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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CSR-prestations påverkan på tillgång till kapital : En kvantitativ studie på 272 noterade företag inom EU

Svarfvar, Johanna, Sörell, Erika January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: CSR-prestations påverkan på tillgång till kapital Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Erika Sörell och Johanna Svarfvar Handledare: Jan Svanberg Datum: 2020 – juni  Syfte: Företags sociala ansvarstagande (CSR) blir en allt viktigare fråga i samhället och olika intressenter ställer högre krav på företagen. Det finns olika åsikter om CSR-aktiviteter är en onödig kostnad för företag. Att ha tillgång till kapital är dock av stort värde för alla sorters företag och påverkas av huruvida företag upplever kapitalbegränsningar eller inte, vilket kan mätas på olika sätt. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka om CSR-prestationer kan påverka företags tillgång till kapital, med avseende på kapitalbegränsningar inom EU. Metod: Studien utgår från en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med en hypotetisk-deduktiv ansats. Studien har en kvantitativ design med sekundärdata inhämtad från databasen Thomson Reuters Eikon. Urvalet består av 272 publika bolag inom EU med data för åren 2010–2019. Data har analyserats genom multipla regressionsanalyser i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat och Slutsats: Resultatet påvisar inga tydliga samband mellan CSR-prestationer och de tre undersökta måtten på kapitalbegränsningar: KZ-index, WW-index och SA-index. Gemensamt för dessa är dock att sambanden är svaga. Det finns därmed inga bevis för att bra CSR-prestation skulle ha en positiv påverkan på företags tillgång till kapital, utan kapitalbegränsningar verkar yttra sig olika i olika företag och är därför svårt att mäta.  Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till att utöka forskningen kring CSR-prestation och tillgång till kapital, och signalerar att kapitalbegränsningar är ett komplext mått och att det finns brister i hur kapitalbegränsningar mäts. Studien ger också ett praktiskt bidrag i form av stöd för företag i att engagera sig i CSR eftersom det kan ge positiva effekter för företaget.  Förslag till framtida forskning: Ett förslag till framtida forskning är att utöka studien till att omfatta andra delar av världen men också att undersöka andra mått på CSR-prestation, eller att dela upp ESG-måttet och studera de olika dimensionerna var för sig.  Nyckelord: CSR, ESG, tillgång till kapital, kapitalbegränsningar, KZ-index, WW-index, SA-index / Abstract Title: CSR performance affect on access to capital Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration  Author: Erika Sörell and Johanna Svarfvar Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Date: 2020 – June  Aim: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming an increasingly important issue in the society and various stakeholders place higher demands on companies. There are different opinions about whether CSR activities are an unnecessary expense. Having access to capital is of great value to all kinds of companies and is affected of whether or not the company experiences capital constraints, which can be measured in different ways. The aim of this thesis is to investigate if CSR performance can affect companies’ access to capital, with regard to capital constraints within the EU. Method: The study applies a positivistic research philosophy with a hypothetical-deductible approach. The study has a quantitative research design with secondary data retrieved from the database Thomson Reuters Eikon. The sample consists of 272 public companies within the EU with data for the years 2010–2019. Data has been analyzed in the SPSS statistics program. Result och Conclusion: The results show no obvious relationship between CSR performance and the three measures of capital constraints examined: KZ-index, WW-index and SA-index. A shared characteristic is that the relationship is weak. There is thus no evidence that a good CSR performance would have a positive impact on companies’ access to capital. Capital constraints appear different in all companies and are therefore difficult to measure. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to expanding the research on CSR performance and access to capital, and signals that capital constraints are a complex measure and that there are shortcomings in how they are measured. The study also makes a practical contribution in form of support for companies in engaging in CSR as it can have positive effects. Suggestion for future research: One suggestion for future research is to extend the study to other parts of the world but also to study other ways of measuring CSR performance, or to split the examined ESG Score and study the different dimensions of CSR separately. Keywords: CSR, ESG, access to capital, capital constraints, KZ-index, WW-index, SA-index

Language planning and social transformation in the Limpopo Province: The role of language in education

Rammala, Johannes Ratsikana 22 June 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Thesis (DLitt (Linguistics))--University of Pretoria, 2002. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

Estimated environmental risks of engineered nanomaterials in Gauteng.

Nota, Nomakhwezi Kumbuzile Constance 28 February 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Please refer to full text for abstracts

The development of a high achievement culture at Continental Tyre SA (Pty) Ltd

Zamisa, Sakhiwo Glen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As Continental Tyre SA strives to carve a path towards high performance, it is critical that the nine (9) factors of workplace practices, suggested by David Maister, are embraced fully and become integral part of its strategic direction. To be able to achieve as a world-class low cost producer of quality tyres, Continental Tyre SA will not only upgrade its technology and improve processes, but also the development of its employees to their best ability is imperative. As the study findings have shown, there is an unwavering commitment and enthusiasm from employees at Continental Tyre. Senior management must capitalize on these positive results in building and instilling more pride, by ensuring that employees are empowered and capacitated to fulfill their personal ambitions and the goals of the organisation at large. For Continental to deliver high quality and maintain supreme standards of service as expected by its customers, they have to ensure that all employees, as people who are in the front line of customer service, are equipped with appropriate knowledge to understand all their products and the unique needs of customers. Quality Systems have to be strengthened and updated regularly through audits, so as to align with global best performers. Another critical consideration of people management are coaching and mentorship programs, that serve as a guide and support to employees development processes. Employees must be encouraged to discuss the issues that affect their performance within this relationship. This management practice helps to exploit the full potential of individual employees as they strive to contribute by the achievement of high performance within the organisation. The culture of high performance is enhanced by well managed and effective protege - mentor relationships that are practiced throughout the organisation. With coaching, complex and highly intimidating change interventions are handled with great confidence by employees. Fair compensation and incentive schemes have become a critical part of reward systems, and Continental Tyre SA is no exception. However, for this business practice to achieve its intended objective, reward and motivation, it has to be implemented in an equitable and fair manner, consistent with the efforts and contributions of employees, When fair, compensation will tend to have a postive influence on the other factors. High levels of satisfaction will not be guaranteed by fair compensation only, but employees will enjoy their work more when allowed to be creative and when given the freedom to make decisions that determine how they will do their job best. Continental Tyre can derive satisfaction and encouragement from the outcome of the survey. Real satisfaction will come from financial and market performances that confinm the positive results of the high achievement research study. Lastly, the culture survey must be developed as an organisation practice that will ensure regular, reliable feedback of employee opinions. Not only will Continental Tyre SA be able to maintain and gain loyalty from its present employees with progressive high achievement practices, they will gradually attain the status of employer of choice, thereby attracting ta lented high potential employees. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Continental Tyre SA se strewe na hoë werkverrigting is dit essensieel dat die nege faktore aangaande werkplek-praktyke soos deur David Maisler voorgestel, ten volle aanvaar word om 'n integrale deel van die organisasie se strategie te vorm. Om hul beeld as verskaffers van wereldklas, lae-koste, gehalte bande uit te leef, poog Continental SA nie alleen om tegnologie te verbeter en sodoende prosesse te verhoog nie, maar is die ontwikkeling van die organisasie se werknemers se vermoens van kardinale belang. Bevindinge uit die studie toon 'n intense toewyding en belangstelling onder werknemers by Continental Tyre SA. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat senior bestuur voortbou op die bevinding deur geleenthede te skep vir die bemagtinging van werknemers om hul persoonlike ambisies en doelwitte uit te leef, wat op die lange duur tot voordeel van die maatskappy kan strek. Om te verseker dat Continental Tyre SA diens van hoë gehalte en net die hoogste standaarde lewer, soos deur hul klienle verwag word, moet daar toegesien word dat alle werknemers, wat gewoonlik in die voorste linies is as dit kom by klientediens, toegerus word met die nodige kennis oor produkte asook oor die unieke behoeftes van kliente. Die voortdurende versterking en opgradering van kwaliteitstelsels deur middel van ouditte sal verseker dat in pas gebly word met globale presteerders. In mensebestuur moet daar ook krities gekyk word na afrigting- en mentorskapprogramme, wat kan dien as gids en wat ondersteuning kan verleen aan die ontwikkelingsproses van werknemers. Werknemers behoort aangemoedig te word om kwessies rakende hul prestasies binne hierdie verband te bespreek. Sodanige bestuurspraktyk moedig werknemers aan om individueel tot volle potensiaal te ontwikkel in hul strewe om deur die lewering van kwaliteit werk ook 'n bydrae tot die organisasie te maak. Effektiewe en goedbestuurde protege/mentor verhoudinge wat toegepas word in die hele organisasie verhoog die kultuur van hoë werkverrigting en prestasie. Gekompliseerde en hoogs intimiderende veranderingsintervensies kan met die hulp van afrigting, met groot selfvertroue deur werknemers hanteer word. Billike kompensasie en aansporingskemas het al 'n kritieke deel van besoldiging geword in organisasies en Continental Tyre SA is geen uitsondering nie. As besigheidspraktyk met motivering en vergoeding as doelwit, moet hierdie doelwit in pas met die bydraes en pogings van werknemers, op 'n billike wyse ge'implimenteer word. Indien vergoeding billik is, sal dit neig om ander faktore positief te be'invloed. Billike vergoeding lei nie noodwendig tot hoë tevredenheidsvlakke by werknemers nie, maar werknemers sal hul werk meer genotvol vind indien hulle toegelaat word om meer kreatief te wees en die vryheid gegun word om besluite te neem oor hoe om optimaal te funksioneer in hul werk. Die uitslag van die opname kan dien as aanmoediging vir Continental Tyre SA, wat met reg tevrede daarmee kan wees. Werklike bevrediging sal uitvloei uit die finansiele- en markaanwysings wat die positiewe resultate van die hoogstaande studie-navorsing weerspieel. Ten slotte moet die kultuuropname ontwikkel word tot 'n gereelde, betroubare terugvoering van die opinies van werknemers. In die lig hiervan sal Continental SA nie slegs die lojaliteit en hoë werkverrigtingspeil van sy huidige werknemers handhaaf en behou nie, maar sal die status van werkgewer volgens keuse behaal gaandeweg bereik word en sodoende talentvolle, hoë profiel werknemers gelok word.

A critical assessment of the public investment corporation's corporate governance matrix and case study on the state of corporate governance of the MTN group and Telkom SA limited

Mohlaba, Matseko Frida 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

The creation of an environment conducive to adult distance learning at Technikon Southern Africa

Govender, Dayalan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Distance education is increasingly being regarded as a possible solution for some of South Africa's educational problems. The Literature, however, illustrates no concrete research that has been conducted in terms of the creation of an environment conducive to adult distance learning institutions like Technikon Southern Africa. There are perhaps numerous reasons for this, however being a 'distance learning setting' is probably one the most prominent reasons for not seriously considering the learning environment as both an essential and vital determinant governing the learning process. In this research an interpretative study has been done of the programme group Police Practice of Technikon Southern Africa. The purpose of this study was to establish whether an environment conducive to adult learning does in fact exist in Police Practice and to develop a set of recommendations/criteria which could be used by this programme group of TSA. Various critical questions stimulated this study. These questions were in tum used to generate interview questions, which were used during the interview process. A qualitative approach was followed and data was obtained by means of interviews. The subjects of the study were educators of the programme group Police Practice of Technikon Southern Africa. There were a number .of conclusions drawn from this study. Some of the most prominent of them were as follows: • This is a lack of meaning given to the open / flexible approach. • Considering adult learning principles in distance learning IS of vital importance. • A more personalized approach to distance learning is necessary. • There is a crucial need for in-service training and staff development. • Technological advancements should be adopted with caution. • There exists a need to create a much more challenging environment for learners. Various recommendations were generated from both the conclusions and the literature study of this research. Some of the most important of them were as follows: • An open learning approach should be used. • The implications of adult learning principles should be carefully considered. • Personalising learning through the use of the text should be implemented. • Appropriate in-service training for educators should be made available. • A challenging environment should be created. In addition to this a possible checklist was proposed for the creation of an environment more conducive to adult learning (distance education). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIE SKEP VAN 'N OMGEWING WAT BEVORDERLIK IS VIR LEER AAN TECHNIKON SUIDER-AFRIKA Afstandsleer word toenemend beskou as 'n moontlike oplossing vir sekere Suid-Afrikaan onderwysprobleme. Volgens die literatuur is daar egter geen bewys van konkrete navorsing oor die skep van 'n omgewing wat bevorderlik is vir volwassene onderwysinstansies soos Technikon Suider-Afrika nie. Een van die hoofredes waarom die onderwysomgewing in afstandsonderwys nie as 'n noodsaaklike bepalende faktor in die leerproses beskou word nie is juis dat dit binne 'n "afstandsleer-konteks" val. In hierdie navorsing is 'n interpretatiewe studie van die Programgroep: Polisiepraktyk van Technikon Suider-Afrika uitgevoer. Die doel van die navorsing was om vas te stelof daar wel 'n onderwysomgewing wat bevorderlik is vir afstandsleer by polisiepraktyk bestaan. Verder was die doelook om riglyne te ontwikkel wat deur die Programgroep van Technikon Suider-Afrika gebruik sou kon word. Verskeie kritieke vrae het hierdie navorsing gestimuleer. Hierdioe vrae is op hulle beurt gebruik om vrae wat in die onderhoudproses gebruik sou word, te genereer. 'n Kwalitatiwe benadering is gevolg en die data is deur middel van onderhoude ingesamel. Fasiliteerders/dosente van die Programgroep: Polisiepraktyk van Technikon Suider- Afrika vir die onderhoude gebruik. Verskeie gevolgtrekkings/afleidings het uit die navorsmg gespruit. Van die mees prominente gevolgtrekkings sluit in: • Daar is 'n gebrek aan sinvolheid met betrekking tot oop/plooibare leer. • Dit is duidelik dat volwassene leerbeginsels in afstandsleer belangrik is. • 'n Meer persoonlike benadering tot afstandsleer is noodsaaklik. • Daar is 'n deurslaggewende behoefte aan indiensopleiding en ontwikkeling. • Omsigtigheid in die benadering tot tegnologiese vooruitgang is noodsaaklik. • Daar bestaan 'n behoefte aan die skep van 'n veel meer uitdagende omgewing vir leerders. 'n Aantal aanbevelings is op grond van die gevolgtrekkings en die literatuurstudie van hierdie navorsing gegenereer. Voorts is 'n moontlike kontrolelys vir die totstandkoming van 'n omgewing wat bevorderlik is vir volwassene afstandsleer, voorgestel. Die belangrikste daarvan was die volgende: • Die gebruik van 'n oop-leer-benadering • Die inagneming van die implikasies van volwassene leer-beginsels • Die verpersoonliking van leer deur die gebruik van die teks • Toepaslike indiensopleiding vir opvoeders • Die sken van 'n omgewing wat uitdagings bied.

Transition from Ghaznavid to Seljuq rule in the Islamic East

Bosworth, Clifford Edmund January 1961 (has links)
This thesis deals primarily with the eastern Islamic world during the period 1000-40. It attempts to delineate the structure of the Ghaznavid empire, its personal and administrative aspect (Part I) and its military aspect (Part II). The material used in Part II has already appeared in substantially similar form as "Ghaznevid military organisation" in Der Islam, XXXVI, 1960, 37-77. Against this background, the province of Khurasan under Ghaznavid rule, and in particular, the city of Nishapur, are described (Part III). The irruption of the Seljuqs is treated in Part V. However, a survey of what is known of the Oghuz before these migrations is prefixed to this (Part IV). It summarises presently-held views, attempting to synthesise the work of Central Asian specialists, Turcologists, historians and archaeologists, who alone are competent to investigate at first hand this difficult subject. The scope of the thesis is therefore that of the decline of Ghaznavid power in the west, and it is this aspect which has been concentrated upon, for the early years of the Great Seljuq dynasty have already been extensively covered by such scholars as Cl. Cahen, I. Kafesoğlu and M.A. Köymen, and the administrative system of the Seljuqs has been examined by A.K.S. Lambton in her London University thesis on Seljuq institutions. This thesis has been prepared under the joint supervision of the Rev. Dr. W. Montgomery Watt and Mr. J.R. Walsh, to whom I am greatly indebted for help and encouragement; from the latter, in particular, I have enjoyed much stimulating conversation and judicious guidance through the literature of the period.

Rhétorique égalitariste contre pragmatisme autoritaire : les politiques d'État vietnamiennes et leurs implications pour les Hmong/Dao

Goulet, Caroline January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

The effectiveness of the PMS used for middle-level managers in the SAMHS HQ within Gauteng Province

Dube, Boitumelo Joyce 27 January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.M. (Security))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Graduate School of Public and Development Management, 2013. / Performance Management (PM) is one of the most important formal management tools that organisations use in the evaluation of individual job performances and potential. The organisation uses this tool to arrive at human resource decisions that further the goals of the individual and the organisation. The purpose of this descriptive quantitative study was to investigate the effectiveness of the Public Management Systems (PMS) used for middlelevel managers in the SA Military Health Services (SAMHS) Headquarters in Gauteng Province. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Microsoft Excel statistics functions were used to calculate the totals, produce tables, graphs, and pie charts. The main finding of the study was that “an effective PMS could be implemented fruitfully if the emphasis is on proper implementation”. It was established that although much momentum has been gained with the implementation of the PMS in the SAMHS HQ critical issues such as communication, performance reviews, and performance reward need to be addressed by management.

An employee's perspective of co-branding separation on brand commitment

Munzhelele, Mukundi 11 July 2014 (has links)
The use of co-branding as a strategy has become increasingly important to managers due to saturation in mature markets and the search for growth in emerging nations (Chul, 2009; Helmig, Huber, & Leeflang, 2008; Uggla & Asberg, 2010). In this study, a co-branded joint venture strategy is seen as an enterprise or an organisation introducing a national brand into a foreign market using brands that are successful in that foreign market, thus creating a co-brand (Kuvykaite & Mascinskiene, 2010). Co-branded strategies do not necessarily last for an indefinite period of time and the companies involved may want to separate after some time, particularly when the multi-national firm wants to align subsidiaries under the same corporate identity and brands. This split leads to impacts on a number of different levels including internal stakeholders (e.g. employees), external stakeholders (suppliers, consumers etc.) and the reputation of the firms. It can be argued that employees are the most affected by co-branded ventures above all other stakeholders. Danone Southern Africa is a firm of French origin which entered the South African dairy market through a joint venture with Clover South Africa. The two companies formed the Joint venture, Danone-Clover in 1998 (Abratt & Motlana, 2002), to operate within the fresh dairy produce market (i.e. Yoghurt, Custard and Maas). Whilst the two organisations had formed a joint-venture, Clover South Africa continued to operate separately within the broader dairy and beverages market. Danone subsequently bought out Clover’s share in the joint-venture in 2010 (Danone, 2010), resulting in the two firms no longer having a joint venture operation and functioning as separate entities within the South African market. This study explored the effects of a co-branding joint-venture separation, on the brand commitment of employees of the separated organisation. The study explored the process of the separation from a case study perspective. One-to-one interviews were conducted, with the use of open-ended and semi-structured questions with the responses recorded. The population of the study were employees of Danone Southern Africa, based at the Roodepoort head office. There were two sets of respondents, the first being employees who were part of Danone-Clover and are now employees of Danone Southern Africa. The second were respondents that had only being under the employment of Danone Southern Africa, i.e. joining the organisation post the joint venture separation in 2010. The study made use of judgemental sampling where sample sizes are often determined on the basis of theoretical saturation, as a result 18 respondents were interviewed. The results of the study showed that a co-branding joint venture separation has a negative impact on brand commitment, in that brand commitment decreases after the dissolution of the joint venture. In this specific case study, Danone’s brand performance was not negatively impacted particularly in terms of market share, where Danone is the dominant player within its category. The corporate brand, however, was negatively impacted in terms of external brand recognition, as there is confusion between the Clover and Danone brands with consumers seeing Danone as part of Clover South Africa. The Danone brand, post dissolution, performed well in the marketplace due to the fact that there was high fit between the two organisations that had formed the joint venture, a restraint of trade agreement post the joint venture dissolution, Danone Southern Africa buying the dominant sub-brands from Clover, the inability of competitors to take advantage of the dissolution of the joint venture and manager performance in managing the brand post dissolution. Danone has however, been negatively impacted internally by the dissolution. The organisation has experienced high turnover across senior, middle and junior management, leading to a loss of institutional knowledge. The results also suggest that due to the high fit between the firms, brand promise and understanding of the brand were negated as issues, post dissolution, for Danone. The dominance of the sub-brands also made it somewhat easier for employees to continue to perform, as those brands were already well established within the organisation and the country. The Danone organisation also experienced a negative culture in the eyes of the internal stakeholder, which in part has been a large contributor to the higher turnover. The study also showed that employees who remained with the organisation post the co-branded joint venture separation had higher commitment than employees who joined post the joint venture separation. There were also informal processes for learning within the organisation post dissolution, it was recognised that a more formal and prioritised knowledge management process needed to be started by the organisation. This study has theoretical and managerial implications. Future research could include other geographic territories, industries and a consumer evaluation on the effects of the dissolution. Given that the two organisations will become competitors (from 2015 onwards), it offers an opportunity for a longitudinal study on the two organisations and how they interact (in the areas of brand standing, identity, employee perception, market share and brand interaction with consumers) over the coming years.

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