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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alpina freestylelandslagens perspektiv på Fysprofilens relevans för idrotten : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / The alpine freestyle national teams perspective on the relevance of Fysprofilen : a qualitative interview study

Sundqvist, Christoffer, Söderberg, Per January 2020 (has links)
By better understanding the physical demands placed on specific sports, the understanding of which physiological assessment methods that are most relevant will increase. In line with this notion, The Swedish Olympic Committee has designed a general test battery (Fysprofilen) that aim to identify the sub-capacities of athletes. However, because the test battery is not sports-specific its feasibility has been questioned by both researchers and users. Also, relatively little is known about the athlete’s perception of the relevance of Fysprofilen, or their motivation and attitude towards training and performing on these tests. Thus, the overall purpose of the present study was to investigate how athletes in the National Swedish snowboarding and freesski teams perceive Fysprofilens feasibility. Semi-structured interviews based on the theoretical frameworks Theory of planned behavior and Self-determination theory were conducted with four male participants, and later interpreted by means of thematic analysis. The results indicate that Fysprofilen is generally considered to be relevant and important for evaluating the training effects and future development areas. The tests are generally considered to be fun and rewarding to perform, but certain parts of the test battery such as the upper body tests are considered to be of no relevance to the sports, which also has a negative effect on their motivation and attitude to perform at these tests. Furthermore, it is expressed that it is more motivating to perform on tests that feel meaningful, which also contributes to making these tests more prioritized. Lower extremity and aerobic tests are considered to be most relevant to performance in the sport. Against this background, Fysprofilen is considered to be an important part of an athlete’s development but it should be further examined if the including tests could improve its relevance to the specific sport. / Genom att förstå den specifika idrottens fysiska krav, kan också förståelsen öka kring vilka fysiologiska mätmetoder som är mest relevanta. Sveriges Olympiska kommitté har i linje med detta utformat ett generellt testbatteri (Fysprofilen) för att identifiera dessa delkapaciteter hos idrottare. Dock har testbatteriet fått kritik från såväl forskare som användare eftersom den inte är idrottsspecifik. I tillägg vet vi relativt lite om idrottarnas upplevelse av Fysprofilens relevans för deras specifika idrott, eller om deras motivation och inställning till att träna och utföra dessa tester. Således var det övergripande syftet med denna studie att undersöka detta hos utövarna i det svenska snowboard- och freeskilandslaget.Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fyra manliga deltagare och utgick från två teoretiska ramverk (Theory of planned behaviour och Self determination theory), och tolkades sedan utifrån en tematisk analys. Resultatet i studien visade att Fysprofilen upplevs generellt sett vara ett relevant och viktigt verktyg för att utvärdera träningseffekter och kartlägga utvecklingsområden. Testtillfällena upplevs överlag vara roliga och givande att utföra, men vissa moment som exempelvis överkroppstesterna upplevs sakna relevans för idrotten, vilket har en negativ effekt på deras motivation och inställning till att prestera på dessa tester. Det ges vidare utryck för att det är mer motiverande att genomföra och prestera på de tester som känns meningsfulla, vilket också bidrar till att dessa tester prioriteras mer. Tester för nedre extremiteter och konditionstester anses vara mest relevanta för prestation inom idrotten. Mot denna bakgrund anses Fysprofilen vara en viktig del i idrottarnas utveckling, men bör vidare granskas om de inkluderande testerna kan förbättra sin relevans till den specifika idrotten.

A Transnational Perspective On Vietnam War Narratives of The U.S. and South Korea

Kim, Na Rae 11 August 2015 (has links)
Despite the fact that many countries participated in the Vietnam War, their war stories tend to marginalize one another. In this study, I use a transnationalist critical lens to compare the ethnocentric stories of the U.S. and South Korea. Instead of presenting transnationalism as a focus on the changes that arise through travel between different cultures, I rely on another meaning of transnationalism as a form of consciousness. In order to compare differing perspectives on the Vietnam War as represented in the U.S. and South Korea, I compare Tim O’Brien’s In the Lake of the Woods and Suk-Yong Hwang’s The Shadow of Arms, based on the writing style of the texts, the shared theme of friendly fire, and representation of the My Lai massacre. As a result, this comparison challenges readers in each nation to recognize perspectives on the Vietnam War which they may have missed.

A-Bu-GE: A Composition for Organ and Percussion

Kim, Chol-Ho 12 1900 (has links)
Keyphrases describe a document in a coherent and simple way, giving the prospective reader a way to quickly determine whether the document satisfies their information needs. The pervasion of huge amount of information on Web, with only a small amount of documents have keyphrases extracted, there is a definite need to discover automatic keyphrase extraction systems. Typically, a document written by human develops around one or more general concepts or sub-concepts. These concepts or sub-concepts should be structured and semantically related with each other, so that they can form the meaningful representation of a document. Considering the fact, the phrases or concepts in a document are related to each other, a new approach for keyphrase extraction is introduced that exploits the semantic relations in the document. For measuring the semantic relations between concepts or sub-concepts in the document, I present a comprehensive study aimed at using collaboratively constructed semantic resources like Wikipedia and its link structure. In particular, I introduce a graph-based keyphrase extraction system that exploits the semantic relations in the document and features such as term frequency. I evaluated the proposed system using novel measures and the results obtained compare favorably with previously published results on established benchmarks.

Alkoholna fermentacija melase i gustog soka šećerne repe pomoću imobilisanih ćelija Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Alcoholic fermentation of sugar beet molasses and thickjuice by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells

Vučurović Vesna 07 September 2012 (has links)
<p>Proizvodnja bioetanola iz među- i nusproizvoda procesa<br />prerade &scaron;ećerne repe, može imati pozitivan uticaj na<br />regionalnu ekomomiju i socio-ekonomski razvoj u zemljama<br />sa razvijenom industrijom konzumnog &scaron;ećera, kao &scaron;to je<br />Srbija. Kao proizvodni mikroorganizam u proizvodnji<br />etanola u najvećoj meri se koristi kvasac Saccharomyces<br />cerevisiae. Primena imobilisanih ćelija kvasca u fermentaciji<br />podloga sa visokom sadržajem &scaron;ećera (iznad 250 g/l), tzv.<br />VHG fermentacija, je često izučavana sa ciljem povećanja<br />efikasnosti proizvodnje etanola. U ovom radu su ćelije S.<br />cerevisiae imobilisane na različitim novim nosačima:<br />presovanim rezancima &scaron;ećerne repe (PR&Scaron;R), suvim<br />rezancima &scaron;ećerne repe (SR&Scaron;R), parenhimskom tkivu stabla<br />kukuruza (PTSK) u obliku diska, na kombinovanim<br />nosačima od PTSK u obliku diska obloženog Ca-alginatom(K1) i ispunjenog Ca-aglinatom (K2), na kuglicama Caalginata(AB) kao i na kombinovanim kuglicama od Caalginata i mliva PTSK (ABC). Imobilisane ćelije kvasca su primenjene za fermentaciju melase i gustog soka &scaron;ećerne repe sa krajnjim ciljem da se racionalnim kori&scaron;ćenjem</p><p>među- i nusproizoda procesa prerade &scaron;ećerne repe postigne<br />efikasna proizvodnja etanola uz smanjene tro&scaron;kove<br />proizvodnje kao, i uz smanjenje emisije otpadnih tokova.<br />U radu je ustanovljeno da su PR&Scaron;R, SR&Scaron;R i PTSK efikasni<br />nosači za imobilizaciju ćelija kvasca zahvaljujući prisustvu<br />pozitivno naelektrisanih funkcionalnih grupa, visokoj<br />poroznosti, hidrofilnosti, mehaničkoj čvrstini i stabilnosti.<br />Takođe ovi nosači &scaron;tite kvasac od osmotskog stresa,<br />toksičnog dejstva etanola i inhibitora. Zahvaljujući<br />heterogenoj strukturi PR&Scaron;R, SR&Scaron;R i PTSK se mogu koristiti<br />kao efikasni adsorbenti za ćelije kvasca, kao i za uklanjanje<br />katjonskih i anjonskih komponenata u postupku prerade<br />otpadnih voda. Pored toga, utvđeno je da PTSK predstavlja<br />alternativni obnovljivi izvor hranljivih materija neophodnih<br />kvascu tokom fermentacije melase i gustog soka, a takođe<br />deluje i kao antipenu&scaron;avac. Primenom ćelija kvasca<br />imobilisanih na SR&Scaron;R ostvarena je maksimalna<br />produktivnost etanola od 1,48 g/lh za melasu i 1,57 g/lh za<br />gusti sok, pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera u podlozi 180 g/l.<br />Primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih na PTSK u obliku<br />diska (visine oko 5 mm i prečnika oko 20 mm) postignuta je<br />produktivnost etanola 1,26 g/lh za melasu 1,42 g/lh za gusti<br />sok, pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera 150 g/l. Osnovni<br />nedostatak primene imobilisanih ćelija na SR&Scaron;R i PTSK u<br />alkoholnoj fermentaciji je lako ispiranje ćelija sa nosača.<br />Kombinovani nosači u obliku diska PTSK obloženog Ca alginatom<br />(K1) i ispunjenog Ca-aglinatom (K2) su<br />pripremljeni kako bi se sprečilo ispiranje ćelija kvasca.<br />Utvrđeno je da nosač K1 nije adekvatan za povećanje<br />efikasnosti imobilizacije. Imobilizacijom kvasca punjenjem<br />nosača K2 je povećana efikasnost imobilizacije ćelija kvasca<br />na PTSK, ali je usled velike zapremine i kompaktnosti<br />nosača K2 tokom fermentacije delimično otežan transport<br />supstrata i produkata kroz disk.<br />Melasa i gusti sok &scaron;ećerne repe su veoma dobre sirovine za<br />proizvodnju etanola, usled visokog sadržaja fermentabilnih<br />&scaron;ećera, koji slobodne i/ili imobiliane ćelije S. cerevisiae mogu<br />direktno koristiti za fermentaciju. Međutim, uzimajući u<br />obzir hemijski sastav ovih sirovina i ostvarene parametre</p><p>fermentacije, utvrđeno je da je gusti sok bolja sirovina za<br />proizvodnju etanola od melase, posebno u VHG uslovima.<br />Takođe je utvrđeno da se gusti sok može koristiti kao<br />sirovina za fermentaciju bez dodataka hranljivih materija.<br />Ustanovljeno je da su melase koje preostaju nakon osmotske<br />dehidratacije crvenog kupusa i mrkve veoma dobre sirovine<br />za proizvodnju etanola pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera u<br />podlozi do 150 g/l, ali nisu pogodne sirovine za VHG<br />fermentaciju pomoću slobodnih i imobilisanih ćelija u AB<br />kuglicama. Fermentacijom melase nakon osmotske<br />dehidratacije kupusa i mrkve početne koncentracije &scaron;ećera<br />125 g/l, primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih u AB<br />kuglicama, ostvarena je najvi&scaron;a produktivnost etanola od<br />1,24 g/lh i 1,30 g/lh. Tokom fermentacije melase i gustog soka<br />primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih u AB kuglicama usled<br />izdvajanja CO2, dolazi do naru&scaron;avanja strukture kuglica<br />pojavom poprečne pukotine koja kuglicu polimera deli na<br />dva približno jednaka dela.<br />Kako bi se sprečila degradacija Ca-alginata tokom<br />fermentacije pripremljen je novi kombinovani nosač od Caalginata<br />i mliva PTSK (ABC). Dodatkom samlevenog PTSK<br />sa mikrostrukturom pčeljinjeg saća u Ca-alginat je povećana<br />poroznost kuglica čime je omogućen efikasniji prenos mase<br />supstrata i produkata, povećana je raspoloživa povr&scaron;ina za<br />adsorpciju i rast ćelija kvasca kao i čvrstina i stabilost<br />kuglica. Poređenjem parametara fermentacije, utvrđeno je<br />da su ćelije kvasca imobilisane na ABC kuglicama efikasniji<br />biokatalizator u poređenju sa slobodnim ćelijama kvasca,<br />kao i u poređenju sa ćelijama imobilisanim u AB kuglicama.<br />Dodatkom samlevenog PTSK u podlogu ili u Ca-alginat<br />povećava se sadržaj etanola i metanola, smanjuje se sadržaj<br />kiselina i acetaldehida u sirovom destilatu, dok se sadržaj<br />vi&scaron;ih alkohola, estara i furfurala ne menja značajno. Ćelije<br />kvasca imobilisane u kombinovanim ABC kuglicama se<br />mogu uspe&scaron;no primeniti za pet ponovljenih fermentacija<br />gustog soka pri standardnim (NG) i uslovima visoke<br />koncentracije &scaron;ećera (VHG) pri čemu se može postići<br />produktivnost etanola 1,92-2,30 g/lh. Primenom imobilisanih<br />ćelija kvasca u kombinovanim ABC kuglicama u<br />kontinualnoj VHG fermentaciji gustog soka, početne<br />koncentracije &scaron;ećera 300 g/l, ostvaren je stabilan<br />fermentacioni sistem tokom 15 dana, pri čemu je<br />produktivnost etanola iznosila 3,29 do 4,66 g/lh.</p> / <p>Bioethanol production from intermediate and byproducts<br />of sugar beet processing has a beneficial scope<br />in view of the socio-economic development and regional<br />economy in countries with developed sugar industry,<br />such as Serbia. Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain is the<br />most widely used ethanol producing microorganism. To<br />increase the efficiency of ethanol production, many<br />process improvements including immobilized cells<br />application and fermentation of very high gravity (VHG)<br />media with initial sugar over 250 g/l, have been studied.<br />In the present work yeast S. cerevisiae was immobilized<br />onto different new carriers: pressed sugar beet pulp<br />(PSBP), dried sugar beet pulp (DSBP), maize stem<br />ground tissue (MSGT) disks, MSGT discs coated with<br />Ca-alginate (K1) and MSGT discs filled with Ca-alginate<br />(K2), Ca-alginate beads (AB) and combined beads made</p><p>of Ca-alginate and maize stem ground tissue meal (ABC).<br />Immobilized yeast cells were used for ethanol<br />fermentation of molasses and thick juice with purposes to<br />obtain efficient ethanol production, to lower high<br />operating costs and to achieve the zero-waste goal<br />through a rational use of by-products of sugar beet<br />processing.<br />In the present work it was found that PSBP, DSBP and<br />MSGT are efficient carriers for yeast cell immobilization<br />due to the presence of positively charged binding sites,<br />high porosity and hidrophylicity, good mechanical<br />strength and stability, while functioned as a fortification<br />against osmotic stress, toxins and inhibitors. It was also<br />found that due to the heterogeneous structure the PSBP,<br />DSBP and MSGT are promising adsorbents for the<br />removal of cationic and anionic compounds from<br />aqueous solutions in the waste water treatment. Besides,<br />it is found that the MSGT can be used as an alternative<br />nutrient source for yeast cells and as an anti foaming<br />agent. A maximum ethanol productivity of 1.48 g/lh and<br />1.57 g/lh was achieved in the fermentation of molasses<br />and thick juice (initial sugar of 180 g/l) using yeast<br />immobilized on DSBP. The highest values of ethanol<br />productivity, obtained in the case of using yeast<br />immobilized on MSGT discs as biocatalyst, for molasses<br />and thick juice (initial sugar of 150 g/l) fermentation<br />were 1.26 g/lh and 1.42 g/lh. The main disadvantage of<br />using DSBP and MSGT supported biocatalyst is intensive<br />leakage of yeast cells during the fermentation. In order to<br />prevent yeast leakage combined carriers in the form of<br />MSGT discs coated with Ca-alginate (K1) and MSGT<br />discs filled with Ca-alginate (K2) were prepared. The K1<br />carrier was found to be unsuccessful for improving yeast<br />immobilization efficiency, while the application K2<br />carrier improved yeast immobilization efficiency during<br />the fermentation. However, due to the large volume and<br />compactness of the K2 carrier substrate and product<br />mass transfer limitation were observed during the<br />fermentation.<br />The sugar beet molasses and thick juice are very good<br />raw materials for ethanol production due to high content<br />of fermentable sugars, which can be directly used for<br />fermentation by free and/or immobilized S. cerevisiae<br />cells without any modification. However, taking into</p><p>consideration quality of these raw materials and obtained<br />fermentation parameters, sugar beet thick juice was<br />found to be more suitable raw material for ethanol<br />fermentation, compared to molasses, particularly in the<br />VHG fermentation process and can be used without any<br />nutrient supplementation. Similarly, it was found that<br />molasses left after the osmotic dehydratation of red<br />cabbage (M1) and carrots (M2) are excellent raw<br />materials for ethanol fermentation of media with initial<br />sugar concentration up to 150 g/l, while they are not<br />convenient for VHG fermentation by free or immobilized<br />yeast cells in AB carrier. Maximum ethanol productivity<br />obtained at the end of fermentation of molasses M1 and<br />M2 by immobilized yeast in AB carrier was 1.24 g/lh and<br />1.30 g/lh, respectively. The release of CO2 during the<br />fermentation of molasses and thick juice by yeast cells<br />immobilized in the AB, lead to breakage of polymer<br />beads on two halves.<br />In order to prevent AB disruption, a new combined yeast<br />carrier (ABC) was developed by the addition of MSGT<br />meal into the Ca-alginate. It was found that the addition<br />of MSGT meal, with honeycomb microstructure,<br />provided large surface area for yeast cell attachment and<br />biofilm growth, and also increased alginate matrix<br />porosity, enabling better mass transfer characteristic,<br />better physical strength and stability of beads. The<br />highest values of fermentation parameters were obtained<br />in the fermentation system with yeast immobilized on<br />ABC carrier in comparison with free yeast cells and yeast<br />immobilized on AB carrier. The Ca-alginate and medium<br />supplementation with MSGT meal significantly increased<br />ethanol and methanol content, decreased acetaldehyde<br />and acetic acid content of the distillate, but did not affect<br />fusel alcohol, ester and furfural content of the distillate.<br />Repeated batch normal gravity (NG) and very high<br />gravity (VHG) ethanol fermentation of thick juice by<br />yeast immobilized on ABC carrier was successfully<br />carried out for at least five successive cycles without any<br />significant decrease in ethanol productivity which was in<br />the range 1.92-2.30 g/lh. Continuous VHG ethanol<br />fermentation of thick juice (initial sugar of 300 g/l) using<br />yeast immobilized on ABC was stable for at least 15 days<br />while achieved ethanol productivity was 3.29-4.66 g/lh.</p>

Bistrenje soka šećerne repe primenom alternativnih koagulanata i flokulanata / Sugar beet juice clarification by means of alternative coagulants and flocculants

Kuljanin Tatjana 04 February 2008 (has links)
<p>Pri proizvodnji kvalitetnog belog konzumnog &scaron;ećera iz &scaron;ećerne repe, srećemo se sa problemom prisustva makromolekularnih jedinjenja u soku &scaron;ećerne repe koja su &scaron;tetna pa ih je neophodno odstraniti. Uklanjanje ovih jedinjenja, koja čine oko 60 % od ukupno sadržanih nesaharoznih materija u soku &scaron;ećerne repe, zasniva se&nbsp; na principu taloženja uz primenu različitih koagulanata (najče&scaron;će jedinjenja koja sadrže pozitivne jone kalcijuma). Međutim, afinitet vezivanja kalcijuma sa nepoželjnim makromolekulima iz soka &scaron;ećerne repe je mali, pa su potrebne velike količine ovog jedinjenja u svakodnevnoj proizvodnji &scaron;ećera.</p><p>Cilj istraživanja obuhvaćenih ovom doktorskom disertacijom usmeren je ka primeni alternativnih koagulanata sa dvo- i trovalentnim katjonima, pre svega soli aluminijuma i bakra koja izlazivaju proces razelektrisavanja makromolekula soka &scaron;ećerne repe.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Merenjem elektrokinetičkih potencijala utvrđene su optimalne količine koagulanata potrebne za uspe&scaron;nu koagulaciju makromolekularnih jedinjenja iz soka &scaron;ećerne repe. Ispitivan je i uticaj drugih procesnih veličina kao &scaron;to su pH, koncentracija makromolekula i uticaj brzine me&scaron;anja na efikasnost taloženja makromolekula.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Predložen je mehanizam razelektrisavanja makromolekularnih jedinjenja kao i model dvojnogelektričnog sloja koji okružuje&nbsp; koloidne čestice u soku &scaron;ećerne repe.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Ispitivana su dva model-rastvora komercijalno raspoloživih pektina u koncentracijama koje odgovaraju koncentracijama u soku &scaron;ećerne repe kao i jedan model-rastvor proteinskog preparata. Ispitivani sistemi su tretirani rastvorima CuSO<sub>4</sub>&nbsp;i Al2(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub> i rastvorima njihovih sme&scaron;a u različitim odnosima.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Dokazano je, za sva tri ispitivana preparata, da su manje količine Cu<sup>+2</sup> jona u odnosu na Al<sup>+3</sup><sup>&nbsp;</sup>jone potrebne za sniženje vrednosti Zeta potencijala na nulu. Međutim, zbog mogućih nepoželjnih efekata CuSO<sub>4</sub>&nbsp;u obradi hrane, Al(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub> bi se mogao upotrebiti umesto tradicionalnog koagulanta CaO, kako zbog manje potro&scaron;nje koagulanta, tako i zbog očuvanja životne sredine.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Cilj eksperimenata sa sme&scaron;ama je ispitivanje mogućnosti pobolj&scaron;anja koagulacionih karakteristika često kori&scaron;ćene soli&nbsp;Al2(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>, dodavanjem malih količina Cu<sup>+2</sup> jona. Međutim, čiste soli su pokazale bolja koagulaciona svojstva.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Istraživanja sa flokulantima, odnose se na odabiranje najpogodnijeg tipa i optimalne količine flokulanata, uz primenu predloženih koagulanata. Najveća efikasnost či&scaron;ćenja soka &scaron;ećerne repe, uočena je nakon primene anjonskog flokulanta koncentracije 3 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>. Dokazano je da ovaj tip flokulanata dodatno smanjuje vrednost Zeta potencijala prisutnih makromolekula čime se smanjuje potrebna količina ispitivanih koagulanata&nbsp;&nbsp;CuSO<sub>4 </sub>i&nbsp;Al(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>.</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br /><br />&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> / <p>During production of full quality consumed white sugar from sugar beet, there is a problem of the presence<br />of macrom olecular compounds in sugar beet juice, which are harmful and we have to be removed.<br />Separation ofthese compounds, which make around 60% oflotal non-sucrose compounds in sugar beetjuice,<br />is done by the principle of sedimentation with different types of coagulants (mostly compounds with calcium<br />ion). However, affinity of calcium binding with undesirable macromolecules fiom sugar beet juice is not<br />significant and in that way it is necessary a lot of quantities of this compound throughout daily production of<br />sugar.<br />The aim of this doctoral thesis is to consider the application of alternative coagulants with divalent and<br />trivalent cations, especially the salt of aluminum and cooper, which cause the process of dischargeable<br />macromolecules in sugar beet juice.<br />Optimal quantities of coagulants needing for the efficient coagulation of macromolecules compounds from<br />sugar beet juice were determined by means of measuring of electrokinetic potentials. It was investigated the<br />influence of other process variables such as pH, concentration of macromolecules and the impact of speed<br />mixing on the efficiency of sedimentation of macromolecules.<br />Mechanism of discharge of macromolecules compounds as well as the model of double electric layer<br />surrounding colloidal particles in sugar beetjuice are suggested for sugar beetjuice clarification.<br />Two model solutions of pectin are investigated together with one model solution of protein. Their<br />concentration correspond to concentration of these macromolecules in sugar beet juice. All investigated<br />systems were treated by using both solutions of CuSO4 as well as Al2(SO4)3 and slutions of their mixtures in<br />different proportion.<br />It was proven for all three investigated samples that fewer quantities of Cu+2 ions compared to the values of<br />Al+3 ions are needed to reach zero Zeta potential. However, due to possible undesirable effects of CuSO4 on<br />food processing, Al2(SO4)3 is proposed instead of traditional coagulant CaO, not only because of lower<br />consumptions of coagulants but owing to protection of the environment.<br />The objective in the experiments with mixtures was to investigate enhancement of coagulated characteristics<br />with commonly used salt Al2(SO4)3 by adding small quantities of Cu+2 ions. It was proven that pure salts<br />showed better-coagulated properties.<br />Further investigation was focused to selection of the most appropriate type and optimal quantity of chosen<br />flocculants. The highest efficiency of clarification of sugar beet juice was noticed by applying anion<br />flocculants of concentration 3 mg/dm3. It was shown that this type of flocculants additionally decreased the<br />value of Zeta potential of present macromolecules which further reduce required quantity of investigated<br />coagulants CuSO4 and Al2(SO4)3.</p>

Hemijski sastav i biološki potencijal ploda, soka i tropa kultivisane i divlje kupine (Rubus fruticosus L.) / Chemical composition and biological potential of cultivated and wild blackberries (Rubus fruticosus L.)

Jazić Miodrag 09 December 2019 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove disertacije ispitan je hemijski, mineralni i<br />polifenolni sastav, kao i biolo&scaron;ki potencijal četiri sorte<br />kupina sa dva različita lokaliteta sjeverozapadnog dijela<br />Bosne i Hercegovine, sa lokaliteta Verići (divlja i<br />kultivisana sorta Čačanska bestrna) i sa lokaliteta<br />Javorani (divlja sorta i kultivisana sorta Chester<br />Thornles). Određen je sadržaj suve materije, pepela,<br />sirove celuloze, ukupnih &scaron;ećera, ukupna kiselost i sadržaj<br />askorbinske kiseline. Sadržaj mineralnih materija<br />detektovan je metodom optičke emisione spektrometrije<br />(ICP-OES). Za izdvajanje ekstrakata je kori&scaron;tena klasična<br />ekstrakciona tehnika prema Soxhlet-u uz upotrebu 80 %<br />etanola (v/v). Spektrofotometrijskim metodama određen<br />je sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonida, flavonola,<br />ukupnih i monomernih antocijana. Kvalitativnom i<br />kvantitativnom HPLC metodom je utvrđen sadržaj<br />pojedinačnih polifenolih jedinjenja. Biolo&scaron;ki potencijal<br />uzoraka je utvrđen u sistemima in vitro, gdje je određena:<br />antioksidativna aktivnost, antihiperglikemijska aktivnost,<br />antiproliferativni efekat i antimikrobna aktivnost.<br />Antioksidativna aktivnost uzoraka je ispitana sa četiri<br />metode: DPPH test, ABTS test, sposobnost neutralizacije<br />hidroksil radikala i metodom inhibicije Briggs Rauscherovih oscilatornih reakcija. Antihiperglikemijska aktivnost<br />ispitivanih uzoraka kupine je dokazan na osnovu<br />sposobnosti inhibicije enzima &alpha;-glukozidaze.<br />Antiproliferativni efekat ispitivanih uzoraka je određen<br />prema inhibiciji rasta četiri humane ćelijske linije: HeLa<br />(epitelnog karcinoma cerviksa), HT-29 (adenokarcinoma<br />debelog crijeva), MRC-5 (zdravim ćelijama fibroblasti<br />pluća) i prema ćelijskoj liniji MCF7 (adenokarcinoma<br />dojke). Antimikrobna aktivnost je utvrđena prema gram<br />pozitivnom soju (G<sup>+</sup>) bakterija S. Aureus i gram<br />negativnom (G<sup>-</sup>) soju E. coli, rastu micelija Aspergillusa<br />niger i Candida albicans. Regresionom analizom prema<br />Pirson-u su određeni odnosi između sadržaja polifenolnih<br />jedinjenja i biolo&scaron;kog potencijala, sa statističkim<br />značajem (p &le; 0,01).</p> / <p>The chemical, mineral, polyphenolics composition and<br />biological potentials of four blackberries varieties from two<br />different locations in the northwestern part of Bosnia and<br />Herzegovina (Verići - wild and cultivated variety Čačanska<br />bestrna and Javorani - wild and cultivated variety Chester<br />Thornless) were determined. The contents of dry matter, ash,<br />crude cellulose, total sugars, total acidity and ascorbic acid were<br />obtained. The contents of mineral matter were detected by<br />optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) method. A classic<br />Soxhlet extraction technique with 80% ethanol (v/v) was<br />applied to obtain extracts. The spectrophotometric methods<br />were used to determine the content of total polyphenolics,<br />flavonoids, flavonols, and total and monomer anthocyanins. The<br />content of individual polyphenolic compounds was determined<br />by HPLC method. The biological potentials (antioxidant<br />activity, antihyperglycemic activity, antiproliferative effect and<br />antimicrobial activity) of the samples were determined in vitro<br />systems. The antioxidant activity was tested with four methods:<br />DPPH test, ABTS test, ability to neutralize OH radicals and the<br />method of inhibiting Briggs Rauscher oscillatory reactions. The<br />antihyperglycaemic activity of the tested blackberry samples<br />was based on the ability to inhibit &alpha;-glucosidase enzyme. The<br />antiproliferative effect of the tested samples was determined by<br />inhibiting the growth of four human cell lines: epithelial<br />carcinoma of the cervix (HeLa), colon adenocarcinoma (HT-<br />29), healthy lung fibroblast cells (MRC-5) and the cell line of<br />breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7). The extracts showed the<br />highest inhibitory effect on the cell line of breast<br />adenocarcinoma (MCF-7). The antimicrobial activity was<br />determined according to gram-positive bacteria (G <sup>+</sup>) of<br />Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative bacteria (G <sup>-</sup>)<br />Escherichia coli, growth of mycelium Aspergillus niger and<br />fungi Candida albicans. The Pearson correlations were<br />statistically determined the relationship between the content of<br />polyphenolic compounds and biological potential, with<br />statistical significance (p &le; 0.01).</p>

Hemijski sastav, biološke i funkcionalne karakteristike novih proizvoda od zove / Chemical composition, biological and functional characteristics of new elderberry products

Vujanović Milena 14 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Glavni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je određivanje hemijskog sastava, biolo&scaron;kih i funkcionalnih karakteristika novih proizvoda od zove. Dobijanje proizvoda na bazi zove zasniva se na primeni tradicionalnih i savremenih tehnolo&scaron;kih procesa proizvodnje. Iskori&scaron;ćenje prirodnog potencijala zove započeto je primenom tradicionalne i savremene (liofilizacija) tehnike su&scaron;enja. U cilju dobijanja visoko-vrednih ekstrakata ploda i cveta zove primenjene su tradicionalna (maceracija) i savremene (ultrazvučna i mikrotalasna) ekstrakcione tehnike sa dva ekstragensa (50% etanol i voda). Dobijanje matičnog soka od plodova zove podrazumevalo je primenu tradicionalnog načina ceđenja, dok je vino od plodova zove dobijeno po standardnom postupku proizvodnje vina. Vino je izloženo različitim temperaturnim tretmanima u različitom vremenskom periodu (60 &deg;C u toku 5 minuta, 60 &deg;C u toku 10 minuta, 70 &deg;C u toku 5 minuta i bez toplotnog tretmana) u cilju evaluacije biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti dobijenog proizvoda. Etarsko ulje ploda i cveta zove je dobijeno hidrodestilacijom. Ispitivanje efikasnosti primenjenih tehnolo&scaron;kih postupaka su&scaron;enja i ekstrakcije je zasnovano na određivanju biolo&scaron;kih i funkcionalnih karakteristika dobijenih ekstrakata ploda i cveta zove. U ispitivanim ekstraktima ploda i cveta zove dominantne fenolne kiseline su hlorogenska i protokatehinska kiselina, a rutin i kvercetin-3-O-heksozid su dominantna flavonoidna jedinjenja. Biolo&scaron;ke i funkcionalne karakteristike su ispitane primenom različitih in vitro antioksidativnih, neuroprotektivnih, antitirozinaznih i antidijabetogenih testova. Primenom liofilizacije kao savremene tehnike su&scaron;enja i mikrotalasne ekstrakcije kao savremene ekstrakcione tehnike povećava se biopotencijal ispitivanih ekstrakata. Matični sok od plodova zove kao potencijalno novi funkcionalni proizvod je analiziran u cilju definisanja hemijskog, fitohemijskog i nutritivnog sastava, biolo&scaron;kog potencijala i senzorskih karakteristika. Ispitivanja dobijenog vina su bila usmerena na utvrđivanje optimalnih uslova za proizvodnju voćnog vina. Definisanjem hemijskog i fitohemijskog sastava i evaluacijom biopotencijala vina određen je optimalan temperaturni profil za dobijanje jednog od novih funkcionalnih proizvoda. Na osnovu utvrđenog hemijskog sastava etarsko ulje ploda i cveta zove se pokazalo kao potencijalno novi prirodni agens za održavanje svežine i produženja roka trajanja prehrambenih proizvoda. Zova je nesumnjivo samonikla biljna vrsta koja u budućnosti osnovano može biti polazna sirovina za kreiranje i dobijanje novih prehrmabenih proizvoda na domaćem i inostranom trži&scaron;tu.</p> / <p>The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to determine the chemical composition, biological and functional characteristics of new elderberry products. Elderberry products were obtained via traditional and modern technological processes. The exploitation of the natural potential of the elderberry started with the application of traditional and modern (lyophilization) drying techniques. To obtain high-value extracts of fruits and flowers, traditional (maceration) and modern (ultrasonic and microwave) extraction techniques with two solvents (50% ethanol and water) were applied. Obtaining the juice from the elderberry fruits implied the application of the traditional cold pressing method, whereas wine from the elderberry fruits was obtained in accordance with the standard procedure of wine production. The wine was exposed to different temperature treatments in different periods (60&deg;C for 5 minutes, 60&deg;C for 10 minutes, 70&deg;C for 5 minutes and without heat treatment) to evaluate the biological activity of the product. The essential oil of the fruit and flower was obtained by hydrodistillation. The examination of the efficiency of the applied technological procedures of drying and extraction is based on observing the biological and functional characteristics of the obtained extracts of the said fruits and flowers. In the examined fruit and flower extracts, the dominant phenolic acids are chlorogenic and protocatechuic acid, while rutin and quercetin-3-O-hexoside are the dominant flavonoid compounds. Biological and functional characteristics were examined using various in vitro antioxidant, neuroprotective, antityrosinase, and antidiabetic tests. The application of lyophilization and microwave extraction (as modern drying and extraction techniques) increased the biopotential of the analyzed extracts. Elderberry juice, a potentially new functional product, was analyzed to define the chemical, phytochemical and nutritional composition, biological potential, and sensory characteristics. The wine was tested in order to determine the optimal conditions for the production of fruit wine. By defining the chemical and phytochemical composition and evaluating the biopotential of wine, the optimal temperature profile for obtaining one of the new functional products was determined. Based on the obtained chemical composition, it is determined that the essential oil of fruits and flowers is a potentially new natural agent for maintaining freshness and extending the shelf life of food products. Without a doubt, elderberry is a wild plant species that could be used in the future as the starting material for creating and obtaining new food products on the domestic and foreign markets.</p>

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