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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Changes in the Syntactic Structure in Translations from English into Swedish

Craven-Bartle Peltola, Cecilia January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to study how the major syntactic structure is affected when a literary text is translated from English into Swedish. That is, to study what operations take place and the frequency of the different operations in a translation. The purpose is also to see how much the freedom of translation varies between different translators.

Étude des mots indiquant la couleur dans les proverbes et les locutions proverbiales français et irakiens : étude linguistique comparée / Study of the words refering to color in french and iraqi proverbial proverbs and the expressions : compared linguistic study

Altaie, Liqaa 04 September 2015 (has links)
Notre thèse porte sur l’étude linguistique contrastive de la référence aux couleurs dans les proverbes à partir d'un corpus de 208 proverbes recueillis en France et en Irak. Nous étudierons la manière dont les couleurs sont exprimées dans les deux langues (catégories grammaticales, structure grammaticale et prosodique des énoncés, outils rhétoriques appliqués aux couleurs pour renforcer leur valeur expressive), ainsi que le rapport des locuteurs à l'usage des couleurs dans les proverbes qu'ils utilisent. Nous essayerons également d'explorer dans les deux langues les différences liées à l'époque où le proverbe a été le plus utilisé, ainsi que le degré de connaissance des proverbes selon l'âge, le sexe, la profession et la région du locuteur. La langue française, ainsi que le dialecte irakien contiennent une grande proportion de mots indiquant la couleur dans les proverbes. Et c’est la connotation de ces mots qui est à l’origine de la difficulté de compréhension. De plus, selon les pays, les cultures et les époques, les couleurs revêtent des significations différentes, parfois aux antipodes de celles des cultures voisines, comme le blanc, associé en occident et dans les pays arabes (comme en Irak) à la pureté, alors qu’il est lié au deuil dans la plupart des pays asiatiques. Grâce à la langue, comme nous le savons, l’homme peut communiquer, échanger les informations, les idées et les sentiments. En d’autres termes, les parleurs peuvent exprimer ce qu’ils veulent exprimer, ce qu’ils veulent dire et les auditeurs peuvent recevoir les informations. Cependant, dans la communication, il n’est pas toujours facile de comprendre complètement et exactement ce qui est dit et écrit, parce que le sens du mot est compliqué et sophistiqué. Le même mot, utilisé dans ces différentes situations, aura différentes significations. Les mots indiquant la couleur se heurtent aux mêmes problèmes. Fonctionnant comme une unité isolée, le proverbe est une combinaison de mots tirés du vocabulaire général de chaque langue. Nous considérons les mots indiquant la couleur dans les proverbes et les locutions proverbiales comme l’objet de notre étude parce que la couleur est partout dans notre vie : la couleur des plantes et des animaux, la couleur du ciel et de la terre, la couleur des aliments, mais aussi parce que les proverbes constituent une source de vocabulaire riche pour ceux qui apprennent la langue. Les proverbes portent divers champs sémantiques et ils reflètent bien les difficultés culturelles liées à l’apprentissage du français en Irak. En outre, nous essayerons de prouver, à travers des transformations et des manipulations, que ces proverbes peuvent être figés. Une étude approfondie de ces traits sémantiques et syntaxiques nous a paru de première nécessité pour rendre compte de l'existence du figement dans les proverbes, phénomène linguistique à la fois très important et très complexe. Par ailleurs, la comparaison critique entre ces deux langues, le français et l’arabe en l’occurrence, affirme que ce phénomène du figement n’est qu’un fait linguistique universel, et révèle que chaque langue a ses propres mécanismes de figement. Nous pouvons noter que du point de vue sémantique, le sens des proverbes n’est pas calculé selon les règles de la compositionalité ; autrement dit, le sens global des proverbes n’est pas l’addition du sens des éléments qui les composent. / Our thesis concerns the contrastive linguistic study of The reference to colors in the proverbs from a corpus of 208 proverbs collected in France and in Iraq. We shall study how the colors are expressed in both languages (word classes, grammatical and prosodic structure of the statements, the rhetoric tools applied to colors to strengthen their meaning value) as well as the link of the speakers for colors in the proverbs they use. We shall also try to explore in both languages the differences related to the period when the proverb was the most used as well as in the degree of knowledge of the proverbs according to age, sex, profession and the region of the speaker. The French language as well as the Iraqi dialect contain a big proportion of words indicating the color in the proverbs. And it is the connotation of these words that is the origin of the difficulty of understanding. Furthermore, according to countries, cultures and times, the colors take on different meanings sometimes to the antipodes of those of the nearby cultures like the colour white, associated in the West and in Arab countries to purity, while it is refers to mourning in most of the Asian countries. Thanks to the language, as we know it, the man can communicate, exchange information, ideas and eelings. In other words, the speakers can express what they want to express, what they want to sayand the listenerscan receive the information. However, in communication, it is not always easy to understand completely and exactly what is said and written, because the meaning of the word is complicated and sophisticated. The same word, used in these various situations, will have various meanings. The words indicating the color come up against with the same problems. Working as an isolated unity, the proverb is a combinatio of words taken from the general vocabulary of every language. We consider the words indicating the color in the proverbs and the proverbial expressions as the object of our study because the color is everywhere in our life : the color of the plants and animals, the color of the sky and the earth, the color of food, but also because the proverbs constitute a source of rich vocabulary for those who learn the language. The proverbs refers to diverse semantic fields and they reflect nicely the cultural difficulties related to learning of the French language in Iraq. Besides this, we would try to prove through transformations and manipulations that these proverbs can be frozen. An elaborate study of these semantic and syntactical features seemed to us absolutely essential to report the existence of the congealing in the proverbs, a very important and very complex linguistic phenomenon at the same time. Besides that, the critical comparison between these two languages : French and Arabic in this particular case, asserts that the phenomenon of the congealing is just a universal linguistic fact, and reveals that each language has its own mechanisms of congealing. We can note that, from the semantic point of view, the meaning of the proverbs is not calculated according to the rules of the compositionality ; in other words, the global meaning of the proverbs is not the addition of the meaning of the elements which compose them.

A morphosyntacic description of Northern Sotho as a basis for an automated translation from Northern Sotho into English

Faab, Gertrud 09 October 2010 (has links)
This PhD thesis provides a morpho-syntactic description of Northern Sotho from a computational perspective. While a number of publications describe morphological and syntactical aspects of this language, may it be in the form of prescriptive study books (inter alia Lombard (1985); Van Wyk et al. (1992); Poulos and Louwrens (1994)) or of descriptive articles in linguistic journals or conference proceedings (inter alia Anderson and Kotz´e (2006); Kosch (2006); De Schryver and Taljard (2006)), so far no comprehensive description is available that would provide a basis for developing a rule-based parser to analyse Northern Sotho on sentence level. This study attempts to fill the gap by describing a substantial grammar fragment. Therefore, Northern Sotho morpho-syntactic phenomena are explored which results in the following descriptions: <ul> <li> language units of Northern Sotho are identified, i.e. the tokens and words that form the language. These are sorted into word class categories (parts of speech), using the descriptions of Taljard et al. (2008) as a basis; </li> <li> the formal relationships between these units, wherever possible on the level of parts of speech, are described in the form of productive morpho-syntactic phrase grammar rules. These rules are defined within the framework of generative grammar. <br></li> </ul> Additionally, an attempt is made to find generalisations on the contextual distribution of the many items contained in verbs which are polysemous in terms of their parts of speech. The grammar rules described in the preceding chapter are now explored in order to find patterns in the co-occurrence of parts of speech leading towards a future, more general linguistic modelling of Northern Sotho verbs. It is also shown how a parser could work his way step-by-step doing an analysis of a complete sentence making use of a lexicon and the rules developed here. We have also implemented some relevant phrase grammar rules as a constraint-based grammar fragment, in line with the theory of Lexical-Functional Grammar (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982). Here, we utilized the Xerox Linguistic Environment (XLE) with the friendly permission of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC). Lastly, the study contains some basic definitions for a proposed machine translation (MT) into English attempting to support the development of MT-rules. An introduction to MT and a first contrastive description of phenomena of both languages is provided. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / African Languages / unrestricted

Processing And Characterisation Of Fibre-Free And Fibre Bearing Syntactic Foams

Karthikeyan, C S 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

La scalarité de l'intégration syntaxique : étude syntaxique, sémantique et pragmatique de la proposition en "quand" / The scalarity of syntactic integration : syntaxic, semantic and pragmatic study of quand clause (when-clause)

Saez, Frédérique 22 June 2011 (has links)
Cette étude sur les propositions (clauses) introduites par "quand" s’ancre dans une démarche descriptive qui se veut à l’interface entre syntaxe, sémantique et discours. Il s’agit donc dans un premier temps de définir des critères permettant de rendre compte de la syntaxe particulièrement variable de cette structure introduite par quand. Nous nous sommes inspirée des travaux de Smessaert et al. (2005) pour la distinction entre micro- et macro-syntaxe et Berrendonner & Reichler-Béguelin (1989), Berrendonner (1990) et Béguelin (2004) pour la description macro-syntaxique. L’utilisation des ces outils de descriptions nous a permis de sortir de la dichotomie traditionnelle (hypotaxe vs parataxe) par l’intégration d’un niveau intermédiaire (exotaxe, épitaxe et endotaxe) afin d’élaborer un continuum scalaire d’intégration de la clause introduite par "quand", sur l’exemple de ce que propose Lehmann (1988). Ce continuum d’intégration présente une double orientation de l’intégration : de la coalescence au dégroupage et inversement. Ce continuum d’intégration syntaxique de la clause introduite par quand est corroboré par l’interprétation plus ou moins subjective de cette même clause. Nous souhaitons que ce travail soit à l’origine d’une étude plus vaste sur les intégrateurs temporels en français (cependant, alors, en même temps, à ce moment-là etc.) afin de vérifier la constance prévisible de certains phénomènes. / Our study about the "Quand-p" (When-clause) in modern French settles in a descriptive approach in the interlacing of syntax, semantic and discourse. Therefore we first needed to define a criteria that could debrief the variability of the Quand-p syntax. We found inspiration in the interlaced work of Smessaert et al. (2005), for the difference between micro- and macro-syntax, and of Berrendonner & Reichler-Béguelin (1989), Berrendonner (1990) and Béguelin (2004) for the macro-syntax analysis. Using these analysis tools allowed us to leave the traditional dichotomy (hypotaxis vs parataxis) by means of integration of an intermediate level (exotaxis, epitaxis and endotaxis) to elaborate a continuing integration scale of the "Quand-p", based on the example given by Lehmann (1988). This integration scale presents two directions: from coalescence to unbundling and vice versa.This syntactic integration scale introduced by the Quand-p is corroborated by its more or less subjective interpretation. We hope for this work to be at the origin of a larger study of the temporal integrator in French (cependant, alors, en même temps, à ce moment-là etc.) in order to verify the predictable constancy of certain phenomena.

Matériaux à propriétés mécaniques et thermiques améliorées sous pression hydrostatique en utilisation aquatique / Materials with improved mechanical and thermal properties under hydrostatic pressure for aquatic usage

Imbert, Claire 30 April 2010 (has links)
Les matériaux aujourd'hui utilisés pour l'isolation thermique en milieu aquatique sous pression hydrostatique sont soit des mousses souples à base de caoutchoucs, soit des mousses rigides, notamment syntactiques, selon la profondeur. Ces matériaux souples ont été analysés par des tests mécaniques et thermiques classiques. Cependant, les protocoles et valeurs relevées ont été adaptés à l'usage final du produit, et plus particulièrement à l'environnement aquatique en surface et en profondeur. Les relations entre les différentes caractéristiques (structures et propriétés) de ces matériaux ont été étudiées afin de définir les propriétés adéquates selon des critères pertinents. Pour mettre en évidence les propriétés thermiques sous pression hydrostatique, un outil de test a de plus été développé : une enceinte de test hyperbare innovante, pour l'évaluation de la résistance thermique et de l'épaisseur sous pression d'eau entre 0 et 50 m de profondeur. Les points forts et faibles des matières classiquement utilisées ont été clairement établis. L'analyse de ces résultats a permis d'identifier un concept de matériau composite propre à l'usage défini. Une matière innovante a été conçue en fonction : une mousse syntactique. En variant le type de particules additionnées à une matrice thermoplastique élastomère, la structure cellulaire a été affinée pour obtenir un comportement identique en milieu aquatique, en surface comme en profondeur. En parallèle de sa production industrielle, cette matière a été testée afin d'identifier les relations entre structures et propriétés. / Materials nowadays used for thermal insulation in aquatic environment under hydrostatic pressure are either rubber flexible foams or rigid foams, especially syntactic foams, depending on depth. These flexible materials were analyzed through classical mechanical and thermal tests. However, methods and results were adapted to the final usage of the product, particularly to the aquatic environment at the surface and under depth. Relationships between structures and properties characteristics were studied to define appropriate properties within relevant criteria. Moreover, to underline thermal properties under hydrostatic pressure, a testing instrument has been developed: an innovating hyperbaric test chamber, dedicated to under water pressure thermal resistance and thickness measurements, from 0 to 50 m depth. Strengths and weak points of these classical materials have been clearly established. Results analysis lead to a new concept of composite material for the defined usage. This innovating material, a syntactic foam, has been developed. By varying the particle type added to a thermoplastic elastomer matrix, the cellular structure has been refined in order to obtain a similar behaviour in aquatic environment, at the surface like in depth. This material has been tested, parallel to its industrial production, to identify relationships between structures and properties.

Children's Awareness of Syntactic Ambiguity

Zimmer, Elly Jane, Zimmer, Elly Jane January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation probes children's metalinguistic awareness of syntactic ambiguity (as in the sentence The man is poking the monkey with a banana, where the PP with a banana can be understood in two ways, associated with either the monkey or the poking). Several studies suggest that children do not spontaneously detect syntactic ambiguity until the second grade (e.g., Wankoff, 1983; Cairns et al., 2004). However, syntactic ambiguity detection contributes to reading comprehension skills in second and third graders (e.g., Cairns et al., 2004; Yuill, 2009). This research suggests the hypothesis that syntactic ambiguity awareness should contribute to reading development. Specifically, the theoretical model known as the Simple View of Reading posits that the main components of reading are decoding and linguistic comprehension. Syntactic ambiguity detection could contribute to linguistic comprehension because it helps a listener to overcome comprehension difficulties caused by misinterpreting an ambiguous sentence. Thus, it is important to better understand the early development of syntactic ambiguity awareness. If its connection to reading begins younger than second grade, it might be incorporated into early reading curricula and intervention strategies, which are more effective when applied earlier. This dissertation includes three manuscripts that are or will be submitted for publication. The first manuscript reports on a study that laid the foundation for the following two by testing whether 3- to 5-year-olds access both interpretations of a syntactic ambiguity using a truth value judgment task. The results showed that children do entertain both interpretations, indicating that comprehension should not be an impediment to syntactic ambiguity detection. This study is currently in revisions at First Language (Zimmer, 2016a). The second manuscript reports on a study that tested whether 4- to 7-year-olds can detect ambiguous sentences using a task that differs from those used in previous studies. My study used a picture selection task that tested for conscious awareness by having children teach a puppet why multiple pictures could match one sentence. I developed a scoring system for children's explanations that allowed for more gradient measures of early ambiguity awareness than previous research. The results showed that a small proportion of 4- to 7-year-olds are aware of syntactic ambiguity, and many others are beginning to show indications of such awareness (e.g., they select both pictures but their explanations are not yet adult-like). This manuscript is submitted to The Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (Zimmer, 2016b).The third manuscript reports on a study that tested whether 6- to 7-year-olds can learn syntactic ambiguity detection and whether the learning correlates with improvement at reading readiness measures. Participants were divided into two groups: an ambiguity group that did four weeks of games to teach syntactic ambiguity detection, and a control group that did four weeks of math games. I found that children in the ambiguity group improved more at ambiguity detection and at reading readiness tests than those in the control group. This showed that syntactic ambiguity detection is a learnable skill for children as young as 6 and suggests that its connection to reading is in place that young as well. Thus, this skill could be a valuable addition to early reading curricula and intervention strategies. This manuscript will be submitted to Applied Psycholinguistics (Zimmer, 2016c).


Susanna S George (10947207) 05 August 2021 (has links)
Being in the midst of a pandemic with patients having minor symptoms that quickly become fatal to patients with situations like a stemi heart attack, a fatal accident injury, and so on, the importance of medical research to improve speed and efficiency in patient care, has increased. As researchers in the computer domain work hard to use automation in technology in assisting the first responders in the work they do, decreasing the cognitive load on the field crew, time taken for documentation of each patient case and improving accuracy in details of a report has been a priority. <br>This paper presents an information extraction algorithm that custom engineers certain existing extraction techniques that work on the principles of natural language processing like metamap along with syntactic dependency parser like spacy for analyzing the sentence structure and regular expressions to recurring patterns, to retrieve patient-specific information from medical narratives. These concept value pairs automatically populates the fields of an EMR form which could be reviewed and modified manually if needed. This report can then be reused for various medical and billing purposes related to the patient.

Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Porous Microsphere Filled Epoxy Composites

Chitrakar, Rojer 01 September 2021 (has links)
Syntactic foams are hollow particles-filled lightweight composites that are widely used in areas that require high strength while maintaining low weight and density. These foams are highly tailorable materials whose properties can be altered during the manufacturing process by changing various parameters like matrix and microballoon material type, size, distribution, as well as the volume fraction and wall thickness of microballoons. Therefore, understanding the effect of these parameter changes in the behavior of syntactic foams is very important to manufacture the foam for different applications. In the present study, syntactic foams of various volume fractions of microballoons were fabricated and different mechanical testing was conducted to study their elastic and viscoelastic behavior. Moreover, density, void content, and microstructure of the syntactic foam with varying volume fractions of microballoons were also studied to better characterize these foams. Results show that changes in the volume fraction of the microballoons had a significant impact on the elastic and viscoelastic behavior of the foams. The introduction of the microballoons into the epoxy resin decreased the density of the epoxy resin by up to 43.36% and at the same time increasing the specific modulus by up to 21.059%. In addition, representative 3D models of these syntactic foams were also developed to further study the elastic behavior of these materials which were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. These findings will help in designing and optimizing the material properties of the syntactic foam required for different applications.

Prekoncept syntaktických vztahů koordinace, apozice a dominace u žáků ZŠ / Preconception of the Syntactic Relations of Coordination, Aposition and Dominance at Elementary School

Mazánková, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The objective of the diploma thesis Preconception of the Syntactic Relations of Coordiantion, Aposition and Dominance at Elementary School is to discover whether pupils in the 5th , 6th and 7th grade of elementary school are able to distinguish syntactic relations. At first, the issue of the preconception is defined in the context of constructivist teaching concept, which works with the preconceptions actively. After that, the concept of syntactic relations is described in linguistic literature and textbooks, Framework Educational Programme, and methodological publications. A research tool which consists of special prepared exercises for the research purpose of this thesis was used to investigate the preconception of syntactic relations. The pupils did these exercises individually. By means of semi-structured dialogues it was investigated, how were the pupils thinking during the work. The dialogues were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The research sample comprised of 35 pupils from the 5th to 7th grade of a Prague elementary school. The research shows that the pupils are able to think about syntactic relations on a pre-conceptual basis spontaneously but the interference of the school teaching shows in the way of their thinking, namely in a formal approach to categorization and primary looking...

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