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(You’re not) Welcome to Sweden : En ideologikritisk analys av Sverigedemokraternas flygbladJohansson, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar avstamp i det faktum att ideologi ofta förmedlas via språket och syftet var att skapa förståelse av hur Sverigedemokraterna argumentativt uttrycker ideologi i flygbladet ”NO MONEY, NO JOBS, NO HOME”. Med hjälp av Žižeks ideologikritik och en klassisk topikanalys presenteras följande: Sverigedemokraternas argumentation kretsar till stor del kring en agonistisk uppdelning som visar på ett förakt mot en viss grupp av människor utifrån en uppdelning av ett ”vi” som utgörs av svenskar och ett ”dem” som utgörs av invandrare – där svenskar är det goda och invandrare det dåliga. Vidare utgår argumentationen utifrån att det finns en tydlig syndabock: ideologins symptom som i flygbladet är invandraren. Detta symptom är anledningen till den negativa verklighetsbeskrivning vi får ta del av i flygbladet. Deras argumentation är till viss del implicit vilket kan förstås bero på att partiet inte vill uppfattas som oetiska och därmed förlora förtroende hos sina väljare.
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Extractives from Sitka spruceCaron-Decloquement, Annabelle January 2010 (has links)
The term extractives defines chemical compounds of different classes that can be extracted from wood or bark by means of polar or non-polar solvents. Extractives are derived mostly from the metabolic processes of the tree, particularly the sapwood to heartwood transformation. The first objective of the research was to study the distribution of extractives within Sitka spruce trees at different heights in the trunk, as well as the distribution between bark, rootwood, knotwood, heartwood and sapwood. The second aim of the work was to learn about the influence of yield class, site elevation, North/East location and thinning on the extractives content and composition of Sitka spruce across Scotland. The samples were sawdust obtained in different ways from either discs, knots or roots sawn from Sitka spruce trees freshly cut in the forest, or collected during the coring of trees from 64 sites all around Scotland and northern England. The extraction was carried out on Soxhlet extractors using acetone as solvent. Two analytical techniques were used: gas chromatography and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results of the research showed that the extractive content and composition of Sitka spruce differed according to the type of wood studied with the largest amount detected in bark and the lowest in heartwood and sapwood. The last two types of wood were studied in more detail, showing that the difference in extractive content between heartwood and sapwood was consistent at all heights in the trunk. The chromatographic analysis of heartwood, sapwood, knotwood, rootwood and bark showed that their compositions differed slightly from published data on Norway spruce.
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Public benefits from private forests and woodland in England : investigating the opportunities for public good enhancementUrquhart, Julie January 2009 (has links)
Public goods such as environmental conservation, amenity and carbon sequestration are increasingly emphasised in forest policy agendas. However, many public benefits in woodlands have occurred incidentally, rather than on the basis of socio-economic logic and often at locations relatively inaccessible to major centres of population. In fact, data reveal a concentration of privately owned woodland in densely populated areas, especially in central and southern England, and that woodland is often factored into residential location decisions and lifestyle behaviours. However, the provision of public goods is likely to be contingent on the value systems of private forest and woodland owners and their flexibility of response to measures promoted under the devolved forest strategies. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed to construct a robust typology of private woodland owners with respect to their willingness and ability to deliver public good benefits in three study areas in England: the Lake District, Cornwall and the High Weald AONB. Building on an exploratory scoping study, Q Methodology interviews were conducted with 10 woodland owners in each study area, followed by a self-completion survey, administered using Dillman's Total Design Method. Data from 600 woodland owners was subjected to a Factor and Cluster Analysis, with the emergent model validated using Discriminant Analysis. Six discrete private woodland owner types were revealed: Individualists, Multifunctional Owners, Private Consumers, Conservationists, Investors and Amenity Owners. Important distinctions between owner groups are associated with the likely provision of particular benefits and disbenefits, and the classification suggests that a move from a production versus consumption/protection framework to one that includes intersecting goals may be more appropriate. Policy implications are discussed to facilitate use of the typology in targeting particular woodland owner groups with more nuanced policy mechanisms, including incentive schemes, market mechanisms and advisory services.
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Perfil clínico y laboratorial de las pacientes gestantes con preeclampsia atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen durante octubre 2014 – octubre 2015Guzmán Méndez, María January 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar el perfil clínico y laboratorial de las pacientes gestantes con Preeclampsia en el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen (HNGAI) durante el período Octubre 2014 – Octubre 2015. Metodología: estudio de tipo observacional, diseño descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. Se revisaron 148 historias clínicas de las gestantes con Preeclampsia atendidas en el HNGAI, durante los meses de Octubre 2014- Octubre 2015.
Resultados: Las 148 pacientes fueron diagnosticadas como Preeclampsia Leve (83, 56.1%) y preeclampsia severa (65, 43.9%). Los signos y síntomas más frecuentes fueron: Hipertensión arterial (100%), cefalea (76, 51.4%) náuseas y/0 vómitos (59, 39.9%), los valores de laboratorio alterados en promedio fueron: transaminasas, TGO:61 U/L , TGP: 57 U/L, plaquetas: 111 000 cel/mm3 (moda), proteinuria en 24 horas: 1349 mg/d, relación P/C:1602. La edad promedio fue 32 años y la edad gestacional promedio fue 36 semanas. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron: Sd. HELLP (18, 12.2%) y la eclampsia (8, 5.4%).
Conclusiones: La presentación clínica y laboratorial de la preeclampsia es variada, es importante detectarla y asi disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad que esta abarca.
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The limits of hospitality: The impact of SD on immigration discourses among the Swedish political elite 2006-2016Hasselberg, Disa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is about immigration discourses among the political elite in Sweden. The focus of interest has been to establish if the racist and assimilationist discourses of the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna, SD) has been influential on the political party elite, and more specifically on whom, and how. Parliamentary debates and opinion pieces written by party elites has been the basis of material for the enquiry, covering the time period 2006 – July 2016. As SD had their political breakthrough in 2010, it is assumed that, provided that they have been influential on the immigration discourses of the mainstream political elite, new elements in the elite discourse mirroring the discourses of SD should emerge after 2010. The results show that some of the assimilationist ideas and negative discourses on immigration pre-existed the breakthrough of SD. The elite of the political mainstream articulated a strong resistance towards SD’s discourses during their first election cycle. However, more negative discourses bordering those of SD emerged in tandem to the so called refugee crisis in late 2015. The crisis can thus be understood as a catalyst breaking some of the taboos regarding negative immigration discourses. At the same time, although assimilationist discourses emerged among other elites than SD, they where always presented in much milder forms than SD’s discourses, who remain radically different from the other parties. These assimilationist ideas and discourses where mainly adopted by the right wing parties the Moderates (Moderaterna, M) and the Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna, KD), as well as the Liberal party (Liberalerna, L). I conclude that the adjustments in discourse to that of SD is less than expected, perhaphs as a result of the cordon sanitaire.
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Responding to climate change : policy integration and the Indonesian forestry sectorSuwarno, Yogi January 2017 (has links)
Literature on the integration of cross-cutting issues, or policy integration, has given little attention to how policy-making processes allow for policy integration as well as present barriers. There is also little evidence of how sectoral ministries respond to crosscutting issues and in what way they are affected by pressure to address such issues, including those promoted by ‘competing’ agencies. Climate change presents a significant and important issue for integration into many areas of public policy. Many government ministries and departments are tasked with responding to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. Forestry is a key sector in building a response to climate change and so an investigation into how policy-makers and policy-making processes have responded to climate change can shed light on the integration of cross-cutting issues. The thesis reports on investigation into how the Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia, has responded to climate change and into the organisational arrangements developed in the response to climate change. The research developed an innovative framework for the analysis of policy integration, generating conclusions in relation to the policy process, organisational arrangements and the influence of key actors, including policy champions and boundary spanners.
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Time domain transmission line measurements with the speedy delivery signalZugelter, Joseph Zachary 14 February 2012 (has links)
The Speedy Delivery (SD) waveform does not undergo dispersion in transmission lines. The waveform was first introduced by Dr. Robert Flake in US Patent 6,441,695 B1 issued on August 27, 2002. Use of the SD waveform allows for high precision time domain measurements on transmission lines. High precision time domain reflectometry (TDR) and time domain transmission (TDT) measurements are described. An example measurement is presented. The design of the experimental apparatus is detailed. Voltage bias adjustments are made during measurements to increase the repeatability. Voltage bias adjustments are examined in detail. Efforts to produce short terminated measurements with high precision are included. A technique for performing TDR measurements with highly attenuated signals is presented with results. / text
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Media och Sverigedemokraternas väljare. : En studie om medias gestaltning av Sverigedemokraternas väljare i jämförelse med partiets väljares egna åsikter.Hallgren, Helena January 2013 (has links)
The purpose for this study is to compare two major Swedish daily newspapers “Dagens Nyheter” and “Svenska Dagbladet” and their statements regarding the electors of Sweden Democrats attitude regarding immigrants and immigration policy during the autumn of 2013. The scope was to analyze medias interpretation with the electors of the Sweden Democrats statements and opinions regarding their immigration policy. I have used three different questions to fulfill my purpose; the first one is to describe how media chooses to present the electors of Sweden Democrats opinions regarding immigrants. The second question is to reflect and present the electors own opinions on immigrants and their immigration policies. The final area is to identify similarities and differences with medias interpretation and the electors own statements. The theory which will characterize my study is based on framing, with the purpose to show how media presents the reality. The method I have used for this study is based on both qualitative and quantitative facts were the questions at issue is based on both analyses of released news articles and from gathered statistics. My conclusion is that the electors have more negative opinions against immigrants then the picture media presents.
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Elite im Verborgenen : Ideologie und regionale Herrschaftspraxis des Sicherheitsdienstes der SS und seines Netzwerks am Beispiel Sachsens /Schreiber, Carsten. January 2008 (has links)
Vollst. zugl.: Leipzig, Universiẗat, Diss., 2005.
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Variables affecting the stiffness and distortion of Sitka spruceReynolds, Timothy N. January 2010 (has links)
Inherent in the structure of timber are features affecting dimensional stability, stiffness and strength. These include knots, compression wood and spiral grain. Physical characteristics such as log shape, density, rate of growth, presence of juvenile wood and microfibril angle also affect these properties and, in turn, utilisation. In this thesis, the relationships between tree, log and board variables to the properties of stiffness and distortion of British-grown Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) are examined. The research‟s main aim was to identify variables which could potentially be used to sort timber. Different behaviour in terms of the relationship between stiffness and variables such as density, knot content, log taper, tree height and axial position were noted between groups of upper log and butt log material, and between the four stands and two sites studied. Relationships between stiffness and these variables were generally weak, notably for density. Overall, variables based on radial position within the stem were not found to be useful sorting parameters. No relationship between batten stiffness and compression wood content or slope of grain was observed. The relatively low stiffness of butt wood material was associated with high microfibril angle. Batten twist was found to be a function of spiral grain angle and distance from pith. However, practical difficulties with the use of slope of grain measurements to sort timber were noted. Although severe forms of compression wood were seen to be associated with stem-form correction, relatively straight logs and those which were round, or without pith eccentricity, were also observed to contain compression wood and hence yield timber which distorted on drying. In particular, this work demonstrates the effect of sorting timber using combined variables (e.g. log shape and knot content). These findings may be of use to foresters, sawmillers and developers of timber scanning technologies.
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