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Kinematická analýza testů dynamické neuromuskulární stabilizace u osob s vertebrogenním onemocněním / Kinematic analysis dinamic neuromuscular stabilization tests in people with low back pain.Burešová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The main target of this thesis was to detect objective changes in the implementation of four postural locomotor tests DNS and during walking. The movements were recorded using the optical MoCap - the kinematic analysis Qualisys. The particular interest of the investigation was to determine the current stabilization of the spine system in individual subjects aged 25 to 55 years, which was documented by means of the angular deflection of each segment, the flat segment deviation or the shift of the marker in a coordinate system. The measurement results were compared between ten individuals with LBP and ten persons without any difficulty who were placed into the control group. The data were collected using the software QTM and Visual3D and subsequently were statistically processed. A statistically significant difference was observed during walking when comparing the angular deflection of the pelvis to the chest at the rotation and lateroflexion (ř). The significant difference of the pelvis shift toward the chest during flexion and rotation (ř) was showed in a deep squat test, but the difference was not confirmed in lateroflexion (ř). Furthermore, no statistical difference of the lateral deflection of the same segment (pelvis or chest) (cm) in patients with LBP compared to all subjects during the...
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Regelungstheoretische Analyse- und Entwurfsansätze für unteraktuierte mechanische SystemeKnoll, Carsten 16 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit ist der regelungstheoretischen Betrachtung von mechanischen Systemen mit mehr Freiheitsgraden als Stellgrößen gewidmet. Dabei werden Aspekte aus den Teilgebieten Modellbildung, Systemanalyse, Steuerungsentwurf und Reglerentwurf behandelt.
Den Ausgangspunkt bilden die aus dem Lagrange-Formalismus resultierenden Bewegungsgleichungen, für welche neben verschiedene partiell linearisierten Zustandsdarstellungen auch eine spezielle Byrnes-Isidori-Normalform eingeführt wird. Im Unterschied zu einer früher vorgeschlagenen ähnliche Normalform existiert diese "Lagrange-Byrnes-Isidori-Normalform" immer.
Weiterhin wird die bedeutende Eigenschaft der differentiellen Flachheit im Zusammenhang mit mechanischen Systemen untersucht. Die bestehende Lücke zwischen den bekannten notwendigen und hinreichenden Flachheitsbedingungen bildet die Motivation zur Anpassung der Regelflächenbedingung auf mechanische Systeme in Lagrange-Byrnes-Isidori-Normalform.
Parallel dazu wird die Flachheitsanalyse auf Basis des sogenannten Variationssystems betrachtet. Dabei handelt es sich um ein System von 1-Formen, die durch Anwendung der äußeren Ableitung auf die impliziten Systemgleichungen entstehen. Äquivalent dazu können auch die in einer rechteckigen Polynommatrix bezüglich des Zeitableitungsoperators zusammengefassten Koeffizienten der Basisformen untersucht werden. Die Flachheit eines Systems ist nun gerade äquivalent zur Existenz einer unimodularen Vervollständigung dieser Matrix, welche zudem noch eine bestimmte Integrabilitätsbedingung erfüllen muss. Durch Anwendung des Satzes von Frobenius können aus diesen in der bisherigen Formulierung nur schwer überprüfbaren Bedingungen deutlich einfachere hergeleitet werden. Für den Eingrößenfall ergibt sich dadurch eine erheblich Verringerung des Rechenaufwandes im Vergleich zum Referenzansatz.
Im Mehrgrößenfall ist die Situation komplizierter: Durch das Fallenlassen der Unimodularitätsforderung und die Ausnutzung der speziellen Struktur mechanischer Systeme erhält man eine neue notwendige Bedingung für Flachheit, welche sich in endlich vielen Schritten auswerten lässt. Allerdings konnte mit dieser die vermutete Nichtflachheit für die untersuchten mechanischen Beispielsysteme nicht nachgewiesen werden.
Einen weiteren Untersuchungsgegenstand bildet das Konzept der Konfigurationsflachheit. Für diese Eigenschaft ist gefordert, dass ein flacher Ausgang existieren muss, der nur von den Konfigurationskoordinaten abhängt. Basierend auf theoretischen Überlungen und dem Fehlen von Gegenbeispielen wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass für konservative mechanische Systeme Flachheit und Konfigurationsflachheit äquivalent sind. Für lineare mechanische Systeme kann diese Hypothese mit Hilfe der Kronecker-Normalform von Matrizenscharen verifiziert werden.
Bezüglich des Entwurfs von Solltrajektorien werden neben der Darstellung bekannter Verfahren für lineare und für flache Systeme zwei weitere Ansätze genauer diskutiert. Der erste basiert auf der numerischen Lösung des aus dem Steuerungsentwurf resultierenden Randwertproblems. Dazu wird ein angepasstes Kollokationsverfahren konstruiert, welches die Elimination von Systemgrößen durch die explizite Berücksichtigung von Integratorketten ermöglicht, die bei partiell linearisierten Systemen stets auftreten. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen bewirkt dies eine erhebliche Reduktion der Rechenzeit. Der zweite Ansatz betrachtet die Überführung zwischen zwei Ruhelagen und beruht auf der Zeitumkehrsymmetrie, die alle konservativen mechanischen Systeme aufweisen. Er besteht aus mehreren Schritten: Zunächst wird für beide Ruhelagen eine Rückführung mit möglichst großem Attraktivitätsgebiet entworfen. Danach wird das System simulativ ausgehend von der Zielruhelage in der Startruhelage stabilisiert. Die so erhaltene Eingangstrajektorie kann dann bezüglich der Zeit invertiert werden, um das System aus der Startruhelage in die Nähe der Zielruhelage zu überführen, wo schließlich der entsprechende Regler aktiviert wird.
In praktischen Realisierungen von unteraktuierten Regelungssystemen treten auf Grund von Effekten wie trockener Reibung und Getriebespiel oft Dauerschwingungen mit schwer vorhersagbaren und beeinflussbaren Parametern auf. Als Alternative zur klassischen Stabilisierung einer (theoretischen) Ruhelage wird deshalb eine Rückführung hergeleitet, welche für ein gegebenes lineares System einen stabilen Grenzzyklus mit vorgebbarer Frequenz und Amplitude asymptotisch stabilisiert.
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Lampový mikrofonní předzesilovač / Tube microphone preamplifierČacký, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The theme of the master´s thesis is design a microphone preamplifier which uses vacuum tube as a main amplifying element. Part of the work is theoretical assumptions for the optimal design and implementation of peripheral involvement, comparing the properties of components used and the resulting parameters of modeled device. The thesis also includes a proposal of the source unit for supplying all parts of the preamplifier. The results are accompanied by circuit simulations and laboratory measurements of the main parameters of the designed device.
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Lampový mikrofonní předzesilovač / Tube microphone preamplifierČacký, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The theme of the master´s thesis is design a microphone preamplifier which uses vacuum tube as a main amplifying element. Part of the work is theoretical assumptions for the optimal design and implementation of peripheral involvement, comparing the properties of components used and the resulting parameters of modeled device. The thesis also includes a proposal of the source unit for supplying all parts of the preamplifier. The results are accompanied by circuit simulations and laboratory measurements of the main parameters of the designed device.
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Synchronization and Fault-tolerance in Distributed Algorithms / Synchronisation et tolérance aux défaillances en algoritmique répartieBlanchard, Peva 24 September 2014 (has links)
Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, nous étudions le modèle des protocoles de population, introduit dans\cite{DBLP:conf/podc/BeauquierBCK10}. Ce modèle permet de représenter les grands réseaux de capteurs (ou agents) mobiles anonymes dotés de faibles ressources. Les contraintes de ce modèle sont si sévères que la plupart des problèmes classiques d'algorithmique répartie, tels que la collecte de données, le consensus ou l'élection d'un leader, sont difficiles à analyser, sinon impossibles à résoudre.Nous commençons notre étude par le problème de collecte de données. Celui-ci consiste principalement à transférer des valeurs réparties dans la population d'agents mobiles vers une station de base en un minimum de temps (temps de convergence). En utilisant un hypothèse d'équité, dite hypothèse de temps couvertures et introduite dans \cite{DBLP:conf/podc/BeauquierBCK10}, nous calculons des bornes optimales sur le temps de convergences de différents protocoles concrets. Ensuite, nous étudions le problème du consensus et d'élection de leader. Il a été montré que ces problèmes sont impossibles à résoudre dans le modèle original des protocoles de population. Pour contourner cette impossibilité, il est possible d'adjoindre au modèle certaines hypothèses sous la forme d'oracles. Nous proposons ensuite divers oracles permettant de résoudre le problème du consensus et d'élection de leader dans divers environnements, et nous étudions leurs puissances relatives. Ce faisant, nous développons un cadre formel permettant de représenter toutes les variétés d'oracles introduites, ainsi que leur possibles relations.Dans la seconde partie de ce mémoire, nous étudions le problème de la réplication de machine à états finis dans le modèle (classique) de communications asynchrones à passage de message. L'algorithme Paxos, introduit dans \cite{lamportPartTimeParliament,lamport01paxos} est une solution (partielle) bien connue au problème de la réplication capable de tolérer des pannes crash. Notre contribution, dans cette partie,consiste à améliorer Paxos afin qu'il puisse également tolérer des défaillances transitoires. Ce faisant, nous définissons la notions de machine répliquée pratiquement autostable. / In the first part of this thesis, we focus on a recent model, calledpopulation protocols, which describes large networksof tiny wireless mobile anonymous agents with very limited resources.The harsh constraints of the original model makes most of theclassical problems of distributed algorithmics, such as datacollection, consensus and leader election, either difficult to analyzeor impossible to solve.We first study the data collection problem, which mainly consists intransferring some values to a base station. By using a fairnessassumption, known as cover times, we compute tight bounds on theconvergence time of concrete protocols. Next, we focus on theproblems of consensus and leader election. It is shown that theseproblems are impossible in the original model. To circumvent theseissues, we augment the original model with oracles, and study theirrelative power. We develop by the way a formal framework generalenough to encompass various sorts of oracles, as well as theirrelations.In the second part of the thesis, we study the problem ofstate-machine replication in the more classical model of asynchronousmessage-passing communication. The Paxos algorithm is a famous(partial) solution to the state-machine replication problem whichtolerates crash failures. Our contribution is the enhancement of Paxosin order to tolerate transient faults as well. Doing so, we define thenotion of practically self-stabilizing replicated state-machine.
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[pt] A gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) e seu consequente reaproveitamento ou não é um problema existente no Brasil e no mundo. No Brasil, a produção de energia mediante incineração de RSU ainda está na sua etapa inicial, como por exemplo, com a implantação da Usina Verde no campus da UFRJ, com a consequente produção de subprodutos, como as cinzas volante e de fundo. Este estudo apresenta o comportamento de um solo coluvionar argiloso estabilizado com cinzas de RSU sob carregamento estático, tendo como principal objetivo avaliar a influência destas cinzas misturadas com o solo para possíveis aplicações em obras geotécnicas. Para isso foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física, química e mecânica, como ensaios de compactação Proctor Normal e ensaios triaxiais consolidados isotropicamente drenados (CID), para o solo puro e misturas solo-cinza. Foram avaliadas as influências do teor de cinzas (20 por cento, 30 por cento e 40 por cento de cinza volante e de cinza de fundo), bem como do tempo de cura (30 e 60 dias). Os resultados mostram que todas as misturas solo-cinza apresentam melhores parâmetros de resistência, em comparação do solo puro, onde as misturas solo-cinza volante apresentaram melhores resultados quando comparadas às misturas solo-cinza de fundo. A variação de teor de cinza adicionado ao solo, sem cura, mostra que para maiores teores de cinza volante a coesão diminui e ocorre o contrário com a cinza de fundo. Com relação ao tempo de cura, na maioria dos casos houve melhora do comportamento das misturas solo-cinza em comparação ao obtido sem cura. O teor de cinza (volante ou de fundo), tempo de cura e a tensão de confinamento influenciam na deformação volumétrica das misturas solo-cinza, apresentando menores deformações volumétricas para maiores teores de cinza e maiores tempos de cura. As misturas com 40 por cento de cinza volante e 30 por cento de cinza de fundo apresentaram as melhores características de resistência e poderiam ser utilizadas como estabilizante no solo estudado, cumprindo exigências geotécnicas e ambientais, além de rebaixar os custos de obra e dar um destino mais nobre para as cinzas de RSU. / [en] Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and its subsequent reuse or not is an existing problem in Brazil and the world. In Brazil, the production of energy through incineration of MSW is still in its initial stage, for example, with the implementation of Usina Verde on campus at UFRJ, with the consequent production of byproducts, such as fly and bottom ashes. This study presents the behavior of a colluvial clayey soil stabilized with ashes from MSW under static load, with the main objective to evaluate the influence of these ashes mixed with the soil for possible applications in geotechnical works. For this characterization were performed physical, chemical and mechanical tests, as Proctor compaction tests Normal isotropically consolidated and drained triaxial (CID) for the pure and soil-ash mixtures. Were evaluated the influence of the ash content (20 per cent, 30 per cent and 40 per cent fly ash and botton ash) and of curing time (30 and 60 days). The results show that all mixtures soil-ash have better shear strength compared to the pure soil, where the soil- fly ash mixtures showed better results compared to mixtures of soil- bottom ash. The variation of the ash content added to the soil, without curing, shows that higher levels of ash the cohesion decrease and the opposite occurs with the bottom ash. Respect to the curing time, in most cases there was as improvement of the behavior of mixtures soil-ash compared to that obtained without curing. The ash content (fly or bottom), curing time and confinement stress influence the volumetric deformation to soil-ash mixtures, showed lower volumetric deformations to higher concentrations of ash and longer curing times. The mixtures with 40 per cent fly ash and 30 per cent bottom ash, showed the best characteristics of strength and could be used as stabilizer in the studied soil, compliance requirements geotechnical and environmental, in addition to lower labor costs and give a nobler destiny for the ashes of MSW.
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Efeito da associação do alongamento do tronco aos exercícios de estabilização segmentar na lombalgia crônica inespecífica: um ensaio clínico randomizado / Effect of the association between trunk stretching and segmental stabilization exercises on low back pain: a randomized controlled trialCoutinho, Carina Carvalho Correia 12 June 2019 (has links)
Objetivo: Verificar a eficácia da associação do alongamento do tronco com exercícios de estabilização segmentar em pacientes com dor lombar crônica inespecífica (LCI). Métodos: Trinta e quatro indivíduos com diagnóstico de lombalgia crônica inespecífica de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 18 e 65 anos, foram randomizados em dois grupos: Grupo Alongamento Placebo + Estabilização Segmental (GAPES) e Grupo Alongamento + Estabilização Segmentar (GAES). Cada grupo realizou 12 sessões de tratamento de uma hora, duas vezes por semana. Os desfechos primários foram: intensidade da dor (Escala Numérica de Dor-END); avaliação qualitativa da dor (Questionário McGill-QMG); e incapacidade funcional (Questionário de Incapacidade de Rolland e Morris-QRM). Os desfechos secundários foram: percepção do efeito global (PEG); estado emocional (Inventário de Depressão de Beck-IDB e Escala Visual Analógica para Ansiedade-EVA-A); sinais e sintomas adversos; e satisfação do paciente (MedRisk). Cada sujeito foi avaliado no início e no fim do tratamento (seis semanas) e seguido três e seis meses após a intervenção. O nível de significância definido em alfa é igual a 0,05. Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos de tratamento na redução da intensidade e na qualidade da dor, na incapacidade funcional, na ansiedade e nos índices emocionais após o término do tratamento e durante o follow up. Conclusão: As duas propostas são efetivas no tratamento de LCI, com resultados estatisticamente significantes nos desfechos estudados. No entanto, a associação de exercícios de alongamento de tronco com os de estabilização segmentar não foi mais efetiva do que o uso isolado de estabilização segmentar lombar (ESL) / Objective: To verify the effectiveness of the association of trunk stretching with segmental stabilization exercises in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain (LCI) Methods: Thirty-four individuals with a diagnosis of non-specific chronic low back pain of both sexes, aged between 18 and 65 years. They were randomized into two groups: Group Stretching Placebo + Segmental Stabilization (GSPSS) and Group Stretching + Segmental Stabilization (GSSS), each group received 12 sessions of one hour, twice a week. The primary outcomes were pain intensity (Numerical Rating Scale-NRS); qualitative pain assessment (McGill Questionnaire); functional disability (Rolland and Morris Questionnaire-RMQ). The secondary outcomes were perception of the overall effect Global Effect; emotional state (Beck Depression Inventory-BDI and Analog Visual Scale for Anxiety-VAS-A); adverse signs and symptoms; and patient satisfaction (MedRisk). Each subject was assessed at the baseline and in the end of treatment (six weeks) and followed up three and six months post-intervention. The significance level set at Alpha = 0.05. Results: There was no significant difference between the two treatment groups in reducing intensity and quality of pain, functional disability, anxiety and emotional indexes after the end of the treatment and during follow up. Conclusion: The two treatment proposals are effective in the treatment of LCI, with statistically significant results in the outcomes studied, but the association of trunk elongation exercises with those of segmental stabilization was not more effective than the isolated use of ESL
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[pt] Este estudo apresenta o comportamento de um solo arenoso estabilizado com cinzas obtidas através da incineração de Resíduo Sólido Urbano (RSU) e cal. Através de um estudo experimental, objetiva-se avaliar a aplicabilidade de misturas solo-cinza e solo-cinza volante-cal em obras geotécnicas como, por exemplo, camadas de aterros sanitários, aterros sobre solos moles e estabilização de taludes. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física, química e mecânica (ensaios triaxiais CID) para os materiais envolvidos. Para as misturas solo-cinza volante-cal, adicionou-se 3 porcento de cal em substituição ao peso seco das cinzas. Foram avaliadas as influências do teor de cinza (30 e 40 porcento) e tipo de cinza (volante - CV e fundo - CF), bem como o tempo de cura (0, 60 e 90 dias) para misturas com cinza volante e cal. Os resultados mostram que tanto as misturas com CV, como CF, apresentam resultados satisfatórios. Para ambas as cinzas, as porcentagens de 30 e 40 porcento apresentaram resultados similares, podendo-se adotar o valor de 40 porcento como teor ótimo, uma vez que proporciona a utilização de uma maior quantidade de resíduo. Comparando-se as cinzas, a CF apresentou resultados mais satisfatórios que a CV. Para as misturas com cura, observou-se que no tempo de 60 dias o material sofreu um maior ganho de resistência. Foram utilizados dois métodos de moldagem de corpo de prova para o ensaio com cura, obtendo-se melhor resultado para o método onde a cura era realizada em um corpo de prova pré-moldado. Portanto o uso das cinzas de RSU em mistura com este tipo de solo se mostra satisfatório, uma vez que apresentou um bom comportamento, contribui com o menor consumo de material natural e proporciona uma destinação ambientalmente correta deste resíduo. / [en] This study presents the behavior of a sandy soil stabilized with municipal solid waste ash, and lime. In order to evaluate the applicability of mixtures soil-ash and soil-fly ash-lime for using in geotechnical projects as layers of landfills, embankment on soft soils and slope stability, an experimental campaign is presented. Thus, physical, chemical and mechanical (isotropically consolidated-drained triaxial test) characterization tests were performed for each material and mixtures. It was used 3 percent of lime in the mixtures soil- fly ash-lime, being added in replacement to the dry weight of fly ash. Were evaluated the influence of ash content (30 and 40 percent), type of ash (fly ash and bottom ash) and curing time (0, 60 and 90 days) for mixtures containing fly ash and lime. The results have shown that mixtures with both kinds of ashes present a satisfactory behavior, increasing or maintaining the shear strength parameters similar to the pure material. For both kinds of ashes the variation of the content has not provided significant changes in the strength parameters, therefore, 40 percent can be considered as best content, once it provides a bigger destination of the residue. Comparing fly and bottom ash, the last has presented better results than fly ash. For mixtures with lime and cure, it has been observed better results for 60 days of cure, with greater gain of strength. Two molding methods have been used for preparing the mixture specimen, being obtained a better result with pre modeled specimen. Therefore, the use of municipal solid waste ash for stabilizing this kind of soil for using in the cited works, could minimize the current problems of waste disposal, contribute with the reduction of consumption of natural resources and give a noble use for this material.
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Analyse et contrôle de systèmes fluide-structure avec conditions limites sur la pression / Analysis and control of fluid-structure systems with boundary conditions involving the pressureCasanova, Jean-Jérôme 05 July 2018 (has links)
Le sujet de la thèse porte sur l'étude (existence, unicité, régularité) et le contrôle de problèmes fluide-structure possédant des conditions limites sur la pression. Le système étudié couple une partie fluide, décrite par les équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles dans un domaine 2D et une partie structure, décrite par une équation 1D de poutre amortie située sur une partie du bord du domaine fluide. Dans le Chapitre 2, on étudie l'existence de solutions fortes pour ce modèle. Nous démontrons des résultats de régularité optimale pour le système de Stokes avec conditions de bord mixtes sur un domaine non régulier. Ces résultats sont ensuite utilisés pour prouver l'existence et l'unicité de solutions fortes, locales en temps, pour le système fluide-structure sans hypothèse de petitesse sur les données initiales. Le Chapitre 3 réutilise l'analyse précédente dans le cadre de solutions périodiques en temps. Nous développons un critère d'existence de solutions périodiques pour un problème parabolique abstrait. Ce critère est ensuite appliqué au système fluide-structure et nous obtenons l'existence de solutions strictes, périodiques et régulières en temps, pour des termes sources périodiques suffisamment petits. Le quatrième volet de la thèse porte sur la stabilisation du système fluide-structure au voisinage d'une solution périodique. Le système linéarisé sous-jacent est décrit à l'aide d'un opérateur A(t) dont le domaine dépend du temps. Nous démontrons l'existence d'un opérateur parabolique d'évolution pour ce système linéaire. Cet opérateur est ensuite utilisé, dans le cadre de la théorie de Floquet, pour étudier le comportement asymptotique du système. Nous adaptons la théorie existante pour des opérateurs à domaine constant au cas de domaine non constant. Nous obtenons la stabilisation exponentielle du système linéaire à l'aide d'un contrôle sur la frontière du domaine fluide. / In this thesis we study the well-posedness (existence, uniqueness, regularity) and the control of fluid-structure system with boundary conditions involving the pressure. The fluid part of the system is described by the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations in a 2D rectangular type domain coupled with a 1D damped beam equation localised on a boundary part of the fluid domain. In Chapter 2 we investigate the existence of strong solutions for this model. We prove optimal regularity results for the Stokes system with mixed boundary conditions in non-regular domains. These results are then used to obtain the local-in-time existence and uniqueness of strong solutions for the fluid-structure system without smallness assumption on the initial data. Chapter 3 uses the previous analysis in the framework of periodic (in time) solutions. We develop a criteria for the existence of periodic solutions for an abstract parabolic system. This criteria is then used on the fluid- structure system to prove the existence of a periodic and regular in time strict solution, provided that the periodic source terms are small enough. In Chapter 4 we study the stabilisation of the fluid-structure system in a neighbourhood of a periodic solution. The underlying linear system involves an operator A(t) with a domain which depends on time. We prove the existence of a parabolic evolution operator for this linear system. This operator is then used to apply the Floquet theory and to describe the asymptotic behaviour of the system. We adapt the known results for an operator with constant domain to the case of operators with non constant domain. We obtain the exponential stabilisation of the linear system with control acting on a part of the boundary of the fluid domain.
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Stabilisation d’émulsions d’intérêt pharmaceutique par des protéines et des polysaccharides : exemples de la β-lactoglobuline, de la gomme arabique et de la gomme xanthane / Stabilization of pharmaceutical emulsions by proteins and polysaccharides : examples of β-lactoglobulin, gum arabic and xanthan gumJouanny-Bouyer, Eléonore 21 February 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude a été de formuler et caractériser des émulsions simples huile/eau d’intérêt pharmaceutique stabilisées par de la β-lactoglobuline (β-lg), de la gomme arabique (GA), de la gomme xanthane (GX) et des mélanges β-lg:GA et β-lg:GX. Les concentrations massiques totales des dispersions de biopolymères étaient de 1 % et ont été augmentées à 2,5 % si les émulsions formulées n’étaient pas stables. Le mélange β-lg:GA a été réalisé à pH 4,2 afin de permettre la formation de complexes par interactions électrostatiques attractives entre la β-lg et la GA. Deux ratios β-lg:GA ont été étudiés : 2:1 et 1:2. Enfin, le mélange β-lg:GX a été effectué à pH 7, où les deux biopolymères étant chargés négativement ne se complexent pas et à un ratio de 1:1. Une étude de stabilité des émulsions a été menée sur 6 mois. Les stabilités obtenues ont pu être classées par ordre croissant : GA 2,5 % < β-lg:GA 2,5 % < β-lg 2,5 % < GX 1 % = β-lg:GX 1 %. Plusieurs mécanismes de stabilisation ont été mis en évidence grâce à l’étude des propriétés interfaciales des biopolymères, à l’étude des propriétés rhéologiques des émulsions et à des observations au microscope confocal à balayage laser des émulsions après marquage des biopolymères à la fluorescence. La β-lg et la GA sont toutes deux capables de s’adsorber à l’interface des globules huileux alors que la GX augmente la viscosité de la phase continue. L’association β-lg:GA conduit à la formation d’une double couche interfaciale stabilisante. Enfin, l’association β-lg:GX combine les mécanismes de stabilisation de la protéine, par adsorption interfaciale et de la gomme, par augmentation de la viscosité de la phase continue. / The main objective of this study was to formulate and characterize oil-in-water simple emulsions of pharmaceutical interest stabilized by β-lactoglobulin (β-lg), gum arabic (GA), xanthan gum (XG), and mixtures of β-lg:GA and β-lg:XG. The total biopolymer final concentration in the dispersions was 1 (w/w) % and could be raised to 2.5 (w/w) % if the formulated emulsions were not stable. β-lg:GA mixing was performed at pH 4.2 to allow attractive electrostatic interactions between the two biopolymers and thus the formation of complexes. Two protein:polysaccharide ratios were investigated: 2:1 and 1:2. Conversely, β8lg:XG mixing was performed at pH 7, where both biopolymers are negatively charged, in order to avoid the complex formation, and with a 1:1 ratio. A stability study was conducted for emulsions over a 6-month period. The obtained stabilities could be classified increasingly: GA 2.5 % < β-lg:GA 2.5 % < β-lg 2.5 % < XG 1 % = β-lg:XG 1 %. Several stabilization mechanisms were evidenced by the study of the biopolymer interfacial properties, the study of emulsion rheology and by confocal laser scanning microscopy observations with labeled fluorescent biopolymers. β-lg and GA were both able to adsorb at the interface of oil globule. XG enhanced the continuous phase viscosity. β-lg:GA mixing led to the formation of a stabilizing interfacial double layer. Finally, β-lg:XG association combined the stabilization mechanisms of both biopolymers, respectively: interfacial adsorption and enhancement of the continuous phase viscosity.
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