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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magnetic annihilation, null collapse and coronal heating

Mellor, Christopher January 2004 (has links)
The problem of how the Sun's corona is heated is of central importance to solar physics research. In this thesis we model three main areas. The first, annihilation, is a feature of non-ideal MHD and focusses on how magnetic field of opposite polarity meets at a null point and annihilates, after having been advected with plasma toward a stagnation point in the plasma flow. Generally, the null point of the field and the stagnation point of the flow are coincident at the origin, but in chapter 2 a simple extension is considered where an asymmetry in the boundary conditions of the field moves the null point away from the origin. Chapter 3 presents a model of reconnective annihilation in three dimensions. It represents flux being advected through the fan plane of a 3D null, and diffusing through a thin diffusion region before being annihilated at the spine line, and uses the method of matched asymptotic expansions to find the solution for small values of the resistivity. The second area of the thesis covers null collapse. This is when the magnetic field in close proximity to a null point is disturbed, causing the field to fold up on itself and collapse. This is a feature of ideal MHD, and causes a strong current to build up, allowing non-ideal effects to become important. When using linearised equations for the collapse problem, we are in fact looking at a linear instability. If this instability initiates a collapse, this is only a valid model until non-linear effects become important. By talking about collapse in chapters 4 and 5 (as it is talked about in the literature), we mean that the linear instability initiates collapse, which in principle, non-linear effects could later stop. Chapter 4 introduces a two-dimensional model for collapse, using the ideal, compressible, linearised MHD equations. It is a general solution in which all spatially linear nulls and their supporting plasma flows and pressure gradients can be checked for susceptibility to collapse under open boundary conditions. Chapter 5 uses the model introduced in chapter 4 to investigate the collapse of three-dimensional, potential nulls (again, spatially linear) for all possible supporting plasma flows and pressure gradients. Using this model, all nulls under consideration are found to collapse and produce large currents, except for a group of 2D O-type nulls supported by highly super-Alfvenic plasma flows. The third area of this thesis involves numerically simulating a model of heating by coronal tectonics (Priest et al, 2002). A simple magnetic field is created and the boundary is driven, also in a simple manner. Current sheets which scale with grid resolution are seen to build up on the quasi-separatrix layers, and there is some evidence of magnetic reconnection.

The symbolical representation of Manhood in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises

Quilaqueo Gallardo, Mariana Andrea January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

NEAT : un télescope spatial pour détecter des exoplanètes proches par astrométrie / NEAT : a spatial telescope to detect nearby exoplanets using astrometry

Crouzier, Antoine 17 December 2014 (has links)
Dans l'état actuel des techniques de détection des exoplanètes, aucune planète tellurique du Système Solaire ne pourrait être détectée et pourtant leur présence est une contrainte très forte sur les scénarios de formation des systèmes planétaires. L'astrométrie, en mesurant l'effet reflex des planètes sur leur étoile centrale, permet de remonter à la masse des planètes et aux paramètres orbitaux. C'est une technique très utilisée pour la détermination des masses et des orbites des étoiles binaires et couronnée de succès. Il est nécessaire d'aller dans l'espace pour atteindre les précisions nécessaires pour détecter toutes les planètes jusqu'aux masses telluriques. Le Laboratoire est engagé dans un projet qui a été proposé à l'ESA dans le cadre de l'appel à mission M3 de Cosmic Vision et qui a pour objectif de recenser toutes les planètes de notre voisinage solaire. Le principe est d'utiliser l'astrométrie différentielle pour compléter les mesures obtenues par les autres techniques afin de descendre le seuil de détection et de caractérisation au niveau de la masse terrestre dans la zone habitable de chaque système. Nous voulons explorer de façon exhaustive toutes les étoiles de type solaire (type spectral FGK) jusqu'à 20pc de notre Soleil. Le concept du satellite repose en l'état actuel de l'étude sur du vol en formation avec un satellite portant le miroir et un satellite portant le plan focal. La mesure est faite par une métrologie à base interférométrique.Le sujet de la thèse consiste à avancer d'une part sur la définition du cas scientifique et d'autre part sur la spécification de l'instrument et des procédures d'observation. En ce qui concerne le cas scientifique, il s'agit d'établir une stratégie d'observation optimale pour recenser et caractériser de manière exhaustive tous les systèmes planétaires de notre voisinage. A l'aide de simulations numériques, l'étudiant pourra établir une stratégie de réduction des données permettant de remonter aux paramètres des orbites planétaires. Il s'agira aussi de participer à l'établissement du budget d'erreur de l'instrument et à la définition des modes d'observation. L'étudiant sera aussi mené à mettre en œuvre des tests de performance de la mesure dans le cadre d'une étude expérimentale. Cette thèse se déroulera dans le cadre de la collaboration européenne sur le sujet et des contacts seront aussi tissés avec nos collègues du JPL qui maitrisent la métrologie. / With the present state of exoplanet detection techniques, none of the rocky planets of the Solar System would be detected and indeed their presence is a very strong constraint on the scenarios of the formation of planetary systems. Astrometry by measuring the reflex effect of planets on their central host stars, lead us to the mass of planets and to their orbit determination. This technique is used frequently and is very successful to determine the masses and the orbits of binary stars. However it is necessary to go to space to reach the precision required to detect all planets down to the telluric regime.We are proposing a mission to ESA in the framework of the call for M3 mission in the Cosmic Vision plan whose objective is to make a full census of all exoplanets in our Solar neighborhood. The objectif is to use differential astrometry to complete the measurements obtained by other techniques in order to lower the threshold of detection and characterization to the level of an Earth mass in the habitable zone of each system. We want to explore in an exhaustive manner all solar-type stars (FGK spectral type) up to 20pc from the Sun. The satellite concept is based on formation flying technology with a satellite carrying a single primary mirror and another satellite carrying the focal plane. The measure is done using laser metrology using interferometry.The topic of the thesis consists in making progress on the definition of the science case and on the specification of the instrument and the observing procedures. Concerning the science case, an optimized observing strategy has to be defined to exhaustively detect and characterize all planetary systems in the solar neighborhood. Using numerical simulations, the student will establish a strategy for data reduction that allows him to fit all orbital parameters of the systems. A participation to the computation of error budget of the instrument and to the definition of observing modes is expected too. The candidate can also carry out performance tests using existing testbeds or developing new ones. This thesis will take place in the framework of the European collaboration on this topic and contacts will be made with our JPL colleagues who master the metrology technique.

Radio and X-ray studies of Coronal Mass Ejections and their relevance for Space Weather / Études des émissions radio et rayons X des éjections de masse coronale et leur pertinence pour la météorologie de l'espace

Salas Matamoros, Carolina 20 October 2016 (has links)
La couronne solaire est un milieu très dynamique : instabilités du champ magnétique, qui structure le plasma, conduit à l'accélération et le chauffage des particules chargées et à l'éjection de grandes structures dans l'héliosphère, les émissions de masse coronale (CME, selon ces sigles en anglais). Ces structures magnétiques éjectées peuvent interagir avec le champ magnétique de la Terre et affecter le plasma de l'environnement. Ces structures conduisent également à l'induction des courants électriques dans le sol à des latitudes élevées. L'étude de l'origine et de la propagation de ces émissions est d'intérêt pour l’astrophysique dans l’encadre des applications générales et pour la météorologie de l’espace. La compréhension des processus de base est une condition importante pour l'élaboration des méthodes de prévision des arrivées de ces perturbations en utilisant des observations de la couronne solaire. Les CMEs sont observées et étudiées à travers des images coronographiques. La limitation fondamentale du coronographe est qu'il montre la couronne seulement dans le plan du ciel, donc il bloque, forcément, la vue sur le disque solaire. Mais le geoefficacité d'une CME dépend essentiellement de la proximité à la ligne Soleil- Terre et de l'évolution dans la basse couronne que ne sont pas visibles à travers des observations coronographiques. Un des problèmes est la difficulté d’estimer l'arrivée d'une CME à la Terre, parce que les mesures avec coronographes directes de la vitesse de propagation des CMEs qui est dirigée vers la Terre ne sont pas possibles dans la ligne Soleil-Terre. Cette thèse présente l'étude des CMEs en trois étapes : (1) une étude de cas de l'évolution CME dans la bassecouronne et son rôle dans l'accélération des particules, (2) la relation entre la polarisation de l'émission de sursauts radio de type IV associées à CMEs dans la couronne et l'orientation du champ magnétique observé quand les CMEs arrivent à la Terre, et (3) des estimations radiatives de la vitesse des CMEs pour les prévisions des temps d’arrivée des CMEs à la Terre. Imagerie en utilisant des émissions radio dans la basse couronna peut montrer les signatures des CMEs sur le disque solaire. Des études précédentes avec le Radiohéliographe de Nançay (NRH) suggèrent, en fait, que les images de radio aux longueurs d'onde métriques peuvent suivre l'évolution des CMEs bien avant qu'ils deviennent visibles dans la couronne. Le diagnostic de l'évolution CME dans la basse couronne développée dans ce travail a été illustrée par l'étude de l'événement éruptif du 26 Avril 2008, qui a offert une occasion unique d'étudier le lien physique entre une seule CME bien identifiée, l'accélération des électrons tracé par émission radio, ainsi que la production des particules énergétiques solaires (SEP, selon ces sigles en anglais) observées dans l'espace. Nous effectuons une analyse détaillée en combinant les observations radio (NRH et DAM, Wind / WAVES spectrographe) et les observations de la couronne avec des satellites dans EUV et lumière blanche, ainsi que des mesures ‘in situ’ des particules énergétiques près de 1UA (satellites SoHO et STEREO). En combinant des images prises à partir de plusieurs points de vue, nous avons pu déduire l'évolution 3D en fonction du temps du front de l’éjection de mass qui s’est développée autour de l’éruption de la CME. Enfin, nous avons identifié, à partir des observations radio et SEP, trois régions différentes d'accélération des particules associées à l'évolution de la même CME, séparés en longitude environ 140°. / The solar corona is a highly dynamical medium: instabilities of the magnetic field, which structure the plasma, lead to the acceleration and heating ofcharged particles and to the ejection of large structures into the heliosphere, the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). These ejected magnetic structures can interact with the Earth's magnetic field and thereby affect the plasma environment and the high atmosphere of the Earth. Studying the origin and propagation of CMEs is of interest for both astrophysics in general and space weather applications. The understanding of the basic processes is indeed a pre-requisite for developing prediction methods of potentially geo-effective disturbances based on observations of the solar corona.The CMEs are observed and studied primarily through coronographic images. The basic limitation of the coronagraph is that it shows the corona only in the plane of the sky, and blocks by necessity the view on the solar disk. But the geoeffectiveness of a CME depends crucially on the proximity to the Sun-Earth line and the measurements of the propagation speed, onset and early evolution of CMEs in the low corona are not accessible to coronographic observations. This thesis presents the study of CMEs in three different stages: (1) a case study of the CME evolution in the low corona and of its role in particle acceleration, (2) the relationship between the polarisation of the type IV radio emission associated with Earth-directed CMEs in the corona and the orientation of the magnetic field observed as the CMEs arrive at the Earth, and (3) the estimation of the travel times of CMEs to the Earth. Radio imaging with the Nancay Radioheliograph (NRH) suggest that radio images at metric wavelengths track the early evolution of CMEs well before they become visible in the corona. The examination of the CME evolution in the low corona developed in this work was illustrated through the study of the eruptive event on 26 April 2008, which offered a unique opportunity to investigate the physical link between a single well-identified CME, electron acceleration as traced by radio emission, and the production of solar energetic particles (SEPs) observed in space. We conduct a detailed analysis combining radio observations (NRH and Decameter Array, Wind/WAVES spectrograph) with remote-sensing observations of the corona in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and white light as well as in-situ measurements of energetic particles near 1AU (SoHO and STEREO spacecraft). By combining images taken from multiple vantage points we were able to derive the time-dependent evolution of the 3D pressure front developing around the erupting CME. Finally, we identified, from the radio and SEP observations, three different particle acceleration regions associated to the evolution of the same CME, separated in longitude by about 140$^\circ$. The observations for this event showed that it is misleading to interpret multi-spacecraft SEP measurements in terms of one acceleration region in the corona.

Aquecimento solar de água: metodologia de avaliação da incerteza na medição do desempenho térmico de coletores solares planos utilizando simulador artificial de radiação solar. / Solar water heating: methodology for uncertainty evaluation of solar thermal collectors performance using a solar simulator.

Daniel Setrak Sowmy 30 August 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia de avaliação da incerteza associada à medição do desempenho térmico de coletores solares térmicos, utilizados em aquecedores de água residenciais. A determinação desta grandeza tem influência direta na estimativa da fração solar obtida pelo sistema, e consequentemente no tempo de retorno sobre o investimento do mesmo. Coletores solares planos, construídos a partir de perfis de alumínio, com absorvedores metálicos, pintura preta não seletiva, tubulação interna de cobre, cobertura de vidro simples e isolante térmico na parte traseira, foram ensaiados individualmente em laboratório para determinação do seu desempenho. O procedimento adotado foi o indoor, onde os ensaios são realizados sob um simulador artificial de radiação solar, e envolveu a configuração da câmara de testes, estabilização das variáveis ambientais, ensaios das amostras, cálculo do desempenho térmico e estimativa da sua incerteza associada. Esta última levou em consideração as contribuições da instrumentação empregada, da estabilidade temporal das condições de contorno para realização das medições e do método estatístico utilizado na determinação da curva de desempenho térmico do coletor. Ao final do estudo foram ponderados os limites aceitos pelo programa de etiquetagem brasileiro de coletores em comparação com os resultados obtidos. / This work presents a methodology for assessing the thermal performance uncertainty of solar collectors used in residential water heaters. The uncertainty has a direct influence on the solar fraction prediction and consequently on its payback time. Flat solar collectors, built in aluminum frames, metallic absorber with non-selective black paint, copper pipes, single glass cover and thermal insulation on the back, were tested individually at the laboratory to measure their performance. The test procedure was the indoor, performed on an artificial solar simulator, and included the test chamber set-up, environmental variables control, sample testing, thermal performance calculating and its uncertainty estimate. The latter considered the instrumentation, temporal stability of variables and the statistical method used on the collectors thermal performance curve fitting. The study also compared the results obtained with the performance limits accepted by the Brazilian collector labeling program.

Atividade fotoprotetora in vitro de espécies medicinais da caantiga pernambucana e incorporação em gel dermatológico

ANDRADE, Bruno de Almeida 26 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-06-16T13:33:42Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertaçao_bruno_almeida_andrade 08-04-15.pdf: 887102 bytes, checksum: d4eb208fba2031874804e661270f91b7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-16T13:33:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertaçao_bruno_almeida_andrade 08-04-15.pdf: 887102 bytes, checksum: d4eb208fba2031874804e661270f91b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / FACEPE / A exposição à radiação ultravioleta (UV) pode causar foto envelhecimento, lesões estéticas ou mais perigosas, como os carcinomas e/ou melanomas. Os filtros solares são substâncias capazes de absorver, refletir ou refratar a radiação ultravioleta e assim proteger a pele da exposição direta da luz. Uma tendência atual da indústria cosmética é a exploração racional da biodiversidade brasileira para o desenvolvimento de produtos com componentes de origem natural, especialmente a partir de plantas. Flavonoides, antocianinas e derivados do ácido cinâmico provavelmente são as substâncias presentes nas plantas responsáveis pela absorção na região do UV, devido as suas estruturas químicas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o Fator de Proteção Solar (FPS) in vitro, a capacidade antioxidante e quantificar os teores de fenois totais, taninos, flavonoides e cumarinas, de quinze espécies da Caatinga, utilizadas na medicina popular como antiinflamatórias, incorporando em um gel dermatológico o extrato que apresentasse o melhor FPS. Amostras das espécies vegetais devidamente identificadas foram secas, trituradas e submetidas à extração hidroetanólica (80:20). Análises espectrofotométricas foram realizadas para determinação do FPS, atividade antioxidante e para o doseamento dos metabólitos secundários. O cálculo do FPS, in vitro, foi baseado no método desenvolvido por Mansur. A atividade antioxidante foi avaliada pela capacidade dos antioxidantes presentes nas amostras captarem o radical livre DPPH. Os teores de fenois totais e residuais, flavonoides e cumarinas foram obtidos pelos métodos de Folin-Ciocalteu, cloreto de alumínio e acetato de chumbo, respectivamente. Os ácidos carboxivinílicos (Carbopóis®) foram a matéria-prima utilizada na preparação de géis. Após a incorporação do extrato bruto, a formulação foi avaliada quanto às propriedades organolépticas, físico-químicas e estabilidade. A espécie Schinopsis brasiliensis (Baraúna) obteve o maior conteúdo de compostos fenólicos. Em relação aos taninos Anacardium occidentale (Caju Roxo) apresentou o melhor resultado. No doseamento de flavonoides e cumarinas as espécies que se destacaram foram Erythrina velutina (Mulungu) e Amburana cearensis (Imburana açú). Quanto à capacidade de captura do radical livre DPPH, a espécie que mostrou melhor atividade foi Myracrodruon urundeuva (Aroeira) com uma concentração eficiente de 10,39 μg/mL, sendo melhor que a concentração apresentada pelo ácido ascórbico. Em relação ao FPS, a espécie que obteve melhor resultado foi Erythrina velutina (Mulungu) com um valor de 9,708 ± 1,29 na concentração de 100 mg/L, sendo a espécie selecionada para incorporação no gel. Na avaliação de estabilidade preliminar, não houve alteração nos parâmetros avaliados porém, após 30 dias, observou-se alterações na cor e odor da formulação quando submetida a temperatura elevada. Este estudo apresentou informações sobre plantas da Caatinga e sua utilização em preparações farmacêuticas fotoprotetoras, sendo necessário a realização de estudos futuros visando a melhoria do processo de extração e desenvolvimento farmacotécnico das formulações com esta finalidade. / Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) can cause photoaging, esthetic lesions or more hazardous as carcinomas and/or melanomas. Sunscreens are substances that can absorb, reflect or refract ultraviolet radiation and thus protect the skin from direct light exposure. A current trend in the cosmetic industry is the rational exploitation of Brazilian biodiversity for the development of products with components of natural origin, especially from plants. Flavonoids, anthocyanins and cinnamic acid derivatives are probably the substances in plants responsible for absorption in the UV region due to their chemical structures. This study aimed to determine the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) in vitro, antioxidant activity and quantify the total phenolic, tannins, flavonoids and coumarins content, the fifteen species of Caatinga, used in folk medicine as anti-inflammatory, incorporating in a dermatological gel extract to produce the best SPF. Samples of appropriately identified plant species were dried, crushed and subjected to extraction hydroethanol (80:20). Spectrophotometric analyzes were performed to determine the SPF, antioxidant activity and secondary metabolites. The SPF in vitro was based on the method developed by Mansur. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the ability of antioxidants present in the samples capture the free radical DPPH. The total phenolic and residual, flavonoids and coumarins content were obtained by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, aluminum chloride and lead acetate, respectively. The carbomers (Carbopóis®) the raw materials were used in preparing gels. After the merger of the crude extract, the formulation was evaluated over the organoleptic properties, physicochemical and stability. The Schinopsis brasiliensis species (Baraúna) had the highest content of phenolic compounds. In relation to tannins Anacardium occidentale (Caju Roxo) showed the best results. When dosing flavonoids and coumarins species that stood out were Erythrina velutina (Mulungu) and Amburana cearensis (Imburana Açú). Regarding free radical capture capability DPPH, the species that showed highest activity was Myracrodruon urundeuva (Aroeira) with an effective concentration of 10.39 mg/mL, better than the concentration shown by ascorbic acid. Regarding the SPF, the species that best results were obtained Erythrina velutina (Mulungu) with a value of 9.708 ± 1.29 at the concentration of 100 mg/L, and the species selected for incorporation into the gel. In the evaluation of preliminary stability, there was no change in the evaluated parameters however, after 30th day, there was a change in the color and odor of the formulation when subjected to high temperature. This study has information about plants Caatinga and its use in photoprotective pharmaceutical preparations, being necessary to conduct future studies aimed at improving the extraction process and pharmaceutics development of formulations for this purpose.

Correção atmosferica de imagens do sensor AVHRR/NOAA utilizando produtos atmosfericos do sensor MODIS/TERRA / Potencial of use of atmospheric products of sensor MODIS/TERRA, for atmospheric correction of images AVHRR/NOAA

Nascimento, Cristina Rodrigues 23 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Jurandir Zullo Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T10:45:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nascimento_CristinaRodrigues_M.pdf: 15175487 bytes, checksum: d9905da2c3f9b6c5fa573693ce9e61a0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O sensoriamento remoto nas regiões espectrais do visível e do infravermelho próximo constitui uma das ferramentas mais importantes para o entendimento da biosfera e de suas dinâmicas. Entretanto, estas duas regiões são afetadas pelos efeitos atmosféricos tais como, o espalhamento e a absorção,ocasionados por sua vez pelos aerossóis e gases atmosféricos. Na tentativa de obter o fator de reflectância bi-direcional da superfície terrestre, nos canais 1 e 2 do sensor AVHRR, foi realizada a correção atmosférica, baseada na entrada de dados, tais como espessura óptica dos aerossóis, coluna total de vapor d?água e carga total de ozônio, respectivamente fornecidos pelo sensor MODIS. O intuito da utilização deste sensor está diretamente relacionado à obtenção das informações, necessários para a correção atmosférica, considerando-se a variabilidade dos parâmetros no tempo e no espaço. Para tanto foi utilizado o aplicativo SCORADIS, fundamentado no modelo de transferência radiativa 5S, então adaptado, para possibilitar a correção atmosférica de toda a imagem do AVHRR a partir da entrada das imagens correspondentes aos planos atmosféricos, através da utilização de quatro metodologias distintas de correção atmosférica. As análises realizadas indicaram que as correções realizadas a partir dos dados atmosféricos do sensor MODIS apresentaram resultados coerentes com o esperado após a eliminação dos efeitos de espalhamento e de absorção atmosférica, nos canais 1 e 2 do NOAA-17, nas duas datas consideradas (14/07/2004 e 30/08/2005). Para o NDVI, a diferença percentual entre as imagens com e sem correção chegaram a ser de, aproximadamente, 60%, o que ressalta a importância da correção atmosférica destes canais, principalmente no acompanhamento da vegetação a partir de imagens multitemporais. Não se observou diferença significativa entre as metodologias utilizadas para a entrada dos dados atmosféricos no sistema de correção atmosférica, devido, possivelmente, à magnitude dos valores utilizados e à áreateste escolhida. Os produtos obtidos a partir das imagens do MODIS mostraram potencial para utilização na estimativa dos principais parâmetros atmosféricos necessários para a correção atmosférica (como a espessura óptica dos aerossóis e conteúdo de vapor d'água e ozônio) e que são de grande dificuldade para obtenção em campo / Abstract: Remote sensing in the spectral regions of visible and infrared is one of the most important techniques used for studying the biosphere. However these two spectral regions are affected by atmospheric effects as scattering and absorption, caused by aerosols and atmospheric gases. In the attempt to obtain the real reflectance of ground surface, in channels 1 and 2 of AVHRR sensor, was performed the atmospheric correction of two NOAA images acquired on July/14/2004 and August/30/2005, based on atmospheric data supplied by the MODIS sensor, considering the spatial and temporal variability of these parameters. The system SCORADIS, based on the radiative transfer model called 5S, was adapted to read images having values of aerosols optical thickness, water vapor content and ozone contents corresponding spatially to each pixel of a AVHRR/NOAA image. Four distinct methodologies were used to define the images of atmospheric parameters. Coherent results were obtained using atmospheric data from MODIS, indicating that the scattering and absorption effects were correctly eliminated from the NOAA images in the two dates considered. The difference between the NDVI calculated with corrected and noncorrected images was up to 60%, showing the importance of using corrected images in applications based on multitemporal images. There was not observed significant difference among the four methodologies applied to define the atmospheric data used in the atmospheric correction system due, maybe, to the magnitude of the values and to the atmospheric conditions of test-area. The atmospheric products from MODIS can be used to defining the input data (like aerosol optical thickness, water vapor contents and ozone contents) for the atmospheric correction systems of AVHRR/NOAA images / Mestrado / Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável / Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola

Follow-the-Sun Software Development : Controlled Experiment

Pamulapati, Saroj, Gaddipati, Divya January 2011 (has links)
Context: Global software development (GSD) can be defined as distributing the software development work among various teams, which are geographically distributed. Global software development is being widely used nowadays in software industries because of the numerous advantages offered. Follow-the-sun (FTS) approach is a sub-division of global software engineering where unfinished work is handed off every day from one development site to another development site, which are many time zones apart and hence development takes place round the clock instead of just eight hours per day. Objectives: The objective of this study is to explore whether by implementing follow-the- sun approach in the development phase of the software life cycle, the time-to-market can be reduced by 50% when compared to the traditional method of software development. Methods: In this research to fulfil the objectives, systematic literature review and an experiment were conducted. In literature review a number of papers that are related to this study were identified from the databases such as Engineering Village, IEEE Xplore, Springer Link, ISI Web of Knowledge, Science Direct, ACM Digital Library and Wiley Inter Science Journal Finder. From these databases, all the related work on follow-the-sun approach that has been done so far was collected and the selection was done through tollgate approach. An experiment was conducted at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola with the students of the computer science engineering field as subjects of the experiment. The three software development scenarios that are tested in the experiment are co-located scenario, follow-the-sun with overlap scenario and follow-the-sun without overlap scenario. The experiment compares the results of the co-located scenario with the results of the follow-the-sun with overlap scenario and follow-the-sun without overlap scenario. Results: The results from the experiment showed that there is reduction in time-to-market by 22% when using follow-the-sun with overlap scenario and there is a reduction of 10% in the time-to-market when using follow-the-sun without scenario when compared to the co- located scenario. Conclusions: We conclude that follow-the-sun approach has an advantage of reduction in time-to-market when compared to the traditional co-located approach. But more research needs to be done in finding out the challenges and their mitigation strategies that will be beneficial for the organizations in order to adopt this process. From the findings of the literature review we have observed that due to the communication and collaboration problems, organizations are finding it difficult to achieve the desired benefits from the follow-the-sun approach. As a part of this study we conducted an experiment and we report the various challenges that have been noticed during the execution. From the experiment results we observe that there is a difference in the results between the theory and the practical implementation. We conclude that though the time-to-market can be certainly reduced when using follow-the-sun approach, but the reduction in the development time by 50% is questionable. This may be achieved by emphasizing on the challenges and by mitigating the same thereby bringing it closer to 50%. / Bakgrund: Global utveckling av programvara (GSD) kan definieras som distribuerar programvaran utvecklingsarbetet mellan olika team, som är geografiskt fördelade. Global mjukvaruutveckling är i stor utsträckning används i dag inom programvaruföretag på grund av många fördelar. Follow-the-sun (FTS) tillvägagångssätt är en underavdelning av den globala programvaruteknik där halvfärdiga arbeten delas ut varje dag från en utveckling plats till en annan utveckling webbplats, som är många tidzoner isär och därigenom utveckling sker dygnet runt istället för att bara åtta timmar per dag. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om genom att implementera follow-the- Sön förhållningssätt i utvecklingsfasen av programvaran livscykel, tiden till marknaden kan reduceras med 50% jämfört med den traditionella metoden för mjukvaruutveckling. Metoder: I denna forskning för att uppfylla de mål, systematisk litteraturstudie och en Experimentet utfördes. I litteraturen ett antal uppsatser som är relaterade till denna studien identifierades från databaser såsom Engineering Village, IEEE Xplore, Springer Link, ISI Web of Knowledge, Science Direct, ACM Digital Library och Wiley Inter Science Journal Finder. Från dessa databaser, alla relaterade arbetet efter-the-sun strategi som har gjort hittills har samlats in och urvalet gjordes genom tollgate strategi. En Experimentet utfördes på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola med eleverna av datorn vetenskap teknikområde som ämnen av försöket. De tre mjukvaruutveckling scenarier som testas i experimentet är samlokaliserade scenariot, follow-the-solen med överlappning scenario och follow-the-solen utan överlappning scenario. Experimentet jämför Resultatet av samarbetet ligger-scenario med resultaten av follow-the-solen med överlappning scenario och följ-the-solen utan överlappning scenario. Resultat: Resultatet från experimentet visade att det finns minskning av tiden till marknaden genom 22% vid användning av follow-the-solen med överlappning scenario och det är en minskning med 10% i time-to-market när du använder follow-the-solen utan scenario jämfört med co- ligger scenario. Slutsatser: Vi drar slutsatsen att följa the-sun metoden har en fördel av minskning av time-to-market jämfört med traditionella samlokaliserade strategi. Men mer forskning behöver göras för att hitta de utmaningar och deras strategier för riskminskning som kommer att fördelaktigt för organisationer för att anta denna process. Från resultaten av litteraturstudie har vi sett att på grund av kommunikation och samarbete problem, organisationer svårt att uppnå önskad nytta av follow-the-sun strategi. Som en del av denna studie har vi genomfört ett experiment och vi rapporterar de olika utmaningar som har märkt under utförandet. Från experimentet resultat vi konstatera att det finns en skillnad i resultat mellan teori och praktiska genomförandet. Vi drar slutsatsen att även om tiden till marknad kan säkert nedsatt vid användning följ-the-sun synsätt, men minskningen av utvecklingstiden genom 50% är tvivelaktig. Detta kan uppnås genom att betona på de utmaningar och genom att mildra samma sätt föra den närmare 50%.

Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Flux Transport in the Sun

Martín Belda, David 19 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Particle Acceleration in Two Converging Shocks

Wang, Xin, Giacalone, Joe, Yan, Yihua, Ding, Mingde, Wang, Na, Shan, Hao 15 June 2017 (has links)
Observations by spacecraft such as ACE, STEREO, and others show that there are proton spectral "breaks" with energy E-br at 1-10 MeV in some large CME-driven shocks. Generally, a single shock with the diffusive acceleration mechanism would not predict the "broken" energy spectrum. The present paper focuses on two converging shocks to identify this energy spectral feature. In this case, the converging shocks comprise one forward CME-driven shock on 2006 December 13 and another backward Earth bow shock. We simulate the detailed particle acceleration processes in the region of the converging shocks using the Monte Carlo method. As a result, we not only obtain an extended energy spectrum with an energy "tail" up to a few 10 MeV higher than that in previous single shock model, but also we find an energy spectral "break" occurring on similar to 5.5 MeV. The predicted energy spectral shape is consistent with observations from multiple spacecraft. The spectral "break," then, in this case is caused by the interaction between the CME shock and Earth's bow shock, and otherwise would not be present if Earth were not in the path of the CME.

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