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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Amostragem do ácaro-do-bronzeado dichopelmus notus keifer (acari, eriophydae) na cultura da erva-mate em Chapecó, Santa Catarina / Sampling of the ácaro-de - bronzed dichopelmus notus keifer (acari, eriophydae) in the culture of the erva-mate in Chapecó, Santa Catarina

Vieira Neto, João 10 April 2006 (has links)
The mate-tea tree it is a forest species that occurs naturally in the tempering regions and subtropical of America of the South. In Brazil it occurs mainly in the states of the Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina. Its leaves and branches are used, mainly, as raw material in the preparation of teas. During many years, the exploration of mate-tea if restricted the natives plants, but recently it passed also to be cultivated in monoculture, system that favors the development of pragues. The tan-mite, Dichopelmus notus (Keifer, 1959) (Acari, Eriophydae), specific plague of this culture, that before met in low population levels, currently due to the high infestations, cause the premature leaf fall and death of the tips, with elevated damages to the producers. This mite comes being considered as one of the main pragues of the culture of mate-tea in the Argentine and Brazil. In result of the importance of mate-tea and of the increase of the infestation of this mite, it is necessary to search alternatives and technologies that maximize the profitability of the culture. This work aimed to select a sampling methodology to monitor the levels of infestation of the tan-mite in matetea orchards, destined to explain its habits. The study were carried out in orchard of ten years, in the arrangement of 2,5 X 4,0 m with height of 1,5 m, located in the Chapecó county, Santa Catarina state, Brazil. In three areas of approximately 2,500 m2, distant between itself about 100 m, had been selected 30 plants randomly. Fortnightly, in the period of 27/01/2004 the 10/01/2005, were evaluated infestation of D. notus in 18 mature leaves of ten plants in each area, being six in the upper one-third, six in the medium one-third and six in lower one-third, three in each localization of the crown, external and internal. The evaluations were executed directly in the orchard, using lenses with increase of ten times and 1 cm2 of fixed field. The results had evidenced that: the infestation of the mite occurs of aggregate form; the estimate of the average number of mites for cm2 of leaf, with level of 15% precision, can be carried through in three leaves of 30 plants in sections of hectare, from february to april; the mites concentrate themselves in the external part of the plant in the upper one-third part of canopy as well as at part medium one-third; positive correlation was observed among the population of D. notus and minimum and maximum temperatures, however negative correlations was observed among tan-mite e population and rain precipitation, relative humidity and speed of the wind; the Model of Normal Approach with Correction of Continuity must preferential be used in the elaboration of binomial sequential sampling plans for D. notus. / A erva-mate é uma espécie florestal que ocorre naturalmente nas regiões temperadas e subtropicais da América do Sul. No Brasil ocorre principalmente nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná e Santa Catarina. Suas folhas e outras partes do ramo são utilizadas, principalmente, como matéria-prima no preparo de chás. Durante muitos anos, a exploração da erva-mate se restringiu a ervais nativos, mas recentemente passou a ser cultivada também em monocultura, sistema que favorece o desenvolvimento de pragas. O ácaro-do-bronzeado, Dichopelmus notus (Keifer, 1959) (Acari, Eriophydae), praga específica dessa cultura, que antes encontrava-se em baixos níveis populacionais, atualmente devido às altas infestações, provoca a queda prematura de folhas e morte dos ponteiros, com elevados prejuízos aos produtores. Esse ácaro vem sendo considerado como uma das principais pragas da cultura da erva-mate tanto na Argentina como no Brasil. Em decorrência da importância da erva-mate e do aumento da infestação desse acarino, é necessário buscar alternativas e tecnologias que maximizem a rentabilidade da cultura. Este trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar uma metodologia de amostragem para monitorar os níveis de infestação do ácaro-do-bronzeado em lavouras de erva-mate, destinada a esclarecer aspectos de sua bioecologia. O estudo foi conduzido em erval de dez anos, no espaçamento de 2,5 X 4,0 m com altura de 1,5 m, localizado no município de Chapecó, SC. Em três áreas de aproximadamente 2.500 m2 , distantes entre si cerca de 100 m, foram selecionadas 30 plantas ao acaso. Quinzenalmente, no período de 27/01/2004 a 10/01/2005, avaliou-se a infestação de D. notus em 18 folhas maduras de dez plantas em cada área, sendo seis no terço superior, seis no terço médio e seis no terço inferior, em cada terço, três na parte externa da copa e três na interna. As avaliações foram executadas diretamente nos ervais, utilizando lentes com aumento de dez vezes e 1 cm2 de campo fixo. Os resultados evidenciaram que: a infestação do ácaro ocorre de forma agregada; a estimativa do número médio de ácaros por cm2 de folha, com nível de precisão de 15%, pode ser realizada em três folhas de 30 plantas em talhões de um hectare, nos meses de fevereiro a abril; os ácaros concentram-se na parte externa da copa da planta nos terços superior e médio; há correlação positiva entre a população de D. notus e temperaturas mínimas e máximas e correlações negativas com a precipitação pluviométrica, umidade relativa e velocidade do vento; o Modelo de Aproximação Normal com Correção de Continuidade deve ser preferencialmente utilizado na elaboração de planos de amostragem seqüencial binomial para D. notus.

Técnicas para execução de experimentos sob ambiente protegido para a cultura da abobrinha italiana / Tecnicals to execution trials in protected environments for italian pumpkin

Feijó, Sandra 01 July 2005 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In order to determinate technicals to execution trials in protected environments for italian pumpkin was accomplished an experiment, from 18/08/2003 to 07/12/2003, in the area of the Department of Fitotecnia UFSM, in plastic greenhouse, with four rows and each row consisted of twenty-four plants. A total of twenty-seven harvests were made, evaluating fruit weight with length ≥15cm. The sample soil was sampled before accomplishment the experiment; one sample point is equal to four sub sample. The Smith heterogeneity index was estimated using SMITH s method (1938) and optimum plot size using method modified maximum curvature (MEIER & LESSMAN, 1971). Estimate, for how long productive period of italian pumpkin, in plastic greenhouse, must be evaluated aiming to estimate the experimental error and the difference among four intervals of harvest, was the aim in order to first paper. The harvest and evaluation of the initial half of the productive period of Italian pumpkin in plastic greenhouse was sufficient to estimate the experimental error, using six plants by plot, to evaluate different intervals of harvest. Because of high experimental error, the evaluation of the Italian pumpkin production during all the productive period is not sufficient to differentiate four treatments of intervals of harvest. The aim the second paper, was evaluate the chemicals characteristics of the soil heterogeneity index under environmental protect and determinate sample size. The values the Smith heterogeneity index were considerate small. The optimum plot size was equal to one basic unit, in other words, one sample point. The sample size estimated was ten sample points for the half width of the confidence interval of 20%, to 5% of error probability. The third paper, aimed evaluate the Smith heterogeneity index in order to different intervals of the harvest of fruits in different levels of the accumulate harvests of italian pumpkin in greenhouse, estimate the optimum plot size and determinate the least significant differences within treatments with variation in the size plot and number of replications. The Smith heterogeneity index is smaller and the use of smaller plots with larger number of replications benefit the experimental precision. The optimum plot size in order to yield italian pumpkin varying between one and seven plants, promoted appropriate evaluation of the yield italian pumpkin in the different studied treatments. Plots with three plants and six replications is better in order conduction the experiments, with least significant differences within treatments (average percentage) in 75,94%. / Para se determinar técnicas para execução de experimentos, sob ambiente protegido, para a cultura da abobrinha italiana, foi realizado um experimento em estufa plástica no período de 18/08/2003 a 07/12/2003, em área pertencente ao Departamento de Fitotecnia, na UFSM, Santa Maria, RS. As mudas foram transplantadas para a estufa plástica com espaçamento de 0,80 m entre plantas e 1,0 m entre filas, totalizando 24 plantas por fila. Foram realizadas 27 colheitas de frutos,com comprimento ≥ 15 cm. As amostras de solo foram coletadas antes da implantação do experimento, cada ponto amostral era composto por quatro subamostras. O índice de heterogeneidade de Smith (b) foi estimado pelo método de SMITH (1938) e o tamanho ótimo de parcela através do método da máxima curvatura modificado (MEIER & LESSMAN, 1971). A estimativa do erro experimental e a diferença entre quatro intervalos de colheita foram avaliados no primeiro trabalho. A colheita e avaliação da metade inicial do período produtivo da abobrinha italiana em estufa de plástica foi suficiente para estimar o erro experimental, usando seis plantas por parcela, para avaliar diferentes intervalos de colheita. O objetivo do segundo trabalho, foi avaliar o índice de heterogeneidade de Smith das principais características químicas do solo, em estufa plástica, e determinar o tamanho de amostra. Para todas variáveis analisadas, o índice de heterogeneidade de Smith, foi próximo a zero e o tamanho ótimo de parcela, foi igual à uma unidade básica, ou seja, um ponto amostral. O tamanho de amostra estimado, foi de dez pontos amostrais, como representativo para todas as variáveis analisadas, com semiamplitude do intervalo de confiança da média em porcentagem, de 20% em nível 5% de probabilidade de erro. O terceiro trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar o índice de heterogeneidade de Smith da produção de abobrinha italiana, para os diferentes intervalos de colheita dos frutos, em diferentes níveis de colheitas acumuladas, em ambiente protegido; estimar o tamanho ótimo de parcela e determinar a diferença mínima significativa entre tratamentos, variando o tamanho da parcela e o número de repetições. Como conclusão, o índice de heterogeneidade de Smith, foi baixo e o tamanho ótimo de parcela para a produção total de abobrinha italiana varia entre uma e sete plantas, conforme a freqüência de colheitas. O uso de parcelas com três plantas, seis repetições é mais adequado e apresenta uma diferença mínima significativa entre tratamentos, em porcentagem da média, de 75,94%.

Estudo da reprodutibilidade do exame de microscopia especular de córnea em amostras com diferentes números de células / Reproducibility study of the corneal specular microscope in samples with different number of cells

Ricardo Holzchuh 19 August 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O endotélio corneal exerce papel primordial para a fisiologia da córnea. Seus dados morfológicos gerados pelo microscópio especular (MEC) como densidade endotelial (DE), área celular média (ACM), coeficiente de variação (CV) e porcentagem de células hexagonais (HEX) são importantes para avaliar sua vitalidade. Para interpretar estes dados de forma padronizada e reprodutível, foi utilizado um programa estatístico de análise amostral, Cells Analyzer PAT. REQ.(CA). OBJETIVO: Demonstrar valores de referência para DE, ACM, CV e HEX. Demonstrar o percentual de células endoteliais marcadas e desconsideradas no exame ao marcar-se 40, 100 e 150 células em uma única imagem do mosaico endotelial e o perfil do intervalo de confiança (IC) das variáveis estudadas ao se considerar 40, 100, 150 e tantas células quantas indicadas pelo CA. Demonstrar o erro amostral de cada grupo estudado. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal. Os exames de MEC foram realizados com o aparelho Konan NONCON ROBO® SP-8000, nos 122 olhos de 61 portadores de catarata (63,97 ± 8,15 anos de idade). As imagens endoteliais caracterizaram se pelo número de células marcadas e consideradas para cálculo dos seguintes dados: DE, ACM, CV e HEX. Os grupos foram formados de 40, 100, 150 células marcadas numa única imagem endotelial e Grupo CA em que foram marcadas tantas células quanto necessárias em diferentes imagens, para obter o erro relativo calculado inferior ao planejado (0,05), conforme orientação do programa CA. Estudou-se o efeito do número de células sobre IC para as variáveis endoteliais utilizadas. RESULTADOS: A média dos valores de referência encontrados para DE foi 2395,37 ± 294,34 cel/mm2; ACM 423,64 ± 51,09 m2; CV 0,40 ± 0,04 e HEX 54,77 ± 4,19%. O percentual de células endoteliais desconsideradas no Grupo 40 foi 51,20%; no Grupo 100, 35,07% e no Grupo 150, 29,83%. O número médio de células calculado inicialmente pelo CA foi 247,48 ± 51,61 e o número médio de células efetivamente incluídas no final do processo amostral foi 425,25 ± 102,24. O erro amostral dos exames no Grupo 40 foi 0,157 ± 0,031; Grupo 100, 0,093 ± 0,024; Grupo 150, 0,075 ± 0,010 e Grupo CA, 0,037 ± 0,005. O aumento do número de células diminuiu a amplitude do IC nos olhos direito e esquerdo para a DE em 75,79% e 77,39%; ACM em 75,95% e 77,37%; CV em 72,72% e 76,92%; HEX em 75,93% e 76,71%. CONCLUSÃO: Os valores de referência da DE foi 2395,37 ± 294,34 cel/mm2; ACM foi 423,64 ± 51,09 m2; CV foi 0,40 ± 0,04 e HEX foi 54,77 ± 4,19%. O percentual de células endoteliais desconsideradas no Grupo 40 foi 51,20%; no Grupo 100 foi 35,07% e no Grupo 150 foi 29,83%. O programa CA considerou correto os exames nos quais 425,25 ± 102,24 células foram marcadas entre duas e cinco imagens (erro relativo calculado de 0,037 ± 0,005). O aumento do número de células diminuiu a amplitude do IC para todas as variáveis endoteliais avaliadas pela MEC / INTRODUCTION: Corneal endothelium plays an important role in physiology of the cornea. Morphological data generated from specular microscope such as endothelial cell density (CD), average cell area (ACA), coefficient of variance (CV) and percentage of hexagonal cells (HEX) are important to analyze corneal status. For a standard and reproducible analysis of the morphological data, a sampling statistical software called Cells Analyzer PAT. REC (CA) was used. PURPOSE: To determine normal reference values of CD, ACA, CV and HEX. To analyze the percentage of marked and excluded cells when the examiner counted 40, 100, 150 cells in one endothelial image. To analyze the percentage of marked and excluded cells according to the statistical software. To determine the confidence interval of these morphological data. METHODS: Transversal study of 122 endothelial specular microscope image (Konan, non-contact NONCON ROBO® SP- 8000 Specular Microscope) of 61 human individuals with cataract (63.97 ± 8.15 years old) was analyzed statistically using CA. Each image was submitted to standard cell counting. 40 cells were counted in study Group 40; 100 cells were counted in study Group 100; and 150 cells were counted in study Group 150. In study group CA, the number of counted cells was determined by the statistical analysis software in order to achieve the most reliable clinical information (relative error < 0,05). Relative error of the morphological data generated by the specular microscope were then analyzed by statistical analysis using CA software. For Group CA, relative planned error was set as 0.05. RESULTS: The average normal reference value of CD was 2395.37 ± 294.34 cells/mm2, ACA was 423.64 ± 51.09 m2, CV was 0.40 ± 0.04 and HEX was 54.77 ± 4.19%. The percentage of cells excluded for analysis was 51.20% in Group 40; 35.07% in Group 100; and 29.83% in Group 150. The average number of cells calculated initially by the statistical software was 247.48 ± 51.61 cells and the average number of cells included in the final sampling process was 425.25 ± 102.24 cells. The average relative error was 0.157 ± 0.031 for Group 40; 0.093 ± 0.024 for Group 100; 0.075 ± 0.010 for Group 150 and 0.037 ± 0.005 for Group CA. The increase of the marked cells decreases the amplitude of confidence interval (right and left eyes respectively) in 75.79% and 77.39% for CD; 75.95% and 77.37% for ACA; 72.72% and 76.92% for CV; 75.93% and 76.71% for HEX. CONCLUSION: The average normal reference value of CD was 2395.37 ± 294.34 cells/mm2, ACA was 423.64 ± 51.09 m2, CV was 0.40 ± 0.04 and HEX was 54.77 ± 4.19%. The percentage of excluded cells for analysis was 51.20% in Group 40; 35.07% in Group 100 and 29.83% in Group 150. CA software has considered reliable data when 425.25 ± 102.24 cells were marked by the examiner in two to five specular images (calculated relative error of 0.037 ± 0.005). The increase of the marked cells decreases the amplitude of confidence interval for all morphological data generated by the specular microscope

Ácaros na cultura de soja: genótipos, danos e tamanho de amostra / Spider mites on soybean: genotypes, damage and sample size

Fiorin, Rubens Alex 29 August 2014 (has links)
The study aimed to evaluate the influence of soybeans genotypes on spider mites populations, quantify the occurring damage from spider mite attack and determinate leaflet number collected from different genotypes to estimate the spider mite population. Two studies were carried, in São Sepé (20 genotypes) and in Santa Maria (25 genotypes). The experiments were carried in randomized block design with four replications in 4,5 and 5,0 x 25 m experimental units. Weekly samplings were carried collecting 25 leaflets from the medium stratum and 25 leaflets from the superior soybean plant stratum in each genotype and evaluated an area of 20 cm2 of each leaflet. To determinate the sample size was used the data from evaluations which at least one genotype presented average population superior to one spider mite cm-2. To estimate spider mite number was considered the number of immature + adults spider mites, averages were compared with t bootstrap test. Sample size was estimated for an amplitude of 2 and 4 spider mites 20cm-2 and the optimal sample size calculus. To quantify spider mite damage in each genotype was maintained infested plots and not infested plots by pulverizations of acaricide. The predominant specie was Mononychellus planki. Population of spider mites vary in different genotypes and concentrates on the plant superior stratum. The necessary sample size is crescent as population grows, at the beginning of the infestation, 50 leaflets are enough with CIA95% (confidence interval amplitude with 1-p=0,95) maximum equal to 2 spider mites 20cm-2. To quantify higher populations 150 leaflets is necessary with CIA95% maximum equal to 4 spider mites 20cm-2. Yield variation as response to spider mite populations attack depend on the studied genotype and to all genotypes there is difference between the infested and not-infested plots. Average damage on Santa Maria experiment was 493 kg ha-1 and São Sepé 427 kg ha-1 and average gain of 33,4%. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de genótipos de soja na população de ácaros, quantificar os danos decorrentes do ataque de ácaros e determinar o número de folíolos a serem coletados em diferentes genótipos para a quantificação de sua população. Para isto, foram realizados dois experimentos localizados nos municípios de São Sepé (20 genótipos) e Santa Maria (25 genótipos). Os experimentos foram conduzidos no delineamento blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições em parcelas de 4,5 e 5,0 x 25 m. Foram realizadas amostragens semanais através da coleta de 25 folíolos do extrato médio e 25 do extrato superior das plantas em cada genótipo, avaliando uma área de 20 cm2 por folíolo. Para a determinação do tamanho de amostra foram utilizados os dados das avaliações em que pelo menos um genótipo apresentou população média superior a um ácaro.cm-². Para o número de ácaros, utilizou-se os valores de imaturos + adultos, comparando as médias dos genótipos pelo teste t bootstrap. Foi estimado o tamanho de amostra para amplitudes de 2 e 4 ácaros 20cm-2 e realizado o cálculo do tamanho ótimo de amostra. Para quantificação dos danos dos ácaros manteve-se, em cada genótipo, parcelas infestadas e sem infestação, através de aplicação de acaricidas. A espécie predominante foi Mononychellus planki. A população de ácaros é diferente em função do genótipo e concentra-se na parte superior das plantas. O tamanho de amostras necessário é crescente em função do incremento da população de ácaros, no início das infestações 50 folíolos suficientes com AIC95% (amplitude do intervalo de confiança com 1-p=0,95) máxima igual a 2 ácaros 20cm-2. Para quantificação de populações mais elevadas são necessários 150 folíolos com AIC95% máxima igual a 4 ácaros 20cm-2. A variação no rendimento de grãos pelo ataque de ácaros depende do genótipo avaliado e, comparando a área controlada com a não controlada, há diferença para todos os genótipos. O dano médio no experimento de Santa Maria foi de 493 kg ha-1 e no de São Sepé 427 kg ha-1, com ganho médio de 33,4%.

Analýza síly testů hypotéz / Statistical tests power analysis

Kubrycht, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the power of a statistical test and the associated problem of determining the appropriate sample size. It should be large enough to meet the requirements of the probabilities of errors of both the first and second kind. The aim of this Thesis is to demonstrate theoretical methods that result in derivation of formulas for minimum sample size determination. For this Thesis, three important probability distributions have been chosen: Normal, Bernoulli, and Exponential.

A forecasting approach to estimating cartel damages : The importance of considering estimation uncertainty

Prohorenko, Didrik January 2020 (has links)
In this study, I consider the performance of simple forecast models frequently applied in counterfactual analysis when the information at hand is limited. Furthermore, I discuss the robustness of the standard t-test commonly used to statistically detect cartels. I empirically verify that the standard t-statistics encompasses parameter estimation uncertainty when one of the time series in a two-sided t-test has been estimated. Thereafter, I compare the results with those from a corrected t-test, recently proposed, where the uncertainty has been accounted for. The results from the study show that a simple OLS-model can be used to detect a cartel and to compute a counterfactual price when data is limited, at least as long as the price overcharge inflicted by the cartel members is relatively large. Yet, the level of accuracy may vary and at a point where the data used for estimating the model become relatively limited, the model predictions tend to be inaccurate.

A Comparative Study of the KPSS and ADF Tests in terms of Size and Power

Sjösten, Lina January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates through simulation why tests of unit root and stationarity occasionally result in different conclusions. The thesis focusses on the KPSS test and the ADF test and both review cases with and without a trend. The goal is to bring additional knowledge of whether one of the tests are more reliable in terms of size and power and when contradictory results occur. The result shows that both KPSS and ADF suffer from low power and size distortion and that the problems persists for the most common time series lengths. Problems particularly arise when the time series contains a trend or is a process with both an autoregressive and a moving average part. There is no clear evidence that one of the tests are superior to the other, it rather depends on sample size, parameter value and type of ARIMA process.

Investigation on the self-healing capabilties of asphaltic materials using neutron imaging

Markari, Adrian January 2021 (has links)
Bitumen acts as a binding agent in asphalt mixtures where it binds the aggregates together. It is known for its potential to heal small cracks and recover its mechanical properties under the right conditions. Though this self-healing property is known, there is currently a lack of knowledge about the mechanisms that drive the process. To optimize the use of this material for pavement design, the healing ability should be better understood and controlled. In this work, it is investigated how neutron imaging can be used to increase the understanding of the mechanisms behind the self-healing in bitumen. As a first step, the sample size requirement set by the measurement technique was determined. In order to detect micro cracks in bitumen by using this technique, the sample must be sufficiently small to allow neutron transmission. On the other hand, too small samples would complicate the structural analysis of the material since less information would be possible to obtain. Bitumen with different dimensions were scanned with neutrons to determine the maximum sample thickness. This work was followed by evaluating the healing capability of fractured bitumen and mastic samples, by using time series neutron tomography. The studied samples had a varying combination of hydrated lime (HL) filler concentration, crack volume, and contact area between the broken pieces. The data acquired from the time series tomography scans was analyzed using a three-dimensional analysis procedure including denoising, segmentation and volume measurements. From the volumetric analysis, it appeared that the initial crack size and crack shape have a large impact on the healing rate. It was found that bitumen, mastic with 20%, and 30% filler content had a similar healing behavior for relatively small crack volumes. When increasing the content of HL in the mastic, the healing rate decreases exponentially, with a drastic decrease after reaching a filler content of about 30%. / Bitumen fungerar som bindemedel i asfaltsblandningar där det binder ihop stenaggregaten. Bitumen är känd för sin förmåga att läka små sprickor och återfå sina mekaniska egenskaper under rätt förutsättningar. Trots att den självläkande egenskapen är välkänd, råder det idag en brist på kunskap om de mekanismer som ligger bakom denna process. För att optimera användandet av bitumen för vägbeläggningar behövs en bättre förståelse kring denna läkande egenskap. I detta projekt undersöks det hur neutronavbildning kan användas för att öka förståelsen kring de mekanismer som ligger bakom den självläkande egenskapen hos bitumen. Som ett första steg bestämdes provstorlekskravet för denna analysteknik. För att möjliggöra detekteringen av små sprickor i bitumen genom att använda denna teknik måste provmaterialet vara tillräckligt tunt för att neutronerna ska kunna transmitteras genom materialet. Allt för små provstorlekar skulle, å andra sidan, försvåra analysen av materialets struktur då informationen man kan erhålla blir mer begränsad. Bitumen med olika provstorlekar skannades med neutroner för att bestämma den maximala provtjockleken. Därefter analyserades den självläkande förmågan hos brutna bitumen- och bitumenmastixprover med tidsserie neutrontomografi. Prover med olika mängder av kalciumhydroxidfiller i bitumenblandningen, olika storlek på sprickvolymen och kontaktytan mellan de brutna provdelarna studerades. Data erhållna från experimenten användes för att göra en 3-dimensionell analys som inkluderade brusreducering av bilder, segmentering och volymmätningar. Från volymanalyserna konstaterades det att den initiala sprickstorleken och sprickformen har en stor inverkan på läkningstakten. Bitumen, mastix med 20%, och 30% filler-additiv uppvisade liknande läkningsegenskaper för relativt små sprickstorlekar. Vid en ökning av mängden filler material i mastixen minskar läkningstakten exponentiellt, med en drastisk minskning när man passerar en filler-koncentration på runt 30%. / <p>QC 210303</p>

Continuous Monitoring As A Solution To The Large Sample Size Problem In Occupational Exposure Assessment

January 2014 (has links)

An Exercise to Introduce Power

Seier, Edith, Liu, Yali 01 March 2013 (has links)
In introductory statistics courses, the concept of power is usually presented in the context of testing hypotheses about the population mean. We instead propose an exercise that uses a binomial probability table to introduce the idea of power in the context of testing a population proportion.

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