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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistische Auswertung der Bruchspannung einaxialer Zugversuche an Textilbeton - Vorschläge für Teilsicherheitsbeiwerte

Sickert, Jan-Uwe, Schwiteilo, Katrin, Jesse, Frank January 2011 (has links)
Im Rahmen umfangreicher experimenteller Untersuchungen wurden die Bruchspannungen für Textilbeton unter einaxialer, einsinniger Zugbelastung ermittelt. Im Ergebnis liegen variierende Daten vor, die auf eine nichtdeterministische (unscharfe) Bruchspannung hinweisen. Die Versuchsergebnisse stellen eine moderate Datenbasis für eine statistische Auswertung und Quantifikation der Unschärfe dar. Zur Berücksichtigung der unscharfen Bruchspannung bei der Bemessung mittels einfacher Handrechnungen muss ein deterministischer Sicherheitsabstand eingeführt werden. Der Sicherheitsabstand wird in den derzeit gültigen Normen mit Teilsicherheitsbeiwerten festgelegt, die ein ebenso normativ vorgegebenes Sicherheitsniveau gewährleisten sollten. In diesem Kontext werden im Beitrag auf der Basis von Zuverlässigkeitsbetrachtungen ermittelte Teilsicherheitsbeiwerte für Textilbeton mit AR-Glas- und Carbon-Bewehrung vorgeschlagen. / In the framework of a comprehensive experimental program the ultimate strength of textile reinforced concrete has been determined under consideration of uniaxial tensile load. In result varying data are available which indicate a non-deterministic (uncertain) strength. The experimental results provide a moderate basis for statistical evaluations and the quantification of uncertainty. Furthermore, manual calculation in structural design requires a certain safety distance. For this task, partial safety factors have been defined and incorporated in the design codes to ensure a predefined safety level. In this context, this paper gives suggestions for the definition of partial safety factors for textile reinforced concrete with AR glass and carbon reinforcement.

Progressive failure analyses of concrete buttress dams : Influence of crack propagation on the structural dam safety / Analys av brottförlopp hos betonglamelldammar : Inverkan av sprickpropagering på dammsäkerheten

Fu, Chaoran, Hafliðason, Bjartmar January 2015 (has links)
Concrete buttress dams are the most common type of concrete dams for hydropower production in Sweden. Cracks have been observed in some of the them. However, only limited research has been made concerning the influence of these cracks on the structural dam safety. In conventional analytical stability calculations, a concrete dam is assumed to be a rigid body when its safety is verified. However, when cracks have been identified in a dam structure, the stability may be influenced and hence the information of cracks may need to be included in the stability calculations. The main aim of this project is to study how existing cracks and further propagation of these cracks, influence the structural dam safety. Another important topic was to study suitable methods to analyse a concrete dam to failure. In addition, a case study is performed in order to capture the real failure mode of a concrete buttress dam. The case study that has been studied is based on a previous project presented by Malm and Ansell (2011), where existing cracks were identified in a 40m high monolith, as a result from seasonal temperature variations. Two similar models are analysed where one model is defined with an irregular rock-concrete interface, and the other with a horizontal interface. Analyses have been performed on both an uncracked concrete dam but also for the case where information regarding existing cracks, from the previous project, have been included in order to evaluate the influence of cracks on the dam safety. The finite element method has been used as the main analysis tool, through the use of the commercially available software package Abaqus. The finite element models included nonlinear material behaviour and a loading approach for successively increasing forces called overloading, when performing progressive failure analyses. The results show that existing cracks and propagation of these resulted, in this case, in an increased structural safety of the studied dam. Furthermore, an internal failure mode is captured. The irregular rock-concrete interface has a favourable effect on a sliding failure and an unfavourable effect on an overturning failure, compared to the case with the horizontal interface. Based on the results, the structural safety and the failure mode of concrete buttress dams are influenced by existing cracks. Although an increased safety is obtained in this study, the results do not necessarily apply for other monoliths of similar type. It is thus important that existing cracks are considered in stability analyses of concrete buttress dams. / Lamelldammar är den vanligaste typen av betongdammar för vattenkraft produktion i Sverige. I vissa av dessa har sprickbildning observerats. Begränsad forskning har gjorts på hur dessa sprickor påverkar dammens säkerhet. I de vedertagna analytiska stabilitetsberäkningarna antas att betongdammar agerar som en stel kropp när man verifierar dess säkerhet. Befintliga sprickor i en damm kropp kan dock påverka dess stabilitet och kan därför behöva beaktas i stabilitetsberäkningarna. Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är att studera hur befintliga sprickor och dess propageringen påverkar dammsäkerheten. Ett annat viktigt syfte är att studera lämpliga metoder för att analysera en betongdamm till brott. Dessutom, genomförs en fallstudie i syfte att analysera ett verkligt brottförlopp av en lamelldamm. Fallstudien som utförs i detta projekt, baseras på ett tidigare projekt utfört av Malm and Ansell (2011), där befintliga sprickor identifierades i en monolit på 40m som ett resultat av temperaturvariationer. Två modeller med snarlik geometri har analyserats, där den ena är definierad med en med oregelbunden kontaktyta mellan berg och betong och den andra med en horisontell kontaktyta. Analyserna har utförts på dels en osprucken damm men även där information om befintliga sprickor från det tidigare projektet beaktas, i syfte att jämföra inverkan av sprickor på dammsäkerheten. Finita element metoden har använts som verktyg vid dessa analyser, genom det kommersiellt använda programmet Abaqus. De finita element modellerna inkluderar icke-linjära material egenskaper hos betong och armering samt baseras på en metod för successiv belastning, som kallas 'overloading', vid analys av brottförloppet. Resultatet visar att befintliga sprickor och propageringen av dessa i detta fall kan leda till ökad säkerhet hos den studerade dammen jämfört mot fallet utan beaktande av sprickbildning. Utöver detta fångas även ett inre brottmod. Den oregelbundna kontaktytan mellan betongen och berget har en gynnsam effekt vid ett glidbrott men en ogynnsam inverkan vid ett stjälpningsbrott, i jämförelse med fallet med en horisontell kontaktyta. Baserat på dessa resultat så påverkas dammens säkerhet och brottetförloppet hos lamelldammen utav befintliga sprickor. Även om en ökad säkerhet fås i denna studie är det inte säkert att detta stämmer för andra monoliter av samma slag. Dock är det viktigt att hänsyn tas till befintliga sprickor i stabilitets analyser av lamelldammar.


GUILHERME JOSE CUNHA GOMES 21 December 2016 (has links)
[pt] A interface solo-rocha é de difícil determinação e permanece essencialmente desconhecida na maioria das encostas brasileiras. Nesta tese, apresentamos um modelo analítico para a predição espacial da espessura de solo com base na teoria do controle ascendente do maciço rochoso e topografia de alta resolução. A maioria dos parâmetros do modelo possui significado físico, possibilitando medições em campo ou laboratório. O modelo inclui um termo que simula a perda de regolito devido a movimentos de massa estocásticos e outro termo que reproduz a forma do maciço rochoso ao longo de canais de drenagem. Reconciliamos nosso modelo com dados de campo obtidos a partir de sondagens com penetrômetro dinâmico leve no maciço da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Usamos inferência Bayesiana, com amostragem da distribuição posterior de parâmetros através de simulação Monte Carlo via cadeia de Markov, a qual forneceu parâmetros do modelo que melhor honram os dados de campo bem como a incerteza preditiva estratigráfica. Para testar os resultados da inferência Bayesiana em estabilidade de encostas, desenvolvemos um programa computacional para a integração de simulações de fluxo não-saturado, o qual proporciona a distribuição de poro pressões, e um código de análise limite numérica, que fornece o fator de segurança (FS), ambos em três-dimensões. Propagamos a incerteza estratigráfica no programa desenvolvido para quantificar a variabilidade do FS e a probabilidade de ruptura de uma encosta natural não-saturada existente na região de estudo. Finalmente, salientamos a importância da quantificação da topografia da interface solo-rocha em análises de estabilidade geotécnica. / [en] Soil-bedrock interface is difficult to determine and remains essentially unknown in most Brazilian slopes. In this thesis, we present an analytic model for the spatial prediction of regolith depth built on the bottomup control on fresh bedrock topography hypothesis and high-resolution topographic data. Most of the parameters of the model represent physical entities that can be measured directly in the laboratory or field. The model includes a term which simulates the loss of regolith due to stochastic mass movements and another term that mimic the bedrock-valley morphology. We reconcile our model with field observations from boreholes using a light dynamic penetrometer at Tijuca massif, Rio de Janeiro. We use Bayesian inference, with Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation to summarize the posterior distribution of the parameters, which led to model parameters that best honor our field data as well as the stratigraphic predictive uncertainty. To test the results of the Bayesian inference in slope stability, we develop a software to integrate unsaturated flow simulations, which provide the pressure head distributions and a numerical limit analysis code, that generates the factor of safety (FS), both in three dimensions. We propagate the stratigraphic uncertainty through the developed program to quantify the FS variability and the probability of failure of a natural unsaturated hillslope in the study region. Finally, we emphasize the importance of bedrock topography in slope stability analysis.

Influences de la pluviométrie sur la stabilité de talus routiers: méthodologie adaptée pour l'évaluation du profil hydrique temporel du sol et sa prise en compte dans les calculs de stabilité en Haïti

Rameau, Hugues Georges 15 December 2010 (has links)
Les routes sont normalement pourvues de systèmes de drainage dimensionnés et exécutés conformément aux règles de l’art en vue d’évacuer, le plus rapidement possible de l’emprise de la route, les eaux des précipitations à considérer sur la base des périodes de retour prises en compte. Toutefois, il subsiste souvent des écoulements d’eau indésirables au niveau des talus et parfois dans les accotements et/ou les surfaces de roulement non imperméabilisées. Une succession de pluies entraîne des infiltrations d’eau qui varient notamment en fonction des conditions climatiques et suivant la texture et la structure du sol. De telles infiltrations ont pour conséquence la réduction des coefficients de sécurité des talus.<p><p>Bien qu’il existe plusieurs publications scientifiques traitant de pluies qui ont conduit à des glissements de terrain (Lim et al. 1996 ;Cho et al. 2001 ;Kim et al. 2004 ;Xue et al. 2007 ;Gavin et al. 2008), les incidences des infiltrations résultant de pluies successives sur le comportement des couches superficielles des sols non saturés ne sont généralement pas prises en compte. Les modèles permettant le calcul de la stabilité de talus des massifs de sols non saturés exigent beaucoup de paramètres parfois difficiles à évaluer et se rapportent ordinairement aux cas d’instabilité provoqués par une remontée du niveau piézométrique des nappes phréatiques.<p><p>Sur la base des essais réalisés en laboratoire, une méthodologie adaptée permettant d’évaluer la variation spatio-temporelle de la teneur en eau du sol en fonction d’une suite de pluies a été développée. Cette méthodologie facilite la prise en compte des effets cumulés des taux d’infiltration associés aux évènements pluvieux et permet d’en déduire le profil de succion ainsi que celui de la cohésion apparente à utiliser en vue de calculer, pour une inclinaison β du talus, l’intervalle de variation du coefficient de sécurité Fs. La méthodologie développée présente un intérêt particulier dans le cas de budgets et infrastructures limités.<p><p>ABSTRACT<p><p>Roads are normally equipped with drainage systems sized and implemented in accordance with the rules of art to evacuate as quickly as possible to the right of way, water precipitation to be considered on the basis of return periods taken into account. However, there are often water flows at the slope side and sometimes in the shoulders and / or running surfaces that are not waterproof. A succession of rain causes a certain amount of water infiltration, which varies according to climatic conditions and depending on the soil texture and structure. Such infiltrations have resulted in reduced safety factor of slopes.<p><p>Although there are several scientific publications on rainfall leading to landslides (Lim et al. 1996; Cho et al. 2001, Kim et al. 2004; Xue et al. 2007; Gavin and al. 2008), impacts resulting from infiltration of successive rains on the behavior of surface layers of unsaturated soils are usually not taken into account. Models for calculating the slope stability of unsaturated soils require many parameters that can be, in certain circumstances, difficult to assess and refer generally to cases of instability caused by a rise in groundwater level.<p><p>Based on laboratory tests, a suitable methodology for assessing the spatial and temporal variation of soil water content induced by a set of rains has been developed. This methodology facilitates the inclusion of the cumulative effects of the infiltration rates associated with rain events and infers from them the profile of suction and that of the apparent cohesion to be used to calculate, for a slope angle β, the range of variation of the safety factor Fs. This methodology is particularly relevant in the case of limited budgets and infrastructures. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Londýnské oko / London Eye

Hušek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Performance of static analysis of the London Eye structure is the subject of this diploma thesis. First chapters of the thesis analyses overview of realized structures of the Ferris wheel. The main part of the thesis analyses the London Eye structure itself. Specifically are described response analyses, sensitivity analyses, analyses of ultimate limit state and serviceability, stress analyses, analyses of fatigue stress and lifetime analyses. The thesis describes among static analysis also a design of dynamic vibration absorbers. The results of each analysis are evaluated in the final chapters.

Porovnání spolehlivostních metod při stanovení návrhové únosnosti mostu / Comparison of reliability methods in determining the design resistance of a bridge

Šplíchal, Bohumil January 2022 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of assessing the design load-bearing capacity of a prestressed concrete railway bridge structure. The determination of the structure’s load-bearing capacity is carried out using probabilistic nonlinear analysis using the finite element method. Load-bearing capacity is determined for the recommended limit states. A fully probabilistic approach is compared to other reliability semi-probabilistic methods, such as the ECoV method according to Červenka and Eigen ECoV, and deterministic methods, like partial safety factor method, or the method according to ČSN EN 1992-2. The results are evaluated in terms of accuracy, consistency and time consumption for each method.

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