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Subsaharská Afrika: nekonečná zadluženost / Sub-Saharan Africa: Infinite IndebtednessGazdík, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
Sub-Saharan Africa is the poorest region in the world suffering from social, political and economic problems. The study focuses on investigation of relationship of capital flight and external debt to long-term economic growth in this region. Firstly the magnitude of capital flight is computed. Using fixed effects model and random effects model we estimate the impact of external debt and capital flight on long-term growth. Moreover the time structure of debt and its source is integrated into model. Our sample consists of 24 countries from sub-Saharan Africa over the period 1989-2008. We have found that external debt has statistically significant negative impact on growth. On the other hand this impact is economically negligible. The long-term growth is also slowed down by long-term debt and by multilateral borrowing. Concerning capital flight its effect on growth is harmful as well. JEL klasifikace: F34, O47, O55, Klíčová slova: zahraniční dluh, únik kapitálu, Subsaharská Afrika, růst
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French bilateral development aid to agriculture in francophone sub-Saharan Africa 1960-198008 September 2015 (has links)
D.Phil. / This study examines the background, the execution and the consequences of French agricultural development aid to thirteen former French colonies in sub-Saharan Africa. The period under analysis is 1960 to 1980. In a continent which experienced an overall downward trend in per capita agricultural production during this period, despite adequate natural resources and higher aid allocations than other parts of the Third World, it is felt that lessons can be learnt from French aid which was consistent and geographically concentrated. The accent of the study lies on improved understanding of French agricultural aid in francophone sub-Saharan Africa as a whole. It does not assess the impact of French aid on agricultural development at country level ...
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The capability approach to economic development: its applicability to Sub-Saharan Africa20 June 2008 (has links)
The capability approach’s primary point of departure from mainstream economics may be stated simply: it perceives incomes and commodities value predominantly as instruments or means to other ends. In contrast to mainstream economics, the approach places individual freedom at the centre of its attention. Therefore, income is merely one of numerous variables that influence deprivation. The dissertation aligns itself with the capability approach to development in its conclusion that developments’ primary target ought to go beyond a study of the level of per capita incomes as it has more significant moral implication of diminished lives, agonised existences and a large percentage of premature preventable deaths. Therefore, the dissertation advocates a fundamental shift in the measures that economists utilise in their measurement of poverty. Accordingly, the dissertation suggests that the manner in which economists intellectualise the relationship between poverty and the lives that people lead requires alteration. The dissertation provides evidence, using regression analysis, that the democratic frameworks that are in place in Sub-Saharan Africa are failing to provide the negative freedoms that serve as the environment in which individual’s pursue their own conception of well-being. However, the dissertation acknowledges the constitutive and instrumental importance of democracy in the process of development. Therefore, the dissertation argues that it is the shape of democracy that has led to these results in Sub-Saharan Africa. As a repercussion, democracy remains an important ingredient in the development process. Instead of embracing the view that political freedom and, in particular, democracies failure to assist in human development is evidence of a flaw in the capability approach. The dissertation perceives the failure as an opportunity to re-evaluate the nature of democracies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, there is scope for policy makers to conceptualise and implement policies that will be able to harness the inherent strengths of democracy.
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Dynamique de processus océaniques de méso- et de subméso-échelle à partir de simulations numériques et de données in situ / Dynamics of meso- and submesoscale oceanic processes from numerical simulations and in situ dataKersale, Marion 15 October 2013 (has links)
L'hydrodynamisme autour des îles océaniques et dans les régions côtières est caractérisé par la présence de nombreuses structures de méso- et de subméso-échelle. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier, à partir de données in situ et de modélisation numérique, d'une part la prédominance de certains forçages dans la génération de ces structures et d'autre part leurs dynamiques et leurs impacts sur la dispersion des eaux côtières. Dans un premier temps, une étude basée sur des données issues d'un modèle hydrodynamique autour de l'archipel hawaïen a permis d'évaluer les influences respectives et l'importance des forçages du vent, de la topographie et de la circulation générale sur la génération de tourbillons de méso-échelle. Des tests de sensibilité ont mis en évidence l'intérêt d'une haute-résolution spatiale du forçage atmosphérique. Dans un deuxième temps, la dynamique côtière du Golfe du Lion (GdL) a été investie. Une première étude s'est focalisée sur les caractéristiques physiques et la dynamique d'un tourbillon dans la partie ouest du golfe à l'aide de données de la campagne Latex09 et de résultats d'un modèle hydrodynamique. Leur analyse combinée a permis d'identifier un nouveau processus de génération de tourbillons de méso-échelle dans cette zone et de mettre en évidence la formation d'une structure transitoire de subméso-échelle. Basée sur les données de la campagne Latex10, une deuxième étude s'est alors orientée sur la dispersion des eaux côtières de la partie occidentale du GdL. Un suivi lagrangien des masses d'eau a permis de déterminer les coefficients horizontaux et verticaux de diffusion dans cette zone clef pour les échanges côte-large ou interrégionaux. / The hydrodynamics around oceanic islands and in coastal areas is characterized by the presence of numerous meso- and submesocale features. The aim of this PhD thesis is to study, from in situ data and numerical modeling, firstly the predominance of some forcings on the generation of these features and secondly their dynamics and their impacts on the dispersion of coastal waters. Firstly, a study based on a series of numerical simulations in the Hawaiian region, allows us to examine the relative importance of wind, topographic and inflow current forcing on the generation of mesoscale eddies. Sensitivity tests have shown the importance of high wind-forcing spatial resolution. Secondly, the coastal dynamics of the Gulf of Lions (GoL), also subject to these forcings, has been investigated. A first part focuses on the physical characteristics and the dynamics of an eddy in the western part of the gulf, using data from the Latex09 campaign and results from a realistic hydrodynamic model of the GoL. Their combined analysis has allowed to identify a new generation mechanism for the mesoscale eddies in this area and to understand the formation of a transient submesoscale structure. This work has shown the importance of these structures in modulating exchanges in this region. Based on the data of the Latex10 campaign, a second part has then focused on the dispersion of coastal waters in the western area of the GoL. The tracking of the water masses in a Lagrangian reference frame (floats, tracer) has allowed to determine the horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients in this key area for coastal-offshore and interregional exchanges.
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Simulation numérique et modélisation d’écoulements tridimensionnels instationnaires à surface libre. Application au système bateau-avirons-rameur / Numerical simulation and modelling of tridimensional freesurface flows. Application to the boat-oars-rower systemRobert, Yoann 29 September 2017 (has links)
La thèse s'intéresse aux deux écoulements présents en aviron, autour du bateau et de la palette, et aux interactions avec le système bateau-avirons-rameur. Le premier est inhabituel en hydrodynamique, à cause du cavalement important et des mouvements secondaires. La complexité du second provient de l'instationnarité et de la déformation de la surface libre. L'objectif consiste à mettre en oeuvre des méthodes numériques performantes et précises puis à les valider pour, à plus long terme, les réutiliser à des fins d'analyse et d’optimisation de la performance en aviron.Ces simulations instationnaires à surface libre sont coûteuses en ressources pour les codes RANS. Un algorithme de sub-cycling a été développé et validé sur plusieurs cas test, diminuant les temps CPU d'un facteur 3 à 4, sans perte de précision. Il est compatible avec la déformation et le raffinement automatique de maillage. Deux bases de données expérimentales sont exploitées pour chaque écoulement afin de valider le cadre de simulation. Pour celui autour de la palette, une campagne in situ et une autre en laboratoire sont utilisées. Dans les deux cas, les profils d'efforts sont bien capturés, compte tenu des incertitudes cumulées liées à la mesure indirecte de la cinématique de la palette par rapport à l'eau. Pour le skiff en configuration instationnaire, les efforts fluctuants sont bien capturés, en amplitude et en phase, pour des fréquences typiques. Des écarts inattendus (de l'ordre de 10%) sont constatés sur la valeur moyenne et restent pour le moment sans réponse probante. La structure d'une co-simulation entre les résolutions des écoulements et celle de la dynamique du système multicorps est initiée. / The thesis focuses on the two flows occurring in rowing,around the boat and the blade, and on interactions with theboat-oars-rower system. The first flow is unusual in hydrodynamics because of the large surge and secondary motions. The complexity of the second one comes from the unsteadiness and the free surface deformation. The goal is to set up efficient and accurate numerical methods to reproduce these flows and then to validate them for the purpose of analysis and optimisation of the performance in rowing.Those unsteady computations with free surface are cost lyin resources for RANS codes. A sub-cycling algorithm was developed and validated on several test cases, allowing to decrease the CPU time by a factor of 3 to 4, without loss of accuracy. It is compatible with mesh deformation and automatic grid refinement. Two experimental databases are exploited for each flow in order to validate the frame of simulation. For the flow around the blade, an in-situ campaign and a more controlled one conducted in laboratory, are used. In both cases, the profiles of the efforts are well captured, considering the cumulative uncertainties linked to the indirect measurement of the blade kinematics relative to the water. For the skiff in unsteady state, the fluctuating forces are well captured, in terms of amplitudes and phases, for typical frequencies. Unexpected errors (around10%) are observed for the mean value and remain unexplained for now. The structure of a co-simulation between the resolutions of the flows and the resolution of the dynamics of the multibody system is initiated.
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Liquidity and return in frontier equity marketsMotepe, Mushaathama January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.M. (Finance & Investment))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Wits Business School, 2017. / The extent to which the liquidity has an impact on stock return continues to be an eagerly researched topic. The effect on liquidity on the return of stocks has been a greatly debated subject on the capital market theory. The thesis looks at the impact of liquidity on the stock indices return of eight frontier markets. The paper uses two methods to estimate the regression namely, unbalanced dynamic panel Generalised Method of Moments and Fixed Effect Model. An analysis on factors affecting liquidity was done and turnover ratio, Amivest ratio and Amihud ratio were used as a measure for liquidity. The correlation between stock return and the liquidity measure was mixed; with turnover ratio having a negative correlation. Amivest ratio has positive relationship consistent with the risk premium and was found to be significant. However, the correlation on the Amihud ratio was not consistent with the liquidity premium as it was found to be positive. Although negatively correlated to return, the turnover ratio was found to be insignificant. / MT 2017
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Regulations, securitisation and the financing of airport infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa: a case studyDlamini, Phumzile Zimasa January 2017 (has links)
A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Management (Finance and Investment) in the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management Wits Business School, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016 / It is well acknowledged that infrastructure provision is linked to economic growth , in particular airports are viewed a strategic catalysts to this growth bringing about increased opportunities for trade, tourism, and serving as an enabler for business. African airports have historically suffered underinvestment as a result of competing priorities for government funding; growing safety concerns, increased traffic growth and globalisation, and the need for refurbishment and modernisation of systems. African nations are now beginning to spend considerable amounts on aviation infrastructure. The purpose of this study evaluate the financing mechanisms available to governments, to access the role that airport economic regulation plays in attracting investment and the potential of leveraging the securitisation model for the financing of aviation infrastructure. It was found that, no one funding mechanism is king and that airport owners and operators should attempt a diversification strategy towards their funding sources, taking into account that the investment appetite of various investors will be different at the various phases of infrastructure project delivery. It was found that airport regulation is key to harnessing the certainly of future cash flows required by private investors , and may be the required mechanism to off load the financial burden of smaller airports from the government budgets. Lastly it was found that development finance institutions may be the biggest benefactors to utilising the securitisation model to unlock further developmental funding; key to this is the support of institutional investors. / XL2018
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Contribution à l'étude de l'échantillonnage non uniforme dans le domaine de la radio intelligente. / Non Uniform sampling contributions in the context of Cognitive RadioTraore, Samba 09 December 2015 (has links)
Nous proposons un nouveau schéma d’échantillonnage non uniforme périodique appelé Système d’Échantillonnage Non Uniforme en Radio Intelligente (SENURI). Notre schéma détecte la localisation spectrale des bandes actives dans la bande totale échantillonnée afin de réduire la fréquence moyenne d’échantillonnage, le nombre d’échantillons prélevé et par conséquent la consommation d’énergie au niveau du traitement numérique. La fréquence moyenne d’échantillonnage du SENURI dépend uniquement du nombre de bandes contenues dans le signal d’entrée x(t). Il est nettement plus performant, en termes d’erreur quadratique, qu’une architecture classique d’échantillonnage non uniforme périodique constituée de p branches, lorsque le spectre de x(t) change dynamiquement. / In this work we consider the problem of designing an effective sampling scheme for sparse multi-band signals. Based on previous results on periodic non-uniform sampling (Multi-Coset) and using the well known Non-Uniform Fourier Transform through Bartlett’s method for Power Spectral Density estimation, we propose a new sampling scheme named the Dynamic Single Branch Non-uniform Sampler (DSB-NUS). The idea of the proposed scheme is to reduce the average sampling frequency, the number of samples collected, and consequently the power consumption of the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). In addition to that our proposed method detects the location of the bands in order to adapt the sampling rate. In this thesis, we show through simulation results that compared to existing multi-coset based samplers, our proposed sampler provides superior performance, both in terms of sampling rate and energy consumption. It is notconstrained by the inflexibility of hardware circuitry and is easily reconfigurable. We also show the effect of the false detection of active bands on the average sampling rate of our new adaptive non-uniform sub-Nyquist sampler scheme.
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HIV-1 subtype C proteases: overexpression, structural, kinetic and thermodynamic characterisationTomescu, Mihai-Silviu 10 May 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
Johannesburg, 2016 / According to UNAIDS, there are ~36.9 million people infected with HIV-1 in the world. Of those, 25.8 million live in sub-Saharan Africa and 6.8 million in South Africa. HIV-1 subtype C accounts for over 95% of HIV infections in South Africa. HIV-1 retrovirus acquires mutations rapidly because of the viral reverse transcriptase. Naturally occurring polymorphisms distinguishing wild type C-SA PR from other proteases make it less susceptible to inhibitors. E35D↑G↑S is a C-SA PR variant with a double insertion in the flap region of the protease. The insertions and background mutations may decrease susceptibility to inhibitors as well as alter kinetic parameters due to increased flap flexibility. This study intended to characterise the effect of the mutations and insertions in E35D↑G↑S on structural, kinetic activity and drug susceptibility. Chemically-synthesised E35D↑G↑S autocatalyses rapidly, impeding further characterisation. There was no detectable overexpression of the E35D↑G↑S protease in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)pLysS and Rosetta 2® cells. If the protease is catalytically enhanced, attributed cytotoxicity may prevent overexpression of the protein. Increased autocatalytic activity could also prevent crystallisation. Inactive E35D↑G↑S D25A did not overexpress either, indicating that codon harmonisation with the expression host ought to be performed. C-SA PR was shown to be a predominantly beta-sheeted protein using circular dichroism spectroscopy. The KM of the fluorogenic substrate resembling the capsid/ p2 cleavage site for C-SA PR was 22.02 ±4.09 μM. The specific activity, catalytic turnover and catalytic efficiency of the wild-type C-SA PR protease were found to be 35.68 ±1.06 μmole.min-1.mg-1, 12.79 ±0.38 s-1 and 1.17 ±0.055 s-1.μM-1, respectively. The thermodynamics of binding of atazanavir, ritonavir and darunavir to C-SA PR were determined using isothermal titration calorimetry. The binding of atazanavir and ritonavir to C-SA PR is entropically driven and enthalpically opposed. However, the binding of darunavir to C-SA PR was found to be both entropically and enthalpically favourable. The dissociation constants of the inhibitors in the absence of substrate (Kd) are in the pico-molar range and increased by approximately one order of magnitude when saturating concentrations of substrate were introduced. Atazanavir, ritonavir and darunavir have dissociation constants (Kd) of 160.56 ±54.59 pM, 113.34 ±46.47 pM and 10.24 ±6.02 pM, respectively. Darunavir binds significantly tighter.
Keywords: C-SA PR, E35D↑G↑S, insertion mutations, protease, autocatalysis, ITC.
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Norm evolution and diffusion: gender parity in education in Sub-Saharan AfricaMkhabela, Nomzamo Zinhle January 2016 (has links)
A Research report submitted to the Faculty of Humanities
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of Masters in International Relations, 2016 / International attention to the issue of girls’ education has grown dramatically over the past several decades. Gender parity and equality in education has become a significant global development priority. The Dakar Framework for Action (DFA), which set the agenda for achieving Education for All (EFA) commitments by 2015, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were aimed at the reduction of global poverty, also by 2015, serve as the main policy blueprints with respect to the global agenda for achieving gender equality in education. Despite widespread acceptance that states ought to decrease gender disparities in education, progress with respect to achieving the related DFA and MDG goals has varied between states. Although sub-Saharan Africa continues to lag far behind other regions, there are some countries in the region that have achieved better results than others. This variation in outcomes raises pertinent questions about the constitutive influence and diffusion of norms at the national level.
This research report seeks to identify the mechanisms that determine the constitutive effects of the norm vis-à-vis gender parity in education in the context of sub-Saharan Africa. Using the Gambia and Chad as case studies, the study tests whether domestic political structures and domestic norms have a significant impact on norm diffusion processes at the national level, as well as how these factors will predict the pathways for diffusion and, ultimately, the constitutive effects of the norm. The study begins by tracing the evolution and documenting the existence of a global norm with respect to gender parity in education. The norm’s emergence is shown to correlate with changes in policy and practice amongst African states at both the regional and national level; however, there remains significant differences amongst states with regards to their performance in relation to gender parity targets/goals. The central finding of the study is that domestic political structures and domestic norms explain this variation between countries and predict the key drivers of normative change. In the cases of Gambia and Chad specifically, the extent of civil society participation has significantly determined the countries’ performance with respect to gender parity in education goals. / MT2017
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