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Postkonfliktní rekonstrukce: případová studie Severního Irska / Postconflict Reconstruction: Case Study of Northern IrelandHladíková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Although Northern Ireland is a part of United Kingdom and so Europe, it belongs to regions which are characterized as unstable. Lately, there has been a significant improvement in implementing desired measures, however, one can still encounter street rioting stemming from the history of Northern Irish conflict. The Master thesis conducts a survey of the situation after the crucial signing of Belfast Peace Accord. It aims to evaluate the rate of success of introduced post-conflict reconstruction and holds the opinion that the progress in social sphere is especially significant, meaning cross-community relations and mutual respect. Gradually, in three chapters, the thesis unveils the theoretical concept of post-conflict reconstruction with a special attention to social sphere and culture. Moreover, it refers to the milestones of history and comes to the conclusion where it evaluates the current situation in society in disputed areas. Main idea of the thesis is to assess the hypothesis if the adopted measures do have an effect on current development and if a change in society could influence the perception of the roots of the conflict mainly in the question of interpersonal relations.
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Politikers användande av Twitter : En studie av relationen mellan privata och offentliga samtal i den sociala sfärenVisuri, Anna, Arvidsson, Mirjam January 2011 (has links)
This study’s aim was to explore how the social media Twitter is used by Swedish political leaders and how they manage the relationship between having both private and public conversations in a new public sphere, the social sphere. In Sweden, studies in this area are yet to grow. We achieved our aim by responding to our three questions at the issue: What kind of content is published in each of the politicians Twitter stream? Are the politicians private or public persons on Twitter? Are the politicians using Twitters interactive functions? We conducted our analysis by performing a quantitative content analysis. Our material consisted of Twits published by two selected Swedish politicians between September 1st to September 23rd, 2010. We based our study and results around the discussion of private, public and social spheres along with political communication. / Målet med denna studie var att undersöka hur det sociala mediet Twitter används av svenska politiska ledare och hur de hanterar relationen mellan privata och offentliga samtal i en ny offentlig sfär, den sociala sfären. I Sverige finns ännu inte tillräckligt många studier av detta slag. Vi uppnådde vårt mål genom att svara på våra tre frågeställningar: Vilken typ av innehåll publiceras i de respektive politikernas Twitterflöden? Är politikerna privata eller offentliga personer på Twitter? Använder sig politikerna av Twitters sociala funktioner? Vi genomförde vår analys med hjälp av metoden kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Vårt material bestod av Twitterinlägg publicerade av två utvalda svenska politiker mellan 1 september och 23 september 2010. Vi baserade vår studie och våra resultat på diskussioner kring privata, offentliga och sociala sfärer samt politisk kommunikation.
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Model řízení projektově orientovaných organizací sociální oblasti / Management model of project-oriented organizations of social spherePROKEŠOVÁ, Radka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Management model of project-oriented organizations of social sphere" deals with the proposal of a management model for project-oriented organizations of social sphere using monitoring and evaluation processes. The proposed management model was based on qualitative research conducted in the selected institution, which was the Institute of Social Work of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies. (Institute of Social Work ? ISW). The reason for selecting this institution was the variety, scope of activities undertaken and development phase of the institution. Currently, as an integral part of institutions focusing on practical social work with the client is considered not only strategic management but also project management which favorably influences the efficiency of services as well as provides the possibility of obtaining resources for their financing. The degree of success of these projects is positively influenced by the processes of monitoring and evaluation, both in the planning phase of the project and during its implementation. On the basis of the qualitative research was proposed a management model for the selected Institute of Social Work. The management model is based on a set of monitoring and evaluation indicators that were, using synergy effects, incorporated in the proposal of database systems of ISW. Based on the values of proposed indicators obtained from the database system we can not only monitor but also assess the performance of the Institute of Social Work. Some of the indicators can be used to design development strategies of the ISW. The applicability of the established management model was assessed by the experts from different fields of management, but similarly focused institutions, in the form of semi-structured interview. Based on the expert opinion, this management model is applicable to other similarly oriented organizations. The model, according to the experts, would bring improvements in management of project-oriented organizations of social sphere with similar focus as the ISW.
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Особенности перевода неологизмов из социальной сферы с английского языка на русский (на материале онлайн-версий зарубежных и российских журналов) : магистерская диссертация / Features of the translation of neologisms from the social sphere from English into Russian (based on the material of online versions of foreign and Russian magazines)Мустафина, А. С., Mustafina, A. S. January 2024 (has links)
The master's thesis is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of translating English neologisms from the social sphere into Russian. The main theoretical features of the concept of "neologism" are considered: its interpretation and classification. Thesis also presents the main ways of translating neologisms. Since this master's thesis studies the peculiarities of the translation of neologisms of the social sphere, a description of the texts of this topic was given. In order to determine the difficulties faced by a translator when working with new vocabulary of the social sphere, a study was conducted in which we selected 112 neologisms that appeared in 2022-2024 and were not fixed in dictionaries, and 141 versions of their translation. As a result of the study, tips for the translator when working with neologisms from the social sphere are offered. As a result, it can be noted that today there is no universal way that would be suitable for translating an unfixed neologism from the social sphere. It should also be noted that the variability of the results obtained in translation, the difficulties in transmitting the complex structure of neologism and the complexity of interpreting the meaning of neologism from the social sphere indicate that the problem of translating neologisms is one of the key problems of modern translation studies. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению особенностей перевода английских неологизмов из социальной сферы на русский язык. Рассмотрены основные теоретические особенности понятия «неологизм»: его трактование и классификации. В работе также представлены основные способы перевода неологизмов. Поскольку данная магистерская диссертация изучает особенности перевода неологизмов социальной сферы, была дана характеристика текстов данной тематики. Для того, чтобы определить трудности, с которыми сталкивается переводчик при работе с новой лексикой социальной сферы, было проведено исследование, в котором нами было отобрано 112 неологизмов, появившихся в 2022-2024 годах и не закреплённых в словарях, и 141 вариант их перевода. По итогу исследования предложены советы для переводчика при работе с неологизмами из социальной сферы. В результате можно отметить, что на сегодняшний день не существует универсального способа, который подходил бы для перевода незакрепленного неологизма из социальной сферы. Отметим также, что вариативность полученных при переводе результатов, трудности при передаче сложной структуры неологизма и сложности трактования значения неологизма из социальной сферы свидетельствуют о том, что проблема перевода неологизмов является одной из ключевых проблем современного переводоведения.
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Mechanismus průniku světové hospodářské krize do československé ekonomiky, její průběh a důsledky / The mechanism of the Great Depression's penetration into the Czechoslovak economy, it's course and consequencesHrdlička, Vojtěch January 2008 (has links)
This graduation thesis is dedicated to the description and analysis of economic development in interwar Czechoslovakia during the Great Depression. Firstly, political and economical changes which occurred in the world after the World War I and which had subsequently the main influence on the collapse of world's economy will be described. Also oppinions on possible causes of origin of this crisis will be summarized. The main scope of this graduation thesis is to describe and analyze the penetration of the Great Depression into the Czechoslovak economy, it's course and consequences that this crisis caused. The penetration of the crisis is observed in three different periods according to it's power. A significant part of this thesis consists above all with an observation of development of the macroeconomic indicators during the Great Depression in particular sectors of the Czechoslovak economy and their confrontation with the situation before the crisis. This thesis also addresses the question of social impacts of the crisis in Czechoslovakia. One part is also dedicated to comparison of the main economic indicators with other selected countries affected by the crisis.
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Мотивация дополнительного профессионального образования работников социальной сферы : магистерская диссертация / Motivation of additional professional education of social workersПьянникова, В. В., Pyannikova, V. V. January 2023 (has links)
В первой главе представлены теоретические подходы к определению мотивации и ее видов, рассмотрены основные мотивационные теории А. Маслоу и Д. Макклелланда, а также теория самодетерминации Э. Диси и Р. Райана, проанализировано влияние образования на профессиональную деятельность специалиста, определены виды дополнительного образования, а также охарактеризована роль организационной культуры в мотивации работников социальной сферы к обучению. Во второй главе представлены результаты эмпирического исследования: выявлено отношение работников социальной сферы к получению дополнительного профессионального образования, исследованы факторы, влияющие на желание специалиста учиться, определены трудности, препятствующие получению специалистом образования. Также определены рекомендации по повышению мотивации к получению дополнительного профессионального образования работников социального сферы. Методом сбора информации стали интервью со специалистами социальной сферы, работающих в учреждениях управления социальной политики Свердловской области. / The first chapter presents theoretical approaches to the definition of motivation and its types, examines the main motivational theories of A. Maslow and D. McClelland, as well as the theory of self-determination by E. Deasy and R. Ryan, analyzes the impact of education on the professional activity of a specialist, defines the types of additional education, and characterizes the role of organizational culture in motivating social workers to study. The second chapter presents the results of an empirical study: the attitude of social workers to obtaining additional professional education is revealed, the factors influencing the desire of a specialist to study are investigated, the difficulties preventing a specialist from obtaining education are identified. Recommendations have also been identified to increase the motivation of social workers to receive additional professional education. The method of collecting information was interviews with social sphere specialists working in government institutions.
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