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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Economic integration in the Commonwealth of Independent States: perspectives, problems, solutions : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Public Policy at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

Nashiraliyev, Yeldos January 2009 (has links)
It has been 17 years since the Soviet Union broke up and its constituent countries gained their independence. In the beginning years the sovereignty was considered an indisputable priority, resulting in economic matters being put off. However, in the light of slow economic development in the area, it seemed to be imperative for these countries to pursue economic integration. Backed up by political will, several attempts had been made to establish various integration groupings, one of them being the Commonwealth of Independent States. The established organisation’s main aim was to assist countries in preserving the connecting links inherited from the former Soviet Union. Some of the countries in the region managed to achieve relatively high growth rates mainly due to their individual efforts. Unfortunately, so far, none out of a number of proposed integration projects has proven to be an effective and binding tool in the political and economic development of the region. This thesis aims to identify problems standing in the way of economic integration of the Commonwealth of Independent States. As of now, a free trade area – the initial form of economic integration – has not been established. Although trade ties between the member states function, the main export destination of these states is outside the Commonwealth. It is recommended that the initial steps in setting up a free trade area in this territory should begin with developing integration within regional associations, due to smaller numbers of participants and their common interests.

Rusko: ekonomický vývoj a zahraniční vztahy / Russia: Economic development and foreign relations

Kovaříková, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this research is to critically analyse development of the Russian economy during the years 2000 - 2008 then examine the impact of the world economic crisis on the economy of Russia and mutual relations of Russia with the strategic foreign partners. The first part of this paper commences by undertaking a critical analysis of the economic progress during the government of V. Putin and a period before his apppointment to the presidency of Russia according to the evaluation of the macroeconomics indexes. The second passage is focused on the growth of the Russian economy during the world economic crisis up to current situation. The final part draws attention to the attitude of Russia to the important foreign partners such as EU and USA. It also identifies principal players in the Caspian region and analyses their task and goals in this area.

Transformační procesy v Ruské federaci a jejich vliv na podnikatelské prostředí - nové možnosti pro české exportéry / Tranformation of Russian Federation and its impact on corporate environment - new oportunities for Czech exporters.

Samsonyan, Hakob January 2004 (has links)
The Russian market represents big opportunities for Czech exporters in the near and distant future. Czech companies have gained a lot of comparative advantages in the past periode: language simillarities, trade connections, cooperation of producing companies, good knowledge of local regional specifities etc. There are large scale of opportunities in traditional and new industry, glass and wooden industry, petrol and gas companies. It is necessary to know specific conditions and risks of the Russian market. To be competitive it requests not only to export but to account with capital participation. Objectives and Hypothesis of the dissertation: Basic goals: Analysis of the business climate in Russia as the result of the transformation process from centrally directed to market system and democracy. Evaluation of changes in the competitive position of Czech exporters and investors on Russian market. There are various measures and tools of the improvement of the competitiveness of Czech exports on the Russian market. As the member of the EU the Czech republic participates on all trade agreements valid in the trade relations between EU and Russia, first of all it is Partnership and Cooperation Agreement inclusive MFN regime (the Most Favoured Nation Clause). Czech exporters have a lot of strong points in the return to Russian market. There are also certain weaknesses, a lot of opportunities but also threatens. The Czech institutions which provide effective and complex credit and insurance support for Czech exporters are: Czech Export Bank and Export Guarantee and Insurance Company.


張芝寧, JYNING, CHANG Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯與阿根廷的經濟改革在「華盛頓共識」下揭開了序幕。1991年蘇聯解體後,俄羅斯的政治由一黨專政走向多元的民主,而經濟體制也從過去的社會主義所有制轉向市場經濟體制發展。相對阿根廷則是在1983年軍政府的威權官僚統治被推翻後,開始施行民主政治。而國內的經濟也在1984年開始從過度干預的市場向自由放任的資本主義市場移動。但在兩國國內經濟改革的過程中,國會及西方國際金融組織的影響為經濟改革帶來莫大的變數。因此本文旨在透過剖析國會、國家政府、和西方國際金融組織三者之間的互動與關係,分析穩定化經濟政策的產出、施行的過程、及所帶來的結果。本文也著重地探討和穩定化相互關連與影響的通貨膨脹與西方外援這兩個因素,探究權力均衡、穩定化、通貨膨脹、經濟表現、與西方外援對俄羅斯與阿根廷國家經濟轉型過程所產生的影響。 本論文主要採用國會、國家政府、與西方國際金融組織,權力均衡的研究途徑,透過選舉週期與經改週期的因素影響,探討俄羅斯與阿根廷經濟轉型的過程與發展。因為受到上述三邊角力的影響,穩定化(stabilization)成了國內經濟改革最主要的問題,因此本文著重在經濟改革穩定化層面的發展,及與穩定化息息相關,相互影響的因素-通貨膨脹與西方外援,提出更進一步的剖析。在這樣的架構下,本論文第一章除了說明研究動機與目的、研究架構、章節安排外,還介紹與研究題目相關的文獻,並指出過去文獻的優缺點,以做為論文研究之基礎。第二章敘述俄羅斯與阿根廷經濟改革前的歷史背景,探討前蘇聯與阿根廷軍政府為之後經濟改革所留下的伏筆;第三章闡述俄羅斯與阿根廷經濟轉型穩定化之成效、透過國內政治週期對兩國國家領導人:葉爾欽(Boris Yeltsin)、普欽(Vladimir Putin)、阿芳辛(Raúl Alfonsín)、美能(Carlos Menem)、與德拉魯阿(Fernando De la Rua)所產生的影響為論述的焦點;第四章則論述通貨膨脹與西方外援對兩國國內經濟改革的相互影響,並指出它們在穩定化政策執行下的表現,及如何再次回歸影響到穩定化制程的發展;第五章為結論。 本論文所得到的結論是國會、國家政府、與國際金融組織的權力均衡決定了俄羅斯與阿根廷國家經濟轉型穩定化的走向,而穩定的經濟政策是帶動國家經濟成長的關鍵。目前在普欽強勢的帶領之下,俄羅斯已逐漸擺脫金融風暴的陰霾,而阿根廷在新總統基什內爾(Nestor Kirchner)的領導下,是否有辦法帶領阿根廷的經濟走向復甦與成長,還有待時間的考驗。 / Under the “Washington consensus”, Russia and Argentina have started their economic transition. The collapse of the Soviet Union has led Russia from one-party dictatorship to plural democracy in politics and from socialistic ownership to free-market system in economy. In contrast in 1983, after the demolition of Argentina Military Dictatorship Bureaucratic authoritarianism regime, the country started to apply democracy. And soon, in 1984, Argentina’s economy started to move from over control market toward free individual capitalism market. However, in the economic reform process of both countries, the Parliament and Western International Financial Organizations have brought immense impact on their economic transitions. Therefore, this thesis is aimed to understand the interactive relationships among Parliament, Government, and Western International Organizations, and also to study the formulation of the economic stabilization programs, the application process, and the conclusion. Also, in the thesis we will discuss inflation and western aid factors that have close relationship and mutual influences with the stabilization programs, so to find out the impacts and the developments brought by balance of power, stabilization, inflation, economic performance, and western aids in the process of economic transition. In this thesis, we adopt the Parliament, Government, and Western International Organizations’ balance of power as the research approach, through the impact of election’s cycle and economic transition’s cycle, we discuss the process and developments of Russian and Argentina’s economic transition. Because the influences brought by above authorities, stabilization becomes the most important concern for countries which are performing economic transition. As so, the thesis is focused on stabilization sphere, and the factors of inflation and western aids that brought mutual influences to stabilization. Under this framework, the first chapter includes the research motives and objectives, the research framework, chapter arrangements, and the advantages and disadvantages of relevant literature. The second chapter describes Russian and Argentina’s historical background before the economic transition, and we also analyze the hints left by the Soviet Union and Argentina military government. The third one, we focus on the effects of stabilization program in Russian and Argentina economic transition, through the interaction of election’s cycle and both countries’ leader: Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Raúl Alfonsín, Carlos Menem, Fernando De la Rua. The fourth chapter analyzes the interaction among inflation and western aids with country’s economic transition, we also point out the inflation and western aids’ performances under different periods of stabilization program, and how they come back to influence the formulation of the stabilization program. The fifth one is the conclusion. We come to conclusion that the balance of power among the Parliament, Government, and Western International Organizations decide the tendency of Russian and Argentina’s economic stabilization, and the key to bring the country economic growth is to settle a stable economic policy. Now, under Putin’s strong leadership, Russian has started to get over from the shadow of 1998 crisis. But Argentina with the guidance of the new president Nestor Kirchner, whether the country will be lead to a revival and growth way or not, it will still remain under the question.


古鳳玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的在於探討1992-2000年期間俄羅斯政經環境對台俄經貿關係之影響。台灣與俄羅斯的貿易自1992年開始,貿易量雖有起伏,但大體來說仍可謂是正成長。然而,當俄羅斯開始走向市場經濟路線、施行震盪療法,經濟轉型不如預期中的順利,再加上金融風暴的發生,導致俄羅斯經濟一蹶不振。到1998年時,由於受到盧布大幅貶值,造成我國部分業者無法收到貨款或訂單被取消,使得業者暫停對俄貿易而改採觀望的態度,台俄貿易量也為之遽減。由此我們發現,俄羅斯政經狀況對台俄經貿關係有相當程度的影響。本論文認為俄羅斯的政治環境與經濟情勢是影響台俄經貿之主因;而由於當前俄羅斯的政經情勢逐漸轉好,因此可以預期未來的台俄經貿情況將會漸至佳境。此一假設命題可再引申為下列邏輯相關的子命題: (一)俄羅斯的政治環境對台俄經貿關係的影響有正、負兩方面 1. 俄羅斯的國內政治環境與對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 2. 中俄關係對台俄經貿關係的影響為負相關 (二)俄羅斯的經濟情勢對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 1. 俄羅斯的經濟改革對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 2. 俄羅斯的經濟體質對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 3. 俄羅斯的銀行體系對台俄經貿關係的影響為正相關 (三)根據H-O定理,台俄經貿仍有相當大的發展空間。加上普欽執政後,俄羅斯政經情勢逐漸改善,因此可以預期未來的台俄經貿情況必然會漸至佳境。 上述的三個子命題,構成本論文的核心論點;而對應此三個論點,本論文將分六章探討。第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與研究目的、文獻述評與研究方法、假設命題與研究架構。第二章:台俄經貿之開展及商品結構。此章分為兩節:分別為台俄經貿之開始與推展及台俄貿易之商品結構。第三章:俄羅斯之政治環境對台俄經貿關係的影響。此章分為三節:分別為俄羅斯國內政治環境對台俄經貿關係的影響、中俄關係對台俄經貿關係的影響及小結。第四章:俄羅斯之經濟情勢對台俄經貿關係的影響。本章將先說明俄羅斯的經濟改革,再從俄羅斯的經濟體質及銀行體系兩方面,探討俄羅斯之經濟環境對台俄經貿關係的影響。第五章:台俄經貿的未來走向。本章將依據三、四章之討論結果,對台俄經貿的未來走向做預測。本章分為三節:普欽執政後的政治環境、普欽執政後的經濟情勢及小結。第六章:結論。總結整個論文之重點及研究之結果。 / This thesis is to discuss the influence of Russian Political and economic environment to Taiwan-Russia economy and trade during the period of 1992-2000. Taiwan-Russia trade has started since 1992. Roughly speaking, the amount of the trade was growing. However, when Russia started to change their economic strategy, and carried out the shock therapy, the route of economic reform was not as smooth as expected. The outbreak of financial crisis leaded to the crash of Russia economy. In 1998, some Taiwanese businessmen couldn’t receive payment of goods or the orders were canceled because of the evaluation of ruble. It has made those businessmen change their attitude and stop trading with their Russian counterparts. The amount of Taiwan-Russia trade became decreasing. According to this reason, we found that Russia political and economic situations have great impact upon Taiwan-Russian economic and trade relationship. This dissertation is taking the position that Russian political environments and Russia economic situations are the main reason which influent the economy and trade relation between Taiwan and Russia’s economy and trade relation between Taiwan and Russia. The present Russia political and economic situations are getting better, so we can forecast that Taiwan-Russia economic and trade situation will be better and better in the future. This hypothesis can be further developed into the following three logically intertwined propositions: (一) The impact of Russian political environments upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship has both positive and negative sides. 1. The impact of Russian domestic political environments upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. 2. The impact of China-Russia relation upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is negative. (二) The impact of Russian economic situation upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. 1. The impact of Russian economic reform upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. 2. The impact of Russian economic construction upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. 3. The impact of Russian banking system upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship is positive. (三) According to H-O therapy, the economy and trade between Taiwan and Russia still have large potential. After Putin took power, the Russia political and economic situation gets better. Therefore, we can forecast that Taiwan-Russia economic and trade situation will be better and better in the future. These three interwoven propositions above constitute the core points of this thesis. In accordance with these points, this thesis will be discussed in six chapters. Chapter 1 is introduction, it will explain the motivation, purpose, method, hypothesis and framework of this study. Chapter 2:The start and goods structure of Taiwan-Russia economic and trade. This chapter has two sections, they are the start of Taiwan-Russia economy and trade and the structure of Taiwan-Russia economic and trade. Chapter 3:The impact of Russian political environment to Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relation. This chapter has three sections, including the impact of Russian domestic political environment upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship, the impact of China-Russia relation upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship, and the initial conclusion. Chapter 4:The impact of Russian economic situation upon Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relationship. In this chapter, first we explain the Russian economic reform. Then we discuss Taiwan-Russia economic and trade relation through the aspects of Russian economic construction and the Russian banking system. Chapter 5:The trend of Taiwan-Russia economic and trade relation in the future. This chapter will make a forecast to the trend of Taiwan-Russia economy and trade relation. This chapter has three sections, including the political environment after Putin took power, the economic situation after Putin took power, and the initial conclusion. Chapter 6:Conclusion.

Специфика функционирования зомби-компаний в России : магистерская диссертация / The specifics of the functioning of zombie companies in Russia

Леонтьева, Е. В., Leontjeva, E. V. January 2023 (has links)
Работа посвящена выявлению специфики зомби-компаний в России и предложение рекомендаций для предотвращения и управления зомби-компаниями с целью повышения устойчивости и эффективности российской экономики. Объектом исследования выступают зомби-компании. Исследование этого вопроса не только поможет выявить особенности функционирования зомби-компаний в российской экономике, но и предоставит сравнительные данные, которые могут быть использованы для разработки эффективных мер по борьбе с данной проблемой. / The work is devoted to identifying the specifics of zombie companies in Russia and offering recommendations for the prevention and management of zombie companies in order to increase the sustainability and efficiency of the Russian economy. The object of the study is zombie companies. The study of this issue will not only help to identify the features of the functioning of zombie companies in the Russian economy, but also provide comparative data that can be used to develop effective measures to combat this problem.

Světová finanční krize a její dopady na ekonomiku Ruské federace / Global financial crisis and its impacts on the economy of the Russian Federation

Bolotov, Ilya January 2009 (has links)
The thesis describes and analyses the problem of the global financial and economic crisis and its influence on the Russian economy. It constitutes a synthesis of main approaches to the crisis' examination from the years 2008-2011 and develops its own theoretical model for explaining the crisis' emergence and spreading in an open economy, and also analyses in detail the state of the Russian economy and anti-crisis measures. The thesis is based on assumptions that the crisis could have been explained and foreseen theoretically with the help of macroeconomic models, that the anti-crisis policy was in majority of cases inefficient, and that the problems of the Russian economy were caused not only by the global recession, but also by its internal imbalances. On the methodological side, the thesis is based on the ideas of the Austrian and Keynesian economics (the Austrian business cycle model and post- and neo-Keynesian branches) and the financial crises economics and partly on selected thoughts of the Marxian economics, and is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, the attention is given to the four main heterodox theoretical approaches to explaining financial and economic crises and to the development of a synthetic model. In the second chapter, the reasons, course and main previsions of the U.S. and global crisis are examined and the synthetic model from the first chapter is empirically tested. In the third chapter, the degree of the crisis' influence on different groups of countries is estimated, followed by a description of its main transmission channels and an analysis of anti-crisis measures at the global level. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the specifics of the Russian economy, its development during the crisis and to the anti-crisis policy of the Russian government and of the Central Bank of Russia. The thesis attempts to fill the gap in the existing economic literature by presenting new findings in the above-mentioned areas.

Роль иностранных инвестиций в экономике страны (на примере России и Республики Таджикистан) : магистерская диссертация / The role of foreign investment in the economy of the country (on the example of Russia and the Republic of Tajikistan)

Хубоншоев, Л. А., Khubonshoev, L. A. January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to determine the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country's economy (for example, Russia and the Republic of Tajikistan). The paper examines the nature and types of foreign investments, analyzes foreign theoretical concepts of foreign investments, systematizes, describes the investment climate of Russia and Tajikistan, and determines their place in global investments. Recommendations for improving the investment policy of the countries reviewed are proposed. For the first time, foreign investments were classified according to various criteria, and as a recommendation it was suggested that foreign investments include funds made by migrants for the purchase of patents and licenses. The practical value of the work in identifying the main directions of improving the investment climate of the countries considered. / Цель данной работы определить роль прямых иностранных инвестиций (ПИИ) в экономике страны (на примере России и республики Таджикистан). В работе исследованы сущность и виды иностранных инвестиций, проанализированы и систематизированы зарубежные теоретические концепции иностранных инвестиций, описан инвестиционный климат России и Таджикистана и определено их место в глобальных инвестициях. Предложены рекомендации по улучшению инвестиционной политики рассмотренных стран. Впервые проведена классификация иностранных инвестиций по различным признакам и в качестве рекомендации предложено к иностранным инвестициям отнести средства, вносимые мигрантами на приобретение патентов и лицензий. Практическая ценность работы в определении основных направлений улучшения инвестиционного климата рассмотренных стран.

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