this funding does not necessarily encompass funding for rural development programmes but rather is for normal capital expenditure, operational expenditure to enable basic service delivery projects, such as water and electricity. The results have indicated that rural development projects are not specifically or necessarily budgeted for, but they are dealt with on a case-by-case basis or as and when rural development ideas are thought of. Regarding the institutional capacity of municipalities, most of the municipalities within the sample (72%) indicated that there is lack of adequate and skilled labour to address the challenges and priorities of rural development. The above challenges have led to municipalities realising a minimal impact for rural development and the inability to prove and point out in any way, the improvement of rural people’s lives. Perhaps some of this depends on how municipalities and communities understand rural development. The study revealed that most municipalities understand rural development as improvement of rural people’s lives and understood rural development as the provision of rural services and infrastructure. This thought is correct regarding rural development, however, the challenges of minimal impact experienced by municipalities could be linked to the limited funding that is being provided for rural development. The consensus is that funding of rural development has been minimal and there has to be more interaction to ensure it is as a priority like other programmes planned and budgeted for by government. There is a need for municipalities to be properly capacitated with skills and technical assistance to take forward the rural development mandate. In the process, municipalities should be able to allocate funds provided either by government or by private sector institutions to avoid rural development projects being funded by chance. To reduce the poverty lines that are visible in most rural areas, rural communities also need to be given training to allow them the mobility to grow those rural development programmes being introduced by government and municipalities, thus sustaining their lives in the long term. Collaboration is of importance, thus different stakeholders should be involved to assist municipalities in accelerating the rural development agenda.

The role of female farmers in poverty alleviation in the Northern Province : a case study of three community projects in the central region - Ramatjowe, Sekakene and Benedict

Netshirembe, Fungisani Ednah January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.) --University of the North, 2004 / Refer to document

Sustainability of poverty relief projects: an evaluative case study of Madumeleng Community Bread Making Project in Greater Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province

Seshoene, Molimisi Evans January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.)-- University of Limpopo, 2011. / Sustainability of poverty relief projects: an evaluative case study of Madumeleng community bread making project in Greater Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province This mini-dissertation was conducted on a community poverty alleviation project that was implemented by government through the Department of Social Development at Madumeleng village. Madumeleng is a village in Bolobedu(Modjadji) under the Greater Letaba Municipality in Mopani District. The Greater Letaba Municipality is one of the rural municipalities in the district of Mopani. The project was identified by the community members as a flagship towards addressing poverty within the village and eventually in the municipal area. The project was initiated by a group of women who started as volunteers. Their objective was to make the project big and viable within the society. The women had wishes also that the project should eventually create more jobs for the community members and thereby contribute in alleviating poverty and unemployment. The above resonates well with the objective of government and in particular the Department of Social Development in funding these projects. The study was ignited by the fact that after all the efforts by government to provide funding and ensure that the project members are capacitated, still the project collapsed. The project could not last longer than it was expected and this was the main reason for the study. The study should contribute in surmounting some factors which might have contributed into the collapse of the project. Government should also be able to draw lessons from the study to improve on the approach when they fund future projects.

The impact of community development projects on the empowerment of women in the Malamulele Area of the Thulamela Local Municipality in Limpopo Province

Khosa, Richard Mafemani January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev. (Management and Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2012 / This study investigates the impact of community development projects (CDPs) on the empowerment of women in the Malamulele area of the Thulamela Municipality in Limpopo Province. The study investigates whether the implementation of CDPs really changes the living conditions of women or whether it is merely a smokescreen to cover the failure of the government to provide decent jobs for people who are living in absolute poverty. The aim of the study, however, is to assess the impact that CDPs have on women empowerment. The objectives of the study that were derived from the main aim include identifying the types of projects, and their impact on women and men. The findings of the study would contribute to social science knowledge and would also help to develop new strategies that could be used to solve problems of poverty. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in this study. The population of the study were projects in which both women and men were involved. However, more women were selected from sampled projects because the aim of the study was to investigate the impact of CDPs on women. Stratified random sampling was used to select respondents in order to ensure that all strata were represented in the sample. The findings of the study suggest that CDPs improve decision-making capacity, the acquisition of assets and skills, and create job opportunities for women. It is, therefore, recommended that development planners consider increased funding in order to implement more projects in the area as these are the tools through which women in rural communities can eradicate poverty.

The impact of poverty alleviation projects on women's development in rural communities of Mogalakwena Municipality, Limpopo Province : a case study of Malokong, Masipa and Rooiwal Poultry Projects

Tsheola, Nhlengane Martha January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2012 / his study investigates the impact of poverty-alleviation projects on women development at Mogalakwena Municipality in Limpopo Province. Focus is on three projects, namely; Malokong, Masipa and Rooiwal poultry projects. The researcher has used the qualitative paradigm in this study, though limited aspects of the quantitative approach were also used. Convenience sampling has been used to collect data from a sample of forty (40) women from all the three identified poultry projects. All the respondents are women beneficiaries of different ages in the above-mentioned poultry projects. The study highlights employment generation and appropriate technology versions of growth with equity theories to justify the necessity of poverty-alleviation projects. It confirms the chief characteristic of the employment version that illustrates the projects’ ability to employ different groups of people, particularly those with very low educational backgrounds. These projects enable them to get income that can be used to pay school fees, buy food and pay medical bills in support of their families, thereby improving the overall wellbeing of women in rural communities The approaches (qualitative and quantitative) advocate for the use of local technologies and labour intensive methods to create more jobs and produce economic spin-offs. Poultry projects were chosen because they are appropriate and relevant to the needs of most communities of the Mogalakwena Municipality who are predominantly rural and poor. The study found out that the projects benefit local residents by providing affordable food security needs in the form of fresh chicken meat. These products are a vital source of protein which is necessary for good health. In addition, members derive both economic and social benefits from poultry projects. Given the threats to sustainability of these projects, the study recommends that the government employ more Agricultural Extension Officers and mobilise financial resources to support the activities of these projects. There is also an increased demand for more training on various aspects of management and production for members to maximise output. The study also identifies the significance of a continuous monitoring and evaluation of projects on a regular basis.

Moving towards sustainable food security : a case study of Umsinga food security programme.

Dlamini, Dumile Helen. January 2005 (has links)
An intervention on food security is sustainable when it begins to address issues of development that are the priority to the beneficiaries rather than those of the benefactor. Food security in this study is regarded as the priority that is interwoven in social, economical and ecological aspect of development. Therefore, it can only be solved through processes of sustainable development. This study is concerned about the current approaches and processes of food security programmes that do not capture the elements of sustainable development. Therefore, the aim of the study was to establish how the elements of sustainable development are practiced in the programmes of food security in South Africa. Most importantly how the programme goes beyond food and market availability to social change. In order to achieve this aim, a qualitative research process was applied using a case study. The study examined one of the food security programmes in uMsinga area. north of KwaZulu Natal. This programme is funded by the National Development Agency (NDA) and administered by the Non-Governmental Organisation called uMsinga Peace and Development Committee (MPDC). The study found that the programme still reflects the common and the short-sighted understanding of food security. It still emphasises the market-led methods of food security which have undermined the environment and social development of the community. Hence the programme comes short in ensuring sustainable food security in the area of uMsinga where years of factions fights has destroyed the social fabric of the community. The study recommended a deliberate intervention strategy of community building for uMsinga community. This calls for a strategy where a process of community conscientization becomes one of the main objectives of the programme. It is through community building that those available resources such as financial, natural, human, infrastructure and institutions call be identified within the community. Conscientization process can be able to equip tlte community with skills and knowledge of how to access and control those resources to satisfy both short term and long- term needs. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.

Public participation in development projects : the case of the Grassroots Initiative Support Project in Lesotho.

Otachi, Naftal M. January 1999 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (Sociology)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.

Assessment of factors which contribute to the success of community development projects in alleviating poverty.

Mchunu, Bongiwe. January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.

A methodology for assessing irrigation practice in small scale community gardening.

Sihlophe, Nhlanhla. January 2001 (has links)
The challenges facing small scale irrigation development in South Africa are varied and complex. This complexity is exacerbated by the many years of systematic neglect, in tandem with material and intellectual impoverishment of the majority of participants in this agricultural sector. Attempting to juggle sustainable development of small scale agriculture and environmental and socio-economic advancement is difficult, but there is sufficient evidence in the literature to suggest that small scale agriculture is increasing not only in South Africa but in Sub-Saharan Africa (Collier and Field, 1998) There is no doubt that this observed increase in irrigated communal gardens result from their increasingly important role of providing food security and as means of augmenting family income. Hence the government,NGO' s and other private sector organisations have increased their support for these small scale agricultural initiatives. Small scale agriculture is therefore increasingly becoming a common land use, and with this increased support, it is likely to become a major water user, particularly as it is located in close proximity to the water source. Hence both practices and processes for small scale agriculture require careful study. Irrigation practices have been studied in KwaZulu-Natal where small scale community gardens are continuously developing. The study included two locations near Pietermaritzburg. The first, at Willowfontein, involved irrigation by furrow , and the second, at Taylors Halt, involved irrigation by hand, using containers. The dynamics of the subsurface flow was monitored using tensiometry and modelled in detail using a two dimensional, soil physics model, Hydrus-2D, to evaluate the application efficiency. This study consisted of three parts viz: socio-economic system appraisal, technical measurement and monitoring, and modelling. Important findings obtained include the following: The highlighting of pertinent socio-economic issues governing water use and allocation and other operations in developing small scale agricultural conditions, including constraints to the development of this sector under the conditions described. The demonstration of the use of reasonably inexpensive, but sophisticated measuring techniques to observe the soil water processes in small scale community gardening practices. Accurate simulations of soil water infiltration,redistribution and uptake using the Hydrus2D model. With these successful simulations, together with the results of the social system appraisal, more efficient irrigation scenarios are proposed and evaluated. The development of a methodology that could be used to assess small scale irrigation efficiencies, with computer simulation models used as tools to conduct such an assessment. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2001.

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