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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Säkerhetstestning av webbapplikationer och CMS plattformen EPiServer

Ignatius, Per January 2011 (has links)
Arbetet behandlar säkerhetstestning av webbapplikationer och CMS plattformen EPiServer. För att Know IT Dalarna ska kunna fortsätta leverera säkra webblösningar efterfrågar de en säkerhetsanalys över plattformen EPiServer men även över sina egenutvecklade applikationer. Syftet med arbetet var att höja säkerheten kring Know ITs webbaserade projekt och samtidigt göra utvecklarna mer medvetna om säkerheten vid utvecklingsfasen. Resultatet var att EPiServer som plattformen tillhandahåller en fullgod säkerhet. De direkta brister som identifierades var upp till antingen Know IT eller kunden att åtgärda och ansvaret lades på den som hade hand om driften av webbplatsen. Säkerhetstesterna som utfördes var bland annat tester emot åtkomsthantering, avlyssningsattacker, lösenordsattacker, SQL-injections och XSS-attacker.För att förenkla säkerhetstestningen skapades en checklista innehållandes steg för steg för att göra en grundläggande säkerhetstestning. Den innehöll även rekommendationer till Know IT Dalarna på områden som ska belysas och undersökas i framtiden. Checklistan kan användas av utvecklarna för att säkerställa att ett pågående projekt håller en bra nivå säkerhetsmässigt. Listan måste i framtiden uppdateras och hållas i fas med den ständiga tekniska utvecklingen som sker på området.

Interaktyvios saugos sistemos prototipas apsaugai nuo injekcinių atakų / Interactive security system prototype to protect against injections attacks

Žukas, Mantas 05 November 2013 (has links)
Darbas apie apsisaugojimo metodiką nuo injekcinių atakų naudojant Bekaus ir Nauro formą. Pasirinkta įvesties patikros strategija (blacklist), realizuotas reguliarių išraiškų transformacijos algoritmas. Sukurtas pradinis injekcinių atakų aprašas. Transformuojant aprašo sematiką į reguliarių išraiškų masyvus yra suformuojamos tikrinimo taisyklės. Pagal suformuotas taisyklės yra nustatoma, ar sistemos įvesties parametrai atitinka injekcinių atakų aprašą. Sukurtas saugos sistemos prototipas apsaugai nuo injekcinių atakų. / In this research the injection attack prevention method is introduced. Also the interactive security system prototype to protect against injections attacks is proposed. Security system prototype is using blacklist input validation strategy for checking input parameters. Each list item consists of a single type of injection attack description. Descriptions are written in Backus–Naur form.

Webbsäkerhet och vanliga brister : kunskapsläget bland utvecklare / Web security and common shortfalls : the state of knowledge among developers

Strandberg, Jane, Lyckne, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
This bachelor thesis looks at developers knowledge about web security both regarding their own view on their knowledge and their actual knowledge about vulnerabilities and how you mitigate against them. Web developers knowledge regarding web security are becoming more and more important as more applications and services moves to the web and more and more items become connected to the internet. We are doing this by conducting a survey among developers that are currently studying in the field or are working in the field to get a grip on how the knowledge is regarding the most common security concepts. What we saw was that the result varies between the different concepts and many lack much of the knowledge in web security that is getting increasingly more important to have.

Apsaugos nuo SQL injekcijų el.verslo svetainėse metodikos sudarymas ir tyrimas / Development and research of method of protection against SQL injections in e-commerce websites

Ramoška, Aidas 04 November 2013 (has links)
SQL injekcijos atakos taikinys – interaktyvios interneto programos, kurios naudoja duomenų bazės serverius. Šios programos leidžia vartotojams įvesti informaciją ir ją įvedus formuojamos SQL užklausos, kurios siunčiamos į duomenų bazės serverį. Darydamas SQL injekcijos ataką, atakuotojas per įvesties laukus suformuoja kenksmingą SQL užklausos segmentą, kuris modifikuoja buvusią užklausą. Naudodamas SQL injekcijos ataką, atakuotojas gali prieiti prie konfidencialios informacijos, ją modifikuoti ar, apeidamas autorizacijos scenarijų, prisijungti prie sistemos nežinodamas slaptažodžio. Šiame darbe pasiūlytas saugos modulis perima visą vartotojo įvedamą informaciją, pritaiko saugumo taisykles ir taip padidina saugumą apsisaugant nuo SQL injekcijų el. verslo žiniatinklio programose bei registruoja potencialius bandymus sutrikdyti normalų sistemos darbą. Norint įdiegti pasiūlytą saugos modulį, nereikia konfigūruoti serverio ar jo programinės įrangos – modulio diegimo metu keičiasi tik žiniatinklio programos failai. Darbui atlikti pasirinkta PHP programavimo kalba ir MySQL duomenų bazė. Tyrimo metu atlikti testavimo rezultatai parodo, kokius saugos modulio konfigūravimo parametrus reikia taikyti norint užtikrinti maksimalų saugumo lygį. / The target of SQL injection attack – interactive web programs, which use database servers. Those programs allow users to input information and as it is imputed, it forms SQL queries, which are sent into database server. With SQL injection help, the attacker using input fields forms harmful section of SQL query, which modifies previous query. Exploiting attack of SQL injection, the attacker may learn confidential information, modify it or connect to system without knowing the password by authorisation bypass. In this research-paper the proposed security model takes over all information inputted by user, adjusts the safety rules and that way it improves the safety in order to guard from SQL injections at electronic business web systems as well as it register potential attempts to disrupt normal work of the system. In order to install the proposed safety model there is no need to configure the server or its software because in the moment of installation it changes only files of website programs. For purpose of executing this work, we use PHP programming language and MySQL database. During the analysis, the received test results show what configuration parameters of safety model we need to use in order to guarantee the maximum level of safety.

A pattern-driven and model-based vulnerability testing for Web applications / Une approche à base de modèles et de patterns pour le test de vulnérabilités d'applications Web

Vernotte, Alexandre 29 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une approche originale de test de vulnérabilité Web à partir de modèles etdirigée par des patterns de tests, nommée PMVT. Son objectif est d’améliorer la capacité de détectionde quatre types de vulnérabilité majeurs, Cross-Site Scripting, Injections SQL, Cross-Site RequestForgery, et Privilege Escalation. PMVT repose sur l’utilisation d’un modèle comportemental del’application Web, capturant ses aspects fonctionnels, et sur un ensemble de patterns de test devulnérabilité qui adressent un type de vulnérabilité de manière générique, quelque soit le type del’application Web sous test.Par l’adaptation de technologies MBT existantes, nous avons développé une chaîne outillée complèteautomatisant la détection des quatre types de vulnérabilité. Ce prototype a été exprimenté et évaluésur deux applications réelles, actuellement utiliseés par plusieurs dizaines de milliers d’utilisateurs.Les résultats d’expérimentation démontrent la pertinence et de l’efficience de PMVT, notamment enaméliorant de façon significative la capacité de détection de vulnérabilités vis à vis des scannersautomatiques d’applications Web existants. / This thesis proposes an original approach, dubbed PMVT for Pattern-driven and Model-basedVulnerability Testing, which aims to improve the capability for detecting four high-profile vulnerabilitytypes, Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injections, CSRF and Privilege Escalations, and reduce falsepositives and false negatives verdicts. PMVT relies on the use of a behavioral model of theapplication, capturing its functional aspects, and a set of vulnerability test patterns that addressvulnerabilities in a generic way. By adapting existing MBT technologies, an integrated toolchain that supports PMVT automates thedetection of the four vulnerability types in Web applications. This prototype has been experimentedand evaluated on two real-life Web applications that are currently used by tens of thousandsusers. Experiments have highlighted the effectiveness and efficiency of PMVT and shown astrong improvement of vulnerability detection capabilities w.r.t. available automated Web applicationscanners for these kind of vulnerabilities.

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