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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Αριθμητική διερεύνηση της συμπεριφοράς μονολιθικών και ενισχυμένων υποστυλωμάτων ενισχυμένων με μανδύα από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα

Λαμπρόπουλος, Ανδρέας 22 November 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία στοχεύει στην δημιουργία αξιόπιστων προσομοιωμάτων για την πρόβλεψη της συμπεριφοράς υποστυλωμάτων ενισχυμένων με μανδύα και πρόσθετες στρώσεις από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα. Ειδικότερα στην εργασία διερευνάται η επιρροή της διεπιφάνειας παλαιού - νέου σκυροδέματος, η συστολή ξήρανσης του σκυροδέματος καθώς και η προφόρτιση των αρχικών υποστυλωμάτων στην συμπεριφορά των ενισχυμένων στοιχείων. Για την διερεύνηση της επιρροής του φαινομένου της δεσμευμένης συστολής ξήρανσης στην αντοχή του πρόσθετου σκυροδέματος ενίσχυσης, πραγματοποιούνται πειραματικές δοκιμές. Στην συνέχεια και αφού ελέγχεται η αξιοπιστία των προσομοιωμάτων, αυτά χρησιμοποιούνται σε παραμετρική διερεύνηση με σκοπό την εξαγωγή συντελεστών μονολιθικότητας οι οποίοι συσχετίζουν την συμπεριφορά των ενισχυμένων στοιχείων με αυτή των αντίστοιχων μονολιθικών. Ο υπολογισμός αξιόπιστων τιμών για τους συντελεστές μονολιθικότητας έχει ιδιαίτερη σημασία για τον σχεδιασμό καθώς με την εφαρμογή τους μπορούν εύκολα να εκτιμηθούν τα χαρακτηριστικά των ενισχυμένων στοιχείων. Από την αριθμητική διερεύνηση που πραγματοποιήθηκε, βρέθηκαν οι κατάλληλες παραδοχές με χρήση των οποίων μπορεί να επιτευχθεί αξιόπιστη πρόβλεψη μονολιθικών αλλά και ενισχυμένων στοιχείων από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα. Ιδιαίτερη σημασία βρέθηκε να έχει το φαινόμενο της συστολής ξήρανσης του σκυροδέματος ο συνυπολογισμός του οποίου φαίνεται να αποτελεί απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση για την προσομοίωση της συμπεριφοράς κυρίως των ενισχυμένων στοιχείων. Η προφόρτιση του αρχικού υποστυλώματος βρέθηκε να μην επηρεάζει σημαντικά τα αποτελέσματα και ο συνυπολογισμός του μπορεί να αγνοείται. Στα τελευταία κεφάλαια της Διατριβής προτείνονται τιμές για τους συντελεστές μονολιθικότητας ανάλογα με τον τύπο ενίσχυσης οι οποίες βρέθηκαν να επηρεάζονται από το αξονικό φορτίο και το πάχος του μανδύα ενίσχυσης. Μια συνοπτική παρουσίαση των περιεχομένων κάθε κεφαλαίου ακολουθεί στην συνέχεια. Το πρώτο Κεφάλαιο της εργασίας περιλαμβάνει την βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση του θέματος. Περιλαμβάνει ερευνητικές εργασίες που έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί σε ενισχυμένα στοιχεία με πρόσθετες στρώσεις και μανδύες από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα. Στην συνέχεια παρουσιάζονται προσομοιώματα που έχουν προταθεί για την συμπεριφορά της διεπιφάνειας παλαιού - νέου σκυροδέματος καθώς και διαδικασίες προσομοίωσης της συμπεριφοράς στοιχείων από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα με χρήση πεπερασμένων στοιχείων. Στο τέλος του Κεφαλαίου παρουσιάζεται μια ανασκόπηση για την ελεύθερη και την δεσμευμένη συστολή ξήρανσης σε στοιχεία σκυροδέματος. Το δεύτερο Κεφάλαιο περιλαμβάνει αρχικά μια αναλυτική προσέγγιση της επιρροής του φαινομένου της συστολής ξήρανσης σε ενισχυμένα στοιχεία από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα ενώ στην συνέχεια παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα πειραματικής διαδικασίας για την διερεύνηση της επιρροής της δεσμευμένης συστολής ξήρανσης στην συμπεριφορά των χαρακτηριστικών του σκυροδέματος. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά χρησιμοποιούνται για την διερεύνηση της αξιοπιστίας της προσομοίωσης του φαινομένου της συστολής ξήρανσης. Στο τρίτο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται η προσομοίωση μονολιθικών και ενισχυμένων στοιχείων με χρήση του προγράμματος πεπερασμένων στοιχείων γενικής χρήσης, ΑΝSYS. Αρχικά εξετάζονται διαφορετικές διαδικασίες προσομοίωσης για την ολίσθηση μεταξύ χάλυβα και σκυροδέματος σε μονολιθικά στοιχεία ενώ στην συνέχεια εξετάζεται η προσομοίωση της διεπιφάνειας παλαιού - νέου σκυροδέματος. Στο τέταρτο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται η προσομοίωση μονολιθικών και ενισχυμένων στοιχείων με χρήση του προγράμματος πεπερασμένων στοιχείων ΑΤΕΝΑ το οποίο απευθύνεται αποκλειστικά στην προσομοίωση στοιχείων από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα. Με το συγκεκριμένο λογισμικό υπάρχει η δυνατότητα προσομοίωσης της συμπεριφοράς των στοιχείων από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα και μετά το μέγιστο της καμπύλης δύναμης μετατόπισης. Επιπλέον προσομοιώνεται και το φαινόμενο της συστολής ξήρανσης του σκυροδέματος. Στο πέμπτο Κεφάλαιο εξετάζεται η επιρροή της προφόρτισης και της συστολής ξήρανσης στην συμπεριφορά των ενισχυμένων στοιχείων. Στο έκτο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται μια παραμετρική διερεύνηση της επιρροής του πάχους του μανδύα ενίσχυσης και της τιμής του αξονικού φορτίου για υποστυλώματα ενισχυμένα με μη συρρικνούμενο σκυρόδεμα. Στο έβδομο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα παραμετρικών αναλύσεων συνυπολογίζοντας το φαινόμενο της συστολής ξήρανσης του σκυροδέματος και υπολογίζονται συντελεστές μονολιθικότητας ανάλογα με το πάχος του μανδύα ενίσχυσης, τη τιμή του ανηγμένου αξονικού φορτίου καθώς και την αντοχή του σκυροδέματος του μανδύα. Στο όγδοο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται τα γενικά συμπεράσματα που προέκυψαν ενώ γίνονται και προτάσεις για μελλοντική έρευνα. / The main aim of the thesis is the development of reliable numerical models to simulate the behaviour of columns strengthened with reinforced concrete jackets or additional layers. Specifically in this work, the effect of concrete shrinkage and the preloading of the initial column are investigated. For the investigation of the concrete shrinkage effect on the strength of the concrete of the jacket, an experimental procedure is performed. The experimental results are used to validate the numerical models and numerical analyses are used to calculate monolithic coefficients that correlate the behaviour of strengthened specimens with respective monolithic specimens. Monolithic coefficient values are of main importance as they can be simply used to estimate the characteristics of strengthened elements. From the numerical investigation, appropriate simulation assumptions for the reliable prediction of the behaviour of monolithic and strengthened reinforced elements have been found. The concrete shrinkage effect was found to be of main importance for the reliable simulation of the monolithic and especially strengthened specimens. The preloading of the initial column was found to have a negligible effect on the behaviour of strengthened specimens. In the final chapters of the thesis, monolithic coefficient values are proposed depending on the type of the jacket, the axial load value and the thickness of the concrete jacket. A brief description of the contents of each chapter follows: The first chapter presents a literature review. Research work involving elements strengthened with additional layers or jackets is initially presented. Then, available proposed models for the behaviour of the interface between the old and the new concrete and assumptions for the simulation of reinforced concrete elements using the finite element method are presented. The end of the chapter concerns a literature review covering free and restrained concrete shrinkage. The second chapter begins by presenting an analytical approximation of the effect of concrete shrinkage in strengthened specimens. Next, experimental results are presented concerning the compressive strength of concrete elements under restrained concrete shrinkage. These results are then used to validate the simulation procedure of the concrete shrinkage effect. The simulation of monolithic and strengthened reinforced concrete elements using the general purpose finite element program ANSYS is presented in the third chapter. Different assumptions for the simulation of bond slip between the steel bars and the concrete and for the interface between the old and the new concrete are examined. In the fourth chapter, the simulation of monolithic and strengthened elements using finite element program ATENA is presented. This software specialises in the simulation of reinforced concrete elements and the behaviour of the elements can be predicted even in the post peak region of the load deflection curve. In addition, the concrete shrinkage effect is simulated. The effect of the preloading of the initial column and the concrete shrinkage on the behaviour of the strengthened specimens is investigated in the fifth chapter. The sixth chapter presents a parametric study concerning the effect of the thickness of the concrete jacket and the axial load value on the behaviour of columns strengthened with a non-shrink concrete. In the seventh chapter, a parametric study is presented for columns strengthened with a normal (subject to shrinkage) concrete and monolithic coefficient values are calculated for different values of the thickness of the jacket, the axial load and the strength of the concrete of the jacket. Conclusions of the thesis are presented in the eighth chapter together with proposals for future research.

Thermal Crack Risk Estimation and Material Properties of Young Concrete

Hösthagen, Anders January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents how to establish a theoretical model to predict risk of thermal cracking in young concrete when cast on ground or an arbitrary construction. The crack risk in young concrete is determined in two steps: 1) calculation of temperature distribution within newly cast concrete and adjacent structure; 2) calculation of stresses caused by thermal and moisture (due to self-desiccation, if drying shrinkage not included) changes in the analyzed structure. If the stress reaches the tensile strength of the young concrete, one or several cracks will occur. The main focus of this work is how to establish a theoretical model denoted Equivalent Restraint Method model, ERM, and the correlation between ERM models and empirical experiences. A key factor in these kind of calculations is how to model the restraint from any adjacent construction part or adjoining restraining block of any type. The building of a road tunnel and a railway tunnel has been studied to collect temperature measurements and crack patterns from the first object, and temperature and thermal dilation measurements from the second object, respectively. These measurements and observed cracks were compared to the theoretical calculations to determine the level of agreement between empirical and theoretical results. Furthermore, this work describes how to obtain a set of fully tested material parameters at CompLAB (test laboratory at Luleå University of Technology, LTU) suitable to be incorporated into the calculation software used. It is of great importance that the obtained material parameters describe the thermal and mechanical properties of the young concrete accurately, in order to perform reliable crack risk calculations.  Therefore, analysis was performed that show how a variation in the evaluated laboratory tests will affect the obtained parameters and what effects it has on calculated thermal stresses.

Creative Reconstruction in the City: An Analysis of Art, Shrinking, and the Story of the American Dream in Detroit, MI

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: A right to the city is a human right that is overlooked in American cities. Cities reflect humanity in collective form, but are manipulated by the powerful at the expense of the powerless. Landscapes of cities tell the city's stories, as historical inequalities become imprinted on the city's physical and symbolic landscapes. In Detroit, Michigan, over forty square miles of the city are vacant, unemployment might be as high as fifty percent, and the city has lost about sixty percent of its population since the mid-1950s. Detroit must now solve its spatial problems in the context of depopulation; the city's planners, nonprofits, and scholars are now debating "planned shrinking" or "right-sizing." Simultaneously, a blooming arts scene is also slowly revitalizing parts of the city. This thesis will critically examine the possibilities of planned shrinking and the arts movement in Detroit, as well as suggest theoretical explanations for the city's dilemmas. Detroit has been the subject of a myopic popular narrative, one that isolates the city from modern America rather than critically examines its place in modern America. Redefining regional healing through honest discourse and developing a more appropriate narrative for Detroit are among the solutions proposed. Finally, the importance of establishing a human right for the city is discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Social Justice and Human Rights 2011

Etude du retrait plastique des bétons à base de granulats recyclés avec mesure de l'influence de leur degré de saturation / A study on the plastic shrinkage of recycled concretes and impact assessment of the recycled aggregates degree of saturation influence

Souche, Jean-Claude 10 December 2015 (has links)
Dans une démarche de valorisation des déchets, les granulats recyclés sont introduits dans la formulation des bétons pour donner naissance à de nouveaux bétons recyclés qui représentent l’objet du projet national RECYBETON et du projet ANR ECOREB. Cette thèse se concentre sur l’étude du béton frais et en particulier la maîtrise du retrait plastique et l’effet du degré de saturation initial des gravillons recyclés sur le comportement des bétons recyclés. Deux familles de bétons avec des rapports eau/ciment respectifs de 0,6 et 0,45 ont été testés en conditions endogènes ainsi qu’en dessiccation (Vvent = 8 m/s). Chaque famille de bétons est constituée d’un béton naturel de référence et de deux bétons recyclés différenciés pas le degré initial de saturation des gravillons recyclés (50 et 120 % de l’absorption nominale). Les résultats expérimentaux soulignent la capacité des gravillons recyclés initialement partiellement saturés à capter rapidement l’eau contenue dans la pâte de ciment, modifiant ainsi le rapport E/C, les propriétés rhéologiques du béton frais et les résistances mécaniques du béton durci. Après saturation en eau, si les conditions de séchage conduisent à un manque d’eau dans le béton, les gravillons recyclés peuvent fournir de l’eau à la pâte. Ils constituent donc un potentiel de cure interne. Le retrait plastique sous vent est explicitement lié au ressuage, au développement de la pression capillaire et à la fissuration. Le temps d’initiation de la fissuration dépend de la quantité d’eau totale dans le béton et de sa capacité à ressuer tandis que l’ouverture de fissure varie avec la valeur de retrait plastique mesurée. Dans cette étude, le développement de la pression capillaire est la cause de la fissuration qui apparaît dès l’entrée d’air dans le matériau poreux. Les différences de comportements les plus importantes sont observées entre bétons ayant une quantité d’eau totale différente plutôt qu’entre bétons naturel et recyclé. La compilation des résultats expérimentaux a permis de mettre sur pied des modélisations qui illustrent les comportements observés. Les pores concernés par l’entrée d’air dans les bétons recyclés et naturels au moment de la fissuration sont les plus gros pores de la pâte. Enfin, un couplage hygrothermique séchage-température du béton peut influer sur le démarrage de l’hydratation. / In the context of sustainable development, the reuse of construction and demolition waste is necessary to conserve nonrenewable natural aggregate resources, so recycled aggregates are introduced in concrete mix design. This is the aim of the national projet RECYBETON and the research project ECOREB. This study deals with the fresh concrete and more specifically with shrinkage control and the effects of the initial saturation degrees of recycled coarse aggregates on concrete behavior.Two concrete families, with two different water/cement ratios 0,60 and 0,45, are tested under endogenous and drying (wind speed equal to 8 m/s) conditions. Each concrete family contains a reference natural concrete and two recycled concretes. The initial saturation degree is the difference between them (recycled coarse aggregates saturated or semi saturated).Experimental results underline the capacity of non-saturated aggregates to quickly absorb water from cement paste, modifying the W/C ratio, rheological properties of the fresh concrete and the mechanical strength (at 28 days) of recycled concretes. After saturation in water, recycled aggregates can release water into the cement paste if the undergone drying conditions lead to a lack of water in the cement matrix. The recycled coarse aggregates can be seen as an internal curing potential.Experimental plastic shrinkage studies carried out under drying conditions highlight a link between bleeding, capillary pressure, plastic shrinkage and cracking. It should be pointed out that the initial cracking is dependent on the total quantity of water in the concrete and on its bleeding capacity. The opening cracks vary with the plastic shrinkage values measured during the test. The analysis of the results emphasize that the capillary pressure is the determining parameter and that the air entry value matches the cracks. The major behavior differences are found between concretes with different volumes of water rather than between natural and recycled concretes.Finally, the analysis of all the experimental results have allowed concrete modelling and understanding why concretes do not behave in the same way. When it cracks, the air come in the biggest pores of the concrete paste. Moreover, a hygrothermal coupling exists between the drying and the temperature in concrete. It can affect hydration start up.

Contribution à l'étude du comportement mécanique des fibres recyclées. Applications aux supports fibreux / Study of the mechanical behavior of recycled fibers. Applications to papers and paperboards.

Ali, Imtiaz 28 September 2012 (has links)
Les objectifs principaux des travaux de recherche réalisés sont de caractériser, quantifier et corréler les changements induits lors du recyclage sur les fibres, la pâte et le papier. Pour ce faire, des techniques de caractérisation spécifique ont été utilisées telles que la chromatographie inverse d'exclusion stérique (ISEC), l'analyse mécanique dynamique (DMA), la microscopie électronique à balayage environnementale (ESEM), la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) et la tomographie à rayons X. Le racornissement des fibres à elle seule ne peut pas expliquer totalement la perte de résistance des fibres. Lors du recyclage la largeur des fibres, l'épaisseur des parois fibreuses, la courbure, le nombre de coudes et d'irrégularité diminuent. Les points faibles à l'intérieur de la paroi augmentent dans les premiers et les derniers cycles de recyclage. Les fibres deviennent plus dures et cassantes à l'état sec. Les forces capillaires et la friction de surface augmentent à l'état humide. La surface de liaison entre fibres dans le réseau fibreux diminue initialement à cause de la perte de la flexibilité des fibres à l'état humide et des éléments fins alors que l'augmentation qui suit peut être reliée au collapse du lumen. Comme la solidité des fibres de diminue pas, la baisse des caractéristiques mécaniques du papier pourrait être attribuée à la dégradation de la qualité des liaisons et plus particulièrement à une délamination partielle de la couche P/S1. / Incorporation of recycled fibres in high value paper products can reduce costand environmental loads. Papermaking potential of cellulosic fibres decreaseswith recycling. The phenomenon of fibre hornification during pressing anddrying is normally held responsible for the loss in strength. To study the impactsof recycling on pulp, fibre and paper properties some non conventionalcharacterisation techniques like fibre saturation point, X-rays microtomography,environmental scanning electron microscopic observations, atomic forcemicroscope (PeakForce QNM mode) and inverse size exclusion chromatography(ISEC) were used. In order to achieve good reproducibility of ISEC measurements,a semi-automatic column fabrication pilot system was built. Thetechniques were first validated on refining process before being applied to therecycling process. In this study, it was found that fibre hornification alone cannot fully explain loss in strength during recycling. The loss in strength is muchmore complex and it is required to understand the morphological and ultrastructural changes associated with recycling. Fibre width, cell wall thickness,curl, kink, irregularities decreased during recycling. Fibre became hard andbrittle in dry state. Number of weak points in the fibre wall were increasedinitially and in the later recyclings. The increase in wet breaking length indicatesincreased surface friction and capillary forces with recycling. Decreasein bonded area during first recycle may be caused by the loss of fines and fibreflexibility whereas the increase afterwards may be linked to the lumen collapse.The strength of fibres did not decrease with recycling as shown by zero-spanbreaking lengths therefore the quality of bond may be deteriorated. It wasthought that the partially delaminated P/S1 layers may be responsible for theloss of paper strength. It is suggested since the significant change is associatedwith the pressing and drying of never dried pulp therefore the drying processneeds to be revisited. The delaminated layer should be restored so as to increasethe recyclability of the recovered fibres for high value paper. Influenceof recycled pulp blends on physical properties of paper was also studied. It wasrevealed that small quantity of recycled pulp can be used without significantlyaffecting the mechanical strength properties.

Influence de la nature minéralogique des granulats sur le comportement mécanique différé des bétons. / Influence of the mineralogical nature of aggregate on the time-dependent behaviour

Makani, Abdelkadir 11 July 2011 (has links)
L’estimation des déformations différées, en particulier dans le cas des Béton à Hautes Performances (BHP) destinés aux ouvrages d’art, est primordiale pour prédire les flèches, les redistributions des contraintes dans les structures hyperstatiques et les pertes de précontrainte dans des éléments en béton précontraint. L’expérience montre néanmoins une dispersion certaine des valeurs de déformations instantanées et différées mesurées et des écarts non négligeables avec les valeurs calculées selon les règlements de dimensionnement.L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de s’intéresser à un paramètre non pris en compte dans les règlements qui pourrait être à l’origine des imprécisions de leurs prédictions : le gravillon. Le programme expérimental s’articulera autour d’une étude comparative des comportements mécaniques instantanés et différés sans charge, retrait, et sous charge, fluage, de six BHP de même formulation de base (rapport E/L, volume de pâte), se différenciant principalement par le type de gravillon. A partir de cette base de données complétée par des analyses mécaniques et physico-chimiques sur les granulats, des paramètres influents liés au type de gravillon incorporé ont été détectés. Des comparaisons avec les estimations des modèles actuels tels que l'Eurocode 2 ont également été réalisées et ont montré des différences notables avec les valeurs expérimentales.Des analyses microstructurales ont été menées afin d'identifier l'état de la microstructure et du réseau poreux des matériaux, plus particulièrement à l'interface pâte-granulat (Interfacial Transition Zone ITZ). L'étude de l’ensemble des résultats a permis d’établir des corrélations entre le comportement mécanique et les analyses microstructurales. Une synthèse des données récoltées durant ce travail de recherche montre que le gravillon a une influence non négligeable sur les comportements mécaniques instantané et différé à travers différents paramètres de degré d'influence variable / The prediction of the time-dependent deformations, particularly in the case of high performance concrete (HPC) envisioned for bridges is essential for predicting the deflections, the stress distribution in statically indeterminate structures and the loss of pre-stressing force in elements of pre-stressed concrete. However, the experience shows a certain dispersion of values of instantaneous and delayed deformations measured and some significant differences with the values calculated using the building codes.The objective of the present thesis work focuses on the coarse aggregate parameter which is not taken into account in building codes, which could causes the inaccuracies of their predictions. The experimental program includes a comparative study of the mechanical behaviours (instantaneous and delayed), shrinkage, creep, of six HPC with the same basic formulation (water cement ratio, volume of paste), differing principally in the type of coarse aggregate. From this database and thanks to the mechanical and physicochemical analyses of the aggregates, some influent parameters related to the type of the coarse aggregate were detected. The comparisons with estimations of standard models such as Eurocode 2 were also performed and showed significant differences with the experimental values.Micro-structural analyses were carried out in order to identify the state of the microstructure and the porosity of materials, more particularly at the interface between the cement paste and the coarse aggregate (Interfacial Transition Zones ITZ). The study of the results made it possible to establish correlations between the mechanical behaviour and the micro-structural analyses. A synthesis of the data collected during this research work shows that the coarse aggregate has a considerable influence on the mechanical behaviours (instantaneous and delayed) through various parameters from variable degree of influence

Retração total e penetração de cloretos em concretos com cimento Portland branco e escória de alto forno / Total shrinkage and chloride penetration in concretes with white Portland cement and blast furnace slag

Dellinghausen, Luciano de Medeiros 25 June 2009 (has links)
Drying Shrinkage is a phenomenon that occurs in concrete, subjected or not to a load, due to water loss, once exposed to environment and allowed to dry. It is responsible for almost the entire total shrinkage strain in concrete. A concrete element with restrained shrinkage deformation may develop tensions that cause cracks, allowing the ingress of aggressive agents that may cause some damage to the reinforcement, reducing, consequently, its strength and durability. The most common aggressive agent into concrete is the chloride ion, which is considered the great responsible for the early reinforcement corrosion of concrete structures, affecting its stability and durability. Corrosion of reinforcement bars due to the ingress of salts from sea water into concrete is recognized to be the most influent factor in the destructive mechanisms for marine structures. The use of mineral admixtures such as blast furnace slag, the increase of curing duration and the water/binder ratio reduction are measures that may reduce the chloride ion penetration. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the cement replacement content by slag, as well as the duration of curing on drying shrinkage, chloride ion penetration and compressive strength of concretes made with high early age strength cement and white Portland cement. Water-binder ratios of 0.30, 0.42 and 0.55, curing duration of 3 and 7 days, besides the cement replacement contents of 0%, 50% and 70% were investigated. In order to analyze the influence of the alkali activation on the properties investigated, a concrete made with 50% white Portland cement replacement content by slag and activated by sodium sulfate (4% in mass of binder) was used. The compressive strength was evaluated in the ages of 3, 7, 28 and 91 days; the drying shrinkage in the ages of 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 56, 91 and 182 days, and the chloride ion penetration (immersion test in chloride solution) in the ages of 7, 14, 28, 56 and 91 days. Before being immersed in the chloride solution, the specimens were subjected to a drying period of 91 days. The results obtained revealed that an increase in the slag content decreased the compressive strength and the drying shrinkage values, besides the smaller depths of chloride penetration with both cements used. Reducing the curing duration resulted greater drying shrinkage and depth of chloride penetration for both cements, independently the slag content. / A retração hidráulica é um fenômeno que ocorre no concreto, submetido ou não a carregamento, devido à perda de umidade, uma vez exposto ao meio ambiente e permitida sua secagem. Ela é responsável por praticamente toda a deformação total por retração no concreto. Um elemento de concreto com restrição de deformação por retração pode desenvolver tensões que levam à formação de fissuras, através das quais agentes agressivos podem penetrar e causar algum dano à armadura, reduzindo sua resistência e durabilidade. O agente agressivo mais comum é o íon cloreto, o qual é considerado como a maior causa de corrosão prematura das barras de armaduras das estruturas de concreto, afetando sua estabilidade e vida útil. A corrosão de armaduras devido ao ingresso de íons cloretos da água do mar no concreto é universalmente conhecida como o fator de maior influência nos mecanismos destrutivos de estruturas marinhas. A utilização de adições minerais como a escória de alto forno, o aumento no prazo de cura e a redução na relação água/aglomerante são medidas que podem diminuir a penetração desses íons no concreto. Este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a influência do teor de escória e do período de cura na retração hidráulica, na penetração de íons cloretos e na resistência à compressão axial de concretos compostos de cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial e cimento Portland branco estrutural. Foram adotadas relações água/aglomerante de 0.30, 0.42 e 0.55, teores de escória, em substituição ao cimento Portland, de 0%, 50% e 70%, além de períodos de cura de 3 e 7 dias. Foi empregada uma mistura composta de 50% de escória em substituição ao cimento Portland branco, ativada quimicamente por sulfato de sódio (4% da massa de aglomerante) para analisar a influência do ativador nas propriedades investigadas. As idades avaliadas para o ensaio de resistência à compressão foram de 3, 7, 28 e 91 dias; para retração hidráulica idades de 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 56, 91 e 182 dias e, para penetração de íons cloretos (imersão em solução salina) as idades de 7, 14, 28, 56 e 91 dias. Antes de serem imersos em solução salina os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos a um período de secagem de 91 dias. Dos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que o aumento do teor de escória resultou em decréscimo nos valores de resistência à compressão, de retração e de penetração de cloretos para os dois cimentos investigados. A diminuição no período de cura resultou em maiores valores de retração e de penetração de cloretos, tanto no concreto branco quanto no cinza, independentemente do teor de escória utilizado.

Chirurgie des troubles de la statique pelvienne et des hernies avec interposition de prothèses de renfort. / Surgery of pelvic disorders and hernias with interposition of reinforcement prostheses.

Nohuz, Erdogan 16 September 2013 (has links)
Introduction : L’allongement de l’espérance de vie, qui a pour corollaire le vieillissement de la population, laisse présager d’un recours croissant au renfort prothétique en chirurgie des troubles de la statique pelvienne et pariétale. Actuellement, en uro-gynécologie, l’utilisation des prothèses de synthèse est communément admise pour l’abord abdominal (cœlioscopique ou laparotomique) alors même que la voie vaginale est sujette à d’innombrables controverses. La rétraction prothétique représente un réel problème iatrogène, source de douleurs, d’érosion et de récidive, quelle que soit la voie d’abord utilisée. Il s’agit d’une complication sérieuse et, à l’heure actuelle, la moins documentée. L’étiopathogénie de cette rétraction reposerait sur les phénomènes adhérentiels de l’hôte, en réponse au matériau implanté (« contraction passive »). Objectifs : - Rechercher une solution à la rétraction prothétique. Le postulat de départ de cette thèse pose le fait que l’adjonction d’un gel ou d’un film d’acide hyaluronique, connus pour leur efficacité dans la diminution des adhérences post-opératoires, préviendrait la rétraction d’un implant en polypropylène chez la rate.- Établir un état des lieux, au lendemain des recommandations alarmistes américaines, mais plus nuancées et rassurantes de la part de nos sociétés savantes et experts européens vis-à-vis du recours au renfort prothétique en chirurgie vaginale.Matériels et méthodes : au décours d’une revue de la littérature, un modèle expérimental a été élaboré. Soixante rates ont été randomisées en 3 groupes. Un défect herniaire standard a été induit par laparotomie médiane au niveau de la paroi abdominale antérieure puis réparé par l’utilisation d’une prothèse en polypropylène de faible grammage macroporeux seule (groupe 1), avec application d’un film (groupe 2) ou avec enduction prothétique d’un gel (groupe 3) d’acide hyaluronique. Huit semaines après la procédure, une nouvelle laparotomie a été réalisée permettant l’évaluation d’un score adhérentiel et des surfaces prothétiques. Une étude histologique microscopique de l’interface hôte-tissu a également été effectuée.Résultats : Le groupe 1 (groupe contrôle), présentait un taux de rétraction prothétique de 29%. Les groupes 2 (p=0.0238) et 3 (p=0.0072) présentaient des taux de rétraction significativement plus bas, respectivement de 19.12% (groupe film) et 17% (groupe gel). La différence entre les 3 groupes était statistiquement significative (p=0.0153). Les adhérences post-opératoires étaient significativement moins importantes dans les groupes utilisant l’acide hyaluronique. Le groupe 1 présentait significativement un score adhérentiel plus élevé (30.40) que les groupes 2 (11.67, p=0.0028) et 3 (11.19, p=0.0013). La colonisation conjonctivale était moins intense dans le groupe gel, comparativement aux groupes film et témoin (p=0.0181).Conclusion et perspectives cliniques : Notre travail expérimental a démontré que la surface prothétique était sauvegardée de façon statistiquement significative lors du recours à un gel ou un film d’acide hyaluronique La rétraction prothétique, compliquant la chirurgie avec implant synthétique en polypropylène, pourrait être prévenue par l’adjonction de ce complément. Ceci préviendrait la formation d’adhérences post-opératoires et de fibrose, propices à la contraction du tissu hôte péri-prothétique et conduisant à la rétraction du matériau de renfort. Cette donnée devrait être intégrée dans une stratégie de sauvegarde prothétique préservant la qualité ainsi que la durée de la réparation chirurgicale tout en limitant la douleur post-opératoire. / IntroductionThe prolongation of life expectancy, which has for corollary the aging of the population, leads to predict of a growing appeal to the use of prosthetic reinforcement in surgery for pelvic statics’ disorders and parietal hernias. Currently, in uro-gynecology, the use of synthetic meshes is commonly admitted for the abdominal approach (by laparoscopy or laparotomy) while the vaginal route is subject to innumerable controversies. Prosthetic retraction (shrinkage) represents a real iatrogenic problem, causing pain, erosion and recurrence, whatever the approach used. This is a serious complication and, at the moment, the least documented. The etiopathogenesis of this retraction is based on host adhesion phenomena, in response to the implanted material ("passive contraction").Objectives-To research for a solution to prosthetic retraction. The basic premise of this thesis puts the fact that the addition of a gel or a film of hyaluronic acid, known for their effectiveness in reducing post-operative adhesions, would prevent the retraction of a polypropylene implant in a rat model.-To establish an update, the day after the American alarmist recommendations, but more nuanced and reassuring on behalf of our learned societies and European experts with regard to prosthetic reinforcement ‘use in vaginal surgery.Material and methods :Following a review of the literature, an experimental model was developed. Sixty rats were randomized into 3 groups. A standard hernial defect was induced by medial laparotomy in the anterior abdominal wall and then repaired using a macroporous low weight polypropylene mesh alone (group 1), with application of a film (group 2) or coating of a gel (group 3) of hyaluronic acid. Eight weeks after the procedure, a new laparotomy was realized to evaluate an adhesion score and prosthetic surfaces. A microscopic histological study of the host-tissue interface was also performed.Results :Group 1 (control group) had a mesh retraction rate of 29%. Groups 2 (p = 0.0238) and 3 (p = 0.0072) had significantly lower retraction rates, respectively 19.12% (film group) and 17% (gel group). The difference between the 3 groups was statistically significant (p = 0.0153). Post-operative adhesions were significantly less important in groups using hyaluronic acid. Group 1 had a significantly higher adherence score (30.40) than groups 2 (11.67, p = 0.0028) and 3 (11.19, p = 0.0013). Conjunctival colonization was less intense in the gel group, compared to the control and film groups (p = 0.0181).Conclusion and clinical perspectives :Our experimental study has shown that the prosthetic surface is protected in a statistically significant way when using a gel or film of hyaluronic acid. Mesh shrinkage, complicating surgery with synthetic polypropylene implant, could be prevented by the addition of this complement. This would prevent the formation of postoperative adhesions and fibrosis, which are conducive to contraction of the periprosthetic host tissue and leading to retraction of the reinforcing material. This data should be incorporated into a prosthetic safeguard strategy that preserves the quality as well as the duration of surgical repair while limiting post-operative pain.


Beck, Sílvio Maurício 12 March 2009 (has links)
The use of byproducts and industrial waste as pozzolanic, is an alternative to achieve the sustainability, economy and durability in concrete structures. This survey has as its purpose to analyze the effect on mechanical, elastic and deformation properties on concrete with a high level of granulated slag from blast furnace and fly ash in place of Portland bulk cement. The use of high levels of mineral additions has the purpose of increasing the durability and reducing the consumption of cement, the use of hydrated lime aims to activating these adittions, restore part of the calcium hydroxide consumed by the pozzolanic reactions, increasing the initial and final strength to the mixtures. This way, three mixtures of concrete have been studied: one of them without mineral additions, only using Portland cement (CP V-ARI), taken as a control, with relations a/c 0.40, 0.60 and 0.83, and two mixtures with mineral additions in place of cement in equal mass, with 70% of slag and 20% of fly ash, being one of them with addition of 20% of hydrated lime on the mass of binders in addition to the cement, both to the relations a/mc 0.30/0.33, 0.40 and 0.49, which have been renamed as R, EV and EVC. Tests were held to resistance to axial compression in bodies of evidence (10x20cm) the ages of 07 28, 91 and 300 days, whose results range from 18.2 MPa and 81 MPa, tests of resistance to traction by diametral compression and module of elasticity at 28, 91 and 300 days, as well as tests of total shrinkage on prismatic bodies of evidence (10x10x30 cm) at 28, 91, 180 and 300 days. The results of mechanical, elastic and strain resistance have been also correlated with some intervening and independent variables, as well as some existing regulatory requirements. The results have been analyzed to each trace individually, in relation to the control traces, in relation to the evolution of the resistance, effectiveness of the use of the hydrated lime and in equal relationship a/mc 0.4. In the analysis of the equal relationship a/mc 0.400, in the case of reference concrete, in the initial age, the resistance to the axial compression of the concrete EV was, in media, 72% of the one presented by it, being the resistance to the EVC 55%, and in the final age, 65% and 50% respectively. In the case of the traction by diametral compression, to 28 days the concrete EV presented 76% of the resistance of the reference, and the concrete EVC 58%. This relation to 300 days was 80% and 61% respectively. To the elasticity module, to 28 days, the concrete EV presented 82% and the EVC 70% of the result obtained by the reference mixture, maintaining this proportion until the final age (300 days). In the analysis of the total retraction, the concrete EV presented an inferior retraction 10% inferior to the reference trace, while the concrete EVC to 300 days presents a good retraction 16% superior to it. The observation through the conjuncture of the results found shows a satisfactory relation among the different traces studied, making feasible the use of high levels of mineral additions in substitution to the large portion of cement in bulk. / A utilização de subprodutos e resíduos industriais como pozolanas, é uma alternativa para atingir a sustentabilidade, economia e durabilidade em estruturas de concreto. Esta pesquisa possui o objetivo de analisar os efeitos nas propriedades mecânicas, elásticas e de deformação em concretos com elevados teores de escória granulada de alto-forno e cinza volante em substituição ao cimento Portland em massa. O uso de altos teores de adições minerais tem por fim o aumento da durabilidade e redução do consumo de cimento, tendo o uso de cal hidratada a finalidade de ativar estas adições, repor parte do hidróxido de cálcio consumido pelas reações pozolânicas, aumentando as resistências iniciais e finais das misturas. Desta forma, estudaram-se três misturas de concreto: uma sem adições minerais, somente com cimento Portland (CP V-ARI), tomada como referência, com relações a/c 0.40, 0.60 e 0.83, e duas misturas com adições minerais em substituição ao cimento em igual massa, com 70% de escória e 20% de cinza volante, sendo uma delas com adição de 20% de cal hidratada em relação á massa de aglomerantes em adição ao cimento, ambas para relações a/mc 0.30/0.33, 0.40 e 0.49, as quais foram renomeadas como R, EV e EVC. Foram realizados ensaios de resistência a compressão axial em corpos de prova (10x20 cm) nas idades de 07, 28, 91 e 300 dias, cujos resultados variaram entre 18.2 MPa e 81 MPa, ensaios de resistência a tração por compressão diametral e módulo de elasticidade aos 28, 91 e 300 dias, assim como ensaios de retração total em corpos de prova prismáticos (10x10x30 cm) aos 28, 91, 180 e 300 dias. Também se correlacionou os resultados das resistências mecânicas, elásticas e de deformação com algumas variáveis intervenientes e independentes apresentadas, assim como com algumas prescrições normativas existentes. Os resultados foram analisados para cada traço individualmente, em relação aos traços referências, em relação à evolução da resistência, eficiência do uso da cal hidratada e em igualdade de relação a/mc 0.4. Na análise de igualdade de relação a/mc 0.400, em relação ao concreto referência, na idade inicial, a resistência a compressão axial do concreto EV foi, em média, 72% da apresentada por este, sendo a resistência do EVC 55%, e na idade final, 65% e 50%, respectivamente. Em relação à resistência a tração por compressão diametral, aos 28 dias o concreto EV apresentava 76% da resistência do referência, e o concreto EVC 58%. Esta relação, aos 300 dias foi de 80% e 61% respectivamente. Para o módulo de elasticidade, aos 28 dias, o concreto EV apresentou 82% e o EVC 70% do resultado obtido pela mistura referência, mantendo-se esta proporção até a idade final (300 dias). Na análise da retração total, o concreto EV apresentou uma retração 10% inferior ao traço referência, enquanto o concreto EVC aos 300 dias apresentou uma retração 16% superior ao mesmo. A observação através da conjuntura dos resultados obtidos demonstra uma satisfatória relação entre os diferentes traços estudados, viabilizando o uso de elevados teores de adições minerais em substituição a grande parcela de cimento em massa.

Condutividade hidráulica de solos compactados em ensaios com permeâmetro de parede flexível / Hydraulic conductivity of compacted soils in flexible wall permeameter tests

Thiago de Paula Alonso 16 September 2005 (has links)
Cincos solos compactados do estado de São Paulo foram estudados para uso como barreira impermeável de aterros sanitários. Foram realizados ensaios em permeâmetro de parede flexível com utilização do sistema de controle hidráulico de volume constante (sistema fechado), ensaios em permeâmetro de parede rígida e ensaios de contração. Verificou-se que menores valores de condutividade hidráulica estão associados a teores de umidade de moldagem igual ou acima do teor de umidade ótimo fornecida no ensaio de Proctor normal. Teores de umidade acima do ótimo e graus de compactação superiores a 100% não causaram significativas reduções na condutividade hidráulica, que tende a se estabilizar a partir destes parâmetros. Foram sugeridas condições de compactação para quatro dos cinco solos analisados, de forma que a condutividade hidráulica não excedesse 1.'10 POT.-7' cm/s, valor sugerido para barreiras impermeáveis. A contração axial e volumétrica não foi influenciada pelo teor de umidade de moldagem e grau de compactação, para corpos-de-prova compactados nas condições de compactação sugeridas. Os resultados de condutividade hidráulica em ensaios com permeâmetros de parede rígida se mostraram, aproximadamente, uma ordem de grandeza menor se comparados aos resultados obtidos com permeâmetro de parede flexível, porém essa diferença diminuiu com o aumento do grau de compactação dos corpos-de-prova / The hydraulic conductivity of five compacted soils from São Paulo state is studied aiming at their use in lining systems. Permeability tests were performed in flexible wall permeameters with constant volume hydraulic control system (closed system), rigid wall permeameters and contraction tests. It was verified that lower values of hydraulic conductivity are associated to molding water content equal or larger than optimum water content of soil as measured in standard Proctor. Molding water content beyond optimum and compaction degree lager than 100% did not cause significant reduction on hydraulic conductivity, which tends to stabilize when those parameters are reached. It is proposed ideal conditions of compaction for four of five compacted soils studied with hydraulic conductivity not lager than '10 POT.-7' cm/s, suggested value for lining systems. The axial and volumetric shrinkage was not influenced by water content and compaction degree, for specimen compacted on ideal conditions suggested here. The hydraulic conductivity results of greatness lower when compared to the results of the flexible wall permeameter, although that difference gets smaller with the rise of compaction degree

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