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論我國技術授權與市場競爭之處理原則洪萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文經由探討美國、歐盟及日本等國家現行競爭法對於技術授權行為之規範:美國”Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property(1995)”、” Antitrust Enforcement and Intellectual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation and Competition(2007)”,歐盟” Commission Regulation (EC) No 772/2004 of 27 April 2004 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements”及其Guidelines,日本2007年新修訂「知的財産の利用に関する独占禁止法上の指針」,以及參考我國公平會(Fair Trade Commission)執法實務之案例經驗,俾掌握技術授權行為如何在鼓勵創新與促進技術流通兩者間加以權衡題,進而試就我國技術授權協議案件處理原則(Fair Trade Commission Guidelines on Technology Licensing Arrangements),提供具體修正建議:
一、適用範圍:歐盟及日本於新修訂的技術授權處理規範中,均將適用客體進一步擴大適用至新式樣專利與軟體著作權(software copyright)。然而,我國公平會目前相關案件量甚少,故是否要隨外國立法例擴大適用範圍,應視我國國情及執法實務加以考量,仍有斟酌餘地。
五、標準化與專利聯盟(standardization and patent pool):從廣受各界關注的「飛利浦案」,公平會對於科技產業的標準化與專利聯盟情形,如何建構妥適的聯合行為管制模式,首要之務是要確立執法立場。對於專利聯盟可能存有惡性卡特爾之風險,一方面仍保有競爭法主管機關的介入空間,亦不能動輒讓產業承擔過高法律風險,導致阻礙創新或影響商機。美國、歐盟、日本立法例多肯定透過專利聯盟集中授權模式,有助減少交易成本等效益,亦建立不少規範與案例,可供公平會借鏡參考。然而,不能忽視的是我國廠商多處於被授權人地位,在高度仰賴技術輸入之現況,如何確保我國廠商得以在公平競爭環境,得以提升產業發展,競爭法主管機關於制定相關法規時,亦須一併加以重視。
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An evasive manoeuvre assist function for over-reactive driversKittane, Santusht Vasuki, Harinath, Preetham January 2018 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that many drivers are unable to provide the right amount of steering torque when facing an imminent collision with an upcoming obstacle. In some cases, drivers under-react i.e., they provide too low steering inputs and thus collide with the obstacle in front; in other cases, drivers might apply a higher steering input than necessary, potentially resulting in the vehicle leaving the road or losing stability. The EMA function is an active safety feature which has the sole objective of providing steering torque interference when performing such a manoeuvre. The motivation for the thesis work is to overcome some limitations of the existing MA function which does not incorporate the ability to differentiate driver reactions. In this thesis, an Evasive Manoeuvre Assist (EMA) function is designed to adapt to both types of the drivers, by an optimised steering torque overlay. The existing current EMA function is always amplifying the driver steering inputs using a feed-forward controller. The focus of this thesis work is to identify and dene a proper steering sequence reference model for closed-loop feedback control design. A simple single-point preview model is designed first to calculate the reference steering angle. A few test scenarios are set-up using the IPG CarMakerTMsimulation tool. The reference model is then tuned with respect to the amplitude and frequency by batch simulations to obtain the optimal steering prole. A feedback controller is then designed using this reference model. The controller is implemented in a real-time environment, using a Volvo rapid-prototype test vehicle. Preliminary variation tests have shown that the developed controller can enhance both an over-reacting and under-reacting driver's performance during an evasive manoeuvre, by applying assistance/resistance EPAS torque timely. The designed EMA function is shown to accommodate different driver reactions and provide intuitive torque interference. As opposed to the earlier notion that the EMA function only assists the driver with an additional steering wheel torque, it was shown that the optimal steering torque overlay might be in the form of assistance or resistance.
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論歐盟競爭法對技術授權協議集體除外制度之改革陳信宏 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今全球化的商業實務,授權活動不可避免地將更具跨國性。因此本文的目的,即在於剖析歐盟新的集體除外制度,希冀提供各界參酌。除此以外,並藉由對歐盟新制的探討,回頭檢視我國公平法對於授權活動之規範。尤其,係對照分析公平會技術授權處理原則之規範說明。希望藉由探討歐盟新架構下的規範思考,亦能夠帶給我國規範或執法上一些新的啟發。 / On 7 April, 2004, the European Commission adopted a new Block Exemption Regulation with respect to technology transfer agreements (TTBER) along with some detailed Guidelines. The new Regulation, which replaces the Reg. 240/96, addresses the evaluation on licensing activities under Article 81 of the EC Treaty. This reform shows the official attitude toward the interaction between Intellectual Property Rights and the Competition Law. Moreover, it demonstrates the path of the modernization of Block Exemption Regulations, and also the EC Competition Law itself.
This article will illustrate the framework of the new TTBER with comparison to the old one and the U.S. approach. Furthermore, it will survey our position on licensing practices, especially focusing on our “Fair Trade Commission Guidelines on Technology Licensing Arrangements”. Based on the research, a proposed revolution for Taiwan FTC’s measures concerning the licensing activities will be provided at the end of this article.
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