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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coastal erosion on Vestpynten, Svalbard; Engineering measures for shore protection.

Linzbach, Antonia-Maria January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes the processing of 3D Laser measurements from Vestpynten, Svalbard to find out the erosion pattern at the site as a basis for the design of an appropriated shore protection suggestion and also to evaluate the applicability of 3D laser measurement systems in Arctic environments. 3D laser measurements would be interesting for the analysis of areas with limited  accessibility, since 3D laser measurement allows very precise recordings of the landscape/ surfaces without the need of accessing the investigation area. Based on the processed pictures and further erosion analysis the thesis suggests an erosion protection design for Vestpynten, based on geosynthetics. This was found to be necessary, since the road connecting Bjørndalen to Longyearbyen is at Vestpynten only a few meters away from the edge of the instable, eroding cliff. The suggested geosynthetic protection design is expected to be appropriate in terms of ecological and economical requirements of the site.

Kriterier för landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen : En fallstudie av kustnära norrlandskommuner

Eklund, Erika January 2020 (has links)
Den svenska allemansrätten syftar bland annat till att stränder ska finnas tillgängliga för alla genom att ge goda förutsättningar för biologisk mångfald. För detta behövs ett strandskydd som skyddar mot exploatering men som kan tillåta ny bebyggelse, bland annat bebyggelse som leder till landsbygdsutveckling.Studien behandlar strandskyddet och landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen (LIS) utmed norrlandskusten utifrån problematiken att utse nya LIS-områden. Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen är ett tillägg i den svenska strandskyddslagstiftningen och tillkom 2009 med syftet att utveckla landsbygden genom att lätta på strandskyddet och tillåta ny bebyggelse i attraktiva strandområden. LIS infördes som särskilt skäl i Miljöbalken och yrkar på att kommuner ska peka ut LIS-områden i sina översiktsplaner. LIS kan tillämpas i hela Sverige, med vissa undantag, och i LIS-områden är det sedan lättare att få beviljad dispens om åtgärden som dispensen avser bidrar till en utveckling av landsbygdenSyftet med den här studien är att underlätta utpekandet av LIS-områden rent geografiskt, men också på ett långsiktigt hållbart sätt så att landsbygdsutveckling skapas. Tidigare studier visar att det saknas tydliga kriterier som visar hur LIS-områden ska se ut för att nå LIS-tilläggets syfte med landsbygdsutveckling. Målet med studien är därför att ge förslag på kriterier som kan användas när nya LIS-områden ska utses.Studien utfördes som en fallstudie där fyra olika metoder tillämpades. I urvalet utsågs 17 kommuner efter norrlandskusten som var lämpliga kandidater för studien. Därefter genomfördes lagtolkning, enkätundersökning, intervjuer och områdesanalys.Resultatet visar ett flertal kriterier som används för att utse nya LIS-områden. En mall för LIS kriterier har tagits fram för att underlätta arbetet med LIS och för att få en samsyn om hur LIS ska pekas ut i landet. Mallen kan tillämpas i ett geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) som en multikriterieanalys (MCA).Kommuner misstolkar ofta lagstiftningen om LIS som leder till att felaktiga beslut tas om strandskydd och LIS-områden. Kommuner använder sig av kriterier för att utse LIS-områden men kriterierna ser olika ut och tillämpas på olika vis. LIS kan utvecklas så att landsbygdsutveckling nås i större utsträckning i framtiden med gemensamma mål och strategier. / Swedish public law aims to make shores accessible to everybody and provide good conditions for biodiversity. For this, a shore protection is needed that protects against exploitation, but which can allow new development, including buildings that lead to rural development.This essay is about shore protection, rural development in shore sites based on the problems in pointing out new areas for rural development in shore sites. These areas are called LIS-areas, a shortening for Landsbygdsutveckling i Strandnära lägen. Rural development in shore sites is a law from 2009 that made it possible to develop certain areas in the countryside with new buildings. LIS was added to the Environmental code with the purpose to repeal shore protection in rural areas so that municipalities could designate LIS-areas in their comprehensive plans. LIS is applicable throughout Sweden, with few exceptions, and in these certain areas it will be easier to get a dispensation approved if the dispensation will develop the rural area.The aim of this study is to facilitate the designation of LIS areas geographically, but also in a long-term sustainable way so that rural development is created. Previous studies show lack of criteria that show what LIS areas should look like and how large the areas should be in order to achieve rural development. The objective of the study is to provide suggestions on criteria that can be used when selecting new LIS areas.The study was conducted as a case study in which different methods were applied. The selection identified 17 municipalities along the coastline of northern Sweden that were suitable candidates for the study. Subsequently, reviews on LIS-areas, surveys, interviews and interpretation of the LIS-law were done.The result shows a number of criteria used to designate new LIS areas. A template for LIS criteria has been developed to facilitate the work with LIS and to obtain a consensus on how LIS should be identified in the country. The template can be applied in a geographical information system (GIS) as a multi-criteria analysis.Municipalities often misinterpret the legislation on LIS, which leads to incorrect decisions about shore protection and LIS areas. Municipalities use criteria to designate LIS areas, but the criteria look different and are applied in different ways. LIS can be developed so that rural development can be achieved to a greater extent in the future by common goals and strategies.

Vorhersageverbesserung des Windes im Küstenbereich

Viertel, René, Tetzlaff, Gerd 23 March 2017 (has links)
Nachdem der weitere Ausbau der Stromerzeugung aus Windenergie an Land an seine Grenzen stösst, rücken die küstennahen Bereiche der Seegebiete in den Mittelpunkt der Planungen. Aufgrund seiner Komplexität sind die Vorhersagen der relevanten Größen im Zeitbereich bis 48 Stunden in diesen Gebieten oftmals ungenau. Mittels systematischer Vergleiche von Prognosen und Messreihen meteorologischer Größen wurde untersucht, ob sich charakteristische Muster der Abweichung der Windprognose von der Messung in Abhängigkeit meteorologischer Größen und Prognosezeit finden und sich die Abweichungen verringern lassen. / After the further development of the generation of current by wind energy on land areas is pushed to the borders the near-shore areas of the see regions moves into the center of plannings. Because of the complex behavior of such areas the prediction of the required meteorological values often becomes uncertain within the forecast range of 48 hours. Measurements of meteorological values and forecasts were compared systematically. By means of this comparisons it was examined, whether characteristical pattern of the deviation between measurements and forcasts, dependent on other meteorological values and forecast time, can be found. The possibility to reduce this deviations was verified.

Losing personality : Exploring with a focus on formal speech how the register of Nakata Satoru in Murakami Haruki’s Umibe no Kafuka is affected when translated into English and Swedish

Josefsson, Anna-Klara January 2023 (has links)
When reading a translated book or a dubbed movie, one might come to wonder if the translation conveys the characters’ personality traits identically to that of the original, and while ‘identical’ may not be achievable, ‘equivalent’ rather may be within the scope of a translator’s capability. Translation between languages as vastly different as Swedish and Japanese, or English and Japanese are bound to face greater difficulties than for example Swedish and English. Japanese dialogue can highlight register and idiosyncratic speech patterns in particularly unique ways. This case study investigates how this is done and handled in both English and Swedish by analyzing the dialogue of the main protagonist Nakata Satoru in the novel Umibe no Kafka by Murakami Haruki. Thus, two questions arise: “What distinguishing elements of Nakata Satoru’s register and formality make his speech unique in the original Umibe no Kafuka?” and “How are the distinct characteristics in the dialogue of Nakata Satoru maintained – or lost in the Swedish and English translations of Umibe no Kafuka?”. In pursuit of an answer to these questions, the original copy of Umibe no Kafuka, the English translation (Kafka on the Shore), and the Swedish translation (Kafka på Stranden) were analyzed and all sentences spoken by Nakata in chapters 6,16 and 20 were recorded and compared to the ST – or source text. The study ultimately found that the distinct characteristics in Nakata’s speech were many times in the English and Swedish translations ignored and that Nakata’s soft spoken, understanding tone was often overlooked in order to allow for the translation to flow naturally.

Three-dimensional numerical modeling of flow dynamics and investigation of temporal scour hole development around paired stream deflectors in a laboratory flume

Haltigin, Tim January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of temporal scour development and flow dynamics around submerged deflectors in a laboratory flume

Rodrigue-Gervais, Karen, 1981- January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Kallbad vid Vinterviken / Cold bath at Vinterviken

Vitestam, Petter January 2018 (has links)
I vår snabba och upptagna värld med saker att göra, folk att träffa, platser att besöka, är det lätt att tappa kontakten med tidens gång, årstidernas förändring etc. Förändringar sker kring oss hela tiden men vi uppmärksammar dem ej, och rätt som det är har flera år flutit förbi. Vi brukade leva mer i synk med tiden och naturen, i ett naturligt förhållande till skiftningar och förändring, och jag tycker att det finns ett värde i att försöka återupprätta det förhållandet. Jag ville undersöka vårt förhållande till tid och närvaro och försöka hitta sätt som arkitektur kan hjälpa oss vara mer medvetna om vår plats i världen och tiden.Detta undersöks genom utformningen av ett kallbad som erbjuder besökaren en rituell resa av upplevelser. En plats där man kan slappna av och ha utrymme för eftertanke, ta sin tid att uppleva och se världen och sig själv på ett nytt sätt. Fokus ligger ej på eskapism och nöje utan på att skapa intensiva upplevelser som kan främja medveten närvaro. / In today's world we all live very fast, we all have places to be and stuff to do and most of the time we are not aware of time passing, seasons coming and going, changes happening etc. We used to live more closely connected with time and nature, and I think it is important to try to regain that connection. I wanted to look closer at our relationship to time and presentness, and try to find ways that architecture can help bring about an increased awareness of our place in the world.This is investigated through designing a cold bath which offers the user a ritual journey of experiences. A place where one can relax and reflect, and take ones time to experience and look at the world and one self in a new light. The focus is not on escapism or purely pleasure but rather on creating intense experiences to foster mindfulness.

Ore Petrology and Wallrock Alteration Studies at the Lake Shore Gold Mine, Kirkland Lake, Ontario

McInnes, Brent Ian 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The Lake Shore Mine has accounted for over a quarter of the gold produced in the Kirkland Lake camp. Petrography suggests that gold is a later phase in the paragenesis of ore minerals. Sulphides precipitated first followed by tellurides and gold. Wallrock alteration adjacent to the quartz veins was studied by thin section and geochemical analysis. Petrography enabled an alteration facies scheme based on predominant alteration minerals to be established. The alteration assemblages suggest the fluid had a high K and CO2 content, low Na, and reduced S content. Geochemical analysis of these samples confirm petrographic observations and suggests major additions of K2O, SiO2, Rb, Sb and Au to the wallrock, and losses of Na2O, Ba and Zr from the wallrock.</p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Sveriges strandskydd : En studie om strandskyddets historiska, nutida och framtida ställning / The Shore Protection of Sweden : A study of the historical, present and future status of the shore protection

Salmelin, Jessica, Nyander Söderhielm, Tova January 2022 (has links)
Strandskyddets historiska syfte har sedan införandet av strandskyddslagstiftningen 1950 främst varit att stärka allemansrätten och säkerställa allmänhetens tillgång till friluftsliv och rekreation. Sedan 1975 råder ett generellt strandskydd i Sverige. Det innebär att alla kuster och strandlinjer är belagda med strandskydd. 1994 utvidgades strandskyddets syfte till att även omfatta skydd för djur- och växtliv. Andra lagreformer som genomförts är exempelvis införandet av LIS-systemet, landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen, 2010 som syftade till att göra stradskyddsregleringen mer anpassningsbar och främja Sveriges landsbygdsutveckling. 2014 infördes vissa lättnader i strandskyddet vid små sjöar och vattendrag som skulle bidra till en mer långsiktigt hållbar utveckling av strandskyddet och landsbygderna. I mars 2022 överlämnades den senaste propositionen (2021/22:168) om förslag till nya strandskyddsregler som ska göra strandskyddet mer flexibelt, öka möjligheterna att anpassa regleringen efter behovet av strandskyddslättnader respektive utveckling i hela landet. Det lokala inflytandet föreslås öka och det ska även bli betydligt enklare att bygga i lands- och glesbygd samt i mindre tätorter. Propositionen har fått utstå stark kritik och många riksdagspartier ställer sig negativa till förslaget. Den här uppsatsen behandlar Sveriges strandskyddslagar ur ett historiskt, nuvarande respektive framtida perspektiv. Den analyserar även några utvalda förslag från regeringens senaste proposition. Genom analysen av förarbeten och tillhörande följdmotioner försöker vi utläsa vilka konsekvenserna lagförslaget skulle kunna få vid eventuellt ikraftträdande. Uppsatsen syftar till att svara på frågeställningarna “Hur har strandskyddet utvecklats över tid och varför har utvecklingen sett ut så som den har gjort?” samt “Vilka lagändringar vill regeringen nu genomföra och varför? Vilka konsekvenser skulle ändringarna innebära i förhållande till de nuvarande bestämmelserna?” I dagens lagstiftning finns många gränsdragningsproblem och benämningar som öppnar upp för stora tolkningsskillnader. Det finns grund för att tro att regeringens proposition inte kommer röstas igenom eftersom det uttryckliga stödet från flera riksdagspartier är svagt. Det återstår att se när regeringsförslaget kommer röstas om i kammaren. Det är svårt att dra några konkreta slutsatser, då detta är en fråga om politik och i sin förlängning valstrategi. Uppsatsens slutsats är att ett strandskydd är nödvändigt men att det bör regleras mer efter lokala förutsättningar och exploateringsgrader. / This essay interprets the Swedish shore protection laws from a historical, current and future perspective. Since the introduction of the shore protection legislation in 1950 the historical purpose of shore protection has mainly been to fortify the right of public access and ensure the public's access to outdoor life and recreation. In 1994, the purpose of shore protection was extended to include the protection of animal and plant life. Since 1975, there has been shore protection in place in Sweden which means that all coasts and shorelines are protected from exploitation. Other law reforms that have been implemented are, for example, the introduction of the LIS system (rural development in coastal locations) in 2010. In 2014, certain reliefs to the shore protection legislation was introduced regarding small lakes and watercourses that would contribute to a more long-term sustainable development of shore protection alongside the countryside. In March 2022 the latest bill (2021/22:168) was submitted. The proposals for new shore protection legislation included rules that will ensure a more flexible shore protection law which takes rural development into account. The new proposal also aims to increase the possibility of adapting the regulations based on the local need for shore protection. The new legislation will increase the municipal authority and influence and should also make it easier to exploit in rural and smaller urban areas. The bill has received strong criticism and many parliamentary parties are negative to the proposal. By analyzing preparatory work and associated follow-up motions, we try to forecast what the consequences of the bill could be in the event of its entry into force. The purpose of the essay is to answer the issues “How has shore protection legislation developed over time and why has the development looked the way it has?" and “What legislative changes does the government now want to implement and why? What consequences would the changes have in relation to the current regulations?” In today's legislation, there are many demarcation problems as well as legal concepts which can create large differences in the interpretation. There is reason to believe that the government's bill will not be voted through because the explicit support from several parliamentary parties is weak. It remains to be seen when the government proposal will be voted on. It is difficult to draw any concrete conclusions as this is a matter of politics and, by extension, an election strategy. The essays' conclusion is that shore protection plays a necessary role in today's urban planning but that it should be regulated more according to local conditions and degrees of exploitation

A geographic information system analysis of submarine groundwater discharge on the eastern shore of Virginia

Wynn, Jeffrey W. 29 July 2009 (has links)
Recent research has indicated that submarine groundwater discharge (SGWD) occurs in the Chesapeake Bay, and that discharged groundwater can be contaminated with nutrients and toxic substances. Although discharge has been measured directly on a local level, a convenient method for determining the spatial distribution of SGWD on a large scale has not yet been devised. Although current watershed mass balance approaches have been used to estimate gross SGWD, this method cannot identify areas at high risk for contaminant input. A family of innovative computer mapping programs called Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have emerged from the software industry that serve not only as mapping tools but also as databases designed to manage spatial data) The GIS approach allows straightforward manipulation and presentation of data that is spatially related. In the research presented here, a GIS was applied to the problem of large-scale determination of SGWD and nutrient loads for the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Computerized data layers including land use, hydraulic gradient and soil permeability were used to create a GIS model of SGWD on Virginia's Eastern Shore. The model was used to predict spatial distribution of SGWD as well as the nutrient loading from nearshore agriculture and on-site waste treatment technologies. While sufficient field data for reliable calibration and verification of the model did not exist, the available data and the output of the GIS model were consistent. The methodology developed predicts that 90% of the impact from nearshore land use occurs in the southwestern quadrant of the Eastern Shore. In addition, the model determined locations where urban land use (septic tanks) may present a nutrient and coliform contamination danger. The model identified areas susceptible to contamination through discharge to a resolution of about 33 meters, showing that GIS can function as a local as well as regional management tool. The GIS framework is also expandable. The model can be modified to accommodate new data as research continues into the phenomenon of submarine groundwater discharge. This synthesis represents the first large-scale groundwater discharge analysis of the Eastern Shore and exists as part of an ongoing investigation to characterize groundwater-surface water interactions of the Eastern Shore. / Master of Science

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