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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj vysokohodnotných betonů s využitím druhotných surovin / The development of high performance concrete with secondary raw materials

Osuská, Lucia January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the possibility of using secondary energy resources as an additive to concrete to improve some of its resulting properties. The theoretical part is devoted to the problems of shrinkage and prominence hydration process during hydration of the concrete. This section also contains the results of research work from domestic and foreign sources of high temperature fly ash and fluidized bed combustion fly ash use and their using in concrete. The practical part verifies the possibility of using these materials and their combination as an additive to concrete with impact on the physical and mechanical properties.

Optimal Design of Feeding System in Steel Castings

Tavakoli, Ruhollah 20 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In the present study, the optimal design of feeding system in steel sand-mold castings is considered. The first part of this research includes fundamental studies on the physics of shrinkage defect formation during the casting process. The results of these studies lead to new findings on the mechanism of shrinkage defect formation, effect of melt quality on the distribution of defects within the castings and the connection between shrinkage and gases defects. The theoretical analysis of thermal criterion functions for the prediction of shrinkage defects in castings and introducing new criterion function with fewer shortcomings can be accounted as the other finding of this part. A new model was introduced in the second part of this research for the purpose of optimal design of feeding system in the shape casting processes. In this model the optimal design problem is formulated as a point-wise constrained topology optimization problem. Unlike alternative methods, the presented method does not require any predesigned feeding system as an initial guess. Using the functional analysis on the infinite-dimensional function spaces, a numerically efficient method was introduced to solve the optimal design problem in this study. By using extensive numerical experiments, capabilities and limitations of the presented method were studied in the last part of this research.

Étude du séchage convectif de boues de station d'épuration - Suivi de la texture par microtomographie à rayons X

Léonard, Angélique 07 February 2003 (has links)
Cette thèse sinscrit dans une dynamique de recherche qui a vu le jour assez récemment dans le domaine du séchage des boues de station dépuration. Conscientes des problèmes de gestion que va entraîner laugmentation des quantités de boue produites suite à lapplication de la législation européenne, différentes équipes de recherche se sont lancées dans létude du séchage des boues. Considérant que lépandage agricole et la valorisation énergétique demeureront les principales filières délimination pour les boues, le séchage constitue, dans les deux cas, une étape essentielle après la déshydratation mécanique. Lambition de ce travail est de contribuer à améliorer les connaissances dans le domaine du séchage convectif des boues et à mieux appréhender les changements de texture qui surviennent au cours du séchage à laide de la microtomograhie à rayons X. Le chapitre I décrit le contexte général dans lequel se situe le travail, cest-à-dire lépuration des eaux usées et la production de boues qui en résulte. La place du séchage dans les différentes filières de valorisation, compte tenu des exigences de la législation européenne, est présentée. Ensuite, un état des connaissances dans le domaine du séchage des boues ainsi quune présentation des technologies de séchage actuellement mises en oeuvre sont effectués. Ce chapitre met en évidence que létat divisé de la matière se situe au cur du travail et pose les objectifs majeurs de la présente étude. Le chapitre II est consacré à la définition des notions essentielles à létude du séchage. Le concept disotherme de sorption à leau est présenté avant de passer en revue les différents types deau que lon trouve dans les boues. Les modes de transport deau pendant le séchage sont ensuite rappelés. La suite du chapitre se concentre sur la manière dont les données de séchage sont exploitées et reprend, brièvement, les progrès effectués en modélisation de la cinétique. La fin du chapitre décrit le retrait qui constitue un phénomène indissociable du séchage des matériaux déformables dont font partie les boues. Lensemble des dispositifs expérimentaux et des méthodes utilisés au long de ce travail sont décrits dans le chapitre III. Les principaux dispositifs expérimentaux sont la cellule de filtration sous pression, le système dextrusion des échantillons, le microsécheur convectif et le microtomographe à rayons X. Les méthodes décrites concernent la caractérisation des boues, la déshydratation des boues, le filtrage des courbes de séchage, lexploitation des coupes tomographiques par analyse dimages et la manière de rassembler les informations issues du séchage et de la microtomographie. Le chapitre IV est consacré au développement dune procédure de conditionnement et de déshydratation permettant dobtenir une boue déshydratée dont la siccité est la plus élevée et la plus reproductible possible. La mise au point de cette procédure permet deffectuer cette étude sur des boues réelles. Les boues sont prélevées après létape dépaississement dans deux stations dépuration gérées par lAIDE, à Retinne et à Embourg. Les gâteaux de boue obtenus sont ensuite caractérisés : les propriétés rhéologiques sont déterminées ainsi que le taux deau liée par lintermédiaire des isothermes de désorption à leau. Des essais de séchage sur des échantillons extrudés à partir du gâteau de filtration montrent que les conditions opératoires de conditionnement et de déshydratation des boues nont pas dinfluence significative sur la cinétique. La procédure de production déchantillons mise au point (conditionnement-filtration-extrusion) est utilisée dans toute la suite du travail. Tout au long du chapitre V, linfluence de trois variables opératoires (la température, la vitesse superficielle et lhumidité absolue de lair) sur le retrait, la cinétique de séchage, la fissuration et le développement de profils dhumidité au cours du séchage dextrudats de chacune des deux boues est étudiée. Pour ce faire, les données issues du microsécheur et du microtomographe sont exploitées conjointement. Une analyse multi-zones permet de relier différents phénomènes observés se produisant de manière simultanée. Le développement de résistances intragranulaires au transfert, lapparition de gradients dhumidité à la paroi et le phénomène de fissuration sont en effet liés. Le chapitre VI aborde une caractérisation plus détaillée de la texture des échantillons, principalement dans leur état séché. À cet effet, des techniques telles la microscopie électronique à balayage, la mesure des isothermes dadsorption-désorption dazote et la porosimétrie au mercure sont utilisées en plus de la microtomographie. Le travail se termine par une conclusion rassemblant lensemble des résultats et par lénoncé de perspectives qui pourraient constituer une suite intéressante à cette étude. This thesis comes within a recent research dynamic in the field of sludge drying, according to European requirements concerning urban wastewater treatment and landfilling of biodegradable materials. Considering landspreading and utilization for energy purposes as the two major issues to eliminate sludges, drying constitutes, in both cases, an essential step after mechanical dewatering. Despite obvious economic, industrial and environmental interests, rather few studies have been devoted to wastewater sludge drying till lately. This work aims to improve the knowledge in the field of sludge drying and to better apprehend the textural changes that occur during drying by using X-ray microtomography. A first part of the work is dedicated to the development of a method allowing the production of sludge samples with a reproducible dryness, in order to realize the study on real sludges. Sludges are collected after secondary settling and thickening in two domestic wastewater treatment plants near university. Conditioning and mechanical dewatering are realized in the laboratory. Filtration cakes are characterized by different techniques : rheology, sorption isotherms, Rheological measurements indicate that, for a same sludge, elastic and viscous modulus only depends on the cake dryness. Drying experiments performed on individual cylindrical extrudates obtained from the cake show that operating conditions used for conditioning (polyelectrolyte dose) and dewatering (filtration pressure drop) have no significant influence on drying kinetics. The next part of the work shows that X-ray microtomography, despite this technique is still few used in chemical engineering, is a choice tool to follow the textural changes of individual samples submitted to convective drying. Contrary to methods traditionally or newly used (caliper, volume displacement methods, NMR,), X-ray microtomography is a non destructive, accurate and easy to use technique. The analysis of the images obtained by microtomography allows quantifying the shrinkage of the sample, the cracks and the moisture gradients at the sample wall at successive drying levels. The study of the influence of three operating variables (temperature, superficial velocity and absolute humidity of air) on the shrinkage, the development of cracks and moisture gradients is performed in a convective microdryer specially designed in the laboratory. Extragranular heat and mass transfer coefficients, intragranular diffusion coefficient and the water evaporation capacity are estimated from experimental data. A multi-zone analysis proposes to relate the different phenomena observed. Moisture gradients are induced by internal diffusional limitations and cause mechanical stresses. Cracks appear when mechanical stress exceeds the breakage level. Results show clearly that the crack extent depends on the value of the moisture gradients. The last part of the work deals with a detailed textural characterization of the dried samples. Several characterization techniques (scanning electron microscopy, mercury porosimetry, analysis of N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, X-ray microtomography) show that the two sludges considered in the study present very different final textures. 3D images and binary images of cross sections indicate, among others, that the cracks developed during drying have different shapes and configurations. Morphological analysis of these cracks gives some ideas about the way cracks develop and brings to the fore a relation between texture and drying kinetics. Although the presence of cracks is not of the highest importance for the final quality of dried sludges, the methodology developed in this thesis can be applied to a large variety of other soft materials (food, ceramics,) for which crack formation has to be avoided because it impairs the final quality of the dried material. In the future, a fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model will be implemented in a Finite Element code to quantify the evolution of the stress tensor versus the drying level especially at the onset of cracks formation. Results obtained in this thesis will allow validating the model.

Energy Metabolic Stress Syndrome : Impact of Physical Activity of Different Intensity and Duration

Branth, Stefan January 2006 (has links)
All living cell functions require an ongoing supply of energy derived from carbohydrates, lipids and proteins with their own pathways of breakdown. All of them end up in the oxidation of reduced coenzymes, yielding chemically-bound energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). One broad definition of energy would be the capability to do work and, therefore, the more work that has to be done, the more energy is needed, which may under extreme conditions put the cell into a state of energy metabolic stress. This complex of problems has been examined in the present thesis, where individuals representing different degrees of training status, have been subjected to various types of stressful work-loads as regards intensity and duration. Meanwhile, the energy turnover has been monitored on different levels as whole body (organism)-, single organ/tissue-, cellular and molecular levels. Combined methodologies have been developed and utilized to examine carefully and in some detail energy expenditure and biochemical variables with study subjects under long-term, (outfield) physically and mentally stressful conditions. When the individuals were in a well-controlled energy balance, a diet rich in saturated fatty acids did not elicit any major metabolic stress signs concerning serum lipoproteins and/or insulin/glucose homeostasis during the test period including high volume and low intensity energy turn over. Only a slight decrease in the Apo-B / Apo-A1 ratio was observed, despite a period of totally sedentary life style among the participants. Mental stress combined with a varying energy balance during off-shore sailing races was shown to cause such an energy metabolic stress situation that development of abdominal obesity and signs of a metabolic syndrome in embryo affected the participants who were young, non-obese men and despite their fairly healthy lifestyle concerning the diet they were on and their physical activity habits. Even well-trained young individuals of both sexes, subjected to exhaustive endurance (high intensity exercise session), developed signs of insulin resistance with a deteriorated intracellular glucose availability leading to a supposed ion pump failure and a disturbed osmoregulation on a cellular level. Hence, they presented themselves as having acquired an energy metabolic stress like condition. In conclusion, an energy metabolic stress syndrome has been described, basically due to impaired fuelling of ion pumps with a cluster of signs and symptoms on single organ/tissue-, cellular and molecular levels manifested by muscular intracellular swelling, tendency towards erythrocyte shrinkage as a consequence of a relative insulin resistance concomitant with ion distribution disturbances (Gardos effect), oxidative stress and osmoregulatory taurine leakage.

Various Durability Aspects Of Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete

Gilani, Adel Mohamed 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON) was first produced in 1979 in the USA, by incorporating large amounts of steel fiber in molds to form very dense network of fibers. The network is then infiltrated by a fine liquid cement-based slurry or mortar. The steel fiber content can be as high as 30 % by volume. This percentage usually does not exceed 2 % in normal fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) for reasons related to mixing and workability. Due to its high fiber content, SIFCON demonstrates unique and superior mechanical properties in the areas of both strength and ductility. Most of previous research work on SIFCON has focused mainly on investigating the mechanical properties of this material. On the other hand, the studies carried out in the field of durability of SIFCON are quite limited. v Therefore, it seemed that it would be worth to study the various durability aspects of SIFCON. In view of the above, the objectives of this study are to investigate and provide information about durability of SIFCON, mainly permeability, resistance to chloride penetration, freezing and thawing and drying shrinkage. This information will help in providing the necessary database and knowledge about the ability of SIFCON to withstand the conditions for which it has been designed without deterioration, especially when it is intended to be used in aggressive environments The investigations included studying the effects of the following on durability of SIFCON: (i) matrix type (slurry or mortar), (ii) fiber contents (7%, 9.5%, and 12% by volume), and (iii) steel fiber geometry (hooked or crimped). The results obtained indicated that SIFCON, especially when prepared using mortar not slurry, has shown good durability characteristics in spite of its apparent high water absorption. The SIFCON made with the highest possible fiber volume fractions showed the best results. However, it was concluded that SIFCON needs to be protected with suitable low permeability overlays to ensure ideal improved performance by protecting the steel fibers exposed on the surfaces especially against chloride attack.

Study on the physical properties and functions of the gelatinous layer in tension wood of Zelkova serrata Makino

荒川, 義治, ARAKAWA, Yoshiharu, 阿部, 賢太郎, ABE, Kentaro, 山本, 浩之, YAMAMOTO, Hiroyuki, 奥山, 剛, OKUYAMA, Takashi, 鈴木, 拓雄, SUZUKI, Takuo 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

Characterization of curing kinetics and polymerization shrinkage in ceramic-loaded photocurable resins for large area maskless photopolymerization (LAMP)

Kambly, Kiran 17 November 2009 (has links)
Large Area Maskless Photopolymerization (LAMP) is a direct digital manufacturing technology being developed at Georgia Tech to produce ceramic molds for investment casting of turbine airfoils. In LAMP, UV light incident on a spatial light modulator is projected in the form of a structured black and white bitmap image onto a platform supporting slurry comprising a ceramic particle loaded photocurable resin. Curing of the resin is completed rapidly with exposures lasting 20~160ms. Three-dimensional parts are built layer-by-layer by sequentially applying and selectively curing resin layers of 25-100 micron thickness. In LAMP, diacrylate-based ceramic particle-loaded resins with photoinitiators sensitive in the range of spectral characteristics of the UV source form the basis for an ultra-fast photopolymerization reaction. At the start of the reaction, the monomer molecules are separated by van der Waals distance (~10⁴Å). As the reaction proceeds, these monomer molecules form a closely packed network thereby reducing their separation to covalent bond lengths (~ 1 Å). This results in bulk contraction in the cured resin, which accumulates as the part is fabricated layer-by-layer. The degree of shrinkage is a direct measure of the number of covalent bonds formed. Thus, shrinkage in LAMP is characterized by estimating the number of covalent bonds formed during the photopolymerization reaction. Polymerization shrinkage and accompanying stresses developed during photopolymerization of ceramic particle-loaded resins in LAMP can cause deviations from the desired geometry. The extent of deviations depends on the photoinitiator concentration, the filler loading, the degree of monomer conversion, and the operating parameters such as energy dose. An understanding of shrinkage and stresses built up in a part can assist in developing source geometry compensation algorithms and exposure strategies to alleviate these effects. In this thesis, an attempt has been made to understand the curing kinetics of the reaction and its relation to the polymerization shrinkage. Realtime Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (RTFTIR) is used to determine the conversion of monomers into polymer networks by analyzing the changes in the chemical bonds of the participating species of molecules. The conversion data can further be used to estimate the curing kinetics of the reaction and the relative volumetric shrinkage strain due to polymerization.

Prediction Of Engineering Properties Of Fine-Grained Soils From Their Index Properties

Nagaraj, H B 02 1900 (has links)
Prediction as a tool in engineering has been used in taking right judgement in many of the professional activities. This being the fact, the role and significance of prediction in geotechnical practice needs no emphasis. Bulk of all man made structures are either made of soil or are resting on natural soil, involving large quantities of soil. Thus, it is often necessary for the geotechnical engineer to quickly characterize the soil and determine their engineering properties, so as to assess the suitability of the soil for any specific purpose. Obtaining these properties requires undisturbed samples, which involves time and money, and also elaborate laboratory procedures. Thus, it is desirable to find simpler and quicker methods of testing, using the data of which the engineering properties can be predicted satisfactorily especially so, for preliminary design purposes. Most often this can be achieved from simple tests known as inferential tests, and the engineering properties namely, compressibility, swell/collapse, hydraulic conductivity, strength and compaction characteristics can be obtained from empirical/semi-empirical correlations. The index tests namely the Atterberg limits form the most important inferential soil tests with very wide universal acceptance. These tests are relatively simple to perform and have provided a basis for explaining most engineering properties of soils in geotechnical practice. In this direction, this investigation has been carried out to correlate the engineering properties with the simple index properties and their indices, namely, the liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit, plasticity index and shrinkage index (liquid limit - shrinkage limit). Any good correlation in the prediction of engineering properties with the index properties will enhance the use of simple test for prediction purposes. This thesis is an attempt towards this direction. It is often necessary to identify the basic mechanisms controlling the engineering properties from a micro-mechanistic point of view and correlate with the index properties, thereby facilitating prediction of engineering properties better. Though attempts have been made in the past to predict the engineering properties of soils from the index properties/indic­es, they are not quite satisfactory. This thesis is an attempt to predict the engineering properties of fine-grained soils from the index properties taking into consideration the mechanisms controlling them. Since, the index properties are used for prediction of engineering properties, the existing methods of determining the same have been examined carefully and critically. It's satisfactory determination is found important because other indices namely plasticity index, Ip and shrinkage index, Is = (wL - ws), are determined based on it. Also the liquid limit is one of the important and widely used parameter in various existing correlations. In this direction, two new methods of determining the liquid limit have been developed, namely (i) absorption water content and liquid limit of soils and (ii) liquid limit from equilibrium water content under Ko-stress. In the absorption water content method, the water absorbed by an oven dried soil pat at equilibrium gives a good correlation with the liquid limit of soils. Here, the water holding capacity at equilibrium goes well with the mechanism of liquid limit, which is also the water holding capacity of a soil at a particular small but measurable shear strength. A good relationship is found to exit between the absorption water content, wA and the liquid limit, wL, and it is given as : WA = 0.92 wL (i) In the second method, namely, the liquid limit from equilibrium water content under K0-stress, which is the equilibrium water content under a Ko stress of 0.9 kPa is found to be equal to the liquid limit obtained from the cone penetration method of determining the liquid limit It is found that this method of determining the liquid limit overcomes the limitations of the conventional methods of determining the liquid limit, also easy to determine with a simple apparatus and has good repeatability. Determination of plastic limit of the soils by the rolling thread method often poses a problem especially when the soil is less plastic. Hence, to overcome this problem, a new method has been proposed to predict the plasticity index in terms of the flow index. The relationship between the plasticity index and the flow index by the cone penetration cup method is found to be better than by the percussion cup method. Since, the cone penetration method of the liquid limit determination is more popular than the percussion cup method, the flow index from the cone method is recommended to determine the plasticity index from the correlation as given below: (/p)c = 0.74 Ifc (ii) Thus, the plastic limit can be determined with the plasticity index, thereby dispensing with the determination of plastic limit by the thread method. The determination of consolidation characteristics form an important aspect in the design of foundations and other earth retaining structures. The determination of consolidation characteristics namely the compression index, the coefficient of consolidation and the coefficient of secondary compression is time consuming. So, researchers have resorted to correlating the compressibility behaviour with simple index properties. While attempts have been made in the past to correlate the compressibility behaviour with various index properties individually, all the important properties affecting the compressibility behaviour has not been considered together in any single study to examine which of the index property/properties of the soils correlates better with the compressibility behaviour, especially with the same set of test results. Number of existing correlations with the liquid limit alone as a primary index property correlating with the compression index have limitations in that they do not consider the plasticity characteristics of the soils fully. The index parameter, shrinkage index, Is has a better correlation with the compression index, Cc and also the coefficient of volume change, mv than plasticity index. Coefficient of consolidation, Cv has also shown to correlate well with shrinkage index than the plasticity index. Even the coefficient of secondary compression, Cαε has shown to have a better correlation with shrinkage index than the plasticity index. However, liquid limit has a poor correlation with all the compressibility characteristics. The correlation of Cc and Cv with shrinkage index, Is is as given below: Cc = 0.007 (Is + 18) (iii) Cv = 3x10-2 (Is)-3.54 (in m2/sec) Further, to reduce the testing time of conventional consolidation test in order to obtain the compressibility characteristics, a new method known as rapid method of consolidation has been proposed, which is very effective in enormously reducing the time of consolidation without sacrificing the accuracy of the end results. The time required in the rapid method of consolidation testing could be as low as 4 to 5 hours to complete the whole test as compared to 1 to 2 weeks as the case may be by the conventional consolidation test. Using any curve fitting procedure the degree of consolidation, U for any pressure increment can be found out. Thus, the effective pressure at that stage can be calculated and further the pressure incremented without further delay. This procedure is repeated for every pressure increment with a load increment ratio of unity till the desired pressure level is reached. Even for a highly compressible soil like BC soil with a liquid limit of 73.5 %, the consolidation test could be completed within 5 hours by the rapid method, without any sacrifice of the accuracy of the results as compared to 7 days by the conventional method to reach a pressure of 800 kPa. Hydraulic conductivity is one of the basic engineering properties of soils. Of late hydraulic conductivity of fine-grained soils has assumed greater importance in waste disposal facilities. From the present investigation it is found that hydraulic conductivity with water for each pair of soils having nearly the same liquid limit but different plasticity properties is found to be vastly different, but found to correlate well with shrinkage index. A method to predict the hydraulic conductivity of fine -grained soils as a function of void ratio is proposed with the use of shrinkage index as given below: k = C [ ] (in m/sec) (v) 1 + e C = 2.5 x 10-4 (/s)-5.89 and n = 4 (vi) It has also been brought out that as the dielectric constant of the pore fluid decreases; there is a drastic increase in the intrinsic permeability of soil. These changes are attributed to the significant reduction in the thickness of diffuse double layer, which in turn is mainly dependent on the dielectric constant of the pore fluid. The quantification of the change in the hydraulic conductivity with the change in the pore fluids of extreme dielectric constant, i.e., from water to carbon tetrachloride could be expressed in terms of the volume of water held in the diffuse double layer and the same has a good correlation with shrinkage index. With the advancement in the knowledge of the engineering behaviour of fine-grained soils, there is an increasing trend toward larger involvement of fine-grained soils in earth structures and foundations. Though extensive work has been done in the past to understand the swelling behaviour of expansive soils and the mechanisms involved therein, it is yet not satisfactory. From the literature it can be seen that lot of work has been done to correlate the swell potential with various physical properties. The simple means of identifying the swelling type of soils is by means of free swell tests with the ratio of free swell with carbon tetrachloride to the free swell of water. The same has found to correlate well with the percent swell/collapse of the ten soils used in the present investigation. However, it was found that shrinkage index has a better correlation with the swell/collapse behaviour of fine-grained soils, compared to the liquid limit or the plasticity index. In this study, it is also shown that neither the liquid limit nor the plasticity index can qualitatively describe the swell/collapse behaviour of fine-grained soils. This has been attributed primarily to two different mechanisms governing montmorillonitic and kaolinitic soils separately. Even swelling pressure has shown to have a good correlation with shrinkage index. It is found that the compression index of the samples consolidated from the swollen condition correlates well with the shrinkage index. Laboratory determination of the compaction characteristics are very much important for use in earth work constructions. It is found that only the plastic limit bears a good correlation with the compaction characteristics namely optimum moisture content and maximum dry unit weight. This conclusion is also supported by the data from the literature. The correlations are given as: OMC = 0.92 wp (in percent) (viii) and ydmax = 0.23 (93.3 - wp) (inkN/m3) (ix) Liquid limit, plasticity index and shrinkage index do not bear any correlation with the compaction characteristics. It is quite possible that, the plastic limit, which is the optimum water content of a saturated soil at which it behaves as a plastic material, and thus can be moulded to any shape, thereby the soil can be compacted or moulded to the densest possible state at that water content. Hence, possibly the good correlation. A simple method to predict the compaction curve is proposed based on the plastic limit of the soils. Of all the important engineering properties, both volume change (compressibility and swelling) and hydraulic conductivity have good correlation with the shrinkage index. However, the compaction characteristics correlate well with the plastic limit. Herein, an hypothesis is proposed to possibly explain why shrinkage index has shown to be a better parameter to correlate with most of the engineering properties with the exception of the compaction characteristics. The liquid limit is a parameter which takes part of the plasticity characteristics of a soil. Recently it has been well brought out that shrinkage limit is primarily a function of how the varying grain sizes are distributed in a soil. Thus, shrinkage limit takes care of the gradation of the soil fractions in it. Thus, by considering the shrinkage index, which is the difference of the liquid limit water content on one end and shrinkage limit water content on the other end, the primary physical properties of the soils namely the plasticity and the grain size distribution are considered. This possibly explains the good correlation of shrinkage index with the engineering properties of fine-grained soils. However, compaction being a moulding of the soils into a compact state, it has a good correlation with the plastic limit, which is the optimum water content of a saturated soil at which it behaves as a plastic material, and thus can be moulded to any shape, thereby the soil can be compacted or moulded to the densest possible state at that water content. Hence, the good correlation. As the present investigation gives the correlative equations to predict the engineering properties of fine-grained soils from the appropriate index properties, which are obtained from simple and quick laboratory tests, it is hoped that this will go a long way in being a handy tool for a practicing geotechnical engineer in the preliminary assessment of fine-grained soils and thereby take appropriate judgement in various aspects of geotechnical constructions with it.

Schwindverhalten bewehrter Tunnelinnenschalen aus Selbstverdichtendem Beton

Nicolai, Christoph 28 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines numerischen Stoffgesetzes, welches die materialspezifischen Besonderheiten Selbstverdichtender Betone in jungem Alter erfasst. Durch das erhöhte Schwindmaß eines Selbstverdichtenden Betons innerhalb der ersten zwölf Stunden können Dehnungszustände hervorgerufen werden, welche zu Schädigungen führen, die von den einschlägigen Normen bisher noch nicht erfasst wurden. Im Zuge des Forschungsprojektes „Selbstverdichtender Beton im Untertagebau“ konnten Erkenntnisse über das materialspezifische Verhalten bei konstanten Umgebungsbedingungen erlangt werden. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit übertägig gewonnen Daten verglichen, um eine klare Abgrenzung zu einem normalen Rüttelbeton zu ziehen. Im weiteren Verlauf wurden die Ergebnisse zur Kalibrierung einer numerischen Simulation herangezogen. Damit kann nun, in Abhängigkeit der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit und der Bauteilgröße, das Dehnungsverhalten eines SVB in jungem Alter realitätsnah beschrieben werden.

Išankstinių įtempių nuostolių skaičiavimo pagal STR ir EC 2 analizė / Analysis of prestress losses according to STR and EC 2

Juocevičius, Virmantas 29 June 2007 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe išnagrinėti STR ir EC 2 betono fizikinių ir mechaninių rodiklių nustatymo metodai bei šiose normose pateiktų įtempių nuostolių skaičiavimo modeliai. Aprašytas tikimybinis įtempių nuostolių vertinimo modelis. Atlikta atskirųjų ir suminių įtempių nuostolių analizė pagal STR ir EC 2 modelius, aprašyti šių modelių skirtumai. Išnagrinėta atskirų fizikinių faktorių lemiančių įtempių nuostolius įtaka. Atlikta iš anksto įtemptos gelžbetoninės sijos tikimybinė suminių įtempių nuostolių analizė. Darbe pateiktas kiaurymėtųjų perdangos plokščių suminių įtempių nuostolių skaičiavimo rezultatų pagal EC 2 ir STR modelius ir eksperimentinių įtempių nuostolių palyginimas. / Evaluation of different physical and mechanical factors of concrete according to STR and EC 2 models is considered in this master thesis. Probabilistic model for prestress loss determination is presented in this paper. The analysis of separate and total losses according to STR and EC 2 models was carried out. Some differencies of these models were described. The influence of several factors to the value of separate prestress loss has been studied in this thesis. The probabilistic analysis of long-term losses of post-tensioned RC beam has been carried out. The comparison of total prestress loss values of hollow core slabs according to EC 2, STR and experimental results is subjected in this master thesis.

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