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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic software updates : a VM-centric approach

Subramanian, Suriya 26 January 2011 (has links)
Because software systems are imperfect, developers are forced to fix bugs and add new features. The common way of applying changes to a running system is to stop the application or machine and restart with the new version. Stopping and restarting causes a disruption in service that is at best inconvenient and at worst causes revenue loss and compromises safety. Dynamic software updating (DSU) addresses these problems by updating programs while they execute. Prior DSU systems for managed languages like Java and C# lack necessary functionality: they are inefficient and do not support updates that occur commonly in practice. This dissertation presents the design and implementation of Jvolve, a DSU system for Java. Jvolve's combination of flexibility, safety, and efficiency is a significant advance over prior approaches. Our key contribution is the extension and integration of existing Virtual Machine services with safe, flexible, and efficient dynamic updating functionality. Our approach is flexible enough to support a large class of updates, guarantees type-safety, and imposes no space or time overheads on steady-state execution. Jvolve supports many common updates. Users can add, delete, and change existing classes. Changes may add or remove fields and methods, replace existing ones, and change type signatures. Changes may occur at any level of the class hierarchy. To initialize new fields and update existing ones, Jvolve applies class and object transformer functions, the former for static fields and the latter for object instance fields. These features cover many updates seen in practice. Jvolve supports 20 of 22 updates to three open-source programs---Jetty web server, JavaEmailServer, and CrossFTP server---based on actual releases occurring over a one to two year period. This support is substantially more flexible than prior systems. Jvolve is safe. It relies on bytecode verification to statically type-check updated classes. To avoid dynamic type errors due to the timing of an update, Jvolve stops the executing threads at a DSU safe point and then applies the update. DSU safe points are a subset of VM safe points, where it is safe to perform garbage collection and thread scheduling. DSU safe points further restrict the methods that may be on each thread's stack, depending on the update. Restricted methods include updated methods for code consistency and safety, and user-specified methods for semantic safety. Jvolve installs return barriers and uses on-stack replacement to speed up reaching a safe point when necessary. While Jvolve does not guarantee that it will reach a DSU safe point, in our multithreaded benchmarks it almost always does. Jvolve includes a tool that automatically generates default object transformers which initialize new and changed fields to default values and retain values of unchanged fields in heap objects. If needed, programmers may customize the default transformers. Jvolve is the first dynamic updating system to extend the garbage collector to identify and transform all object instances of updated types. This dissertation introduces the concept of object-specific state transformers to repair application heap state for certain classes of bugs that corrupt part of the heap, and a novel methodology that employes dynamic analysis to automatically generate these transformers. Jvolve's eager object transformation design and implementation supports the widest class of updates to date. Finally, Jvolve is efficient. It imposes no overhead during steady-state execution. During an update, it imposes overheads to classloading and garbage collection. After an update, the adaptive compilation system will incrementally optimize the updated code in its usual fashion. Jvolve is the first full-featured dynamic updating system that imposes no steady-state overhead. In summary, Jvolve is the most-featured, most flexible, safest, and best-performing dynamic updating system for Java and marks a significant step towards practical support for dynamic updates in managed language virtual machines. / text

Kūdikio saugaus prieraišumo ugdymas šeimoje / Safe child attachment training in family

Znatnova, Elena 14 February 2011 (has links)
Kūdikių saugaus prieraišumo ugdymas susideda iš daugybės vienas su kitu susijusių dalykų. Visų pirma, kad vaikas jaustųsi saugus, jam reikalingi artimiausi žmonės – mama, tėvas. Daugelis šaltinių, neatmesdami tėvo vaidmens, pirmaisiais gyvenimo metais išskiria motinos vaidmenį. Būtent motina kūdikiui esti tarsi malonumų šaltinis. Pirmaisiais gyvenimo metais motinos skatinti natūraliai maitinti naujagimius. Tam net yra kuriami specialūs įstatymai, kurie įvedami kūdikiui palankiose ligoninėse. Per žindymą naujagimis apgaubiamas gerosiomis mamos bakterijomis (mikloflora). Nepertraukiamas pirmasis kūdikio ir mamos kontaktas turėtų tęstis ne trumpiau 2 valandų ar iki to momento, kol kūdikis randa spenelį. Kūdikis atsipalaiduoja, nurimsta. Užsimezga tamprus mamos ir kūdikio emocinis ryšys. Mamos organizme išsiskiriantys hormonai (oksitocinas ir endorfinas) lemia tai, kad pirmosiomis akimirkomis mama jaučiasi itin laiminga. Pastebėta, kad motinų vidinė darna priklauso nuo vidinių išgyvenimų, situacijų. Esant planuotam nėštumui, mamos paprastai pasižymi stipresne vidine darna. Pastebėta, kad motinos, turinčios aukštąjį išsilavinimą pasižymi stipresniu suprantamumo ir kontroliavimo jausmu. Motinos, turinčios daugiau nei vieną vaiką, pasižymi stipresniu prasmingumo ir suprantamumo jausmu. Moterys, linkusios į depresiškumą, nerimą, pasižymi silpnu kontroliavimo bei prasmingumo jausmu, tai gali lemti gimdymo komplikacijas. Atlikus empirinį tyrimą, nepastebėta, kad vaikams būtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / If parents wanted to train Child safe attachment they shoud do a lot of important things. First of all, child should feel safely. Mother and father can create safety of child. Various authors say that mother is the most important person in begining of child life. Also they admited the importance of the father. There are special hospitals, there doctors pay a greater attention to breasting in the begining of baby life. They try to provide parents with a lot of information about breasting. The first contact between baby and his mother and the duration of breasting is so important for future child and mother relationship. Baby calms down, relaxes in this contact with mother. Breasting gives a lot of benefits for child and his mother. During the breasting period child recieves all the good bacterium from his mother‘s milk. The activated hormons leaves a great influence on mother‘s good emotions. The mother‘s self coherence depends on deep inners experience, situations. If baby was planned, the self coherence of mother will be stronger. Mothers with higher education have stronger meaningfulness and comprehensibility components. Mothers which tend to be depressive, feel worry have weak meaningfulness and comprehensibility components. These factors could determine complication of labour. The research had shown that the child common safe attachment. So you can say, that child safe attachment could form in every conditions. The family status has no influence on safe attachment. It was... [to full text]

Design and Case Study Application of a Participatory Decision-making Support Tool for Appropriate Safe Water Systems Development in Marginalized Communities of the Global South

Ali, Syed Imran 18 June 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents the design and case study application of a participatory decision-making support tool for appropriate safe water systems development in marginalized low-income communities of the global South. The tool focuses on the resolution of two key design decisions: 1) selecting the appropriate level of application (i.e. household or community level) for a safe water system; and 2) selecting an appropriate water treatment technology (or technologies). The tool breaks the process down into four stages. First are pre-implementation steps which develop a contextualized, baseline understanding of the local community. Second is community-based field research, including focus groups and key informant/informal interviews, to investigate the two key design questions by exploring local preferences, capacities, and circumstances with community-members, government officers, NGO workers, and other stakeholders. Third are analytical steps to integrate information from baseline, informal, and primary research to generate recommendations on the two key design questions. This includes a comparative analysis of household and community level systems; a technology feasibility flowchart; performance assessments of technological alternatives with respect to appropriate technology criteria; and a multi-factor analysis to integrate information from the preceding analytical steps. Fourth are community forums in which further participatory action and research is planned on the basis of the recommendations emerging from the tool. Through these steps, the decision-making support tool guides implementing organizations through the stages of safe water systems design and planning in a manner that centres local people in the process. The tool weaves together several theoretical and methodological strands including humanitarian engineering, post-normal science, appropriate technology, participatory development, grounded theory, engineering decision-making, and water treatment engineering. The case study application of the decision-making support tool was conducted in a marginalized peri-urban community called Mylai Balaji Nagar in Chennai, India. This indicated that a household level approach is more appropriate for the case study community and that the TATA Swach filter, alum coagulation with chlorination, or boiling, in order of decreasing suitability, may be appropriate technologies for household application in the case study community. / Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Department: School of Engineering Advisor: Hall, Kevin / International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

A sexual education programme designed to encourage safer sexual practices in an era of HIV and AIDS in Wentworth among the youth (age category 15-24) of the Mountain of Fire Global Ministries (MFGM)

Small, Anthony George. 07 February 2014 (has links)
This research paper is designed to introduce a sexual education programme that can be adapted for Mountain of Fire Global Ministries (MFGM), to guide the youth in their safer sexual practices in the era of HIV and AIDS. In view of this, the research paper will build upon other sexual education programmes such as S- safer practices, A- available medication, V- voluntary counseling and testing, E- empowerment through education (“SAVE”), A- abstain, B- be faithful, C- condomize (ABC) and others (INERELA+ 2008:1). Setting the stage to understand the challenge in South Africa for safer sexual practices among youth, the researcher saw it fit to conduct research in his local community of Wentworth. The intention of the research was to get a basic understanding of the HIV and AIDS prevalence among youth and the type of education they were receiving from the local organizations. The interviews conducted in the research demonstrated that there was more of an authoritarian or top-down rather than a grass roots bottom-up approach used by the organizations, which gave the impression that the type of curriculum used was obsolete. The researcher felt that addressing the need for safer sexual practices among youth would have been more effective if the approach was through dialogue. Youth may have felt insecure, believing that some of their needs, inputs or experiences could not be discussed in a top-down approach. Organizations that appeared to be condescending, as well as more superior and intellectually equipped, may have made youth feel inferior and inadequate. The outcome of this approach may have created mixed feelings between the organizations and the youth. A lack of understanding, on behalf of the educating organizations, as to what the youth really required in education on safer sexual practices and what they were experiencing personally, eventually could have led to the youth treating the education lightly. On the other hand, from a Christian education perspective, this research paper ascertained that the youth were being squeezed into a mould where safer sexual practices were not considered. Christian education strongly discourages the practice of sex outside of marriage and teaches that abstaining from sex until marriage is the only commendable way. This type of education creates a distancing and has a great impact on the lives of youth, especially those who are sexually active. Somehow if they do engage in sexual activity, they feel isolated, inferior, unaccepted and inadequate to grow spiritually. The change in their attitude and behavior results from continuous pulpit caution, instead of precaution, on how to manage safe or safer sexual practices. Christian education continues to place fear on the youth about premarital sex and the youth often feel that they are responsible for the consequences that derive from negligence. This research uncovered that Christian education adopted a top-down instead of a bottom-up approach, thus denying the youth the opportunity to express themselves with their experiences and needs when it came to safe or safer sexual practices. In view of the hierarchical approaches of some organizations and Christian education, the youth find themselves under difficult circumstances, whereby they are not given the opportunity to relieve themselves of some of the pressures they face when it comes to safe and safer sexual practices. In light of this struggle to find common ground, Paulo Freire in his book Pedagogy of the oppressed (2003:71-83) introduces some positive methods, such as dialogue, that can broker a relationship between the facilitator and the participants. In addition to this, the International Network of Religious persons with and affected by AIDS (INERELA+) has compiled a “SAVE” Toolkit (2012) that the researcher has included in the research paper, as a guide to walk alongside Freire‟s philosophy of dialogue. This will help to bridge the gap between the facilitators and the participants, and assist them in finding a common ground as they search for social transformation in the context of safer sexual practices. The interviewees mentioned in the research showed a great deal of experience and knowledge, but they were limited in the ABC method they used to educate youth on HIV and AIDS. This method did not cater for those who were beyond this stage, such as those who had contracted the virus. Since the “SAVE” Toolkit is more user friendly, incorporating both the ABC method and reproductive health for those who have contracted the virus to live a positive lifestyle, to blend it with dialogue improves its effectiveness. This proved to be an important finding in the research in terms of the hypothesis which promotes a sexual education programme for safer sexual practices among youth. This will eventually assist youth to develop mindsets that enable them to be more responsible in their sexual behavior. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

Assessment of blood transfusion services in six remote regions in Tanzania

Ndugulile, Faustine Engelbert January 2010 (has links)
Most of the blood transfusion facilities had adequate space, but lacked some of the basic equipment. Blood collected in these facilities was not adequate to meet the blood needs of the regions. These facilities lacked specialised personnel and some of those practicing blood transfusion were not conversant with blood groups, transfusion reactions and the measures to be taken if a reaction occurs. The findings of this study will be used to strengthen blood transfusion services in these hard to reach regions.

Household access to water and willingness to pay in South Africa: evidence from the 2007 General Household Survey

Kimbung,Ngum Julious January 2011 (has links)
<p>This study assesses the present level of household water access and the willingness to pay in South Africa. Although the general literature informs that progress has been made in positing South Africa above the levels found in most African countries, there are some marked inequalities among the population groups and across the provinces, with some performing well and others poorly in this regard. The study looks at the extent to which households differ in terms of water access and willingness to pay according to the province of residence. The study focuses on household heads / male and female, through different social and demographic attributes, by taking account of variables such as age, education&nbsp / attainment, geographic areas, and population group to name but a few. The data used in this study comes from the 2007 General Household Survey (GHS) conducted by Statistics South Africa. The scope is national and employs cross tabulation and logistic regression to establish relationships and the likelihood of living in a household with access to safe&nbsp / drinking water in South Africa. Results presented in this study suggest that the difference is determined by socio- demographic characteristics of each household such as age, gender, population group, level of education, employment status income, dwelling unit, dwelling ownership, living quarters,household size and income. It throws more light as to what needs to be taken into account when considering demand and supply of and priorities for water intervention from the household perspective.</p>

Évaluation de l'implantation d'un programme de prévention des maux de dos chez le personnel soignant des centres hospitaliers du Québec

Taakkait, Hafida January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Intimate partner violence as an obstacle to safer sex practice in South Africa.

Ogunmefun, Catherine Ajibola. January 2003 (has links)
Intimate partner violence is one of the major forms of violence against women, and it contributes to the inability of women to practice safer sex. This study uses a triangulation method to explore the relationship between intimate partner violence and condom use. Secondary data was used for both the quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results from both the quantitative and qualitative analyses revealed that women who report intimate partner violence are less likely to use condom. Other results from the quantitative analysis revealed that women with high socio-economic status are more likely to use condom. However, the qualitative analysis revealed that women experience intimate partner violence irrespective of their socio-economic status. Nevertheless, the two analyses revealed that a woman is less likely to use condom if her partner dislikes it. Moreover, negotiating for condom use could lead to further violence. As a result of this, there is need to target both men and women when addressing the issues of intimate partner violence and safer sex practice. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

Knowledge, attitudes, risk perception and condom use among married men and women in Ntuzuma and Kwadumisa, KwaZulu-Natal.

Dawad, Suraya. January 2003 (has links)
One of the greatest and unresolved challenges that faces mankind today is HIV/AIDS and the effects that it has on people as well as society as a whole. South Africa is one of the countries worst affected by HIV/AIDS, with KwaZulu-Natal being one of the hardest hit provinces in the country. So, this pandemic is having a destructive effect on all spheres of life, and until a cure is found for this pandemic, it will continue to pose a threat to all of humankind. The aim of this study was to look at knowledge, attitudes, risk perception and condom use in two sites in KwaZulu Natal. The reason for doing this was because a study of this nature has not been done in these areas. A pre-existing dataset was used and data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The analysis was done using crosstabulations, frequencies and multivariate logistic regression. The major findings of this study are: (i) both men and women of all ages are knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS and condoms, as well as condom use; (ii) more women perceive themselves to be at risk than do men; (iii) women view condoms more positively than men; and (iv) respondents indicated knowledge and risk perception, but majority of them were not practising safer sexual behaviour. In conclusion, it was observed that knowledge about HIV/AIDS and condoms are universal, however, people perceiving themselves to be at risk are not practising safer sexual behaviours Le. they are not using condoms. / Thesis (M.Dev.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

Condom use among adolescents in KwaZulu-Natal.

Pather, Riashnee. January 2003 (has links)
High rates of adolescent fertility and HIV/AIDS prevalence reflect the significant levels of unprotected adolescent sexual activity in South Africa. Although knowledge and positive attitudes towards condoms are widespread, this has not translated into consistent use of the contraceptive method. This is a worrying situation since condoms are widely being promoted as the best means of dual protection. This dissertation sought to analyse the hypothesis that certain personal characteristics, knowledge and attitudes affect actual condom use. Information and results were based on data from two waves of the Transitions Study, conducted between 2000 and 2001 . Much of the analysis contained in this work was carried out by way of frequencies and cross-tabulations. Binary logistic regression was employed to determine how various factors affected actual condom use. The results of the analysis suggested that age is highly significant in affecting behaviour and this relationship becomes more pronounced with the increase in age. Older respondents, particularly females, were less likely to have used condoms at their last sexual encounter with their most recent sexual partner. Attitudes also proved to be highly significant in determining the probability of condom use. / Thesis (M.Dev.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

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