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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Stabilisierung des Stoffwechsels bei Milchkühen im peripartalen Zeitraum

Leidel, Ines 02 February 2016 (has links)
Einleitung: Bei Milchkühen häufen sich Erkrankungen in der Frühlaktation. Sie gehören zu den wichtigsten Ursachen frühzeitiger Merzung und damit der aktuell unbefriedigenden Nutzungsdauer. Ziele der Untersuchungen: Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Stoffwechsel von Milchkühen in der kritischen Übergangszeit vom Trockenstehen zur Laktation (Transitphase) durch drei verschiedene prophylaktische Maßnahmen zu stabilisieren: mittels Huminsäuren Belastungen aus dem Darm einschließlich Endotoxinen zu mindern, mit einem Ammoniumpropionat-Propylenglykol- Gemisch die Energieversorgung zu verbessern sowie mit Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat die Stoffwechselfunktion der Leber zu fördern sowie gleichzeitig Entzündungsprozesse infolge der Kalbung zu hemmen. Materialien und Methoden: Die Untersuchungen wurden in einem sächsischen Bestand an 312 Kühen der Rasse „Holstein Friesian“ randomisiert innerhalb eines Jahres durchgeführt. An jeweils 78 Kühe wurden 300 ml Ammoniumpropionat-Propylenglykol-Gemisch(C3) täglich vom 14. Tag ante partum (a.p.) bis zum 14. Tag post partum (p.p.) oral verabreicht; ebenfalls oral wurden 100 g Huminsäure-Fertigpräparat (HS-FP) bzw. 50 g Huminsäuren-Rohstoff (HS-RS) im selben Zeitraum appliziert, und Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat (DEXA21) wurde einmalig am 1. Tag p.p. intramuskulär in der Dosierung 0,02 mg/kg Körpermasse verabreicht. 78 unbehandelte Kühe dienten als Kontrollgruppe. Die Auswirkungen dieser Maßnahmen auf Gesundheit, Leistung und Stoffwechsel wurden durch klinische Untersuchungen, durch Blutkontrollen am 14. Tag a.p., am 3. und 28. Tag p.p. (Leukozyten, freie Fettsäuren [FFS], Bilirubin, ß-0H-Butyrat[BHB], Glucose, Cholesterol, Creatinkinase [CK], Aspartat-Amino-Transferase [ASAT], Glutamat-Dehydrogenase [GLDH], gamma-Glutaryl-Transferase [GGT], Protein, Albumin, Mg, Fe, Ca, anorganisches Phosphat [Pi], Na, K) sowie durch die Erfassung von Gesundheitsstatus, Milchleistung und Fruchtbarkeit zu bestimmten Zeitpunkten geprüft. Ergebnisse: Die verschiedenen prophylaktischen Maßnahmen hatten keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf Fruchtbarkeits- und Gesundheitsparameter. Bei den absoluten und fettkorrigierten Milchmengen konnten ebenfalls keine statistisch gesicherten Unterschiede zwischen den Versuchsgruppen und der Kontrollgruppe festgestellt werden. Der Milcheiweißgehalt von C3 28 d p.p. sowie der Milchfettgehalt von DEXA21 und C3 100 d p.p. waren signifikant erhöht. Die Ergebnisse der Blutuntersuchungen ergaben hauptsächlich am 3., aber auch am 28. Tag p.p. gesicherte Unterschiede bei wichtigen Stoffwechselparametern wie Glucose, Cholesterol, Bilirubin, Protein, Albumin, Ca, Fe und CK. Die einmalige Gabe von Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat am 1. Tag p.p. hatte den besten Einfluss auf den Leber- und Energiestoffwechsel. In dieser Gruppe waren am 3. Tag p.p. die Glucose-, Bilirubin-, Cholesterol-, Protein, Ca- und Fe-Konzentrationen sowohl gegenüber der KG wie auch gegenüber allen anderen Versuchsgruppen signifikant günstiger. Für die Albumin- und Na-Konzentrationen sowie die CK-Aktivität traf das gegenüber der Kontroll- sowie der C3-Gruppe zu. Der Einsatz der Wirkstoffe mit HS-RS, HS-FP sowie C3 führte ebenfalls zu positiven Effekten auf die Leistung und den Stoffwechsel gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe, jedoch ließen sich diese nur in wenigen Fällen statistisch sichern. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Applikation von Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat einen Tag p.p. stabilisiert signifikant den Stoffwechsel von Kühen nach dem Partus. Gleichartige Effekte auf Milch- und Fruchtbarkeitsleitung sowie die Morbidität konnten nicht gesichert nachgewiesen werden. Für Huminsäure-Rohstoff, Huminsäure-Fertigpräparat sowie Ammoniumpropionat-Propylenglykol-Gemisch waren solche Effekte tendenziell erkennbar, statistisch aber nicht zu sichern. Auch wenn besonders mit Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat der Stoffwechsel in Belastungssituationen kurzfristig stabilisiert werden kann, müssen generell Haltung und Fütterung analysiert sowie Mängel beseitigt werden.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltsverzeichnis .I Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV 1 Einleitung .......................................................................................... 1 2 Literaturübersicht ............................................................................. 3 2.1 Stoffwechsel der Milchkuh im geburtsnahen Zeitraum ....................... 3 2.2 Bovine Ketose .................................................................................... 5 2.3 Fettmobilisationssyndrom ................................................................... 7 2.4 Möglichkeiten der Stabilisierung des Stoffwechsels der Milchkuh im geburtsnahen Zeitraum ...................................................................... 9 2.4.1 Allgemeines zur Stoffwechselstabilisierung ........................................ 9 2.4.2 Energiereiche C3-Verbindungen ...................................................... 11 Propionat .......................................................................................... 12 Propylenglykol .................................................................................. 14 Ammoniumpropionat-Propylenglykol-Gemisch ................................ 15 2.4.3 Huminsäuren .................................................................................... 16 Einsatz, Vorkommen, Aufbau ........................................................... 16 Effekte .............................................................................................. 16 Wirkungsweise im Organismus ........................................................ 17 Anwendungen in der Veterinärmedizin ............................................. 18 Huminsäurenpräparate ..................................................................... 20 2.4.4 Glukokortikoide................................................................................. 21 Aufbau .............................................................................................. 21 Wirkungsweise ................................................................................. 21 Effekte .............................................................................................. 22 Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat ......................................................... 25 3 Tiere, Material und Methoden ........................................................ 27 3.1 Untersuchte Tiere, Betrieb, Fütterung .............................................. 27 3.2 Versuchsanordnung, Gruppeneinteilung .......................................... 28 3.3 Entnahme, Aufbereitung und Aufbewahrung der Blutproben ........... 30 3.4 Bestimmung der Blutparameter, Referenzbereiche ......................... 31 3.4.1 Bestimmung der Leistungs-, Gesundheits- und Fruchtbarkeitsparameter .................................................................. 33 3.5 Statistische Prüfung der ermittelten Daten ....................................... 35 4 Ergebnisse ...................................................................................... 36 4.1 Methodische Aspekte ....................................................................... 36 4.1.1 Wertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse kranker und selektierter Kühe ................................................................................................ 36 4.1.2 Akzeptanz der verabreichten Futterzusatzstoffe .............................. 37 4.2 Klinische Befunde ............................................................................. 38 4.3 Leistungsparameter .......................................................................... 41 4.3.1 Milchleistung .................................................................................... 41 4.3.2 Fruchtbarkeit .................................................................................... 44 4.4 Labordiagnostische Parameter......................................................... 45 4.4.1 Energie-Fett-Leberstoffwechsel ....................................................... 45 Glucose ............................................................................................ 45 Cholesterol ....................................................................................... 47 Bilirubin ............................................................................................ 48 Beta-Hydroxy-Butyrat ....................................................................... 49 Freie Fettsäuren ............................................................................... 50 Aspartat-Amino-Transferase ............................................................ 51 Gamma-Glutamyl-Transferase ......................................................... 52 Glutamat-Dehydrogenase ................................................................ 53 4.4.2 Eiweißstoffwechsel ........................................................................... 54 Gesamtprotein .................................................................................. 54 Albumin ............................................................................................ 55 4.4.3 Mineralstoff- und Spurenelementstoffwechsel .................................. 56 Natrium ............................................................................................. 56 Kalium .............................................................................................. 57 Calcium ............................................................................................ 58 anorganisches Phosphat .................................................................. 59 Magnesium ....................................................................................... 60 Eisen ................................................................................................ 61 4.4.4 Muskelstoffwechsel .......................................................................... 62 Kreatinkinase ................................................................................... 62 4.4.5 Leukozyten ....................................................................................... 63 5 Diskussion ...................................................................................... 64 5.1 Klinische Parameter ......................................................................... 64 5.1.1 Morbidität ......................................................................................... 64 5.1.2 Milchleistung .................................................................................... 67 5.1.3 Fruchtbarkeit .................................................................................... 70 5.2 Klinisch-chemische Parameter, Stoffwechsel ................................... 71 5.2.1 Wirkung von Huminsäuren auf den Stoffwechsel ............................. 71 5.2.2 Wirkung einer energiereichen C3-Verbindung auf den Stoffwechsel 71 5.2.3 Wirkung von Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat auf den Stoffwechsel .. 74 6 Zusammenfassung ......................................................................... 83 7 Summary ......................................................................................... 85 8 Literaturverzeichnis ....................................................................... 87 / Problem: In dairy cattle diseases are common in early lactation. They are among the main causes of early culling and the current unsatisfactory productive life. Objective: The aim of this work was to stabilize metabolism of dairy cows in the critical transition period from standing dry to lactation by three different prophylactic applications: using humic acids to minimize strain from the gut including endotoxins, using ammonium propionate mixed with propylene glycol to improve energy supply and dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate to promote metabolic function of the liver and at the same time to inhibit inflammatory processes following parturition. Experimental design: The studies were performed in a Saxon dairy farm on 312 cows of the „Holstein Friesian\" breed, randomly performed within one year. 78 cows were administered orally 300 ml ammonium propionate mixed with propylene glycol (C3) daily from 14 days before parturition (a.p.) to 14 days after parturition (p.p.), another 78 cows 100 g of a humic acid drug (HS-FP) or 50 g of humic acid raw material (HS-RS) were administered orally in the same period and dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate (DEXA21) was applied intramuscularly to another 78 cows on the first day p.p. in a dose of 0.02 mg/kg body weight. 78 untreated cows were used as control group. The impact of these administrations on health, performance and metabolism has been measured by clinical examinations and blood tests on 14. day a.p., on 3. and 28. day p.p. (Leukocytes, free fatty acids [ FFS ], bilirubin, beta-0H-butyrate [BHB] , glucose, cholesterol, creatine kinase [CK], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], glutamate dehydrogenase [GLDH], gamma glutaryl transferase [GGT], protein, albumin, Mg, Fe, Ca, inorganic phosphate [Pi] , Na, K) and was verified by detection of health status, milk yield and fertility. Results: The different prophylactic administrations had no significant effect on fertility and health parameters. The absolute and fat- corrected milk yields also showed no statistically reliable differences between experimental groups and control group. Milk protein content in C3 28 days p.p. and milk fat content in DEXA21 and C3 100 days p.p. were significantly increased. Blood control results showed mainly on 3. and 28. day p.p. important differences in metabolic parameters, such as glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, protein, albumin, Ca, Fe and CK, which are statistically secured. A single dose of dexamethasone-21- isonicotinate on first day p.p. had the best effect on liver and energy metabolism. Three days p.p. glucose, bilirubin, cholesterol, protein, Ca and Fe concentrations performed significantly better in DEXA21 group compared both to control group and all other treatment groups. For albumin and Na concentrations and CK activity that was true with respect to control and C3 group. The use of a humic acid drug, humic acid raw material and ammonium propionate mixed with propylene glycol had positive impact on performance and metabolism compared with control group too, but could be statistically secured in only a few cases. Conclusions: The application of dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate at the first day p.p. significantly stabilizes metabolism in cows after parturition. Similar effects on milk yield and fertility as well as morbidity could not be observed. For humic acid drug, humic acid raw material and ammonium propionate mixed with propylene glycol such effects tended to be recognizable, but cannot be statistically secured. Metabolism can be stabilized in short term stress situations with dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate, general care and feeding must be analyzed and deficiencies have to be eliminated.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltsverzeichnis .I Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV 1 Einleitung .......................................................................................... 1 2 Literaturübersicht ............................................................................. 3 2.1 Stoffwechsel der Milchkuh im geburtsnahen Zeitraum ....................... 3 2.2 Bovine Ketose .................................................................................... 5 2.3 Fettmobilisationssyndrom ................................................................... 7 2.4 Möglichkeiten der Stabilisierung des Stoffwechsels der Milchkuh im geburtsnahen Zeitraum ...................................................................... 9 2.4.1 Allgemeines zur Stoffwechselstabilisierung ........................................ 9 2.4.2 Energiereiche C3-Verbindungen ...................................................... 11 Propionat .......................................................................................... 12 Propylenglykol .................................................................................. 14 Ammoniumpropionat-Propylenglykol-Gemisch ................................ 15 2.4.3 Huminsäuren .................................................................................... 16 Einsatz, Vorkommen, Aufbau ........................................................... 16 Effekte .............................................................................................. 16 Wirkungsweise im Organismus ........................................................ 17 Anwendungen in der Veterinärmedizin ............................................. 18 Huminsäurenpräparate ..................................................................... 20 2.4.4 Glukokortikoide................................................................................. 21 Aufbau .............................................................................................. 21 Wirkungsweise ................................................................................. 21 Effekte .............................................................................................. 22 Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat ......................................................... 25 3 Tiere, Material und Methoden ........................................................ 27 3.1 Untersuchte Tiere, Betrieb, Fütterung .............................................. 27 3.2 Versuchsanordnung, Gruppeneinteilung .......................................... 28 3.3 Entnahme, Aufbereitung und Aufbewahrung der Blutproben ........... 30 3.4 Bestimmung der Blutparameter, Referenzbereiche ......................... 31 3.4.1 Bestimmung der Leistungs-, Gesundheits- und Fruchtbarkeitsparameter .................................................................. 33 3.5 Statistische Prüfung der ermittelten Daten ....................................... 35 4 Ergebnisse ...................................................................................... 36 4.1 Methodische Aspekte ....................................................................... 36 4.1.1 Wertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse kranker und selektierter Kühe ................................................................................................ 36 4.1.2 Akzeptanz der verabreichten Futterzusatzstoffe .............................. 37 4.2 Klinische Befunde ............................................................................. 38 4.3 Leistungsparameter .......................................................................... 41 4.3.1 Milchleistung .................................................................................... 41 4.3.2 Fruchtbarkeit .................................................................................... 44 4.4 Labordiagnostische Parameter......................................................... 45 4.4.1 Energie-Fett-Leberstoffwechsel ....................................................... 45 Glucose ............................................................................................ 45 Cholesterol ....................................................................................... 47 Bilirubin ............................................................................................ 48 Beta-Hydroxy-Butyrat ....................................................................... 49 Freie Fettsäuren ............................................................................... 50 Aspartat-Amino-Transferase ............................................................ 51 Gamma-Glutamyl-Transferase ......................................................... 52 Glutamat-Dehydrogenase ................................................................ 53 4.4.2 Eiweißstoffwechsel ........................................................................... 54 Gesamtprotein .................................................................................. 54 Albumin ............................................................................................ 55 4.4.3 Mineralstoff- und Spurenelementstoffwechsel .................................. 56 Natrium ............................................................................................. 56 Kalium .............................................................................................. 57 Calcium ............................................................................................ 58 anorganisches Phosphat .................................................................. 59 Magnesium ....................................................................................... 60 Eisen ................................................................................................ 61 4.4.4 Muskelstoffwechsel .......................................................................... 62 Kreatinkinase ................................................................................... 62 4.4.5 Leukozyten ....................................................................................... 63 5 Diskussion ...................................................................................... 64 5.1 Klinische Parameter ......................................................................... 64 5.1.1 Morbidität ......................................................................................... 64 5.1.2 Milchleistung .................................................................................... 67 5.1.3 Fruchtbarkeit .................................................................................... 70 5.2 Klinisch-chemische Parameter, Stoffwechsel ................................... 71 5.2.1 Wirkung von Huminsäuren auf den Stoffwechsel ............................. 71 5.2.2 Wirkung einer energiereichen C3-Verbindung auf den Stoffwechsel 71 5.2.3 Wirkung von Dexamethason-21-isonicotinat auf den Stoffwechsel .. 74 6 Zusammenfassung ......................................................................... 83 7 Summary ......................................................................................... 85 8 Literaturverzeichnis ....................................................................... 87

Využití pravidelného cvičení vycházejícího z prvků vývojové kineziologie u jedinců s vertebrogenním algickým syndromem / Exploitation of regular exercise based on the elements of developmental kinesiology for people suffering with back pain

Kamarýtová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract Title: Exploitation of regular exercise based on the elements of developmental kinesiology for people suffering with back pain. Objectives: The aim of my diploma thesis was observing the effect of a group motional program based on tenets of developmental kinesiology for function of the motional system of clients suffering from back pain. Methods: The theoretical part of my diploma thesis was done with a method of literary recherché using technical literature, articles and studies. Experiment was chosen for the practical part, quasi in particular, which was complemented by method of qualitative research, personal case study in particular. There are two clinical casuistries paced in my thesis. There were two following methods for collecting data during my research: kinesiology analysis focused on anamnesis, check-up by sight, check-up by touch and functional probing (dynamic check-up of spine, diagnostically testing of deep stabilizing muscles.) Another methods used in my diploma thesis were assessments of pain with a usage of visual analogy scale and semi-structured interview. Pre-tests and post-test were identical. 10 people suffering from chronic back pain in an area of cervical spine or lumbar spine (5 clients suffering from chronic back pain in an area of lumbar spine and 5 clients suffering...

Korigovaný vis jako kompenzační prvek ve fyzioterapii / Corrected hanging up as compensation mode in physiotherapy

Waldmann, Tadeáš January 2017 (has links)
Title: Corrected arm hang as a compensatory element in physioterapy Objective: The main objective of this master thesis is to measure and compare the level of engagement of muscles stabilizing the scapula during arm hang and supported exercise. Methods: Our study included nine probands whose measurement results were evaluated quantitatively. The age of probands at the time of measurement was from 18 to 25 years. A condition for inclusion in the investigated group was absence of subjective symptoms, functional impairment, traumatic injury, orthopedic defects or diseases of the upper limb. All probands were active athletes. Biomonitor ME 6000 manufacturer Mega Electronics Ltd. was used for recording the electrical activity of the muscles. The obtained data were processed by the Megawin software. All measurements for the purposes of the study took place in the laboratory of biomechanics FTVS UK. The resulting data were compared intraindividual and interindividual. Results: The results demonstrated that middle and lower portions of m. Trapezius is more active in the corrected arm hang. In contrast, the supported exercise leads to greater activity of m. Serratus anterior and lower activity of upper portion of m. Trapezius. Keywords: arm hang, supported exercise, surface electromyography, stabilization...

Efekt fyzioterapie u pacientů s refluxní chorobou jícnu / The effect of physiotherapy on patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease

Zasadilová, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
Author: Bc. Anežka Zasadilová Title: The effect of physiotherapy on patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to design a therapeutic unit and evaluate its effect on long-term treatment in the therapy of selected patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease Methods: The group of patients treated for esophageal reflux disease was examined using a standardized questionnaire, esophageal manometry and postural tests. This was followed by a two-month therapy aimed at stretching and strengthening the diaphragm using several physiotherapeutic methods. After completing the therapy, the probands were measured again as in the same way as in the initial examination. The obtained data were evaluated by statistical analysis using a nonparametric test for one selection (Wilcoxon test). Results: The evaluation of the questionnaire survey resulted in the value of p-value = 0.007265, ie less than the selected level of alpha significance (= 0.05). Based on the Wilcoxon test, it was confirmed that the input score was statistically significantly higher than the output score. The evaluation of the esophageal manometry gave the value of p-value = 0.6956, ie greater than the selected level of significance alpha (= 0.05). Based on the Wilcoxon test, it was not confirmed that the...

Estudio experimental de las propiedades físicas, mecánicas y de resistencia de suelos arcillosos mediante el uso de puzolana natural, polvo de ladrillo y goma guar en San Cristóbal-Huancavelica

Villalta Vergara, Julio Cesar, Chang Bernal, Erika Meylín 07 December 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como enfoque el mejoramiento de las propiedades físicas, mecánicas y de resistencia de un suelo extraído del Barrio de San Cristóbal en Huancavelica. Para este propósito se emplearon materiales de fácil acceso en el Perú como la puzolana natural de origen volcánico de la localidad de huando y el polvo de ladrillo adquirido de una segunda reutilización de fuentes locales. Asimismo, se empleará un biopolímero conocido como goma guar cuya elaboración es basada en una semilla natural, la cual es procesada en forma de polvo y desarrollada industrialmente. En el análisis se evaluará el comportamiento del suelo frente a la adición de 10% de ladrillo y 5%, 10% y 15% de puzolana natural, del mismo modo se efectuará con la goma guar a un 1%, 2% y 3%. Este estudio tomará en consideración la aplicación de ensayos de Granulometría, Hidrometría, Límites de Atterberg, Proctor Modificado y Corte Directo. Se concluye que las adiciones mejoran el comportamiento de suelos arcillosos al disminuir el índice de plasticidad, incrementar el grado de compactación y mejorar los parámetros geotécnicos. / This thesis focuses on improving the physical, mechanical and resistance properties of a soil extracted from the San Cristóbal in Huancavelica. For this purpose, materials easily accessible in Peru were used, such as the natural pozzolana of volcanic origin from the town of Huando and the brick dust acquired from a second reuse from local sources. Likewise, a biopolymer known as guar gum will be used, the elaboration of which is based on a natural seed, which is processed in powder form and industrially developed. The analysis will evaluate the behavior of the soil with the addition of 10% brick and 5%, 10% and 15% natural pozzolan, in the same way it will be carried out with guar gum at 1%, 2% and 3%. This study will take into consideration the application of Granulometry, Hydrometry, Atterberg Limits, Modified Proctor and Direct Shear tests. It is concluded that the additions improve the behavior of soft soils by decreasing the plasticity index, increasing the relative compaction and improving the geotechnical parameters. / Tesis

Bohrspülungen zur Erschließung mariner Gashydratlagerstätten - inhibierende und stabilisierende Additive sowie verbesserte rheologische Charakterisierung: Bohrspülungen zur Erschließung mariner Gashydratlagerstätten - inhibierende und stabilisierende Additive sowie verbesserte rheologische Charakterisierung

Schulz, Anne 20 February 2015 (has links)
Gashydrate sind natürlich vorkommende feste Verbindungen aus Wasser und Gas, deren Erschließung als zukünftige Energiequelle von Interesse ist. Für die bohrtechnische Erschließung mariner Gashydratlagerstätten ist eine leistungsfähige Bohrspülung notwendig. Das vom Bohrmeißel gelockerte Sediment und darin enthaltenes Gashydrat werden durch die Bohrspülung nach übertage transportiert. Die Gashydratpartikel verlassen beim Aufsteigen im Ringraum in ca. 300 m Wassertiefe ihren Stabilitätsbereich und dissoziieren in Wasser und Gas. Um eine Verdünnung und eine Dichteerniedrigung der Bohrspülung zu verhindern, soll das Gashydratbohrklein stabilisiert werden. Gleichzeitig darf sich in der Bohrspülung bei Anwesenheit von freiem Gas in der Lagerstätte kein neues Gashydrat bilden. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Suche nach Additiven, welche die Gashydratneubildung und -dissoziation gleichzeitig hemmen. Es wurde ein Schüttelautoklav genutzt, um die Dissoziationstemperatur von Methanhydrat bei ca. 85 bar zu ermitteln und die Verzögerung des Hydratzerfalls bei Anwesenheit verschiedener Additive zu vergleichen. Es konnte ein Additiv gefunden werden, das diese Anforderungen erfüllt. Des Weiteren wurden neue rheologische Untersuchungsprogramme für verschiedene Spülungstypen erarbeitet, die eine detaillierte Charakterisierung der Fließfähigkeit, Thixotropie und Geleigenschaften von Bohrspülungen erlauben.

Mejoramiento de las propiedades mecánicas de suelos arcillosos empleando valvas de molusco y vidrio en la ciudad de Talara, Piura

Bravo Barrionuevo, Brandon Enrique, Lopez Jara, Heiner Arturo 11 January 2021 (has links)
Los suelos arcillosos tienen la característica de hincharse cuando son expuestos a la humedad y de contraerse cuando existe sequedad, esto representa un problema especialmente en las cimentaciones que se construyen sobre este tipo de suelo. Por ello, la presente investigación tiene como finalidad evaluar el efecto en las propiedades mecánicas al adicionar vidrio y valvas de molusco triturados a este suelo problemático. La presente tesis tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, ya que el estudio del suelo arcilloso se realizó mediante la medición de indicadores tales como Corte directo, Proctor Modificado, Límites de Atterberg y Granulometría. Además, el uso del vidrio y valvas de molusco disminuirá los costos de mejoramiento del suelo arcilloso, ya que son materiales que se encuentran por abundancia en la zona de estudio. Y los costos para adquirir estos productos son mínimos. Con esta clase de mejora presentada en la investigación, el suelo arcilloso mejora notablemente, ya que este aumenta su capacidad de soporte. Los resultados muestran que el uso de las valvas de molusco y polvo de vidrio brindan un aumento de la resistencia del suelo arcilloso, además muestra una disminución de las deformaciones transversales que están presentes por la aplicación de cargas sobre el terreno arcilloso. Finalmente, se observó que, al combinar el suelo arcilloso con el polvo de valvas de molusco y polvo de vidrio, esta mezcla disminuye la absorción de agua, convirtiendo de esta manera más estable al terreno arcilloso. / Clayey soils have the characteristic of swelling when exposed to moisture and shrinking when there is dryness, this represents a problem especially in foundations that are built on this type of soil. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect on mechanical properties by adding glass powder and mollusk shell powder to this problem soil. The present thesis had a quantitative focus, since the study of clay soil was carried out by measuring indicators such as Direct Cut, Modified Proctor, Atterberg Limits and Granulometry. In addition, the use of glass powder and mollusk shells will decrease the costs of clay soil improvement, since they are materials found in abundance in the study area. And the costs to purchase these products are minimal. With this kind of improvement presented in research, clayey soil improves markedly as it increases its bearing capacity. The results show that the use of mollusk shells and glass powder provide an increase in the resistance of the clay soil, in addition it shows a decrease in the transverse deformations that are present by the application of loads on the clay soil. Finally, it was observed that, when combining clay soil with shellfish powder and glass powder, this mixture decreases the absorption of water, thus making clay soil more stable. / Tesis

Mejora de las propiedades mecánicas de los bloques de tierra comprimida (BTC) reforzados con cemento y fibra natural

Cabrera Vargas, Marlo Manuel, Tello Ormeño, Jose Daniel 11 January 2021 (has links)
Existe en la actualidad una intensa búsqueda constante de recursos y tecnologías menos contaminantes, que consumen menos energía en la construcción. El bloque de tierra comprimida (BTC) reforzado con fibra natural puede ser una alternativa efectiva. Este estudio presenta los resultados de una investigación para establecer las propiedades mecánicas del BTC estabilizado con cemento y reforzado con fibra de bagazo de caña. Se consideró evaluar las siguientes combinaciones BTC, BTCE (6% de cemento), BTCB-I (4% de cemento y 0.5% de fibra) y BTC-II (4% de cemento y 1% de fibra). Además, los resultados de las pruebas mecánicas se compararon con normas establecidas y con otras investigaciones relacionadas al tema. Se observó que, con el aumento de cemento, la resistencia de los bloques de tierra comienza a incrementarse gradualmente. Sin embargo, se puede reducir la cantidad de cemento reemplazándola con un mínimo de 0.5% de fibra natural en estado seco, representando bajas pérdidas de resistencia. De la investigación se sugieren analizar coeficientes de diseño a diferentes condiciones, considerando que con un mínimo de 4% de cemento y un 0.5-1% de fibra fue suficiente para producir BTC que cumplan con los requisitos estipulados en la norma peruana. / There is currently an intense constant search for less polluting resources and technologies, which consume less energy in construction. Natural fiber reinforced compressed earth block (BTC) can be an effective alternative. This study presents the results of an investigation to establish the mechanical properties of BTC stabilized with cement and reinforced with cane bagasse fiber. It was considered to evaluate the following combinations BTC, BTCE (6% cement), BTC-I (4% cement and 0.5% fiber) and BTC-II (4% cement and 1% fiber). In addition, the results of the mechanical tests were compared with established norms and with other research related to the subject. It was observed that, with the increase of cement, the strength of the earth blocks begins to increase gradually. But nevertheless, the amount of cement can be reduced by replacing it with a minimum of 0.5% natural fiber in the dry state, representing low resistance losses. From the reach it is suggested to analyze design coefficients at different conditions, considering that a minimum of 4% cement and 0.5-1% fiber was enough to produce BTC that comply with the provisions of the Peruvian standard. / Trabajo de investigación

Působení hipoterapie u klientů s roztroušenou sklerózou / Effect of hippotherapy at clients with sclerosis multiplex

Hrbasová, Hana January 2010 (has links)
Hipotherapy is a complex therapy, broaden and recently very sought after rehabilitation method, which is being more and more recognized by experts for its broaden scene. It is a complex therapy thanks to involving medicine, psychology, pedagogy and also a social sphere. That's why is this method indicated at many different levels of disablement. It's being used with pacients with children's cerebral palsy, diverse level of cerebral dysfunction and multiple sclerosis. And it's the therapy's effect on multiple sclerosis that this thesis paper discusses. It also applies to brain and spinal traumas, scoliosis, back pain, orthopedic defects, cardiovascular disease, degenerative muscle disease, obesity, as well as it provides help at emotional and mental aspect, e.g. children with behavioral disorders and many others. At hipotherapy is being used a three dimensional (multidimensional) horse motion. Horse's spine moves up - down, forward - backward, right - left. Imitating a mechanisms of human walking, which leads to relaxation of spasticity. Impulses are transmitted onto back which brings interaction of impeller and back muscles, stand up pose, and posture interference. All this brings a walking improvements, movements coordination, balance and consolidation of a flabby muscles. Each horse has a different nature...

Působení hipoterapie u klientů s roztroušenou sklerózou. / Effect of hippotherapy at clients with sclerosis muiltiplex.

Hrbasová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Hipotherapy is a complex therapy, broaden and recently very sought after rehabilitation method, which is being more and more recognized by experts for its broaden scene. It is a complex therapy thanks to involving medicine, psychology, pedagogy and also a social sphere. That's why is this method indicated at many different levels of disablement. It's being used with pacients with children's cerebral palsy, diverse level of cerebral dysfunction and multiple sclerosis. And it's the therapy's effect on multiple sclerosis that this thesis paper discusses. It also applies to brain and spinal traumas, scoliosis, back pain, orthopedic defects, cardiovascular disease, degenerative muscle disease, obesity, as well as it provides help at emotional and mental aspect, e.g. children with behavioral disorders and many others. At hipotherapy is being used a three dimensional (multidimensional) horse motion. Horse's spine moves up - down, forward - backward, right - left. Imitating a mechanisms of human walking, which leads to relaxation of spasticity. Impulses are transmitted onto back which brings interaction of impeller and back muscles, stand up pose, and posture interference. All this brings a walking improvements, movements coordination, balance and consolidation of a flabby muscles. Each horse has a different nature...

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