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Étude des interfaces électrode/électrolyte des batteries lithium-ion : cas de l'électrode à base de Li4Ti5O12 / Study of electrode/electrolyte interfaces in lithium-ion batteries : the case of Li4Ti5O12-based electrodesGieu, Jean-Baptiste 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les batteries lithium-ion (Li-ion) sont privilégiées dans de nombreuses applications comme solution de stockage de l’énergie. Le composé Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) est une alternative au graphite qui demeure majoritairement utilisé comme matériau d’électrode négative dans les batteries Li-ion. Pour de potentielles applications à haute température, il est nécessaire d’étudier les couches interfaciales qui se forment dans ces conditions en surface des électrodes LTO. En effet, la formation de telles couches est un phénomène commun aux batteries Li-ion, dont la maîtrise revêt un rôle fondamental pour l’obtention de bonnes performances électrochimiques. La surface des électrodes LTO a pour cela été principalement caractérisée par Spectroscopie Photoélectronique à rayonnement X (XPS) et des analyses complémentaires ont aussi été ponctuellement menées en microscopie Auger à balayage (Scanning Auger Microscopy : SAM) pour l’acquisition de cartographies élémentaires et en spectrométrie de masse d’ions secondaires à temps de vol (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ions Spectrometry : ToF-SIMS) pour établir des profils de concentration élémentaires et moléculaires en profondeur. Ces résultats ont été systématiquement confrontés aux données électrochimiques. L’influence de différents paramètres sur les propriétés de la couche interfaciale formée en cyclage face au lithium a été évaluée. Une comparaison des couches interfaciales formées au premier cycle à température ambiante, 60 °C et 85 °C a ainsi montré qu’une température de cyclage plus élevée favorise la formation d’une couche interfaciale plus épaisse. L’utilisation d’un électrolyte contenant l’additif VC accélère la formation d’une SEI plus épaisse dès le premier cycle, moins sujette au phénomène de dissolution au cours de la délithiation et susceptible d'améliorer la rétention de capacité en longs cyclages. La substitution du sel de lithium LiPF6 par le sel LiTFSI entraîne la formation d’une couche plus fine, ce qui est principalement dû à une quantité de LiF déposée plus faible. De manière similaire, la substitution des solvants EC:DMC par les solvants PC:EMC, induit la formation d’une couche plus fine, du fait d’une quantité moins importante de LiF déposée. Par ailleurs, plus la surface spécifique de l’additif carboné entrant dans la composition des électrodes est élevée, plus la part de LiF parmi les espèces de la couche interfaciale formée est élevée, sans que cela n’influence son épaisseur. Puis, le comportement des interfaces électrode/électrolyte dans une batterie LiMn2O4/Li4Ti5O12 a finalement été étudié. Une couche interfaciale se forme en surface des deux électrodes. Néanmoins la couche formée sur l’électrode positive est plus fine que celle formée sur l’électrode négative. Leur composition est similaire, à l’exception du composé MnF2 uniquement détecté sur l’électrode négative et provenant d’un phénomène de dissolution du matériau LiMn2O4. Un prolongement de ce travail peut être envisagé concernant des électrodes à base de particules LTO avec différents coatings. De plus, une synergie systématique entre les trois techniques utilisées dans cette thèse pourra être encouragée. / Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have been considered as the solution of choice for energy storage in numerous applications. Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) compound is an alternative to the widely used graphite, as a negative electrode material. For potential high temperature applications, the study of interfacial layers formed on top of LTO electrodes in such conditions is a necessary step. The formation of such surface layers is commonly observed in lithium-ion batteries and their properties are critical for maintaining good batteries performances. Therefore, LTO electrodes surfaces were mainly analyzed by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and complementary measurements were performed by Scanning Auger Microscopy (SAM) for the acquisition of elemental mappings and by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ions Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) for depth profile analysis. Surface analysis results were systematically linked to electrochemical data. The influence of several parameters was investigated for LTO electrodes cycled versus lithium. The comparison of surface layers formed during the first cycle at room temperature, 60 °C and 85 °C showed that higher cycling temperatures induce the formation of a thicker layer. The use of a VC-containing electrolyte accelerates the formation of a thicker layer since the first cycle, less prone to dissolution during delithiation and susceptible to enhance the capacity retention for long cycling. Substitution of LiPF6 lithium salt by LiTFSI leads to the formation of thinner layer, which is mainly due to a lower amount of deposited LiF. Similar results are obtained for the substitution of EC:DMC solvants by PC:EMC. Furthermore, the higher the specific surface of the electrode carbonaceous additive is, the higher the share of LiF in the interfacial layer composition is, even if its thickness remains similar. Finally, the behavior of electrode/electrolyte interfaces was studied in a LiMn2O4 /Li4Ti5O12 full cell. Interfacial layers are formed on the surface of both electrodes. Nevertheless, the layer on the positive electrode is thinner than the one on the negative electrode. Their composition are similar except for MnF2 compound, coming from LiMn2O4 dissolution at the positive electrode, which is only detected on the negative electrode. This work could be continued with the study of electrodes based on coated LTO particles. Moreover, a greater synergy between three characterization techniques used in this work could be promoted.
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As ações do(a) professor(a) no ensino fundamental I ao aplicar uma Sequência de Ensino Investigativa (SEI) / The teacher\'s actions in Primary Education when applying an Inquiry-based Sequence Teaching (SEI, the initials in Portuguese)Lucélia Aparecida Letta 11 September 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta um estudo qualitativo sobre as ações do(a) professor(a) em aulas de Ciências do Ensino Fundamental I ao aplicar uma Sequência de Ensino Investigativa (SEI) (CARVALHO, 2011). Entendemos que as ações do(a) professor(a) são processos de diferentes estratégias pedagógicas e científicas em aulas investigativas ao aplicar uma SEI. Os dados utilizados para este estudo foram os mesmos dados coletados e utilizados por Sasseron (2008), constituídos por vídeos de aulas gravadas na íntegra e transcrições de falas, tanto do professor(a) quanto dos alunos, ao longo da implementação da SEI - \"Navegação e Meio Ambiente\". Sasseron propôs com essa pesquisa, os eixos estruturantes de Alfabetização Científica (AC) e os indicadores de Alfabetização Científica se debruçando sobre as interações discursivas entre professor e alunos com enfoque voltado para construção dos argumentos pelos alunos. Complementando tal itinerário de pesquisa, este trabalho analisou aulas desta SEI verificando essas interações e as ações do professor(a) nessas aulas. Os dados foram reanalisados e, para tanto, iniciamos os estudos de referenciais que discutem a interação discursiva em sala de aula, a Sequência de Ensino Investigativa (SEI), Argumentação em sala de aula de Ciências e Ações docentes. Este trabalho de pesquisa permitiu evidenciar que o(a) professor(a) desenvolve, para diferentes situações de aulas investigativas, ações características e integradoras tanto da área pedagógica quanto da área científica. Estas ações foram constituintes de uma proposição do que chamamos de Elementos do Ensino de Ciências por Investigação (EECI): um quadro matriz de categorias de Ações do(a) Professor(a) em aulas investigativas. As categorias presentes e definidas no quadro matriz foram construídas a partir das análises de cada aula, dando-nos evidências bastantes substanciais das ações do(a) professor(a) que contribuíram no processo de argumentação e no desenvolvimento da Alfabetização Científica (AC) dos alunos apresentados por Sasseron (2008) em seu trabalho. / This research paper presents a qualitative study of the actions of the teacher in Science classes in the Elementary School when applying an Inquiry-based Sequence Teaching (SEI, the initials in Portuguese) (CARVALHO, 2011). We understand that the actions of the teacher are processes of different teaching and scientific strategies in Inquiry-based lessons when applying a SEI. The data used in this study were the same data collected and used by Sasseron (2008), consisting of videos of entire recorded classes and transcripts of speeches, both from the teacher and the students, throughout the implementation of the SEI - \"Navigation and Environment\". Sasseron proposed, in this research, the structural axes of Scientific Literacy (AC, initials in Portuguese) and the indicators of Scientific Literacy, analyzing the discursive interactions between teacher and students, focusing on the construction of arguments by the students. Complementing this research itinerary, this study examined these SEI classes, observing these interactions and the actions of the teacher in the classes. The data were reanalyzed and, therefore, we initiated the studies of references that discuss the discursive interaction in the classroom, the Inquiry-based Sequence Teaching (SEI), Argumentation in the Science Classroom and Teachers activities. This research has highlighted that the teacher develops, for different situations of investigative classes, peculiar and integrative actions both in the pedagogical and scientific areas. Such actions were constituents of a proposition of what we call the Teaching of Science Elements through Research (EECI): a framework of categories of the Teacher\'s Actions in investigative classes. The defined categories under the framework were built from the analysis of each class, giving us substantial evidence of the teacher\'s actions which have contributed to the argumentation process and the development of the Scientific Literacy (AC) of the students presented by Sasseron (2008) in his paper.
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Přírodní expandovaný a vločkový grafit jako záporná elektroda lithium-iontového článku / Expanded and Flake Natural Graphite as Negative Electrode Material in Lithium-ion CellPaulovics, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an issue of lithium-ion batteries, primarily with negative (anode) electrode materials. Natural graphite in two forms, namely flake and expanded graphite, is used in the thesis as active electrode material. It is concerned with study of their capacity and output characteristics depending on the pressing pressure and discharging current. The first part of thesis consists of theory and describes basic principles and the composition of lithium-ion batteries. Materials, their characteristics used in production and theoretical description of measurement techniques are presented then. The second part of the thesis is focused on production, assembling and measurement of the characteristics of the produced electrodes. The aim of the thesis is finding the effects of changes of pressing pressure on the capacity, stability during cycling and stability at higher loads.
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Výzkum interkalačních vlastností elektrodových materiálů založených na přírodním grafitu / Study of intercalation properties of electrode materials based on naturla graphiteBílek, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of lithium-ion accumulators. The thesis focuses on the negative electrode of lithium-ion accumulators made of natural graphite. The first part of this thesis points to the issue of electrochemical cells. In the theoretical part the thesis deals with the SEI layer, advantages, disadvantages, characteristics, operating principle and the use of lithium-ion accumulators. The practical part focuses on the electrochemical properties of negative electrode, especially the determination of the diffusion coefficient. Thesis also deals with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and its use in determining the equivalent replacement circuit and calculating the diffusion coefficient.
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Étude physico-chimique du silicium amorphe méthylé pour l'électrode négative de batteries Li-ion / Physico-chemical study of methylated amorphous silicon as a negative electrode material for Li-ion batteriesKoo, Bon Min 05 December 2017 (has links)
Des études antérieures ont montré que l'incorporation de groupements méthyles par dépôt assisté par plasma (PECVD) dans des couches minces de silicium améliore leur cyclabilité lors de leur utilisation comme électrodes négatives pour les batteries Li-ion. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, plusieurs approches ont été adoptées pour mieux comprendre les phénomènes impliqués dans ce nouveau matériau lors de cyclages en condition réaliste.Nous avons montré que la spectroscopie infrarouge operando en géométrie de réflexions totales atténuées (ATR-FTIR) apporte des informations quantitatives sur les phénomènes mis en jeu lors de la lithiation et de la délithiation de la couche active. L'augmentation progressive de l'absorbance pendant la première lithiation permet notamment de suivre la formation d’une phase très riche en lithium LizSi qui envahit progressivement le matériau. Nous avons montré que la concentration z du lithium dans cette phase dépend de la teneur en groupements méthyles. Nous avons expliqué ce phénomène par deux effets distincts : (1) la fragilisation du matériau du fait de la diminution du degré de réticulation et de la cohésion. (2) la porosité qui augmente aux teneurs en méthyles plus élevées. Nous avons par ailleurs obtenu par microscopie électronique en transmission une mise en évidence directe de cette porosité à l’échelle nanométrique et de son accroissement avec la teneur en méthyle.Les mesures de spectrométrie de masse à ionisation secondaire à temps de vol (ToF-SIMS) en collaboration avec Chimie ParisTech ont montré que l’invasion du lithium à partir de la phase LizSi vers la zone non-lithiée est un phénomène très lent (correspondant à un coefficient de diffusion D ~10-19 cm2).Nous avons constaté par spectroscopie ATR-FTIR operando et mesures électrochimiques que l'évolution de la couche de passivation (SEI) dépend du taux du cyclage et de la teneur en groupements méthyles lors du premier cycle.Enfin, les phénomènes se produisant lors de l’interruption de la lithiation électrochimique ont été suivis à différents états de charge par spectroscopie ATR-FTIR operando et spectroscopie d'impédance électrochimique (EIS). Nous avons découvert qu'en début de lithiation, une partie du lithium inséré dans la couche repart vers l'électrolyte et contribue à l'augmentation de l'épaisseur de la SEI formée sur l'électrode. / Previous studies showed that the incorporation of methyl groups in silicon thin films obtained by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) improves their stability as negative electrodes in Li-ion batteries. In this thesis, several approaches have been used to understand phenomena occurring in the so-called "methylated amorphous silicon" during realistic cycling condition.We have shown that infrared spectroscopy operando in attenuated total reflection geometry (ATR-FTIR) provides quantitative information on the phenomena involved during the lithiation and the delithiation of the active material. The gradual increase of the absorbance during the first lithiation makes it possible to follow the formation of a lithium-rich phase LizSi which gradually invades the material. We have shown that the concentration z of lithium in this phase depends on the content of methyl groups. This behavior has been explained by two distinct effects: (1) the weakening of the material due to the methyl-induced lowering of its reticulation degree and cohesion. (2) the increase of the material porosity at high enough methyl content. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) measurements revealed that a porosity is present at the nanometer scale in the active material and increases with methyl content. Time-Of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy measurements performed at Chimie ParisTech have shown that the lithium invasion of the pristine active material from the lithium-rich phase is an utterly slow phenomenon (corresponding to a diffusion coefficient D ~10-19 cm2).We observed Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) evolution during first cycle depends on cycling rate and methyl content, using operando ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and electrochemical methods.The evolution of the material after interruption of the electrochemical lithiation at several states of charge has been monitored using operando ATR-FTIR spetroscopy and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Those measurements show that part of the lithium initially inserted in the layer returns to the electrolyte during relaxation and contributes to the growth of the SEI.
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Measuring Success: Examining the Impact of Arizona's 4-Hour ELD BlockJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Arizona continues to implement the 4-hour ELD block despite opposition and concerns regarding is appropriateness and effectiveness. Research using state and national assessments show that English language learners continue to fall behind their English proficient peers in reading achievement even after the implementation of the 4-hour ELD block. In general, there is no proven direct correlation between the program and underachievement. This study evaluated the impact of the 4-hour ELD block on reading achievement by comparing similar reading-abled students that were in the program with students that were not. The study was conducted in a district located in a predominately Hispanic poor community in order to eliminate social and economical factors that could disadvantage one group over the other. The findings demonstrated there were no significant differences in the reading achievement between both groups, supporting arguments that the 4-hour ELD block has made little to no impact for ELL students. However, results demonstrate that early intervention may be significant in explaining increases in reading achievement. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Administration and Supervision 2019
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Insights in Li-ion Battery Interfaces through Photoelectron Spectroscopy Depth ProfilingPhilippe, Bertrand January 2013 (has links)
Compounds forming alloys with lithium, such as silicon or tin, are promising negative electrode materials for the next generation of Li-ion batteries due to their higher theoretical capacity compared to the current commercial electrode materials. An important issue is to better understand the phenomena occurring at the electrode/electrolyte interfaces of these new materials. The stability of the passivation layer (SEI) is crucial for good battery performance and its nature, formation and evolution have to be investigated. It is important to follow upon cycling alloying/dealloying processes, the evolution of surface oxides with battery cycling and the change in surface chemistry when storing electrodes in the electrolyte. The aim of this thesis is to improve the knowledge of these surface reactions through a non-destructive depth-resolved PES (Photoelectron spectroscopy) analysis of the surface of new negative electrodes. A unique combination utilizing hard and soft-ray photoelectron spectroscopy allows by variation of the photon energy an analysis from the extreme surface (soft X-ray) to the bulk (hard X-ray) of the particles. This experimental approach was used to access the interfacial phase transitions at the surface of silicon or tin particles as well as the composition and thickness/covering of the SEI. Interfacial mechanisms occurring upon the first electrochemical cycle of Si-based electrodes cycled with the classical salt LiPF6 were investigated. The mechanisms of Li insertion (LixSi formation) have been illustrated as well as the formation of a new irreversible compound, Li4SiO4, at the outermost surface of the particles. Upon long cycling, the formation of SiOxFy was shown at the extreme surface of the particles by reaction of SiO2 with HF contributing to battery capacity fading. The LiFSI salt, more stable than LiPF6, improved the electrochemical performances. This behaviour is correlated to the absence of SiOxFy upon long-term cycling. Some degradation of LiFSI was shown by PES and supported by calculations. Finally, interfacial reactions occurring upon the first cycle of an intermetallic compound MnSn2 were studied. Compared to Si based electrodes, the SEI chemical composition is similar but the alloying process and the role played by the surface metal oxide are different.
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Psykisk hälsa som klassmarkör : En kvantitativ studie av socioekonomisk klassposition och schizofreni.Strandendahl, Louise, Löfgren Jarl, Emilie January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande kvantitativa studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan socioekonomisk klassposition i vuxenlivet och risken att vårdas för schizofreni. Sambandet mellan klassposition och hälsa kan ta sig uttryck i två riktningar - något som avhandlas i kausalitetsteorin och selektionsteorin. Kausalitetsteorin utgår från att en individs klassposition påverkar ens framtida hälsa, där en lägre klassposition riskerar att leda till sämre hälsa. I kontrast till detta utgår selektionsteorin från att en individs hälsa påverkar klasspositionen, där ohälsa tenderar att leda till en lägre klassposition. Dessa teorier utgör föreliggande studies teoretiska utgångspunkt. Datamaterialet som används är “Stockholm Birth Cohort” (SBC), vilket är resultatet av en sannolikhetsmatchning mellan två avidentifierade material. Materialet består av longitudinell kohortdata som sträcker sig från år 1953 till år 2008. Analysmetoden i föreliggande studie är multipel logistisk regressionsanalys vilket är lämpligt då utfallsvariabeln har gjorts binär. Resultatet som nås är att det existerar ett signifikant samband mellan socioekonomisk klassposition i vuxenlivet och risken att vårdas för schizofreni, även när sambandet kontrollerats för föräldrarnas socioekonomiska klassposition, psykiska hälsa, utbildning, inkomst, alkoholmissbruk samt familjetyp och kohortmedlemmens kön. Då denna infallsvinkel är relativt outforskad är detta resultat därför ett relevant bidrag till forskningsfältet. Vidare har försök gjorts att undersöka riktningen på detta samband och utifrån genomförda tester verkar det som att både kausalitets- och selektionsteorin har ett förklaringsvärde beroende på ifall klassposition mäts utifrån föräldrarnas eller individens klassposition. Rimligtvis är socioekonomisk klassposition och schizofreni ömsesidigt sammanlänkande över individens livsförlopp.
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Highly Concentrated Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries : From fundamentals to cell testsNilsson, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
The electrolyte is a crucial part of any lithium battery, strongly affecting longevity and safety. It has to survive rather severe conditions, not the least at the electrode/electrolyte interfaces. Current commercial electrolytes based on 1 M LiPF 6 in a mixture of organic solvents balance the requirements on conductivity and electrochemical stability, but they are volatile and degrade when operated at temperatures above ca. 70°C. The salt could potentially be replaced with e.g. LiTFSI, but corrosion of the aluminium current collector is an issue. Replacing the graphite negative electrode by Li metal for large gains in energy density challenges the electrolyte further by exposing it to freshly deposited Li, leading to poor coulombic efficiency (CE) and consumption of both Li and electrolyte. Highly concentrated electrolytes (up to > 4 M) have emerged as a possible remedy, by a changed solvation structure such that all solvent molecules are coordinated to cations – leading to a lowered volatility and melting point, an increased charge carrier density and electrochemical stability, but a higher viscosity and a lower ionic conductivity. Here two approaches to highly concentrated electrolytes are evaluated. First, LiTFSI and acetonitrile electrolytes with respect to increased electrochemical stability and in particular the passivating solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) on the anode is studied using electrochemical techniques and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Second, lowering the liquidus temperature by high salt concentration is utilized to create an electrolyte solely of LiTFSI and ethylene carbonate, tested for application in Li metal batteries by characterizing the morphology of plated Li using scanning electron microscopy and the CE by galvanostatic polarization. While the first approach shows dramatic improvements, the inherent weaknesses cannot be completely avoided, the second approach provides some promising cycling results for Li metal based cells. This points towards further investigations of the SEI, and possibly long-term safe cycling of Li metal anodes. / Elektrolyten är en fundamental del av ett litiumbatteri som starkt påverkar livslängden och säkerheten. Den måste utstå svåra förhållanden, inte minst vid gränsytan mot elektroderna. Dagens kommersiella elektrolyter är baserade på 1 M LiPF 6 i en blandning av organiska lösningsmedel. De balanserar kraven på elektrokemisk stabilitet och jonledningsförmåga, men de är lättflyktiga och bryts ned när de används vid temperaturer över ca. 70°C. Saltet skulle kunna bytas ut mot t.ex. LiTFSI, vilket ökar värmetåligheten avsevärt, men istället uppstår problem med korrosion på den strömsamlare av aluminium som används för katoden. Genom att byta ut grafitanoden i ett Li-jonbatteri mot en folie av litiummetall kan man öka energitätheten, men då litium pläteras bildas ständigt nya Li-ytor som kan reagera med elektrolyten. Detta leder till en låg coulombisk effektivitet genom nedbrytning av både Li och elektrolyt. Högkoncentrerade elektrolyter har en mycket hög saltkoncentration, ofta över 4 M, och har lags fram som en möjlig lösning på många av de problem som plågar denna och nästa generations batterier. Dessa elektrolyter har en annorlunda lösningsstruktur, sådan att alla lösningsmedelsmolekyler koordinerar till katjoner – vilket leder till att de blir mindre lättflyktiga, får en ökad täthet av laddningsbärare, och en ökad elektrokemisk stabilitet. Samtidigt får de en högre viskositet och lägre jonledningsförmåga. Här har två angreppssätt för högkoncentrerade elektrolyter utvärderats. I det första har acetonitril, som har begränsad elektrokemisk stabilitet och ett högt ångtryck, blandats med LiTFSI för en uppsättning av elektrolyter med varierande koncentration. Dessa har testats i Li-jonbatterier och i synnerhet den passiverande ytan på grafitelektroder har undersökts med både röntgen-fotoelektronspektroskopi (XPS) och elektrokemiska metoder. En markant förbättring av den elektrokemiska stabiliteten observeras, men de inneboende bristerna hos elektrolyten kan inte kompenseras fullständigt, vilket skapar tvivel på hur väl detta kan fungera i en kommersiell cell. Med det andra angreppssättet har hög saltkoncentration nyttjats för sänka smältpunkten för en elektrolyt baserad på etylenkarbonat, som annars inte kan används som enda lösningsmedel. Dessa elektrolyter har testats för användning i Limetall-batterier genom långtidstest, mätning av den coulombiska effektiviteten och analys av deponerade Li-ytor med svepelektronmikroskop. Resultaten är lovande, med över 250 cykler på 0.5 mAh/cm2 och en effektivitet på över 94%, men framförallt observeras en mycket jämnare deponerad Li-yta, vilket kan möjliggöra säker cykling av Li-metall-batterier. Ett logiskt nästa steg är studier av Liytan med t.ex. XPS för att utröna vad som skiljer den från ytan som bildats i en 1 M referenselektrolyt.
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Simulating Li-ion battery ageing through solid electrolyte interphase growth in graphite/NMC cellsBerglund, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Ageing mechanisms of graphite/NMC Li-ion batteries have been studied using computational methods. The purpose of the project was to investigate solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation and growth during cycling of the battery. The SEI layer formation was considered to be a reason for capacity fade of the battery. Irreversible consumption of cyclable Li-ions and increased resistance in the layer was considered to be the result of solid electrolyte layer formation and these two effects were studied more closely using cell modelling. The battery cycled with three cases of fast charge rates (2C, 4C and 6C) and the same discharge rate (1C) showed a thick film formation on the anode side and a higher film resistance when compared to the battery cycled with the same charge/discharge rate (1C). All investigated batteries were affected by the studied ageing mechanism, and in the case of batteries cycled with fast charge rates, the ageing was even more pronounced. The report includes a general description of Li-ion battery functionality, a summary of ageing mechanisms and a mathematical description of the electrochemistry governing the battery and implemented in the software.
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