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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse et modélisation cinétique de la perte physique et de la consommation chimique d'un mélange phénol/HALS au cours du vieillissement radio-thermique d'une matrice EPDM / Kinetic analysis and modeling of physical loss and chemical consumption of a phenol/HALS blend durind the radio-thermal ageing of an EPDM matrix

Bannouf, Wissam 02 December 2014 (has links)
La durée de vie des isolants synthétiques de câbles électriques installés en centrale nucléaire est l'une des préoccupations majeurs d'EDF R&D. Pour répondre à cette question, un modèle cinétique de vieillissement radiothermique a été développé pour une matrice EPDM stabilisée par un mélange phénol/HALS dans cette thèse. Ce modèle est dérivé d'un schéma mécanistique d'oxydation, établi dans une étude précédente pour la matrice PE pure, mais complété par les principales réactions de stabilisation des deux types d'antioxydants. Sa validité a été vérifiée avec succès pour une matrice EPDM pure et stabilisée par 0,1, 0,3 et 0,5% w/w de chaque type d'antioxydants, mais aussi par (0-0,3), (0,1-0,2), (0,15-0,15), (0,2-0,1), (0,3-0)% w/w de mélange des deux antioxydants. Le modèle cinétique prédit de manière satisfaisante la grande majorité des courbes cinétiques de consommation chimique des fonctions phénoliques et des fonctions amines, mais aussi des courbes d'accumulation des produits carbonyles dans l'air entre 140 et 160°C en absence d'irradiation γ, mais aussi sous 0,1 kGy/h-45°C, 1 kGy/h-51,5 °C et 10 kGy/h-63,5 °C. Différentes voies possibles d'amélioration sont proposées. / The lifetime prediction of synthetic insulations of electrical cables installed in nuclear power plants is one of the main concerns of EDF R&D. To answer this question, a radiothermal ageing kinetic model has been developed for an EPDM matrix stabilized by a phenol/HALS blend in this study. This model is derived from an oxidation mechanistic scheme, established in a previous study for the neat PE matrix, but completed by the main stabilization reactions of both antioxidants. Its validity has been checked successfully for an EPDM matrix unstabilized and stabilized by 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5% w/w of each antioxidant, but also by (0-0.3), (0.1-0.2), (0.15-0.15), (0.2-0.1), (0.3-0)% w/w of both antioxidants. The kinetic model predicts satisfyingly the large majority of kinetic curves of chemical consumption of phenolic and amine functions, but also the kinetic curves of carbonyl group build-up in air between 140 and 160°C in the absence of γ irradiation, but also under 0.1 kGy/h-45°C, 1 kGy/h-51.5 °C et 10 kGy/h-63.5 °C. Various possible ways of improvement are proposed.

Digital Video Stabilization using SIFT Feature Matching and Adaptive Fuzzy Filter

Kumar, Jukanti Ajay, Naidu, Dharmana. B P January 2013 (has links)
Context: Video stabilization techniques have gained popularity for their permit to obtain high quality video footage even in non-optimal conditions. There have been significant works done on video stabilization by developing different algorithms. Most of the stabilization software displays the missing image areas in stabilized video. In the last few years hand-held video cameras have continued to grow in popularity, allowing everyone to easily produce personal video footage. Furthermore, with online video sharing resources being used by a rapidly increasing number of users, a large proportion of such video footage is shared with wide audiences. Sadly such videos often suffer from poor quality as frame vibration in video makes human perception not comfortable. In this research an attempt has been made to propose a robust video stabilization algorithm that stabilizes the videos effectively. Objectives: The main objective of our thesis work is to perform effective motion estimation using SIFT features to calculate the inter frame motion, allowing to find Global Motion Vectors and optimal motion compensation is to be achieved using adaptive fuzzy filter by removing the unwanted shakiness and preserve the panning leading to stabilized video. Methods: In this study three types of research questions are used- Experimentation and Literature review. To accomplish the goal of this thesis, experimentation is carried out for performing video stabilization. Motion estimation is done using feature based motion estimation using SIFT and GMVs are calculated. The intentional motion is filtered using Adaptive fuzzy filter to preserve panning and Motion compensation is performed to wrap the video to its stabilized position. MOS implies the mean scores of the subjective tests performed according to the recommendations of ITU-R BT.500-13 and ITU-T P.910 to analyze the results of our stabilized videos. Results: As a part of results from our work, we have successfully stabilized the videos of different resolutions from experimentation. Performance of our algorithm is found better using MOS. Conclusions: Video Stabilization can be achieved successfully by using SIFT features with pre conditions defined for feature matching and attempts are made to improve the video stabilization process.

Estimation and Adaptive Smoothing of Camera Orientations for Video Stabilization and Rolling Shutter Correction / Estimering och adaptiv glättning av kameraorienteringar för videostabilisering och korrektion av bilddistorsion orsakad av kamera med rullande slutare

Forslöw, Nicklas January 2011 (has links)
Most mobile video-recording devices of today, e.g. cell phones and music players, make use of a Rolling Shutter camera. The camera captures video by recording every frame line-by-line from top to bottom leading to image distortion when either the target or camera is moving. Capturing video by hand also leads to visible frame-to-frame jitter. This thesis presents algorithms for estimation of camera orientations using accelerometer and gyroscope. These estimates can be used to reduce the image distortion caused by camera motion using image processing. In addition an adaptive low pass filtering algorithm used to produce a smooth camera motion is presented. Using the smooth motion the frame-to-frame jitter can be reduced. The algorithms are implemented on the iPod 4 and two output videos are evaluated in a blind experiment with 30 participants. Here, videos are compared to those of competing video stabilization software. The results indicate that the iPod 4 application performs equal or better than its competitors. Also the iPod 4 accelerometer and gyroscope are compared to high end reference sensors in terms of bias and variance. / Det är vanligt att dagens mobiltelefoner använder en kamera med rullande slutare för videoinspelning. Dessa kameror fångar varje bild rad för rad från topp till botten vilket leder till bilddistorsion när antingen målet eller kameran rör sig. Inspelade videor upplevs även som skakiga eftersom kameran ej är stilla under inspelningen. I detta examensarbete presenteras algoritmer för skattning av kamerans orientering med hjälp av accelerometer och gyroskop. Skattningarna används sedan för att reducera bilddistorsionen som uppstår då kameran rör sig. En adaptiv algoritm för lågpassfiltrering av kamerans rörelse presenteras. Den mjuka rörelsen som produceras används sedan för att reducera skakigheten i filmerna. Algoritmerna implementeras på iPod 4 och de resulterande filmerna utvärderas i ett blindtest med 30 deltagare. Filmerna jämförs med versioner stabiliserade av konkurrerande mjukvara. Resultaten visar att iPod-applikationen producerar ett lika bra eller bättre resultat än konkurrenterna. Accelerometern och gyroskopet på iPod 4 jämförs även med referenssensorer i den högre prisklassen.

Video Stabilization and Rolling Shutter Correction using Inertial Measurement Sensors / Gyrobaserad videostabilisering och korrektion för rullande slutare

Hanning, Gustav January 2011 (has links)
Most mobile video-recording devices of today, e.g. cell phones and music players, make use of a rolling shutter camera. A rolling shutter camera captures video by recording every frame line-by-line from top to bottom of the image, leading to image distortions in situations where either the device or the target is moving. Recording video by hand also leads to visible frame-to-frame jitter. In this thesis, methods to decrease distortion caused by the motion of a video-recording device with a rolling shutter camera are presented. The methods are based on estimating the orientation of the camera from gyroscope and accelerometer measurements. The algorithms are implemented on the iPod Touch 4, and the resulting videos are compared to those of competing stabilization software, both commercial and free, in a series of blind experiments. The results from this user study shows that the methods presented in the thesis perform equal to or better than the others. / Mobiltelefoner, mp3-spelare och andra bärbara enheter som kan spela in film har ofta en kamera med rullande slutare. En sådan kamera fångar varje bild rad för rad, från topp till botten. Detta resulterar i distortion i bilden om antingen enheten eller objekt i bilden rör sig. Att filma för hand introducerar också skakighet i filmen. I det här examensarbetet presenteras metoder för att minska den distortion som uppstår till följd av att en enhet med rullande slutare förflyttas under inspelning av en film. Metoderna bygger på estimering av kamerans orientering, utgående från mätdata från gyroskop och accelerometer. Algoritmerna har implementerats på en iPod Touch 4 och de resulterande filmerna har jämförts med de från konkurrerande program i en serie blindtester. Resultaten från denna undersökning visar att metoderna som presenteras i examensarbetet är lika bra eller bättre än de övriga.

Kloridutlakning från flygaska : möjligheten till en lokal hantering / Chloride leaching from fly ash : The possibility of a local management

Bröms Axelsson, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
In Sweden, there are limits to how much leachable substances waste must contain in order to be deposited as hazardous waste. Fly ash from waste incineration often end up over the limit, mainly due to the chloride content. Fly ash is therefore often deposited abroad. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility to handle fly ash locally. To clarify how the law is applied, environmental reports and permit documents from ten waste sites with permission to deposit fly ash were studied. In addition, a literature study was made to review the state of knowledge regarding the treatments of fly ash. The treatment methods are numerous, but are at different levels of commerciality. Among the treatments available there are both physical, chemical, biological, electrical and thermal variants. Many of the treatments (except for carbonation and microbial bioleaching) results in chloride levels below the limits. Several are however unrealistically expensive or generate wastewater with high levels of chloride that would need further treatment. Three plants out of the ten holding permits to deposit fly ash, have exemptions from the limit for chlorides. It's however difficult to see a common reasoning for allowing exemptions. In several cases there are sensitive receiving waters downstream from the landfill. One reason to be dispensed despite this sensitivity, may be the guidance that EPA issued. It is not formulated any specific concerns relating to chlorides. One handles therefore often high levels of chloride in the leachate as a dilution problem, not a leaching problem. / I Sverige finns det gränsvärden för hur mycket utlakningsbara ämnen avfall får innehålla för att kunna deponeras som farligt avfall. Flygaska från avfallsförbränning hamnar ofta över gränsen för vad som får deponeras, främst p.g.a. kloridinnehållet, och askan deponeras därför bl.a. i Norge och Tyskland. Syftet med denna studie var att utreda möjligheten att hantera flygaska lokalt. För att klargöra hur lagstiftningen tillämpas har miljörapporter och tillståndsbeslut från tio avfallsanläggningar med tillstånd att deponera flygaska studerats. Dessutom har en litteraturstudie gjorts av kunskapsläget när det gäller behandling av flygaska för att motverka lakning av klorider. Behandlingsmetoderna är många, men har kommit olika långt i att anses som kommersiella. Bland behandlingarna finns både fysiska, kemiska, biologiska, elektriska och termiska varianter. Många av behandlingarna (med undantag för karbonatisering och mikrobiell bioutlakning) gör att gränsvärden för utlakning av klorider klaras. Många av behandlingarna är dock orealistiskt dyra eller genererar avloppsvatten med höga kloridhalter. Av de tio anläggningar som innehar tillstånd till att deponera flygaska, så har tre även dispens för gränsvärdet för klorider. Utifrån den information som finns i tillståndsbesluten är det mycket svårt att se ett mönster vad gäller bedömningen av de enskilda fallen. I flera fall finns känsliga recipienter nedströms deponin. En anledning till att dispens ges trots denna känslighet kan vara den vägledning som Naturvårdsverket gett ut. Där formuleras inte någon specifik problematik kring klorider, utan andra ämnen är i fokus. Man behandlar därför ofta höga kloridhalter i lakvatten som ett utspädningsproblem, istället för ett utlakningsproblem.

Automatic detection of protein degradation markers in mass spectrometry imaging

Herman, Stephanie January 2016 (has links)
Today we are collecting a large amount of tissue samples to store for future studies of different health conditions, in hopes that the focus in health care will shift from treatments to early detection and prevention, by the use of biomarkers. To make sure that the storing of tissue is done in a reliable way, where the molecular profile of the samples are preserved, we first need to characterise how these changes occur. In this thesis, data from mice brains were collected using MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) and an analysis pipeline for robust MALDI IMS data handling and evaluation was implemented. The finished pipeline contains two reduction algorithms, catching images with interesting intensity features, while taking the spatial information into account, along with a robust similarity measurement, for measuring the degree of co-localisation. It also includes a clustering algorithm built upon the similarity measurement and an amino acid mass comparer, iteratively generating combinations of amino acids for further mass comparisons with mass differences between cluster members. Availability: The source code is available at https://github.com/stephanieherman/thesis

Suivi des structures offshore par commande référencée vision et multi-capteurs / Offshore structure following by means of sensor servoing and sensor fusion

Krupiński, Szymon 10 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à rendre possible l’utilisation des véhicules sous-marins autonomes (AUVs) dans l’inspection visuelle des structures offshore. Deux tâches sont identifiées: le suivi des structures rectilignes et la stabilisation devant les cibles planaires. Les AUVs complétement actionnés et équipés d'une centrale inertielle, un DVL, un altimètre et une caméra vidéo sont visés. La dynamique en 6 d.d.l. d'un AUV est rappelée. L'architecture de contrôle reflétant la structure en cascade de la dynamique est choisie. Une boucle interne asservie la vitesse du véhicule à la consigne et une boucle externe calcule la vitesse de référence à partir des informations visuelles. Le suivi de pipe est assuré par l'asservissement visuel 2D qui calcule la vitesse de référence à partir des bords du pipeline détectés dans l’image. La convergence globale asymptotique et localement exponentielle de la position, de l’orientation et de la vitesse sont obtenues. Le contrôleur de stabilisation utilise la matrice d’homographie. Seule la connaissance imprécise de l’orientation de la cible est nécessaire. L’information cartésienne de la profondeur de la cible est estimée à l’aide d’un observateur. La convergence quasi-globale et localement exponentielle de ce contrôleur est démontrée. Afin de tester ces méthodes un simulateur a été développé. Des images de synthèse de haute-fidélité sont générées à partir de simulateur Morse. Elles sont traitées en temps réel à l’aide de la bibliothèque OpenCV. Un modèle Simulink calcule la dynamique complète des 6 d.d.l. du véhicule simulé. Des résultats détaillés sont présentés et mettent en avant les résultats théoriques obtenus. / This thesis deals with a control system for a underwater autonomous vehicle given a two consequent tasks: following a linear object and stabilisation with respect to a planar target using an on-board camera. The proposed solution of this control problem takes advantage of a cascading nature of the system and divides it into a velocity pilot control and two visual servoing schemes. The serving controllers generate the reference velocity on the basis of visual information; line following is based on binormalized Pluecker coordinates of parallel lines corresponding to the pipe contours detected in the image, while the stabilisation relies on the planar homography matrix of observed object features, w.r.t. the image of the same object observed at the desired pose. The pilot, constructed on the full 6 d.o.f. nonlinear model of the AUV, assures that the vehicle’s linear and angular velocities converge to their respective setpoints. Both image servoing schemes are based on minimal assumptions and knowledge of the environment. Validation is provided by a high-fidelity 6 d.o.f. dynamics simulation coupled with a challenging 3D visual environment, which generates images for automatic processing and visual servoing. A custom simulator is built that consist of a Simulink model for dynamics simulation and the MORSE robot and sensor simulator, bound together by ROS message passing libraries. The OpenCV library is used for real-time image processing. Methods of visual data filtering are described. Thus generated experimental data is provided that confirms the desired properties of the control scheme presented earlier.

Rational Synthesis, Stabilization, and Functional Properties of Metal and Intermetallic Nanoparticles

Arora, Neha January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The confluence of intriguing size and morphology dependent optical and chemical properties with versatile application in various fields, such as energetic and magnetic makes monometallic nonmaterial of high fundamental scientific interest. However, the challenge that needs to be addressed is to achieve their synthesis with a rational control on their dimensions, morphology and dispersion for the widespread applications of these materials. In addition to synthesis, achieving long-lasting stability of nonmaterial becomes imperative in order to realize their potential applications. Miniaturization in size of particles results in an increased surface to volume ratio, conducing especially reactive metal nanoparticals prone to oxidation. This thesis describes the synthesis of nearly monodiperse colloids of metallic and intermetallic nanoparticles using solvated metal atom dispersion method and digestive ripening facilitated interatomic diffusion process. Our aim is to understand the combinatiorial effects of nanosizing and stability on the functional properties of these nanomaterials. Towards this Direction, we investigated Co, A1 and Mg monometallic, and Au/Ag-In and Au-Sn intermetallic nanoparticle systems. Chapter 2 Describes the synthesis, detailed characterizations and magnetic properties of nearly monodisperse cobolt nanoparticles(<5nm) synthesized using a hydride synthetic protocol, solvated metal atom diserion method. The as-prepared cobalt nanoparticles in this size range exhibit intrinsic instability towards Oxidations. After 30 day of exposure to air, magnetic measurements showed drastic degration in saturation magnetization and complete conversion to antiferromagnetic cobalt oxide was confirmed. In order to achieve their stability, a heat treatment was applied to decompose the organic solvent and capping agent, resulting in carbonization of solvent/ligand around the surface of cobolt nano particles. Controlled and optimized annealing at different temperatures resulted in the formation of hexagonal closed packed (hcp) and fape-centered cubic (fcc) phases of metallic cobalt. Remarkably, the corresponding heat treated samples retained their rich magnetic behavior even after exposure to air for a duration of one year. Compared to un-annealed samples, magnetization values increased two-fold and the corecivity of nanoparticles exhibited strong dependence on the phase transformation of cobolt. Chapter 3 Deal with an exploratory study of the synthesis, characterization, and stabilization of nanometer-sized enegetic material, aluminum. Highly monodisperse colloidal aluminum nanoparticles (3.1‡ 0.6 mm) were prepared by using hexadecy amine (HAD) as the capping agent tetrahydrofurma as a coordinating solvent in the SMAD method. Since such small particles are highly prone to oxidation, a support materials is required for their stabilization. Stability has been achived by carbonization of the capping agent on the surface of A1 nanoparticles by carrying out thermal treatment of A1-HAD nanoparticles at a modest temperature. Presence of corbon was confirmed using Raman spectroscopy and TEM measurements evidencing that annealed A1 nanoparticles are encapsulated in a corbon matrix. The exhibition of robust stability was established using thermal analysis (TGA/DTA) wherein, oxidation of aluminum in air did not occur upto 500 0C. Indirectly, the successful passivation was further exploited in the synthesis and characterization of small sized monodisperse magnesium nanoparticles. The resulting samples were hybrided and nanosized MgH2 released hydrogen at much lower temperature than that of the bulk MgH2 (573 K). The observed hydrogen release was only partially reversible. This partial reversibility could be attributed to the coalescence of small sized Mg nanoparticles upon subsequent charging/discharging hydrogen cycles. In the next step, we exploed the intermetallic systes which are composed of more than one metallic species. Chapter 4 describes the synthesis and characterization of small sized, monodisperse (<10 nm) colloidal AuIn2 and Ag3In intermetallic nanoparticles. The formation of intermetallic nanoparticles could be explained by invoking digestive ripening facilitated atomic diffusion of Au/Ag and In nanoparticles followed simultaneously by their growth in te solution. The course of the reaction was followed using optical spectroscopy where the changes in UV-visible absorption band were correlated to the formation of AuIn/Ag3In intermetallic. Structural characterization, Performed using powder X-ray diffraction, brought out the formation of phase pure AuIn2 and Ag3In intermetallic compounds. Digestive ripening effects were clearly observed using transmission electron microscopy which showed the transformation of polydisperse physical mixture colloid of nanometallic species to uniform sized intermetallic nanoparticles. By invoking the phenomenon of interatomic diffusion at nanoscale favored by feasible thermodynamics ( G being negative) we were successful inrealizing the formation of these intermetallic nanoparticles. Optimization of temperature at which digestive ripening was performed, turned out to be a crucial factor in the successful synthesis of phase pure intermetallic nanoparticles. These promising results inspired us to study further the preparation of Au-Sn intermetallic system which is described in Chapter 5. The potential of such an unprecedented approach has been exploited in the synthesis of homogeneous intermetallic nanaocrystals of Au5Sn and AuSn. The two monometallic collids (Au and Sn), mixed in a stoichiometric amount were subjected to digestive ripening process. 1:1 stichiometry always led to the formation of eutectic mixture (Au5Sn and AUSn), The stoichiometry of monometallic nanocrystals. Therefore, by taking an extra equivalent of Au and Sn in two different experiments, phase pure Au5Sn and AuSn intermatillic nanocrsytals were obtained, respectively. This is the first observation that has been reported regarding the phase pure synthesis if Au5Sn intermetallic nanocrystals using solution based approach. Formation of different phases was established by structural characterization which elicited srystalline nature of the samples. A combination of TEM, HRTEM, and STEM-EDS mapping techniques employed here, brought and tailored phase. In conclusion, the careful selection of solvent, stoichiometry and growth directing agents is an important prerequisite for realizing distinct phases of Au-Sn system with a controlled morphology.

Extern vindstabilisering för flervåningshus i trä

Sörnmo, Daniel, Nilsson, Karl January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Intresset för höghuskonstruktioner i trä ökar allt mer runt om i världen. I Sverige ligger fokus på höghuskonstruktioner som utnyttjar intern vindstabilisering med skivor i KL-trä. I de högsta byggnaderna som använder trä som konstruktionsmaterial idag är det fackverk av limträ på byggnadernas ytterkant som når högst byggnadshöjder. Av den anledningen inleddes examensarbetet med målet att undersöka de dynamiska egenskaperna hos olika fackverkskonstruktioner med hänsyn till komforten för brukarna, något som vanligtvis är den mest kritiska analysen. För att bedöma komforten användes ISO 10137. Eftersom egenskaperna hos trä är sämre lämpade för höghuskonstruktioner jämfört med stål och betong valdes att förstärka byggnadens styvhet med en kärna i KL-trä runt hiss och trapphus. Den dynamiska analysen på fackverken har två delar, en av dem berör byggnadens dynamiska egenskaper och utförs i huvudsak i FEM-programmet Robot Structural Analysis och den andra delen handlar om byggnadens acceleration under inverkan av vind och består av handberäkningar. Båda områden inleddes med en litteraturstudie för att försäkra att resultatet i Robot Structural Analysis motsvarar beteendet hos en riktig byggnad och att sätta sig in i beräkningsgången av byggnadens acceleration, samt förstå bakgrunden till beräkningarna. Olika varianter av fyra sorters fackverk analyserades, X-fackverk, K-fackverk, diagridsystem och singulärt diagonala fackverk. Efter genomförda analyser framgick att diagridsystemet uppnådde den högsta byggnadshöjden på 87 m. X-fackverket klarar komfortkraven upp till 81 m och har mindre materialåtgång till fackverket jämfört med diagridsystemet. Jämfört med tidigare arbeten och konstruktioner klarar de undersökta konstruktionerna komfortfortkraven på högre höjder. Förklaringen till de höga konstruktionshöjderna kopplas till robustheten hos fackverken och kombinationen med KL-träkärnan. / Abstract There has been an awakening in high-rise buildings in timber around the world. In Sweden, the focus has been placed on high-rise building that utilize internal stabilisation against wind loading using panels made of cross laminated timber. However, the tallest timber buildings today utilize external stabilisation of glulam trusses. Therefore, the thesis work began with the purpose of examining the dynamical properties of different braced frame structures with regard to not cause discomfort to occupants, which is usually the most critical part of the building design. ISO 10137 was used to assess the comfort. Since the properties of timber are less well-suited for high-rise building constructions in comparison to steel and concrete, a decision was made to strengthen the rigidity of the building using a core made of cross laminated timber around the elevator and stairwell. The dynamic analysis of the braced frame structures has two parts. The first part concerns the building’s dynamic properties and is carried out mainly by using the FEM-software Robot Structural Analysis. The second part focuses on the acceleration of the building under the influence of wind and consists of hand calculations. Furthermore, the work in both areas began with a literature study in order to ensure that the result from Robot Structural Analysis corresponds with the behaviour of a real building and to familiarise oneself with the calculations regarding the acceleration of the building, as well as to understand the background of the calculations. Different variations of four types of braced frames structures were analysed: X-braced, K-braced, diagrid system and single-diagonal types. The analyses showed that the diagrid system reached highest with a building height of 87 m, while the X-braced type meets the comfort requirements up to 81 m and require less material compared to the diagrid system. As a result of the robustness of the trusses and the combination with the core made of cross laminated limber the examined constructions manage to meet the comfort requirements at higher heights than previous works and constructions.

Stabilisation rapide et observation en plusieurs instants de systèmes oscillants / Rapid stabilization and observation of oscillating systems at different time instants

Vest, Ambroise 27 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est constitué de deux parties indépendantes traitant chacune d'un problème issu de la théorie du contrôle des équations aux dérivées partielles. La première partie est consacrée à l'étude d'un feedback explicite et déjà connu, s'appliquant à des systèmes linéaires, réversibles en temps et éventuellement munis d'un opérateur de contrôle non-borné. On justifie le caractère bien posé du problème en boucle fermée via la théorie des semi-groupes puis on étudie le taux de décroissance des solutions du système régulé. La seconde partie concerne un problème d'observation pour la corde vibrante : on détermine comment choisir des instants d'observation pour que la position de la corde à ces instants permette de retrouver les conditions initiales tout en préservant une certaine régularité. La méthode, qui repose sur des résultats d'approximation diophantienne, est ensuite étendue à d'autres systèmes. En utilisant une méthode de dualité on démontre aussi un résultat de contrôlabilité exacte. / This works contains two independent parts, each one dealing with the control of partial differential equations. In the first part, we study an explicit and already known feedback law that applies to linear, time-reversible systems, with a possibly unbounded control operator. We prove the well-posedness of the closed-loop problem in the semi-group framework and we study the decay rate of the solutions. In the second part, we give conditions on the choice of some time instants, such that the positions of a vibrating string (or beam) at these times enable to recover the initial data. The method relies on Diophantine approximation results. Using a duality method, we give a related exact controllability result.

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