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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ochota obyvatel platit motivační poplatky ve zdravotnictví v závislosti na věku, příjmu, a vzdělání vzhledem k očekávané kvalitě zdravotní péče / Citizens' Willingness to Pay Motivation Fees in the Health Service depending on Age, Income and Education with regard to the Expected Quality of Health Care

Caháková, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
In this master thesis, I resume basic principles of health systems in some developed countries and also in the Czech Republic. Further, I describe changes in Czech health system and main bases of health reform with emphasis on incentive fees. Following sociological survey indicates, that factors influence behaviour of consumer in health care services. Some proposals created with regard to sociological survey are found as the conclusions of this thesis.

Analýza nákupního chování ve vztahu k elektromobilům / Analysis of Buying Behavior of Electric Vehicles

Kolmanová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on consumer behavior in relation to electric vehicles. In the beginning, the issue of alternatively fuelled vehicle is briefly introduced, including the explanation how this product is supported by the European Union. The next part is devoted to the theoretical background applied in the work. After the theoretical part, there is the literature review followed by both, the qualitative and the quantitative investigation. The results obtained were compared with the results stemming from international research projects. In accordance with the Theory of Diffusion of Innovations, the participants of qualitative survey were labelled as innovators or early adopters, for whom technical knowledge is more important. But on the other hand, for later adopters, the interpersonal relationship is more important, as they can compensate the lack of technical knowledge this way. As follows from the results of qualitative survey, decision-making connected with the acquisition of electric vehicles is influenced by the overall awareness (or knowledge, experience), then by technical characteristics of the purchase together with economic factors and by the perceived expectations of other people. Most of participants have some knowledge about electric vehicles. They often mention barriers preventing...

Postoje členů ČCE k aktuálním společensko-morálním otázkám / Attitudes of the ECCB members towards current social moral issues

Lavický, Jan January 2017 (has links)
In my diploma thesis, I deal with five socio-moral topics and with the attitudes of members of The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB) towards them. These topics are: 1) Marriage and family 2) Homosexuality 3) Ethnical minorities 4) Dispute over the legacy of communism 5) Refugees and immigrants. First part of the thesis is dedicated to the official statements of the synod and the Synodal Council. Furthermore, this chapter reveals the process leading to adopting these positions. This rather descriptive part is followed by a sociological survey of opinions on the issues, mentioned above, held by members of ECCB. The aim of the survey is to figure out, whether these opinions are in agreement with the official statements. The final chapter is dedicated to data evaluation. The main goal of my diploma thesis is to find out what issues are for ECCB members easy to agree on and in which cases are the opinions rather individualized. Keywords Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Social ethics, Sociological survey, Moral attitudes

Sociální sítě a jejich využití v marketingových postupech při propagaci firmy / Social networks and their use marketing practices in company promotion

KAJTMAN, David January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to find out the way, how to successfully promote a project which contains all modern technologies called "Smart cities ". The theoretic part is split into two main topics. The first part contains all found information about marketing, Facebook, Instagram. I was describing how the Facebook advertisement works, how to reach the most people etc. The second part is describing, what is the global project called Smart Cities. This thesis describes the concept of a city with 32,000 inhabitants. How does the city promote the concept, what benefits this concept should have for the population, how much money should save? It's also described how the concept will work and cooperate with other European cities and the connection with the rest of the world. The practical part was the population research how they are informed about this project, what they think it should bring and if they see any advantage or disadvantage. The practical part was completed with sociological survey focused on the level of knowledge about this program. The main object was to find the best way how to promote this concept or how to reach the most people.

Využití dotací a jejich vliv na rozvoj města Domažlice / Use of grants and their influence on the urban development of Domažlice

JANSOVÁ, Nicole January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis "Use of grants and their influence on the urban development of Domažlice" is to evaluate the use of EU funds for the urban development. The theoretical part reviews scientific literature focused on sources and methods of using European funds. In the practical part the selected projects realized by the town Domažlice illustrate how the town uses the opportunity to draw funding from the EU funds for the urban development and for improving the quality of life.

Механизмы профилактики кибербуллинга в школьной среде на примере МАОУ СОШ №10 г. Екатеринбурга : магистерская диссертация / Mechanisms of prevention of cyberbullying in the school environment on the example of MOE Secondary School No. 10 Yekaterinburg

Бачинина, Е. Д., Bachinina, E. D. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация «Механизмы профилактики кибербуллинга в школьной среде на примере МАОУ СОШ №10 г.Екатеринбурга» состоит из 2 глав, введения, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. Целью диссертационной работы являлось совершенствование механизмов профилактики кибербуллинга в школьной среде. Объектом диссертационного исследования являлись буллинг и кибербуллинг в школьной среде. Предмет диссертационного исследования – механизмы противодействия распространению кибербуллинга в школьной среде на примере МАОУ СОШ № 10 г. Екатеринбурга. Объем работы составил 79 страниц. В работе содержатся 5 приложений, 3 таблиц, 10 рисунков. В библиографическом списке представлено 50 источников. / Master's thesis "Mechanisms of prevention of cyberbullying in the school environment on the example of MAOU Secondary school No. 10Yekaterinburg" consists of 2 chapters, an introduction, a conclusion, a bibliographic list and appendices. The aim of the dissertation work was to improve the mechanisms of prevention of cyberbullying in the school environment. The object of the dissertation research was bullying and cyberbullying in the school environment. The subject of the dissertation research is the mechanisms of countering the spread of cyberbullying in the school environment on the example of MAOU Secondary school No. 10. Yekaterinburg. The volume of work was 79 pages. The work contains 5 appendices, 3 tables, 10 figures. The bibliographic list contains 50 sources.

Управление ответственностью работников на предприятии : магистерская диссертация / Employee responsibility management in the enterprise

Ли, С., Li, X. January 2024 (has links)
The problem of personnel responsibility is relevant today. In an organization, issues of distribution of powers and responsibilities are caused by internal contradictions, when, on the one hand, management is carried out using traditional methods, on the other, something new is introduced into management practice, caused by the active formation of economic relationships at a new level. However, today more attention is paid to the problem of responsibility in terms of its distribution and control. The purpose of the master's research is to study the theoretical foundations and practical experience of Chinese organizations in personnel responsibility management, analyse the effectiveness of methods for increasing employee responsibility and develop recommendations for assessing the level of employee responsibility. The object of the study was the Chinese company Mengniu Dairy and other Chinese organizations. A sociological study conducted by the author shows that there is no significant difference in the perception of responsibility between Chinese and Russian employees. Therefore, the rich experience of Chinese enterprises in the field of personnel responsibility management can be successfully applied in the practice of Russian enterprises. / Проблема ответственности персонала является актуальной на сегодняшний день. В организации вопросы распределения полномочий и ответственности вызваны внутренними противоречиями, когда с одной стороны, руководство осуществляется традиционными методами, с другой, в практику управления привносится нечто новое, вызванное активным становлением экономических взаимоотношений нового уровня. Однако сегодня больше внимания уделяется проблеме ответственности с точки зрения ее распределения и контроля. Цель магистерского исследования – изучение теоретических основ и практического опыта китайских организаций управления ответственностью персонала, анализ эффективности методов повышения ответственности сотрудников и разработка рекомендаций по оценке уровня ответственности работников. Объектом исследования выступила китайская компания Mengniu Dairy и другие китайские организации. Социологическое исследование, проведенное автором, показывает, что существенной разницы в восприятии ответственности между китайскими и российскими сотрудниками нет. Поэтому богатый опыт китайских предприятий в области управления ответственностью персонала может быть успешно применен в практике российских предприятий.

L'enseignement du russe en France dans le système éducatif public (lycées) : état des lieux et perspectives / Russian language education in French public high schools : situation and prospect

Afanas'Yeva, Lyudmyla 12 December 2012 (has links)
2010 a été proclamée Année croisée de la Russie en France, mais quel est le statut de la langue russe au sein de l’enseignement public français depuis la désagrégation de l’Union soviétique en 1991 ? quelles sont les politiques linguistiques et éducatives des deux pays à l’égard de la langue russe en France métropolitaine ? pourquoi les élèves faisant actuellement leurs études en France choisissent le russe comme la langue vivante prioritaire (LV1, LV2) ? quelles images de la Russie ont les apprenants et les enseignants en France ? Afin de donner des réponses à ces questions, nous avons d’abord fait l’état des lieux sur la situation actuelle de l’enseignement du russe en dressant la liste des établissements où le russe est enseigné, les effectifs aux niveaux académique et national, les changements depuis 1991 (dus aux activités publiques ou associatives) ; puis dans un second temps, à partir d’un échantillon représentatif de quatorze Académies de France, nous avons étudié les représentations sociolinguistiques des apprenants et recueilli les témoignages des enseignants. La méthodologie du travail repose sur une enquête par questionnaire, ainsi que par entretiens individuels avec des professeurs de russe, l’objectif étant de déterminer les motivations, d’analyser les représentations et de déduire les problèmes rencontrés lors de l’enseignement / l’apprentissage du russe. Finalement, il est question des perspectives et des stratégies pour la promotion du russe en France. / While 2010 was announced as the “Year of Russia” in France, what in fact is the status of the Russian language within the French public education system since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991? What are the language policies of both the French republic and the Russian federation with regard to the teaching of the Russian language in Metropolitan France? Why do pupils choose Russian as their first or second foreign language? Finally, what image do French students and teachers have of Russia? In order to answer these questions we must firstly examine the current situation with regard to the teaching of Russian in France. We will look at the establishments where Russian is taught, the number of pupils at both the academic and national levels, and the changes since 1991 (due to public or associative activities). Secondly, starting from a representative sample (case study) of fourteen academies in France, the sociolinguistic representations of pupils and the teachers’ testimonies were studied. The research methodology is based on survey by questionnaire andindividual interviews. These studies are then used to determine the motivations, analysing the representations and deducing the problems encountered in the teaching and learning of Russian. Finally, the prospects and promotion strategies of Russian language in France were given.

Socio-ekonomické podmínky zaměstnanosti žen ve vybraných zemích EU / Socio-Economic Conditions of Employment of Women in Selected EU Countries

SŮVOVÁ, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis called "Socio-Economic Conditions of Employment of Women in Selected EU Countries" is the evaluation of the current position of women and socio-economic conditions on the labour market within the Visegrad Group. The theoretical part is devoted to the characteristics of documents dealing with the employment policy of women and it also analyses conditions and position of women in selected countries. At the end of the thesis, there is comparison of selected socio-economic criteria. The practical part contains analysis and comparison of level of family policies in selected countries with the EU and the assessment of financial support of women during their maternity leave. The practical part is complemented with the sociological survey focused on "the position of women on labour market in selected countries".

Управление психосоциальными рисками как фактор использования и развития человеческого потенциала организации : магистерская диссертация / Psychosocial risks management as a factor in the use and development of the organizational human potential

Фурман, В. Н., Furman, V. N. January 2023 (has links)
Целью магистерской диссертации является изучение психосоциальных рисков и разработка предложений и практических рекомендаций по управлению данными рисками в целях развития человеческого потенциала. При выполнении исследования автором были использованы следующие методы исследования: 1) теоретические: контент-анализ литературы по соответствующей, проблематике методы и инструментарий экономического анализа; 2) эмпирические: опрос сотрудников предприятий при поддержке Профсоюзной организации Свердловской области. По результатам проведенной работы авторская гипотеза о том, что грамотное управление психосоциальными рисками позволяет эффективнее использовать и развивать человеческий потенциал организации, была подтверждена. Также рассмотрена возможность управления психосоциальными рисками в системе безопасности и охраны труда в соответствии с принятыми государственными и международными стандартами. / The aim of the master's thesis is to investigate psychosocial risks and develop proposals and practical recommendations for managing these risks in order to develop human potential of organizations. When performing the study, the author used the following research methods: 1) theoretical: content analysis of literature on relevant issues, methods and tools for economic analysis; 2) empirical: a survey of employees of enterprises with the support of the Trade Union Organization of the Sverdlovsk Region. Based on the results of the work, the author's hypothesis that the competent management of psychosocial risks makes it possible to more effectively use and develop the human potential of organizations was confirmed. The possibility of managing psychosocial risks in the system of safety and labour protection in accordance with accepted state and international standards is also considered.

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