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Hur påverkar skolans sexualundervisning ungdomars kunskap om sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar?Biltmark, Ida, Johnsson, Caroline, Titz, Elisabeth January 2007 (has links)
<p>Många av de ungdomar som är sexuellt aktiva ligger i riskzon för att drabbas av en STD-sjukdom. En förbättrad sexualun-dervisning skulle kunna leda till en ökad kunskap och förstå-else gällande de risker som t.ex. oskyddat sex medför. Syftet med denna studie var att studera i huvudsak skolans sexual-undervisning och hur den påverkar kunskapen om sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar bland ungdomar i åldern 13-17 år. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där 19 veten-skapliga artiklar granskades. Artiklarna inhämtades från ve-tenskapliga databaser. Resultatet från denna litteraturstudie visade att sexualundervisningen i skolan var en betydelsefull kunskapskälla då majoriteten av ungdomarna inhämtade sin kunskap från andra källor som kan vara vilseledande. Ung-domar hade en varierad kunskap om sexuell hälsa och även könsskillnader konstaterades. Sexualundervisning av special-utbildad personal behövs i skolan då denna ökar ungdomars medvetenhet gällande den sexuella hälsan. Fortsatt forskning behövs inom ämnet, detta för att öka förståelsen för nödvän-digheten av obligatorisk sexualundervisning i skolan.</p>
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Hur påverkar skolans sexualundervisning ungdomars kunskap om sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar?Biltmark, Ida, Johnsson, Caroline, Titz, Elisabeth January 2007 (has links)
Många av de ungdomar som är sexuellt aktiva ligger i riskzon för att drabbas av en STD-sjukdom. En förbättrad sexualun-dervisning skulle kunna leda till en ökad kunskap och förstå-else gällande de risker som t.ex. oskyddat sex medför. Syftet med denna studie var att studera i huvudsak skolans sexual-undervisning och hur den påverkar kunskapen om sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar bland ungdomar i åldern 13-17 år. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där 19 veten-skapliga artiklar granskades. Artiklarna inhämtades från ve-tenskapliga databaser. Resultatet från denna litteraturstudie visade att sexualundervisningen i skolan var en betydelsefull kunskapskälla då majoriteten av ungdomarna inhämtade sin kunskap från andra källor som kan vara vilseledande. Ung-domar hade en varierad kunskap om sexuell hälsa och även könsskillnader konstaterades. Sexualundervisning av special-utbildad personal behövs i skolan då denna ökar ungdomars medvetenhet gällande den sexuella hälsan. Fortsatt forskning behövs inom ämnet, detta för att öka förståelsen för nödvän-digheten av obligatorisk sexualundervisning i skolan.
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Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about sexually transmitted diseases among Vietnamese students at a vocational school in Ho Chi Minh CitySjöqvist, Annabel, Göthlin, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a growing problem worldwide and young people are especially vulnerable. Every day about 1 million people contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and over half of the newly infected are young people aged between 15-24 years. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and beliefs related to STDs among adolescents at a secondary school in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and to compare the genders regarding these issues. Method: This study was a descriptive and comparative cross-sectional study and a quantitative approach was used. The project was carried out at Nhan Dao Vocational Secondary School in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Two hundred and ten male and female students aged between 15-24 years participated in the study and chose to fill in the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 31 questions regarding the students’ knowledge, attitude and beliefs of STD. Leininger’s Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality was provided as theoretical framework. Results: The Vietnamese students at Nhan Dao Vocational School in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, had low knowledge about STDs and the students’ attitudes to and beliefs about STDs showed that there exists a lot of misconceptions about the subject. The study did not show any major differences between the genders regarding knowledge, attitude or beliefs. Conclusions: Further research about young people’s practice needs to be performed in order to receive a wider perspective on young Vietnamese people’s knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. It is also important in order to be able to draw conclusions concerning whether knowledge and attitudes are related to sexual practice. / Sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar (STD) är ett växande problem världen över och ungdomar är särskilt utsatta. Varje dag smittas ca 1 miljon personer av en sexuellt överförbar sjukdom (STD) och över hälften av de smittade är ungdomar mellan 15-24 år. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kunskaper, attityder och övertygelser relaterade till sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar bland ungdomar på en gymnasieskola i Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, och att jämföra könen i dessa frågor. Metod: Denna studie var en beskrivande, jämförande tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ metod. Projektet genomfördes på Nhan Dao Vocational Secondary School i Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Tvåhundra tio manliga och kvinnliga studenter i åldern 15-24 år deltog i studien och valde att fylla i frågeformuläret. Frågeformuläret bestod av 31 frågor om elevernas kunskaper, attityder och övertygelser om STD. Som teoretisk referensram användes Leiningers teori om mångfald och universalitet i kulturrelaterad omsorg. Resultat: De vietnamesiska studenterna hade bristande kunskap om sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar och elevernas attityd till och övertygelser om sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar visade att det finns många missuppfattningar om ämnet. Studien visade inte några större skillnader mellan könen när det gäller kunskap, attityd eller övertygelse. Slutsats: Ytterligare forskning om ungdomars sexuella vanor behöver utövas för att få ett vidare perspektiv på vietnamesiska ungdomars kunskaper, attityder och övertygelser. Det är också viktigt för att kunna dra slutsatser om huruvida kunskap och attityder är relaterade till det sexuella utövandet. Read more
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CHALLENGES IN THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AIRBORNE TELEMETRY PROCESSING SYSTEMSOtranto, John, Eckman, Bill, Irvin, Dana, Tao, Felix, Lokshin, Kirill, Puri, Amit 10 1900 (has links)
While typical telemetry processing systems are fixed, ground-based assets, certain mission profiles or telemetry acquisition models may involve telemetry processing systems which reside on other platforms, such as ships, mobile vehicles, or airplanes. The design and implementation of telemetry processing systems for these platforms poses unique challenges, which may include requirements for unusual mechanical packaging, heightened electromagnetic sensitivity, or specialized electrical interfaces. This paper presents some of the key challenges involved in the design and implementation of an airborne telemetry processing system and discusses how lessons learned from solving these challenges may be applied to future telemetry processing system designs.
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The evaluation of the effect of latex condoms using cell culture techniquesMotsoane, Nana Arcilia 30 May 2005 (has links)
Increased awareness of protection against infections such as Hepatitis Band Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases has led to an increase in the demand for latex gloves and condoms leading to an increase in latex allergy. Besides latex, condoms also contain several undisclosed chemicals including antioxidants, accelerators, emulsifiers, stabilizers, lubricants, and in some cases flavourings and colourants. Though extensive testing is done to evaluate the physical quality of condoms, little information is available regarding the biological safety of condoms. In this study a modification of the direct cell culture testing method that is specified by the American Test Method F813-83 of 1998 was used to determine the cytotoxicity of the surface material of latex condoms prepared at time intervals that represents normal physiological exposure times T2, T4 and T8. The L929 cells were exposed to medium containing increasing amounts of condom washings (0-66%) for 20 hours. After exposure cell number and viability was determined using the Crystal violet (CV) and 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-3H-tetrazolium bromide (MTI) assays respectively. Data was evaluated using a split-plot design with the appropriate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The effect of the condom washings on cell morphology and CV staining, MTI metabolism and Neutral red (NR) uptake at a fixed condom washing (16%) and exposure time T8 was evaluated microscopically. Cell membrane integrity was evaluated by Propidium iodide (PI) uptake and with PI staining after fixation and Hoechst 33324 (H33342) staining nuclear structure was evaluated with fluorescence microscopy. Apoptosis induced DNA fragmentation was evaluated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The effects of condom washings at 16% condom washing and exposure times T2, T4 and T8 was further evaluated in the HeLa cell line, a cell line in origin and type closer to that of the cervical lining. Cytotoxicity was evaluated using the CV, MTT and NR assays. In the L929 cell line, condom types Non-lubricated condoms (NLC), Lubricated condoms (LC) and Lubricated and flavoured condoms (LFC) behaved differently over time of exposure and the concentrations of condom washings. LFC were found to induce a decrease in cell number compared to other condom types, followed by LC and NLC revealed increases in cell number. Split-plot analysis, revealed that condom type x time (CT x Time) is significantly different due to the effect observed at T2 for LC. The MTT usually considered being more sensitive than the CV assay showed only toxicity for LFC and not for NLC and LC as with the CV assay. Exposure to LFC revealed significant decrease of 70 % decrease in cell viability at T8. Condom washings, LC, LFC and LFCC had no effect on cell morphology following CV staining. MTT metabolism and NR uptake was reduced and altered cell morphology was observed for L929 cells exposed to LFC and LFCC. Little PI uptake was observed for all cells exposed to condom washings. Condensed nuclei were observed for L929 cells exposed to LFC and LFCC while Hoechst staining revealed peripheral arrangement of DNA with Hoechst 33342 staining. Cell death in L929 cells were found to be mediated by apoptosis with L929 exposed to LFC showing the most damage. All effects of LFC is greater than that observed for LFCC indicating that other factors rather than the number of components present in each type of condom may account for toxicity. Toxicity of condom washings were compared to that found in the L929 cell line using the CV and MTT assays and an additional bioassay the NR assay was included. Condom types, LC, LFC and LFCC had a significant effect on cell viability and lysosomal membrane integrity. Differences observed between the L929 and HeLa cells were due to the increased viability observed for LC and the decrease in membrane integrity for LFC on HeLa cells. With LC and LFC no decrease in cell number and viability was observed as previously reported for the L929 cell line. Although no decreased in cell viability is observed for LFC a decrease of 75% in lysosomal membrane integrity is observed. The increase in cell viability found for HeLa exposed to LC (although statistically not significant) cannot be explained. Changes in cell viability and membrane integrity was only observed for HeLa cells, indicating that the HeLa cell line is more sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of condom washings. Furthermore the NR assay is a more sensitive assay than the MTT assay in detecting the cytotoxic effects of LFC condom washings at low concentrations. These are assays address only the effects of short-term exposure and not possible genotoxic effects that may occur following repeated and long-term exposure as reported in other latex products. / Dissertation (MSc (Anatomy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Anatomy / unrestricted Read more
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HOW TO MAKE A RUGGEDIZED SSDBudd, Chris 11 1900 (has links)
SSDs are now commonplace in all types of computing from consumer laptops to enterprise
storage systems. However, most of those SSDs would not survive in environments with extreme
temperatures or high shock and vibration such as found in embedded and military systems. The
problems in this space are more than just mechanical; they involve all aspects of the design
including electrical and even firmware. A combination of all three engineering disciplines is
needed to provide a robust ruggedized SSD product.
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Ungdomars attityder till kondomer och deras kunskaper om smittspridningWahlberg, Olof, Åkesson, Jesper January 2008 (has links)
Efter alla larmrapporter kring att klamydia ökar bland ungdomar ville vi ta reda på hur ungdomarnas attityd gentemot kondomanvändning ser ut och om de är medvetna om hur olika STD smittar. Vi ville också ta reda på vem och/eller vad som har stort inflytande på ungdomarnas kondomanvändning. En enkätundersökning genomfördes våren 2008 på en skola i södra Sverige. De elever som deltog i undersökningen gick tredje året på teoretiska program på gymnasiet. Det visade sig att elever har positiva attityder gentemot att använda kondom och att de överlag har goda kunskaper om hur STD smittar. Det råder en viss osäkerhet kring oralsex som smittspridare av HIV. Lärare, media, sjukvård, kompisar spelar alla en stor roll vad det gäller information till ungdomarna men när det kommer till inflytande så minskar lärares roll.
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Dissecting the Determinants of cAMP Affinity in Protein Kinase A / Determinants of cAMP Affinity in PKAMoleschi, Kody 11 1900 (has links)
cAMP receptors contain highly conserved cAMP binding pockets, in part responsible for allosteric activation, yet CBDs exhibit a wide array of cAMP binding affinities. While several cAMP:CBD crystallographic structures have been solved, they are insufficient to explain differences in cAMP:CBD affinities. We hypothesize that it is the position of the apo autoinhibitory equilibrium and/or a change in the state-specific association constants of the active and inactive CBD forms that are primarily responsible for modulating ~1000-fold difference in cAMP affinities. Interestingly, we discovered that PKARIα and HCN2 have comparable state-specific association constants, suggesting that the position of the apo autoinhibitory equilibrium is primarily responsible for the large difference in observed cAMP affinities in these systems. In addition, the individual components of the cAMP binding pocket (i.e. BBR, PBC, and lid) show functional variability across different CBDs. In RIα, both the BBR and lid are dispensable for high affinity cAMP binding, leaving the PBC as the key determinant of cAMP affinity. Interestingly, in addition the PBC:cAMP contact side-chains, non-contact side-chains are also important in modulating cAMP affinity (ie. L201 and Y205). Further dissection of the contributions arising from the apo pre-equilibrium and the cAMP binding pockets is required to better understand cAMP affinity and selectivity. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) Read more
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Let's Talk about Sex...Or Not...: Doctor-Patient Communication about Sexual HealthSchroeder, Casey Michelle 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The impact of relationship and intrapersonal factors on condom use among college studentsFehr, Sara K. 02 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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