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Als die Helden Opfer wurden : Grundlagen und Funktion gesellschaftlicher Ordnungsmodelle in den Feuilletonromanen "Les Mystères de Paris" und "Le Juif errant" von Eugène Sue /Hülk, Walburga. January 1900 (has links)
Diss. : Literatur : Freiburgi. Br. : 1983. - Bibliogr. p. 398-423. -
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Le Juif errant d'Eugène Sue du roman-feuilleton au roman populaire /Adamowicz-Hariasz, Maria. Alter, Jean January 1900 (has links)
Version commerciale de : Dissertation : Philosophy : University of Pennsylvania : 1994. / Bibliogr. p. [210]-215. Notes bibliogr. Index.
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Materielle Wirkung des Klagverzichts? /Horstmann, Otto. January 1933 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Erlangen.
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Eugène Sue und die deutsche Mysterienliteratur.Edler, Erich. January 1900 (has links)
Berlin, Phil. Diss. v. 7. Okt. 1932.
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Eugène Sue et le roman-feuilletonAtkinson, Nora. January 1929 (has links)
Thèse--Université de Paris. / Imprint covered by mounted label: A. Nizet & M. Bastard ... Paris. Bibliography: p. [213]-219.
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Development of a Decision Support Tool for Identifying Appropriate Means and Methods for Locating Underground Utility AssetsHutchins, Lewis Anthony 09 February 2010 (has links)
The location of utilities buried beneath the built environment has always been a concern for those conducting work that involves excavation or the placement of items into the ground. Whether physically removing material or driving piles, posts, and more, the potential for accidental utility strikes is increasing with the movement of more traditional utilities from above ground to below. Also, the addition of utilities and new technology in underground spaces that hasn't existed in the past, such as fiber optics and more highspeed telecommunication lines, is occupying more space. Traditional methods of surveying, in combination with surface geophysics and the development and improvement of processes and technologies to track the location of buried assets led to the engineering services category termed Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE). In order to aid utility engineers and consultants who are responsible for the collection of utility data this research aimed to help identify a way to compare the various technologies and incorporate information about the individual project in order to choose the most appropriate locating method for a project with a defined set of parameters. The result was the development of standard evaluation forms that can be sent to technology vendors and consultants to evaluate the performance and limitations of a technology. This data can then be compiled into a database located within an Excel-based program created to compare the technologies. The program, VT PALMS (Virginia Tech Program for Asset Locating Method Selection), consists of the performance and economic databases, a project information Page sheet, and the results of the comparison of each technology in the database to the information on the project information sheet. The results are presented in three ways; 1) a speedometer chart with a needle that indicates the percentage of the parameters used in the database that are compatible - also referred to as the Reliability Factor, 2) a matrix view that indicates the parameters where a potential conflict may exist, and 3) an economic indicator that shows the comparable cost of using each technology listed in the database. / Master of Science
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La prison dans la littérature française du XIXe siècle. Représentations romanesques et imaginaire social de la modernité carcérale / The prison in french literature of the 19th century. Fictional representations and social imaginary of the new prisonCroisy, Marion 02 December 2016 (has links)
Au XIXe siècle, les représentations de la prison par la littérature sont nombreuses. Études de mœurs et tableaux parisiens explorent l’univers carcéral, et un certain nombre de romans racontent des épisodes d’emprisonnement (Sue, Les Mystères de Paris, Balzac, Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes, Goncourt, La Fille Élisa). La fascination que suscite la prison dépasse largement la seule communauté des hommes de lettres : enquêteurs, hygiénistes, théoriciens du système pénal, s’emparent aussi de cette question. Le XIXe siècle constitue dans l’historiographie contemporaine un moment déterminant de l’histoire pénale. La prison, depuis la Révolution, est perçue comme la clef de voûte d’un nouveau système de sanction. Cette étude, qui privilégie le regard extérieur sur la prison – celui de l’homme qui n’y est pas enfermé – et le récit à la troisième personne pour les fictions romanesques, s’intéresse aux représentations littéraires de la prison à la lumière de cette mutation historique. Tissant des liens avec les domaines du savoir qui accompagnent l’avènement de la prison pénale, la littérature prend une part importante au discours social qui représente, autant qu’il la construit, la modernité carcérale. De ce discours, le lecteur ne pourra manquer de relever les ambivalences et les contradictions. Roman d’aventures et roman de mœurs sentimental, roman de l’enquête sociale et roman édifiant, roman réaliste et roman naturaliste seront tour à tour explorés pour témoigner de la diversité des figurations. Les implications politiques et morales, esthétiques et poétiques de la représentation par la fiction de l’expérience de l’incarcération constituent un enjeu majeur de cette thèse. / In the 19th century, there were many representations of the prison in literature. Studies of customs and parisian paintings explore the prison and novels describe scenes of imprisonment (Sue, Les Mystères de Paris, Balzac, Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes, La Fille Élisa). The fascination of prisons achieved popularity well beyond literary people : investigators, hygienists, theorists of the penal system, also questioned the issue of imprisonment. Contemporary historiographical views see the 19th century as a pivotal moment in penal history. Since the Revolution, the prison has been perceived as being the corner stone of a new system of punishment. In light of this historical change, this study analyses the literary representations of prisons from an outside point of view, the view of someone who is not imprisoned, and, the narrative using the third person in novels. Forging links with the areas of knowledge that accompagny the introduction of criminal prison, literature plays an important part in the social narrative that represents the modernity of prison life. In this seminar, the reader will not fail to recognize the ambivalences and contradictions. Novels of adventure and romance, social commentaries and moralistic novels, works of realism and of naturalism will all in turn be explored to reflect the diversity of representations. The political and moral implications, but also aesthetic and poetic figuration by the fiction of the experience of incarceration, are a major challenge of this study.
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Är svenska aktiepriser trögrörliga? : En studie av tidsförskjutningar i prissättningen av värdepapper i sambandPettersson, Ulf, Zetterlund, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
Bakgrund Richard J. Rendleman, Charles P. Jones & Henry A. Latané påvisade i en studie år 1982 med hjälp av en regressionsmodell att tidsförskjutningar i prissättningen av aktier existerat på den amerikanska marknaden vid kvartalsresultat som avvek från en trend. Det inspirerade oss att med samma metod undersöka om liknande tidsförskjutningar även existerat på den svenska marknaden. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats är att empiriskt studera om det existerat tidsförskjutna aktieprisjusteringar kvartalsvis, baserade på standardiserade oförväntade kvartalsresultat respektive standardiserade oförväntade kassaflöden, på den svenska aktiemarknaden under åren 2004-2006. Om sådana tidsförskjutningar av prisbildning existerat avser vi även att diskutera dem utifrån teorier om behavioral finance. Genomförande Med linjär regression estimeras EPS respektive kassaflöden utifrån historiska data. Estimeringarnas avvikelse från rapporterade data jämförs sedan med aktiekursutveckling för att se om samband föreligger mellan storleken på avvikelserna och efterföljande tidsförskjutning. Resultat Under tidsperioden 2004-2006 påvisar vi tidsförskjutningar med standardiserade oförväntade kvartalsresultat men inte med standardiserade oförväntade kassaflöden. / Background Richard J. Rendleman, Charles P. Jones & Henry A. Latané presented a study in 1982 where they showed anomalies on the American stock exchange when using standardized unexpected earnings. Their result inspired us to do a similar research on the Swedish stock exchange. Purpose The purpose of this study is to do an empirical study of the existence of drifts in stock price adjustments, based on standardized unexpected earnings and standardized unexpected cash-flows on the Swedish stock exchange during the years 2004-2006. If anomalies are discovered we intend to discuss them in terms of behavioral finance. Implementation With a linear regression we estimate EPS respective cash-flow from historical data. The deviations from quarterly reported data are compared with the development of stock-prices. Conclusion During the time period 2004-2006 we show that anomalies have existed when standardized unexpected earnings are applied and that no anomalies can be found with standardized unexpected cash-flows.
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Är svenska aktiepriser trögrörliga? : En studie av tidsförskjutningar i prissättningen av värdepapper i sambandPettersson, Ulf, Zetterlund, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund</p><p>Richard J. Rendleman, Charles P. Jones & Henry A. Latané påvisade i en studie år 1982 med hjälp av en regressionsmodell att tidsförskjutningar i prissättningen av aktier existerat på den amerikanska marknaden vid kvartalsresultat som avvek från en trend. Det inspirerade oss att med samma metod undersöka om liknande tidsförskjutningar även existerat på den svenska marknaden.</p><p>Syfte</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att empiriskt studera om det existerat tidsförskjutna aktieprisjusteringar kvartalsvis, baserade på standardiserade oförväntade kvartalsresultat respektive standardiserade oförväntade kassaflöden, på den svenska aktiemarknaden under åren 2004-2006. Om sådana tidsförskjutningar av prisbildning existerat avser vi även att diskutera dem utifrån teorier om behavioral finance.</p><p>Genomförande</p><p>Med linjär regression estimeras EPS respektive kassaflöden utifrån historiska data. Estimeringarnas avvikelse från rapporterade data jämförs sedan med aktiekursutveckling för att se om samband föreligger mellan storleken på avvikelserna och efterföljande tidsförskjutning.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Under tidsperioden 2004-2006 påvisar vi tidsförskjutningar med standardiserade oförväntade kvartalsresultat men inte med standardiserade oförväntade kassaflöden.</p> / <p>Background</p><p>Richard J. Rendleman, Charles P. Jones & Henry A. Latané presented a study in 1982 where they showed anomalies on the American stock exchange when using standardized unexpected earnings. Their result inspired us to do a similar research on the Swedish stock exchange. </p><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose of this study is to do an empirical study of the existence of drifts in stock price adjustments, based on standardized unexpected earnings and standardized unexpected cash-flows on the Swedish stock exchange during the years 2004-2006. If anomalies are discovered we intend to discuss them in terms of behavioral finance. </p><p>Implementation</p><p>With a linear regression we estimate EPS respective cash-flow from historical data. The deviations from quarterly reported data are compared with the development of stock-prices. </p><p>Conclusion</p><p>During the time period 2004-2006 we show that anomalies have existed when standardized unexpected earnings are applied and that no anomalies can be found with standardized unexpected cash-flows.</p>
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La fiction mystériographique : émergence et dissémination d’une poétique en France, en Grèce et en Grande-Bretagne au XIXe siècle / Mysteriography : emergence and dissemination of a poetics in France, Greece and Great BritainKatsanos, Filippos 15 October 2018 (has links)
Suite au succès commercial des Mystères de Paris (1842-1843) d’Eugène Sue, les marchés littéraires de nombreux pays ont été saturés par un nombre incalculable d’ouvrages qui proposaient d’infinies variations sur le titre du romancier français. À partir d’une étude approfondie de la réception du célèbre roman de Sue et de toute la « littérature des mystères » dont il a été à l’origine en France, en Grèce et en Grande-Bretagne, cette thèse s’interroge sur la place qu’il convient d’accorder, dans l’histoire culturelle, à cette « mystériographie » compulsive qui promettait aux lecteurs de leur révéler les secrets non seulement du monde contemporain, mais aussi de l’histoire, de la science, de la politique etc. Tout en questionnant les conclusions d’une critique prolifique sur le phénomène qui en fait un genre spécifique du domaine romanesque paralittéraire, cette thèse plaide pour une approche plus globale. Pur produit d’une culture médiatique vouée à la représentation du monde, la « mystériographie » se présente comme le creuset d’un nouvel imaginaire de la lecture appelé à devenir dominant avec l’entrée progressive des pays européens, à partir des années 1860, dans la culture de masse : mêlant ancrage dans le réel et sensationnalisme outrancier, la « fiction mystériographique » semblait déjà cristalliser les poétiques qui se situaient au cœur des lectures du plus grand nombre. / Following the global commercial success of The Mysteries of Paris (1842-1843) by Eugene Sue, literary markets were submerged by an incalculable number of works that proposed infinite variations on the title of the French novelist. Studying extensively the reception of Sue's famous novel and the mysterimania that it fired in France, Greece and Great Britain, this thesis questions the place that should be given, in cultural history, to the compulsive publication of mysteries promising their readers to unveil the secrets not only of the world that surrounded them, but also of history, science, politics, and so on. While discussing the conclusions of a prolific research that interprets the phenomenon as a specific novelistic genre of popular literature, this study argues for a more global approach. Pure product of Nineteenth-Century media culture dedicated to the representation of the world, “mysteriography” is the crucible of a new social imaginary of reading which was to become dominant with the gradual entry of European countries in the mass culture, from the 1860s and on : blending perfectly realism and sensation, the “mysteriography” crystallized the poetics which shaped the readings of the greatest number.
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