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Dataskyddsförordningens tillämplighet vid personuppgiftshantering i molntjänster : En studie av Dataskyddsförordningen, utifrån perspektivet användande av molntjänster / The applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation when processing personal data in cloud services : A study of the General Data Protection Regulation, from the perspective of the use of cloud servicesJohnsson, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
För att förbättra säkerhetsarbetet och för att skapa harmonisering inom EU vad gäller skydd av personuppgifter antogs i april år 2016 en ny EU-förordning om dataskydd, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), även benämnd Dataskyddsförordningen. Förordningen börjar gälla som lag i Sverige först den 25 maj år 2018. Införandet av förordningen kommer innebära att Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 95/46/EG av den 24 oktober 1995 om skydd för enskilda personer med avseende på behandling av personuppgifter och om det fria flödet av sådana uppgifter samt Personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) (PUL) upphör att gälla. Det huvudsakliga syftet med Dataskyddsförordningen är att ytterligare harmonisera och effektivisera skyddet av personuppgifter för att förbättra den inre marknadens funktion samt att öka den enskildas kontroll över sina personuppgifter. Dataskyddsförordningen är direkt tillämplig som lag i samtliga medlemsländer och kommer efter ikraftträdande utgöra grunden för generell personuppgiftsbehandling inom hela EU. Det har under de senaste åren blivit allt mer vanligt att företag, organisationer, kommuner och myndigheter använder sig av molntjänster. Molntjänster är intressanta ur ett juridiskt perspektiv eftersom de mest uppmärksammade juridiska frågeställningarna angående molntjänster är frågor hänförliga till hantering av personuppgifter och säkerhet. I uppsatsen redogörs för införandet av Dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR) utifrån perspektivet företags, organisationer, kommuners och myndigheters användande av molntjänster. I uppsatsen beskrivs även molntjänsters funktioner och egenskaper. Dataskyddsförordningen är nyligen antagen och utgör ännu inte svensk lag, förordningen baseras däremot i stora delar på Dataskyddsdirektivets innehåll och struktur. Dataskyddsdirektivet och PUL studeras därför i uppsatsen för att få en förståelse för bestämmelserna i Dataskyddsförordningen. Molntjänster finns i flera olika tekniska lösningar och är även gränsöverskridande, vilket innebär att användande av molntjänster i vissa fall innebär att personuppgifter överförs till ett tredje land. Uppsatsen behandlar därmed tillämpliga bestämmelser avseende överföringar av personuppgifter till tredje land. Uppsatsen avslutas med en analys och en slutsats. I slutsatsen konstateras att förordningen ger ett förstärkt skydd för den registrerade vid hantering av personuppgifter i molntjänster samt att förordningens utökade territoriella tillämpningsområde innebär att förordningen är bättre anpassad till molntjänstanvändande. Vidare konstateras i slutsatsen att rättsläget för överföringar av personuppgifter till USA med stöd av Privacy Shield-överenskommelsen för närvarande är osäkert.
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Vers un actionnement sûr pour la radiologie interventionnelle robotisée / Toward human-safe actuation for robotized interventional radiologyEsteveny, Laure 09 December 2014 (has links)
En radiologie interventionnelle, l’assistance robotisée permet de limiter l’exposition du praticien aux rayons X et d’apporter plus de précision pour effectuer des opérations complexes. La présence de robots dans un environnement humain pose alors la question de la sécurité du patient et de l’équipe médicale, que ce soit lors d’interactions ou de manipulations. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons dans un premier temps aux problématiques de sûreté. Une structure d’actionnement intrinsèquement sûre est proposée. Le prototype réalisé permet d’effectuer des tâches de positionnement en mode automatique. Parallèlement, une stratégie de guidage basée sur une approche passive est proposée. Un système à raideur variable permet d’imposer un effort résistif variable à l’utilisateur en vue de contraindre son geste. Dans une deuxième partie, nous étudions la possibilité d’intégrer de tels systèmes sur un dispositif à plusieurs degrés de liberté, répondant au problème de placement d’aiguille. / In the context of interventional radiology, robotic-assisted surgery limits practitioners’ exposure to radiations and brings more accuracy to perform complex interventions. However, the presence of robot in the environment is a potential danger for the patient and the medical staff in case of unexpected interactions and manipulations.In this PhD thesis, we first focus on safety problems. An intrinsically safe mechanism is proposed. The achieved prototype allows to follow both planned trajectories and moving environments.Secondly, a guidance mechanism based on a passive approach is suggested. With a variable stiffness system, using a compliant mechanism, a resistive force is applied to the user which allows him to be guided in his gesture.Based on medical needs, we then study the possibility to integrate and generalize such systems to multiple degrees of freedom.
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The empowerment of women through integrating HIV/AIDS issues and literacy at community level.Mashao, Zanele Philadelphia 05 June 2008 (has links)
The aim of this research was to establish the women’s perceptions, opinions and feelings on the practise of safe sex and HIV/AIDS to see if there is correlation between sexual behaviour and the level of education. The ultimate aim was to determine, and to raise awareness of, the need for empowerment of women through integrating HIV/AIDS issues and literacy at the community level. In this study it appeared that gender inequality is among other factors fuelling the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS. Statistics have proven that women are both amongst those infected and have the highest rate of illiteracy. Thus it is important to instil skills, knowledge, values and attitudes (SKVAs) and thus enhance women’s lives. The question that guided the research reported in this study is: How can women be empowered with skills, knowledge, values and attitudes to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS, to better their own lives and to become active change agents in their community? Investigations of this study prompted the researcher to review literature related to empowerment of women. The theoretical foundation discussed the elements related to the research question. Theoretical elements discussed are: empowerment, literacy and HIV/AIDS issues. This literature survey served the purpose of checking the validity of my claim, and returned a “valid” verdict. In the light of the above, a qualitative research methodology was adopted, using personal interviews for data collection. Eight participants were selected by purposive sampling to represent the widest possible range of perspectives, experiences and needs, and the interviews were designed to arrive at a deeper understanding of those experiences and needs. The data gathered were then analysed and findings written up. The findings of this research indicated that women had knowledge about HIV/AIDS and perceived seriousness of the diseases. They were, to an extent misinformed, about the use of condoms and were scared of the repercussions. As such they were exposed to exploitation due to subordination and were eventually vulnerable to contract illnesses. In addition, the factor of gender inequality denies opportunities of empowerment to women, who often encounter direct opposition to their attempts at self-improvement, thereby staying in their “destitute” positions forever. Women interviewed for this study suffered stress and frustration with irresponsible partners. Their multiple roles, as well as household chores, hinder their active participation in any programmes. It is my contention that, to be liberated, women need to be empowered and all forms of discrimination and gender inequality, that block their pursuit of areas of interest, need to be totally eliminated. The women’s responses in the interview contain important suggestions on the needs for empowerment programmes through integrating HIV/AIDS issues and literacy at community level. The study concludes with the recommendations for the need for empowerment programmes. / Dr. M.C. van Loggerenberg
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Assessment of blood transfusion services in six remote regions in TanzaniaNdugulile, Faustine Engelbert January 2010 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Most of the blood transfusion facilities had adequate space, but lacked some of the basic equipment. Blood collected in these facilities was not adequate to meet the blood needs of the regions. These facilities lacked specialised personnel and some of those practicing blood transfusion were not conversant with blood groups, transfusion reactions and the measures to be taken if a reaction occurs. The findings of this study will be used to strengthen blood transfusion services in these hard to reach regions. / South Africa
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Household access to water and willingness to pay in South Africa: evidence from the 2007 General Household SurveyNgum, Kimbung Julious January 2011 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / This study assesses the present level of household water access and the willingness to pay in South Africa. Although the general literature informs that progress has been made in positing South Africa above the levels found in most African countries, there are some marked inequalities among the population groups and across the provinces, with some performing well and others poorly in this regard. The study looks at the extent to which households differ in terms of water access and willingness to pay according to the province of residence. The study focuses on household heads; male and female, through different social and demographic attributes, by taking account of variables such as age, education attainment, geographic areas, and population group to name but a few. The data used in this study comes from the 2007 General Household Survey (GHS) conducted by Statistics South Africa. The scope is national and employs cross tabulation and logistic regression to establish relationships and the likelihood of living in a household with access to safe drinking water in South Africa. Results presented in this study suggest that the difference is determined by socio- demographic characteristics of each household such as age, gender, population group, level of education, employment status income, dwelling unit, dwelling ownership, living quarters, household size and income. It throws more light as to what needs to be taken into account when considering demand and supply of and priorities for water intervention from the household perspective. / South Africa
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Využití konceptu safe harbour pro stanovení převodních cen / Safe Harbour Concept in Transfer PricingKolář, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Tax administrations worldwide provide taxpayers with favour and offer them the opportunity to set up transfer pricing system according to pre-agreed criteria. When taxpayer´s system complies with, a tax administrator does not dispute the transaction. Any predefined arrangement leading to the recognition of transfer pricing system by the tax administrator can be defined as a safe harbour. It was found out during the review process of current sources, that there is no relevant research available focused on assessing the appropriateness of introducing safe harbour system for both businesses and government. At the same time, even the OECD does not work with data that would conclusively prove the impact of transfer pricing regulation on companies´ behaviour. For this reason, a research was conducted in this area with focus on the potential of safe harbour to affect tax contributions of enterprises. Financial data were rendered from Amadeus database. The impact of safe harbour system was observed on the time series development of taxation of particular cluster. Cluster analysis was selected as the most suitable method for grouping companies.
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Water storage in rural households : intervention strategies prevent waterborne diseasesPotgieter, Natasha 11 December 2007 (has links)
Poor sanitation, unhygienic practices and close living associations between people and animals in rural communities increase the risk of zoonoses and add to faecal contamination of stored drinking water. Point-of-use interventions can improve the microbiological quality of household drinking water and a combination of microbial and chemical indicator tests could identify the origin of faecal pollution. The improvement of the microbiological quality of drinking water in rural households by the implementation of intervention strategies which included the use of traditional storage containers as well as an improved safe storage container (CDC, USA), with or without the addition of a sodium hypochlorite solution were determined. The origin of faecal contamination in the water sources and household stored water were determined using male specific F-RNA subgroup genotyping. This study attempted to assess the survival of indicator microorganisms and selected bacterial pathogens and viruses in the improved safe storage container in borehole and river water samples. An intervention study was conducted in two rural villages utilising different source water. Results indicated that the improved safe storage container without the addition of a stabilized sodium hypochlorite solution did not improve the microbiological quality of the stored drinking water and had counts of indicator microorganisms similar to that found in the traditional storage containers. However, the households using the 1% and the 3.5% sodium hypochlorite solutions have shown an effective reduction in the counts of indicator microorganisms in both the traditional and the improved safe storage containers. The compliance with the use of the sodium hypochlorite interventions ranged between 60% and 100%, which was in agreement with similar studies carried out in other developing countries. One village complied with the intervention while the other village did not. Reasons for this included financial factors, an unsupportive infrastructures and lack of education and knowledge on health risks by the households. Male specific F-RNA bacteriophage genotyping showed that faecal contamination in the water source samples and both the traditional and improved safe storage containers at the point-of-use were primarily of animal origin (Subgroup I). Households using river water had subgroup II F-RNA bacteriophages present in the stored household water, which was associated with human faecal pollution. However, subgroup II F-RNA bacteriophages has been isolated from faeces of cattle and poultry, which indicated that F-RNA subgroup typing might not be a specific tool to determine the origin of faecal pollution in water sources. Laboratory seeding experiments indicated that 1% sodium hypochlorite solution were less effective in reducing heterotrophic bacteria, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Clostridium perfringens, F-RNA bacteriophages and coxsackie B1 virus counts in the improved safe storage containers filled with river water with a high turbidity. However, the 1% sodium hypochlorite solution did reduce the indicator and seeded microorganisms within 60 min in containers filled with borehole water with a low turbidity. The 3.5% sodium hypochlorite solution effectively decreased the numbers of microorganisms to undetectable limits within 60 min in both the borehole and river filled storage containers irrespective of the turbidity values. This study has showed that a combination of intervention strategies can provide rural communities with microbiologically safe drinking water. / Thesis (PhD (Medical Virology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Medical Virology / PhD / unrestricted
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Acculturation Level, Generational Status and Gender: Their Role in Acculturative Stress in Young Adolescent Mexican AmericansManning, Suzanne C. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine relationships between acculturation level, generational status, and gender with acculturative stress. Acculturation level was determined by the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans-II (ARSMA-II) and acculturative stress was determined by the Societal, Attitudinal, Familial and Environmental Acculturative Stress Scale-Children's Version (SAFE-C). Subjects included 1268 Hispanic children ages 11-15. In order to validate the usefulness of the ARSMA-II with this sample, analyses were conducted between acculturation level and generational status. The Pearson product moment correlation (r=.44) and the ANOVA between the mean acculturation score and generational status were significant. However, the mean acculturation score from this study was considerably lower than the ARSMA-II score; therefore, new acculturation levels were developed to establish local adolescent norms for the ARSMA-II. All analyses involving acculturation levels were conducted using both the ARSMA-II and new acculturation levels because 300 subjects were reclassified with the new norms. Significant results were similar using both acculturation levels; however, there were more between group differences using the new acculturation levels. It was hypothesized that as acculturation level increased toward the Anglo culture, acculturative stress would decrease. The one-way ANOVA confirmed this relationship. It was also hypothesized that as generational status increased, acculturative stress would decrease. A one-way ANOVA also supported this hypothesis. In order to replicate previous findings on gender, a one-way ANOVA was conducted with acculturative stress and acculturation level. Results for both were non-significant. Overall findings indicate that generational status and acculturation level have a significant impact on acculturative stress in Hispanic children; however, gender does not seem to be a factor. Findings emphasize the importance of addressing cultural issues in the assessment, intervention, and treatment of acculturating Hispanic children. Furthermore, the ARSMA-II appears to be a useful instrument in assessing acculturation level in young adolescent Hispanics though new local adolescent norms for the ARSMA-II were developed from this study.
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Är Good Enough tillräckligt? : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldraskap framställs i podcasts / Is Good Enough Sufficiently? : A Qualitative Study About How Parenting is Portrayed in PodcastsLarsson, Therese January 2021 (has links)
Att vara förälder i dagens moderna samhälle medför press från delvis samhället men kanske mestadels från sociala medier. Det ställs olika förväntningar på föräldrar och normer kring hur föräldrar ska agera och det finns dessutom olika lagar som styr, som bland annat barnkonventionen och föräldrabalken. Inom socialt arbete så förekommer mycket fokus kring det som inte fungerar hos föräldrar och de avvikande beteenden som finns. Det är likväl omtalat att man som förälder inte behöver vara en perfekt förälder, utan enbart vara tillräcklig. Men hur är man en tillräckligt god förälder som skapar förutsättningar för en god uppväxt och framtid för sitt barn? Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur föräldraskap framställs i podcasts och vilka uppfattningar i podcasts som finns gällande hur man är en god förälder som skapar goda förutsättningar för sitt barn, med kopplingar till anknytningsperspektivet och Winnicott’s begrepp Good enough. Resultatet påvisade att det främst handlar om att vilja spendera tid med sina barn, samt att de inte alltid behöver vara roliga saker utan att det är tillräckligt med att involvera barnet i de vardagliga sysslor som finns. Det påvisade även så länge man gör allt i sin makt för sina barn och vill deras bästa, så gör det ingenting om det inte blir helt bra ibland. Föräldrar kommer inte vara helt perfekta, de kommer bli arga på sina barn, men så länge föräldrarna för en dialog med barnet efteråt så går det att reparera. Det handlar med andra ord om att vilja sitt barns bästa, vilja umgås med dem samt finnas till för dem. / Being a parent in todays modern society brings pressure from partly society but perhaps mostly from social media. There are different expectations of parents and norms about how parents should act and there are also different laws that govern, such as the convention on the rights of the child and the code on parents and children. In social work there is a lot of focus around what does not work in parenting and the deviant behaviours that exist. Nevertheless, it is mentioned that as a parent you do not have to be a perfect parent, but only be good enough. But how are you a good enough parent that create good conditions for a good upbringning and future for their child? The purpose of this study was to investigate how parenting is portrayed in podcasts and what perceptions in podcasts that exist about how to be a good parent who create good conditions for their child, with links to attachment theory and Winnicott’s concept of good enough. The results showed that it is mainly about wanting to spend time with their children, and that they do not always have to be fun things but it is enough to involve the child in the everyday chores that exist. It was demonstrated even as long as you do everything in your power for your children and want their best, it does not do anything if it does not turn out completely well sometimes. Parents will not be completely perfect, they will be angry with their children, but as long as the parents have a dialogue with the child afterwards, it is possible to repair. In other words, it is about wanting the best interests of your child, wanting to socialize with them and be there for them.
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Měření jízdních manévrů vozidel hromadné přepravy osob, pro stanovení komfortní a bezpečné jízdy / Measuring the Manoeuvres of Public Transport Vehicles to Determine a Comfortable and Safe RideHlavová, Vendula January 2017 (has links)
The comfort perceived by passengers during transport in public transport plays a vital role, and its improvement can lead to attracting more customers. For this reason, there is a constant effort to improve the comfort of the passenger. This thesis deals with the objective measurement of the maneuvers of MHD in Brno (tram, trolleybus, bus) with the XL Meter and together with the subjective evaluation of the standing and sitting figurant, determines the limit values of longitudinal and transverse acceleration for comfortable ride and dangerous ride, which can lead to accidents to passengers.
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