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Social Impact Assessment of Water Management Projects—The Case of the Niger River BasinDaouda Diallo, Balkissa 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Stream-less : A flexible and social solution for food / Strömlöst : En flexibel och social lösning för mat utan elektricitetWågberg, Ida January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the project is to investigate how a residential area could be more resilient to disasters. I have explored how this could be done by reusing or developing what already exists. The intention is to show how a residential area could be strengthened by such redesign, in collaboration with the residents. The project is located at Kandidatvägen, in the southern parts of Ålidhem in Umeå. In the area, different hubs are designed, with different functions related to our basic needs such as food, water, or sleep. One of these hubs, for food production and storage without electricity, is illustrated in detail within the project. A common room (kvarterslokal) is transformed and equipped with food solutions to function without electricity. Spatially, walls are removed and folding doors are applied to the facade to create a more flexible space. The kitchen is mobile and can be used indoors and outdoors. The space is also provided with foldable furnitures and storage. In the inner courtyard, a greenhouse and a cultivation area for food production are located. The residents could gather in the food hub if an electricity interruption occurs, and in ‘normal’ times, when people can use their apartments as usual, the space could be used in a similar way as today; as a social space for different activities. But with the new design, the space will be more flexible and enhance its usage.
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Värmeverket : - ett ungdomens kulturhus / The heating plant : - a youth's culture centerBäck, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Temat för projektet är social hållbarhet, för vilken bostadssegregation har blivit en alltmer kritisk faktor, eftersom vi idag ser hur bostadsområden blir alltmer uppdelade. En uppdelning vilken inte bara är socialekonomisk, som tidigare, utan även etnokulturell. I synnerhet är den här utvecklingen alvarlig för de unga som kommer ta med sig den in i sin framtid. Idag är det etnokulturella avståndet mellan olika bostadsområden och förorter större än någonsin tidigare. Generellt för hårt segregerade samhällen är att det är de svaga grupperna som blir mest lidande, och därmed den förlorande parten i samhället, vilket visar sig i den fragmentisering och radikalisering som sker i termer av missbruk, kriminalitet med gängbildning och allt grövre vapen och religiös extremism – allt ett tragiskt utryck för en stegrande hopplöshet och brist på framtidstro. Ett ungdomens kulturhus är tänkt att motverka denna negativa utveckling genom att låta barn och ungdomar från olika etnokulturella miljöer mötas och därmed kunna utbyta tankar och erfarenheter. Därför blir den geografiska platsen avgörande viktig. I projektet fanns redan initialt en ambition att placera kulturhuset intill en sorts gränslinje som skiljer etablerade medelklassområden från mer invandrartäta. Bredäng är ett exempel på en förort som ligger mellan medelklassområden så som Mälarhöjden, Segeltorp med flera på ena sidan om gränsen och Sätra, Skärholmen och längre ut mot allt mer invandrartäta förorter som Vårby, Vårbygård, Alby och så vidare på andra sidan om samma gräns. I Bredäng finns ett nedlagt värmeverk som ligger på en plats som vetter mot Mälarhöjden. Det kan vara en strategisk fördel för verksamheten om kulturhuset är placerat så nära medelklassområden som möjligt, för att lättare dra till sig individer från dessa områden .
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Estranger Around UsShoaei, Paria January 2021 (has links)
My thesis project is attempting to investigate the notion of estrangement as a qualitative effect and discover various strategies and technics of estrangement in the field of architecture.These investigations will aim to design a cultural center as an institute for discovering more about the displaced situation of mankind in the twenty-first century, producing a defamiliarized aesthetic that is both alien and strangely contextual to our new cultural identity which embraces the concepts of disorientation and otherness. This center will be designed as a public exhibition and community building, integrating a high variety of programs and functions for attracting people of all ages and backgrounds, addressing the instability and fragility of our environment.Architecture is always incomplete and reliant on multiple layers of interaction and engagement, I aim to produce spaces that are challenging, lacking clear boundaries or hierarchies which demand new forms of interaction between architecture and subject, and offer a new understanding of space and material.
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No description available.
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Between You and Me We: an architecture of interactionRajala, Elizabeth M. 14 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Hela Holma - En studie av ett grannskapLewin, Alyssa, Zetterdahl, Stina January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att undersöka bostadsområdet Holma, dess förutsättningar och hur det upplevs av befolkning och verksamma i området, samt att analysera och diskutera området utifrån teoretiska resonemang kring plats, urbanitet och grannskap. Vidare är förhoppningen att kunna identifiera resurser för främjandet av gemenskap och hållbar förbättring. Arbetet skrivs utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv där en premiss är att människor genom sitt agerande formar mening och att detta agerande i sig påverkas av sociala strukturer. Det empiriska arbetet utgörs av etnografiska studier som analyseras utifrån nämnd teoretisk bas. Studien mynnar ut i resonemang kring vikten av medborgarengagemang och långsiktighet i grundandet av intiativ i grannskapet. En viktig hållpunkt är att befolkningen bör ha möjlighet att själva identifiera och ha inflytande över sin plats då det är hos dem en grundlig kunskap om platsen finns. Examensarbetet visar hur de sociala resurser som verkar i området i högre grad bör användas för utvecklingen av ett gott grannskap. / The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the residential area Holma, Sweden, its preconditions and how it is experienced by the people that reside and work there, and to analyze and discuss this from theoretical viewpoints regarding space, place, urbanity and neighborhood. Furthermore, the aim is to identify resources for the promotion of community and sustainable improvement. The work is written from a social constructionist perspective in which one premise is that people, through their actions form meaning and that this behaviour itself is influenced by social structures. The empirical work consists of ethnographic studies that are further analyzed through the previously mentioned theoretical basis. The study culminates in discussions about the importance of civic engagement and long-term perspective in the implementation of the initiatives. A major strong point is that people should have the opportunity to identify and have influence over their place, as thorough knowledge of a place is to be found through its people. The thesis shows how the social resources that operate in the field should be better used for development of a strong neighborhood and community.
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In the pursuit of sustainable transport: A study of perceived accessibility in two areas of Malmö, SwedenLuong, Rebecca, Mattson, Hampus January 2015 (has links)
This thesis looks at the study of accessibility and the role that attitudes and perceptions, based on place and socioeconomic standing, play in determining individual accessibility. The link between accessibility through public transportation systems and sustainable cities and the problems of designing these systems with equity in mind are presented. A framework based on current theory related to accessibility and the effect of perceptions on individual accessibility is developed to investigate if there is a relationship between place of residence, socioeconomics and attitudes towards bus travel and perceptions of accessibility. Surveying through a self-administered questionnaire is used as a method to test if relationships do, in fact, exist. Rosengård and Limhamn, two disparate areas of Malmö, Sweden are chosen as study areas. Relationships between place and attitudes towards bus travel are found to be weak or non-existent, with only concerns of bus wait times and timeliness in reaching one’s destination testing as having a significant relationship to place of residence. Bus users’ perceptions of accessibility are also found to be independent of place of residence. This suggests that the bus provides for satisfactory accessibility in Malmö regardless of place of residence and socioeconomic background.
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Gentrification Potential in post-industrial district : How far can gentrification be claimed about Norra Sorgenfri development?Habibi, Effat January 2024 (has links)
This study is a comprehensive investigation into the potential for gentrification in Norra Sorgenfri, a former industrial district in Malmö, Sweden. It takes a multifaceted approach that includes inhabitants' perceptions, going beyond the scope of traditional studies that focus on residential areas and track displacement through statistics. Our research incorporates a broader range of factors, such as changes in community socio-economic levels, to provide a comprehensive analysis suitable for understanding the complex nature of gentrification. Malmö, rebranded in the 21st century as a Knowledge City, has faced significant housing shortages, leading to new urban developments driven by neoliberal policies emphasizing market-driven approaches and privatization. Norra Sorgenfri, located in southeastern central Malmö, transitioned from an industrial zone to temporary housing for European immigrants in the early 21st century. This history provides a unique context for studying gentrification, marked by industrial decline, immigrants temporary housing, and urban renewal. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, including qualitative questionnaires with inhabitants, an interview with an MKB housing company officer, a review of relevant literature, and mapping methods to illustrate socio-economic changes over a decade. The data analysis reveals two parallel findings: slight indications of gentrification potential based on residents' socio-economic levels from questionnaires, contrasted by statistics and MKB responses showing no gentrification potential. However, the lack of updated socio-economic statistics limits the study, as available data predates the occupation of new residential buildings, potentially skewing the current socio-economic snapshot. Despite these limitations, our study underscores the complexity of gentrification and the necessity of nuanced approaches to its investigation. Results show no specific potential for gentrification in this neighborhood. It aims to upgrade the current understanding of gentrification while emphasizing the necessity for ongoing observation and further research, which is crucial to understanding the long-term impacts of urban redevelopment on the social, economic, and cultural fabric of neighborhoods like Norra Sorgenfri and to ensure our findings remain relevant and accurate.
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Towards Sustainable Integration? : Dynamics of Social Sustainability between the Swedish Labour Market and Migrants with a DisabilityHölter, Nelly January 2024 (has links)
Over the past few decades, numerous international objectives have been established with the aim of promoting the inclusion of marginalised groups. However, one group that appears to remain excluded in various ways and in the shadows of international and national agendas, as well as in research and practice, are migrants with a disability. At the local level of the Swedish capital city, Stockholm, this marginalisation results in, among other things, exclusion from the labour market. The goal of this thesis is to shed light on the situation of migrants with a disability and their integration with the Swedish labour market, not only in the present but also taking into account the dynamically changing context. In order to achieve this, the lens of social sustainability, which aims to foster social cohesion, is applied. This is accompanied by a critical understanding of disability and an acknowledgement of integration as a two-way process, which serves as the essential foundation. Through a qualitative case study research, including five in-depth semi-structured interviews with individuals representing actors in the field on the local level, and an analysis of the material following the reflective thematic analysis approach, the existing integration measures in Stockholm are analysed in terms of their contribution to social sustainability as well as their socially sustainable construction. The study results indicate several ways in which the current measures contribute to the process towards social sustainability for instance through supporting migrants with a disability in how to navigate the Swedish system. As one of the key factors for the durability of the integration measures in question, this study identifies political interest, with a far-reaching influence across, policy frameworks, project funding, and attitudes within the broader society. Nevertheless, the study findings indicate a lack of representation of measures targeting employers or those aiming to influence the political sphere.
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