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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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As diretrizes da pol?tica p?blica de sa?de bucal e suas inflex?es nos servi?os da Cl?nica Odontol?gica da UFRN

Pinto, ?ngela Cristina Oliveira 28 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AngelaCOP.pdf: 364520 bytes, checksum: bdb5a6b935de33cfbea540c5c622af3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-28 / The crisis that the Brazilian State have been crossing throughout the last decades has revealed intense oscillations in the the way of life of the population reality. In the health area, specifically of buccal health, new alternatives of attending to demands for odontological services have been increasing from the 1990 decade. The research had as objective to analyze the demand of the services of the clinic-school of odontology of the UFRN to identify the socio-economic profile of the users and the inflections of the standards of the National Politics of Buccal Health. The methodology is based on a dialectic perspective and a quali-quantitative boarding. It was used as instrument of data collection forms with open and closed questions, applied to two distinguished groups of citizens: 53 users of the services and 12 pupils of 9th and 10th term of the Odontology Course. The results reaffirm that, with the aggravation of the crisis of SUS (Sistema ?nico de Sa?de- Single Health System) grow the difficulties of accessing the odontological services of the users majority. The subjects of the research make use of a regular socio-economic condition, with high school, own house, formal bond to labor and monthly medium income between 1 and 2 minimum wages. The conclusive analyses point to the selective and exculpatory character of the buccal health right, mainly, those users who find themselves in situation of extreme poverty and social vulnerability. Immediate and of lesser cost odontological assistance is what it s aimed, but the standards praised in the Public Politics of Buccal Health walk in another direction, requiring a bigger strongness of the formation bases and implementation of the programmatical actions since the academic field until the effectiveness of Politics of Buccal Health as a right while as a right to attention and care / A crise que o Estado brasileiro vem atravessando ao longo das ?ltimas d?cadas tem revelado oscila??es marcantes na realidade do modo de vida da popula??o. Na ?rea de sa?de, especificamente de sa?de bucal, novas alternativas de atendimento ?s demandas por servi?os odontol?gicos t?m se tornado crescentes a partir da d?cada de 1990. A pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a demanda dos servi?os da cl?nica-escola de odontologia da UFRN e identificar o perfil s?cio-econ?mico dos usu?rios e as inflex?es das Diretrizes da Pol?tica Nacional de Sa?de Bucal. A metodologia est? fundamentada numa perspectiva dial?tica e numa abordagem quali-quantitativa. Utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta de dados formul?rios com quest?es abertas e fechadas, aplicados a dois grupos de sujeitos distintos: 53 usu?rios dos servi?os e 12 alunos do 9? e do 10? per?odo do Curso de Odontologia. Os resultados reafirmam que, com o agravamento da crise do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS) crescem as dificuldades de acesso aos servi?os odontol?gicos pela maioria dos usu?rios. Os sujeitos da pesquisa disp?em de uma condi??o s?cio-econ?mica regular, com ensino m?dio, casa pr?pria, v?nculo formal de trabalho e renda m?dia mensal entre 1 e 2 sal?rios m?nimos. As an?lises conclusivas apontam para o car?ter seletivo e excludente do direito ? sa?de bucal, principalmente, ?queles usu?rios que se encontram em situa??o de pobreza extrema e vulnerabilidade social. Assist?ncia odontol?gica imediata e de menor custo ? o que se procura, mas as Diretrizes preconizadas na Pol?tica P?blica de Sa?de Bucal caminham numa outra dire??o, requerendo um maior fortalecimento das bases de forma??o e implementa??o das a??es program?ticas desde o campo acad?mico at? a efetividade da Pol?tica de Sa?de Bucal enquanto direito ? aten??o e ao cuidado

Impacto da estrat?gia sa?de da fam?lia com equipe de sa?de bucal sobre indicadores de sa?de bucal: an?lise em munic?pios do nordeste com mais de 100 mil habitantes

Pereira, Carmen Regina dos Santos 16 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:13:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarmenRSP_TESE.pdf: 2081735 bytes, checksum: fbb93d99085a18a01a87f966bcf12fa0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This study examined in municipalities of Northeast of Brazil with more than one hundred thousand people who incorporation of Oral Health Teams (OHT) into the Family Health Strategy (FHE) the possible impact on oral health indicators. Sought to answer whether implementation OHT brought the best indicators of health problems and coverage, compared to areas without coverage by the FHE through a community trial in parallel, quasi-randomized. In each of the municipalities surveyed were 20 census tracts, 10 were located in areas covered by oral health teams in the ESF and 10 industries in areas not covered. The final sample consisted of 59.221 individuals. We compared oral health indicators related to health problems, access to services and coverage of oral health actions. The analysis strategy was based on the calculation of prevalence ratios and confidence intervals, adjusted for confounding factors through Poisson regression with robust variance. It also has measured the association between an indicator of social inequality for comparison between areas. The best results are associated with indicators of access and coverage of oral health actions at the expense of the indicators of health problems, suggesting a possible maintenance of a traditional model of practice yet. The results also suggest a possible effect of a specific policy in the area of primary care on inequality in access. From the discussions presented throughout this work, we can see that the impact analysis of public policy, obtained by comparing areas with and without the intervention, not only captures the effect on the target population, but other dimensions of organization service and therefore should be understood as one of the analytical possibilities related to the management / Este estudo verificou, nos munic?pios da regi?o Nordeste com mais de cem mil habitantes que incorporaram a equipe de Sa?de Bucal (SB) na Estrat?gia de Sa?de da Fam?lia (ESF), o poss?vel impacto sobre os indicadores de sa?de bucal. Procurou responder se a implanta??o da ESF com equipe de SB trouxe melhores indicadores de agravos e cobertura, comparativamente ?s ?reas sem cobertura da estrat?gia por meio de um ensaio comunit?rio em paralelo, quase-randomizado. Em cada um dos munic?pios foram pesquisados 20 setores censit?rios, sendo 10 inseridos em ?reas cobertas pelas equipes de sa?de bucal na ESF e 10 setores de ?reas n?o cobertas. A amostra final constou de 59.221 indiv?duos. Foram comparados indicadores de sa?de bucal relativos a agravos, acesso a servi?os e cobertura de a??es de sa?de bucal. A estrat?gia de an?lise baseou-se no c?lculo das raz?es de preval?ncia e respectivos intervalos de confian?a, ajustadas para os fatores de confundimento por interm?dio da regress?o de Poisson com vari?ncia robusta. Tamb?m foi realizada medida de associa??o entre um indicador de desigualdade social para compara??o entre as ?reas. Os melhores resultados est?o associados aos indicadores de acesso e cobertura de a??es de sa?de bucal em detrimento dos indicadores de agravos, sugerindo a prov?vel manuten??o de um modelo de pr?tica ainda tradicional. Os resultados tamb?m apontam para um poss?vel efeito de uma pol?tica p?blica espec?fica na ?rea de aten??o prim?ria sobre a desigualdade no acesso. A partir das discuss?es apresentadas ao longo deste trabalho, podemos perceber que a an?lise de impacto de uma pol?tica p?blica, obtida por meio da compara??o entre ?reas com e sem a interven??o, capta n?o s? o efeito sobre a popula??o alvo, mas outras dimens?es da organiza??o do servi?o e, portanto deve ser compreendida como uma das possibilidades anal?ticas ligadas ? gest?o

Estudo psicossocial das perdas dent?rias na terceira idade

Piuvezam, Grasiela 19 October 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:14:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GrazielaP.pdf: 755554 bytes, checksum: 131d0429ce10a8cc95c2e615aea92043 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-10-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present study seeks to understand tooth loss by investigating the social representations in the daily life of elderly individuals, thus characterizing itself as a comparative and analytic research. It is known that tooth loss is a common occurrence in elderly individuals, interfering at the psychosocial and biological levels, through its functional, esthetical and social implications. The area of oral health in Brazil is lacking studies on this topic, especially with respect to the psychosocial aspects of the elderly. The Theory of Social Representations and the Central Nucleus Theory were selected for theoretical-methodological support. The Free Association of Words Test was used, whose inducing stimulus were the words tooth loss , in which each subject was asked to associate 3 words, to respond to a questionnaire related to socio-economic conditions and containing an investigation of tooth loss, access to odontological services and the need for dental treatment, and to undergo a focus group interview. The study sample consisted of 120 individuals 60 years of age or over, resident in Natal, RN, Brazil and participants of the Live Together to Live Better group of the Basic Health Unit of Felipe Camar?o Residential District and Unati (Open University of the Elderly); an interview was performed with 36 subjects. Data analysis was performed by Evoc 2000, SPSS/99, Graph Pad and Alceste softwares. The results demonstrate that the central nucleus of the social representations of tooth loss for the Live Together group emerged from the difficulty in eating categories, showing a relation between physiologic necessity, desire and pleasure from eating, not to mention the pain that resulted from justifying the tooth loss. Besides the central discourses, the following peripheral elements were gathered: difficulty in adapting to the prosthesis, treatment and difficulty in speaking. All of these categories, except the last, also comprised the class themes of the group interview. For the Unati group the central nucleus emerged from the socio-economic difficulties categories, demonstrating a narrow relation between poverty, access to health and education and esthetics, confirming in the discourse of common sense, the association between tooth loss and aging. At the margin of the central discourses was collected the peripheral element difficulty in adapting to the prosthesis, found both in the Live Together and Unati groups, which expresses the resistance of the subject to this new situation and the failure of the rehabilitation treatment in the sense of reviving the memory of their natural teeth. All of these categories also constitute the class themes of the of the group interview. Thus, through the study of the social representations, we can reveal a reality in the perspective of the social subjects, contemplating the multiple facets of the social-cultural reality experienced by these individuals / O presente estudo buscou compreender a tem?tica das perdas dent?rias, investigando as representa??es sociais no cotidiano de sujeitos da terceira idade e caracterizando-se como uma investiga??o comparativa e anal?tica. Como pressuposto, tem-se que as perdas dent?rias s?o achados comuns no cotidiano das pessoas idosas e interferem no ?mbito psicossocial e biol?gico, atrav?s de suas implica??es funcionais, est?ticas e sociais. A ?rea de sa?de bucal no Brasil carece de estudos sobre esse tema, sobretudo com um recorte psicossocial voltado para terceira idade. A Teoria das Representa??es Sociais e a Teoria do N?cleo Central foram escolhidas como suporte te?ricometodol?gico. Utilizou-se a Teste da Evoca??o Livre de Palavras cujo est?mulo indutor foram as palavras perdas dent?rias , em que para cada sujeito foi solicitada a evoca??o de 03 palavras, um question?rio para caracteriza??o s?cio-econ?mica contendo tamb?m uma investiga??o das quest?es relativas ?s perdas dent?rias, o acesso a servi?os odontol?gicos al?m da necessidade de tratamento odontol?gico e uma entrevista do tipo grupo focal. Os sujeitos dessa pesquisa foram 120 indiv?duos com idade igual ou superior ? sessenta anos, residentes em Natal, RN e participantes do Grupo Conviver para Melhor Viver da Unidade B?sica de Sa?de do Bairro de Felipe Camar?o e da Unati (Universidade Aberta da Terceira Idade), a entrevista foi realizada com 36 sujeitos. A an?lise dos dados foi realizada pelos softwares Evoc 2000, SPSS/99, Graph Pad Instat e pelo Alceste. Os resultados demonstraram que o n?cleo central das representa??es sociais das perdas dent?rias para o grupo Conviver emergiu a partir das categorias dificuldade de comer, observando uma rela??o entre necessidade fisiol?gica, desejo e prazer em alimentar-se. Al?m disso, a dor, que foi evocada no sentido de justificar as perdas dent?rias. ? margem dos discursos centrais foram apreendidos os elementos perif?ricos dificuldade de adapta??o ? pr?tese, tratamento e dificuldade de falar, todas essas categorias, com exce??o da ?ltima tamb?m constitu?ram os temas das classes na an?lise dos discursos. Para o grupo da Unati o n?cleo central emergiu a partir das categorias dificuldade s?cio-econ?mica demonstrando uma estreita rela??o entre a pobreza, o acesso ? sa?de e ? educa??o e est?tica, confirmando no discurso do senso comum a associa??o entre a perda dent?ria e o envelhecimento. ? margem dos discursos centrais foi apreendido o elemento perif?rico dificuldade de adapta??o ? pr?tese encontrado tanto no grupo Conviver quanto no grupo da Unati e que expressa a resist?ncia do sujeito a esta nova situa??o e o insucesso do tratamento reabilitador no sentido de resgatar a mem?ria dos dentes naturais. Todas essas categorias tamb?m constitu?ram os temas das classes na an?lise dos discursos. Assim, pudemos, atrav?s do estudo das representa??es sociais revelar uma realidade na perspectiva dos sujeitos sociais, contemplando as m?ltiplas facetas da realidade s?cio-cultural vivenciada pelos sujeitos

Sistema inteligente para o processamento de imagens digitais intrabucais oclusais

Lins, Ramon Augusto Sousa 04 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-22T15:28:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RamonAugustoSousaLins_DISSERT.pdf: 3798892 bytes, checksum: 0a5d06ff47c763499839e741148b3dcb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-27T22:14:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RamonAugustoSousaLins_DISSERT.pdf: 3798892 bytes, checksum: 0a5d06ff47c763499839e741148b3dcb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T22:14:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RamonAugustoSousaLins_DISSERT.pdf: 3798892 bytes, checksum: 0a5d06ff47c763499839e741148b3dcb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-04 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Neste trabalho ? proposto o desenvolvimento de um sistema inteligente capaz de segmentar, contar e classificar individualmente dentes a partir de imagens fotogr?ficas digitais intraorais oclusais.O sistema proposto faz uso combinado das t?cnicas de aprendizagem de m?quina no caso a m?quina de vetor de suporte e processamento digital de imagens. Primeiramente ? feita uma segmenta??o baseada nas cores dos dentes e n?o dentes presentes na imagem atrav?s do uso de m?quina de vetores de suporte. A partir da identifica??o das regi?es de interesse, dentes e n?o dentes, os dados s?o representados de modo que a contagem, detec??o de fronteiras e classifica??o dos dentes possa ser feita. Para contagem e detec??o de fronteiras s?o utilizadas t?cnicas baseadas em operadores morfol?gicos, eros?o e transformada watershed, respectivamente. A classifica??o quanto aos tipos de dentes ? baseada na utiliza??o dos descritores de posi??o e forma, sendo esse ?ltimo definido por descritores de Fourier. O sistema portanto ? capaz de realizar a segmenta??o, a contagem e a classifica??o de dentes presentes nas imagens. / Several are the areas in which digital images are used in solving day-to-day problems. In medicine the use of computer systems have improved the diagnosis and medical interpretations. In dentistry it?s not different, increasingly procedures assisted by computers have support dentists in their tasks. Set in this context, an area of dentistry known as public oral health is responsible for diagnosis and oral health treatment of a population. To this end, oral visual inspections are held in order to obtain oral health status information of a given population. From this collection of information, also known as epidemiological survey, the dentist can plan and evaluate taken actions for the different problems identified. This procedure has limiting factors, such as a limited number of qualified professionals to perform these tasks, different diagnoses interpretations among other factors. Given this context came the ideia of using intelligent systems techniques in supporting carrying out these tasks. Thus, it was proposed in this paper the development of an intelligent system able to segment, count and classify teeth from occlusal intraoral digital photographic images. The proposed system makes combined use of machine learning techniques and digital image processing. We first carried out a color-based segmentation on regions of interest, teeth and non teeth, in the images through the use of Support Vector Machine. After identifying these regions were used techniques based on morphological operators such as erosion and transformed watershed for counting and detecting the boundaries of the teeth, respectively. With the border detection of teeth was possible to calculate the Fourier descriptors for their shape and the position descriptors. Then the teeth were classified according to their types through the use of the SVM from the method one-against-all used in multiclass problem. The multiclass classification problem has been approached in two different ways. In the first approach we have considered three class types: molar, premolar and non teeth, while the second approach were considered five class types: molar, premolar, canine, incisor and non teeth. The system presented a satisfactory performance in the segmenting, counting and classification of teeth present in the images.

Fatores associados ? condi??o de sa?de bucal de pacientes internados em hospitais p?blicos do munic?pio de Natal-RN

Lima, Lailson Silva de 28 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LailsonSL.pdf: 806488 bytes, checksum: 9c6790615be4d8d2d3b2adaa92646828 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-28 / The hospitalization is an event that can attack any person, independent of gender, race, social and economical condition. Last year, the prevalence of hospitalization was 8.1 for 100 inhabitants and the average time of hospitalization was 8.5 days for each patient one in Natal city. Therefore, an important point is whether the attention to the patients during the permanence in these health establishments incorporates the health integral model suggested by the principles proposed by the National Health System in Brazil (SUS), with actions of promotion and protection by different kinds of professionals, beside those called convalescence. Then, the aim of this study was to evaluate the patient s oral health conditions hosted in public hospitals of the Natal city, looking for to establish its relationship with several risk factors by two dimensions: the characteristics of the hospitalization and the patient s general and economical conditions. We accomplished a cross-sectional study with 205 patients distributed among the hospitals Onofre Lopes, Giselda Trigueiro and Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel, looking for to know the socio-demographic characteristics, the food habits and of oral hygiene and the conditions of oral health, through the Visible Plaque Index and Gingival Bleeding Index. We observed that the conditions of the patient s oral health interned at public hospitals of reference of the municipal district of Natal is bad, existing accumulation of dental plaque and, consequently, a great number of patients with gingival bleeding. However, the time of hospitalization and its reason, the type of medicine used in this time and the toothbrush frequency were not configured as risk factors for this oral health condition / A hospitaliza??o ? um evento que pode atingir qualquer indiv?duo, independente de sexo, ra?a, condi??o social e econ?mica. Em 2006, no munic?pio de Natal, a preval?ncia de internamento foi de 8,1 internamentos para cada 100 habitantes e uma m?dia de perman?ncia no ambiente hospitalar de 8,5 dias para cada paciente. Diante disso, nos questionamos se os cuidados com a Sa?de Bucal dos pacientes durante a estadia nestes estabelecimentos de sa?de incorpora o modelo integral ? sa?de sugerido pelo reordenamento dos servi?os e a??es em sa?de proposto pelo SUS, existindo a??es multiprofissionais de promo??o e de prote??o da Sa?de, ao lado daquelas propriamente ditas de recupera??o. Assim, a proposta deste estudo foi a de avaliar a situa??o de higiene bucal a partir da quantidade de biofilme acumulado das superf?cies dent?rias e da quantidade de sangramento gengival de pacientes hospitalizados em hospitais p?blicos da cidade do Natal. Al?m disto, buscamos estabelecer a associa??o entre a situa??o de sa?de bucal com as caracter?sticas da interna??o e com as condi??es socioecon?micas do paciente. Para isto, realizamos um estudo epidemiol?gico do tipo transversal com 205 pacientes distribu?dos entre os hospitais Onofre Lopes, Giselda Trigueiro e Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel, buscando conhecer as caracter?sticas s?cio-demogr?ficas, os h?bitos alimentares e de higiene bucal e as condi??es de sa?de bucal, atrav?s dos ?ndices de Placa Vis?vel (IPV) e de Sangramento Gengival (ISG). Observamos que, de uma maneira geral, as condi??es de sa?de bucal dos pacientes internados em hospitais p?blicos de refer?ncia do munic?pio de Natal s?o prec?rias, existindo grande ac?mulo de biofilme dent?rio (placa bacteriana) e, conseq?entemente, um grande n?mero de pacientes com sangramento gengival. Entretanto, o tempo de internamento, o motivo da hospitaliza??o, o tipo de medicamento utilizado e a freq??ncia de escova??o n?o se configuraram como fatores associados com a piora das condi??es de sa?de bucal, sendo necess?rios estudos mais adequados para o estudo desta rela??o

Perspectivas dos cirurgi?es-dentistas sobre a inser??o da fitoterapia na aten??o b?sica de sa?de

Lima J?nior, Jos? Ferreira 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseFLJ.pdf: 489038 bytes, checksum: 731141dec4f591b581277507990e3a2c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work aims at investigating the surgeons-dentists acceptability in the field of public health in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, about the possibility of medicinal plants insertion in basic attencion of health. Moreover, it searchs to know if during their professinal formation it had some theoretician-pratical basement on this subject, as well as investigating their confidence on the medicinal plants. The basic motivation for developing this study is the possibility of contributing to the insertion of a tradicional health pratical at public assistance scope, endorsed by popular use, but now scientifically proven. For in a such way, the medicinal plants use is emphasized as a way to be followed to increase basic pharmaceutical assistance, improving the acess to the medicine and diminish expenses. Following this logic, family health program constitutes the way through which this pratical will be available to the users of health services. The research was done over thirty surgeonsdentists, all ofthem pertaining to public service ofNatal, state ofRio Grande do Norte. It was used, as research instrument, semi-estructured interview associated with methodological analysis user s speeches. On this form, this work is inserted in a trend observed nowadays not only in Brazil, where the use of the medicinal plants has been stimulated and defended to be inserted at programs ofprimary attenction of health / Este trabalho tem por objetivo conhecer a aceitabilidade dos cirurgi?es-dentistas da assist?ncia p?blica na cidade de Natal/RN em rela??o ? possibilidade de inser??o da fitoterapia na aten??o b?sica de sa?de. Al?m disso, busca conhecer se durante a forma??o profissional deles houve algum embasamento te?rico-pr?tico sobre este assunto, bem como investigar a confian?a que eles atribuem aos fitoter?picos. A motiva??o b?sica para a realiza??o desse estudo est? na possibilidade de contribuir com a inser??o de uma pr?tica de sa?de tradicional no ?mbito da assist?ncia p?blica, respaldada pelo uso popular, por?m ? luz do conhecimento cient?fico. Para tanto, a fitoterapia ? enfatizada como um caminho a ser seguido com vistas a incrementar a assist?ncia farmac?utica b?sica, aumentando o acesso ao medicamento e minorando gastos. Seguindo esta l?gica, o PSF constitui o caminho atrav?s do qual esta pr?tica poder? chegar at? o usu?rio do servi?o de sa?de. A popula??o estudada foi composta de trinta cirurgi?es-dentistas vinculados ao servi?o p?blico de Natal-RN. O instrumento utilizado foi um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada, com a t?cnica de an?lise das pr?ticas discursivas. Nesse sentido, este trabalho se insere dentro de uma tend?ncia que se v? atualmente n?o s? no Brasil, onde a utiliza??o das plantas medicinais tem sido incentivada, estimulada e defendida para ser inseri da dentro dos programas de aten??o prim?ria ? sa?de. Palavras-chaves: Fitoterapia; servi?os p?blicos de sa?de; sa?de bucal; aten??o b?sica

A produ??o das perdas dent?rias: narrativas de usu?rios do SUS

Dantas, Jussara de Azevedo 27 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JussaraAD.pdf: 601035 bytes, checksum: cffe252603743caec8889a83b0645aab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-27 / For a complete comprehension of the effect of tooth loss is necessary to listen to the patients that have it. This study, of qualitative approach, investigate, in the dental history of users of SUS, listening to his/her experiences with the services of dental care, the reason that lead his/her to dental lost and the repercussion of this in his/her life. The collect of data was made by narrative interview, obeying to a pre-defined schema. The subjects interviewed were six (three of urban zone and three of rural zone), all of them were users of Family Health Units. The criterions of inclusion were the followings: the presence of tooth lost (total lost in both dental arch or in one of them, or partial lost in at least six elements in one of the arches); age between 25 and 59; male or female; to live in municipal district of S?o Tom?/RN or Natal/RN. Based on previous interviews was elaborated the odontological history of each patient. Such narratives, systemized in odontological history, were analyzed taking as base the studies of Souza71 and the proposal of Schutze, suggested for Jovchelovitch, Bauer34. The results show that toothache was the main reason for the search of odontological care. The patients confront the ache with home-made medicaments, allopathic ones, and searching for dental care. The searching for exodontics was stimulated for geographic access difficulties or for repressed demand, which as a result produced the aggravation of the lesions and the discredit in restoration s treatment. The self-care practice of tooth-brush with ju? or toothpaste and the controlled ingestion of sugar was not sufficient to avoid dental lost. Guilty sentiments were identified in relation with lack of care with teeth. The acceptance of dental lost as a natural factor is an important motivation in lack of pain and in the belief that it was a simple part of life in old age. Life with dental prosthesis makes clear the difference between which was natural and which was unnatural, and difficulties with the prosthesis appeared. The limitation of the prosthesis in its functional aspect can be compensated by esthetic restitution, making possible smiling expression. Starting with this study and considering the high number of dental lost, mainly in low-rent population, which live with toothless limitations or bad-quality prosthesis which do not rehabilitate adequately, we suggested the realization of qualitative researches which include, also, another actors in heath care services such as professionals and administrators / A compreens?o ampliada dos efeitos da perda dent?ria exige escuta dos sujeitos que a experimenta. Este estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, investigou, na hist?ria odontol?gica de usu?rios do SUS, a partir do relato de suas experi?ncias com os servi?os de sa?de bucal, os motivos que os levaram ? perda dent?ria e as repercuss?es desta em suas vidas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da t?cnica de entrevista narrativa, adaptada, utilizando-se roteiro semi-estruturado. Os sujeitos entrevistados, num total de seis (tr?s da zona urbana e tr?s da zona rural), foram usu?rios de Unidades de Sa?de da Fam?lia. Consideraram-se os seguintes crit?rios de inclus?o: presen?a de desdentamento (perda total em ambas as arcadas, ou em uma delas, ou perda parcial a partir de seis elementos em uma das arcadas); idade ente 25 e 59 anos; qualquer g?nero; ser morador dos munic?pios de S?o Tom?/RN e Natal/RN. A partir do conte?do das entrevistas foi elaborada a hist?ria odontol?gica de cada entrevistado. Tais narrativas, sistematizadas em hist?rias odontol?gicas, foram analisadas com base em estudo de Souza e na proposta de Sch?tze, sugerida por Jovchelovitch, Bauer. Os resultados indicaram que a experi?ncia de dor foi o principal motivo pela procura por assist?ncia odontol?gica. As formas de enfrentamento da dor deram-se pelo uso de medica??es caseiras e alop?ticas e pela busca do servi?o de sa?de. A procura pela exodontia foi favorecida pela dificuldade de acesso geogr?fico ou pela grande demanda reprimida, o que produziu agravamento das les?es e descr?dito na efic?cia do tratamento restaurador. A pr?tica do autocuidado atrav?s da escova??o com ju? ou creme dental e o controle do consumo de a??car n?o foram suficientes para evitar a perda dent?ria. Foram identificados sentimentos de culpa relacionados ? falta de cuidado. A aceita??o da perda dent?ria como natural teve forte rela??o com a garantia de aus?ncia de dor e a cren?a de fazer parte do processo de envelhecimento. A conviv?ncia das pessoas com a pr?tese dent?ria mostrou a diferen?a entre o que era natural e o que era artificial e, a partir da?, foram aparecendo situa??es de estranhamento com a pr?tese. A limita??o da pr?tese quanto ao aspecto funcional pode ser compensada pela restitui??o da est?tica, ao possibilitar a express?o do sorriso. A partir deste estudo e considerando o elevado n?mero de perdas dent?rias, especialmente em popula??es de menor poder aquisitivo, que convivem com limita??es pr?prias da condi??o de desdentado e ou com pr?teses de m? qualidade que n?o reabilitam, adequadamente, sugere-se a realiza??o de pesquisas de abordagem qualitativa que inclua, tamb?m, outros atores implicados na produ??o de cuidados e servi?os de sa?de profissionais e gestores

O tratamento odontol?gico sob o olhar da crian?a : um estudo de representa??o social

Alves, Rubiane Di?genes 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RubianeDA.pdf: 446800 bytes, checksum: f6d764783b690f50a5cb1ade0df82372 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Oral health measures directed to children are characterized by the lack of policies that consider the individual and his biopsychosocial aspects. As a consequence, it can be observed that a child?s dental experience has normally been prejudged as unpleasant and threatening. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating dental treatment from the child?s viewpoint using the theory of social representations for theoretical/methodological support. This theory was selected for being able to build practical knowledge surrounding the interrelations between social actors, the phenomenon and the world around them. The investigation was performed at the Professor Jos? Fernandes Machado State School, located in the Ponta Negra district of Natal-RN-Brazil. The participants consisted of 30 children from the public elementary school system in the 6-10 year age group, who had undergone dental treatment within the previous year or were being treated at the time of data collection. An in-depth interview and story drawing within a theme were used as collection instruments. Thematic Content Analysis (Bardin, 2002) was used to analyze the material collected in the interviews, whereas for story drawing within a theme, in addition to content analysis, the data were also analyzed by the Coutinho model (2001). The two instruments demonstrated similarity of content as well as complementarity and contained categories associated to the model for dental treatment in children, the description of the dental office environment., the perception of the image of the dentist, as well as psychological and behavioral manifestations. The results enable us to understand determinate reactions of the children in relation to dental treatment, which has been characterized by its technical-curative approach, where the motive for seeking treatment, the manner in which it is performed and the relation of the dentist with the child are all in evidence. Thus, this study intends not only to reveal the viewpoint of children faced with dental treatment, but also to contribute to a dental practice directed towards them, in this way instilling in the professionals who attend them a more concrete awareness of the needs, anxieties and feelings of these young patients / As a??es de sa?de bucal direcionadas ?s crian?as encontram-se permeadas pela aus?ncia de uma pol?tica que incentive essa pr?tica, bem como considere o ser humano em seus aspectos biopsicossociais. Como conseq??ncia, observa-se que a experi?ncia odontol?gica infantil vem normalmente sendo pr?-julgada como desagrad?vel e amea?adora. Dessa forma, este estudo objetiva investigar o tratamento odontol?gico a partir da vis?o das crian?as utilizando como suporte te?rico/metodol?gico a Teoria das Representa??es Sociais. Esta Teoria foi eleita por possibilitar a constru??o de um conhecimento pr?tico envolvendo as inter-rela??es entre os atores sociais, o fen?meno e o mundo que os rodeia. O locus de investiga??o foi a Escola Estadual Professor Jos? Fernandes Machado , localizada no bairro de Ponta Negra na cidade de Natal-RN. Os participantes foram 30 crian?as inseridas no contexto escolar do Ensino Fundamental da Rede P?blica, na faixa et?ria de 6 a 10 anos de idade, que tinham sido submetidas a tratamento odontol?gico h? menos de um ano ou que estivessem em tratamento no momento da coleta dos dados. Como instrumentos de coleta, foram utilizados a entrevista em profundidade e o desenho-est?ria com tema. Para an?lise do material coletado pelas entrevistas foi utilizada a t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do tem?tica preconizada por Bardin (2002). J? para o desenho-est?ria com tema al?m da an?lise de conte?do, os dados foram tamb?m analisados por meio do modelo proposto por Coutinho (2001). Os dois instrumentos demonstraram similitude de conte?do assim como complementaridade e apresentaram categorias associadas ? concep??o do modelo de tratamento odontol?gico infantil, ? descri??o do ambiente odontol?gico, ? percep??o da imagem do dentista e a manifesta??es psicol?gicas e comportamentais. Os resultados possibilitaram entender determinadas rea??es representadas pelas crian?as em rela??o ao tratamento odontol?gico, em que este foi objetivado pelo car?ter t?cnico-curativo, onde se sobressaem o motivo da procura pelo atendimento, a forma como ele se realiza e a rela??o do dentista com a crian?a. Assim, essa pesquisa pretende n?o apenas conscientizar acerca da vis?o da crian?a face ao tratamento odontol?gico, mas fornecer subs?dio para repensar a pr?tica odontol?gica direcionada a crian?as, podendo assim estimular nos profissionais que as atendem uma consci?ncia mais concreta acerca das car?ncias, anseios e sentimentos desses pequenos pacientes

Qualidade de vida, efici?ncia mastigat?ria e presen?a de disfun??o temporomandibular em usu?rios de pr?tese parcial remov?vel com arco dental curto inferior

Resende, Camila Maria Bastos Machado de 04 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CamilaMBMR_DISSERT.pdf: 1636154 bytes, checksum: 93436bf05df2fc24b28357dc92d0d373 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-04 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Even nowadays there is in Brasil a large number of edentulous and a precarious financial condition of most of the population. In addition, World Health Organization aims for oral health, which consists on the maintenance of a natural dentition, functional and aesthetic composed of at least 20 teeth, without need of prosthetic intervention throughout life. From this and considering the lack of researches about the permanence of edentulous spaces in the oral cavity, and also avoiding overtreatment, this research has been proposed. Thus, the aim was to evaluate the effect of different lengths of the shortened lower dental arch in the presence or absence of a removable partial denture (RPD) on masticatory function, quality of life and occurrence of temporomandibular dysfunction. To achieve this goal, we compared the masticatory efficiency (colorimetric test), the oral comfort through the analysis of the impact of oral health in quality of life (OHIP-14), the presence of temporomandibular dysfunction (RDC/TMD) and the general quality of life (WHOQOL) of patients with shortened dental arches (SDA) (n=60), which is an arch with a reduction of teeth starting posteriorly, and patients with complete dental arch (Complete DA) (n = 34). The group of patients whit SDA was divided among PPR wears (PPD + SDA) (n = 17) and non-wears (n = 43). The population of this study consisted on patients who received or looked for treatment at the clinics of the Department of Dentistry of UFRN, from clinical analysis and records. The sample was chosen by convenience. For statistical analysis, it was a database in SPSS 17.0, followed by descriptive analysis with frequencies, absolute values, tests of central tendency and variability. The statistical tests used were chi-squared and analysis of variance as well as Tukey s post test, when applicable, all with a 95% confidence level. The results shown a prevalence of TMD of 47,1% among patients using PRP and 69,8% among those who didn t, but this result wasn t statistically significant. The mean of the results of masticatory efficiency, WHOQOL and OHIP didn t show association to the presence or absence of PPR and to the lower number of occlusal units of the patients (0, 1, 2 or more occlusal). The association only occurred among the different groups of SDA and the patients with complete dental arch. Taking into account the results, it could be observed that studied patients with low posterior support using lower PRP didn t have better masticatory efficiency, general quality of life, less impacts of their oral conditions in quality of life or not even less temporomandibular dysfunction or better masticatory efficiency when compared to those who didn t use the prosthesis / Existe ainda hoje no Brasil um grande n?mero de desdentados e uma prec?ria condi??o financeira da maior parte da popula??o. Al?m disso, existe uma meta preconizada pela Organiza??o Mundial de Sa?de para sa?de bucal, que consiste na manuten??o de uma denti??o natural, funcional e est?tica composta de, pelo menos, 20 dentes, sem que haja necessidade de uma interven??o prot?tica ao longo da vida. A partir disso e da escassez de estudos sobre a perman?ncia destes espa?os ed?ntulos na cavidade bucal e ainda, buscandose evitar sobretratamentos, esta pesquisa foi proposta. Desta forma, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da varia??o do encurtamento do arco dental inferior na presen?a ou aus?ncia de pr?tese parcial remov?vel (PPR) sobre a fun??o mastigat?ria, qualidade de vida e presen?a ou n?o de disfun??o temporomandibular. Com este intuito comparou-se a efici?ncia mastigat?ria (teste colorim?trico), o conforto oral atrav?s do impacto das condi??es bucais na qualidade de vida (OHIP-14), a presen?a de disfun??o temporomandibular (RDC/TMD) e qualidade de vida geral (WHOQOL) de pacientes com arco dental curto (ADC) (n=60), ou seja suporte posterior reduzido e ainda a um grupo de indiv?duos com arco dental completo (AD Completo) (n = 34). O grupo de pacientes que apresentava ADC foi subdividido entre usu?rios de PPR (ADC +PPR) (n=17) e n?o usu?rios (n=43). A popula??o foi constitu?da por pacientes que recebem tratamento nas cl?nicas do Departamento de Odontologia da UFRN ou que est?o em busca do mesmo, a partir de an?lise de prontu?rios e triagem pr?via. A amostra foi por conveni?ncia. Para a an?lise estat?stica, fez-se um banco de dados no SPSS 17.0, seguida da an?lise descritiva com freq??ncias, valores absolutos, testes de medidas de tend?ncia central e variabilidade. Os testes estat?sticos utilizados foram o qui quadrado e an?lise de vari?ncia seguido do p?s teste de Tukey quando aplic?vel, tudo com n?vel de confian?a de 95%. Com os resultados observou-se que a preval?ncia de DTM foi de 47,1% entre os pacientes que utilizavam PPR e 69,8% entre os que n?o utilizavam, mas isto n?o foi estatisticamente significante. Quanto ?s m?dias dos resultados da efici?ncia mastigat?ria, WHOQOL e OHIP n?o houve associa??o com a presen?a ou aus?ncia de PPR inferior e nem com o n?mero de unidades oclusais dos pacientes (0, 1, 2 ou mais unidades oclusais). A associa??o s? ocorreu entre o grupo AD Completo e os subgrupos de ADC. Levando-se em considera??o os resultados pode-se observar que pacientes com suporte posterior bastante reduzido que utilizam PPR inferior n?o possuem melhor efici?ncia mastigat?ria, qualidade de vida geral, nem as condi??es bucais impactam menos na sua qualidade de vida, nem apresentam menos DTM e nem possuem uma melhor efici?ncia mastigat?ria quando compar?veis aos pacientes que n?o utilizam PPR com as mesmas condi??es bucais

Percep??o dos idosos sobre sa?de bucal

R?go, J?nio Rodrigues 27 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JanioRR_DISSERT.pdf: 1059779 bytes, checksum: 2f156563089ccdb68afd0585079055aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-27 / The assessment of oral health status in elderly patients is essential for the development of specific health policies. The prevalence of oral diseases is high in this population. The self-perception of oral health conditions influences the demand for oral care and quality of life for seniors. The aim of this study was to assess self-perception of oral health status in 100 elderly of both sexes, aged 60 years or older and functionally independent the Basic Health Unit of Felipe Camar?o II, Natal, Brazil. For comparison of self-perception data was collected in Bom Pastor, Natal / RN. In this research data were collected a questionnaire grouped into two parts. The first part with the socio-demographic data, subjective and objective condition of oral health and access to the service, the second part GOHAI Index. This index consists of 12 items that make it possible to obtain information involving aspects of chewing, speech, phonation, and self-assessed oral health. The results were subjected to statistical tests of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test (&#945; = 0.05), to identify possible predictors of self-evaluation. As a result, 69% were female, ages ranged from 60 to 86 years, with a median of 65 years. In relation to marital status 48% were married. For the years of study, the sample had an average of 3 years. For the last visit to the dentist, only 27% of seniors had visited the Dentist for less than a year. Regarding the questions about the presence of gingival and dental problems were answered by 46% and 21% respectively. The data on the perception of your teeth and gums, 44%. The index showed GOHAI value for self-perception of 30 points to Felipe Camar?o and 28 points for the Bom Pastor, both considered a low perception. We identified predictors of self-rated number of people in the room, participate in any associational activity, there is problems with your teeth and your gums. Concluded a negative self-perception of oral health condition by Gone in both areas, influenced by socioeconomic and cultural issues, although they realize the importance given to oral health, but by the misfortunes of other prominent favored little valuing of oral health / O envelhecimento, antes considerado um fen?meno, hoje, faz parte da realidade da maioria das sociedades. Contribuir para uma longevidade em que mais pessoas alcancem idades avan?adas com o melhor estado de sa?de poss?vel ?, sem d?vida, um triunfo. A avalia??o das condi??es de sa?de bucal em pacientes idosos ? essencial para o desenvolvimento de pol?ticas p?blicas de sa?de. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a auto-percep??o das condi??es de sa?de bucal em idosos. Foram examinados 100 idosos de ambos os sexos, com idade de 60 anos ou mais e funcionalmente independentes, da Unidade B?sica Sa?de de Felipe Camar?o II, Natal, Brasil. Para efeito de compara??o da auto-percep??o foi coletado dados no bairro Bom Pastor, Natal/RN. Os dados foram coletados atrav?s da aplica??o de um question?rio agrupado em duas partes. A primeira parte correspondeu aos dados s?cio-demogr?ficos, condi??o subjetiva e objetiva da sa?de bucal e acesso ao servi?o e a segunda parte ao ?ndice GOHAI. Este ?ndice ? composto de 12 itens que possibilitam a obten??o de informa??es envolvendo aspectos ligados ? mastiga??o, ao discurso, ? fona??o, e de auto-avalia??o da condi??o bucal. Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes estat?sticos de Mann-Whitney e de Kruskal-Wallis (&#945;=0,05), para identificar poss?veis preditores dessa auto-avalia??o. Dos 100 idosos, 69% eram do sexo feminino, a idade variando entre 60 a 86 anos, mediana igual a 65 anos. Em rela??o ao estado civil, 48% eram casados. Referente aos anos de estudo, a amostra teve uma m?dia de 3 anos. Em rela??o ? ?ltima visita ao dentista, somente 27% dos idosos haviam consultado o Cirurgi?o-Dentista h? menos de um ano. Em rela??o ?s quest?es sobre a presen?a de problemas dent?rios e gengivais, estas foram respondidas por 46% e 21% respectivamente. Os dados referentes ? percep??o sobre a sa?de dos seus dentes e gengivas foi de 44%. O ?ndice GOHAI apresentou valor para auto-percep??o de 30 pontos para Felipe Camar?o e de 28 pontos para Bom Pastor, ambos considerados segundo a escala desenvolvida pelos autores como uma percep??o baixa. Foram observadas diferen?as significativas na associa??o de poss?veis preditores dessa auto-avalia??o: n? de pessoas no c?modo (p = 0,487), se participa de alguma atividade associativa (p=0,006) , existe problemas com seus dentes e com sua gengiva (p=<0,001). Conclu?mos existir uma auto-percep??o negativa sobre a condi??o bucal por parte dos idosos em ambos os bairros, influenciada pelas quest?es socioecon?mica e cultural, embora se perceba a import?ncia dada ? sa?de bucal, com pouca valora??o a sa?de

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