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俄中貿易關係之研究-葉爾欽與普亭時期之比較 / Studies on Russo-Chinese trade relations- a comparison of the Yeltsin and Putin periods張家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
但是可以預見的未來,俄中貿易關係仍然會有所成長,特別是俄羅斯認為其國家利益在東方,按照目前的情況來看,俄羅斯東部地區尚未完全融入亞洲的經濟整合當中,兩國的經貿合作仍有進一步改善的空間。隨著兩國的經濟實力都不斷提升的狀況下,兩國各自的經濟發展也尚未達到目標,因此雙邊的經貿關係仍會持續進行,並有可能產生更多雙邊合作的發展,共同創造在未來國際經濟新秩序當中佔有一席之地。俄羅斯應該拋開過去對中國的成見,並努力實現其走向東方的外交政策,才能掌握中國經濟蓬勃發展的機遇,進而帶動本身經濟的成長,為俄羅斯東部創造更有利於開發的條件,這將是俄羅斯未來經濟發展重要的關鍵道路。 / Since the late period of USSR, the relationship between China and Russia has been promoting continuously. The “Sino-Russia Treaty of Friendship” enhances and deepens cooperation of both sides. Russia and China share common interest and cooperate together closely in international community and also in regions.
As for bilateral trade aspect, the trade relationship of China and Russia has significant differences under Yeltsin and Putin period. Under Yeltsin period, the Sino-Russia trade has never over 10 billion US dollars annually, however, under Putin’s regime, annually the invest is over 10 million and also set up a goal of 60-80 billion US dollars annually, it is obvious that the both side trade relationship has been “heated up” a lot. Besides, although the bilateral relationship of China and Russia had a good progress, the trade cooperation of both sides still has space for improvement. This is one of the main issues which are observed in this research.
According to current situation, the trade cooperation of both countries still has spaces for improvement because the east region of Russia has not been completely integrated into part of economic integration in Asia. However, the author contend that due to economic powers of China and Russia have been growing continuously and their economic developments have not yet reached the goals, so trade cooperation of both countries will undergo consistently and generate more opportunities for further cooperation to create an important role in new international economic orders in the future. The author concludes that Russia should abandon bias toward China and realize its foreign policy which is “walk into the East”. By doing this, Russia could grasp the best moment during prosperous economic development in China. Furthermore, it will help Russia overall economic growth and create more beneficial conditions for eastern Russia development.
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葉爾欽時期俄羅斯派系政治之研究 / Research of the Russian Factional Politics during the Presidency of Boris Yeltsin賴怡君, Lai, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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戈爾巴喬夫、葉爾欽、普京政治改革的比較陳立宗 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文把論述重心放在「比較」上,試圖去認識三位國家領導人對於政治改革理念以及改革實踐的不同之處,也希望透過這樣的比較,釐清三位領導人的改革各自爲俄羅斯政治體制帶來什麼不一樣的影響,以及他們各自的政治選擇又是帶領俄羅斯朝哪個方向前進。其次,我們還要釐清國家領導人的性格和意志等因素是如何影響制度運行。俄羅斯的超級總統制(Super-Presidentialism)將領導人的個人因素突出,這樣的體制對俄羅斯的民主有什麼影響。最後,本論文將探討俄羅斯獨有的政治文化是如何影響三位領導人的政治選擇和發展。 / This article’s main purpose is comparison, it tries to tell the different side of political innovation and the way it practices of 3 Russian leaders. It also clarifies the 3 leader’s reformation has been done to Russian political system separately and which direction their political decision has brought Russia into. Moreover, we will point out how the leaders’ will and personality effect the system. Super- Presidentialism of Russia highlight leader’s individual factor, what kind of effect the Super- Presidentialism does to Russian democracy. Finally, the essay will discuss how do the 3 leader’s political decision and development has been effected by Russian unique political culture.
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俄羅斯與阿根廷經濟轉型之比較研究張芝寧, JYNING, CHANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要採用國會、國家政府、與西方國際金融組織,權力均衡的研究途徑,透過選舉週期與經改週期的因素影響,探討俄羅斯與阿根廷經濟轉型的過程與發展。因為受到上述三邊角力的影響,穩定化(stabilization)成了國內經濟改革最主要的問題,因此本文著重在經濟改革穩定化層面的發展,及與穩定化息息相關,相互影響的因素-通貨膨脹與西方外援,提出更進一步的剖析。在這樣的架構下,本論文第一章除了說明研究動機與目的、研究架構、章節安排外,還介紹與研究題目相關的文獻,並指出過去文獻的優缺點,以做為論文研究之基礎。第二章敘述俄羅斯與阿根廷經濟改革前的歷史背景,探討前蘇聯與阿根廷軍政府為之後經濟改革所留下的伏筆;第三章闡述俄羅斯與阿根廷經濟轉型穩定化之成效、透過國內政治週期對兩國國家領導人:葉爾欽(Boris Yeltsin)、普欽(Vladimir Putin)、阿芳辛(Raúl Alfonsín)、美能(Carlos Menem)、與德拉魯阿(Fernando De la Rua)所產生的影響為論述的焦點;第四章則論述通貨膨脹與西方外援對兩國國內經濟改革的相互影響,並指出它們在穩定化政策執行下的表現,及如何再次回歸影響到穩定化制程的發展;第五章為結論。
本論文所得到的結論是國會、國家政府、與國際金融組織的權力均衡決定了俄羅斯與阿根廷國家經濟轉型穩定化的走向,而穩定的經濟政策是帶動國家經濟成長的關鍵。目前在普欽強勢的帶領之下,俄羅斯已逐漸擺脫金融風暴的陰霾,而阿根廷在新總統基什內爾(Nestor Kirchner)的領導下,是否有辦法帶領阿根廷的經濟走向復甦與成長,還有待時間的考驗。 / Under the “Washington consensus”, Russia and Argentina have started their economic transition. The collapse of the Soviet Union has led Russia from one-party dictatorship to plural democracy in politics and from socialistic ownership to free-market system in economy. In contrast in 1983, after the demolition of Argentina Military Dictatorship Bureaucratic authoritarianism regime, the country started to apply democracy. And soon, in 1984, Argentina’s economy started to move from over control market toward free individual capitalism market. However, in the economic reform process of both countries, the Parliament and Western International Financial Organizations have brought immense impact on their economic transitions. Therefore, this thesis is aimed to understand the interactive relationships among Parliament, Government, and Western International Organizations, and also to study the formulation of the economic stabilization programs, the application process, and the conclusion. Also, in the thesis we will discuss inflation and western aid factors that have close relationship and mutual influences with the stabilization programs, so to find out the impacts and the developments brought by balance of power, stabilization, inflation, economic performance, and western aids in the process of economic transition.
In this thesis, we adopt the Parliament, Government, and Western International Organizations’ balance of power as the research approach, through the impact of election’s cycle and economic transition’s cycle, we discuss the process and developments of Russian and Argentina’s economic transition. Because the influences brought by above authorities, stabilization becomes the most important concern for countries which are performing economic transition. As so, the thesis is focused on stabilization sphere, and the factors of inflation and western aids that brought mutual influences to stabilization. Under this framework, the first chapter includes the research motives and objectives, the research framework, chapter arrangements, and the advantages and disadvantages of relevant literature. The second chapter describes Russian and Argentina’s historical background before the economic transition, and we also analyze the hints left by the Soviet Union and Argentina military government. The third one, we focus on the effects of stabilization program in Russian and Argentina economic transition, through the interaction of election’s cycle and both countries’ leader: Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Raúl Alfonsín, Carlos Menem, Fernando De la Rua. The fourth chapter analyzes the interaction among inflation and western aids with country’s economic transition, we also point out the inflation and western aids’ performances under different periods of stabilization program, and how they come back to influence the formulation of the stabilization program. The fifth one is the conclusion.
We come to conclusion that the balance of power among the Parliament, Government, and Western International Organizations decide the tendency of Russian and Argentina’s economic stabilization, and the key to bring the country economic growth is to settle a stable economic policy. Now, under Putin’s strong leadership, Russian has started to get over from the shadow of 1998 crisis. But Argentina with the guidance of the new president Nestor Kirchner, whether the country will be lead to a revival and growth way or not, it will still remain under the question.
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IMF的援俄計劃與俄羅斯政經發展關係之研究(1992-1999) / The Interacting Relationships between the IMF’s Aid Program and Russia's Political and Economic Developments張瀚心, Chang, Han-Shin Unknown Date (has links)
1991年底蘇聯的解體,使得俄羅斯的政治體制由一黨專政走向多元民主,其經濟體制也從過去以社會主義所有制轉變為市場經濟體制。在俄羅斯進行政經轉型的初期,國際貨幣基金會(International Monetary Fund;以下均簡稱為IMF)以龐大的金援為後盾,介入俄羅斯的政經發展,對俄羅斯的制度抉擇有著深遠的影響。因此,本文旨在透過剖析IMF1992年至1999年間援俄計劃的形成過程、內容、俄羅斯決策當局對IMF援俄計劃的回應,以及影響俄羅斯決策當局的因素,探究IMF援俄計劃與俄羅斯政經發展的互動關係。
本論文主要採用「系統理論」(the Systems Theory)的研究途徑,探討IMF的援俄計劃與俄羅斯政經發展的互動關係。其中,以「議價模式」(the Bargaining Model)說明在IMF援俄計劃的形成過程中,IMF的組織成員,主導IMF政策走向的美國、英國等已開發國家,以及俄羅斯當局三者的角力過程。最後,再以「克里姆林宮政治研究途徑」(Kremlin Politics approach)敘探俄羅斯決策當局回應IMF要求時的考量因素。在此研究架構下,本論文第一章除說明研究動機與目的、研究架構與途徑、研究限制外,還介紹與研究題目相關的文獻,並指出過去文獻所未考量之處,以做為論文研究之基礎;第二章續述IMF的運作概況,探討影響IMF援俄計劃形成的可能因素;第三章闡述俄羅斯的初始條件、IMF援俄計劃的內容、俄羅斯當局的回應,以及IMF援俄計劃所帶來的成效與弊端;第四章則論述1992年至1999年俄羅斯的政經發展,並指出IMF的援俄計劃對俄羅斯政經發展的影響;第五章為結論。
本論文的結論是,雖然俄羅斯的政經發展會相互影響,但是對俄羅斯的決策當局而言,政治的穩固比經濟發展路線的選擇更為重要。IMF在1992年至1999年間許多關鍵時刻對葉爾欽表示支持,使葉爾欽在多次的政爭中仍得以保有政權;而葉爾欽為獲得IMF的金援,自然會推動其所要求的市場經濟體制。因此,儘管俄羅斯的經濟改革迭有波折,但是市場經濟體制在俄羅斯生根已是無庸置疑。 / The collapse of the Soviet Union has led Russia from one-party dictatorship to plural democracy in politics and from socialistic ownership to free-market system in economy. During the initial period of Russia’s political and economical transformation, International Monetary Fund, backed up by the huge-amount loans, interfered with Russia’s political and economical developments, giving impact upon the choice of institutions in Russia. Therefore, this thesis is aimed to understand the interacting relationships between IMF’s aid program and Russia’s political and economical developments, by analyzing the forming process and content of IMF’s aid program toward Russia from 1992-9, the response of the Russian authorities toward IMF’s aid program, and the factors that influenced the Russian authorities to make their policies.
The thesis adopts the Systems Theory as its research approach to discuss the interacting relationships between the IMF’s aid program and Russia’s political and economical developments. Meanwhile, I use the “Bargaining Model” to explain the wrestling process among IMF’s staff and personnel, the countries dominating IMF’s direction of policies, like the US and the UK, and the Russian authorities. Finally, I further focus on the factors that the Russian authorities considered in response to IMF’s demands. The first chapter includes the research motives and objectives, the research frameworks and approaches, the research restrictions, and the relevant literature. The second one mentions the general situation of IMF and the factors that may influence the forming of the IMF’s aid program toward Russia. The third one specifies the initial conditions in Russia, the content of the IMF’s aid program, the Russian authorities’ responses, and the effect and the problems that the IMF’s aid program may bring out. The fourth one points out the impact that the IMF’s aid program put upon the Russia’s political and economical developments. The fifth one is the conclusion.
The conclusion is that though politics and economy influence each other in Russia, the stable political situation is more important than the choice of economic developments for the Russian authorities. IMF’s support for Boris N. Yeltsin on many key occasions from 1992 to 1999, allowed him to retain his power. And Yeltsin naturally promoted the market economy that IMF required for getting its loan. Therefore, despite the continuing difficulties in Russia’s economic reform, it’s no doubt that the market economy has taken root in Russia.
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俄羅斯亞太軍事安全戰略之研究(1991~2003)王孟剛, Wang Mon-gon Unknown Date (has links)
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論俄羅斯聯邦的經濟改革:一九九一年至一九九七年 / The economic reform of Russian federation: 1991-1997王金雄, Wang, Chin-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
在研究過程中筆者發現,俄羅斯的經濟改革往往與俄羅斯政治的權力鬥爭相互影響。經濟改革並非是單純的經濟改革,往往是政治因素左右了俄羅斯的經濟政策走向;而政治勢力的消長,亦因為經濟表現的優劣而隨之消長。尚有相當多的因素影響到俄羅斯的總體經濟表現,諸如:社會治安因素、外援、通貨膨脹等等。因此,政治的考量打亂了經濟改革的原有計劃除此之外.加上上述各方面的影響之下,俄羅斯的經濟成長根本無法如預期般地好轉,即使時至今日也難以紓緩。 / The main role of this thesis is the Economic Reform of Russian Federation, from 1991 to 1997. This thesis applies the Kremlin politics approach and the historical approach to analyze the Russian economic reform program, and discusses the impact of domestic and international political factors on reform from a political economy perspective.
There are five chapters in this thesis.
Chapter One is introduction ,which include the problems, purpose, scope and the approaches of this thesis. Chapter Two is the motives of Russia economic reform. Chapter Three is the contents of Russia economic reform from 1991 to 1997.Chapter Four is the results and impacts of Russia economic reform. Chapter Five is conclusion of this thesis.
After discuss this thesis, the author find that reform has resulted in a large slide in living standards, a big jump in inflation, and critical deviation in the distribution of the wealth between rich and poor. The basic reason is that the Russian government has not been able to take positive control of economic activity, as the process of privatization and the redistribution of national wealth has created mistakes. National enterprises have fallen under the hands of bureaucratic and managerial apparatus from the beginning of the privatization. Economic reform has also involved some problems, including a huge debts, capital outflow, increasing crime, growing unemployment, and heavy export dependence on raw materials and energy. Although the policy of economic reform has been revised several times, it still has not deviated from its basic design. Official economic developmental strategy thus seems to have a gap with the factual situation, with the role of the government not yet strengthened. In the next ten years, it will therefore be difficult for the Russian economy to quickly develop, though it possesses tremendous potential and resources.
After reviewing the political and economic developments of Russia from 1991 to 1997, it is determined that political factors and President Yeltsin himself are the major culprit that forestalled the realization of reform goals.ln short, political considerations disrupted the original reform plan. As a result, Russia from 1991 to 1997suffered from galloping prices and declining production that have not significantly abated to this date.
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東正教在蘇聯解體前後政教關係之探討(一九八五年至一九九七年) / The exploration of the relationship between Russian politics and the Russian Orthodox Church ,before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union,1985-1997黃雅芳, Huang, Ya-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本文第三章首先題到戈巴契夫在蘇聯境內實行政治與經濟領域之革新,這些政策伴隨官方意識型態之轉變,導致政府宗教政策的大幅修正,政教關係也因此有所突破。此時俄羅斯東正教會再度受到重視,並且可以進行它的復興工作。在蘇聯解體之後,東正教在俄羅斯的政治上依然扮演著重要的角色。在第四章裏我們將探討教會與俄羅斯政府之間如何相互影響。第五章將對本文作一個總結,並討論俄羅斯政教關係可能的發展方向,以及俄羅斯東正教之未來前景。 / This dissertation focuses on the changes in the relationship between the Russian government and the Russian Orthodox Church. The methodology for this thesis is based on the “Politics-Religion Mutuality”Theory and the analysis of documents pertaining to the two related parties. The framework of this study is based upon three essential topics: the history of the church, the evolution of Russian ideology and the religious policies of Russian government.Analyzing these three topics we may find out how the Russia politics-religion relationship changes after the end of 1991.
There are five parts to this thesis. Each part has a chapter devoted specifically to it. In chapter one the methodology and the framework of this dissertation will be expounded. In chapter two the author gives an outline of the history of the relationship between the state and the church. Before 1917 the Russian Orthodox Church was the state church of Russia. Being the official church, the Russian Orthodox Church had many privileges as compared with other denominations, for example, it was exempt from assessments and civic obligations. In the Soviet Union the Russian Orthodox Church lost its monopolistic power and suffered brutal religious persecution. This, however changed when M. Gorbachev headed the government.
Chapter three, the turning point, shows the new policies in political and economic domains within the USSR enacted enforced by Gorbachev. These changes to the official ideology also led to large-scale changed in religious policy. At this time the Russian Orthodox Church became highly regarded again in the USSR and could proceed with its own revival. After the disintegration of the USSR, the Russian Orthodox Church was still highly regarded and played an important role in Russia's politics. In chapter four we investigate how the church and the government influenced each other. In chapter five we conclude with a summery, the possible development of mutuality between the Russian Orthodox Church and the prospects of the Russian Orthodox Church.
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蘇聯解體後俄羅斯遠東與中國東北邊境貿易之研究過子庸 Unknown Date (has links)
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