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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Renovering av Gamla Årstabron med injekteringsbetong / Renovation of the Old Årsta bridge using pre-placed aggregate concrete

Stolt, Jens January 2015 (has links)
Gamla Årstabron i Stockholm uppvisade efter 80 år i drift omfattande skador på de bärande betongkonstruktionerna enligt en utredning som genomfördes 2006 av dåvarande Carl Bro AB på uppdrag av dåvarande Banverket Region Öst. Det konstaterades att omfattande reparationer och förstärkningar av brons betongvalv var nödvändiga för framtida rationell drift av bron. Det beslutades efter vidare utredning att de första tre valven på Södermalm i Stockholm skulle renoveras med injekteringsbetong. Renoveringen av de tre valven på fastlandet på Södermalm var ett prov i full skala för att hitta den optimala metodiken för den fortsatta renoveringen av resterande 17 betongvalv. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att utvärdera metoden med injekteringsbetong med hänsyn till injekteringsbetongens egenskaper, material och produktionsteknik.   Bakgrunden till detta examensarbete är att det finns ett stort behov av att följa upp renoveringsmetoden med injekteringsbetong eftersom den inte har använts i någon större utsträckning i Sverige sedan slutet av 1970-talet. Utvärderingen av injekteringsbetongens egenskaper har utförts genom att analysera resultaten av de provningar som utförts på betongen. Provningen har gått till så att utborrade kärnor och tillverkade provkuber har provats för bland annat tryck- och draghållfasthet (vidhäftning). Utvärderingen av material och produktionsteknik har gjorts genom observationer på arbetsplatsen där rapportförfattaren praktiserade hos NCC under juni och augusti 2008. Utöver praktiken har jag närvarat vid och dokumenterat många av de injekteringar som gjorts under projektets första år.   Huvudsyftet med att använda injekteringsbetong var att få fram en betong som uppvisar tillräckligt hög tryckhållfasthet, en viss draghållfasthet och en fri krympning av högst 0,2 ‰. Tyvärr var inte provtagningen tillräckligt omfattande för att dra statistiskt säkerställda slutsatser gällande betongens egenskaper. Det som dock kan sägas är att provtagningen samt information från nyckelpersoner från beställaren (numera Trafikverket) tenderar att bekräfta det som konstaterats i de förstudier som gjordes innan brorenoveringen startade, nämligen att injekteringsbetongen uppvisar en klart lägre krympning än konventionellt gjuten brobetong. Vad gäller tryck- och draghållfasthet så uppfyller den färdiga betongen de krav som ställdes.   Blandning av ingående material i form av ballast och cementbruk samt de enskilda materialens egenskaper visade sig vara en kritisk punkt, vilket bekräftar det som framgår av litteraturen på området. Att kravet på renhet hos ballasten, stenmaterialet, är uppfyllt är av yttersta vikt för slutresultatet. Dessutom är det mycket viktigt att cementbruket som blandas med vatten precis innan det injekteras i den stenfyllda formen håller mycket hög kvalité och är stabilt. I vissa aspekter ställer också metoden högre krav på yrkesarbetare, platsledning och övrig produktionspersonal som pumpförare jämfört med att gjuta med konventionell betong. Förutom de enskilda gruppernas kompetens är också samordningen och logistiken på arbetsplatsen en mycket viktig faktor. Att använda metoden innebär dessutom att beställare och specialister måste ha kunskap och förståelse för att metoden ur vissa synvinklar skiljer från konventionell betong, särskild med tanke på den begränsade användningen av metoden i Sverige i modern tid.   Baserat på slutresultatet av renoveringen, de provningar som utförts samt omdömen från nyckelpersoner hos beställaren var injekteringsbetong rätt metod att använda för att renovera Gamla Årstabron. / According to an investigation conducted in 2006 by the former Carl Bro AB commissioned by the former Swedish railway authority (Banverket), the old Årsta bridge in Stockholm, Sweden, was  after 80 years in operation showing signs of extensive damage on the load-bearing concrete structures. It was pointed out that the concrete vaults of the bridge needed to be repaired and reinforced in order to keep the bridge in an operational state. After further investigation it was decided that the first three vaults on the north side of the bridge were to be renovated by using pre-placed aggregate concrete. The renovation of the three vaults on the north side served as a full-scale test to find the best possible methodology for the continued renovation of the concrete structures that consists of another seventeen concrete vaults. This thesis aims to evaluate the method of using pre-placed aggregate concrete regarding its properties and materials as well as the construction technology.   The reason for this thesis is that there is a great need to follow up the renovation method using pre-placed aggregate concrete since it hasn’t been used in any great extent in Sweden since late 1970’s.The evaluation of the concrete’s properties has been done by analyzing the results of the testing that has been performed on the concrete. Test specimens consisting of concrete cores and fabricated cubes have been tested for compressive and tensile (bond) strength. The evaluation of materials and construction technology has been done by practical observations on the work site where the author worked as an intern for the contractor NCC during June and August 2008. Apart from my internship I also attended and documented many of the grouting occasions during the first year of the project.   The main intention of using pre-placed aggregate concrete was to produce a concrete with high compressive strength, certain tensile strength and a free shrinkage of at most 0,2 ‰. The testing of the concrete was unfortunately not extensive enough to draw any unambiguous conclusions concerning the properties of the concrete. The results of the tests performed as well as information from key persons from the current Swedish traffic administration (Trafikverket) do however tend to confirm what was found during the pilot studies conducted before the renovation of the bridge started, namely that the pre-placed aggregate concrete has a much lower shrinkage than conventional concrete normally used in bridges. As for compressive and tensile strength, the pre-placed aggregate concrete meets the quality requirements.    The mix of included materials, aggregate and cement-based grout, as well as the properties of the materials themselves turned out to be critical for the result, which the literature in the field confirms. The purity of the aggregate is essential for the result. Moreover, it’s very important that the cement-based grout is of high quality and stable. When comparing with traditional concreting, the method imposes higher requirements on the workforce, management and subcontractors, in some aspects. Two other key factors, apart from the competence of each group, are the coordination and the logistics on the worksite. Using pre-placed aggregate concrete also implies that clients and specialists must have knowledge and understanding concerning the differences compared to traditional concreting, especially since the method hasn’t been used in any greater extent in Sweden the last 40 years.   Based on the result of renovation, tests conducted and reviews from key persons at the Swedish transport administration the decision to use pre-placed aggregate concrete was the right one.

Cévní zásobení a prokrvení ženské uretry ve vztahu k poruchám kontinence : stanovení vyšetřovacích metod a jejich praktické použití / Vascularity of Female Urethra in Correlation to Urinary Incontinence : Diagnostic Algorithms and Its Clinical Implications

Švabík, Kamil January 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Intrinsic and extrinsic urethral factors play a significant role in urinary continence mechanism in women. Urethral wall structure including inervation, perfusion of submucosal layer etc. is not clinically assessed despite its important role in urethral closure function. The association of incontinence and pelvic floor reconstructive surgery is well known. Every postoperative healing process is associated with factors of ischemia and neovascularisation. According those facts we would expect that the healing and scaring should involve intrinsic urethral mechanism. After reconstructive surgery Implants further increase scaring process. Methods: In our study we included patients with anterior compartment defect. We randomized patients into three interventional arms according the surgical approach and use of implants. Before and 3-5 month after the surgery we performed urodynamic studies and pelvic floor ultrasound examination, including Doppler for urethral perfusion assessment. Another early ultrasound scan was added forth day after surgery. We correlated ultrasound and urodynamic parameters. Results: We randomized 87 patients. We couldn't find any correlation between the morphologic changes and severity of incontinence. Methods for urethral perfusion assessment showed high inaccuracy...

Studium vlivu skladby kameniva na objemové změny a na mechanické vlastnosti vysokohodnotných betonů / Study of the influence of aggregate composition on volume changes and mechanical properties of High Performance Concrete

Vobinušková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with the volume changes of concrete during its concrete glow. These volume changes are generally more susceptible to high-strength concretes – HSC, which contain a bigger dose of binder. The theoretical section describes the possible reduction volume change especially in HSC, which are focused on the composition of concrete, especially on the type and particle size distribution of aggregate. Then attention is also paid to the different types of cements and their possible substitution. The part of the theoretical work describes the types of volume changes that may occur. In the experimental part are suggested the HSC by to secure informations. Different kinds of aggregates are used and a continuous or discontinuous grain curve and a different maximum grain size. Part of the sample was made only from CEM I 42,5 R and the second part of the sample from CEM I 42,5 R with the addition of very finely ground limestone. In terms of the part of the work were monitored volume changes of concrete with different composition and also their mechanical properties after 7, 28 and 90 days. Specifically, compressive strength, tensile strength, strength of the surface layers of concrete, water absorption and water-permeability test concrete. In conclusion, are listed all the results of tests.

Modeling Unbalanced Nested Repeated Measures Data In The Presence of Informative Drop-out with Application to Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Data

Ghulam, Enas M., Ph.D. 01 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Den krympande kommunen i det samtida tillväxtparadigmet / The shrinking municipality in the contemporary growth paradigm

Dahlström, Daniel, Svensson, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
This study deals with municipal planning in municipalities that has a declining population, often referred to as shrinking municipalities. Data collection was done by interviews with civil servants tasked with planning in municipalities. The interview’s purpose was to gather knowledge on the experience of working within a shrinking municipality. The civil servants interviewed worked within Laxå, Sävsjö, Vimmerby, Hultsfred and Valdemarsvik municipality. The data from the interview was analyzed in relation to earlier research about societies and region with a decline in population and has its theoretical framework in the growth-critical theory degrowth. The results that’s the basis for analysis is structured after four different themes. These themes touch on the subjects of challenges, possibilities, strategies, activities as well as attitude in relation to the civil servants’ experiences.  The analysis of the results ends up problematizing the growth paradigm since shrinking municipalities becomes disadvantaged by creating growth-oriented strategies. Furthermore, the results show how creative solutions to counter or alternatively adapt shrinkage remains absent in shrinking municipalities due to a lack of a long-term perspective in planning. / Denna studie behandlar samhällsplanering i kommuner med en minskande befolkning, ofta benämnt som krympande kommuner. Materialinsamlingen till studien genomfördes med intervjuer där tjänstepersoner som jobbar med samhällsplanering tillfrågades. Syftet med intervjuerna var att ta in tjänstepersonernas erfarenheter om att jobba i en krympande kommun. Tjänstepersonerna som intervjuades tillhörde Laxå, Sävsjö, Vimmerby, Hultsfred och Valdemarsvik kommun. Intervjumaterialet analyserades i relation tidigare forskning om minskande samhällen och regioner med teoretisk utgångspunkt i tillväxtkritiska teorin degrowth. I resultatet presenteras det material som vidare ligger till grund för analysen strukturerade efter fyra olika teman. Dessa teman berör utmaningar, möjligheter, strategier, verksamheter och inställning i förhållande till tjänstepersonernas erfarenheter. Analysen av resultatet leder i slutet till en problematisering av tillväxtparadigmet då minskande kommuner missgynnas av att utforma tillväxtorienterade strategier. Vidare påvisade även resultatet att kreativa lösningar för att motverka alternativt anpassa krympande uteblir i krympande kommuner till följd av brist på långsiktigt perspektiv i samhällsplaneringen.

Study of solidification and volume change in lamellar cast iron with respect to defect formation mechanisms

Svidró, Péter January 2013 (has links)
Lamellar cast iron is a very important technical alloy and the most used material in the casting production, and especially in the automotive industry which is the major consumer. Beside the many great properties, it is inclined to form casting defects of which some can be prevented, and some may be repaired subsequently. Shrinkage porosity is a randomly returning problem, which is difficult to understand and to avoid. This defect is a volumetric deficiency which appear as cavities inside the casting in connection to the casting surface. Another frequent defect is the metal expansion penetration. This defect is a material surplus squeezed to the casting surface containing sand inclusion from the mold material. Shrinkage porosity is usually mentioned together with metal expansion penetration as the formation mechanism of both defects have common roots. It is also generally agreed, that these type of defects are related to the volumetric changes occurring during solidification. Additionally, the formation of these defects are in connection with the coherency of the primary austenite dendrites. The purpose of this work was to develop knowledge on factors affecting a volume-change related casting defect formation in order to minimize the presence of these defects in engine component production. This was done by extending the existing solidification investigation methods with novel solutions. Introduction of expansion force measurement in the determination of dendrite coherency combined with multi axial volume change measurement refine the interpretation of the solidification. Comparison of registered axial and radial linear deformation in cylindrical samples indicated an anisotropic volume change. Different methods for dendrite coherency determination have been compared. It was shown that the coherency develops over an interval. Dependent on the added inoculant the coherency is reached at different levels of fractions of a solidified primary phase. It is also shown, that inoculation has an effect on the nucleation and growth of the primary phase. Quantitative image analysis has been performed on the primary phase in special designed samples designed to provoke shrinkage porosity and metal expansion penetration. It was found, that the inter-dendritic space varies within a casting. This was explained by the coarsening of the primary dendrites which originates from differences in the local time of solidification. / <p>QC 20131210</p>

Embedment Behavior of Steel Dowel in Timber Loaded Perpendicular to the Grain : Influence of Assembly History in Combination with Moisture Change and Cyclic Loading

Khalili, Mojtaba January 2023 (has links)
The embedment behavior of dowels in timber structures, as an essential parameter in the design of connections, is the subject of this thesis. There are numerous advantages using timber structures, including sustainability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. The mechanical performance of connections in timber structures can be affected by environmental variables, such as moisture content. Thus, in the thesis the embedment behavior of dowels in timber, including the embedment strength and elastic and plastic stiffness at various moisture levels was investigated. In addition to different moisture contents, the effects coming along with changing the moisture content, like swelling and shrinkage, in combination with the assembly history were studied. The study investigated the effects of moisture content variations on the embedment behavior of dowels in timber loaded perpendicular to the grain at relative humidity levels of 38%, 65%, and 85% at a temperature of 20◦C. The study also explored the impact of assembly history of the steel dowels on the embedment behavior. The expression ”assembly history” refers the effects of drilling and assembling steel dowels at different times, i.e. if drilling the timber occurs before changing the moisture content or after changing the moisture content.  Full-hole embedment tests were conducted in five different series to cover all three levels of moisture content while taking the assembly history into account. In total, 100 embedment experiments were carried out, with 50 samples of spruce and 50 samples of birch being assessed perpendicular to the grain. In addition, 20 solid timber specimens were exposed to cyclic loading to evaluate the embedment behavior under these conditions. To evaluate the stress on the timber around the dowel, finite-element simulations, using linear-elastic material behavior in combination with volumetric changes due to moisture variation were conducted. Corresponding to the assembly history in the experiments, the situations of moisture variation in presence and absence of the steel dowel for the swelling and shrinkage case were investigated. The experimental results showed that while the elastic and plastic embedment stiffness can be impacted by moisture content only in low MC situations, it can potentially affect embedment strength in both dry and wet conditions. Additionally, the assembly history influences only the plastic stiffness in a low MC condition. Results from cyclic loading have shown no significant difference to embedment strength and stiffness gained from monotonic loading. According to numerical simulations, the tensile normal stress in the direction perpendicular to the load direction is higher than the tension strength for the shrinkage case with the dowel present. This might be explained by using a simple linear elastic material model in the FEM simulation, which causes an overestimation in the stiffness properties. In conclusion, this thesis offers new perspectives and a deeper knowledge of how moisture content, assembly history, and cyclic loading perpendicular to the grain affect the embedment behavior of dowels in timber connections.

Relaxation of PET Orientation at Temperatures Below the Glass Transition

Johnson, Brian Michael January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Paradoxes and Priors in Bayesian Regression

Som, Agniva 30 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.


Kiani, Behnam January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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