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Ferritina : silenciamento gênico, caracterização molecular de mutantes e expressão em plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cv Nipponbare)Lima, Júlio César de January 2007 (has links)
O ferro é um micronutiente essencial em plantas, como também para praticamente todos os demais organismos. Porém, as formas livres de ferro intracelular podem ser extremamente danosas. A proteína ferritina tem papel crucial neste contexto, com a função de acumular ferro de uma forma segura e biodisponível. Cada proteína pode acumular aproximadamente 4500 átomos de ferro em sua cavidade interna. Em plantas, existe um número variado de cópias gênicas para ferritina e estas cópias têm expressão modulada por fatores bióticos e abióticos. No genoma do arroz foram caracterizadas duas cópias para o gene da ferritina. Como existem poucos estudos funcionais para ferritina em arroz, este trabalho teve como objetivos: (a) silenciar as duas cópias da ferritina da subespécie japonica variedade Nipponbare; (b) caracterizar, por PCR, mutantes para ferritina por inserção do retroelemento TOS17; (c) caracterizar a expressão da ferritina da subespécie de arroz japonica, variedade Nipponbare, em plantas cultivadas em meio hidropônico sob excesso de ferro. Utilizando o sistema Gateway (Invitrogen) nós desenvolvemos uma construção que expressa um RNA em grampo projetado para silenciar ambas as cópias dos genes da ferritina de arroz. Baseando-se em um protocolo bem estabelecido de regeneração de plantas transgênicas de arroz, nós regeneramos plantas transgênicas silenciadas para os genes da ferritina. Foi obtido 75% de sucesso na geração das plantas silenciadas, o que está de acordo com a literatura. Os transformates primários (T0) não apresentaram anormalidades morfológicas evidentes. É possível que uma rota compensatória para armazenar ferro de forma segura seja ativada quando os níveis de ferritina são diminuídos. Além disso, as plantas produzidas neste trabalho são uma ferramenta potencial para estudar a relação ferro-planta. Baseando-se em análises in silico e por PCR, nós caracterizamos três linhagens mutantes contendo inserção do retroelemento TOS17 no gene OsFer2, entretanto, ainda não identificamos mutantes homozigotos. Em plantas de arroz crescidas em meio hidropônico, o aumento da concentração de ferro resultou em maiores níveis de expressão de ferritina, avaliados por RT-PCR semi-quantitativo, após 6 h e 12 h de exposição aos tratamentos de 50 e 500 ppm de FeSO4 do que na condição controle (5,6 ppm). / Iron is an essential micronutrient for plants, as for virtually all organisms. However, free intracelular iron forms can be extremely dangerous. The ferritin protein has a crucial role in this context, storing iron in a safe and bioavailable form. Each protein molecule can accumulate about 4500 iron atoms in its internal cavity. In plants, there is a variable number of ferritin gene copies and their expression is modulated by biotic and abiotic factors. There are two copies of the ferritin gene in the rice genome. As there are few functional studies for the ferritin genes in rice, this work had the objetives of: (a) to silence both copies of the ferritin genes in the japonica Nipponbare variety; (b) to identify and characterize TOS17 insertional mutants for the ferritin genes using in silico and PCR essays; (c) to characterize the expression of ferritin in the japonica Nipponbare variety under iron stress conditions. Using the Gateway system we generated a construct that expresses a hairpin RNA designed to silence both rice ferritin gene copies. Based on a well-established protocol to regenerate transgenic plants, we developed transgenic ferritin silenced lines. We obtained 75% success in generating rice silenced lines against ferritin. The primary transformants (T0) had no clear morphological abnormalities. It is possible that a compensatory pathway to store iron in a safe form can be induced when levels of ferritin are downregulated. Furthermore, the plants generated in this work are a potential tool to study iron-plant relations. Based on in silico and PCR essays we characterized three TOS17 insertional mutant lines for the OsFer2 gene, but until now we could not identify TOS17 homozygous mutants. In rice plants grown in hydroponic culture, increasing iron concentrations resulted in higher expression levels of ferritin, evaluated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, after 6h and 12h exposure to 50 and 500 ppm of FeSO4, than in the control treatment (5,6 ppm).
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<p> </p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong>Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion. Since the TACSI platelets passed the quality requirements, and the vast majority of patients platelet count increased after TACSI platelet transfusion, the TACSI platelets will replace the old method to produce platelets at the Uppsala University hospital.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> A new approach that pools 8 buffy coats (TACSI platelets) that were separated into 2 units instead of 4-6 buffy coats pooled to 1 unit was investigated in this study. After the platelets were extracted from the buffy coats their quality was controlled and subsequently the platelet product was evaluated in 96 patients.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that 80 % of the platelet units passed the European quality requirements. Further, the platelet count was increased in most patients that received TACSI platelets.</p><p><strong> Conclusion:</strong> Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion. Since the TACSI platelets passed the quality requirements, and the vast majority of patients platelet count increased after TACSI platelet transfusion, the TACSI platelets will replace the old method to produce platelets at the Uppsala University hospital.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
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Personlighetsegenskaper och kognitiva förmågor : En korrelationsstudieRorsman, Dan January 2006 (has links)
Detta är en korrelationsstudie med avsikt att undersöka förhållandet mellan personlighetsegenskaper och kognitiva förmågor samt detta förhållandes inverkan på prestation. Studien är baserad på övningstestningar (n = 176) med WAIS-III, FAS, det lexikala beslutstestet SLDT samt personlighetsformuläret SSP, genomförda under informella former. Signifikanta negativa korrelationer förelåg mellan resultat på kognitiva test och personlighetsvariablerna Bitterhet, Somatisk Ångestbenägenhet, Psykisk Ångestbenägenhet, Stresskänslighet och Misstroende. Ett starkt positivt samband framkom mellan Somatisk ångestbenägenhet och antalet som riktiga ord skattade pseudoord i SLDT. Ett starkt negativt samband framkom mellan Bitterhet och samtliga skalindex i WAIS-III. Signifikanta negativa korrelationer förelåg vidare mellan en genom komponentanalys erhållen Neuroticism-faktor och resultat på WAIS-III. Jämförda med tidigare forskningsresultat är flera här redovisade korrelationer anmärkningsvärt starka. Som en bland flera tänkbara förklaringar till detta diskuteras möjligheten av stärkt ekologisk validitet vid testning under informella omständigheter. Vidare diskuteras bl a möjliga kopplingar mellan Somatisk ångestbenägenhet och alexitymi respektive verbal rigiditet samt mellan Bitterhet och flytande intelligens respektive exekutiva funktioner.
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Evaluating disease reaction of western Canadian spring wheat cultivars (Triticum spp.) to natural and artificial infection with Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul.2013 June 1900 (has links)
Ergot, caused by the fungal pathogen Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul., attacks the floral organs of many grassy species resulting in sclerotia production rather than grain. Infection causes reduced yields, downgrading, and poisoning if consumed by humans or animals. Few recent studies have been conducted on ergot in wheat (Triticum spp.), and prevention is the only means of control. The objectives of this study were to determine if western Canadian spring wheat differed in reaction to infection with C. purpurea and if levels of inoculum would affect disease intensity in a field setting. Three variables were measured for the field experiments to determine disease reaction, including percent sclerotia by weight, number of sclerotia per spike, and weight per sclerotium. In the first experiment, nine wheat cultivars were tested using three inoculum levels. No significant differences were detected among inoculum levels. In the second and third experiments, ninety-two cultivars were studied in field and controlled conditions. Honeydew production, sclerotial size, and the percent of florets aborted were added as variables in the growth chamber experiment. Pearson correlations were calculated using cultivar means for the field and controlled environments. Results indicate that there are differences in disease reaction among cultivars and market classes, but these differences varied depending on the evaluation method used. In the field, CWAD wheat had the smallest sclerotia, but had more per spike compared to the CWRS and CWES market classes. There were no significant differences among these market classes for percent sclerotia by weight. In the growth chamber, CWAD wheat generally had the lowest ergot infection levels. When comparing the market classes within T. aestivum (CWRS, CPS, and CWES), there were no significant differences except for honeydew production. The correlation between environments was not significant for any of the variables, suggesting alternate resistance mechanism expression. In the field, reduced infection may be due to an escape mechanism, while artificial inoculation in a controlled environment may detect a physiological resistance mechanism. However, a group of cultivars with Grandin parentage showed promising results in both environments, and might confer resistance that could be integrated into disease resistance breeding programs.
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Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum (Pcc) is implicated in the destruction of
ornamental plants in greenhouse recirculating systems. PCR-based detection and
quantification of Pcc requires expensive instrumentation and knowledgeable users. This
thesis describes the production of polyclonal antibodies and a single-domain antibody
fragment (VHH) against Pcc lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the development of user-
friendly diagnostic assays for detection and quantification of the pathogen. Polyclonal
ELISAs against heat-killed (HK) Pcc (limit of detection (LOD) = 81 CFU/ml; limit of
quantitation (LOQ) = 216 CFU/ml) and Pcc LPS (LOD = 23 ng/ml; LOQ = 76 ng/ml)
were developed. A preliminary user-friendly dipstick assay was also developed (≥ 105
CFU/ml). A phage display library was constructed (6.0 x 105 clones/ml), yielding one
unique anti-Pcc LPS VHH. Using the Pcc LPS-specific VHH to produce affordable, user-
friendly diagnostic assays is feasible since antibody fragments can be produced on a large
scale through expression in Escherichia coli or Piccia pastoris. / Flowers Canada, CANADA-ONTARIO RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (CORD) PROGRAM, Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program, NSERC/NRC
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Státní sociální podpora z pohledu zaměstnance a klienta / State social support in terms of staff and clientsWagnerová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
Bachelor thesis is focused on the payment system of social welfare benefits under Act no. 117/1955 Coll., On state social support. This law will be thoroughly analyzed and studied. Of the practical part will specify the work to obdoru state social support from the perspective of the employee. Another important task is to determine whether the social system is set up properly and actually helps people in difficult life situations. In conclusion, all findings will evaluate and propose their own solutions.
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Státní sociální podpora z pohledu zaměstnance a klienta / State social support in terms of staff and clientsWagnerová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to a system of providing and paying out benefits according to a legal code No. 117/1995 based on social security benefits described in the theoretical section. The practical part of this thesis deals with a survey concerning the Czech Labour Office employees in particular regions as well as clients of Contact Offices in Rumburk-Šluknov - the State Social Securtity Benefits Dpt. The aim was to obtain data cocerning the paid out benefits and to receive a valid feedback about a current social system from the side of employees as well as clients. The case interpretation studies regarding families paid out by the State Social Security Benefits Dpts. are involved in the thesis, as well. The contemporary social system was analysed in terms of its practical usage in order to avoid the possibility of its misusage. The key issue and its solution were given as a conclusion.
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Ferritina : silenciamento gênico, caracterização molecular de mutantes e expressão em plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cv Nipponbare)Lima, Júlio César de January 2007 (has links)
O ferro é um micronutiente essencial em plantas, como também para praticamente todos os demais organismos. Porém, as formas livres de ferro intracelular podem ser extremamente danosas. A proteína ferritina tem papel crucial neste contexto, com a função de acumular ferro de uma forma segura e biodisponível. Cada proteína pode acumular aproximadamente 4500 átomos de ferro em sua cavidade interna. Em plantas, existe um número variado de cópias gênicas para ferritina e estas cópias têm expressão modulada por fatores bióticos e abióticos. No genoma do arroz foram caracterizadas duas cópias para o gene da ferritina. Como existem poucos estudos funcionais para ferritina em arroz, este trabalho teve como objetivos: (a) silenciar as duas cópias da ferritina da subespécie japonica variedade Nipponbare; (b) caracterizar, por PCR, mutantes para ferritina por inserção do retroelemento TOS17; (c) caracterizar a expressão da ferritina da subespécie de arroz japonica, variedade Nipponbare, em plantas cultivadas em meio hidropônico sob excesso de ferro. Utilizando o sistema Gateway (Invitrogen) nós desenvolvemos uma construção que expressa um RNA em grampo projetado para silenciar ambas as cópias dos genes da ferritina de arroz. Baseando-se em um protocolo bem estabelecido de regeneração de plantas transgênicas de arroz, nós regeneramos plantas transgênicas silenciadas para os genes da ferritina. Foi obtido 75% de sucesso na geração das plantas silenciadas, o que está de acordo com a literatura. Os transformates primários (T0) não apresentaram anormalidades morfológicas evidentes. É possível que uma rota compensatória para armazenar ferro de forma segura seja ativada quando os níveis de ferritina são diminuídos. Além disso, as plantas produzidas neste trabalho são uma ferramenta potencial para estudar a relação ferro-planta. Baseando-se em análises in silico e por PCR, nós caracterizamos três linhagens mutantes contendo inserção do retroelemento TOS17 no gene OsFer2, entretanto, ainda não identificamos mutantes homozigotos. Em plantas de arroz crescidas em meio hidropônico, o aumento da concentração de ferro resultou em maiores níveis de expressão de ferritina, avaliados por RT-PCR semi-quantitativo, após 6 h e 12 h de exposição aos tratamentos de 50 e 500 ppm de FeSO4 do que na condição controle (5,6 ppm). / Iron is an essential micronutrient for plants, as for virtually all organisms. However, free intracelular iron forms can be extremely dangerous. The ferritin protein has a crucial role in this context, storing iron in a safe and bioavailable form. Each protein molecule can accumulate about 4500 iron atoms in its internal cavity. In plants, there is a variable number of ferritin gene copies and their expression is modulated by biotic and abiotic factors. There are two copies of the ferritin gene in the rice genome. As there are few functional studies for the ferritin genes in rice, this work had the objetives of: (a) to silence both copies of the ferritin genes in the japonica Nipponbare variety; (b) to identify and characterize TOS17 insertional mutants for the ferritin genes using in silico and PCR essays; (c) to characterize the expression of ferritin in the japonica Nipponbare variety under iron stress conditions. Using the Gateway system we generated a construct that expresses a hairpin RNA designed to silence both rice ferritin gene copies. Based on a well-established protocol to regenerate transgenic plants, we developed transgenic ferritin silenced lines. We obtained 75% success in generating rice silenced lines against ferritin. The primary transformants (T0) had no clear morphological abnormalities. It is possible that a compensatory pathway to store iron in a safe form can be induced when levels of ferritin are downregulated. Furthermore, the plants generated in this work are a potential tool to study iron-plant relations. Based on in silico and PCR essays we characterized three TOS17 insertional mutant lines for the OsFer2 gene, but until now we could not identify TOS17 homozygous mutants. In rice plants grown in hydroponic culture, increasing iron concentrations resulted in higher expression levels of ferritin, evaluated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, after 6h and 12h exposure to 50 and 500 ppm of FeSO4, than in the control treatment (5,6 ppm).
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Ferritina : silenciamento gênico, caracterização molecular de mutantes e expressão em plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cv Nipponbare)Lima, Júlio César de January 2007 (has links)
O ferro é um micronutiente essencial em plantas, como também para praticamente todos os demais organismos. Porém, as formas livres de ferro intracelular podem ser extremamente danosas. A proteína ferritina tem papel crucial neste contexto, com a função de acumular ferro de uma forma segura e biodisponível. Cada proteína pode acumular aproximadamente 4500 átomos de ferro em sua cavidade interna. Em plantas, existe um número variado de cópias gênicas para ferritina e estas cópias têm expressão modulada por fatores bióticos e abióticos. No genoma do arroz foram caracterizadas duas cópias para o gene da ferritina. Como existem poucos estudos funcionais para ferritina em arroz, este trabalho teve como objetivos: (a) silenciar as duas cópias da ferritina da subespécie japonica variedade Nipponbare; (b) caracterizar, por PCR, mutantes para ferritina por inserção do retroelemento TOS17; (c) caracterizar a expressão da ferritina da subespécie de arroz japonica, variedade Nipponbare, em plantas cultivadas em meio hidropônico sob excesso de ferro. Utilizando o sistema Gateway (Invitrogen) nós desenvolvemos uma construção que expressa um RNA em grampo projetado para silenciar ambas as cópias dos genes da ferritina de arroz. Baseando-se em um protocolo bem estabelecido de regeneração de plantas transgênicas de arroz, nós regeneramos plantas transgênicas silenciadas para os genes da ferritina. Foi obtido 75% de sucesso na geração das plantas silenciadas, o que está de acordo com a literatura. Os transformates primários (T0) não apresentaram anormalidades morfológicas evidentes. É possível que uma rota compensatória para armazenar ferro de forma segura seja ativada quando os níveis de ferritina são diminuídos. Além disso, as plantas produzidas neste trabalho são uma ferramenta potencial para estudar a relação ferro-planta. Baseando-se em análises in silico e por PCR, nós caracterizamos três linhagens mutantes contendo inserção do retroelemento TOS17 no gene OsFer2, entretanto, ainda não identificamos mutantes homozigotos. Em plantas de arroz crescidas em meio hidropônico, o aumento da concentração de ferro resultou em maiores níveis de expressão de ferritina, avaliados por RT-PCR semi-quantitativo, após 6 h e 12 h de exposição aos tratamentos de 50 e 500 ppm de FeSO4 do que na condição controle (5,6 ppm). / Iron is an essential micronutrient for plants, as for virtually all organisms. However, free intracelular iron forms can be extremely dangerous. The ferritin protein has a crucial role in this context, storing iron in a safe and bioavailable form. Each protein molecule can accumulate about 4500 iron atoms in its internal cavity. In plants, there is a variable number of ferritin gene copies and their expression is modulated by biotic and abiotic factors. There are two copies of the ferritin gene in the rice genome. As there are few functional studies for the ferritin genes in rice, this work had the objetives of: (a) to silence both copies of the ferritin genes in the japonica Nipponbare variety; (b) to identify and characterize TOS17 insertional mutants for the ferritin genes using in silico and PCR essays; (c) to characterize the expression of ferritin in the japonica Nipponbare variety under iron stress conditions. Using the Gateway system we generated a construct that expresses a hairpin RNA designed to silence both rice ferritin gene copies. Based on a well-established protocol to regenerate transgenic plants, we developed transgenic ferritin silenced lines. We obtained 75% success in generating rice silenced lines against ferritin. The primary transformants (T0) had no clear morphological abnormalities. It is possible that a compensatory pathway to store iron in a safe form can be induced when levels of ferritin are downregulated. Furthermore, the plants generated in this work are a potential tool to study iron-plant relations. Based on in silico and PCR essays we characterized three TOS17 insertional mutant lines for the OsFer2 gene, but until now we could not identify TOS17 homozygous mutants. In rice plants grown in hydroponic culture, increasing iron concentrations resulted in higher expression levels of ferritin, evaluated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, after 6h and 12h exposure to 50 and 500 ppm of FeSO4, than in the control treatment (5,6 ppm).
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NORC vs. Non-NORC: Evaluation of Profiles and Impact of Naturally Occurring Retirement CommunitiesCoppinger, Erin C. 19 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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