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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among dentists in KwaZulu- Natal

Moodley, Rajeshree January 2013 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) / Occupational hazards are common among many professions and dentistry is no exception. Occupational hazards include percutaneous injuries, inhalation of noxious chemicals, noise and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Despite the fact that MSD have been documented to be very prevalent among dentists in various countries, there is a paucity of literature from South Africa. Aim The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among the dentists in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa and to identify risk factors associated with it. The study was a cross-sectional, descriptive one and questionnaires were used to elicit information regarding socio-demographic details, medical history, work history and work-related posture information from dentists based in KwaZulu-Natal. A convenience sample of all qualified dentists in this region who were registered members of the South African Dental Association (SADA) was used. Results One hundred and nine dentists responded to the questionnaire. The response rate was 31%. The majority were male; a third aged between 30 - 39 years and the ratio of females to males was 1:3. Almost all the dentists reported pain in the neck, lower back and shoulder. Less than a quarter of the dentists in KZN reported hand pain, numbness in the hands and a tingling sensation in the hands. More than three quarters reported that they had no negative effects when performing restorative work and scaling and polishing, but 3.1% reported having extreme levels of pain. The most common working position reported was the 2 0' clock position. Nearly three quarters rotated their necks while performing clinical dentistry and a third tilted their shoulders towards their dominant hand. There was no relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and whether respondents treated patients while seated or standing and neither was there a relationship between pain in the lower back and BMI. There was a strong association between pain in the neck while performing clinical work and the number of years in practice confounded by age. When compared to other countries the prevalence of MSD is very high. The highest occurrence was for neck, back and shoulder pain. Avoiding these injuries is critical and self-recognition is important in either preventing further injuries or in increasing severity of the condition. The findings of this study suggests that it may be valuable to include ergonomic work practice in the training of dentists and dentists should be involved in a proper exercise routine which should include stretching and weight training to prevent injuries. Regular breaks should be taken to perform stretching exercises in-between the management of patients in order to reduce the risk of MSD.

Převod binárního kódu x86 do vyššího programovacího jazyka / Translation of x86 Binary Code To a High-Level Language

Jurík, Marián January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this MSc thesis is to create design and implementation of program for translation of x86 binary code to a high-level programming language. There is described PE file format for executables used in MS Windows operating systems in the first part of work. This document contains general information about instruction set IA-32, especially a way of decoding binary code to assembly language. There are described typical program constructions, which are being used in compilers. Design of creation high-level programming language was inspired by existing programming languages. Conclusion is made about advantages and disadvantages of approach used in this thesis.

Charakterizace chodců ve videu / Pedestrian Attribute Analysis

Studená, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
This work deals with obtaining pedestrian information, which are captured by static, external cameras located in public, outdoor or indoor spaces. The aim is to obtain as much information as possible. Information such as gender, age and type of clothing, accessories, fashion style, or overall personality are obtained using using convolutional neural networks. One part of the work consists of creating a new dataset that captures pedestrians and includes information about the person's sex, age, and fashion style. Another part of the thesis is the design and implementation of convolutional neural networks, which classify the mentioned pedestrian characteristics. Neural networks evaluate pedestrian input images in PETA, FashionStyle14 and BUT Pedestrian Attributes datasets. Experiments performed over the PETA and FashionStyle datasets compare my results to various convolutional neural networks described in publications. Further experiments are shown on created BUT data set of pedestrian attributes.

Elektronický informační štítek / Electronic information card

Šafář, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem elektronického informačního štítku, jehož základem je maticový LED displej. V teoretické části jsou probrány použitá rozhraní a periferie mikrokontroléru a PC a diskutuje se nad možnostmi kódování českých znaků. Dále se probírá krok za krokem návrh zařízení. Nejdříve jsou vytyčeny hlavní požadavky a funkcionalita zařízení, následuje výběr vhodných komponent a je navrženo elektrické schéma. Jádrem zařízení je mikrokontrolér Microchip PIC, pro který je dále navržen program. Nakonec je popsána a naprogramována aplikace pro MS Windows, která se se zařízením komunikuje.

Vyhledávání objektů v obraze na základě předlohy / Image object detection using template

Novák, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This Thesis is focused to Image Object Detection using Template. Main Benefit of this Work is a new Method for sympthoms extraction from Histogram of Oriented Gradients using set of Comparators. In this used Work Methods of Image comparing and Sympthoms extraction are described. Main Part is given to Histogram of Oriented Gradients Method. We came out from this Method. In this Work is used small training Data Set (100 pcs.) verified by X-Validation, followed by tests on real Sceneries. Achieved success Rate using X-Validation is 98%. for SVM Algorithm.

Soubor řadových NED domů pro bydlení - lokalita "vinohrady" ve Vážanech nad Litavou / A set of row attached low energy houses for living in Vážany nad Litavou

Pfleger, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
Diploma´s thesis “ A set of row attached low energy houses for living in Vážany nad Litavou ” is elaborated in form of project documentation which includes all requirements of given standards. The object is placed on plat number 1746 in cadastral community Vážany nad Litavou. The character of the object is brick building. The building is covered gabled roof. It is two-floor house with no cellar. There is living room, kitchen, bedroom with it´s own sanitary facility and technical room in the ground floor. There are bedrooms with sanitary facilities in the second floor. The thesis is worked up as a complete implementation building plan.

Integrace JMS poskytovatelů třetích stran / Integration of JMS Providers to Third Parties

Žiaková, Nikoleta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with messaging and integration of third-party JMS providers into JBoss application server. The aim of the thesis was to design and implement a general-purpose testsuite to verify the proposed integration. First requirement was to get familiar with key technologies for integration including Java Message Service, Java EE Connector Architecture, selected JMS providers and JBoss AS. Specific procedures of integration were designed and described for JMS providers Apache ActiveMQ, IBM WebSphere MQ and Red Hat MRG Messaging. The testsuite implemented to verify the functionlity of the integration focuses on four areas - transactions, clustering, high availibility and performance. The process of testing was automated using continuous integration tool Jenkins. Finally the test application was used to evaluate functionality of the integration and compare different JMS providers and various versions of JBoss AS.

Měření kvality osvětlení na operačních sálech / Measurement of operating room lights quality

Rovná, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on measuring the quality of lighting in operating rooms. Operating lights are very demanding in terms of quality requirements for each parameter, so it is important to specify exactly these parameters and check them regurarly. To measure the quality of the light source, was used a special kit from Maquet. Measurement procedure was not as accurate as it was for operating lighting need, therefore, this work includes a proposal to improve the measurement of quality lighting in operating theaters. In cooperation with University Hospital Brno Bohunice University Hospital Motol and the company Maquet measured nine operating lights, each light were compared in terms of parameters such as maximum light intensity, light distribution in the surgical field. In each category were selected several lighting, which reached the best results. The various parameters were compared with values declared by the manufacturer.

The history of dentistry in South Africa since 1900

Grob1er, Vilma January 1983 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Nineteenth Century dentists in South Africa were brought under the provision of legislation in Natal and the Transvaal (1896) and the Cape Colony and the Orange Free State (1899). By the end of the Nineteenth Century a group identity had been established and the transition from a craft to a profession completed. From 1900-1958 dental societies were formed. Key dates are 1922 when the South African Dental Society, which became the Dental Society of South Africa (D.A.S.A.) after Incorporation in 1935, was constituted. Collective action by dentists, implemented through the societies, shaped the profession. From 1933-1948 the constitution of the D.A.S.A. was streamlined. The Magna Charta of Dentistry (Act 13, 1928) was enacted defining dentistry and the practice thereof. The Dental Mechanicians Act (1945) protected the mechanician, the dentist and the public against illicit practitioners. The D.A.S.A. initiated the Professional Provident Society for dentists, now extended to include all the professions. In 1936 tbe first National Congress was held, in 1953 the first International Congress, setting a future pattern. The status of the dentist was further improved by obtaining the right to use the courtesy title Dr and by the abolition of the professional licence fee (1938). The earliest .societies set up voluntary clinics for children and the indigent. The Transvaal initiated a provincial scheme for childrens' followed by the other provinces. Dental Services, a fully fledged of Health. dentistry, This evolved into branch of the Department Witwatersrand University established a dental school in 1925, followed by .the Universities of Pretoria, Stellenbosch , Western Cape and Medunsa. Facilities for postgraduate 'study exist at all these institutions. The R.E.D. Fund Aids Research Education and Development in the field of dentistry. The first unofficial Dental Journal was published in 1927, followed by the Official Bulletin (1945-1946) and finally the Official Journal of the D.A.S.A. During the Anglo Boer War the importance of healthy dentitions'for soldiers was first realised. Four conntract dentists att~nded to the British soldiers. The South African dentists served in the Army Dental Corps during the two world wars. Dentistry in South Africa is now on a par with dentistry in any country of the Western world.

Remodelling of the F-actin Cytoskeleton of Polarized Epithelial Cells by the Type 3 Secretion System-1 Effector Proteins of Salmonella enterica sv. Typhimurium

Felipe-López, Alfonso 30 November 2015 (has links)
Darmepithelzellen entwickeln eine spezielle apikale Oberfläche zur Aufnahme von Nährstoffen aus dem Darminhalt. Diese Oberfläche besteht aus F-Aktin Protrusionen und werden als Mikrovilli (MV) bezeichnet. MV regulieren die kommensalen Bakterien und schützen die inneren Gewebe gegen den Angriff pathogener Mikroorganismen. Dennoch kann das Enteropathogen Salmonella enterica (Salmonella) die MV auslöschen und zerstört durch sein Typ-3-Sekretionssystem und dessen sekretierte Virulenzsproteine die Epithelschicht. Diese Virulenzproteine werden in das Zytoplasma der Wirtzellen injiziert und führen während des Eindringens von Salmonella zur F-Aktin Umlagerung. Durch Untersuchungen des Einflusses einiger T3SS-1 Effektorproteine auf die Zerstörung der MV konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass allein die Translokation von SopE die MV-Auslöschung verursachte und ausreichend für die Wiederherstellung der Invasion war. Echtzeitlebend-zellmikroskopie zeigte, dass MV ausgelöscht werden während Membranausstülpungen (Ruffles) gebildet werden. Diese Ruffle-Bildung vereinfachte ein paralleles Eindringen nicht-invadierender Stämme von Salmonella. Es konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Ausschaltung von Villin und Myosin 1a durch shRNA in C2BBe1 Zellen die Invasionsrate von Salmonella ermäßigte. Darüber hinaus wurde Ezrin zu den intrazellulären Bakterien aber nicht zur apikalen Seite rekrutiert. Außerdem verhinderte die durch das SopE verursachte Umlagerung des F-Aktins, welche die MV-Auflösung zur Folge hatte, die Makropinozytose der infizierten Zellen. Es lässt sich daraus schließen, dass die Zerstörung der MV für eine effiziente Invasion von Salmonella nötig ist. Die F-Aktin Umlagerung begünstigt zudem das Eindringen von nicht-invadierenden Bakterien. Des Weiteren benötigt Salmonella MV-Proteine zur F-Aktin Polymerisierung und Invasion in polarisierten Epithelzellen, was die Makropinozytose der Zellen beeinträchtigt. Möglicherweise tragen diese Phänotypen zur Infektion in vivo bei und verursachen das klinische Bild des Durchfalls.

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