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Emulsions stabilisées par des particules colloïdales stimulables : propriétés fondamentales et matériaux / Emulsions stabilized by stimuli responsive colloidal particles : fundamental properties and materialsDestribats, Mathieu 21 December 2010 (has links)
Des émulsions particulièrement stables peuvent être formulées à l’aide de particules colloïdales (émulsions dites de Pickering). L’objectif de cette étude est d’accéder à la compréhension des mécanismes de stabilisation des interfaces, ainsi que du lien entre propriétés interfaciales et propriétés macroscopiques des émulsions. Dans ce cadre, la stratégie adoptée repose sur l’utilisation de particules colloïdales dont les caractéristiques peuvent être variées continûment à la fois en amont par la chimie de synthèse (variation de la mouillabilité, de la déformabilité) et in situ par un stimulus (pH, sel, température...). De plus,les émulsions stabilisées par de telles particules deviennent, elles aussi, sensibles aux stimuli et la déstabilisation des émulsions peut être déclenchée à la demande. Les mécanismes d’adsorption, les interactions entre particules aux interfaces et les propriétés résultantes des émulsions sont étudiés. L’établissement de concepts généraux régissant la stabilisation/déstabilisation des émulsions permet d’en contrôler, via la formulation ou le procédé (température, cisaillement), les propriétés d’usage. Enfin les émulsions stabilisées par des particules colloïdales peuvent être utilisées en tant que précurseurs dans la formulation de matériaux plus complexes : ceci est illustré par l’élaboration de capsules à libération thermostimulée / Highly stable emulsions can be formulated using colloidal particles as stabilizers (so-calledPickering emulsions). This study aims at understanding the interfacial stabilizationmechanisms as well as the links between the interfacial properties and the macroscopicproperties of emulsions. In this context, our strategy consists in using colloidal particles forwhich characteristics can be continuously tuned either during the synthesis (variation of theparticles’ wettability or deformability) or in situ by using a stimulus (pH, salt, temperature…).Emulsions stabilized by such particles are stimuli responsive and their destabilization can betriggered on demand. We study and report the mechanisms of particle adsorption, theinteractions between particles anchored at interfaces and the resulting properties of emulsions.Such study allows us to draw general concepts governing the emulsionsstabilization/destabilization and to control their end-use properties via formulation oremulsification process (temperature, shear). Colloidal particle stabilized-emulsions can beused as templates to synthesize more complex materials as illustrated by the elaboration ofcapsules allowing a thermally controlled delivery of their content.
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高房價對購屋與生育行為之影響-家庭資源、家庭需求與家庭偏好之探討 / The Influence of High Housing Prices on Home Buying and Childbearing Behaviors– An Investigation of Family Resources, Demands, and Preferences林佩萱 Unknown Date (has links)
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Optimizacija sastava nosećeg sloja kolovozne konstrukcije na bazi agregata od hladno recikliranog asfalta sa aspekta mehaničkih karakteristika / Optimization of the pavement base layer content on the basis of thereclaimed asphalt pavement aggregate in terms of mechanicalpropertiesJakovljević Radomir 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji su prikazani rezultati sopstvenog eksperimentalnog istraživanja<br />izvršenog na uzorcima pripremljenim sa različitim učešćem struganog asfalta (RAP)<br />i dodatnog - "novog" drobljenog kamenog agregata. Variranjem učešća struganog<br />asfalta i dodatnog drobljenog kamenog agregata i variranjem učešća oba veziva<br />omogućeno je praćenje uticaja sastava na mehaničke karakteristike mešavine.<br />Uticaj vrste i količine upotrebljenog veziva na mehaničke karakteristike nosećeg<br />sloja kolovoza sagledano je kroz variranje sadržaja cementa i bitumenske emulzije.<br />Predmet istraživanja je definisanje međusobne zavisnosti odnosno korelacije,<br />određenih mehaničkih karakteristika mešavine u funkciji vrste i količine<br />komponentnih materijala i veziva i ocena njihovih fundamentalnih mehaničkih<br />karakteristika.</p> / <p>In dissertation are resented results of own experimental research on<br />samples that have been prepared with different amount of reclaimed<br />asphalt (RAP) and the additional - "new" crushed stone aggregate. By<br />varying participation of reclaimed asphalt and additional crushed stone<br />and varying participation of both binders monitoring of the impact of the<br />composition on the mechanical properties of the mixture was enabled.<br />The influence of type and amount of binder on the mechanical properties<br />of the pavement base layer is seen through variation in the content of<br />cement and bitumen emulsion. The subject of the research is to define the<br />mutual dependence and correlation of certain mechanical characteristics<br />of the mixture as a function of the types and quantities of component<br />materials and binders and evaluation of their fundamental mechanical<br />properties.</p>
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Vliv aktivního cvičení dle konceptu DNS na lokální senzorickou percepci v oblasti hrudní páteře u běžců na lyžích / The effects of active exercise according to the concept of DNS on the local sensory perception in the thoracic spine in cross - country skiers.Čížková, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the influence of active exercise according to the concept of the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization on local sensory perception in the mid-thoracic spine in elite athletes - cross-country skiers. It also describes the most common health problems in these athletes and assesses the impact of the integration of active exercise according to the DNS concept into everyday practice of cross-country skiers on the intensity and frequency of pain in cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. It also presents theoretical knowledge about the concept of the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and interdependence of quality of sensory and motor functions. Methods: The study included a total of 20 elite athletes - cross-country skiers aged 17- 27, randomly divided into two groups. The training group integrated into their practice selected three exercises according to the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization targeting segmental motion in the thoracic spine. A total of five measurements were performed on the quality of sensory perception during two months for all athletes. Furthermore, we evaluated the immediate effect of the therapy in the test group through the examination of sensory perception before and immediately after the treatment. At the beginning and at the end of the study each athlete...
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Efekt konceptu DNS u pacientů s chronickým vertebrogenním syndromem bederní páteře / The effect of the cencept of DNS in patients with chronic vertebrogenic syndrome of lumbar spireŠulová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of the presented diploma thesis was to record objective and subjective changes after therapy with DNS concept in a group of 13 people with LBP. Moiré projection topography was used to record postural changes after 5.5 week therapeutic intervention. It was not clear, whether DNS exercise would help them to achieve visible postural changes and whether this technique is able to record these changes, which would mean that it is a suitable option for objectivisation of therapies focusing on correction of stabilisation and postural functions. Pedoscan was used for further objectivisation of the effect of DNS concept. The chosen correlate of the mentioned objective evaluation was Oswestry disability index, evaluating limitations of common everyday activities resulting from pain in the lower back, and the Numeric pain scale. Patients underwent 5 hour-long physiotherapeutic lessons, the recommended frequency of exercises in the household environment was 3-4 times per day. The probands exercised with the use of DNS concept according to the individual examination findings, especially in the area of the integrated spine stabilisation system. The data were statistically elaborated by Wilcoxon Signed-Rand test, which a non-parametric variant of the pair T-test. It is obvious from the results that...
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Posouzení vlivu vrcholového sportovního aerobiku na posturální zajištění dívek ve věku 8 až 10 let. / The Assessment of the Impact of the Sports Aerobics on the Postural Stabilization of the girls aged 8 to 10 yearsRoubková, Leona January 2014 (has links)
Title: The Assessment of the Impact of the Sports Aerobics on the Postural Stabilization of the girls aged 8 to 10 years Definition of the problem: This thesis deals with testing of the postural stabilization and also deals with detection of the occurrence of hypermobility in two groups of girls aged 8-10 years. The first group consist of girls that do sports aerobics and second group consist of girls that do not do any sport. Objectives: In the theoretical part I will devote a summary of findings on the development of postural security, with motor development and motor learning and also very briefly the hypermobility. The aim is to verify if the sports aerobics has a formative influence on postural stabilization of girls at a school age. I examine if the high training load at this early age leads to changes in postural motor skills in terms of its positive or negative influence. Furthermore, the research confirms the higher incidence of hypermobility among athletes. Methods: Selection of the research group on a voluntary basis and according to predetermined criteria. Practical testing of children assembled using two test batteries. Statistical data processing (Student's t-test, Spearman's correlation coefficient). Comparing the results between the two groups of girls. Results: Two test sets...
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Posturální stabilizace a rovnováha - teoretická východiska problematiky a vymezení pojmů ( rešeršní práce ) / Postural stabilization and balance - theoretical background and definitions (literature review)Uhlíková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Title: Postural stabilization and balance - theoretical background and definitions (literature review) Objectives: The aim of this theses is to investigate the present situation of theoretical background of postural stabilization and balance and find out the differences between both of these phenomenons. The theses should summarize the current literature including the newest studies. Furthermore, it discusses the most used computerized measurements methods for assessing balance and postural control. Methods: The theses has character of literature review. It is divided into several parts. The beginning introduces the theoretical background. The descriptive and analytical chapter discuss the most used computerized measurement methods for assessing balance and postural control. The discussion summarizes the current situation and results of the theses. Results: The total amount of the 104 studies was found, but only 12 of them met the criteria of the theses. Currently the most used methods for assessing balance and postural control are the computerized dynamic posturography and the visual feedback posturography. In the published studies there were found several differences in the methods of posturography. Even, there was revealed ideological diversity in the authors' opinions and disunity in...
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Řízení kariéry / Career managementŠmejkalová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the career management from the perspective of the organization. The theoretical part concerns the definition and explication of the terminology (basic terms), approaches and methods in the process of the career management. The separate chapter is dedicated to the current issue of talent management and also to the interpretation of the research of career counseling in the workplace, which compares the approaches of employers to the career management of their employees in 25 states of the European Union. The incorporation of the domain of career management to the set of other HR activities in the organization makes also part of this thesis. The practical part of thesis describes the concrete example of work with prospective employees of the organization, i.e. the presentation of implementation of the development program for talented and key employees. The conclusion of the thesis comprises the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program, including the recommendations for its potential continuation in the future.
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Adaptivní volba parametrů stabilizačních metod pro rovnice konvekce-difúze / Adaptivní volba parametrů stabilizačních metod pro rovnice konvekce-difúzeLukáš, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Title: Adaptive choice of parameters in stabilization methods for convection- diffusion equations Author: Bc. Petr Lukáš (e-mail: luk.p@post.cz) Department: Department of Numerical Mathematics Supervisor: Doc. Mgr. Petr Knobloch, Dr. (e-mail: knobloch@karlin.mff.cuni.cz) Abstract: The aim of the work is to propose suitable approaches for adap- tive choice of parameters in stabilization methods for convection-difusion equations discretized by the finite element method. We introduce the L-SR1 method, compare it with other nonlinear methods of minimizing functions with large number of variables, and introduce and compare the adaptive methods based on minimizing of the error indicator. Keywords: Adaptive choice of parameters, finite element method, stabiliza- tion methods, convection-diffusion equation, L-SR1 method, error indicator
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Algorithmes auto-stabilisants pour la construction de structures couvrantes réparties / Self-Stabilizing Algorithms for Constructing Distributed Spanning StructuresRivierre, Yvan 12 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la construction auto-stabilisante de structures couvrantes dans un système réparti. L'auto-stabilisation est un paradigme pour la tolérance aux fautes dans les algorithmes répartis. Plus précisément, elle garantit que le système retrouve un comportement correct en temps fini après avoir été perturbé par des fautes transitoires. Notre modèle de système réparti se base sur des mémoires localement partagées pour la communication, des identifiants uniques pour briser les symétries et un ordonnanceur inéquitable, c'est-à-dire le plus faible des ordonnanceurs. Dans la mesure du possible, nous nous imposons d'utiliser les plus faibles hypothèses, afin d'obtenir les constructions les plus générales de structures couvrantes réparties. Nous présentons quatre algorithmes auto-stabilisants originaux pour le k-partitionnement, la construction d'une (f,g)-alliance et l'indexation. Pour chacun de ces problèmes, nous prouvons la correction de nos solutions. De plus, nous analysons leur complexité en temps et en espace à l'aide de preuves formelles et de simulations. Enfin, pour le problème de (f,g)-alliance, nous prenons en compte la notion de convergence sûre qui vient s'ajouter à celle d'auto-stabilisation. Elle garantit d'abord que le comportement du système assure rapidement un minimum de conditions, puis qu'il continue de converger jusqu'à se conformer à une spécification plus exigeante. / This thesis deals with the self-stabilizing construction of spanning structures over a distributed system. Self-stabilization is a paradigm for fault-tolerance in distributed algorithms. It guarantees that the system eventually satisfies its specification after transient faults hit the system. Our model of distributed system assumes locally shared memories for communicating, unique identifiers for symmetry-breaking, and distributed daemon for execution scheduling, that is, the weakest proper daemon. More generally, we aim for the weakest possible assumptions, such as arbitrary topologies, in order to propose the most versatile constructions of distributed spanning structures. We present four original self-stabilizing algorithms achieving k-clustering, (f,g)-alliance construction, and ranking. For every of these problems, we prove the correctness of our solutions. Moreover, we analyze their time and space complexity using formal proofs and simulations. Finally, for the (f,g)-alliance problem, we consider the notion of safe convergence in addition to self-stabilization. It enforces the system to first quickly satisfy a specification that guarantees a minimum of conditions, and then to converge to a more stringent specification.
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