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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sankcionování právnických osob / Sanctioning of legal persons

Volek, Václav January 2016 (has links)
77 6 The topic of this thesis is one of the esential segments of corporate criminal lability, sanctioning of legal persons. Corporate criminal lability was incorporated to czech legal order by by the Act No. 418/2011 Sb., Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings Against Them (hereinafter as "the Act"), that came into force on 1. 1. 2012 and ever since penal sanctions can be imposed on legal persons. Main goals of the thesis are to introduce the theme to readers and critical evaluation of sanctioning in the Act. The first chapter deals with general questions of corporate criminal lability and explanation of basic condions of the criminal lability. There are also mentioned the main issues of possibility of attribution of a criminal act to a legal entity. The second charter is dedicated to sanctioning of legal persons in general. The chapter analyzes basic differences between sanctioning of legal persons and natural persons, that cause modification of purpose and principles of sanctioning of legal persons. It also covers different approaches in variability of sanctions in legal orders of european countries. The third, most important, chapter analyzes each particular sanction under the Act. It points out defects of the sanctioning and there are also mentioned critical comments of legal...

Vybrané problémy trestního postihu mladistvých / The selected problems of juvenile justice

Stojanová, Klára January 2018 (has links)
Název diplomové práce v anglickém jazyce, abstrakt v anglickém jazyce a klíčová slova Title of the thesis: The selected problems of juvenile justice Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the issue of criminal punishment of juveniles in the context of law and psychology in order to focus on the problematic areas of legal regulation, evaluate those areas and present proposals de lege ferenda in this context. The thesis is divided into three consecutive chapters. The first chapter deals with the selected legal regulation of the juvenile justice, especially with the emphasis on sanctioning the youth. More specifically, this chapter focuses on the models of dealing with delinquent youth, the principles of sanctioning juveniles, the sanction system, the problem of sanctioning of children under the age of 15 and the question of the age limit of criminal responsibility and its determination. At the end of the chapter the statistical data, which relate to the above-mentioned institutes, are presented. The second chapter is devoted to the psychological aspects of the juvenile justice. Within the framework of this chapter are gradually described selected basic issues of developmental psychology. In particular, the thesis deals with the general characteristics of the relevant development periods of the individual and...

The Relationships between Motivation, Goals, and Sanctions in Determining Levels of Cooperation over Diminishing Resources

Baxter, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Environmental degradation and biodiversity loss are worldwide problems caused by human activities, which can often be classified as a resource dilemma. This thesis examines one of the more studied interventions in social dilemmas for increasing cooperative behaviour, namely sanctioning systems, in conjunction with one of the least studied factors in this area, i.e., intraindividual motivation and goals. Across three studies, and using Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as a framework, this thesis examines the relationships between motivation, goals, sanctioning systems and proenvironmental behaviour (PEB) in a resource dilemma (RD). The resource dilemma used in this thesis was a virtual, iterated, 2-person partnered design where each participant was required to make decisions about recreational fishing harvests in a small, private lake with an inferred partner. The ‘partner’ was not real, but was simulated by the program in order to maximize experimental control. Study 1 used mediational analysis to demonstrate that quality of motivation will affect goal content, and goal content will predict proenvironmental behaviour in an RD. Study 2 introduced a centralized sanctioning system to the RD, and found that this type of sanctioning system increased PEB in the RD when added, and decreased PEB when removed, concomitantly affecting the quality of participant motivation. Study 3 introduced a decentralized sanction system to the RD concomitant with pre-written communication for/against the inferred partner. Results demonstrated that self-determined motivation positively predicted the use of positive feedback messages, and negatively predicted the use of monetary sanctions. The results of this thesis expand upon SDT, and point to the potential importance of thorough examinations into the relationship between motivation and cooperation in RDs, and the importance of intraindividual factors in RD research. Moreover, it highlights the potential benefits and drawbacks of relying on sanctioning systems to increase PEBs in RDs.

Sankcionování právnických osob / Sanctioning of legal entities

Gvozdek, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Abstraktv anglickém jazyce The subject matter and aim of this thesis is to analyse the positive criminal law regulation of sanctioning of legal entities in the light of the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings Against Them (hereinafter as "the Act"), its critical assessment and possible de lege ferenda suggestions. As a result, this thesis can be perceived as a comprehensive assessment of issues related to sanctioning of legal entities in the Czech Republic. The dissertation thesis is divided into eleven parts. The first part takes into account the international legal aspects of corporate liability, the concept of criminal liability of legal entities, arguments for and against the adoption of the Act and the legislative process leading to the adoption of the Act. Issues related to sanctioning of legal entities are dealt with in parts 2 to 11, which at the beginning discuss the basic terms of sanctioning, then analyse individual punishments and protective measures which can be imposed on legal entities, then also analyse abandonment of punishment, enforcement of punishments and effacement of conviction. Particularly interesting is the eighth part, which in addition to the treatise on the Criminal Register contains statistical overviews of the current application...

Sankcionování právnických osob / Sanctioning of legal entities

Gvozdek, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Abstraktv anglickém jazyce The subject matter and aim of this thesis is to analyse the positive criminal law regulation of sanctioning of legal entities in the light of the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings Against Them (hereinafter as "the Act"), its critical assessment and possible de lege ferenda suggestions. As a result, this thesis can be perceived as a comprehensive assessment of issues related to sanctioning of legal entities in the Czech Republic. The dissertation thesis is divided into eleven parts. The first part takes into account the international legal aspects of corporate liability, the concept of criminal liability of legal entities, arguments for and against the adoption of the Act and the legislative process leading to the adoption of the Act. Issues related to sanctioning of legal entities are dealt with in parts 2 to 11, which at the beginning discuss the basic terms of sanctioning, then analyse individual punishments and protective measures which can be imposed on legal entities, then also analyse abandonment of punishment, enforcement of punishments and effacement of conviction. Particularly interesting is the eighth part, which in addition to the treatise on the Criminal Register contains statistical overviews of the current application...

Norms, Image, and Private Contributions to Public Goods: Implications for Public Goods Policy

Interis, Matthew G. 02 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Potestad Sancionadora Administrativa en Materia de Salud / Potestad Sancionadora Administrativa en Materia de Salud

Quijano Caballero, Oscar Ítalo 10 April 2018 (has links)
In the first part of this article develops concepts and policy aspects of the right to health, in order to reveal the nature of the interference of the State in the field of health and the content of the law that aims to protect and restore with the exercise of administrative powers to impose penalties; also formulates a brief overview of health reform in the Peru, undertaken with the package of legislative decrees issued by the Executive, published between September 12 and December 07, the year 2013, in accordance with the powers conferred by the legislature through the law N ° 30073, in order to explain the context in which was given powers to impose penalties in the field of health the national Superintendence of health (SUSALUD).The central aspect of the proposal is the administrative penalties procedure for SUSALUD: its background, actors, structure, infractions, sanctions, interim measures and corrective measures; finally, a few lines are dedicated to the transfer of the competence to protect the rights of consumers of health services of INDECOPI to SUSALUD. / En la primera parte del presente artículo se desarrollan conceptos y aspectos normativos del derecho a la salud, a fin de evidenciar la naturaleza de la injerencia del Estado en el ámbito de la salud y el contenido del derecho que se pretende proteger y restituir con el ejercicio de la potestad sancionadora administrativa; asimismo, se formula una breve reseña de la Reformade Salud en el Perú, emprendida con el paquete de decretos legislativos emitidos por el Ejecutivo, publicados entre el 12 de septiembre y el 07 de diciembre del año 2013, conforme a las facultades conferidas por el Legislativo mediante la Ley N° 30073, con la finalidad de exponer el contexto en el cual se confirió la potestad sancionadora en materia de salud a la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud (SUSALUD). En el aspecto central de la propuestase presenta el procedimiento administrativo sancionador de SUSALUD: Sus antecedentes, actores, estructura, infracciones, sanciones, medidas provisionales y medidas correctivas; finalmente, se dedican unas líneas a la transferencia de la competencia de proteger los derechos de los consumidores de servicios de salud de INDECOPI a SUSALUD.

Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Criminal Corporate Liability

Bohuslav, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The Criminal Corporate Liability The definition of legal person is not outlined in criminal law, but can be found in Section 18, Subsection 2 of the Civil Code. Corporate criminal liability is then a concept that has been newly introduced to the Czech statutory criminal law, what has caused a certain intrusion of the system of basic principles of criminal law, mainly the principle of individual criminal responsibility. The term "imputability" appears, which means that a conduct of agents or other persons designated in the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings Against Them (further as "the Act") can be imputed to a legal person, if the physical person is culpable for the conduct and the conduct causes imputability of the criminal offence to the legal person. Intensive discussions on necessity and suitability of implementation of the concept of corporate criminal liability into the Czech legal system had preceded the adoption of the Act in 2011. Such discussion can now be considered as overcome, as it is obvious that the Czech Republic has opted for the direction towards the "true" corporate criminal liability. Arguments for and against the adoption of the Act can nevertheless help to better understand the concept itself, as well as the context in which it has been introduced. It...

Direito sancionador tributário : a necessária sistematização do direito de punir infrações tributárias

Xavier, Leonardo Ventimiglia January 2017 (has links)
A doutrina jurídica, por conta do paulatino fenômeno da multiplicação das áreas de atuação do Estado, passou a subdividir o Direito em ramos autônomos. A medida busca dar conta da crescente complexidade do sistema, porquanto didaticamente distingue feixes normativos específicos voltados a regular determinadas matérias outorgando-lhes particularidades científicas e doutrinárias. Entretanto, ao longo do tempo, o conceito de autonomia foi muitas vezes exacerbado ao ponto de ser confundido com independência, como se cada ramo jurídico constituísse um segmento de conhecimento isolado, indiferente aos demais. Dentro deste quadro de multiplicidade normativa, especialmente na seara das obrigações tributárias, uma única conduta ilícita passou a ter a aptidão de atrair múltiplas sanções previstas por cada ramo autônomo do Direito sem qualquer espécie de ponderação. Não obstante, em qualquer hipótese ou subsistema em que se apresente o ilícito caracteriza-se como fenômeno que, a despeito de ostentar algumas particularidades passíveis de variação, pressupõe um ciclo idêntico. Ademais, é um só o sujeito que sofrerá o espectro punitivo de cada ramo jurídico e, por conseguinte, poderá responder inúmeras vezes pelo mesmo ato. Esta singularidade do ciclo ilícito, percebida com particular adequação pelo Direito espanhol e português, pressupõe contraposição através de um ius puniendi estatal uno. A aplicação de qualquer sanção deve seguir uma plêiade de pressupostos comuns aplicáveis ao Direito como um todo, e não a este ou aquele ramo de forma isolada. O presente trabalho, adotando como premissa metodológica o pensamento sistemático na Ciência do Direito, tem como escopo reaproximar a faceta punitiva do Direito Tributário brasileiro dos demais ramos jurídicos para, assim, outorgar-lhe unidade e ordenação. No desenvolvimento de tal objetivo serão: (a) trabalhados princípios constitucionais que, muito embora sejam costumeiramente elaborados sob as perspectivas individualizadas de cada um dos sub-ramos jurídicos, se prestam a uniformizar o direito de punir mediante o rompimento de fronteiras meramente didáticas; (b) apresentadas todas as modalidades punitivas previstas no direito brasileiro para os atos ilícitos relacionados às obrigações tributárias, o que perpassará pelas sanções de índole administrativa e também penal; e (c) propostas perspectivas de aplicação de institutos uniformizadores da prática sancionadora tributária brasileira, especialmente voltadas aos temas do concurso aparente de normas, concurso de infrações, vedação ao bis in idem, prejudicialidade entre a via jurisdicional criminal e a tributária, direito ao silêncio e a vedação ao efeito confiscatório na ação punitiva. / The legal doctrine, due the gradual multiplication of areas that the State has to act, began to subdivide the Law into autonomous branches. The measure seeks to simplify the increasing complexity of the system, building scientific and doctrinal peculiarities about specific normative bundles that are designated to regulate certain matters. However, over the time, the concept of autonomy was often exacerbated until the point of being confused with independence, as if each legal branch constituted a segment of isolated knowledge, indifferent to the others. In this framework of normative multiplicity, especially in the area of tax obligations, a single unlawful act can attract diferent sanctions provided by each autonomous branch of law without any kind of reasonability. Nonetheless, the illicit, despite having some peculiarities susceptible of variation, characterizes itself as a phenomenon which presupposes a similar cycle in any hypothesis or subsystem in which it appears. In addition, the subject who will suffer the punishment of each legal branch is the same, therefore, will respond numerous times by the same ilicit act. This feature of the unlawful act, perceived with particular suitability by Spanish and Portuguese law, presupposes opposition by a single punishment power of the state. The application of any sanction must follow a few common assumptions applied to the Law as a single system and not for each isolated branch. The present work, adopting the systematic thinking as methodological premise, seek to grant the unity and ordering of the punitive facet of Brazilian Tax Law by aproaching it of the other legal branches. To develop this objective we: (a) worked with constitutional principles that standardize the punishment right by overcoming didactic boundaries; (b) presented all punitive species in the Brazilian law for illicit acts related to tax obligations; and (c) proposed prospects for the application of standardization institutes in the Brazilian tax punishment practice, with special regard to issues of apparent competition of rules, competition of infractions, prohibition of double jeopardy, prejudiciality between criminal and tax jurisdictional channels, right of silence and the prohibition of confiscation in punitive action.

Direito sancionador tributário : a necessária sistematização do direito de punir infrações tributárias

Xavier, Leonardo Ventimiglia January 2017 (has links)
A doutrina jurídica, por conta do paulatino fenômeno da multiplicação das áreas de atuação do Estado, passou a subdividir o Direito em ramos autônomos. A medida busca dar conta da crescente complexidade do sistema, porquanto didaticamente distingue feixes normativos específicos voltados a regular determinadas matérias outorgando-lhes particularidades científicas e doutrinárias. Entretanto, ao longo do tempo, o conceito de autonomia foi muitas vezes exacerbado ao ponto de ser confundido com independência, como se cada ramo jurídico constituísse um segmento de conhecimento isolado, indiferente aos demais. Dentro deste quadro de multiplicidade normativa, especialmente na seara das obrigações tributárias, uma única conduta ilícita passou a ter a aptidão de atrair múltiplas sanções previstas por cada ramo autônomo do Direito sem qualquer espécie de ponderação. Não obstante, em qualquer hipótese ou subsistema em que se apresente o ilícito caracteriza-se como fenômeno que, a despeito de ostentar algumas particularidades passíveis de variação, pressupõe um ciclo idêntico. Ademais, é um só o sujeito que sofrerá o espectro punitivo de cada ramo jurídico e, por conseguinte, poderá responder inúmeras vezes pelo mesmo ato. Esta singularidade do ciclo ilícito, percebida com particular adequação pelo Direito espanhol e português, pressupõe contraposição através de um ius puniendi estatal uno. A aplicação de qualquer sanção deve seguir uma plêiade de pressupostos comuns aplicáveis ao Direito como um todo, e não a este ou aquele ramo de forma isolada. O presente trabalho, adotando como premissa metodológica o pensamento sistemático na Ciência do Direito, tem como escopo reaproximar a faceta punitiva do Direito Tributário brasileiro dos demais ramos jurídicos para, assim, outorgar-lhe unidade e ordenação. No desenvolvimento de tal objetivo serão: (a) trabalhados princípios constitucionais que, muito embora sejam costumeiramente elaborados sob as perspectivas individualizadas de cada um dos sub-ramos jurídicos, se prestam a uniformizar o direito de punir mediante o rompimento de fronteiras meramente didáticas; (b) apresentadas todas as modalidades punitivas previstas no direito brasileiro para os atos ilícitos relacionados às obrigações tributárias, o que perpassará pelas sanções de índole administrativa e também penal; e (c) propostas perspectivas de aplicação de institutos uniformizadores da prática sancionadora tributária brasileira, especialmente voltadas aos temas do concurso aparente de normas, concurso de infrações, vedação ao bis in idem, prejudicialidade entre a via jurisdicional criminal e a tributária, direito ao silêncio e a vedação ao efeito confiscatório na ação punitiva. / The legal doctrine, due the gradual multiplication of areas that the State has to act, began to subdivide the Law into autonomous branches. The measure seeks to simplify the increasing complexity of the system, building scientific and doctrinal peculiarities about specific normative bundles that are designated to regulate certain matters. However, over the time, the concept of autonomy was often exacerbated until the point of being confused with independence, as if each legal branch constituted a segment of isolated knowledge, indifferent to the others. In this framework of normative multiplicity, especially in the area of tax obligations, a single unlawful act can attract diferent sanctions provided by each autonomous branch of law without any kind of reasonability. Nonetheless, the illicit, despite having some peculiarities susceptible of variation, characterizes itself as a phenomenon which presupposes a similar cycle in any hypothesis or subsystem in which it appears. In addition, the subject who will suffer the punishment of each legal branch is the same, therefore, will respond numerous times by the same ilicit act. This feature of the unlawful act, perceived with particular suitability by Spanish and Portuguese law, presupposes opposition by a single punishment power of the state. The application of any sanction must follow a few common assumptions applied to the Law as a single system and not for each isolated branch. The present work, adopting the systematic thinking as methodological premise, seek to grant the unity and ordering of the punitive facet of Brazilian Tax Law by aproaching it of the other legal branches. To develop this objective we: (a) worked with constitutional principles that standardize the punishment right by overcoming didactic boundaries; (b) presented all punitive species in the Brazilian law for illicit acts related to tax obligations; and (c) proposed prospects for the application of standardization institutes in the Brazilian tax punishment practice, with special regard to issues of apparent competition of rules, competition of infractions, prohibition of double jeopardy, prejudiciality between criminal and tax jurisdictional channels, right of silence and the prohibition of confiscation in punitive action.

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