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Combined study by Direct Numerical Simulation and optical diagnostics of the flame stabilization in a diesel spray / Etude combinée par simulation numérique direct et diagnostics optiques de la stabilisation de la flamme d’un spray DieselTagliante-Saracino, Fabien 11 March 2019 (has links)
La compréhension du processus de stabilisation des flammes Diesel constitue un défi majeur en raison de son effet sur les émissions de polluants. En effet, la relation étroite entre la distance de lift-off (distance entre la flamme et l’injecteur) et la production de suie est maintenant bien établie. Cependant, différents mécanismes de stabilisation ont été proposés mais sont toujours sujets à discussion. L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir une contribution expérimentale et numérique pour identifier les mécanismes de stabilisation majeurs.La combustion d'un spray n-dodécane issu d'un injecteur mono-trou a été étudiée dans une cellule à volume constant en utilisant une combinaison de diagnostics optiques : mesures hautes cadences et simultanées de schlieren, LIF à 355 nm, chimiluminescence haute température ou de chimiluminescence OH *. Des expériences complémentaires sont effectuées au cours desquelles le mélange est allumé entre l’injecteur et le lift-off par plasma induit par laser. L’évolution du lift-off jusqu’à son retour à une position d’équilibre plus en aval est ensuite étudiée pour différentes conditions opératoires. L'analyse de l'évolution du lift-off sans allumage laser révèle deux types principaux de comportement : des sauts brusques en amont et un déplacement plus progressif en aval. Alors que le premier comportement est attribué à des événements d'auto-inflammation, le second est analysé grâce aux résultats obtenus par allumage laser. Il a été constaté que l'emplacement du formaldéhyde avait un impact important sur la vitesse de retour du lift-off.Une simulation numérique directe (DNS en anglais) bidimensionnelle d'une flamme liftée turbulente se développant spatialement dans les mêmes conditions opératoires que les expériences et reproduisant l'évolution temporelle de la distance de lift-off est proposée. Du fait que les expériences montrent que la flamme se stabilise en aval du spray liquide, la DNS ne couvre qu'une région en aval où l’écoulement est réduit à un jet gazeux. La chimie de l’n-dodécane est modélisée à l'aide d'un schéma cinétique (28 espèces transportées) prenant en compte les chemins réactionnels basse et haute température. Comme observé expérimentalement, la stabilisation de la flamme est intermittente : des auto-inflammations se produisent tout d'abord puis se font convecter en aval jusqu'à ce qu'une nouvelle auto-inflammation se produise. Le mécanisme principal de stabilisation est l'auto-inflammation. Toutefois, on observe également à la périphérie du jet diverses topologies de flammes, telles que des flammes triples, qui aident la flamme à se stabiliser en remplissant des réservoirs de gaz brûlés à haute température localisés à la périphérie, ce qui déclenche des auto-inflammations. Toutes ces observations sont résumées dans un modèle conceptuel décrivant la stabilisation de la flamme.Enfin, un modèle prédisant les fluctuations de la distance du lift-off autour de sa valeur moyenne temporelle est proposé. Ce modèle a été développé sur la base d’observations faites dans l’étude expérimentale et numérique : premièrement, le suivi temporel du lift-off a été décomposé en une succession d’auto-inflammations et d’évolutions en aval. Deuxièmement, la période entre deux auto-inflammations et la vitesse d'évolution en aval ont été modélisées à l'aide de corrélations expérimentales disponibles dans la littérature. Troisièmement, le modèle a été adapté afin de prendre en compte l’effet des réservoirs à haute température sur les fluctuations de la flamme. Et enfin, le modèle a été comparé aux données expérimentales, au cours desquelles des variations de la température ambiante, de la concentration en oxygène et de la pression d'injection ont été effectuées. Dès lors que le modèle a montré une bonne correspondance avec les données expérimentales, il peut être utilisé en complément du modèle prédisant la distance du lift-off moyen afin de mieux décrire la stabilisation d’une flamme Diesel. / The understanding of the stabilization process of Diesel spray flames is a key challenge because of its effect on pollutant emissions. In particular, the close relationship between lift-off length and soot production is now well established. However, different stabilization mechanisms have been proposed and are still under debate. The objective of this PhD is to provide an experimental and numerical contribution to the investigation of these governing mechanisms.Combustion of an n-dodecane spray issued from a single-hole nozzle was studied in a constant-volume precombustion vessel using a combination of optical diagnostic techniques. Simultaneous high frame rate schlieren, 355LIF (laser-induced fluorescence) and high-temperature chemiluminescence or OH* chemiluminescence are respectively used to follow the evolution of the gaseous jet envelope, formaldehyde location and lift-off position. Additional experiments are performed where the ignition of the mixture is forced at a location upstream of the natural lift-off position by laser-induced plasma ignition. The analysis of the evolution of the lift off position without laser ignition reveals two main types of behaviors: sudden jumps in the upstream direction and more progressive displacement towards the downstream direction. While the former is attributed to auto-ignition events, the latter is studied through the forced laser ignition results. It is found that the location of formaldehyde greatly impacts the return velocity of the lift-off position.A two-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of a spatially developing turbulent lifted flame at the same operating conditions than the experiments and reproducing the temporal evolution of the lift-off length is proposed to provide a better understanding of the flame stabilization mechanisms. The DNS only covers a downstream region where the flow can be reduced to a gaseous jet, since experimental observations have shown that the flame stabilized downstream of the liquid spray. N-dodecane chemistry is modeled using a reduced chemical kinetics scheme (28 species transported) accounting for the low- and high temperature reaction pathways. Similar to what has been observed in the experiments, the flame stabilization is intermittent: flame elements first auto-ignite before being convected downstream until another sudden auto-ignition event occurs closer to the fuel injector. The flame topologies, associated to such events, are discussed in detail, using the DNS results, and a conceptual model summarizing the observations made is proposed. Results show that the main flame stabilization mechanism is auto-ignition. However, multiple reaction zone topologies, such as triple flames, are also observed at the jet periphery of the fuel jet helping the flame to stabilize by filling high-temperature burnt gases reservoirs localized at the periphery, which trigger in its turn auto-ignitions.Finally, a model predicting the fluctuations of the lift-off length around its time-averaged value is proposed. This model has been developed based on observations made in the experimental and numerical study: first, the lift-off length time-evolution was decomposed into a succession of auto-ignition events and downstream evolutions. Second, the period between two auto-ignition and the velocity of the downstream evolution was modeled using experimental correlations available in the literature. Third, the model has been adapted to take into account the effect of the high-temperature reservoirs on the flame fluctuations. Last, the model was compared to experimental data, where the ambient temperature, oxygen concentration and injection pressure were varied. Since the model showed good agreement with the experimental data, it can be used in addition to the model predicting the time-averaged lift-off length to better describe the Diesel flame stabilization.
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Oeil composé artificiel doté d'hypercuité : applications robotiques à la stabilisation et à la poursuite / Hyperacute artificial compound eye : robotic application to stabilization and pursuitColonnier, Fabien 05 April 2017 (has links)
Inspirés par les propriétés optiques des yeux composés de la mouche et par l’observation de micromouvements périodiques de sa rétine, différents capteurs visuels ont montré qu’il était possible de localiser un contraste très précisément. Ce fut les premières démonstrations d’hyperacuité visuelle de l’œil de la mouche.Dans cette thèse, un œil composé artificiel, doté d'un large champ de vision, est utilisé. Grâce à un nouvel algorithme de fusion des données visuelles, cet œil peut mesurer le déplacement d’un robot et lui permettre de se stabiliser au-dessus d’un environnement texturé. Localiser un contraste de manière linéaire sur l'ensemble du champ visuel demeure toutefois difficile. Un deuxième algorithme permet d’améliorer la localisation d’une barre grâce à un étalonnage, mais montre une certaine dépendance aux variations de contraste et de luminosité ambiante.Afin d'éviter ce processus d’étalonnage, un troisième algorithme qui s’appuie sur les travaux d'Heiligenberg et Baldi, a été proposé pour localiser deux contrastes. Ces auteurs ont montré que la somme pondérée de plusieurs capteurs ayant un champ récepteur gaussien pouvait fournir une estimation linéaire de la position d'un stimulus. Nous avons, pour la première fois, appliqué une variante de ce principe à un œil composé artificiel. Cet œil, une fois monté sur un robot permet de suivre une cible à une distance constante.Finalement, un œil composé artificiel dont la résolution intrinsèque est faible, peut être doté d’une hyperacuité visuelle et permettre de suivre une cible avec précision. Ces travaux ont ainsi conduit à proposer des stratégies bio-inspirées pour la localisation et la poursuite de cible. / Inspired by the optical properties of the fly compound eyes and the observation of its retinal periodic micro-movements, several visual sensors established that the localization of a contrast can be made very precisely. It was the first demonstration of the visual hyperacuity of the fly compound eye.In this thesis, an artificial compound eye with a wide field of view was used. Thanks to a novel algorithm fusing the visual signals, the sensor embedded onboard an aerial robot measures its displacement and enables the robot to hover above a textured environment.The localization of a contrast precisely over the whole field of view is still difficult. A second algorithm improved the localization of a bar thanks to a calibration. But it has a dependency to the contrast and the illuminance variations.In order to avoid a calibration process, a third algorithm was proposed to localize two contrasts. It is based on the work of Heiligenberg and Baldi, which showed that an array of Gaussian receptive field can provide a linear estimation of a stimulus position. For the first time, we applied a modified version of their estimation to an artificial compound eye. This sensor mounted on a rover allows following a target precisely at a constant distance.Finally, an artificial compound eye with a coarse spatial resolution can be endowed with hyperacuity and enables a robot to follow a target with precision. A step forward has been made toward bio-inspired target localization and pursuit.
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Estudo comparativo entre oito sistemas de lagoas de estabilização da região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo / Comparative study of eight systems of stabilization ponds in the northwestern region of São PauloGomes, João Luiz Cais da Silva 10 April 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho comparou oito lagoas de estabilização da região Noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, que tratam esgotos predominantemente sanitários de Coroados, Lourdes, Planalto, Zacarias, Alto Alegre, Pongaí, Irapuã e Adolfo, cidades pequenas, com no máximo 5500 habitantes (1700 ligações), onde os quatro primeiros sistemas são compostos apenas por lagoas facultativas primárias e os quatro últimos por lagoas anaeróbias e lagoas facultativas secundárias. Vinte e cinco variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas foram analisadas em amostras compostas coletadas entre 24/05/2000 e 03/10/2000. A análise da batimetria efetuada fornece indicações de prazos para a remoção do lodo do fundo das lagoas. As taxas de acúmulo de lodo médias obtidas para as lagoas anaeróbias e facultativas primárias foram de 0,07 e 0,14 m3/hab.ano, respectivamente. O pH do efluente das lagoas anaeróbias e das facultativas foi em média 6,6 e 7,4. Nas lagoas anaeróbias observou-se alta remoção de sólidos suspensos e de Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO) com eficiência geral média de 64% e 61% respectivamente. Os sistemas não atenderam plenamente à legislação no tocante a eficiência de remoção de DBO de 80%, porém o valor médio encontrado para os oito sistemas foi de 78%, bastante próximo do exigido. Sugere-se para a região, para eficiência de remoção de DBO de 80%, lagoas anaeróbias com tempo de detenção de 5 dias e para as lagoas facultativas primárias e secundárias tempos de detenção de 25 e 15 dias respectivamente, e taxas de aplicação superficial de 140 e 130 kg DBO/ha.dia, respectivamente. Não foi atingido o limite máximo de 1000 coliformes fecais por 100 ml, obtendo-se média geral de remoção de 97,40% inferindo-se que há necessidade de um processo de tratamento complementar para a remoção de microrganismos. Não observou-se correlação entre eficiência do sistema e relação comprimento/largura das lagoas. Constatou-se maus odores mesmo na ausência de concentrações detectáveis de sulfeto. A remoção média geral de amônio (NH4+), nitrogênio total, fosfato total dissolvido e fósforo total foi de 31%, 12%, 24% e 27% respectivamente nos sistemas estudados. / The present work compared the performance of eight stabilization ponds in the Northwest region of São Paulo state, that treat predominantly the domestic sewage from eight small cities with a maximum of 5000 inhabitants (1700 links): Coroados, Lourdes, Planalto, Zacarias, Alto Alegre, Pongaí, Trapuã and Adolfo. The first four systems are made of four primary facultative ponds and the last four by anaerobic ponds and secondary facultative ponds. A total of twenty-five chemical, physical and biological variables were analyzed in integrated samples collected between 24/05/2000 and 03/10/2000. The bathymetric analysis performed has indicated deadlines for sludge removal from the stabilization pond bottom. Mean sludge accumulation rates o btained for anaerobic and primary facultative ponds were 0.07 and 0.14 m3/inhabt.year, respectively. Effluents from anaerobic and facultative ponds had a mean pH of 6.6 and 7.4. In anaerobic ponds a righ rate of suspended solids removal was found and the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) had an overall general efficiency of 64% and 61%, respectively. The systems did not completely attend the present legislation in respect to a BOD removal of 80%, as required, however the mean value for the eight systems monitored was 78%, very close to the established limit. It is therefore suggested that for this region, in order to attain the removal efficiency of 80% anaerobic ponds should have a residence time of 5 days and the primary and secondary facultative ones should have residence times of 25 and 15 days respectively, coupled to loading rates of 140 and 170 Kg BOD/ha.day respectively. Also, the maximum limit of 1000 fecal coliforms per 100 ml was not reached, and in general there was a mean removal efficiency of 97.40%, indicating that an additional treatment process needs to be implemented for a successful removal of coliforms. No correlation was found between the removal efficiency and morphometry (length/weight) pond characteristics. Bad smell was present even in the absence of detectable amounts of sulfide. The mean efficiency for the removal of ammonium (NH4+), total nitrogen, total dissolved phosphorus and total phosphorus were 31%, 12%, 24%, and 27% respectively, among the systems studied.
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Details on the deterministic and stochastic stabilization of an inverted pendulumPeretti, Débora Elisa January 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho, uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa para a estabilização dinâmica de um pêndulo invertido com uma força externa senoidal aplicada no ponto de suspensão é feita. Inicialmente, a perturbação externa é composta de um único cosseno, então uma generalização é feita, usando uma soma de N cossenos com diferentes amplitudes e frequências. Aproximações são testadas e o tempo durante o qual o pêndulo invertido permanece estável é explorado quando N é grande, a fim de recuperar o padrão do caso onde N = 1. O caso específico de oscilações periódicas e quase periódicas, quando N = 2, é analisado e diagramas de estabilidade considerando diferentes frequências e amplitudes são estudados. Depois, um ruído Gaussiano additivo é adicionado ao sistema para que a degradação dos diagramas de estabilidade gerados por variâncias diferentes possam ser estudados. Todos os pontos deste trabalho são corroborados por simulações, as quais integram numericamente as equações de movimento do sistema através do método de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem. Os algoritmos e detalhes extras dos métodos de integração usados são explorados numa publicação deste trabalho, a qual está apresentada, nesta dissertação, como um apêndice. / In this work a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the dynamical stabilization of an inverted pendulum with a sinusoidal external perturbation applied at the suspension point is made. Initially, the external perturbation is composed of a single cosine, then a generalization is made using a sum of N cosines with different amplitudes and frequencies. Approximations are tested, and the time for which the inverted pendulum remains stable is explored when N is large, in order to recover the pattern of the case when N = 1. The specific case of periodic and almost periodic oscillations, when N = 2, is analysed and stability diagrams considering different frequencies and amplitudes are studied. Later, an additive Gaussian noise is added to the system so the degradation of the stability diagrams generated by different variances can be studied. All points of this work are corroborated by simulations, which numerically integrate the system’s equation of motion through a fourth order Runge-Kutta method. Algorithms and extra details on the integration methods used are explored in a publication of this work, which is presented in this thesis as an appendix.
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S?ntese pelo m?todo pechini e caracteriza??o da zirc?nia dopada com c?rio e neod?mioAndrade, Izangela Marculino de 21 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In this study five compositions were synthesized zirconia doped with cerium and
neodymium ions in the system Ce10-xNdx Zr90O2 with 0,5 ≤ x ≤ 4,0 using the Pechini
method. The powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal
analysis, infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, with application of Rietveld
refinement of the calcination temperatures of 350?C/3h and 30 minutes at 900?C/3h. All
compositions stabilized with a mixture of cubic and tetragonal phase zirconia. The samples
were pressed into bars and sintered at 1500?C/3h and 1500?C/6h, being characterized by Xray
diffraction, with application of the Rietveld refinement, density and porosity using
Archimedes method, scanning electron microscopy and resistance the three point bending. It
has been observed the increase in strength with increasing sintering temperature for the
compositions x = 2,0 and x = 4,0. For x = 2,0 the main phase was the cubic with 92,56%
with crystallite size of 0,56 μm, density and porosity of 96,82% from 1,36%. For x = 4,0
was a mixture of cubic and tetragonal phase with 21% and 37,98%, respectively. The
crystallite size was 54,21 nm and 49,64 nm with a density porosity of 97,45% and 1,32%
respectively. In the analysis of the fracture surface was observed a greater amount of grain
fracture intragranular type, which contribute to increase the mechanical strength of the
ceramic. Increased addition of the neodymium ion in the crystal lattice of the zirconium
showed a nearly linear behavior with increasing mechanical strength of the zirconia ceramic.
Was obtained a bending resistance of 537 ? 38 MPa for the composition x = 2,0
predominantly attributed to cubic phase with 92,56% / No presente trabalho foram sintetizadas cinco composi??es de zirc?nia dopada com
?ons c?rio e neod?mio no sistema Ce10-x.Ndx Zr90O2 com 0,5 ≤ x ≤ 4,0 com o uso do m?todo
Pechini. Os p?s foram caracterizados por an?lise termogravim?trica, an?lise t?rmica
diferencial, espectroscopia na regi?o do infravermelho e difra??o de raios X, com a
aplica??o do refinamento de Rietveld nas temperaturas de calcina??o de 350?C/3h e 30
minutos a 900?C/3h. Todas as composi??es estabilizaram com mistura de fase tetragonal e
c?bica da zirc?nia. As amostras foram prensadas em forma de barras e sinterizadas a
1500?C/3h e 1500?C/6h, sendo caracterizadas por difra??o de raios X, com a aplica??o do
refinamento de Rietveld, densidade e porosidade usando o m?todo de Arquimedes,
microscopia eletr?nica de varredura e resist?ncia a flex?o em tr?s pontos. Foi observado o
aumento da resist?ncia mec?nica com o aumento da temperatura de sinteriza??o para as
composi??es x=2,0 e x=4,0. Para x=2,0 a fase principal foi ? c?bica com 92,56 % com
tamanho de cristalito de 0,56 μm, densidade de 96,82 % e porosidade de 1,36 %. Para x=4,0
ocorreu uma mistura da fase tetragonal e c?bica com 21 % e 37,98 %, repectivamente. O
tamanho de cristalitos foi de 54,21 nm e 49,64 nm, com densidade de 97,45 % e porosidade
de 1,32 %, respectivamente. Nas an?lises da superf?cie de fratura foi observado uma maior
quantidade de gr?os com fratura do tipo intragranular, na qual contribuiu para o aumento da
resist?ncia mec?nica da cer?mica. O aumento da adi??o do ?on neod?mio na rede cristalina
da zirc?nia apresentou um comportamento quase linear com o aumento da resist?ncia
mec?nica da cer?mica de zirc?nia. Foi obtida uma resist?ncia a flex?o de 537 ? 38 MPa para
a composi??o x=2,0 atribu?da a predomin?ncia da fase c?bica com 92,56 %
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Desenvolvimento do sistema radicular de amaranto (Amaranthus cruentus, variedade BRS Alegria), de milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L.), variedade BN-2) e de pé de galinha (Eleusine coracana L.) em duas classes de solo e quatro densidades /Piffer, Cássio Roberto, 1977- January 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Hugo Benez / Banca: Maria Helena Moraes / Banca: Joaquim Odilon Pereira / Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o desenvolvimento do sistema radicular de amaranto (Amaranthus cruentus, variedade BRS Alegria), de milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L.), variedade BN-2) e de pé de galinha (Eleusine coracana L.) em função de quatro níveis de compactação, caracterizados pelas densidades de 1,21; 1,31; 1,41 e 1,51 Mg.m-3 em duas classes de solo, classificados como Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico e Nitossolo Vermelho Distroférrico. O experimento foi conduzido no campo da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu/SP, durante os meses de Novembro de 2002 à Fevereiro de 2003, em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições em arranjo fatorial de 2 x 3 x 4. Os vasos foram montados com quatro anéis de PVC sobrepostos, com diâmetro interno de 19,5 cm, totalizando 40 cm de altura. Estes comportaram um volume de 12,56 litros de solo, sendo que somente um anel foi compactado, correspondendo à profundidade de 10 a 20 cm. Os vasos, assim montados, foram enterrados a 40 cm de profundidade, encerrando-se o experimento na fase da inflorescência de cada cultura. A seguir, determinou-se o comprimento radicular, volume radicular, diâmetro radicular, massa seca radicular, bem como a massa seca e altura das partes aéreas das plantas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância com teste de Tukey a 5 % de probabilidade para comparar as médias. Os resultados mostraram que o pé de galinha apresentou, em relação ao amaranto e ao milheto, o sistema radicular com maior comprimento, volume e massa seca, penetrando nas camadas compactadas dos solos até a densidade 1,41 Mg.m-3, aumentando, desta forma, a aeração dos solos e incorporando a matéria orgânica em profundidade; o milheto proporcionou maior quantidade de massa seca na parte aérea em ambos os solos, mostrando... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This paper aimed to study the development of root system of amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus, BRS Alegria variety), milhet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) BN-2 variety) and "pé de galinha" (Eleusine coracana L.) according to four density levels of soil compaction, characterized by 1,21; 1,31; 1,41 and 1,51 Mg.m-3 densities within two soil types, classified as Distrofic Red Latosoil and Distroferic Red Nitosoil. The experiment was carried out at Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP - Botucatu/SP, from November 2002 to February 2003, in a randomized block experimental design with four repetitions and 2 x 3 x 4 factorial desing. The pots were assembled with four rings of overlayed PVC tubes, 19,5 cm of inner diameter, summing up 40 cm high, containing 12,56 liters of soil, with only ring compacted at 10 to 20 cm depth. Tubes were assembled and buried at 40 cm depth. The experiment was finished at influorescence phase of each culture. Measurement of root length, root volume, root diameter, root dry matter were measured as well as dry matter and lenght of aerial part of plants. Obtained data were submitted to variance analysis under Tukey's test with 5 % of probability for mean comparison. Results showed that the "pé de galinha" showed, regarding to amaranth and milhet, root system with longer length, volume and dry matter working in compacted soil layer up to 1,41 Mg.m-3 density increasing soil aeration and incorporating organic matter; milhet showed the highest aumont of dry matter at aerial part in both soils showing to have good characteristic for soil covering, compared to amaranth and "pé de galinha"; amaranth was sensitive to soil compaction in all the studied densities and variables compared to milhet and "pé de galinha"; and the Distrophic Red Latosoil showed best easy terms to plants development, to present a lower resistance to root penetration compared to Distropheric Red Nitosoil. / Mestre
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Utilização de resíduo de ETA no tratamento de efluente de lagoas de estabilização / Use of water treatment plant sludge in the treatment of effluent from stabilization pondsSoares, Lorena Acelina 09 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2014-09-30T19:40:45Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-30T20:20:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-30T20:20:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-09 / Water treatment plants (WTP) inevitably generates waste (WTPS) that must be disposed properly, however due to its characteristics can be reused in other processes such as
polishing the effluent of stabilization ponds.This work was developed with the intention of
use this waste in the wastewater treatment stabilization ponds, which have good
characteristics of organic matter removal, but low efficiency in nutrient removal. Assays were
performed in Jar Test equipment, wherethefactors: concentrations of the residue, gradient
speed, pH and the time of mixing and sedimentation were varied. It was observed the
influence of each factors in the removal of phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen organic, nitrate,
COD, turbidity and true color. To obtain sufficient volume for analyze the residue formed
after the addition of effluent from maturation pond with water treatment plant sludge (WTPS), sedimentation tests were performed on an acrylic column, using the natural pH of the effluent and a pH modified to 6,0. The residue formed in sedimentation test and the WTPS were characterized as structure and composition. The Jar Test assays showed that there was greater removal of total phosphorus (48,04%), COD (49,39%) and color (50,79%), and that the parameters and the factors had significantly influence in the removal.The waste from sedimentation tests and WTPS consist mainly of sand, silt and clay, and its structures are composed of the minerals kaolinite, halloysite and halite. It was concluded that the use of WTPS to polish the effluent from stabilization ponds proves to be a good alternative to the
disposal of this waste, assisting in the removal of quality parameters of treated wastewater. / As estações de tratamento de água (ETAs) inevitavelmente geram resíduos que devem ser dispostos adequadamente, porém devido as suas características podem ser reutilizados em outros processos, como no polimento do efluente de lagoas de estabilização. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o intuito de utilizar esse resíduo no tratamento do efluente de lagoas de estabilização, que são sistemas que apresentam boa remoção de matéria orgânica, porém baixa eficiência na remoção de nutrientes. Os ensaios foram realizados em equipamento Jar Test onde foram variados as concentrações do resíduo, o gradiente de velocidade, o pH e os tempos de mistura e sedimentação. Foi observada a influência de cada um desses fatores na remoção de fósforo total, nitrogênio amoniacal orgânico, nitrato, DQO, cor verdadeira e turbidez. Para obter volume suficiente para a análise do resíduo formado após adição do resíduo da ETA (RETA) ao efluente da lagoa de maturação, foram realizados ensaios de sedimentação em coluna de acrílico, utilizando o efluente in natura e o efluente com pH modificado para 6,0. O resíduo formado nesse ensaio e o RETA foram caracterizados
quanto a estrutura e composição. Os ensaios Jar Test demonstraram que houve maior remoção dos parâmetros fósforo total (48,04%), DQO (49,39%) e cor verdadeira (50,79%), e que os fatores analisados influenciam significativamente na remoção e interagem entre si. Os resíduos dos ensaios de sedimentação e o RETA são constituídos majoritariamente por areia, seguida de silte e argila e suas estruturas são compostas pelos minerais caulinita, haloisita e halite. Concluiu-se que a utilização do RETA para o polimento de efluentes de lagoas de estabilização demonstra ser uma boa alternativa para a disposição desse resíduo auxiliando na
remoção de parâmetros de interesse de qualidade de esgoto tratado.
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Estudo comparativo entre oito sistemas de lagoas de estabilização da região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo / Comparative study of eight systems of stabilization ponds in the northwestern region of São PauloJoão Luiz Cais da Silva Gomes 10 April 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho comparou oito lagoas de estabilização da região Noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, que tratam esgotos predominantemente sanitários de Coroados, Lourdes, Planalto, Zacarias, Alto Alegre, Pongaí, Irapuã e Adolfo, cidades pequenas, com no máximo 5500 habitantes (1700 ligações), onde os quatro primeiros sistemas são compostos apenas por lagoas facultativas primárias e os quatro últimos por lagoas anaeróbias e lagoas facultativas secundárias. Vinte e cinco variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas foram analisadas em amostras compostas coletadas entre 24/05/2000 e 03/10/2000. A análise da batimetria efetuada fornece indicações de prazos para a remoção do lodo do fundo das lagoas. As taxas de acúmulo de lodo médias obtidas para as lagoas anaeróbias e facultativas primárias foram de 0,07 e 0,14 m3/hab.ano, respectivamente. O pH do efluente das lagoas anaeróbias e das facultativas foi em média 6,6 e 7,4. Nas lagoas anaeróbias observou-se alta remoção de sólidos suspensos e de Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO) com eficiência geral média de 64% e 61% respectivamente. Os sistemas não atenderam plenamente à legislação no tocante a eficiência de remoção de DBO de 80%, porém o valor médio encontrado para os oito sistemas foi de 78%, bastante próximo do exigido. Sugere-se para a região, para eficiência de remoção de DBO de 80%, lagoas anaeróbias com tempo de detenção de 5 dias e para as lagoas facultativas primárias e secundárias tempos de detenção de 25 e 15 dias respectivamente, e taxas de aplicação superficial de 140 e 130 kg DBO/ha.dia, respectivamente. Não foi atingido o limite máximo de 1000 coliformes fecais por 100 ml, obtendo-se média geral de remoção de 97,40% inferindo-se que há necessidade de um processo de tratamento complementar para a remoção de microrganismos. Não observou-se correlação entre eficiência do sistema e relação comprimento/largura das lagoas. Constatou-se maus odores mesmo na ausência de concentrações detectáveis de sulfeto. A remoção média geral de amônio (NH4+), nitrogênio total, fosfato total dissolvido e fósforo total foi de 31%, 12%, 24% e 27% respectivamente nos sistemas estudados. / The present work compared the performance of eight stabilization ponds in the Northwest region of São Paulo state, that treat predominantly the domestic sewage from eight small cities with a maximum of 5000 inhabitants (1700 links): Coroados, Lourdes, Planalto, Zacarias, Alto Alegre, Pongaí, Trapuã and Adolfo. The first four systems are made of four primary facultative ponds and the last four by anaerobic ponds and secondary facultative ponds. A total of twenty-five chemical, physical and biological variables were analyzed in integrated samples collected between 24/05/2000 and 03/10/2000. The bathymetric analysis performed has indicated deadlines for sludge removal from the stabilization pond bottom. Mean sludge accumulation rates o btained for anaerobic and primary facultative ponds were 0.07 and 0.14 m3/inhabt.year, respectively. Effluents from anaerobic and facultative ponds had a mean pH of 6.6 and 7.4. In anaerobic ponds a righ rate of suspended solids removal was found and the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) had an overall general efficiency of 64% and 61%, respectively. The systems did not completely attend the present legislation in respect to a BOD removal of 80%, as required, however the mean value for the eight systems monitored was 78%, very close to the established limit. It is therefore suggested that for this region, in order to attain the removal efficiency of 80% anaerobic ponds should have a residence time of 5 days and the primary and secondary facultative ones should have residence times of 25 and 15 days respectively, coupled to loading rates of 140 and 170 Kg BOD/ha.day respectively. Also, the maximum limit of 1000 fecal coliforms per 100 ml was not reached, and in general there was a mean removal efficiency of 97.40%, indicating that an additional treatment process needs to be implemented for a successful removal of coliforms. No correlation was found between the removal efficiency and morphometry (length/weight) pond characteristics. Bad smell was present even in the absence of detectable amounts of sulfide. The mean efficiency for the removal of ammonium (NH4+), total nitrogen, total dissolved phosphorus and total phosphorus were 31%, 12%, 24%, and 27% respectively, among the systems studied.
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Uticaj promene fizičko-hemijskih uslova i odabranih tretmana na mobilnost metala u sistemu sediment/voda / The impact of changes in physical-chemical conditions and selected treatments on the mobility of metals in sediment / water systemsKrčmar Dejan 08 October 2010 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitana distribucija metala u sistemu sediment/voda na najugroženijim vodotocima u<br />AP Vojvodini. Na osnovu dobivenih podataka urađena je procena rizika na osnovu analize<br />porne vode, kiselog volatilnog sulfida i simultano ekstrahovanih metala i sekvencijalne<br />ekstrakcione procedure. Procena mobilnosti metala u sistemu sediment/voda određena je<br />promenom fizičko-hemijskih uslova u realnom sistemu (vodotok) i u laboratorijskim uslovima.<br />Ispitana je efikasnost in-situ (aeracijom sistema sediment/voda) i ex-situ remedijacije<br />sedimenta metodama termičkog tretmana i solidifikacije/stabilizacije.<br />Rezultati su ukazali da u svakom vodotoku i zaštićenoj zoni postoji lokacija u kojoj je sediment<br />barem po jednom metalu klasifikovan (holandski sistem klasifikacije sedimenata) kao zagađen<br />(klasa 3) ili izuzetno zagađen sediment (klasa 4). Generalno, kvalitet sedimenta manjih<br />vodotoka (Krivaja, Nadela, Kudoš, Veliki Bački kanal i Begej) je lošiji u odnosu na ostale<br />ispitivane vodotoke.<br />Procena dostupnosti metala u sedimentu Velikog Bačkog kanala ukazala je da na svakom<br />ispitivanom profilu postoji minimum jedan metal i jedna metoda koja definiše sediment kao<br />visoko rizičan. Takođe je zaključeno da je sediment na delu od 2+000 do 4+900 km zagađeniji,<br />jer postoji veći broj metala i metoda koji ga definišu kao visoko rizičnim. Ovako dobijeni<br />rezultati ukazuju da nije dovoljan jednostavan i samo jedan pristup u oceni kvaliteta sedimenta<br />i proceni rizika koji metali mogu da ispolje u akvatičnom ekosistemu.<br />Ukazano je da pomeranje sedimenta (npr. otvaranja ustave), dovodi do promene fizičkohemijskih<br />uslova u sistemu sediment/voda, resuspenzije i transporta sedimenta. Usled ovih<br />promena povećava se dostupnost metala i dolazi do povećanja njihove koncentracije u vodenoj<br />fazi čime se znatno povećava rizik i mogućnost ispoljavanja negativnih efekata na akvatični<br />ekosistem.<br />U slučaju resuspenzije sedimenta u sistemu sediment/voda pronađena je zavisnost između<br />koncentracije metala u suspendovanim materijama i vodi od sadržaja određenih frakcija u<br />suspendovanim materijama (sadržaj organskih materija i frakcije do 63 μm).<br />Remedijacione tehnike često su ekonomski neprihvatljive zbog velike zapremine zagađenog<br />sedimenta. Ukazano je da primena in-situ aeracije, omogućava smanjenje količine sedimenta<br />(čime se smanjuju troškovi eventualno naknadnog tretmana sedimenta), a da je tretman<br />solidifikacije/stabilizacije sedimenta sa glinom i termičke remedijacije zadovoljavjući sa<br />aspekta izluživanja metala. Dobijeni rezultati izvedenih testova izluživanja ukazali su na<br />moguću primenu ovih tretmana u pogledu rešavanja problema sedimenta koji je zagađen<br />metalima, bilo u pogledu sigurnog odlaganja na deponiju ili u smislu njegove upotrebe kao<br />dodatka pri proizvodnji građevinskog materijala (opeke), osnove za puteve, uređenje obale<br />(nasipa) itd. Na taj način mogu se znatno umanjiti troškovi izmuljivanja i manipulacije<br />kontaminiranog sedimenta, a sama remedijacija učiniti mnogo prihvatljivijom</p> / <p> This work investigates the distribution of metals in the sediment / water systems of the most<br /> endangered rivers in Vojvodina. Utilizing the data obtained, risk assessments are carried out<br /> based on analysis of pore water, acidic volatile sulphides and simultaneously extracted metals<br /> and sequential extraction procedure. The assessment of metal mobility in the sediment / water<br /> system is determined by the changing physical and chemical conditions in real systems<br /> (waterways) and under laboratory conditions. The effectiveness of in-situ (aeration of sediment<br /> / water) and ex-situ remediation of sediment by thermal treatment methods and solidification /<br /> stabilization are investigated.<br /> The results show that in each waterbody and protected area, certain locations have sediment<br /> which for at least one metal, is classified (by the Dutch system of sediment classification ) as<br /> polluted (class 3) or highly polluted (class 4). In general, the quality of sediment in smaller<br /> rivers (Krivaja, Nadela, Kudoš, Veliki Bački canal and Begej) is inferior to the other rivers<br /> studied.<br /> Assessment of the metals availability in the sediments of the Veliki Bački canal indicates that<br /> in each profile examined, at least one metal and one method defines the sediment as very<br /> hazardous. It is also shown that the sediment at the section from 2 +000 to 4 +900 km is the<br /> most polluted, with a number of metals and methods that define it as a high risk. The results<br /> indicate that it is inadequate to have a simple singular approach to sediment quality assessment<br /> and the assessment of the risks posed by metals detected in aquatic ecosystems.<br /> This work shows that sediment movement (e.g. from opening a sluice gate) leads to changes in<br /> the physical-chemical conditions of the sediment / water system, with resuspension and<br /> sediment transport. These changes increase metals availability and increase their<br /> concentrations in the aqueous phase, significantly increasing the posed risk and the possibility<br /> of adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems.<br /> In the case of sediment resuspension in the sediment / water system, a relationship was found<br /> between the concentration of metals in suspended matter and the concentration in the water for<br /> certain fractions of suspended matter (organic matter content and the fraction up to 63 μm).<br /> Remediation techniques are often not economically viable due to the large volume of<br /> contaminated sediments involved. It is shown that the implementation of in-situ aeration<br /> reduces the amount of sediment (which reduces the costs of subsequent sediment treatment),<br /> and that solidification / stabilization treatment with clay and thermal remediation results in<br /> satisfactory remediation with respect to metals leaching. Leaching test results show the<br /> potential of these treatments to solve the problem of sediments which are contaminated with<br /> metals, either in terms of safe disposal in landfill or in terms of its use as a supplement in the<br /> production of building materials (brick), as road foundation, or for river bank reinforcement<br /> (dams), etc.. Thus, the costs of dredging and manipulating contaminated sediments can be<br /> significantly reduced, making remediation itself much more applicable.</p>
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A arte e a psicose de Seraphine de Senlins: uma leitura clínica / Seraphine de senlis art and psychosis: a clinical readingTrimer, Alexandre 03 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir a biografia e o estado da arte de Séraphine Louis ou Séraphine de Senlis (1864-1942), uma pintora francesa de estilo naïf (estilo de pintura espontânea e autodidata), descoberta por Wilhelm Uhde (1874-1947) esteta reconhecido e negociante de arte, no início do século XX. A arte (pintura) de Séraphine de Senlis foi conhecida pelo público, através de uma pequena exposição de arte, organizada na prefeitura da cidade de Senlis, em 1927, causando grande escândalo e polêmica pela fusão de cores e também por remeter a temas góticos da Idade Média. Objetivo: A partir da leitura clínica do caso, indaga-se: O que o caso de Séraphine de Louis pode ensinar à clínica da psicose?. Método: O método utilizado é a análise biográfica - especialmente dos fatos recolhidos da tese de doutorado sobre a história da arte, de Alain Vircondelet (2010), dedicada à artista reunidos para discussão e leitura clínica do caso. Com referencial teórico, aqueles concebidos por Jacques Lacan que contribui ao conceber ao menos três possibilidades de estabilização em quadros graves de transtorno psíquico: metáfora delirante, o ato e a obra (criação artística). Resultados e discussão: Os dados biográficos e críticos analisados indicam que o estatuto e a função de criação para Séraphine de Louis suturaram o vazio existencial de sua enfermidade, além de seu trabalho como empregada doméstica, entretanto, o dinheiro e a celebridade experimentados, assim como, o abandono vivido nos anos 30 a levaram ao exílio e a reclusão ao manicômio / Introduction: This work has as its objective to present and discuss the biography and the state of art of Séraphine Louis or Séraphine de Senlis (1864-1942), a French painter of the naïf style (spontaneous and autodidact painting style), discovered by Wilhelm Uhde (1874-1947), well-known esthete and art negotiator, in the beginning of the twentieth century. Séraphine de Senlis art (painting) was known by the public, as for a small art exhibition, organized in the city hall from the city of Senlis in 1927, causing great scandal and polemic by the fusion of colours and by bringing back Gothic themes from Middle Age. Objective: From the clinical reading of the case, it is questioned: What might the Séraphine de Louis case teach to the psychosis clinic?. Method: The used method is the biographical analysis specially from the facts found in the PhDs thesis regarding art history from Alain Vircondelet (2010) dedicated to the artist reunited for discussion and clinical reading of the case. With a theoretical reference, those conceived by Jacques Lacan who contributes by conceiving at least three stabilization possibilities in several cases of psychical disorder: delusional metaphor, the act and the work (artistic creation). Results and discussion: The bibliographical and critic data analyzed indicate that the creation bylaw and function to Séraphine de Louis sutures the existential emptiness of her infirmity, besides of her work as a housekeeper, nevertheless, the experienced money and celebrity, as well as, the abandonment lived in the 30s took her to the exile and to the reclusion in a madhouse
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