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Tissue Stabilization in MRI-Guided Breast BiopsyIranpanah, Behzad 09 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women in the United States. Histopathological examination through breast biopsy is considered as the "Gold Standard" for a definitive diagnosis. Contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is often used for guiding the biopsy in those cases in which the tumor may not be detectable under Ultrasound or X-ray mammography. Stabilization of the breast tissue during the biopsy is critical for its success to ensure that the target would not be displaced due to the patient movement or tissue deformation. Conventionally, the breast tissue is immobilized by firmly compressing it between two parallel plates. However, high compression forces causes significant patient discomfort and can reduce the intake of the contrast agent, which negatively impact the image quality.</p> <p>This thesis introduces devices and control methodologies for active tissue stabilization in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided breast biopsy. Pneumatic and piezoelectric actuators have been considered for developing concept designs for MRI-compatible tissue stabilization devices. Only the pneumatic device has been prototyped and tested. The device is comprised of two pneumatically-actuated support plates that would stabilize the biopsy target movements during needle insertion. An optimized geometry for the support plates allows for a good degree of tissue stabilization without relying on large compression forces. The plate configuration can also be adjusted inside the magnet bore using pneumatic actuators driven by pressure-controlled valves that are placed in the MR control room. This capability allows for the compensation of the target displacement based on MR image feedback. When combined with a separate needle drive mechanism, this stabilization device would enable in-bore MR-guided breast biopsy in combination with an in-bore needle driver system. The proposed approach offers improved target stabilization at reduced compression force and patient discomfort, that may also enhance MR image quality as result of greater intake of contrast agent. The open-front design of the stabilization plates provides greater flexibility in selecting the needle insertion entry point, and active adjustment of the support plates based on MR feedback improves the targeting accuracy.</p> <p>A concept design for a MR-compatible needle driver mechanism using piezoelectric actuators is also proposed. Experiments performed on chicken breast tissue with a prototype of the device demonstrate the effectiveness of this mechanism in increasing needle targeting accuracy using two simple error correction strategies. Furthermore, MRI compatibility tests are carried out to asses the performance of the device inside MRI.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Solution and Adsorption Characterization of Novel Water-Soluble Ionic Block Copolymers for Stabilization of Magnetite NanoparticlesCaba, Beth Lynn 22 May 2007 (has links)
There is a need for multifunctional polymer-particle complexes for use in biomedical applications such as for drug delivery or as MRI contrast agents where composition and stability are essential for the complexes to function. This work outlines a general methodology for rationally designing complexes stabilized with polymer brush layers using adapted star polymer models for brush extension and pair potential. Block copolymer micelles were first utilized for experimental validation by using the brush extension model to predict the size and the interaction model to predict the second virial coefficient, A2. Subsequently, the models were used to predict the size and colloidal stability of magnetite-polymer complexes using the modified Deryaguin-Verwey-Landau-Overbeek theory.
Novel hydrophilic triblock copolymers comprised of poly(ethylene oxide) tailblocks and a carboxylic acid containing polyurethane center block were examined by static and dynamic light scattering (SLS and DLS), small angle neutron scattering (SANS), and densiometry. Under conditions when the charge is suppressed such as at low pH and/or high ionic strength, the polymer chains self-assemble into micelles, whereas unimers alone are present under conditions where charge effects are important, such as high pH and low ionic strength.
A model for effective interaction between star polymers was used to obtain an expression for the second virial coefficient (A2) for micelles in solution. The values of A2 obtained using this method were compared with experimentally determined values for star polymers and micelles. In doing so, not only was a new means of calculating A2 a priori introduced, but the applicability of star polymer expressions to micellar systems was established. Through the analogy of micelles to sterically stabilized nanoparticles, this model was applied to water-soluble block copolymers adsorbed on magnetite nanoparticles for the purpose of tailoring a steric stabilizing brush layer. The sizes of the magnetite-polymer complexes were predicted using the star polymer model employed for the micelle study with an added layer to account for the anchor block. Colloidal stability was predicted from extended DLVO theory using the pair interaction. This work will lead to a better understanding of how to design ion-containing block copolymers for steric stabilization of metal oxide nanoparticles. / Ph. D.
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Management strategy of landfill leachate and landfill gas condensateZhao, Renzun 15 October 2012 (has links)
Studies were conducted to evaluate the impact of landfill leachate discharge on the operation of waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). Two aspects of interferences were found: one is UV quenching substances, which are bio-refractory and able to penetrate the biological treatment processes, consequently interfere the UV disinfection in WWTPs. The other one is organic nitrogen, which can pass the nitrification-denitrification process and contribute to the effluent total nitrogen (TN). Also, treatability study was conducted for landfill gas (LFG) condensate. In a laboratory study, leachate samples were fractionated into humic acids (HA), fulvic acids (FA) and Hydrophilic (Hpi) fractions, the specific UV254 absorbance (SUVA254) of the three fractions follows: HA > FA > Hpi. However, the overall UV254 absorbance of the Hpi fraction was important because there was more hydrophilic organic matter than humic or fulvic acids. It was found that the size distribution of the three fractions follows: HA > FA > Hpi. This indicates that membrane separation following biological treatment is a promising technology for the removal of humic substances from landfill leachates. Leachate samples treated in this manner could usually meet the UV transmittance requirement of the POTWs. Also, nitrogen species in landfill leachates under various stabilization states were investigated. Although the effect of landfill stabilization state on the characteristics of organic matter and ammonia is well documented, there are few investigations into the landfill leachate organic nitrogen under different stabilization stages. Ammonia was found to leach out slower than organic matter and can maintain a constant level within the first a couple of years (< 10 years). The concentration and biodegradability of organic nitrogen were found to decrease with landfill age. A size distribution study showed that most of organic nitrogen in landfill leachates is < 1 kDa. The protein concentration was analyzed and showed a strong correlation with the organic nitrogen. Different slopes of regression curves of untreated and treated leachates indicate that protein is more biodegradable than the other organic nitrogen species in landfill leachates. XAD-8 resin was employed to isolate the hydrophilic fraction of leachate samples, hydrophilic organic nitrogen was found to be more biodegradable/bioavailable than the hydrophobic fractions. Furthermore, biological and physical-chemical treatment methods were applied to a landfill biogas (LFG) condensate to explore the feasible treatment alternatives for organic contaminant and arsenic removal efficiency. Sequencing batch reactor (SBR) showed effectiveness for the degradation of organic matter, even in an environment containing high levels of arsenic. This indicated a relatively low toxicity of organic arsenic as compared to inorganic arsenic. However, for arsenic removal, oxidation-coagulation, including biological oxidation, conventional oxidation and advanced oxidation followed by ferric salt coagulation, and carbon adsorption were not effective for what is believed to be tri-methyl arsenic. Among these, advanced oxidation-coagulation showed the best treatment efficiency (15.1% removal). Only reverse osmosis (RO) could reduce the arsenic concentration to an acceptable level to meet discharge limits. These results implied high stability and low toxicity of organic arsenic. / Ph. D.
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Evaluación de la estabilización de subrasante de baja capacidad incorporando aditivos AggreBind y MaxxSeal 200 en vías urbanas no pavimentadas en el distrito de La Victoria, Lambayeque, 2021Cumpa Effio, Angello Arana January 2024 (has links)
El presente estudio titulado “Evaluación de la estabilización de Subrasante de baja capacidad incorporando aditivos AggreBind y MaxxSeal 200 en vías urbanas no pavimentadas en el distrito de La Victoria, Lambayeque, 2021” tiene como fin analizar la influencia de la incorporación de los aditivos AggreBind y MaxxSeal 200 en el mejoramiento de las propiedades físico-mecánicas en la estabilización de subrasante de baja capacidad. El método que se empleó en esta tesis fue de tipo experimental, con nivel
de carácter explicativo; en cuanto a la población se consideró el PJ. Antonio Raymondi del ACQUA Sector 1, ubicado en el distrito de La Victoria, se tomaron muestra de suelo por medio de calicatas para posteriores pruebas de laboratorio sin y con estabilizantes, aplicando al menos tres dosificaciones tanto para AggreBind (2, 4 y 6 lt/m3) como para MaxxSeal 200 (3, 6 y 9 lt/m2) y finalmente se procede hacer la comparación. Los resultados conseguidos evidencian que el suelo del PJ. Antonio Raymondi del ACQUA
Sector 1 es una arcilla de baja a mediana plasticidad, además se determinó la dosificación óptima para AggreBind que es de 6lt/m3, obteniendo un CBR de 12.16% con una MDS de 1.91 gr/cm3, un OCH de 12.19% y para MaxxSeal 200 de 6lt/m2 con un CBR de 11.80% con una MDS de 1.89, un OCH de 12.24%. / The present study entitled "Evaluation of low-capacity subgrade stabilization incorporating AggreBind and MaxxSeal 200 additives in unpaved urban roads in the district of La Victoria, Lambayeque, 2021" aims to analyze the influence of the incorporation of AggreBind and MaxxSeal 200 additives in the improvement of the physical-mechanical properties in the stabilization of low-capacity subgrade. The method used in this thesis was of experimental type, with explanatory character level; as for the population, the PJ was considered. Antonio Raymondi of ACQUA Sector 1, located in the district of La Victoria, soil samples were taken by means of soil pits for subsequent laboratory tests without and with stabilizers, applying at least three dosages for both AggreBind (2, 4 and 6 lt/m3) and MaxxSeal 200 (3, 6 and 9 lt/m2) and finally a
comparison was made. The results obtained show that the soil of the PJ. Antonio Raymondi del ACQUA Sector 1 is a clay of low to medium plasticity, in addition, the optimum dosage for AggreBind was determined to be 6lt/m3, obtaining a CBR of 12.16% with an MDS of 1.91 gr/cm3, an OCH of 12.19% and for MaxxSeal 200 of 6lt/m2 with a CBR of 11.80% with an MDS of 1.89, an OCH of 12.24%.
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Mejoramiento de subrasantes arcillosas incorporando agregados de carpetas asfálticas recicladas y cenizas de aserrín en avenida Venezuela, José Leonardo OrtizGonzales Zuñe, Luis Jhosut January 2024 (has links)
Actualmente, el tramo de Av. Venezuela desde Próceres hasta España, presenta un suelo de baja capacidad de soporte, con un grado plástico entre medio a alto y con indicios de ser expansivo, siendo este el responsable de generar problemas de transitabilidad en épocas de lluvias, asentamientos a nivel de vereda y hundimientos en la vía con ausencia de pavimento.
Debido a la problemática anterior, la presente tesis busca mejorar las propiedades físicomecánicas
del suelo mediante la incorporación de agregados de carpetas asfálticas recicladas (CAR) más cenizas de aserrín (CDA), evaluándose las siguientes combinaciones: 50%CAR+4CDA+46%S, 50%CAR+8%CDA+42%S, 60%CAR+4%CDA+36%S, 60%CAR+8%CDA+32%S, 70%CAR+4%CDA+26%S y 70%CAR+8%CDA+22%S, estos
porcentajes fueron ensayados en cada muestra de subrasante arcillosa: ML(C-01), CL(C-02) y CH(C-03).
En base a los ensayos de laboratorio desarrollados, se obtuvo el 70%CAR+4%CDA como porcentajes óptimos de los estabilizantes, ocasionando en las tres subrasantes arcillosas los siguientes cambios: el IP, varió entre 0.55 a 1.00 veces su valor natural, determinándose 17.00%, 18.00% y 17.00% según sea la muestra, así mismo, la MDS, incrementó entre 2.23 a 3.24 veces su valor original, obteniéndose 1.907, 1.930 y 1.922 g/cm3 correspondientemente, en tanto, el CBR(95%), aumentó entre 2.23 a 3.24 veces su valor inicial, alcanzando 9.50%, 6.70% y 9.40% respectivamente, recalcándose que, las tres muestras pasaron de ser una subrasante inadecuada a una regular.
Finalmente, para la ejecución de pavimento flexible cuya subrasante esté mejorada con 70%CAR+4%CDA se necesitará S/893,764.88 soles por cada 500m, no obstante, esta propuesta disminuye al 42.11% los impactos que tradicionalmente se generarán. / Due to the above problems, this thesis seeks to improve the physical-mechanical properties of the soil
by incorporating aggregates of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) plus sawdust ashes (SDA), evaluating
the following combinations: 50%RAP+4%SDA+46%S, 50%RAP+8%SDA+42%S, 60%RAP+4%SDA+36%S, 60%RAP+8%SDA+32%S, 70%RAP+4%SDA+26%S y 70%RAP+8%SDA+22%S, these percentages were tested in each sample of clayey subgrade: ML(C-01), CL(C-02) and CH(C-03).
Based on the developed laboratory tests, 70%RAP+4%SDA was obtained as optimal percentages of the
stabilizers, causing the following changes in the three clayey subgrades: the IP varied between 0.55 to
1.00 times its natural value, determining 17.00%, 18.00% and 17.00% depending on the sample, likewise, the MDD increased between 2.23 to 3.24 times its original value, obtaining 1.907, 1.930 and 1.922 g/cm3 correspondingly, while the CBR(95%), increased between 2.23 to 3.24 times its initial value, reaching 9.50%, 6.70% and 9.40% respectively, emphasizing that the three samples went from being an inadequate subgrade to a regular one.
Finally, for the execution of flexible pavement whose subgrade is improved with 70%RAP+4%SDA, it
will cost a total of S/893,764.88 per 500m, however, this proposal reduces the impacts that will traditionally be generated to 42.11%.
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Hybride semi-parametrische Modellierung der thermooxidativen Stabilisierung von PAN-PrecursorfasernMädler, Jonathan, Richter, Benjamin, Wolz, Daniel S. J., Behnisch, Thomas, Böhm, Robert, Jäger, Hubert, Gude, Maik, Urbas, Leon 22 May 2024 (has links)
Kohlenstofffasern sind aufgrund ihrer hohen massespezifischen mechanischen Belastbarkeit ein unverzichtbarer Werkstoff im Leichtbau. Diese werden mittels eines zeitaufwendigen, thermooxidativen Stabilisierungs- und eines inerten Carbonisierungsprozesses hergestellt. Bedingt durch die kommerziell dominierte Forschung basiert der Großteil der veröffentlichten Optimierungsansätze für diese Prozessschritte bis heute auf unvollständigen, empirischen oder nicht-parametrischen, datengetriebenen Modellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden hybride semi-parametrische Ansätze unter Berücksichtigung der Eigenschaften des Precursorsystems und der Prozessparameter für die Modellierung des Stabilisierungsprozesses untersucht. / Carbon fibers are an indispensable material in lightweight construction due to their mass-specific mechanical load capaci-ty. These are produced by means of a time-consuming, thermo-oxidative stabilization process and an inert carbonizationprocess. Due to commercially dominated research, the majority of published optimization approaches for these processsteps to date is based on incomplete, empirical or non-parametric, data-driven models. In the present work, hybrid semi-parametric approaches considering the properties of the precursor system and the process parameters are investigated formodeling of the stabilization process.
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[pt] O crescimento populacional descontrolado e o desenvolvimento urbano desordenado têm testemunhado danos severos em assentamentos humanos no mundo. Fenômenos naturais extremos, como consequência de uma mudança climática abrupta, como o intenso aumento do índice pluviométrico, provocaram incidentes de deslizamentos de taludes que dificilmente seriam ignorados desde as últimas décadas. Pilhas feitas de materiais convencionais como a madeira, aço e concreto têm sido tradicionalmente utilizados para a estabilização de taludes, com a finalidade de evitar incidentes de desabamentos de aterros. O presente trabalho estuda o uso de um material não convencional, o bambu da espécie Dendrocalamus Giganteus (DG) para estabilidade de taludes, como uma alternativa de material para pilha mais amigável ao ambiente graças a sua disponibilidade geográfica e capacidade de absorção de gases de efeito estufa. Suas dimensões e mais importantes suas propriedades mecânicas, são totalmente compatíveis com as de um elemento de estaca estabilizadora de taludes. Uma análise do Método dos Elementos Finitos (FEM) foi desenvolvida no software PLAXIS para testes em 2 e 3 dimensões. Usando um modelo de encosta instável reforçada com estacas de bambu para observar a interação do solo-estaca e avaliar o fator de segurança
(FS). Os resultados mostraram que as capacidades das pilhas de bambu são uma alternativa promissora para a estabilidade de taludes. / [en] Uncontrolled population growth and disorderly urban development had witnessed severe human settlement damages worldwide. Extreme natural phenomena consequence of abrupt climate change such as intense rainfall index increment had provoked landslides incidents hardly to ignore since last decades. Piles made of conventional materials such as timber, steel and concrete have traditionally been used for slope stabilization in order to prevent landslides incidents. The present paper studies the use of a non conventional material, the bamboo of the Dendrocalamus Giganteus (DG) species as bamboo-pile for slope stability, to become a more environmental friendly pile material alternative. Its dimensions and more important its mechanical properties, besides its geographical availability and greenhouse gases absorbing
capabilities totally matches for an ecologic slope stabilizing pile element. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis of bamboo-pile was developed on PLAXIS software for 2 and 3 dimensional tests. An unstable slope model condition was reinforced with bamboo-piles to observe the soil-pile interaction and evaluate the safety factor (SF). The results showed that the capabilities of the bamboo-piles are a promising alternative for slope stability.
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Hämodynamische Effekte einerImmunadsorption mit nachfolgender Immunglobulin-G-Substitution bei Patienten mit dilatativer Kardiomyopathie / Ergebnisse einer prospektiven und randomisierten StudieDörr, Marcus 29 January 2002 (has links)
Für die dilatative Kardiomyopathie gibt es bisher keine kausalen Therapiemöglichkeiten. Verschiedene kardiale Autoantikörper sind an der Pathogenese der Erkrankung beteiligt. Diese können durch eine Immunadsorptionsbehandlung entfernt werden. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die hämodynamischen Effekte einer Immunadsorption mit nachfolgender Immunglobulin-G-Substitution zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden 18 Patienten (NYHA III-IV, linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion < 30 %) eingeschlossen und zufällig der Behandlungs- oder Kontrollgruppe zugeteilt. An drei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen erfolgte eine Immunadsorptionsbehandlung. Abschließend wurde polyklonales Immunglobulin-G substituiert. Die Behandlung wurde insgesamt viermal in monatlichen Abständen durchgeführt. Die hämodynamischen Messungen erfolgten mit Hilfe eines Swan-Ganz Thermodilutionskatheters. Nach drei Monaten waren der Herzindex und der Schlagvolumenindex in der Behandlungsgruppe signifikant angestiegen. Der systemvaskuläre Widerstand wurde signifikant gesenkt. Außerdem wurde ein Anstieg der echokardiographischen linksventrikulären Ejektionsfraktion sowie eine Reduktion des linksventrikulären endsystolischen und enddiastolischen Durchmesser Index beobachtet. Die echokardiographischen Veränderungen waren auch im Verlauf nach einem halben Jahr stabil nachweisbar. Die günstige Beeinflussung der hämodynamischen Parameter wurde zudem von einer Verbesserung der klinischen Beschwerdesymptomatik - repräsentiert durch die Einteilung nach der NYHA-Klassifikation - begleitet. Hingegen wurden in der Kontrollgruppe für alle genannten Parameter keine signifikanten Veränderungen beobachtet. Die Effekte der Immunadsorption werden hauptsächlich auf die Elimination der Autoantikörpern zurückgeführt, wenngleich andere Einflüsse - wie ein Einfluss der Immunglobulinsubstitution oder anderer immunmodulatorischer Komponenten - nicht ganz ausgeschlossen werden können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass Immunadsorptionsbehandlungen bei dilatativer Kardiomyopathie als Ergänzung zur medikamentösen Basistherapie zur Verbesserung der Herzfunktion und zur Linderung der Beschwerdesymptomatik beitragen. / There is no causal therapy for the treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy. Various cardiac antibodies have been detected. These antibodies are extractable by immunoadsorption. The aim of the study was to assess the hemodynamic effects of immunoadsorption and subsequent immunoglobulin G substitution. 18 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (New York Heart Association III-IV, left ventricular ejection fraction < 30%) were randomly assigned either to the treatment group or to the control group. The patients were treated by immunoadsorption on three consecutive days. After the final session polyclonal immunoglobulin G was substituted. The procedure was repeated four times at one-month intervals. Hemodynamic mesurements were made by Swan-Ganz-catheterization. After three months cardiac index and stroke volume index increased significantly. Systemic vascular resistence decreased. Although, the echocardiographic ejection fraction increased, while there was a reduction of the left ventricular endsystolic and enddiastolic diameter index. The echocardiographic changes persisted after six months. The hemodynamic changes were accompanied by an improvement regarding the New York Heart Association classes in the treatment group. In contrast, all parameters did not change throughout the six months in the control group. Presumably the hemodynamic effects result from elimimation of cardiac antibodies. Although there may be an influence of different immunmodulatory components or of the immunoglobulin G substitution, too. In conclusion, Immunoadsorption and subsequent immunoglobulin G substitution improves cardiovascular function in addition to conventional drug therapy.
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Piezoelectrically tunable optical cavities for the gravitational wave detector LISAMöhle, Katharina 23 May 2013 (has links)
LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) ist ein geplanter Gravitationswellendetektor, der aus drei Satelliten bestehen soll, deren Abstand mit Hilfe von Laserinterferometrie überwacht wird. Die hohe Frequenzstabilität der Laser, die dafür benötigt wird, soll mit einem dreistufigen Verfahren erreicht werden. Dieses beinhaltet eine Vorstabilisierung, die nicht nur hohe Stabilität sondern auch Durchstimmbarkeit aufweisen muss. Eine Möglichkeit so eine durchstimmbare Vorstabilisierung zu realisieren ist die Verwendung eines optischen Resonators mit eingebautem Piezoaktuator. Dies ist an sich kein neuer Ansatz, wurde bisher allerdings noch nicht mit der geforderten Stabilität realisiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene piezoelektrisch durchstimmbaren Resonatoren aufgebaut und hinsichtlich ihres Rauschverhaltens und Durchstimmbereichs untersucht. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Resonatoren alle Anforderungen an eine durchstimmbare Vorstabilisierung für LISA erfüllen. Darüber hinaus gibt die hier präsentierte Arbeit einen neuen Einblick in das Potential von piezoelektrisch durchstimmbaren Resonatoren. Ihre Stabilität ist nur eine Größenordnung geringer als die der besten nicht durchstimmbaren Resonatoren der gleichen Länge und das gemessene Rauschen kann dabei nicht nicht den Piezoaktuatoren zugeordnet werden. Es sollte also prinzipiell möglich sein noch bessere Stabilitäten mit piezoelektrisch durchstimmbaren Resonatoren zu erzielen. In der Tat zeigen theoretische Untersuchungen, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführt wurden, dass die intrinsische Stabilität eines Resonators durch den Einbau eines Piezoaktuators nur geringfügig herab gesetzt wird. Hoch-stabile piezoelektrisch durchstimmbare Resonatoren können über eine Verwendung in LISA hinaus auch bei zahlreichen anderen Anwendungen zum Einsatz kommen, wie z.B. in der Cavity Enhanced Spektroskopie als Transfer Resonatoren oder als optische Lokaloszillatoren in der Atom- und Molekülspektroskopie. / The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a proposed space-based gravitational wave detector that aims to detect gravitational waves in the low frequency range from 0.1 mHz to 1 Hz, which is not accessible by ground-based detectors. It consists of three satellites whose distance is monitored by laser interferometry. The high frequency stability of the lasers required for this purpose is to be achieved with a three level noise reduction scheme. This includes a pre-stabilization stage that has to feature not only high stability but also tunability. One approach for such a tunable pre-stabilization is stabilizing a laser to an optical cavity with incorporated piezoelectric actuator. While this is not a new concept per se, it has never been realized with the required stability until now. Within this thesis, different types of piezo-tunable cavities have been built and thoroughly analyzed. It could be shown that the cavities fulfill all requirements for a tunable laser pre-stabilization for LISA. Furthermore, the work presented here gives a new insight into the potential of piezo-tunable cavities. Their performance is only one order of magnitude below that of the best non-tunable cavities of the same length and the measured noise can not be attributed to the integration of the piezo actuators. So, in principal, an even better performance should be achievable with piezo-tunable cavities. Indeed, theoretical considerations performed within this thesis reveal that the intrinsic stability of piezo-tunable cavities is only slightly inferior to that of rigid cavities. Beyond an application in LISA, highly stable piezo-tunable cavities are also valuable devices for numerous other applications. They can be used in cavity enhanced spectroscopy, as transfer cavities or as optical local oscillators in atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
1300 |
Schräg dorsaler Beckenfixateur / ein neues Konzept zur Beckenstabilisierung ; klinische und biomechanische Grundlagen, Entwicklung, biomechanische TestungStöckle, Ulrich 23 January 2002 (has links)
Bei Patienten, die auf Grund einer schweren Beckenverletzung hämodynamisch instabil sind, ist die primäre Stabilisierung des Beckens und damit die Reduktion des intrapelvinen Volumens entscheidend für den Erfolg der weiteren Therapie. Die Beckenzwinge hat sich als Notfallmaßnahme bewährt, erfordert jedoch in den meisten Fällen eine weitere operative Versorgung. Dieser Sekundäreingriff bedingt in vielen Fällen bei traumatisch geschädigten Weichteilen zusätzliche Wundheilungsstörungen. Ein weiteres Verfahren, der ventrale Fixateur externe, zeichnet sich durch einfache und schnelle Montage bei nur geringem Weichteilschaden aus. In vielen Fällen ist jedoch keine für die Mobilisierung ausreichende biomechanische Stabilisierung des vertikal instabilen dorsalen Beckenringes zu erreichen. Anhand biomechanischer Überlegungen wurde ein neuer schräg dorsaler Beckenfixateur für Becken- C-Verletzungen entwickelt, der die Vorteile des supraacetabulären Fixateur externe nutzt und dabei den hinteren Beckenring von ventral mit einer der Beckenzwinge nahe kommenden Effektivität stabilisieren kann. Er ermöglicht bereits initial eine minimal invasive sowie definitive Stabilisierung des dorsalen Beckenrings. Mehrere Variationen mit zwei unterschiedlichen Pin- Applikationsformen dieses asymmetrischen Fixateurs wurden getestet. In einer zweiten Testreihe wurde die in der ersten Testreihe favorisierte Version des neuen schräg dorsalen Fixateurs mit dem Supraacetabulärem Fixateur externe und der Beckenzwinge (ACE) verglichen. Beide Testreihen erfolgten an Kunststoff-Beckenmodellen im Einbeinstand in einer Materialprüfmaschine. Als Instabilitätsmodell dienten Verletzungen vom Typ C1.2 sowie C1.3 entsprechend der AO Klassifikation. In den Testreihen wurde kein signifikanter Unterschied des neuen verspannten schräg dorsalen Fixateurs zur Beckenzwinge gefunden. Er war jedoch deutlich stabiler als das unverspannte Modell oder der supraacetabuläre Fixateur allein. / In haemodynamically unstable patients with an unstable pelvic ring injury the primary stabilisation of the pelvis and thus reduction of pelvic volume is important for the success of the treatment. The pelvic C-clamp is an approved emergency device for these unstable pelvic ring injuries. A secondary procedure though is necessary in most of the cases with a big rate of wound problems in already traumatized soft tissue areas. The ventrally placed external fixator is a simple and quick procedure with little soft tissue damage. Though primary stability is sufficient even for C-type injuries, biomechanic stability of the posterior pelvic ring is often insufficient for mobilization. Based on biomechanic considerations, a new dorsal oblique pelvic external fixator was developed for pelvic C-type injuries. With the advantages of the supraacetabular fixator and two additional Schanz screws the ventral fixator should stabilize the posterior pelvic ring with comparable stability to the pelvic C-clamp. A primary and already definitive minimal invasive stabilization of the posterior pelvic ring was the aim. In the first series several variations of this asymmetric fixator with two different Schanz screw applications were tested biomechanically. In a second series the favourite version was tested versus the supraacetabular fixator and the pelvic C-clamp. Both of the biomechanic test series were performed with artificial pelves in the one leg stance model in the material testing machine. SI disruption and sacral fracture were the posterior instability types in 6 pelves each. There was no statistically significant difference between the dorsal oblique fixator and the pelvic C-clamp. But the new fixator was significantly more stable than the supraacetabular fixator or the new fixator without pretension.
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