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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Funktionelle Charakterisierung einer Tripletdeletion in SLC5A4 (SGLT3) als Kandidatengen für das Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätssyndrom (ADHS) / Functional characterization of a triplet deletion in the attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) candidate gene SLC5A4 (SGLT3)

Friedrich, Maximilian Uwe January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Natrium-Glukose Transporter (SGLT) gehören zur „solute carrier 5“ (SLC5) Familie, die sich durch einen sekundär aktiven, natriumabhängigen Transport von Zuckern und an-deren Molekülen nach intrazellulär auszeichnen. Die durch das Gen SLC5A4 kodierte Isoform SGLT3 transportiert dagegen keinen Zucker, sondern verhält sich als Glukosesensor, der nach Bindung seiner Liganden eine Membrandepolarisation induziert. In genomweiten Exomsequenzierungsstudien (whole exome sequencing, WES) mehrerer erweiterter Stammbäume mit hoher Prävalenz des Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätssyndroms (ADHS) wurde im Vorfeld eine ATG-Tripletdeletion in SLC5A4 identifiziert, die zum Verlust einer Aminosäure (ΔM500) in SGLT3 führt und zumindest partiell mit dem klinischen Phänotyp kosegregiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die zentralnervöse Expression von SGLT3 auf RNA- Ebene mittels Reverse-Transkriptase PCR sowie real-time PCR aus humanen Gesamt-RNAs nachgewiesen. Dabei konnte eine ubiquitäre Expression im Gehirn mit relativ erhöhter Expression unter anderem in Striatum und Hypothalamus, deren Dysfunktion in der Pathogenese des ADHS impliziert wurde, gezeigt werden. Da Mutationen in homologen Domänen der eng strukturverwandten Isoformen SGLT1 und SGLT2 sowohl intestinale als auch renale Funktionen schwer beeinträchtigen, wurden in dieser Arbeit funktionelle Charakteristika sowohl des wildtypischen als auch der ΔM500 und der benachbarten ΔI501 Deletionsvariante von SGLT3 mittels Zwei-Elektroden Spannungs- und Stromklemme in entsprechend cRNA-injizierten Xenopus laevis Oozyten untersucht. Der hochpotente SGLT3-spezifische Iminozuckeragonist 1-Desoxynojirimycin (DNJ) induzierte an SGLT3-exprimierenden Oozyten in sauren Bedingungen etwa dreifach größere Kationeneinströme als D-Glukose, was sowohl im Spannungsklemmen-, und anhand einer entsprechenden Membrandepolarisation im Stromklemmenmodus gezeigt wurde. Die mit der ΔM500 bzw. ΔI501 Variante injizierten Oozyten dagegen zeigten in den maximalen Aktivierungsbedingungen um 92% bzw. 96% (p<0,01) reduzierte Kationeneinströme, sodass diese als hochgradig schädliche „Loss of Function“ Mutationen in SGLT3 charakterisiert wurden. Dieser Befund wurde mittels bioinformatischer in-silico Effektvorhersage validiert. Um Konsequenzen der Sequenzalteration auf den Membraneinbau der Transporter zu untersuchen, wurden die mit einem gelb fluoreszierenden Farbstoff (YFP) markierten Transporter in Oozytenmembranen mittels Laser-Scanning Mikroskop nachgewiesen und die jeweiligen Mengen der Konstrukte anhand der Fluoreszenzintensitäten quantifiziert. Dabei zeigte sich eine um 53% bzw. 42% (p<0,01) reduzierte Menge der mutierten Konstrukte ΔM500 bzw. ΔI501 in der Membran, was zusätzliche schädliche Effekte der Mutationen auf das sogenannte Membrantargeting der Transporter belegt. Zusammenfassend demonstrieren die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, dass die ΔM500 Variante von SGLT3, welcher in ADHS-relevanten Hirnarealen exprimiert wird, dessen sub-stratinduzierte Natriumleitfähigkeit aufhebt und den Membraneinbau beeinträchtigen könnte, was in Wechselwirkung mit anderen genetischen ADHS Risikovarianten das Risiko für ADHS in Mutationsträgern beeinflussen kann. / Sodium-glucose transporters (SGLT) belong to the solute carrier 5 family, which is characterized by secondary active sodium dependent transport of sugars and other solutes. In contrast, SGLT3, encoded by the SLC5A4 gene, does not transport sugar but acts as a glucose sensor, inducing membrane depolarization upon ligand binding. In whole exome sequencing studies of several extended pedigrees with high density of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), an ATG triplet deletion of SLC5A4, leading to a single amino acid loss (ΔM500) in SGLT3, was found to cosegregate, although imper-fectly, with the clinical phenotype. In this work, expression of SGLT3 on RNA level was proven ubiquiteously in the human brain with relatively increased expression levels in striatum and hypothalamus, which had repeatedly been implicated in ADHD pathophysiology. Since mutations in homolo-gous domains of the structurally closely related isoforms SGLT1 and SGLT2 can signif-icantly impair intestinal and renal function, functional properties of wildtype, ΔM500 and neighboring ΔI501 deletion variants of SGLT3 were investigated by voltage clamp and current clamp recordings in cRNA-injected Xenopus laevis oocytes. The SGLT3-specific iminosugar agonist 1-Desoxynojirimycin (DNJ) induced a threefold increase of cation influx compared to the classic SGLT substrate D-glucose alone as revealed by robust inward currents in voltage clamp and cell depolarization in current clamp modes. ΔM500-SGLT3 and ΔI501-SGLT3 injected oocytes showed cationic inward currents significantly reduced by 92% and 96% (p<0,01) respectively. In-silico modelling predicted deleterious functional effects of both mutations, thus validating these results. To investigate possible effects of these sequence alterations on membrane targeting of the transporters, fusion constructs with YFP were generated and intensity of membrane fluorescence was quantified by confocal laser scanning microscopy. In comparison to wildtype SGLT3, fluorescence signals of ΔM500 and ΔI501 injected oocytes were de-creased by 53% and 42% (p<0,01) respectively. Taken together, the results of this work suggest that the ΔM500 mutant of SGLT3, which is expressed in ADHS-implicated brain tissues completely abolishes its ligand dependent sodium conductance and may impair its membrane targeting, which, in interaction with other genetic ADHD risk variants, may confer a risk for ADHD in deletion carriers.

Modulação do trocador NA+/H+ apical, NHE3, pelo transporte de glicose em túbulos renais in vivo. / Modulation of apical Na+/H+ exchanger, NHE3, by glucose transport in rat renal proximal tubules.

Pessoa, Thaíssa Dantas 16 February 2009 (has links)
e algumas vias de sinalização envolvidas com a reabsorção de HCO3-, além do efeito do tratamento com florizina e com streptozotocina. Para isso, utilizamos o método de microperfusão estacionária in vivo. Perfusões tubulares com solução de glicose 5mM aumentaram a reabsorção de bicarbonato em comparação com soluções contendo florizina sem glicose. Porém, perfusão de soluções de glicose 20mM ocasionaram efeito intermediário sobre esta reabsorção. A perfusão de solução contendo glicose 5mM com os inibidores PD169316 e LY294002 aboliu o efeito estimulatório promovido pela glicose 5mM. O tratamento com streptozotocina aboliu o efeito inibitório da perfusão de solução de glicose 20mM. Já o tratamento com florizina, não apresentou nenhum efeito adicional à inibição ocasionada pela perfusão de glicose 20mM mas inibiu o efeito estimulatório produzido pela perfusão de glicose 5 mM. / We studied the modulation of bicarbonate reabsorption by the apical Na+/H+ exchanger of renal proximal tubule by luminal glucose, and the signaling path of this relationship. Treatment with phloridzin and streptozotocin diabetes on HCO3- reabsorption was also studied. We used stationary microperfusion in vivo for this purpose. Tubule perfusions with 5 mM glucose increased bicarbonate reabsorption compared to solutions without glucose plus phloridzin. Perfusion with 20 mM glucose caused an intermediate effect on JHCO3- compared to 0/phloridzin and 5 mM glucose. The inhibitors PD169316 and LY294002 with 5 mM glucose blocked the stimulatory effect of the latter, but H89 had no such effect. Streptozotocin diabetes abolished the inhibitory effect of 20 mM glucose perfusion. Chronic phloridzin did not produce any additional effect on JHCO3- during 20 mM glucose perfusion in normal rats., but blocked JHCO3- during perfusion with 5 mM glucose.

Modulação do trocador NA+/H+ apical, NHE3, pelo transporte de glicose em túbulos renais in vivo. / Modulation of apical Na+/H+ exchanger, NHE3, by glucose transport in rat renal proximal tubules.

Thaíssa Dantas Pessoa 16 February 2009 (has links)
e algumas vias de sinalização envolvidas com a reabsorção de HCO3-, além do efeito do tratamento com florizina e com streptozotocina. Para isso, utilizamos o método de microperfusão estacionária in vivo. Perfusões tubulares com solução de glicose 5mM aumentaram a reabsorção de bicarbonato em comparação com soluções contendo florizina sem glicose. Porém, perfusão de soluções de glicose 20mM ocasionaram efeito intermediário sobre esta reabsorção. A perfusão de solução contendo glicose 5mM com os inibidores PD169316 e LY294002 aboliu o efeito estimulatório promovido pela glicose 5mM. O tratamento com streptozotocina aboliu o efeito inibitório da perfusão de solução de glicose 20mM. Já o tratamento com florizina, não apresentou nenhum efeito adicional à inibição ocasionada pela perfusão de glicose 20mM mas inibiu o efeito estimulatório produzido pela perfusão de glicose 5 mM. / We studied the modulation of bicarbonate reabsorption by the apical Na+/H+ exchanger of renal proximal tubule by luminal glucose, and the signaling path of this relationship. Treatment with phloridzin and streptozotocin diabetes on HCO3- reabsorption was also studied. We used stationary microperfusion in vivo for this purpose. Tubule perfusions with 5 mM glucose increased bicarbonate reabsorption compared to solutions without glucose plus phloridzin. Perfusion with 20 mM glucose caused an intermediate effect on JHCO3- compared to 0/phloridzin and 5 mM glucose. The inhibitors PD169316 and LY294002 with 5 mM glucose blocked the stimulatory effect of the latter, but H89 had no such effect. Streptozotocin diabetes abolished the inhibitory effect of 20 mM glucose perfusion. Chronic phloridzin did not produce any additional effect on JHCO3- during 20 mM glucose perfusion in normal rats., but blocked JHCO3- during perfusion with 5 mM glucose.

Fisiologia molecular intestinal de Dysdercus Peruvianus (Hemiptera) / Intestinal molecular physiology of Dysdercus peruvianus (Hemiptera)

Thaís Duarte Bifano 10 October 2008 (has links)
A partir da identificação de catepsinas L em ensaios in vitro e em zimogramas partimos para purificação desta enzima no inseto. A região V2 foi selecionada como fonte de obtenção da cisteína proteinase já que dentre os três ventrículos o segundo apresentou maior atividade específica. Após diversas tentativas de isolar esta proteinase, foi estabelecida uma marcha de purificação que envolvia em todas as etapas a participação de metil metanosulfonato (MMTS), o que inativa a proteinase evitando assim autólise ao longo do processo de purificação. A marcha consistiu de três passos cromatográficos (troca-iônica, filtração em gel e afinidade, nesta ordem) onde foi observada a presença de duas cisteína proteinases, cada uma apresentando respectivamente as seguintes massas moleculares 32 e 45 kDa (SDSPAGE). As duas cisteína proteinases possuem o mesmo pH ótimo igual a 6,3. Além disso, estas enzimas foram termicamente inativadas a 40 ºC segundo uma cinética de primeira ordem aparente, sugerindo a existência de apenas uma espécie molecular de cada enzima na preparação com meia vida de 5 minutos para cis 1 e 4,8 minutos para cis 2. Foi determinada a constante de dissociação entre enzimainibidor, onde foi observado os valores de 17,3 nM para cis 1 e 7,11 nM para cis 2 através da titulação por E-64. A eficiência de catálise cis 1 e cis 2 é maior para o substrato sintético Z-FR-MCA do que para Z-RR-MCA, indicando que tratava-se de catepsinas L. Com o intuito de descrever os mecanismos moleculares por trás dos fenômenos fisiológicos no intestino médio do Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus foi construída uma biblioteca de cDNA a partir de mRNA deste tecido. Utilizamos ESTs provenientes desta biblioteca com o objetivo de identificar genes transcritos relacionados com proteínas de transporte de glicose além de enzimas digestivas. Após o processamento das leituras, surgiram 1053 ESTs úteis. Montando estes ESTs por alinhamento de bases, foram produzidos 62 contíguos e 841 singletos, o que totaliza 903 seqüências únicas. Entre as seqüências homólogas encontradas as mais relevantes para o nosso estudo foram: &#946;-glicosidase (marcadora de membranas microvilares), &#945;-glicosidase (marcadora de membranas 8 perimicrovilares), aminopeptidase (espaço perimicrovilar), catepsina L (conteúdo de vesículas secretoras) e proteína transportadora de açúcar do tipo GLUT. Estas seqüências encontradas tiveram a sua transcrição específica (ou preferencial) averiguada por RT-PCR semiquantitativo nos diferentes tecidos do inseto estudado (intestino médio, túbulo de Malpighi, corpo gorduroso, glândula salivar, ventrículo 1, ventrículo 2 e ventrículo 3 do intestino médio). O transporte de glicose e água in vivo foi estudado. Para isso, os insetos foram alimentados com uma solução contendo glicose e corante não absorvível seguido de dissecação e análise do conteúdo luminal. O transporte de água e glicose foi inibido por floretina 0,2 mM (inibidor do uniportador GLUT) e por florizina 0,1 mM (inibidor do simportador SGLT) e ativado por K2SO4 50 mM. Isto sugere a presença do transportador do tipo uniportador (GLUT), e do simportador K+-glicose (SGLT), ambos co-transportando água. O transcriptoma revelou proteína homóloga a transportador GLUT cuja seqüência está parcialmente completa e foi analisada com ferramentas de bioinformática / After identification of cathepsins L in vitro assays and in zimograms we began to purify this enzyme in insect midgut. The region V2 was selected as a source of material for purifying a cysteine proteinase because it contains most of the activity of that proteinase. After several attempts to purify this proteinase, an effective process was developed that avoid autolysis with methyl methanethiosulfonate (MMTS), a sulfhydryl-reactive and reversible sulfonating reagent for thiol-containing molecules. The purify process was made by three chromatographic steps (anion-exchange column, gel filtration column and affinity column in this order), where two cysteine proteinase were purified, cys 1 and cys 2 with 32 and 45 kDa (SDS-PAGE). The two cysteine proteinases have the same pH optimum of 6.3. Besides that, these enzymes were thermicaly inactivated following apparent first-order kinetics with a half-life of 5 min (cys1) and 4.8 min (cys2) at 40 ºC. Both Cys are inhibited by E-64 with a KD of 17.3 nM (Cys 1) and 7.11 nM (Cys2). Both Cys are more active on Z-FR-MCA than on Z-RR-MCA, suggesting they are cathepsins-L. With purpose of describe the molecular mechanisms underlying physiological phenomena in midgut of the Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus a cDNA library was prepared from midgut mRNA. We used ESTs from this library to identify transcripts genes related with glucose transport proteins besides digestive enzymes. Analysis of 1053 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) yielded 903 unique sequences comprised of 62 contigs and 841 singlets. Among the homologous sequences found the following are more relevant to our aim: &#946;-glucosidase (microvillar membrane marker), &#945;-glucosidase (perimicrovillar membrane marker), aminopeptidase (perimicrovillar space marker), cathepsin L (vesicles content) and sugar transporter protein, GLUT. These sequences had its specific transcription (or preferential) verified by semi-quantitative RT-PCR on different insect tissues (malpighian tubules, salivary gland, fat body, midgut, midgut first ventriculus, second ventriculus and third ventriculus). The glucose and water absorption across the first ventriculus of the midgut of the Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus were determined. The insects were fed with a 10 glucose-non-absorbable dye solution, followed by periodical dissection of insects and analysis of ventriculus contents. The transport of water and glucose can be inhibited by 0.2 mM phloretin (GLUT inhibitor) and by 0.1 mM phlorizin (SGLT inhibitor) and is activated by 50 mM K2SO4 The results suggest that D. peruvianus has a transporter uniporter like (GLUT) and K+-glucose symporter like SGLT, both co-transporting water. The transcriptome showed a GLUT homologous protein which sequence is almost complete and was analyzed by bioinformatics tools

Fisiologia molecular intestinal de Dysdercus Peruvianus (Hemiptera) / Intestinal molecular physiology of Dysdercus peruvianus (Hemiptera)

Bifano, Thaís Duarte 10 October 2008 (has links)
A partir da identificação de catepsinas L em ensaios in vitro e em zimogramas partimos para purificação desta enzima no inseto. A região V2 foi selecionada como fonte de obtenção da cisteína proteinase já que dentre os três ventrículos o segundo apresentou maior atividade específica. Após diversas tentativas de isolar esta proteinase, foi estabelecida uma marcha de purificação que envolvia em todas as etapas a participação de metil metanosulfonato (MMTS), o que inativa a proteinase evitando assim autólise ao longo do processo de purificação. A marcha consistiu de três passos cromatográficos (troca-iônica, filtração em gel e afinidade, nesta ordem) onde foi observada a presença de duas cisteína proteinases, cada uma apresentando respectivamente as seguintes massas moleculares 32 e 45 kDa (SDSPAGE). As duas cisteína proteinases possuem o mesmo pH ótimo igual a 6,3. Além disso, estas enzimas foram termicamente inativadas a 40 ºC segundo uma cinética de primeira ordem aparente, sugerindo a existência de apenas uma espécie molecular de cada enzima na preparação com meia vida de 5 minutos para cis 1 e 4,8 minutos para cis 2. Foi determinada a constante de dissociação entre enzimainibidor, onde foi observado os valores de 17,3 nM para cis 1 e 7,11 nM para cis 2 através da titulação por E-64. A eficiência de catálise cis 1 e cis 2 é maior para o substrato sintético Z-FR-MCA do que para Z-RR-MCA, indicando que tratava-se de catepsinas L. Com o intuito de descrever os mecanismos moleculares por trás dos fenômenos fisiológicos no intestino médio do Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus foi construída uma biblioteca de cDNA a partir de mRNA deste tecido. Utilizamos ESTs provenientes desta biblioteca com o objetivo de identificar genes transcritos relacionados com proteínas de transporte de glicose além de enzimas digestivas. Após o processamento das leituras, surgiram 1053 ESTs úteis. Montando estes ESTs por alinhamento de bases, foram produzidos 62 contíguos e 841 singletos, o que totaliza 903 seqüências únicas. Entre as seqüências homólogas encontradas as mais relevantes para o nosso estudo foram: &#946;-glicosidase (marcadora de membranas microvilares), &#945;-glicosidase (marcadora de membranas 8 perimicrovilares), aminopeptidase (espaço perimicrovilar), catepsina L (conteúdo de vesículas secretoras) e proteína transportadora de açúcar do tipo GLUT. Estas seqüências encontradas tiveram a sua transcrição específica (ou preferencial) averiguada por RT-PCR semiquantitativo nos diferentes tecidos do inseto estudado (intestino médio, túbulo de Malpighi, corpo gorduroso, glândula salivar, ventrículo 1, ventrículo 2 e ventrículo 3 do intestino médio). O transporte de glicose e água in vivo foi estudado. Para isso, os insetos foram alimentados com uma solução contendo glicose e corante não absorvível seguido de dissecação e análise do conteúdo luminal. O transporte de água e glicose foi inibido por floretina 0,2 mM (inibidor do uniportador GLUT) e por florizina 0,1 mM (inibidor do simportador SGLT) e ativado por K2SO4 50 mM. Isto sugere a presença do transportador do tipo uniportador (GLUT), e do simportador K+-glicose (SGLT), ambos co-transportando água. O transcriptoma revelou proteína homóloga a transportador GLUT cuja seqüência está parcialmente completa e foi analisada com ferramentas de bioinformática / After identification of cathepsins L in vitro assays and in zimograms we began to purify this enzyme in insect midgut. The region V2 was selected as a source of material for purifying a cysteine proteinase because it contains most of the activity of that proteinase. After several attempts to purify this proteinase, an effective process was developed that avoid autolysis with methyl methanethiosulfonate (MMTS), a sulfhydryl-reactive and reversible sulfonating reagent for thiol-containing molecules. The purify process was made by three chromatographic steps (anion-exchange column, gel filtration column and affinity column in this order), where two cysteine proteinase were purified, cys 1 and cys 2 with 32 and 45 kDa (SDS-PAGE). The two cysteine proteinases have the same pH optimum of 6.3. Besides that, these enzymes were thermicaly inactivated following apparent first-order kinetics with a half-life of 5 min (cys1) and 4.8 min (cys2) at 40 ºC. Both Cys are inhibited by E-64 with a KD of 17.3 nM (Cys 1) and 7.11 nM (Cys2). Both Cys are more active on Z-FR-MCA than on Z-RR-MCA, suggesting they are cathepsins-L. With purpose of describe the molecular mechanisms underlying physiological phenomena in midgut of the Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus a cDNA library was prepared from midgut mRNA. We used ESTs from this library to identify transcripts genes related with glucose transport proteins besides digestive enzymes. Analysis of 1053 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) yielded 903 unique sequences comprised of 62 contigs and 841 singlets. Among the homologous sequences found the following are more relevant to our aim: &#946;-glucosidase (microvillar membrane marker), &#945;-glucosidase (perimicrovillar membrane marker), aminopeptidase (perimicrovillar space marker), cathepsin L (vesicles content) and sugar transporter protein, GLUT. These sequences had its specific transcription (or preferential) verified by semi-quantitative RT-PCR on different insect tissues (malpighian tubules, salivary gland, fat body, midgut, midgut first ventriculus, second ventriculus and third ventriculus). The glucose and water absorption across the first ventriculus of the midgut of the Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus were determined. The insects were fed with a 10 glucose-non-absorbable dye solution, followed by periodical dissection of insects and analysis of ventriculus contents. The transport of water and glucose can be inhibited by 0.2 mM phloretin (GLUT inhibitor) and by 0.1 mM phlorizin (SGLT inhibitor) and is activated by 50 mM K2SO4 The results suggest that D. peruvianus has a transporter uniporter like (GLUT) and K+-glucose symporter like SGLT, both co-transporting water. The transcriptome showed a GLUT homologous protein which sequence is almost complete and was analyzed by bioinformatics tools

Induction de la sénescence endothéliale par le high glucose : rôle des transporteurs SGLT1 et SGLT2 / Endothelial senescence induction by high glucose : role of SGLT1 and SGLT2 transporters

Khemais, Sonia 02 October 2017 (has links)
La sénescence endothéliale est une étape précoce menant à la dysfonction endothéliale, laquelle favorise la pathogénèse de maladies cardiovasculaires lors du vieillissement physiologique et, de manière prématurée, chez le sujet diabétique. La première étude indique que le stress oxydant favorise l’induction du système angiotensine local menant à la sénescence et la dysfonction endothéliale dans les cellules endothéliales en culture. La deuxième étude indique que l’expression redox-sensible des co-transporteurs sodium-glucose 2 (SGLT2) entraîne via le système angiotensine la sénescence et la dysfonction endothéliale en réponse au high glucose. De plus, les observations indiquent que l’Empagliflozine, un inhibiteur sélectif de SGLT2, et les anthocyanes du jus de cassis sont capables d’inhiber l’induction de la sénescence endothéliale au glucose. De ce fait, le système angiotensine local et le SGLT2 sont des cibles intéressantes pour retarder le vieillissement vasculaire. / Endothelial senescence is an early step to endothelial dysfunction, known to favor the development of cardiovascular diseases during ageing, or its accelerated form in diabetes. The first in vitro study shows that the activation of the local angiotensin system is favored by the oxidative stress and leads to endothelial senescence and dysfunction. The second study indicates that endothelial senescence and dysfunction in response to high glucose are driven by the redox-sensitive expression of sodium-glucose co-transporters SGLT-2, via the angiotensin system. Moreover, data also indicate that empagliflozin, a SGLT2 selective inhibitor, and anthocyans from black-currant juice can inhibit the glucose-induced endothelial senescence. Therefore, the local angiotensin system and SGLT2 are promising targets to stunt vascular ageing.

Regulationsprinzipien des SGLT-1 im Pansen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer hormonellen Steuerung durch Adrenalin

Borau, Titus 17 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In unserem Institut wurde in vorangegangenen Studien der Nachweis für die Präsenz des Natrium-Glukose-Kotransporters (SGLT-1) im Pansenepithel von Schafen sowohl auf molekularbiologischer als auch auf funktioneller Ebene erbracht. Im Dünndarm von Monogastriern und Wiederkäuern hängt die Aktivität des SGLT-1 im Wesentlichen vom phylogenetischen Ernährungstyp (Wiederkäuer: Konzentrat-selektierer oder Rauhfutterkonsumenten), vom aktuellen Substratangebot und der Beeinflussung durch stoffwechselaktive Hormone ab. Es ist bekannt, dass bei vermehrter Aufnahme leicht verdaulicher Kohlenhydrate die Präsenz des intestinalen SGLT-1 erhöht ist. Eine Stimulation des SGLT-1 durch den intrazellulären Messenger cAMP ist beschrieben. Im Rattendünndarm wurde eine cAMP-vermittelte Erhöhung der Glukoseaufnahme durch pankreatisches Glukagon 29, enterisches Glukagon 37 und Adrenalin nachgewiesen. Die vorliegenden In-vitro- Studien am Pansenepithel waren der Frage gewidmet, inwiefern sich die bisher am Dünndarm untersuchten Regulationswege auf den ruminalen SGLT-1 übertragen lassen. Dies betraf im Einzelnen: - Phylogenetische Unterschiede bei der ruminalen SGLT-1-Aktivität zwischen verschiedenen Ernährungstypen (Schaf, Damwild) - Regulation des SGLT-1 durch kurzfristige Änderungen des Substratangebots - Steigerung der Glukoseaufnahme durch Hormone (Katecholamine u. Glukagon), Die Studien wurden mittels einer modifizierten Ussing-Kammer-Technik durchgeführt. Von Schafen und Damwild wurde die Tunica mucosa der Pansenepithelien präpariert und in Ussing-Kammern inkubiert. Nach einer einminütigen mukosalen Inkubation mit D-Glukose (einschließlich 14C-markierter Glukose) erfolgte die Bestimmung der Glukosekonzentration im Epithelzelllysat mittels Szintillationszählung der radioaktiv markierten Glukose. Der Einfluss verschiedener Substanzen auf die Glukoseaufnahme wurde durch entsprechende Vorinkubation untersucht. Es konnten folgende Befunde erhoben werden: - Die ruminale Glukoseaufnahme bei einer mukosalen Glukosekonzentration von 200 µM erfolgt bei Schafen zu ca. 60 % über den SGLT-1, bei Damwild betrug dieser Anteil nur etwa 25 %. - Eine mehrstündige Erhöhung des mukosalen Glukoseangebotes auf 10 mM resultierte in einer ca. 50%igen Steigerung der SGLT-1-vermittelten Glukoseaufnahme beim Schaf. - Die Hormone Glukagon 37 und Adrenalin bewirkten am Schafspansen eine deutliche Steigerung der SGLT-1-vermittelten Glukoseaufnahme. Glukagon 29 hatte einen geringen Effekt, während Noradrenalin die Glukoseaufnahme nicht nachweisbar beeinflusste. - Im Rahmen einer detaillierteren Charakterisierung des Adrenalineffektes konnte eine Stimulation des SGLT-1 auch durch den &#61538;-Rezeptoragonist Isoproterenol und den &#61538;2-spezifischen Agonisten Terbutalin ausgelöst werden. Andere rezeptorspezifische Agonisten (alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1 und beta-3) hatten keinen Einfluss. Schlussfolgernd lässt sich postulieren, dass der SGLT-1 bei Schafen der bedeutendste Transportmechanismus für die ruminale Glukoseaufnahme ist und bei Damwild im Gegensatz zu den vom Dünndarm bekannten Verhältnissen eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Eine Steuerung ist ähnlich wie im Dünndarm sowohl durch erhöhtes Glukoseangebot als auch durch Erhöhung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration möglich. Die Hormone Adrenalin und Glukagon 37 stimulieren die Glukoseaufnahme in den getesteten Konzentrationen signifikant. Der Signalweg der Adrenalin-vermittelten Stimulation verläuft über Aktivierung der Adenylatzyklase und Proteinkinase A. Dafür scheint ein beta-2-Rezeptor im Pansenepithel verantwortlich zu sein. Die praktische Relevanz der untersuchten Stimulierbarkeit des SGLT-1 könnte in vivo in der schnellen Entfernung überschüssiger Glukosemengen aus dem Vormagen liegen, um eventuell einer bakteriellen Dysfermentation im Pansen entgegenzusteuern. / Recent studies evidenced the presence of the sodium / glucose cotransporter, SGLT-1, in ruminal epithelia of sheep and showed its ability to absorb glucose. Concerning the possibility of regulation of SGLT-1, the influence of substrate concentration has been reported in other tissues. There are phylogenetic adaptions according to the feeding habits of different ruminants (grass and roughage consumer, intermediate mixed feeder and concentrate selectors) and the possibility to short-term adaption in response to the availability of easely fermentable carbohydrates. Furthermore, some hormones are known to stimulate glucose uptake. The important role of cyclic AMP (cAMP) as an intracellular mediator and stimulator of glucose uptake is well described. There is evidence for the influence of hormones stimulating the SGLT-1 by rising the cAMP level. Stimulation of intestinal glucose uptake occured after preincubation with pancreatic glucagon (glucagon 29), enteric glucagon (glucagon 37) and epinephrine in the rat small intestine. To proove whether the regulatory priciples of the intestinal SGLT-1 apply also to the SGLT-1 in the ruminant forestomach, the heredescribed studies addressed the following topics: -Quantification of SGLT-1-mediated glucose uptake in the rumen of ruminants with different feeding habits (sheep vs. fallow deer) -Short-term regulation of glucose uptake by substrate availability -Modulation of glucose uptake by hormones with stimulatory effects on cAMP level Glucose uptake studies were performed in vitro using a modified Ussing chamber technique. Ruminal epithelia were incubated on the mucosal side with glucose (including 50 kBq 14C-glucose) for 1 min. Glucose content of the lysed epithelia was measured by scintillation counting. The influence of certain substances on glucose uptake was investigated by preincubation with these substances either on the serosal, mucosal or both sides of the epithelia. RESULTS - Ruminal glucose absorption in sheep is mediated to approximately 60 % by SGLT-1, whereas the SGLT-1 of fallow deer transports only 25 % of the glucose (at a mucosal glucose concentration of 200 µM). - After mucosal preincubation with 10 mM glucose for several hours, the SGLT-1-mediated glucose uptake of sheep rumen raised up to 150 %. - The hormones glucagon 37 and epinephrine increased SGLT-1-mediated glucose transport in the sheep rumen. A minor stimulation was also observed after addition of glucagon 29, whereas norepinephrine had no effect on glucose uptake. - The effect of epinephrine was characterized in detail. It could be simulated by using the beta-receptor&#61472;agonist isoproterenol as well as the beta-2-receptor agonist terbutaline. No effect was observed with alpha-1-, alpha-2-, beta-1- and beta-3-receptor agonists. These results lead to the following conclusions: SGLT-1 is the most important transport mechanism for ruminal glucose uptake in sheep. In contrast to the high SGLT-1-activity in the intestine of fallow deer, there is only a minor relevance in the rumen of this species. A fast significant stimulation of the ruminal SGLT-1 of sheep in vitro is possible by rising glucose supply and serosal addition of epinephrine and glucagon 37 in the tested concentrations. Glucagon 29 and norepinephrine had no effect on SGLT-1 under the used experimental conditions. The intracellular signalling of the epinephrine action involves the pathway via adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A. The investigated effect of epinephrine is mediated by beta-2-adrenoceptors. The priciples of regulation of the ruminal SGLT-1 are similar to the intestine. Perhaps, in vivo, up-regulation of glucose absorption by substrates and hormones is important for a fast removal of excess glucose from rumen to prevent dysfermentation.

Regulationsprinzipien des SGLT-1 im Pansen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer hormonellen Steuerung durch Adrenalin

Borau, Titus 17 September 2004 (has links)
In unserem Institut wurde in vorangegangenen Studien der Nachweis für die Präsenz des Natrium-Glukose-Kotransporters (SGLT-1) im Pansenepithel von Schafen sowohl auf molekularbiologischer als auch auf funktioneller Ebene erbracht. Im Dünndarm von Monogastriern und Wiederkäuern hängt die Aktivität des SGLT-1 im Wesentlichen vom phylogenetischen Ernährungstyp (Wiederkäuer: Konzentrat-selektierer oder Rauhfutterkonsumenten), vom aktuellen Substratangebot und der Beeinflussung durch stoffwechselaktive Hormone ab. Es ist bekannt, dass bei vermehrter Aufnahme leicht verdaulicher Kohlenhydrate die Präsenz des intestinalen SGLT-1 erhöht ist. Eine Stimulation des SGLT-1 durch den intrazellulären Messenger cAMP ist beschrieben. Im Rattendünndarm wurde eine cAMP-vermittelte Erhöhung der Glukoseaufnahme durch pankreatisches Glukagon 29, enterisches Glukagon 37 und Adrenalin nachgewiesen. Die vorliegenden In-vitro- Studien am Pansenepithel waren der Frage gewidmet, inwiefern sich die bisher am Dünndarm untersuchten Regulationswege auf den ruminalen SGLT-1 übertragen lassen. Dies betraf im Einzelnen: - Phylogenetische Unterschiede bei der ruminalen SGLT-1-Aktivität zwischen verschiedenen Ernährungstypen (Schaf, Damwild) - Regulation des SGLT-1 durch kurzfristige Änderungen des Substratangebots - Steigerung der Glukoseaufnahme durch Hormone (Katecholamine u. Glukagon), Die Studien wurden mittels einer modifizierten Ussing-Kammer-Technik durchgeführt. Von Schafen und Damwild wurde die Tunica mucosa der Pansenepithelien präpariert und in Ussing-Kammern inkubiert. Nach einer einminütigen mukosalen Inkubation mit D-Glukose (einschließlich 14C-markierter Glukose) erfolgte die Bestimmung der Glukosekonzentration im Epithelzelllysat mittels Szintillationszählung der radioaktiv markierten Glukose. Der Einfluss verschiedener Substanzen auf die Glukoseaufnahme wurde durch entsprechende Vorinkubation untersucht. Es konnten folgende Befunde erhoben werden: - Die ruminale Glukoseaufnahme bei einer mukosalen Glukosekonzentration von 200 µM erfolgt bei Schafen zu ca. 60 % über den SGLT-1, bei Damwild betrug dieser Anteil nur etwa 25 %. - Eine mehrstündige Erhöhung des mukosalen Glukoseangebotes auf 10 mM resultierte in einer ca. 50%igen Steigerung der SGLT-1-vermittelten Glukoseaufnahme beim Schaf. - Die Hormone Glukagon 37 und Adrenalin bewirkten am Schafspansen eine deutliche Steigerung der SGLT-1-vermittelten Glukoseaufnahme. Glukagon 29 hatte einen geringen Effekt, während Noradrenalin die Glukoseaufnahme nicht nachweisbar beeinflusste. - Im Rahmen einer detaillierteren Charakterisierung des Adrenalineffektes konnte eine Stimulation des SGLT-1 auch durch den &#61538;-Rezeptoragonist Isoproterenol und den &#61538;2-spezifischen Agonisten Terbutalin ausgelöst werden. Andere rezeptorspezifische Agonisten (alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1 und beta-3) hatten keinen Einfluss. Schlussfolgernd lässt sich postulieren, dass der SGLT-1 bei Schafen der bedeutendste Transportmechanismus für die ruminale Glukoseaufnahme ist und bei Damwild im Gegensatz zu den vom Dünndarm bekannten Verhältnissen eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Eine Steuerung ist ähnlich wie im Dünndarm sowohl durch erhöhtes Glukoseangebot als auch durch Erhöhung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration möglich. Die Hormone Adrenalin und Glukagon 37 stimulieren die Glukoseaufnahme in den getesteten Konzentrationen signifikant. Der Signalweg der Adrenalin-vermittelten Stimulation verläuft über Aktivierung der Adenylatzyklase und Proteinkinase A. Dafür scheint ein beta-2-Rezeptor im Pansenepithel verantwortlich zu sein. Die praktische Relevanz der untersuchten Stimulierbarkeit des SGLT-1 könnte in vivo in der schnellen Entfernung überschüssiger Glukosemengen aus dem Vormagen liegen, um eventuell einer bakteriellen Dysfermentation im Pansen entgegenzusteuern. / Recent studies evidenced the presence of the sodium / glucose cotransporter, SGLT-1, in ruminal epithelia of sheep and showed its ability to absorb glucose. Concerning the possibility of regulation of SGLT-1, the influence of substrate concentration has been reported in other tissues. There are phylogenetic adaptions according to the feeding habits of different ruminants (grass and roughage consumer, intermediate mixed feeder and concentrate selectors) and the possibility to short-term adaption in response to the availability of easely fermentable carbohydrates. Furthermore, some hormones are known to stimulate glucose uptake. The important role of cyclic AMP (cAMP) as an intracellular mediator and stimulator of glucose uptake is well described. There is evidence for the influence of hormones stimulating the SGLT-1 by rising the cAMP level. Stimulation of intestinal glucose uptake occured after preincubation with pancreatic glucagon (glucagon 29), enteric glucagon (glucagon 37) and epinephrine in the rat small intestine. To proove whether the regulatory priciples of the intestinal SGLT-1 apply also to the SGLT-1 in the ruminant forestomach, the heredescribed studies addressed the following topics: -Quantification of SGLT-1-mediated glucose uptake in the rumen of ruminants with different feeding habits (sheep vs. fallow deer) -Short-term regulation of glucose uptake by substrate availability -Modulation of glucose uptake by hormones with stimulatory effects on cAMP level Glucose uptake studies were performed in vitro using a modified Ussing chamber technique. Ruminal epithelia were incubated on the mucosal side with glucose (including 50 kBq 14C-glucose) for 1 min. Glucose content of the lysed epithelia was measured by scintillation counting. The influence of certain substances on glucose uptake was investigated by preincubation with these substances either on the serosal, mucosal or both sides of the epithelia. RESULTS - Ruminal glucose absorption in sheep is mediated to approximately 60 % by SGLT-1, whereas the SGLT-1 of fallow deer transports only 25 % of the glucose (at a mucosal glucose concentration of 200 µM). - After mucosal preincubation with 10 mM glucose for several hours, the SGLT-1-mediated glucose uptake of sheep rumen raised up to 150 %. - The hormones glucagon 37 and epinephrine increased SGLT-1-mediated glucose transport in the sheep rumen. A minor stimulation was also observed after addition of glucagon 29, whereas norepinephrine had no effect on glucose uptake. - The effect of epinephrine was characterized in detail. It could be simulated by using the beta-receptor&#61472;agonist isoproterenol as well as the beta-2-receptor agonist terbutaline. No effect was observed with alpha-1-, alpha-2-, beta-1- and beta-3-receptor agonists. These results lead to the following conclusions: SGLT-1 is the most important transport mechanism for ruminal glucose uptake in sheep. In contrast to the high SGLT-1-activity in the intestine of fallow deer, there is only a minor relevance in the rumen of this species. A fast significant stimulation of the ruminal SGLT-1 of sheep in vitro is possible by rising glucose supply and serosal addition of epinephrine and glucagon 37 in the tested concentrations. Glucagon 29 and norepinephrine had no effect on SGLT-1 under the used experimental conditions. The intracellular signalling of the epinephrine action involves the pathway via adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A. The investigated effect of epinephrine is mediated by beta-2-adrenoceptors. The priciples of regulation of the ruminal SGLT-1 are similar to the intestine. Perhaps, in vivo, up-regulation of glucose absorption by substrates and hormones is important for a fast removal of excess glucose from rumen to prevent dysfermentation.

Réactivité des glyconitriles vis-à-vis d’organométalliques : accès à des céto-C-glycosides précurseurs de C-glycoconjugés / Reactivity of glyconitriles towards organométallics : acces to C-glycosides precursors of C-glycoconjugates

Ella Obame, Idriss 19 July 2016 (has links)
Les glycoconjugués constituent une classe de molécules organiques importante car ils sont impliqués dans de nombreux processus biologiques à savoir l'inflammation, la transmission du signal, la fécondation, l'adhérence cellule-cellule et bactérie-cellule, la reconnaissance virus-cellule et la défense immunitaire… L'utilisation de ce type de molécules comme principe actif peut être limitée par l'instabilité de la liaison glycosidique en milieu physiologique et de ce fait la préparation de C-glycoconjugués plus stables, non sensibles aux hydrolyses acides et enzymatiques constitue un enjeu en synthèse organique. Cette thèse décrit un nouvel accès à des C-glycoconjugués via des précurseurs céto-C-glycosides. La majeure partie du travail a consisté à la mise au point d’une nouvelle voie d’accès à des céto-C-glycosides à partir de glyconitriles issus du glucose, du galactose ou du mannose. Dans un premier temps, la réactivité de glyconitriles totalement protégés sous forme d’éthers benzyliques vis-à-vis d’organozinciques activés a été étudiée permettant d’isoler différentes cétones fonctionnalisées C-glycosylés. Lorsque ces substrats sont opposés à des organomagnésiens, un mélange de composé attendu et de glycal issu de l’élimination du benzyloxy en position 2 est observé. Afin de limiter la formation des glycals, des glyconitriles comportant un groupe hydroxyle en position 2 ont été préparés. L’addition de réactifs de Grignard ou d’organolithiens sur ces glyconitriles ont conduit à divers céto-C-glycosides. Ainsi, il a été montré que l’addition des organolithiens était plus efficace en termes de rendement.Ayant en main ces dérivés cétoniques, une étude de fonctionalisation de la fonction cétonique (formation de méthylène, de gem-difluoré, réduction en alcool…) a été entreprise, sur un substrat modèle, acquis qui pourra être transposé aux acyl-C-glycosides plus complexes. De plus, l’application de la méthodologie de synthèse à des C-glycoconjugués originaux appartenant à trois familles de composés différentes, inhibiteurs potentiels de SGLT-2 ou de glycogène phosporylase, nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques dans le traitement du diabète de type 2, a été validée. / Glycoconjugates, an important series of organic molecules, are fundamental to many important biological processes such as inflammation, signal transduction, fertilization, bacterial-cell or cell-cell adhesion, virus-cell recognition and immune response…The use of such compounds as drug is limited by the significant hydrolysis occurring in physiological medium or in acidic conditions. Thus, more stable C-glycoconjugates syntheses have to be developed.A new strategy for the synthesis of C-glycoconjugates via acyl-C-glycosides precursors is described from gluco-, galacto- or manno-nitriles. First, the reactivity of O-perbenzylated glyconitriles towards various activated organozinc reagents led to various functionalized keto-C-glycosides. However, with Grignard reagents, a mixture of the corresponding compound along with glycal occurring from the elimination of benzyloxy group located in position 2 is observed. To prevent such elimination, 2-hydroxyglyconitrile was prepared. With organomagnesium or organolithium reagents, these glyconitriles led to various glyconitriles in good yieds. It is noteworthy that organolitium reagents were more efficient, leading to better yields in glucose and galactose series.With these keto derivatives in hands, the transformation of the keto group into methylene, gem-difluorine, alcool…. was performed on a galatose-derived ketone as a model for the preparation of more complex C-glycosides. Moreover, the application of the methodology was applied to the synthesis of original C-glycoconjugates as potential SGLT-2 or glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors, thereby validating the synthetic strategy.

Caractérisation de la fonction vasculaire dans les vaisseaux sanguins isolés en réponse au glucose élevé et de l'artère mammaire interne de patients diabétiques / Characterization of vascular function of isolated blood vessels in response to high glucose and internal mammary artery from diabetic patients

Nguyen, Phuong Nga 13 January 2017 (has links)
D’abord, nous avons visé à établir un modèle ex vivo de la dysfonction endothéliale induite par le glucose élevé (HG) dans les artères isolées de rat Wistar mâle et porc. Notre but était de clarifier le rôle des SGLT1/2 dans les cellules endothéliales dans les conditions HG pour évaluer l'effet protecteur des gliflozines sur la fonction endothéliale. Cependant, HG n'a pas affecté la relaxation dépendant de l'endothélium. L'absence d'effet d’HG pourrait être liée aux facteurs, tels que les conditions d'incubation, le genre, l'âge, la souche, l’espèce d'animal et les conditions de logement. Enfin, nous avons caractérisé les artères mammaires internes humaines (AMI) de 58 patients ayant subi un pontage coronarien au Nouvel Hôpital Civil de Strasbourg. Nous avons trouvé l'association du diabète et de l'hypertension au niveau accru du stress oxydatif dans les AMI humaines. Les niveaux d'expression de la eNOS, des SGLT et du système d’angiotensine local doivent être étudiés plus en détail. / Firstly, we aimed to establish an ex vivo model of high glucose (HG)-induced endothelial dysfunction in isolated arteries from male Wistar rat and porc. Then, our goal was to clarify the contribution of SGLT1/2 in endothelial cells under HG conditions to evaluate the protective effect of gliflozins on the endothelial function. However, HG did not affect the endothelium-dependent relaxation response in all tested types of artery. The lack of effect of HG might be related to certain factors, such as the incubation conditions, gender, age, strain, species of studied animals, and conditions of housing of animals. Secondly, we characterized human internal mammary arteries (IMA) of 58 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting in the New Civil Hospital of Strasbourg. We found the association of diabetes and hypertension in the enhanced level of oxidative stress in human IMA. The expression levels of eNOS, SGLTs and the components of angiotensin system need to be further investigated.

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