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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using demographic and clinical variables to predict the length of stay of "incompetent to stand trial" patients

Ficken, Carl Theodore 02 May 2003 (has links)
In Oregon, "Incompetent to Stand Trial (1ST) Patients" were observed to be increasing in number, remaining in the hospital longer, and costing more to treat. A study was designed to investigate variables that could be used to predict their length of stay at Oregon State Hospital. Data for thirteen independent variables (gender, age, having an Axis I psychosis level diagnosis, having an Axis I substance-related diagnosis, having an Axis II personality disorder diagnosis, evidence of involuntary medications, being on atypical medications at discharge, number of seclusion and restraint events, number of felony charges, number of misdemeanor charges, and number of inter-ward transfers) and one dependent variable (length of stay) were analyzed for 198 1ST patients discharged from Oregon State Hospital between January, 1999 and December, 2001. Bivariate correlations for all variables, and length of stay (LOS) means for all levels of each variable were examined and discussed. A standard multiple regression analysis was performed. The regression model accounted for 36.5% (32.7% adjusted) of the variability in (log) LOS. R for regression was found to be significantly different from zero. Five variables were found to be significant contributors to explaining the variability in (log) LOS: (square root) number of inter-ward transfers (16%), gender (5.8%), evidence of involuntary medications (5.2%), (square root) number of felony charges (2.8%), and (square root) number of seclusion and restraint events (1.6%). Despite accounting for more variability in LOS than several previous studies with psychiatric patients, 67.3% of the variability was unaccounted for by the regression model. Unstandardized regression coefficients for untransformed variables were interpreted, revealing that gender, number of inter-ward transfers, and evidence of involuntary medications significantly predicted the largest increases in LOS. Recommendations were made for further research related to LOS of 1ST patients. / Graduation date: 2003

Modernisering av en fotbollsarena : Örjans Vall

Christiansson, Fredrik, Isaksson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to show the technical building requirements for modern arenas inSweden. The study will also create an understanding of how the requirements affect theSwedish football arenas which are affected by the regulations valid from 2014. As one of theSwedish football arenas there is Örjans Vall located in Halmstad. The aim of this study is todevelop alternative solutions regarding the technical problems Örjans Vall is facing 2014,when the new arena requirements for “Svensk elitfotboll” are taken into use. The solutions aremeant to be seen as suggestions which can inspire and guide the future planning for themodernization of Örjans Vall.In order to present a suggestion with technical building solutions the study contains differentphases. The first phase is an evaluation of the arena requirements and criteria, with focus onthe technical building requirements, which are of importance when creating solutions forÖrjans Vall. The second phase is a review of the arena situation in Sweden. The last phase isan evaluation of Örjans Vall made towards the previous evaluation of the requirements andcriteria as the basis.The evaluation of Örjans Vall shows which technical building defects the football arena have.A rebuild and expansion of Örjans Vall is essential and needs to take place before 2014 unlessan exemption is issued. When all the parts in a complete suggestion should be consideredfollows a discussion where each area is treated separately. All areas will then form the basisof a complete suggestion for how a future Örjans Vall could be designed. The basis for thediscussions are simple solutions were practical suggestions are presented. In the areas where asimple solution does not exist, other arenas in Sweden will be considered to inspire theproposal.The solutions include the defects in different areas but also renovations and extensions of thebleachers where the main defects are shown. The report presents four alternative renovationsand extensions of the bleachers where an overall proposal is developed to meet the spectatorinterests. / Syftet med denna studie är att påvisa de byggtekniska krav som ställs på moderna arenor iSverige. Studien ska också skapa en förståelse för hur kraven påverkar de fotbollsarenor vilkainnefattas av de föreskrifter som gäller fr.o.m. 2014. Som en del av de fotbollsarenor i Sverigesom omfattas av kraven finns Örjans Vall i Halmstad. Målet med denna studie är att ta framförlag på olika lösningar till de byggtekniska problem Örjans Vall står inför när de nyaarenakraven, för Svensk elitfotboll, träder i kraft 2014. Lösningarna ses som förslag vilka kaninspirera och vägleda vid den kommande projekteringen för moderniseringen av Örjans Vall.För att lägga fram ett förslag med byggtekniska lösningar innefattade studien olikadelmoment. Utvärdering av arenakrav och kriterier, med inriktning på de byggtekniska kravensom har betydelse vid utvärderingen av lösningar för Örjans Vall. En granskning avarenasituationen i Sverige och Allsvenskan har gjorts, där situationen idag och framtidsplanerredovisats. Sedan har en utredning av Örjans Vall på plats utförts, för att komplettera dentidigare utförda utvärderingen mot krav och kriterier.Utvärderingen av Örjans Vall visar vilka byggtekniska brister som fotbollsarenan har. En omochtillbyggnad av Örjans Vall är nödvändig och måste ske innan 2014 om inte dispensutfärdas. Då alla delar måste beaktas och behandlas i ett helhetsförslag följer en diskussiondär varje område behandlas var för sig. Alla områden kommer sedan ligga till grund för etthelhetsförslag på hur ett framtida Örjans Vall skulle kunna utformas. Till grund fördiskussionerna ligger enkla lösningar där praktiska förslag lyfts fram. I de områden där enenkel lösning inte anses finnas kommer övriga arena Sverige att beaktas för att lyfta framförslag.Lösningarna omfattar de utrymmesbrister som fanns men även om-och tillbyggnader avläktare där de största bristerna finns. Rapporten uppvisar fyra alternativa om- ochtillbyggnader av läktare där även ett helhetsförslag är utarbetat för att tillgodoseåskådarintresset.

Solar-hydrogen Stand-alone Power System Design And Simulations

Uluoglu, Arman 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, solar-hydrogen Stand-Alone Power System (SAPS) which is planned to be built for the emergency room of a hospital is designed. The system provides continuous, off-grid electricity during the whole period of a year without any external electrical power supply. The system consists of Photovoltaic (PV) panels, Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) based electrolyzers, PEM based fuel cells, hydrogen tanks, batteries, a control mechanism and auxiliary equipments such as DC/AC converters, water pump, pipes and hydrogen dryers. The aim of this work is to investigate the optimal system configuration and component sizing which yield to high performance and low cost for different user needs and control strategies. TRNSYS commercial software is used for the overall system design and simulations. Numerical models of the PV panels, the control mechanism and the PEM electrolyzers are developed by using theoretical and experimental data and the models are integrated into TRNSYS. Overall system models include user-defined components as well as the default software components. The electricity need of the emergency room without any shortage is supplied directly from the PV panels or by the help of the batteries and the fuel cells when the solar energy is not enough. The pressure level in the hydrogen tanks and the overall system efficiency are selected as the key design parameters. The major component parameters and various control strategies affecting the hydrogen tank pressure and the system efficiency are analyzed and the results are presented.

Naturwissenschaftliche Konkretisierung unbestimmter Rechtsbegriffe im Umweltvölkerrecht /

Kracht, Eva. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Bonn, 2006. / Literaturverz. S. [245] - 258.

VĮ Kauno miškų urėdijos kertinių miško buveinių ekonominis įvertinimas alternatyviųjų kaštų metodu / Evaluation of Woodland Key Habitats under the Method of Alternative Costs in Kaunas State Forest Enterprise

Valiauskas, Tomas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama kertinių miško buveinių vertė alternatyviųjų kaštų metodu Darbo objektas – Kauno miškų urėdijos, girininkijų kertinės miško buveinės. Darbo tikslas – alternatyviųjų kaštų metodu įvertinti VĮ Kauno miškų urėdijos negaunamas pajamas dėl kertinių miško buveinių įsteigimo bei šių buveinių medieninės funkcijos kapitalizuotos vertės sumažėjimą dėl taikomų ūkinės veiklos apribojimų. Darbo metodai – Ištisinis statistinis metodas – duomenų apie kertines miško buveines rinkimui bei apdorojimui, alternatyviųjų kaštų metodas - kertinių miško buveinių ekonominiams skaičiavimams, taikant Faustmano miško žemės vertės formulę, naudojant MS EXCEL skaičiuoklę. Darbo rezultatai. Iš 1 ha kertinių miško buveinių dėl ūkinės veiklos apribojimų negaunamos vidutinės metinės pajamos svyruoja nuo 66 Lt/ha drebulynuose iki 208 Lt/ha ąžuolynuose. Negaunamų pajamų vertę labiausiai lemia vyraujanti medžių rūšis, esamas tūris ir medyno amžius. Vidutinės prarandamos metinės pajamos iš 1ha - 156 Lt. Visame kertinių miško buveinių plote vidutinės metinės prarandamos pajamos sudaro 205885 Lt. Dėl negaunamų pajamų sumažėja kapitalizuota medynų, patekusių į kertines miško buveines, vertė. Vertinant pagal Faustmano miško žemės vertės skaičiavimo metodą, visų kertinių buveinių kapitalizuota medieninės funkcijos vertė sumažėja 21,3 mln. Lt (vidutiniškai 24,7 tūkst. Lt/ha), lyginant su IV miškų grupei taikomu ūkiniu režimu. Tokia didelė vertė gali būti paaiškinta didele brandžių ąžuolynų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Value of woodland key habitat using the method of alternative costs is analyzed in the Master work. The object of the work – Kaunas state forests, woodland key habitat of state forests. The aim of the work – to evaluate decrease of annual income from timber and capitalized value of the stands in woodland key habitats in Public Institution Kaunas state forest enterprise because of restrictions applied to woodland key habitats. Methods of the work – continuous statistic method was used for collecting and processing data of woodland key habitat, alternative costs method was used for economic calculations of woodland key habitat applying Faustan formula of forest land value, using MS EXCEL spreadsheet. The results of the work. Average value of revenues of woodland key habitats of 1ha fluctuates according to dominant types of trees from 66 Lt/ha in aspen stands to 208 Lt/ha in oak stands. The value mostly depends on dominating tree species, age and volume of the stand. The average decrease of average annual revenues is 156 Lt/ha. The total average annual income lost by enterprise is 205885 Lt. Decrease of capitalised timbeer supply value of stands in woodland key habitats is as high as 21.3 mill. Lt, or 24.7 thou. Lt/ha, comparing to management practice applied to stands of IV forest group. Such a high value can be explained by big share of mature oak stands in woodland key habitats. Comparing to previous management regime, the decrease of the value is 13.8 mill. Lt.

Vaišvydavos girininkijos medynų vertinimas biologinės įvairovės požiūriu / The Estimation Of Stands Biodiversity In Vaisvydava Forest District

Červokas, Gintaras 21 June 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe vertinama medynų įvairovė biologinės įvairovės požiūriu ir nustatomos teritorijos palankiausios biologinei įvairovei ir jos apsaugai. Darbo objektas – VĮ Dubravos mokomosios eksperimentinės miškų urėdijos Vaišvydavos girininkijos teritorija. Darbo tikslas - įvertinti Vaišvydavos girininkijos medynus biologinės įvairovės požiūriu ir nustatyti palankiausios biologinei įvairovei ir jos apsaugai teritorijas. Darbo metodai – 1958 m., 1978 m., 1988 m. ir 2003 m. miškotvarkų duomenų analizavimas ir nustatytų medynų rūšinės įvairovės rodiklių vertinimas bei, remiantis girininkijoje esančiomis saugomomis teritorijomis, kertinėmis miško buveinėmis ir retomis rūšimis, charakterizuojama girininkijos biologinė įvairovė ir nustatomos jos koncentracijos vietos. Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimus nustatyta, kad Vaišvydavos girininkijai tenkančio Dubravos girios masyvo dalyje 1958 m. augo 10, 1978 m. – 12, o 1988 – 2003 m. 13 medžių rūšių. Tai lėmė liepos, tuopos, klevo ir pocūgės atsiradimas medynuose. Nuo 1958 m. iki 1988 m. spygliuočių kiekis medynų sudėtyje didėjo, o nuo 1988 m. užfiksuotas spygliuočių sumažėjimas – jų kiekis medynų sudėtyje sumažėjo 3,6 %. Nagrinėtų įvairovės, proporcingumo bei vyravimo rodiklių dinamika rodo medynų rūšinės įvairovės mažėjimą iki 1988 m. ir didėjimą po 1988 m. Nagrinėjant atskirų augaviečių medynų rūšinės įvairovės dinamiką 1958 – 2003 m., pastebėta, kad didžiausia rūšinė įvairovė buvo Nc, Lc, Ld ir Uc augavietėse. Sudarant palankių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There were estimated stand biodiversity and made biodiversity hotspots network was main object of the master work. The object of the work – Vaišvbydava forest districkt in Dubrava experimental educational state forest enterprise. The aim of the study – to estimate forest stand by biological diversity indexes and to establish the best spots to maintainig the biodiversity in Vaišvydava forest district. Working methods - forest management and data analysis of the stand species diversity indices of 1958, 1978, 1988, and 2003 years, the analysis of preservation territories, key habitats and rare and endangered species, and made biodiversity hotspots network. Study results - Number of trees in the stand in 1958 was 10 and in 1978 years was 12, 1988 and 2003 – 13. This led to the origin of july, poplar, maple and Douglas-fir. Diversity and Proportionality indexes decreased in 1958 – 1988 years period and was increasing in period from 1988 to 2003 years. Dominance index increased in 1958 – 1988 years, because the dominance of the pine and spruce in the stand and was increasing. But the same index was decreased in 2003 years. That happened because the invasion of the Ips typographus to the stands of spruces, and may be influenced in now a day’s politics of silverculture in Lithuania. It means that diversity of stand species is increasing, though it was decreased from 1958 to 1988 years. There were found 12 species of Data Red Book of Lithuania in Vaisvydava forest district, 1... [to full text]

Fractional Prefigurations : Science Fiction, Utopia, and Narrative Form

2015 June 1900 (has links)
The literary utopia is often accused of being an outmoded genre, a graveyard for failed social movements. However, utopian literature is a surprisingly resilient genre, evolving from the static, descriptive anatomies of the Renaissance utopias to the novelized utopian romances of the late nineteenth century and the self-reflexive critical utopias of the 1970s. The literary utopia adapts to the needs of the moment: what form(s) best represent the fears and desires of our current historical period? In this dissertation I perform a close reading of three exemplary texts: John Brunner’s Stand on Zanzibar (1968), Ursula K. Le Guin’s Always Coming Home (1985), and David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas (2004). While I address topics specific to each text, my main focus is on the texts’ depictions of utopia and their spatialized narrative forms. In Stand on Zanzibar Brunner locates the utopian impulse in three registers—the political/bureaucratic, the technical/scientific, and the human(e)—and explores how their interplay constitutes the utopian space. In Always Coming Home Le Guin renovates the classical literary utopia, problematizing its uncritical advocacy of the “Judaeo-Christian-Rationalist-West” but preserving much of the older utopia’s form. In Cloud Atlas the networked narrative structure reflects and enables the heterogeneous, non-hierarchical, and processual utopian communities depicted in the novel. In these science fictional works the spatialized techniques of juxtaposition, discontinuity, and collage —commonly associated with a loss of historical depth and difference—are used to create utopian spaces founded on contingency and human choice. I contend that science fiction is a historical genre, one that is invested in representing societies as contingent historical totalities. Science fiction’s generic tendencies modify the context that a spatialized narrative form functions in, and in changing the context changes its effects. By utilizing a spatialized narrative form to embody a contingent practice, Brunner, Le Guin, and Mitchell cast the future—and the present—as historical, as something that can be acted upon and changed: they have provided us with strategies for envisioning better futures and, potentially, for mobilizing our visions of the future for positive change in the present.

Seedling performance, shelter tree increment and recreation values in boreal shelterwood stands /

Holgén, Per, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Regeneration under shelterwood : control of environmental factors /

Erefur, Charlotta, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2007. / Härtill 2 uppsatser.

A spatial approach to edge effect modelling for plantation forestry

Wise, Andre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the major objectives in plantation forestry is to achieve a high level of homogeneity of distribution and dimension of trees within the stand. Precise planting geometries, intensive silviculture and genetic selection are used to achieve this homogeneity. However, a natural variability is still introduced by micro-­‐site conditions and disturbances. A substantial source of variation is caused by edge effects of neighbouring stands or other land use forms. The edge effect causes trees at the stand edge to develop differently from trees in the interior of the stand. The overarching objective of this study is to simulate the edge effect based on average stand interior variables as typically received from an enumeration and spatial information on the current and historic stand neighbourhood. With re-­‐introducing this natural variance as well as its spatial pattern, we expect to derive improved planning information. A major aim is thus separating the effect of the edge interaction from the other factors contributing to stand variance and quantifying the result in terms of stand output. A methodology is introduced for quantifying interaction at stand edges between a given stand and its neighbouring stands over its lifetime. Transferring the edge interaction value from the edges to all the trees within the stand is then done by applying inverse distance weighting interpolation from the edges to the tree position within the stand. Once an edge interaction value has been calculated for each point, the extent of the edge effect is quantified. The spatial extent of the edge effect is derived empirically from an existing fully spatially mapped stand by means of breakpoint regression. The expected variance as a result of edge influence is then quantified by producing a set of models, which can reproduce the effect of the edge interaction on tree height, diameter and volume. The edge effect is treated as a dynamic interaction for which the temporal aspect needs to be considered, because the current spatial structure of a stand is influenced by its current neighbourhood, but also by the historic development of the neighbourhood in relation to the stand in question. Each stand therefore undergoes an edge effect which is completely unique to that stand, within a given time period. For this reason the presented methodology is a spatial-­‐temporal one, aimed at providing a way in which growth and yield forest modelling can be augmented by the inclusion of the edge effect in a practical way. To explicitly quantify edge effects, the natural variance had to be separated into a component explained by edge effect and a second component introduced by other factors such as micro site conditions and disturbance. The second component is treated as an unexplained residual variance. In order to provide a realistic simulation of a stand output at a finer, tree level, this second stand variance needs nonetheless to be quantified. The variance attributable to factors other than the edge effect is mimicked by generating a random number by means of a parameterised stochastic process based on the variance of the inner stand region, which is beyond the reach of the edge effect. In this way, a realistic spatial pattern of a plantation forest stand, taking into account the edge effect and combining it with the natural stand variance is achieved. This study, within the field of plantation forest management, aspires to land use optimization both in terms of productive capacity estimation and for the provision of information for effective land use management planning. It makes use of open source software resources namely the R framework and QGIS and explores aerial stereophotogrammetry as an option for data collection. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die hoofdoelwitte in plantasie bosbou praktyk is hoё vlakke van homogeniteit met betrekking tot die verspreiding en die dimensies van die bome in die plantasie opstand. Simetriese aanplantings, intensiewe bosboupraktyk en genetiese seleksie word gebruik om hierdie homogeniteit te verkry. Natuurlike verskille word egter nog steeds gevind as gevolg van groeiplek mikro toestande en ander versteurings in die opstand. Een van die hoofbronne van hierdie variasie is die randeffekte van buurplantasies en ander gebruike van grond. Hierdie randeffekte veroorsaak dat bome aan die rand van die opstand anders ontwikkel as die bome binne in die opstand. Die oorhoofse doelwit met hierdie navorsing is om die randeffekte te simuleer. Hierdie randeffekte is gegrond op die gemiddelde binneopstand boom veranderlikes soos afgelei uit die opmeting en uit ruimtelike inligting oor die huidige en geskiedkundige toestande in die omgewing. As hierdie natuurlike variasies asook die ruimtelike patrone weer in berekening gebring word, verwag ons om beter beplanningsinligting te bekom. ’n Belangrike doelwit tydens hierdie navorsing is dus om die effek van die rand-­‐interaksie te skei van die effek van ander faktore wat bydra tot variasies binne-­‐in die opstand en om die resultaat in terme van plantasie produksie te kwantifiseer. ’n Metodiek word voorgestel vir die kwantifisering van die interaksie op die rande tussen die opstand en die buuropstande tydens die leeftyd van die opstand. Die oorplasing van die rand interaksie waarde van die rand af na al die bome in die plantasie word dan gedoen deur om geweegde inverse afstand interpolasie vanaf die rand tot by die ligging van die boom, toe te pas. As die rand interaksie waarde vir elke punt bereken is, kan die omvang van die randeffek gekwantifiseer word. Die ruimtelike omvang van die rand effek is, met die gebruik van breekpunt regressie, empiries afgelei van ’n bestaande ten volle karteerde plantasie. Die verwagte variasie as gevolg van die randeffek word dan met die gebruik van ’n stel modelle gekwantifiseer, wat dan die effek van die rand interaksie op boomhoogte, deursnit en volume kan weergee. Die randeffek word as ’n dinamiese interaksie beskou waarvan die tydsaspek in ag geneem moet word, want die huidige ruimtelike struktuur van die plantasie word beïnvloed deur die huidige omgewing asook deur die historiese ontwikkeling van die omgewing met betrekking tot die opstand onder bespreking. Elke opstand ondergaan ’n randeffek wat uniek is aan daardie plantasie op die gegewe tydstip. Die doelwit is om ’n wyse te vind waarvolgens groei-­‐en-­‐opbrengs plantasie modellering deur die insluiting van randeffek op ’n praktiese wyse, aangevul kan word. Om hierdie rede is die aanbevole metodiek ruimtelik-­‐tydelik en gerig daarop om ’n wyse te vind waarvolgens groei-­‐en-­‐opbrengs modellering deur die insluiting van die randeffek, op ’n praktiese wyse aangevul kan word. Om randeffek eksplisiet te kwantifiseer, moes die natuurlike afwyking gedeel word in die komponent wat die gevolg is van die randeffek, en ’n tweede komponent wat die gevolg is van ander faktore soos mikroligging toestande en versteurings. Die tweede komponent word behandel as ’n onverklaarde oorblywende afwyking. Hierdie tweede plantasie afwyking moet nogtans kwantifiseer word om sodoende ’n realistiese simulasie van plantasie opbrengs op ’n fyner boom vlak te verkry. Die afwyking wat toegeskryf kan word aan faktore buiten die randeffek, word nageboots deur om ’n lukrake nommer (wat gebaseer word op die afwyking van die binne-­‐plantasie gebied wat buite die strekwydte van die randeffek is) deur middel van ‘n geparameteriseerde stogastiese proses te genereer. Sodoende word ’n realistiese ruimtelike patroon van ’n plantasie opstand verkry, wat die randeffek in ag neem en dit kombineer met die natuurlike plantasie afwyking.

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