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Limite de escala do modelo de armadilhas numa árvore / Scaling limit of the trap model on a treeGava, Renato Jacob 21 October 2011 (has links)
Nós apresentamos o processo K numa árvore, que é um processo de Markov com estados instantâneos e generaliza o processo K no grafo completo, como o limite do modelo de armadilha numa árvore, e aplicamos esse resultado para derivar um limite de escala para o modelo de armadilha do GREM. / We present the K process on a tree, which is a Markov process with instantaneous states and generalises the K process on the complete graph, as a limit of the trap model on a tree, and apply this result to derive a scaling limit to the GREM-like trap model.
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Homem e obesidade - excesso e faltas: corpos que contam histórias / Man and obesity excess and paucity: (the) bodies that tell stories.Conejo, Simone Peixoto 29 April 2009 (has links)
Este estudo buscou compreender a associação entre obesidade e variantes da eficácia da adaptação em homens adultos entre 30 e 50 anos. Utilizou como instrumentos a Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada Revisada (EDAO-R), a Entrevista Preventiva, a Escala de Avaliação Global do Funcionamento (AGF) e a Escala Toronto de Alexitimia (ETA-20). Contou com a colaboração de quatro sujeitos do sexo masculino, com idades entre 30 e 42 anos. Três sujeitos participaram desse estudo por meio da empresa em que trabalham e um foi contatado por intermédio de um profissional de saúde. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a obesidade está associada, predominantemente, a aspectos afetivos. Entre os setores adaptativos prepondera, então, como o mais importante, o setor Afetivo-Relacional. Todos apresentaram esse setor como pouquíssimo adequado. A pouquíssima adequação encontrada nesse setor repercute, nesses sujeitos, no setor Orgânico. O setor Produtivo também recebe interferências e apresenta prejuízos em dois dos participantes do estudo. Deste modo, concluímos que os fatores emocionais corroboram com a instalação e manutenção da obesidade. / This study aimed to understand the association between obesity and effectiveness variants of adaptation in male adults between 30 and 50 years old. It used as instruments the Operational Adaptive Diagnostic Scale Revised (OADS-R), the Preventive Interview, the Global Assessment Scale of Functioning (GAF), and the Toronto Scale of Alexithymia (TSA-20). It had the cooperation of four male subjects, aged between 30 and 42. Three subjects took part in this study through the company where they worked, and one was contacted by a health professional. The results show that obesity is mainly associated with affective aspects. Among adaptive sectors, therefore, the Affective-Relational sector preponderates as the most important one. They all presented this sector as considerably inappropriate. This very little appropriation reverberates, in these subjects, in the Organic sector. The Productive sector also receives interferences and presents damages in two participants of the study. Consequently, we came to the conclusion that emotional factors corroborate with obesity presentation and maintenance.
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Técnicas computacionais para a implementação eficiente e estável de métodos tipo simplex / Computational techniques for an efficient and stable implemantation of simplex-type methodsMunari Junior, Pedro Augusto 06 March 2009 (has links)
Métodos tipo simplex são a base dos principais softwares utilizados na resolução de problemas de otimização linear. A implementação computacional direta destes métodos, assim como são descritos na teoria, leva a resultados indesejáveis na resolução de problemas reais de grande porte. Assim, a utilização de técnicas computacionais adequadas é fundamental para uma implementação eficiente e estável. Neste trabalho, as principais técnicas são discutidas, com enfoque naquelas que buscam proporcionar a estabilidade numérica do método: utilização de tolerâncias, estabilização do teste da razão, mudança de escala e representação da matriz básica. Para este último tópico, são apresentadas duas técnicas, a Forma Produto da Inversa e a Decomposição LU. A análise das abordagens é feita baseando-se na resolução dos problemas da biblioteca Netlib / Simplex-type methods are the basis of the main linear optimization solvers. The straightforward implementation of these methods as they are presented in theory yield unexpected results in solving reallife large-scale problems. Hence, it is essencial to use suitable computational techniques for an efficient and stable implementation. In this thesis, we address the main techniques focusing on those which aim for numerical stability of the method: use of tolerances, stable ratio test, scaling and representation of the basis matrix. For the latter topic, we present two techniques, the Product Form of Inverse and the LU decomposition. The Netlib problems are solved using the approaches addressed and the results are analyzed
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Convergência de modelos de armadilhas no hipercubo / Convergence of trap models in the hypercubeLima, Paulo Henrique de Souza 22 February 2007 (has links)
Derivamos resultados para o Modelo de Armadilhas de Bouchaud no hipercubo a baixa temperatura. Este é um passeio aleatório simples simétrico em tempo contínuo que espera um tempo exponencial com taxa aleatória com distribuição no domínio de atração de uma lei estável de expoente menor do que 1. Os resultados recaem sobre o processo limite chamado K-processo, basicamente, um processo markoviano em um espaço de estados enumerável que entra em qualquer conjunto finito com distribuição uniforme. / We derive results for the Bouchaud trap model in the hypercube at low temperature. This is a continuous-time simple symmetric random walk on hypercube that waits a exponetial time with a random rate with distribution in the domain of attraction of a stable law of exponent lower than 1. The results arise to a scaling limit called k-process, roughly, a Markov process in a denumerable state space which enters finite sets with uniform distribution.
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Três estudos usando a Escala centiMax de Borg® (Escala CR de Borg®, CR 100, cM) para o escalonamento de sintomas depressivos / Three studies using The Borg centiMax Scale® (Borg CR Scale®, CR100, cM) for scaling depressive symptomsMagalhães, Adsson 17 July 2017 (has links)
Pensando nas milhoes de pessoas que sao afetadas mundialmente pelos transtornos depressivos (322 milhoes, sendo mais de 11 milhoes no Brasil e quase 450 mil na Suecia), tentamos criar um instrumento para avaliar depressao de forma mais eficaz. Em geral, os transtornos depressivos sao caracterizados por tristeza, perda de interesse/prazer, sentimentos de culpa ou baixa autoestima, disturbios no sono e apetite, sentimentos de cansaco, e baixa concentracao. Alem dos criterios diagnosticos, diversos instrumentos avaliam quadros depressivos. Utilizamos o Inventario de Depressao de Beck para validar a Escala CR100 de BorgR para o escalonamento de sintomas depressivos. As Escalas de Borg comecaram a ser desenvolvidas na decada de 60 para avaliacao do esforco percebido. A CR100 e uma escala de 0 a 100, com categorias verbais posicionadas de acordo com uma escala numerica gerando dados de razao. Esse tipo de escala tem diversas vantagens, como permitir a comparacao entre e dentre sujeitos e grupos, criacao de perfis de sintomas, analise de sintomas individualmente e a razao de intensidade entre eles. Essa tese consta de tres artigos usando a CR100. O Estudo I investigou as propriedades da CR100 comparada ao BDI. Cinquenta estudantes de Psicologia suecos responderam a um questionario online e os resultados mostraram uma alta correlacao entre as duas escalas (r = 0.754, p < 0.001), demonstrando que a Escala de BorgR avalia depressao tao bem quanto o BDI, entretanto fornece mais resultados. O perfil de sintomas gerado e muito mais detalhado do que o BDI, alem dos dados serem mais precisos e nao serem tao sensiveis as transformacoes matematicas. O Estudo II trata-se da validacao da CR100 para o portugues brasileiro e tal qual o Estudo I, da aplicacao em 50 estudantes brasileiros. Os resultados tambem apontam a alta correlacao entre as escalas (r = 0.824, p<0,001) com todas as caracteristicas se mantendo em ambas as nacionalidades A primeira analise de confiabilidade revelou um alto valor de alfa (entre 0.952 e 0.947) e R2 (entre 0.778 e 0.976), maiores que o BDI. O Estudo III teve como principal objetivo investigar propriedades psicometricas da CR100 em participantes depressivos (N=25) e - 10 - saudaveis (N=25), e encontrar pontos de corte para depressao leve, media e severa. A analise de confiabilidade da Escala revelou um indice alpha de 0.954 e por meio de uma reducao fatorial, os 32 itens foram agrupados em sete componentes. Tambem foi possivel construir um perfil de sintomas entre as duas populacoes corroborando a sensibilidade da CR100 em diferenciar populacao saudavel e com depressao em um intervalo de confianca de 95%. Um indice da razao entre pacientes e sujeitos saudaveis pode ser criado, gerando uma mini escala com oito itens, com um valor alpha de 0.80, e correlacao com a escala completa de r = 0.915 (p <0.001) e com o BDI de r = 0.820 (p<0,001). Os tres estudos revelaram resultados satisfatorios que vao ao encontro do que ja foi corroborado pelas pesquisas com as Escalas de BorgR. Demonstrou-se tambem ser possivel fazer o uso da CR100 para avaliar sintomas depressivos com mais informacoes e cujos dados sao mais precisos do que os instrumentos analisados / Thinking about the millions of people who are affected worldwide by depressive disorders (322 million, more than 11 million in Brazil and almost 450.000 in Sweden), we tried to create an instrument to assess depression more effectively. In general, depressive disorders are characterized by sadness, loss of interest/pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-esteem, changes in sleep and appetite, tiredness, and low concentration. In addition to the diagnostic criteria, several instruments evaluate depressive disorders. We used the Beck Depression Inventory to validate the Borg CR100 ScaleR for scaling depressive symptoms. The Borg ScalesR were developed in the 60\'s for the evaluation of perceived exertion. The CR100 is a scale from 0 to 100, with verbal categories placed in agreement with the numerical scale so as to obtain ratio data. This type of scale has several advantages, such as allowing comparison between and within subjects and groups, creating symptoms profile, analyzing individual symptoms and the intensity ratio between them. This thesis consists of three papers using the CR100. Study #1 investigated the properties of CR100 compared to BDI. Fifty Swedish students of Psychology answered an online questionnaire and the results pointed a high correlation between the two scales (r = 0.754, p <0.001), demonstrating that the Borg Scale evaluates depression as well as the BDI, providing more results though. The symptom profile generated was much more detailed than the BDI, in addition, the data was more accurate and not that sensitive to mathematical transformations. Study #2 looked after the validation of CR100 for Brazilian Portuguese and, like #1, the application in 50 Brazilian students. The results also pointed to the high correlation between the scales (r = 0.824, p <0.001) with all characteristics preserved in both nationalities. The first reliability analysis revealed a high alpha value (between 0.952 and 0.947) and R2 (between 0.778 and 0.976), higher than the BDI. The aim of Study #3 was to investigate the psychometric properties of CR100 in depressive (N = 25) and healthy participants (N = 25), and to find cutoff points for light, medium and severe depression. The reliability analysis of the Scale revealed an alpha of 0.954 and by running a factorial reduction, - 12 - the 32 items were grouped into seven components. It was also possible to construct a profile of symptoms between the two populations verifying the sensitivity of CR100 to differentiate healthy from depressive population, in a 95% confidence interval. An index of the ratio between patients and healthy subjects could be created, generating a mini scale with eight items with an alpha value of 0.80 and correlation with the full scale of r = 0.915 (p <0.001) and with the BDI of r = 0.820 (p <0.001). The three studies have shown satisfactory results that match with what has already been demonstrated by researches with the Borg ScalesR. It has also been presented the possibility of using the CR100 to assess depressive symptoms with more information and which data are more accurate than the instruments analyzed
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Percepção subjetiva de tempo durante a apreciação de música erudita ocidental: uma análise multidimensional / Subjective time perception during the appreciation of western erudite music: a multidimensional scalingCocenas Silva, Raquel 24 August 2009 (has links)
A música tem sido utilizada na pesquisa de percepção subjetiva de tempo por apresentar características de estrutura temporal, como o ritmo, o andamento, os acentos musicais, entre outros. A combinação destes elementos durante a escuta musical suscita a ativação de processos de atenção e memória envolvidos no processamento da percepção temporal. Face à diversidade de elementos que compõem a estrutura da música erudita ocidental, a utilização de uma análise multidimensional (MDS) tem contribuído para a pesquisa na área de cognição musical uma vez que delimita dimensões a partir de uma representação perceptual. A MDS provém de uma família de técnicas de análise de proximidade de dados, que é obtida por meio do julgamento do participante, que compara vários objetos (estímulos) em vários traços (elementos), concomitantemente. A utilização desta técnica visou identificar dimensões que influenciaram a percepção subjetiva de tempo durante uma tarefa de apreciação musical. 48 participantes (músicos e não músicos) ouviram 16 trechos musicais (20 segundos) do repertório erudito ocidental e os associaram às durações de 16, 18, 20, 22 e 24 segundos. Através da MDS foi gerada uma solução bidimensional representando a distribuição dos trechos musicais em função do julgamento de similaridade temporal. Uma análise musicológica foi realizada para avaliar os elementos musicais comuns encontrados nos trechos agrupados próximos. Foram identificados os elementos andamento, intensidade, densidade timbral e tensão, tanto para os músicos como para os não músicos. Foram identificadas duas dimensões complementares, 1) tensão e densidade timbral e 2) andamento e intensidade para os participantes músicos e 1) andamento e intensidade e 2) densidade timbral para os participantes não músicos, como responsáveis pela alteração na percepção subjetiva de tempo durante a apreciação de música erudita ocidental. / Music has been used in the research of subjective time perception because of its characteristics of temporal structure, as the rhythm, the tempo, the musical accents and others. The combination of these elements during musical listening task excite the activation of attention and memory processes involved in processing of the temporal perception. Due to the diversity of parameters which compose the structure of western erudite music, the use of a multidimensional scaling (MDS) contributed for the research in the musical cognition area once delimits dimensions from a perceptual representation The multidimensional scaling (MDS) comes from a family of analysis techniques of data proximity which is obtained by the participant judgment who compares some objects (stimuli) in some traces (elements), concomitantly. The use of this technique aimed at to identifying dimensions that influenced the subjective time perception during a musical appreciation task. 48 participants (musicians and non-musicians) were listen 16 musical excerpts (20 seconds) of the western erudite repertoire and associate them with the durations of 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 seconds. Through the MDS a 2 dimensional solution was generated representing the distribution of the musical excerpts in function of the time similarity judgment. A musicology analysis was carried out to evaluate the common musical elements found in the grouped excerpts. It was identified the elements tempo, intensity, timbral density and tension, as much for the musicians as for non musicians. Two complementary dimensions had been identified, 1) tempo and intensity and 2) tension and timbral density for the participants musicians and 1) tempo and intensity and 2) timbral density for the participants non musicians, as responsible for the alteration in the subjective time perception during the appreciation of western erudite music.
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Escalonamento de painéis reforçados sujeitos a cargas de impacto. / Scaling of reinforced panels subjected to impact loads.Mazzariol, Leonardo Monteiro 05 October 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação avalia a aplicação de leis de similaridade distorcidas no contexto de impacto estrutural. A análise se apoia em um estudo teórico, numérico e experimental do impacto de um indentador contra um painel duplo. O modelo analítico descreve de forma simplificada o comportamento de partes desta estrutura e as simulações numéricas reproduzem os ensaios experimentais que utilizam um protótipo (tamanho real) e modelo (escala reduzida). A diferença nas propriedades mecânicas do material de construção do modelo e protótipo é considerada no procedimento de escalonamento, bem como os efeitos de escala por causa da taxa de deformação. Ainda, diante das limitações do aparato experimental, é desenvolvida uma formulação para as leis de similaridade que permite variações da massa impacto e da velocidade inicial do elemento impactante no ensaio. Dessa forma, apresenta-se um procedimento que permite inferir o comportamento de estruturas em tamanho real sob carregamento de impacto através do uso de estruturas em escala, mesmo com as limitações de aparato ou diferenças das propriedades mecânicas do material. / This work evaluates the distorted similarity laws applied in structural impact. The analysis is based in theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of the impact of an indenter to a reinforced panel. The theoretical approach describes, in a simplified manner, the behaviour of the structure components while the numerical analysis reproduces the experiments performed in two scales: prototype (large scale) and model (small scale). Although the panels are made of different materials, this mismatch in mechanical behaviour is taken into account in the scaling procedure, as well as the scale effects due to strain rate. A formulation that allows flexibility in experiment variables such as initial velocity and impact mass is developed due to experimental apparatus limitations. In general lines, is developed a procedure allowing to infer the behaviour of a large scale structure under impact load using scaled structures, while using different materials for prototype and model and respecting the experimental apparatus limits.
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Asia's Materialists: Reconciling Collectivism and MaterialismAwanis, Sandra, Schlegelmilch, Bodo B., Chi Cui, Charles 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Materialism has an ugly face. The dominant view of materialism regards materialists as self-prioritizing individuals who oppose collective and prosocial goals in favor of a lifestyle led by money, possessions, and status. The present research argues that there is a side of materialism that is concerned with collective-oriented interests. We examine the nature and consequences of collective-oriented materialism - the belief system that ascribes importance to possessions for their symbolic and signaling capacities to construct desirable social attributes. Drawing from cultural and consumer theories, we find considerable support that materialists espouse a collective-oriented quality to an otherwise self-oriented interest towards possessions.
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Mesh models of images, their generation, and their application in image scalingMostafavian, Ali 22 January 2019 (has links)
Triangle-mesh modeling, as one of the approaches for representing images based on nonuniform sampling, has become quite popular and beneficial in many applications. In this thesis, image representation using triangle-mesh models and its application in image scaling are studied. Consequently, two new methods, namely, the SEMMG and MIS methods are proposed, where each solves a different problem. In particular, the SEMMG method is proposed to address the problem of image representation by producing effective mesh models that are used for representing grayscale images, by minimizing squared error. The MIS method is proposed to address the image-scaling problem for grayscale images that are approximately piecewise-smooth, using triangle-mesh models.
The SEMMG method, which is proposed for addressing the mesh-generation problem, is developed based on an earlier work, which uses a greedy-point-insertion (GPI) approach to generate a mesh model with explicit representation of discontinuities (ERD). After in-depth analyses of two existing methods for generating the ERD models, several weaknesses are identified and specifically addressed to improve the quality of the generated models, leading to the proposal of the SEMMG method. The performance of the SEMMG method is then evaluated by comparing the quality of the meshes it produces with those obtained by eight other competing methods, namely, the error-diffusion (ED) method of Yang, the modified Garland-Heckbert (MGH) method, the ERDED and ERDGPI methods of Tu and Adams, the Garcia-Vintimilla-Sappa (GVS) method, the hybrid wavelet triangulation (HWT) method of Phichet, the binary space partition (BSP) method of Sarkis, and the adaptive triangular meshes (ATM) method of Liu. For this evaluation, the error between the original and reconstructed images, obtained from each method under comparison, is measured in terms of the PSNR. Moreover, in the case of the competing methods whose implementations are available, the subjective quality is compared in addition to the PSNR. Evaluation results show that the reconstructed images obtained from the SEMMG method are better than those obtained by the competing methods in terms of both PSNR and subjective quality. More specifically, in the case of the methods with implementations, the results collected from 350 test cases show that the SEMMG method outperforms the ED, MGH, ERDED, and ERDGPI schemes in approximately 100%, 89%, 99%, and 85% of cases, respectively. Moreover, in the case of the methods without implementations, we show that the PSNR of the reconstructed images produced by the SEMMG method are on average 3.85, 0.75, 2, and 1.10 dB higher than those obtained by the GVS, HWT, BSP, and ATM methods, respectively. Furthermore, for a given PSNR, the SEMMG method is shown to produce much smaller meshes compared to those obtained by the GVS and BSP methods, with approximately 65% to 80% fewer vertices and 10% to 60% fewer triangles, respectively. Therefore, the SEMMG method is shown to be capable of producing triangular meshes of higher quality and smaller sizes (i.e., number of vertices or triangles) which can be effectively used for image representation.
Besides the superior image approximations achieved with the SEMMG method, this work also makes contributions by addressing the problem of image scaling. For this purpose, the application of triangle-mesh mesh models in image scaling is studied. Some of the mesh-based image-scaling approaches proposed to date employ mesh models that are associated with an approximating function that is continuous everywhere, which inevitably yields edge blurring in the process of image scaling. Moreover, other mesh-based image-scaling approaches that employ approximating functions with discontinuities are often based on mesh simplification where the method starts with an extremely large initial mesh, leading to a very slow mesh generation with high memory cost. In this thesis, however, we propose a new mesh-based image-scaling (MIS) method which firstly employs an approximating function with selected discontinuities to better maintain the sharpness at the edges. Secondly, unlike most of the other discontinuity-preserving mesh-based methods, the proposed MIS method is not based on mesh simplification. Instead, our MIS method employs a mesh-refinement scheme, where it starts from a very simple mesh and iteratively refines the mesh to reach a desirable size. For developing the MIS method, the performance of our SEMMG method, which is proposed for image representation, is examined in the application of image scaling. Although the SEMMG method is not designed for solving the problem of image scaling, examining its performance in this application helps to better understand potential shortcomings of using a mesh generator in image scaling. Through this examination, several shortcomings are found and different techniques are devised to address them. By applying these techniques, a new effective mesh-generation method called MISMG is developed that can be used for image scaling. The MISMG method is then combined with a scaling transformation and a subdivision-based model-rasterization algorithm, yielding the proposed MIS method for scaling grayscale images that are approximately piecewise-smooth. The performance of our MIS method is then evaluated by comparing the quality of the scaled images it produces with those obtained from five well-known raster-based methods, namely, bilinear interpolation, bicubic interpolation of Keys, the directional cubic convolution interpolation (DCCI) method of Zhou et al., the new edge-directed image interpolation (NEDI) method of Li and Orchard, and the recent method of super-resolution using convolutional neural networks (SRCNN) by Dong et al.. Since our main goal is to produce scaled images of higher subjective quality with the least amount of edge blurring, the quality of the scaled images are first compared through a subjective evaluation followed by some objective evaluations. The results of the subjective evaluation show that the proposed MIS method was ranked best overall in almost 67\% of the cases, with the best average rank of 2 out of 6, among 380 collected rankings with 20 images and 19 participants. Moreover, visual inspections on the scaled images obtained with different methods show that the proposed MIS method produces scaled images of better quality with more accurate and sharper edges. Furthermore, in the case of the mesh-based image-scaling methods, where no implementation is available, the MIS method is conceptually compared, using theoretical analysis, to two mesh-based methods, namely, the subdivision-based image-representation (SBIR) method of Liao et al. and the curvilinear feature driven image-representation (CFDIR) method of Zhou et al.. / Graduate
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Percepção subjetiva de tempo durante a apreciação de música erudita ocidental: uma análise multidimensional / Subjective time perception during the appreciation of western erudite music: a multidimensional scalingRaquel Cocenas Silva 24 August 2009 (has links)
A música tem sido utilizada na pesquisa de percepção subjetiva de tempo por apresentar características de estrutura temporal, como o ritmo, o andamento, os acentos musicais, entre outros. A combinação destes elementos durante a escuta musical suscita a ativação de processos de atenção e memória envolvidos no processamento da percepção temporal. Face à diversidade de elementos que compõem a estrutura da música erudita ocidental, a utilização de uma análise multidimensional (MDS) tem contribuído para a pesquisa na área de cognição musical uma vez que delimita dimensões a partir de uma representação perceptual. A MDS provém de uma família de técnicas de análise de proximidade de dados, que é obtida por meio do julgamento do participante, que compara vários objetos (estímulos) em vários traços (elementos), concomitantemente. A utilização desta técnica visou identificar dimensões que influenciaram a percepção subjetiva de tempo durante uma tarefa de apreciação musical. 48 participantes (músicos e não músicos) ouviram 16 trechos musicais (20 segundos) do repertório erudito ocidental e os associaram às durações de 16, 18, 20, 22 e 24 segundos. Através da MDS foi gerada uma solução bidimensional representando a distribuição dos trechos musicais em função do julgamento de similaridade temporal. Uma análise musicológica foi realizada para avaliar os elementos musicais comuns encontrados nos trechos agrupados próximos. Foram identificados os elementos andamento, intensidade, densidade timbral e tensão, tanto para os músicos como para os não músicos. Foram identificadas duas dimensões complementares, 1) tensão e densidade timbral e 2) andamento e intensidade para os participantes músicos e 1) andamento e intensidade e 2) densidade timbral para os participantes não músicos, como responsáveis pela alteração na percepção subjetiva de tempo durante a apreciação de música erudita ocidental. / Music has been used in the research of subjective time perception because of its characteristics of temporal structure, as the rhythm, the tempo, the musical accents and others. The combination of these elements during musical listening task excite the activation of attention and memory processes involved in processing of the temporal perception. Due to the diversity of parameters which compose the structure of western erudite music, the use of a multidimensional scaling (MDS) contributed for the research in the musical cognition area once delimits dimensions from a perceptual representation The multidimensional scaling (MDS) comes from a family of analysis techniques of data proximity which is obtained by the participant judgment who compares some objects (stimuli) in some traces (elements), concomitantly. The use of this technique aimed at to identifying dimensions that influenced the subjective time perception during a musical appreciation task. 48 participants (musicians and non-musicians) were listen 16 musical excerpts (20 seconds) of the western erudite repertoire and associate them with the durations of 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 seconds. Through the MDS a 2 dimensional solution was generated representing the distribution of the musical excerpts in function of the time similarity judgment. A musicology analysis was carried out to evaluate the common musical elements found in the grouped excerpts. It was identified the elements tempo, intensity, timbral density and tension, as much for the musicians as for non musicians. Two complementary dimensions had been identified, 1) tempo and intensity and 2) tension and timbral density for the participants musicians and 1) tempo and intensity and 2) timbral density for the participants non musicians, as responsible for the alteration in the subjective time perception during the appreciation of western erudite music.
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