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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Semi-infinite and finite bubble propagation in the presence of a channel-depth perturbation

Franco Gomez, Andres January 2018 (has links)
The two-phase flow displacement of a viscous fluid by a less viscous one in a confined environment leads to a viscous fingering instability commonly encountered in natural systems, for example, in flows through porous media or pulmonary airways. The classical study of viscous fingering has been conducted in rectangular channels of high aspect ratio (large channel width/height), known as Hele-Shaw channels where a unique, steady symmetric, semi-infinite bubble (finger) emerges. In this Journal Format thesis, the propagation of semi-infinite (open) and finite (closed) air bubbles is considered in Hele-Shaw channels where thin, axially-uniform occlusions are introduced. This configuration is known to generate symmetric, asymmetric and oscillatory modes with complex interactions and rich behaviour. Numerical results of finger propagation using a depth-averaged model in these constricted channels are found to be in quantitative agreement with experimental results once the aspect ratio reaches a value of $\alpha\geq40$ and capillary numbers below $Ca\leq 0.012$. The same evolution of the bifurcation scenario between multiple modes is found, however, it occurs for decreasing values of occlusion height as the value of aspect ratio is increased that the system exhibits sensitivity to small but finite depth-variations. The numerical simulations reveal multiple-tipped unstable symmetric solutions which interact with the single symmetric mode at vanishing occlusion heights resulting in stabilisation of the asymmetric and oscillatory modes. Moreover, deviations from the single symmetric mode are predicted when depth-variations of order of the roughness of the channel walls ($\sim 1$ $\mu$m) are introduced for larger aspect ratios of $\alpha\geq 155$. The propagation of finite bubbles is studied in a channel with constant aspect ratio of $\alpha=30$ and where the height of the occlusion, termed rail, is $1/40$ of the channel height. For bubble diameters of the order of the rail width, a tongue-shaped stability boundary for symmetric (on-rail) propagation is encountered so that for flow rates marginally larger than a critical value, a narrow band of bubble sizes can propagate (stably) over the rail while bubbles of other sizes segregate to the side of the rail. The numerical depth-averaged model is adapted for bubble propagation and captures in qualitative agreement the experimental observations. Time-dependent calculations are additionally performed, showing that on-rail bubble propagation is the result of a non-trivial dynamical interaction between capillary and viscous forces.

Viscous fingering and liquid crystals in confinement

Zacharoudiou, Ioannis January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two problems lying within the field of soft condensed matter: the viscous fingering or Saffman-Taylor instability and nematic liquid crystals in confinement. Whenever a low viscosity fluid displaces a high viscosity fluid in a porous medium, for example water pushing oil out of oil reservoirs, the interface between the two fluids is rendered unstable. Viscous fingers develop, grow and compete until a single finger spans all the way from inlet to outlet. Here, using a free energy lattice Boltzmann algorithm, we examine the Saffman-Taylor instability for two different wetting situations: (a) when neither of the two fluids wet the walls of the channel and (b) when the displacing fluids completely wets the walls. We demonstrate that curvature effects in the third dimension, which arise because of the wetting boundary conditions, can lead to a novel suppression of the instability. Recent experiments in microchannels using colloid-polymer mixtures support our findings. In the second part of the thesis we examine nematic liquid crystals confined in wedge-structured geometries. In these systems the final stable configuration of the liquid crystal system is controlled by the complex interplay between confinement, elasticity and surface anchoring. Varying the wedge opening angle this competition leads to a splay to bend transition mediated by a defect in the bulk of the wedge. Using a hybrid lattice Boltzmann algorithm we study the splay-bend transition and compare to recent experiments on {em fd} virus particles in microchannels. Our numerical results, in quantitative agreement with the experiments, enable us to predict the position of the defect as a function of opening angle, and elucidate its role in the change of director structure. This has relevance to novel energy saving, liquid crystal devices which rely on defect motion and pinning to create bistable director configurations.


PRISCILLA RIBEIRO VARGES 28 February 2011 (has links)
[pt] Estudou-se neste trabalho o deslocamento de fluidos em meios porosos utilizando células de Hele-Shaw. Especificamente, investigou-se experimentalmente o deslocamento de um fluido não newtoniano por um newtoniano em uma célula retangular de Hele-Shaw. A instabilidade de Saffman-Taylor ou viscous fingering é um fenômeno observado quando um fluido de menor viscosidade desloca um de maior viscosidade, e a célula de Hele-Shaw é uma ferramenta conveniente para a sua observação. Esse fenômeno é muito importante em diversas aplicações, como por exemplo: recuperação secundária e terciária de petróleo, invasão de fluidos de perfuração em meios porosos, fraturamento hidráulico, processamento de polímeros, hidrologia e filtração. É vasta a literatura relativa ao estudo de fluidos newtonianos e não newtonianos deslocados por ar em células de Hele-Shaw. Entretanto, existem poucos trabalhos envolvendo deslocamentos de líquidos com viscosidades comparáveis, ou seja, razão de viscosidade diferente de zero. Apresentou-se o detalhamento do projeto de construção de uma célula de Hele-Shaw aplicável ao deslocamento de um líquido por outro líquido. A evolução da forma da interface foi analisada, através de uma câmera fotográfica, em função dos parâmetros geométricos, dinâmicos e reológicos. A partir da vetorização da forma da interface, determinou-se a eficiência do deslocamento. Sendo assim, foi definido o espectro de situações em que há formação de fingers e plugs relativos ao deslocamento de goma xantana por um óleo mineral. Não há na literatura uma convenção universal para apresentação dos resultados, logo uma contribuição original refere-se à adimensionalização proposta onde os principais parâmetros governantes são a velocidade adimensional, o número de capilaridade reológico e o índice de comportamento da goma xantana. Observou-se que para um valor constante do índice de comportamento e para um valor do número de capilaridade reológico da ordem de 10-1, a eficiência de deslocamento aumenta com a velocidade adimensional, porque a razão de viscosidade diminui. / [en] This work studied the displacement of fluids in porous media using a Hele-Shaw cell. Specifically, was investigated experimentally the displacement of a non-Newtonian fluid by a Newtonian in a rectangular Hele-Shaw cell. The Saffman-Taylor or viscous fingering instability occurs when one fluid pushes a more viscous one, and a Hele-Shaw is a convenient tool to the phenomenon observation. Applications include displacement of heavy crude oil in reservoirs, drilling fluid invasion through porous media, fracture conductivity, polymer processing, hydrology and filtration. The Saffman-Taylor instability has been extensively studied for Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids displaced by air in a Hele-Shaw cell. However displacement flows involving two liquids of comparable viscosity (nonzero viscosity ratio) have received very little attention. It was presented the details of construction of a Hele-Shaw applicable to a liquid-liquid displacement. The evolution of the shape of the interface was analyzed through a digital camera, as a function of the geometric, dynamic and rheological parameters. From tracing the shape of the interface, was determined the displacement efficiency. Thus, it was defined the spectrum of situations in which there is formation of fingers and plugs relating to displacement of xanthan gum by a mineral oil. There is no universal convention in the literature for presenting the results so a original contribution concerns the proposed dimensionless parameters. The main parameters that govern this flow are the dimensionless flow rate, the rheological capillary number and the behavior index of xanthan gum. It was observed that for a constant value of the behavior index and for a rheological capillary number of magnitude of 10-1, the displacement efficiency increases with the dimensionless flow rate, because the viscosity ratio decreases.

Etude expérimentale de l'instabilité de digitation visqueuse de fluides rhéofluidifiants modèles / Experimental study of viscous fingering instability of shear thinning fluid models

Chinaud, Maxime 17 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude des instabilités de Saffman-Taylor de fluides complexes modèles. Ces derniers sont des solutions de Xanthane dont le caractère rhéofluidifiant augmente avec la concentration en polymère. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les propriétés rhéologiques de ces fluides modèles puis nous avons caractérisé leurs propriétés d'écoulement dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw de forte épaisseur. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons mesuré par PIV (Particles Image Velocimetry) la distribution du champ de vitesse autour des doigts de Saffman-Taylor pour l'ensemble des fluides étudiés. Afin de valider les expériences de PIV, nous avons caractérisé les vitesses de sédimentation des traceurs, par la technique complémentaire de vélocimétrie par Speckle ultrasonore (Ultrasonic Speckle Velocimetry). Nous avons montré expérimentalement que le champ de vitesse pour tous les fluides est irrotationnel et que la forme du doigt peut être modélisé par un écoulement potentiel autour d'un solide de Rankine. Les expériences ont établi que le rayon de courbure à l'extrémité des doigts est l'unique paramètre qui dépend des propriétés rhéologiques des solutions de Xanthane. De plus, ce paramètre conditionne toute l'hydrodynamique autour des doigts de Saffman-Taylor. / This thesis is devoted to the study of Saffman-Taylor instabilities of complex fluids models. These are solutions of xanthan whose shear thinning behavior increases with polymer concentration.Initially, we studied the rheological properties of model fluids and then we characterized the properties of flow in a Hele-Shaw thick. In a second step, we measured by PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) distribution of the velocity field around the fingers of Saffman-Taylor for all fluids studied. To validate the PIV experiments, we characterized the sedimentation rates of tracers, by the complementary technique of ultrasonic speckle velocimetry (Ultrasonic Speckle Velocimetry).We have shown experimentally that the velocity field for all fluids is irrotational and that the shape of the finger can be modeled by a potential flow around a Rankine solid. Experiments have shown that the radius of curvature at the top of the fingers is the only parameter which depends on the rheological properties of xanthan solutions.In addition, this parameter influences the whole hydrodynamic around Saffman-Taylor fingers.

Interfacial instabilities and wetting behaviour in confinement

Setu, Siti Aminah January 2014 (has links)
Interfacial instabilities and wetting phenomena of phase separated colloid-polymer mixtures are addressed in this study. Colloidal particles offer certain advantages over molecular systems, due to their larger lengthscales and slower timescales. Moreover, the phenomena can be directly visualised using laser scanning confocal microscopy, and a perfect match with soft-lithography fabrication techniques can be exploited. In particular, we study the viscous fingering instability in three dimensions, focusing on the role of wetting conditions and of thermal fluctuations. Combined with results obtained by lattice Boltzmann simulations, we reveal that the cross-over of the meniscus in the direction across the channel thickness is controlled by the capillary and Peclet numbers, and viscosity contrast of the system. The curvature of the meniscus has a pronounced effect on the onset of the Saffman-Taylor instability, in which the formation of the viscous fingers is suppressed up to a certain threshold. Furthermore, we investigate a related contact line instability, which leads to entrainment and subsequent droplet pinch-off. A theoretical prediction for the onset of the instability is developed, which shows a good agreement with the experimental observations and yields a method to directly measure the slip length of the interface. The large thermal fluctuations of our interface play an important role in pinch-off events, leading to periodic emission of droplets of similar sizes. Finally, we study wetting phenomena at geometrically sculpted walls. We focus on the shape, the thickness and the radius of curvature of the adsorbed liquid film, and find good agreement with theory. Changing the curvature of the wedge from a flat surface to a capil- lary slit furthermore smoothly connects wetting behaviour and capillary condensation, again in qualitative agreement with theory. Non-equilibrium effects may interfere with the data and are difficult to rule out. We end with recommendations for future work.


PEDRO JOSE TOBAR ESPINOZA 18 October 2016 (has links)
[pt] Uma abordagem experimental foi utilizada para o estudo da eficiência de varredura de fluidos viscoplásticos na célula de Hele-Shaw , que representa um meio poroso com porosidade constante. A análise baseia-se em um fluido empurrando outro onde, pela razão de viscosidades acima do punto de referência , manifesta-se a instabilidade de Saffman-Taylor, que desencadeia em uma interface instável com divisões sucessivas conhecidas como viscous fingers. A formação da instabilidade é considerada uma condição indesejável, e no caso da indústria petrolífera, torna-se de interesse na invasão da formação pelo fluido de perfuração, pasta de cimento, e no deslocamento de petróleo pesado em reservatórios entre outros. Apesar de que o fenômeno é vastamente estudado utilizando a célula de Hele-Shaw, a maioria dos trabalhos concentram-se no deslocamento de líquidos newtonianos por ar, deixando uma ampla gama de possibilidades de estudo, particularmente no que diz respeito aos fluidos não newtonianos. Utilizando equipamentos que permitem assegurar uma vazão constante de injeção, testou-se três concentrações diferentes de solução aquosa de carbopol em duas configurações diferentes onde o líquido viscoplástico é o deslocador e vice-versa. Fazendo uso do processamento digital de imagens, avaliou-se a forma da interface em função do desvio padrão, além da velocidade e da eficiência de varredura no deslocamento. Determinaram-se parâmetros adimensionais em função da geometria da bancada e dos fatores dinâmicos e reológicos dos fluidos onde se obtiveram duas zonas vem marcadas de varredura. Observou-se que a razão de viscosidades e o número de capilaridade modificada crítica são os indicadores que governam o deslocamento. / [en] An experimental approach has been used to study the sweep efficiency of viscoplastic fluid in a Hele-Shaw cell, which represents a porous medium with constant porosity. The analysis is based on a lower viscosity fluid pushing a more viscous through a geometry, which manifests the instability of Saffman-Taylor, that result in an unstable interface with successive divisions known as viscous fingers. The occurrence of instability is considered an undesirable condition, and in the petroleum oil industry, it becomes of interest in the reservoir oil invasion and heavy oil displacement in reservoirs. Despite being widely studied, most studies focus on the displacement of Newtonian liquids by air, leaving the field of study of non-Newtonian fluids without being evaluated where none of viscosities of the fluids involved can be considered negligible. Using equipment that ensures a constant flow rate of injection three different aqueous concentrations of carbopol were tested in two different configurations: carbopol as the displacing fluid and vice-versa. Using digital image processing, the shape interface was evaluated according to their standard deviation, average velocity and efficiency sweep during the displacement. Determined dimensionless parameters was evaluated in function of the experimental geometry, dynamic and rheological factors of the fluids in order to get benchmark that allow separating interfaces zones that tend to 100 per cent or plugs and the zone where the viscous fingers reveal themselves. It was found that the viscosity ratio and modified critical capillary govern the displacement.

Método semi-lagrangeano das curvas de nível na captura de interfaces móveis em meios porosos / Semi-Lagrangian level set method for capturing moving interfaces in porous media

Fábio Gonçalves 25 May 2006 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Em suma, esta tese propõe uma metodologia de acompanhamento de interfaces móveis que baseia-se no método dos conjuntos de nível aqui chamado de método das curvas de nível, uma denominação baseada nas aplicações em que as interfaces são representadas por curvas acoplado a uma implementação semi-Lagrangeana, para problemas em meios porosos. Embora esta técnica possa, em princípio, ser aplicada a qualquer problema físico que apresente uma interface móvel, nesta tese são focados escoamentos em meios porosos consolidados e saturados por um ou dois fluidos imiscíveis e incompressíveis. Adicionalmente, um método iterativo paralelizável para a resolução de sistemas de equações lineares definidos em redes, que podem ser reduzidos à forma das equações fundamentais de equilíbrio, é empregado na determinação dos campos de velocidade associados aos escoamentos em meios porosos. O cenário semi-Lagrangeano acoplado ao método das curvas de nível é comparado com a implementação utilizando o bem conhecido esquema up-wind. Um exaustivo estudo realizado revela a superioridade da metodologia proposta frente à concorrente utilizando o up-wind. Finalmente, o método das curvas de nível com implementação semi-Lagrangeana (método semi-Lagrangeano das curvas de nível), e o método iterativo para a determinação do campo de velocidades são aplicados no estudo de problemas transientes em meios porosos que apresentam instabilidades dos tipos Saffman-Taylor e Rayleigh-Taylor. Este estudo envolve uma análise de estabilidade linear, a introdução de diversas perturbações trigonométricas na interface e a sua evolução não-linear. / Briefy, this thesis proposes a method for capturing moving interfaces based on the level set method coupled to a Semi-Lagrangian implementation for problems in porous media. Although this method could, in principle, be applied to any physical problem with moving interfaces, we foccus, in this thesis, on flows inside a consolidated porous media saturated by one or two imiscible and incompressible fluids. Besides, a parallelizable iterative method for solving linear systems defined on a network that can be reduced to the fundamental equilibrium equations, is employed to determine the velocity field associated with the flow in a porous medium. The semi-Lagrangian scheme coupled with the level set method is compared with the well-known implementation with the up-wind scheme. An exhaustive study is performed and reveals the superiority of the proposed scheme in relation to the competing one using the up-wind method. Finally, the level set method with semi-Lagrangian implementation and the iterative method for determining the velocity field are applied to the study of transient problems in porous media which present Saffman-Taylor and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. This study involves the application of a linear stability analysis, the introduction of several trigonometric perturbations to the interface and its non-linear evolution.

Método semi-lagrangeano das curvas de nível na captura de interfaces móveis em meios porosos / Semi-Lagrangian level set method for capturing moving interfaces in porous media

Fábio Gonçalves 25 May 2006 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Em suma, esta tese propõe uma metodologia de acompanhamento de interfaces móveis que baseia-se no método dos conjuntos de nível aqui chamado de método das curvas de nível, uma denominação baseada nas aplicações em que as interfaces são representadas por curvas acoplado a uma implementação semi-Lagrangeana, para problemas em meios porosos. Embora esta técnica possa, em princípio, ser aplicada a qualquer problema físico que apresente uma interface móvel, nesta tese são focados escoamentos em meios porosos consolidados e saturados por um ou dois fluidos imiscíveis e incompressíveis. Adicionalmente, um método iterativo paralelizável para a resolução de sistemas de equações lineares definidos em redes, que podem ser reduzidos à forma das equações fundamentais de equilíbrio, é empregado na determinação dos campos de velocidade associados aos escoamentos em meios porosos. O cenário semi-Lagrangeano acoplado ao método das curvas de nível é comparado com a implementação utilizando o bem conhecido esquema up-wind. Um exaustivo estudo realizado revela a superioridade da metodologia proposta frente à concorrente utilizando o up-wind. Finalmente, o método das curvas de nível com implementação semi-Lagrangeana (método semi-Lagrangeano das curvas de nível), e o método iterativo para a determinação do campo de velocidades são aplicados no estudo de problemas transientes em meios porosos que apresentam instabilidades dos tipos Saffman-Taylor e Rayleigh-Taylor. Este estudo envolve uma análise de estabilidade linear, a introdução de diversas perturbações trigonométricas na interface e a sua evolução não-linear. / Briefy, this thesis proposes a method for capturing moving interfaces based on the level set method coupled to a Semi-Lagrangian implementation for problems in porous media. Although this method could, in principle, be applied to any physical problem with moving interfaces, we foccus, in this thesis, on flows inside a consolidated porous media saturated by one or two imiscible and incompressible fluids. Besides, a parallelizable iterative method for solving linear systems defined on a network that can be reduced to the fundamental equilibrium equations, is employed to determine the velocity field associated with the flow in a porous medium. The semi-Lagrangian scheme coupled with the level set method is compared with the well-known implementation with the up-wind scheme. An exhaustive study is performed and reveals the superiority of the proposed scheme in relation to the competing one using the up-wind method. Finally, the level set method with semi-Lagrangian implementation and the iterative method for determining the velocity field are applied to the study of transient problems in porous media which present Saffman-Taylor and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. This study involves the application of a linear stability analysis, the introduction of several trigonometric perturbations to the interface and its non-linear evolution.

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