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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photonic microcavities and photonic sponges based on silicon colloids

TYMCZENKO, MIKAEL KONRAD 09 July 2010 (has links)
El silicio es un material de suma importancia en microelectronica y en fotonica. Las propiedades semiconductoras del silicio estan detras de los conceptos que gobiernan el funcionamiento de la mayoría de los dispositivos electronicos como los diodos y los transistores. El concepto de integracion ha permitido procesar dispositivos muy pequeños, llegando a alcanzar un tamaño nanometrico. El alto indice de refraccion del silicio permite confinar la luz en estructuras de tamaño micrometrico. Este es el caso de dispositivos fotonicos tales como las guias de onda y las cavidades. Usualmente, tanto los dispositivos fotonicos como los electronicos estan basados en la tecnologia planar, es decir poseen una topologia plana, siendo esto una fuente de perdidas. Es bien conocido que las cavidades esfericas confinan la luz con mas eficiencia que las cavidades planares. Esta tesis trata sobre el desarrollo de un nuevo tipo de microparticulas esfericas que llamamos Coloides de Silicio. Debido a su forma esferica, su alto indice de refraccion y su suave superficie, estas particulas funcionan como microcavidades opticas con modos resonantes bien definidos en el infrarrojo cercano. La tesis reporta sobre la sintesis, y las propiedades estructurales y opticas de los coloides de silicio con diametro entre 0.5 y 3.5 micrometros. Los coloides de silicio pueden facilitar el desarrollo de microcavidades de alto factor de calidad con alta eficiencia de confinamiento de la luz, y permitir la integracion de dispositivos electronicos y fotonicos tales como una union p-n en una sola particula coloidal. Esta tesis reporta tambien sobre los coloides de silicio como elementos integrantes de las Esponjas Fotonicas, las cuales estan formadas por una red desordenada de microesferas de silicio de diferentes tamaños, e interaccionan con la luz fuertemente en un ancho rango de longitudes de onda. / Tymczenko, MK. (2010). Photonic microcavities and photonic sponges based on silicon colloids [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8425 / Palancia

Advanced Beam Forming by Synthesizing Spherical Waves for Progressive Microwave Power Transmission / 先進的マイクロ波電力伝送に向けた球面波合成による高度ビーム形成

Matsumuro, Takayuki 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第20377号 / 工博第4314号 / 新制||工||1668(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電気工学専攻 / (主査)教授 篠原 真毅, 教授 和田 修己, 教授 大村 善治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Mechanical System Design of a Haptic Cobot Exoskeleton

LaFay, Eric Bryan 24 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.

A generalization of the Funk–Radon transform to circles passing through a fixed point

Quellmalz, Michael 29 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The Funk–Radon transform assigns to a function on the two-sphere its mean values along all great circles. We consider the following generalization: we replace the great circles by the small circles being the intersection of the sphere with planes containing a common point ζ inside the sphere. If ζ is the origin, this is just the classical Funk–Radon transform. We find two mappings from the sphere to itself that enable us to represent the generalized Radon transform in terms of the Funk–Radon transform. This representation is utilized to characterize the nullspace and range as well as to prove an inversion formula of the generalized Radon transform.

Investigation of acoustic source characterisation and installation effects for small axial fans

Berglund, Per-Olof January 2003 (has links)
<p>Fans are often used in equipment such as home appliances andelectronic equipment where the margin of profit is small butcustomers demands on a low noise level are high. Therefore,methods for predicting the noise emitted by an applicationincluding one or several fans are desirable in order toimprove, accelerate and reduce the cost of low-noise design.The Noise Shaping Technology (NST) has been developed withinthe EC-project NABUCCO in order to fulfil the aboverequirements on a prediction method. According to NST, thenoise source (not necessary a fan) is described by one orseveral noise descriptors, CSSs, and the correspondingtransmission paths through the structure described by one orseveral transfer functions, ACFs. In this thesis, theapplicability of NST is evaluated on a cabinet for electronicequipment where small axial cooling fans constitute the primarysources of the airborne sound.</p><p>As an axial fan is a complex source of sound,simplifications are necessary when modelling its acousticproperties. Therefore, the sound radiation of an axial fan infree space was examined by expanding the generated soundpressure field into spherical harmonics. The conclusion on asource model for the cabinet example, where the fans are moreor less In-duct mounted, is a modified single axial dipole. Themodel is expected to be valid in the entire frequency range ofinterest except in the mid-frequency range where the modaldensity is low. In order to improve the source model in thisfrequency range, a future model based on a rotating dipole isproposed.</p><p>The sound power of a small axial fan is measured in an ISO10302 test-rig. In order to take account of flow conditions,acoustically transparent ducts have been developed. These shallbe attached to the test-rig when measuring the sound power ofthe fan. A simple but practical method of how to correct thesound power for the baffling effect of the test-rig has alsobeen developed. Finally, the sound power can be converted intodipole force, which is the airborne CSS corresponding to thesingle axial dipole model.</p><p>The corresponding airborne transfer function (ACF), i.e.,from dipole force at the source point to sound pressure at thereceiver point, is measured reciprocally by taking use ofLyamshevs reciprocity relation.</p><p>From multiplication of the CSS and the ACF, the soundpressure can be predicted. The prediction shows quite goodagreement with the measured values.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>axial fan, airborne sound, sourcecharacterisation, transmission path analysis, In-duct,spherical harmonics, rotating dipole, installation effects, ISO10302, flow conditions, baffling effect, acousticallytransparent ducts, Lyamshevs reciprocity relation, reciprocity,CSS, ACF, GSM, NST.</p>

Nonlinear solutions of the amplitude equations governing fluid flow in rotating spherical geometries

Blockley, Edward William January 2008 (has links)
We are interested in the onset of instability of the axisymmetric flow between two concentric spherical shells that differentially rotate about a common axis in the narrow-gap limit. The expected mode of instability takes the form of roughly square axisymmetric Taylor vortices which arise in the vicinity of the equator and are modulated on a latitudinal length scale large compared to the gap width but small compared to the shell radii. At the heart of the difficulties faced is the presence of phase mixing in the system, characterised by a non-zero frequency gradient at the equator and the tendency for vortices located off the equator to oscillate. This mechanism serves to enhance viscous dissipation in the fluid with the effect that the amplitude of any initial disturbance generated at onset is ultimately driven to zero. In this thesis we study a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation derived from the weakly nonlinear analysis of Harris, Bassom and Soward [D. Harris, A. P. Bassom, A. M. Soward, Global bifurcation to travelling waves with application to narrow gap spherical Couette flow, Physica D 177 (2003) p. 122-174] (referred to as HBS) to govern the amplitude modulation of Taylor vortex disturbances in the vicinity of the equator. This equation was developed in a regime that requires the angular velocities of the bounding spheres to be very close. When the spherical shells do not co-rotate, it has the remarkable property that the linearised form of the equation has no non-trivial neutral modes. Furthermore no steady solutions to the nonlinear equation have been found. Despite these challenges Bassom and Soward [A. P. Bassom, A. M. Soward, On finite amplitude subcritical instability in narrow-gap spherical Couette flow, J. Fluid Mech. 499 (2004) p. 277-314] (referred to as BS) identified solutions to the equation in the form of pulse-trains. These pulse-trains consist of oscillatory finite amplitude solutions expressed in terms of a single complex amplitude localised as a pulse about the origin. Each pulse oscillates at a frequency proportional to its distance from the equatorial plane and the whole pulse-train is modulated under an envelope and drifts away from the equator at a relatively slow speed. The survival of the pulse-train depends upon the nonlinear mutual-interaction of close neighbours; as the absence of steady solutions suggests, self-interaction is inadequate. Though we report new solutions to the HBS co-rotation model the primary focus in this work is the physically more interesting case when the shell velocities are far from close. More specifically we concentrate on the investigation of BS-style pulse-train solutions and, in the first part of this thesis, develop a generic framework for the identification and classification of pulse-train solutions. Motivated by relaxation oscillations identified by Cole [S. J. Cole, Nonlinear rapidly rotating spherical convection, Ph.D. thesis, University of Exeter (2004)] whilst studying the related problem of thermal convection in a rapidly rotating self-gravitating sphere, we extend the HBS equation in the second part of this work. A model system is developed which captures many of the essential features exhibited by Cole's, much more complicated, system of equations. We successfully reproduce relaxation oscillations in this extended HBS model and document the solution as it undergoes a series of interesting bifurcations.

Images géométriques de genre arbitraire dans le domaine sphérique

Gauthier, Mathieu January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Visual odometry from omnidirectional camera / Visual odometry from omnidirectional camera

Diviš, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
We present a system that estimates the motion of a robot relying solely on images from onboard omnidirectional camera (visual odometry). Compared to other visual odometry hardware, ours is unusual in utilizing high resolution, low frame-rate (1 to 3 Hz) omnidirectional camera mounted on a robot that is propelled using continuous tracks. We focus on high precision estimates in scenes, where objects are far away from the camera. This is achieved by utilizing omnidirectional camera that is able to stabilize the motion estimates between camera frames that are known to be ill-conditioned for narrow field of view cameras. We employ feature based-approach for estimation camera motion. Given our hardware, possibly high ammounts of camera rotation between frames can occur. Thus we use techniques of feature matching rather than feature tracking.

Visual odometry from omnidirectional camera / Visual odometry from omnidirectional camera

Diviš, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
We present a system that estimates the motion of a robot relying solely on images from onboard omnidirectional camera (visual odometry). Compared to other visual odometry hardware, ours is unusual in utilizing high resolution, low frame-rate (1 to 3 Hz) omnidirectional camera mounted on a robot that is propelled using continuous tracks. We focus on high precision estimates in scenes, where objects are far away from the camera. This is achieved by utilizing omnidirectional camera that is able to stabilize the motion estimates between camera frames that are known to be ill-conditioned for narrow field of view cameras. We employ feature based-approach for estimation camera motion. Given our hardware, possibly high ammounts of camera rotation between frames can occur. Thus we use techniques of feature matching rather than feature tracking.

Modes de représentation pour l'éclairage en synthèse d'images

Pacanowski, Romain 25 September 2009 (has links)
En synthèse d'images, le principal calcul à effectuer pour générer une image a été formalisé dans une équation appelée équation du rendu [Kajiya1986]. Cette équation est la intègre la conservation de l'énergie dans le transport de la lumière. Elle stipule que l'énergie lumineuse renvoyée, par les objets d'une scène, dans une direction donnée est égale à la somme de l'énergie émise et réfléchie par ceux-ci. De plus, l'énergie réfléchie par un élément de surface est définie comme la convolution de l'éclairement incident avec une fonction de réflectance. Cette dernière modélise le matériau (au sens physique) de l'objet et joue le rôle d'un filtre directionnel et énergétique dans l'équation du rendu, simulant ainsi la manière dont la surface se comporte vis-à-vis d'une réflexion. Dans ce mémoire de thèse, nous introduisons de nouvelles représentations pour la fonction de réflectance ainsi que pour la représentation de l'éclairement incident. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, nous proposons deux nouveaux modèles pour représenter la fonction de réflectance. Le premier modèle s'inscrit dans une démarche artistique et est destiné à faciliter la création et l'édition des reflets spéculaires. Son principe est de laisser l'utilisateur peindre et esquisser les caractéristiques (forme, couleur, gradient et texture) du reflet spéculaire dans un plan de dessin paramétrisé en fonction de la direction de la réflexion miroir de la lumière. Le but du second modèle est de représenter de manière compacte et efficace les mesures des matériaux isotropes. Pour ce faire, nous introduisons une nouvelle représentation à base de polynômes rationnels. Les coefficients de ces derniers sont obtenus à l'aide d'un processus d'approximation qui garantit une solution optimale au sens de la convergence. Dans la seconde partie de ce mémoire, nous introduisons une nouvelle représentation volumétrique pour l'éclairement indirect représenté directionnellement à l'aide de vecteurs d'irradiance. Nous montrons que notre représentation est compacte et robuste aux variations géométriques et qu'elle peut être utilisée comme système de cache pour du rendu temps réel ou non, ainsi que dans le cadre de la transmission progressive des données (\textit{streaming}). Enfin, nous proposons deux types de modifications de l'éclairement incident afin de mettre en valeur les détails et les formes d'une surface. Le première modification consiste à perturber les directions de l'éclairement incident tandis que la seconde consiste à en modifier l'intensité. / In image synthesis, the main computation involved to generate an image is characterized by an equation named rendering equation [Kajiya1986]. This equation represents the law of energy conservation. It stipulates that the light emanating from the scene objects is the sum of the emitted energy and the reflected energy. Moreover, the reflected energy at a surface point is defined as the convolution of the incoming lighting with a reflectance function. The reflectance function models the object material and represents, in the rendering equation, a directional and energetic filter that describes the surface behavior regarding the reflection. In this thesis, we introduce new representations for the reflectance function and the incoming lighting. In the first part of this thesis, we propose two new models for the reflectance function. The first model is targeted for artists to help them create and edit highlights. Our main idea is to let the user paint and sketch highlight characteristics (shape, color, gradient and texture) in a plane parametrized by the incident lighting direction. The second model is designed to represent efficiently isotropic material data. To achieve this result, we introduce a new representation of the reflectance function that uses rational polynomials. Their coefficients are computed using a fitting process that guarantees an optimal solution regarding convergence. In the second part of this thesis, we introduce a new volumetric structure for indirect illumination that is directionally represented with irradiance vector. We show that our representation is compact and robust to geometric variations, that it can be used as caching system for interactive and offline rendering and that it can also be transmitted with streaming techniques. Finally, we introduce two modifications of the incoming lighting to improve the shape depiction of a surface. The first modification consists in warping the incoming light directions whereas the second one consists in scaling the intensity of each light source.

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