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JÄMFÖRELSE AV MANUELL- OCHAUTOMATISK MÄTNINGAV SLAGLÄNGDEN ÖVERVÄNSTRA KAMMARENS UTFLÖDESTRAKTI TVÅDIMENSIONELL EKOKARDIOGRAFI / Comparison of manual and automatic measurement of Velocity time integral of Left ventricular outflow tract in two-dimensional echocardiographyHassan, Hamda, Klos-Piontek, Magdalena January 2016 (has links)
Tvådimensionell ekokardiografi som en icke-invasiv metod används bl.a. vid bedömning av systolisk vänsterkammarfunktion. Slagvolym (SV) är den mängd blod hjärtat pumpar ut under systole och används för vidareberäkningar av hjärtminutvolym (CO) och cardiac index (CI). Vänstra kammarens utflödestrakt (LVOT) anses vara det bästa området att beräkna SV. Då multipliceras LVOT-diameter och Velocity time integral (VTI)- ett mått på hur långt blodet skickas under systole. VTI mäts manuellt eller automatiskt utifrån dopplerkurvan som lagts i LVOT. Förutom SV, CO och CI används LVOT och VTI inom den kardiologiska diagnostiken vid utredningen av klaffsjukdomar, shuntar och hjärtsvikt.Syftet med studien var att jämföra om det fanns signifikant skillnad när VTI mättes manuellt och automatiskt.22 patienter deltog i denna studie och båda VTI-mätningar (den manuella och- automatiska) utfördes på varje patient. En jämförelse av båda mätningarna gjordes och vidare analyserades angående hur båda VTI påverkade slagvolymberäkningen.Resultatet visade att automatiska VTI gav högre värde än manuella VTI och resulterade med högre slagvolymvärden. Skillnaderna var signifikanta eftersom p-värdena var motsvarande 0,002 och 0,003. Metoderna hade dock en bra korrelation (r=0,950 för VTI, r=0,984 för SV).Vidare forskning behövs för att kunna avgöra om den manuella metoden kan ersättas med den automatiska.
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Mångkultur i monotappning : En studie av hur invandrarfrånvaron återspeglas i historieundervisningen på en helsvensk högstadieskolaDahl, Carina January 2006 (has links)
<p>This paper is about finding a set of unwritten rules pertaining to the teaching of history in an exclusively Swedish college. I want to know if truancy among immigrants has anything to do with SO teachers’ choice of content or their teaching methods. Unwritten rules are a complex phenomenon but by applying different perspectives and teaching methods a pattern will emerge. It is possible to discover different influences in the way the teacher chooses their material and work plan. I have done this through conducting various interviews.</p><p>Whilst working on this paper the answer became more and more clear. The unwritten code is actually based on the problems that arise regarding the democratic process of history teaching. The teacher’s view on democracy makes the assumption that includes diversity is in conflict with the western perspective which according to Lpo94 should be present in all teaching.</p>
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Geochemie plášťových xenolitů Českého středohoří / Geochemistry of mantle xenoliths of the České středohoří Mts.Kohoutová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
The České středohoří Mts. forming the most important and active part of Ohře/Eger rift are formed by volcanic rocks of Tertiary age containing upper mantle xenoliths which can provide us information about internal structure of upper mantle. This diploma thesis is focused on the study of mantle xenoliths from this part of Bohemian massif close to the city Litoměřice (4 locations: Dobkovičky, Prackovice, Kuzov, Medvědí hill) and for comparison another 4 locations of mantle xenoliths from the northern Bohemia locaties Brtníky in Šluknovský ledge, Kraslice and Zámeček at Fláje in Krušné Mts. and Venuše volcano in Nízký Jeseník at Bruntálská Highlands. Almost all studied xenoliths are spinel harzburgites or lherzolites with mineral association olivine + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + spinel (the most often Cr-spinel). They have usually protogranular texture followed by porfyroclastic texture (porfyroclasts are represented by olivine, orthopyroxene and in some cases also by clinopyroxene, and fine-grained matrix of all these minerals with olivine showing undulose extinguishes). An equigranular texture is the least common. Host rock of the xenoliths is always basanite. The most abundant mineral in peridotite xenoliths is olivine with #Mg value 89,4-91,5; followed by orthopyroxene with #Mg value 90,8-92,1...
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Mångkultur i monotappning : En studie av hur invandrarfrånvaron återspeglas i historieundervisningen på en helsvensk högstadieskolaDahl, Carina January 2006 (has links)
This paper is about finding a set of unwritten rules pertaining to the teaching of history in an exclusively Swedish college. I want to know if truancy among immigrants has anything to do with SO teachers’ choice of content or their teaching methods. Unwritten rules are a complex phenomenon but by applying different perspectives and teaching methods a pattern will emerge. It is possible to discover different influences in the way the teacher chooses their material and work plan. I have done this through conducting various interviews. Whilst working on this paper the answer became more and more clear. The unwritten code is actually based on the problems that arise regarding the democratic process of history teaching. The teacher’s view on democracy makes the assumption that includes diversity is in conflict with the western perspective which according to Lpo94 should be present in all teaching.
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De strukturerade professionella riskanalysernas förutsättningar och begränsningar inom Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län : En kvalitativ studie av polisers upplevelserNorrbin, Lisa, Olsson, Anette January 2012 (has links)
Inledning: Strukturerade professionella riskbedömningar för våld, vilka inom polisen benämns som riskanalyser, är numera ett krav och en viktig del i det brottsförebyggande arbetet inom polisen i Sverige. Polisen använder i huvudsak tre checklistor för att bedöma risk: SARA: SV, SAM samt PATRIARK, vilka generellt upplevs som praktiskt användbara. Dock är det få polismyndigheter som arbetar aktivt och ändamålsenligt med dessa. Inom Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län arbetar personsäkerhetsenheten för att främja tillämpningen av riskanalyserna och vi önskar bidra till att utveckla detta arbete. Syfte: Utifrån polisers upplevelser undersöka förutsättningar för och begränsningar av de strukturerade riskanalysernas tillämpning inom Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län. Metod: Studien innehar en kvalitativ design och semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med sex poliser, vilka utför strukturerade riskanalyser och är verksamma inom Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län. Resultat: Deltagarna upplever begränsningar såsom att rutinerna inte följs fullt ut och utbildningen upplevs vara bristfällig. Personsäkerhetsenheten lyfts fram som en viktig förutsättning för riskanalysernas tillämpning. Vidare upplevs riskanalyserna enbart bidra till positiva förändringar och motivationen inför att utföra dessa är hög. Deltagarna framhåller attarbetet gällande riskanalyserna måste fortsätta utvecklas och prioriteras. Slutsats: Polismyndigheten i Gävleborgs län har goda förutsättningar för att tillämpa de strukturerade riskanalyserna, men det framkommer även tydliga begränsningar vilka påverkar arbetet. Dessa begränsningar är väsentliga att beakta men möjliga att åtgärda. Slutligen delges rekommendationer för hur arbetet inom myndigheten kan utvecklas för att ytterligare främja tillämpningen av de strukturerade riskanalyserna.
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Životní styl lidí bezdomovců v Českých Budějovicích / The lifestyle of homeless people in the area of České BudějoviceKRÁLOVÁ, Inka January 2009 (has links)
The life style of the homeless in České Budějovice is varied, and these people do not take homelessness their own life style. The most common cause of homelessness is disagreement between parents, even if the majority passed their childhood within the properly functioning family. In most of cases, the men are single, without a partner. Over a half of the homeless people in České Budějovice are healthy, and they regard health important. The majority of them do not use health services and they do not pay the health insurance. Over a half do not get financial means by means of their own work, which means that they either draw employment benefits, material shortage benefits, or they go begging. As against this, the majority is looking for a job, do occasional work or are registered unemployed at the job centre. The unemployed in St. Paul{\crq}s House have their own meals and they keep to the regular drinking regime. People living outdoor eat of what they cadge or what they get from people in streets. In the category of those addicted it ensued that the dependence on cigarettes of the homeless is a more frequent phenomenon than on alcohol. Over a half of the homeless people in České Budějovice use the sanitary facility in St. Paul{\crq}s House. People living outdoor do their hygiene in the river, mostly. In their free time, over a half of the homeless go in for their jobs or seeking for a job. In the evening people attending St. Paul{\crq}s House watch TV, and people living outdoor drink alcohol and relax. Over a half of the homeless have a regular daily routine. Most of the homeless is not concerned in what is happening around. Over a half of the homeless people do not anything about being homeless, they are unsatisfied with their life situation, they perceive it to be wrong, serious, and therefore to be changed. As for the values, they consider health the most important value, while the least important one for them is their own housing. The primary idea of this Diploma Thesis is to make both lay and professional public acquainted, and help to increase awareness of the said problem.
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Svatá cesta (Via Sancta) z pražské katedrály do Staré Boleslavi. / The Holy Journey from Prague Cathedral to Stara Boleslav (Via Sancta)Strolená, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work is to reconstruct and interpret the real space of the symbolic space of the Czech country, and within it to monitor the conditions of a development the Holy Journey (Via Sancta) from the Prague Cathedral in to Stara Boleslav in the background of the cult of St. Wenceslas with the help of contemporary visual sources (architecture, sculptures and paintings), including sub-urban scene. The development of symbolic spatial linkages between the Prague Cathedral and Stara Boleslav we observe in the broader context of the Christian world since the beginning of the Czech statehood (10th century) until the process has been visually completed (1670-80) through a series of chapels (Via Sancta) between Prague and Stara Boleslav.
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公司的社会价值模型与量化评估:以“A股上市公司义利99”为例January 2020 (has links)
abstract: 本文是针对A股上市公司的社会价值所进行的模型开发与量化评估研究。
“上市公司社会价值评估模型” ,将公司的社会价值分为三个方面,即目标、方式和效益。 “目标” (AIM)是建设更高质量、更有效率、更加公平和更可持续的美好未来,这是公司社会价值的驱动力; “方式” (APPROACH)是指创新的生产技术、运营模式和管理机制,这是公司社会价值的创新力; “效益” (ACTION)是指公司的经济、社会和环境的贡献,这是公司社会价值的转化力。该模型也称 “社会价值三A三力三合一模型” ,简称3A模型。
“义利99” 是将上市公司对经济、社会和环境的贡献纳入模型进行量化评估的探索,有利于资本市场更好地关注上市公司的社会价值,并促进上市公司将社会价值纳入长期战略安排。
随着更多上市公司更好地承担起信息披露的责任,“义利99”未来将不会局限于沪深300,会有更广泛的应用。中国上市公司终将成为推动世界可持续发展的新动力。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2020
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Sequential parameter and state learning in continuous time stochastic volatility models using the SMC² algorithm / Sekventiell estimering av parametrar och tillstånd i tidskontinuerliga stokastiska volatilitetsmodeller nyttjandes SMC² algoritmenTingström, Victor January 2015 (has links)
In this Master’s thesis, joint sequential inference of both parameters and states of stochastic volatility models is carried out using the SMC2 algorithm found in SMC2: an efficient algorithm for sequential analysis of state-space models, Nicolas Chopin, Pierre E. Jacob, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos. The models under study are the continuous time s.v. models (i) Heston, (ii) Bates, and (iii) SVCJ, where inference is based on options prices. It is found that the SMC2 performs well for the simpler models (i) and (ii), wheras filtering in (iii) performs worse. Furthermore, it is found that the FFT option price evaluation is the most computationally demanding step, and it is suggested to explore other avenues of computation, such as GPGPU-based computing. / I denna Masteruppsats estimeras sekventiellt parametrar och tillstånd i stokastiska volatilitetsmodeller nyttjandes SMC2 -algoritmen som återfinns i [1]. Modellerna som studeras är de kontinuerliga s.v.-modellerna (i) Heston, (ii) Bates och (iii) SVCJ, där inferens baseras på optionspriser. Vi finner att SMC2 presterar bra resultat för de enklare modellerna (i) och (ii) emedan filtrering för (iii) presterar sämre. Vi finner ytterligare att det beräkningsmässigt tyngsta steget är optionsprissättning nyttjandes FFT, därför föreslås det att undersöka andra beräkningssätt, såsom GPGPU-beräkning
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Stochastic volatility : maximum likelihood estimation and specification testingWhite, Scott Ian January 2006 (has links)
Stochastic volatility (SV) models provide a means of tracking and forecasting the variance of financial asset returns. While SV models have a number of theoretical advantages over competing variance modelling procedures they are notoriously difficult to estimate. The distinguishing feature of the SV estimation literature is that those algorithms that provide accurate parameter estimates are conceptually demanding and require a significant amount of computational resources to implement. Furthermore, although a significant number of distinct SV specifications exist, little attention has been paid to how one would choose the appropriate specification for a given data series. Motivated by these facts, a likelihood based joint estimation and specification testing procedure for SV models is introduced that significantly overcomes the operational issues surrounding existing estimators. The estimation and specification testing procedures in this thesis are made possible by the introduction of a discrete nonlinear filtering (DNF) algorithm. This procedure uses the nonlinear filtering set of equations to provide maximum likelihood estimates for the general class of nonlinear latent variable problems which includes the SV model class. The DNF algorithm provides a fast and accurate implementation of the nonlinear filtering equations by treating the continuously valued state-variable as if it were a discrete Markov variable with a large number of states. When the DNF procedure is applied to the standard SV model, very accurate parameter estimates are obtained. Since the accuracy of the DNF is comparable to other procedures, its advantages are seen as ease and speed of implementation and the provision of online filtering (prediction) of variance. Additionally, the DNF procedure is very flexible and can be used for any dynamic latent variable problem with closed form likelihood and transition functions. Likelihood based specification testing for non-nested SV specifications is undertaken by formulating and estimating an encompassing model that nests two competing SV models. Likelihood ratio statistics are then used to make judgements regarding the optimal SV specification. The proposed framework is applied to SV models that incorporate either extreme returns or asymmetries.
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