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Situating the countried existence of critical indigenous pedagogies & Aborginal and Torres Strait Islander student's ways of learningBackhaus, Vincent Stuart January 2019 (has links)
The Countried experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of (Australia), ground a resilience and strength in sovereign thinking through the Stories we share laterally with family and inter-ancestrally through our connections to the Dreaming. The stories we share develop a sense of inalienability we have that is connected to the Countries of origin we share and identify with across the continental scape of Land, Water and Sky Country. As a formative philosophical assumption, the Countried existence that this dissertation develops, illuminates the significance of this research thinking to contribute to the continued development of Indigenous education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students attending secondary high schools across (Australia). By attending to the ways Elders as significant Indigenous leaders describe and develop their storied lives through lived experience, this Countried philosophy emerges through the Storied knowing of Country. By examining the approaches to learning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students adopt, further evidence can be contributed to the research surrounding Indigenous thinking and cognitive approaches to thinking through education learning tasks. By examining the perceptions and beliefs of non-indigenous teachers, this dissertation aims to contribute evidence to Indigenous pedagogies that teachers can deploy in the delivery of meaningful Indigenous Knowledge curricula content. Summatively, this thesis found that when deep engagements are made into the notion of inalienability of Countried experience, salient avenues of thinking and learning and teaching emerge surrounding the ways education can continue to elaborate and relate meaningfully to the First Peoples of Australia.
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Encounters with the Real: A Zizekian Approach to the Sublime and the Fantastic in Contemporary DramaWolfe, Graham 18 January 2012 (has links)
This study brings the insights of Slavoj Žižek’s Lacan-inspired approach to bear upon a series of influential 20th century plays and their engagement with what Lacan calls the Real. The plays to be explored share a focus on experiences, events or encounters which transcend, exceed, disrupt, and in some cases shatter characters’ normal, familiar realities. Examined through the lens of Žižek, these confrontations with the sublime and the fantastic reveal a crucial relation to the plays’ contemporary contexts, prompting us to “look awry” upon the dynamics of our own symbolically-regulated reality and the ever-changing and precarious nature of our relation to it. Similarly crucial is the relation of the Lacanian Real to our theatrical forms and modes of perception in the theatre. In staging “encounters with the Real,” these plays prompt us simultaneously to explore the ways in which the Real operates —and “appears” — in our own theatrical experience, ensnaring our gaze and the force of our desire. The study offers a Žižekian approach to works including Peter Shaffer’s Equus, John Mighton’s Possible Worlds, S. An-sky’s The Dybbuk, or Between Two Worlds, Caryl Churchill’s The Skriker, Tony Kushner’s The Illusion, and Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt’s Enigma Variations.
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Encounters with the Real: A Zizekian Approach to the Sublime and the Fantastic in Contemporary DramaWolfe, Graham 18 January 2012 (has links)
This study brings the insights of Slavoj Žižek’s Lacan-inspired approach to bear upon a series of influential 20th century plays and their engagement with what Lacan calls the Real. The plays to be explored share a focus on experiences, events or encounters which transcend, exceed, disrupt, and in some cases shatter characters’ normal, familiar realities. Examined through the lens of Žižek, these confrontations with the sublime and the fantastic reveal a crucial relation to the plays’ contemporary contexts, prompting us to “look awry” upon the dynamics of our own symbolically-regulated reality and the ever-changing and precarious nature of our relation to it. Similarly crucial is the relation of the Lacanian Real to our theatrical forms and modes of perception in the theatre. In staging “encounters with the Real,” these plays prompt us simultaneously to explore the ways in which the Real operates —and “appears” — in our own theatrical experience, ensnaring our gaze and the force of our desire. The study offers a Žižekian approach to works including Peter Shaffer’s Equus, John Mighton’s Possible Worlds, S. An-sky’s The Dybbuk, or Between Two Worlds, Caryl Churchill’s The Skriker, Tony Kushner’s The Illusion, and Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt’s Enigma Variations.
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Unsicherheiten in der Erfassung des kurzwelligen WolkenstrahlungseffektesHanschmann, Timo 19 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit betrachtet die Wechselwirkung von solarer Einstrahlung mit Wolken in der Atmosphäre. Diese wird insbesondere repräsentiert durch den Wolkenstrahlungseffekt. Hierbei wurde vor allem auf die Auswirkungen von kleinskaliger Variabilität von Wolken und Wolkenfeldern auf die Genauigkeit des Wolkenstrahlungseffektes am Oberrand der Atmosphäre und am Boden Rücksicht genommen.
Mit einer Schliessungsstudie ist der modellierte Wolkenstrahlungseffekt mit Schiffsmessungen verglichen worden. Hierbei wurden die Wolkeneigenschaften in dem Modell durch Schiffs- und Satellitendaten als Eingangsdatensatz beschrieben. Ein Zugewinn in der Genauigkeit konnte durch die kombinierte Nutzung beider Datenquellen erzielt werden, konkret durch die Kombination des Flüssigwasserpfads aus Schiffsmessungen und des effektiven Radius aus Satellitenbeobachtungen. Durch die Schliessungsstudie sind zwei Probleme in der Auflösung kleinskaliger Bewölkung und deren Auswirkung auf abgeleitete Wolkeneigenschaften identifiziert worden, die im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit genauer betrachtet wurden.
Ein Vergleich zweier Methoden zur Erkennung des Bedeckungsgrades, jeweils eine vom Boden und eine vom Oberrand der Atmosphäre, hat insgesamt eine gute Übereinstimmung ergeben. Jedoch zeigten sich Abweichungen bei geringer Bedeckung. So wurde bei einem Bedeckungsgrad von ca. 40% in der Hälfte der Fälle den Satellitenbildpunkt als bewölkt klassifiziert. Diese Unsicherheiten in der Klassifikation konnten auf die abgeleitete reflektierte solare Einstrahlung übertragen werden. Für als unbewölkt erkannte, tatsächlich aber bewölkte, Bildpunkte wurde eine mittlere Überschätzung der reflektierte solare Einstrahlung von ca. 30 W/m−2 gefunden.
Ebenfalls wurde der Einfluss der zeitlichen Variabilität in der solaren Einstrahlung auf die Bestimmung des Wolkenstrahlungseffektes einer Wolke untersucht. Hierfür wurde ein lineares Modell entwickelt und präsentiert, das die diffuse Einstrahlung mit dem Bedeckungsgrad in Zusammenhang stellt. Das Modell liefert zwei Koeffizienten, die die Variation der diffusen Einstrahlung durch eine Wolke unter der Annahme, dass die beobachtete Wolke den ganzen Himmel bedeckt, beschreiben. Dies ermöglicht einen direkten Vergleich des Wolkenstrahlungseffektes einer beobachteten Wolke mit Modellergebnissen und die Entkopplung von der zeitlich variablen direkten Einstrahlung.
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A Close Look at the Transient Sky in a Neighbouring GalaxyTikare, Kiran January 2020 (has links)
Study of the time variable sources and phenomena in Astrophysics provides us with important insights into the stellar evolution, galactic evolution, stellar population studies and cosmological studies such as number density of dark massive objects. Study of these sources and phenomena forms the basis of Time Domain surveys, where the telescopes while scanning the sky regularly for a period of time provides us with positional and temporal data of various Astrophysical sources and phenomena happening in the Universe. Our vantage point within the Milky Way galaxy greatly limits studying our galaxy in its entirety. In such a scenario our nearest neighbour The Andromeda galaxy (M31) proves to be an excellent choice as its proximity and inclination allows us to resolve millions of stars using space based telescopes. Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is a new optical time domain survey at Palomar Observatory, which has collected data in the direction of M31 for over 6 months using multiple filters. This Thesis involves exploitation of this rich data set. Stars in M31 are not resolved in ZTF as it is a ground based facility. This requires us to use the large public catalogue of stars observed with Hubble Space Telescope (HST): The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT). The PHAT catalogue provides us with stellar coordinates and observed brightness for millions of resolved stars in the direction of the M31 in multiple filters. Processing of the large volumes of data generated by the time domain surveys, requires us to develop new data processing pipelines and utilize statistical techniques for determining various statistical features of the data and using machine learning algorithms to classify the data into different categories. End result of such processing of the data is the astronomical catalogues of various astrophysical sources and phenomena and their light curves. In this thesis we have developed a data processing and analysis pipeline based on Forced Aperture Photometry Technique. Since the stars are not resolved in ZTF, we performed photometry at pixel level. Only small portion of the ZTF dataset has been analyzed and photometric light curves have been generated for few interesting sources. In our preliminary investigations we have used a Machine Learning Algorithm to classify the resulting time series data into different categories. We also performed cross comparison with data from other studies in the region of the Andromeda galaxy.
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3D herní svět v OpenGL / 3D Game World in OpenGLBuchta, David January 2017 (has links)
Focus of this master's thesis is a study of modern techniques in computer graphics and designing and developing custom application based on which could be developed new game engine. In this thesis are highlighted techniques for creating large terrains, advanced shadows, physically based sky rendering and drawing large set of objects. Finally, performance testing of these modules is performed.
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Centrum chytré čtvrti Špitálka / Smart District ŠpitalkaSergeeva, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The proposed building is part of a complex of three buildings. The task was to create the dominants of the new territory, which would include functions corresponding to the concept of a smart neighborhood. The building has 19 floors above ground and two underground. The simple shape is complemented by the corrugated roof of the congress center and the curved atrium. The main entrance is towards the new city street, the main facade of the congress center faces the square. The dynamics of the shape of the high-rise building is supported by an irregular grid of windows, the combination of full masonry and leaky lighten the facade of the lower part.
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Spektrální vlastnosti denního světla jako časoprostorová funkce / Spectral properties of daylight as time-spatial functionMayer, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Graduation thesis describes basic data about Sun, suns constant, solar radiation thoroughfare by the earth's atmosphere. Thesis describes effects of components of optical radiation and physical character of solar radiation. Thesis also describes character of day lighting in nature, spectral distribution of natural lighting, average time of sunshine. The next point of thesis is description of measuring equipment Konica Minolta. In chapter measuring procedure is described measuring process of the sky radiance. Measurement analysis is mentioned in conclusion.
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Pre-Commissioning of the SDSS-V Focal Plane System Instruments with Optical Measurement and AnalysisEngelman, Michael Charles January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Astro Tourism - A Possible Path to Sustainable Development through Narratives and StoriesGerasimova, Darina January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the use of narratives and how they connect Astro tourism to sustainability. This research is done from the viewpoint of the narrators and uncovers what narratives they have chosen to present to the visitors, their reasons to include those narratives, what messages they want to convey and how that relates to sustainability. This research was conducted in order to explore how narratives can be used together with Astro tourism to sustainably develop peripheral regions. This thesis uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and inquests. The informants are people who conduct narrated Astro tourism tours in different parts of the world. The findings of this thesis are that in Astro tourism narratives can be used to educate, inspire, shape perceptions, raise awareness and develop environmental consciousness in people. The narratives can take part in the place, value and identity creation processes, can provide a sustainable competitive advantage, can link together the visual aspects and reconnect the visitors to nature and the past. These findings can be used in the broader field of science about narratives and storytelling in the experience-based industry. On a more practical side it is recommended to include narratives that communicate ideas about sustainability that the narrators personally feel passionate about, and they should consider what kind of message they want to convey through them and how that will affect the customer’s experience.
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