Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanitary"" "subject:"anitary""
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Carta de zoneamento para seleção de áreas frente a instalação de aterros sanitários no município de São Carlos-SP, escala 1:50.000 / Favorable areas for waste sanitary landfills: 1:50,000 scale zoning chart of São Carlos region, SP, BrazilMuro, Marcos Domingues 22 September 2000 (has links)
Sempre houve uma preocupação com relação a disposição final do lixo, tanto nas grandes como nas pequenas cidades. Este trabalho consiste em analisar áreas para uma disposição adequada de aterros sanitários no Município de São Carlos. O Município de São Carlos, localizado no Estado de São Paulo, apresenta uma área de 1.151 km2 e conta com uma população de aproximadamente 180.000 habitantes. Está assentado sobre as Formações geológicas: Pirambóia, Botucatu, Serra Geral, Itaqueri, que são recobertas por materiais inconsolidados retrabalhados; o Botucatu constitui um grande manancial de águas de subsuperfície. Algumas áreas devem ser protegidas, visto que constituem zonas de recarga de aqüíferos. A metodologia Leite (1995) foi usada neste trabalho para a escolha dos atributos e análise dos resultados. Os principais atributos considerados foram: bacias hidrográficas, declividade, poços profundos, precipitação pluviométrica, substrato rochoso, mineralogia, espessura de materiais inconsolidados, landforms, distâncias do centro urbano, existência de outros aterros; esses atributos foram associados às informações geotécnicas analisadas em laboratório. Estas informações, permitiram avaliar as áreas mais favoráveis para a disposição de resíduos e a produção da Carta de Zoneamento em escala 1:50.000. / The final disposal of waste has always been a matter of trouble in big or small urban centers. This work presents the results acquired during the application of engineering geological mapping techniques in the evaluation of favorable areas for the development of waste sanitary landfills in São Carlos region. São Carlos region is located in the center State of São Paulo, Brazil, has an area of 1,151 km2 and a population 180,000. It\'s geology is characterized by the Pirambóia, Botucatu, Serra Geral and Itaqueri formations, which are covered by residual and reworked unconsolidated materiais; Botucatu represent large aquifer. The methodology from LEITE (1995) was used in this work, both for choosing the attributes or analyzing the results. The main considered attributes were the drainage basins, slope dips, rainfall, underlying rocks, thickness of unconsolidated materials, landforms, distance from the urban center and the occurrence of other landfills; these attributes were associated to laboratorial test informations. These informations, as a whole, led to an evaluation of the most favorable areas for waste disposal and the elaboration of a 1:50,000 scale zoning chart.
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Avaliação de áreas para disposição de resíduos: proposta de planilha para gerenciamento ambiental aplicado a aterro sanitário industrial / Site assessment for waste disposal: the proposition of a spreadsheet for environmental management applied to sanitary industrial landfillsKataoka, Sergio Massaru 24 April 2000 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma revisão dos principais estudos relacionados à disposição final de resíduos sólidos das mais variadas origens em aterros sanitários ou aterros sanitários industriais. Considerando-se estes estudos, foi e laborada uma planilha para avaliação e gerenciamento ambiental de um aterro sanitário industrial, abordando os principais elementos necessários à caracterização do meio físico, biológico, sacio-econômico, além da avaliação dos critérios de projeto, classificação dos resíduos e programas de monitoramento e controle ambiental. As planilhas foram aplicadas na avaliação dos estudos de impacto ambiental EIA/relatório de impacto ambiental RIMA de 3 aterros sanitários industriais. O critério de avaliação foi baseado no atendimento aos itens da planilha adotando-se um sistema de pontuação para análise final dos estudos. A avaliação final mostrou as deficiências dos estudos apresentados nos EIA/RIMA elaborados para a obtenção do licenciamento ambiental e aprovação das áreas para instalação dos empreendimentos. / This dissertation presents a revision of the current researches on solid waste disposal, that comes from a great variety of domestic waste or industrial waste landfills. Concerning to this research, it was proposed a spreadsheet for environmental assessment and management of sanitary industrial landfills, comprising the most important features for the global environment, besides the evaluation of project criteria, waste classification, monitoring programs and environmental control. This spreadsheet have been applied to evaluate the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of three sanitary industrial landfills. The assessment criteria were based on ranking the elements that attend the spreadsheet items. As final results, it can be demonstrated the deficiencies of the current ElA studies that have been proposed for obtaining environmental licenses and permissions to sites for enterprising purposes.
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Remoção e degradação de alquilbenzeno linear sulfonado de efluente urbano em reator de leito fluidificado em escala piloto / Removal and degradation of sulfonated linear alkylbenzene from urban effluent in pilot scale fluidized bed reactorGerosa, Leonardo Emerick 26 September 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estudada a remoção e degradação de alquilbenzeno linear sulfonado (LAS) em esgoto sanitário afluente da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto Monjolinho do município de São Carlos-SP. Para isso, foi utilizado reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado (RALF) em escala piloto com areia como material suporte. O reator foi operado durante 220 dias em TDH de 18±1,96h e temperatura mesófila. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas e cromatográficas, tanto de caracterização do esgoto sanitário afluente, quanto no monitoramento do reator. Em relação ao esgoto sanitário observou-se 653,50 ± 169,30 mg.L-1 e 6,19 ± 3,25 mg.L -1 para DQO bruta e LAS, respectivamente. Em relação aos metais potencialmente tóxicos foram observados cádmio, chumbo, manganês, níquel e zinco, além de traços de ferro. Em relação aos compostos recalcitrantes foram observados no esgoto sanitário butil benzeno sulfonamida, ácido hexadecanóico, limoneno, terpineno, fenol, álcool feniletílico, indolizina, cafeína e isobutil octadecil ftalato. Durante o período de operação do RALF em fluxo contínuo observou-se 503,84 ± 187,06 mg.L-1 e 210,53 ± 78,37 mg.L -1 de DQO bruta afluente e efluente, respectivamente, e eficiência de remoção de 56 ± 14%. Em relação ao LAS foi observado 7,77 ± 3,06 mg.L-1 e 5,67 ± 2,84 mg.L-1 para o afluente e efluente, respectivamente, e eficiência de remoção de 28 ± 27%. Por meio do balanço de massa foi verificado que apenas 0,1% dessa remoção foi por adsorção. Observou-se pH efluente de 7,40 ± 0,32, alcalinidade total efluente de 233,40 ± 40,75 mgCaCO3 L-1, e ácidos orgânicos voláteis efluente de 57,64 ± 48,08 mg L -1. / In this work, it was studied the removal and degradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) in a sanitary sewage effluent from the Monjolinho Sewage Treatment Station of the city of São Carlos-SP. For such, it was used a pilot scale anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR), filled with sand as support material. The reactor was operated with 18 hours of TDH and mesophilic temperature. Physicochemical and chromatographic analyzes were performed both in the characterization of the sewage inflow and in the monitoring of the reactor. The variation in concentration of COD and LAS were of 653,50 ± 169,30 mg L-1, and 6,189 ± 3,25 mg L-1, respectively. Regarding potentially toxic metals, cadmium, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc were observed, traces of Iron were also found. Regarding recalcitrant compounds was observed in sanitary sewage, butyl benzenesulfonamide, hexadecanoic acid, limonene, terpinene, phenol, phenylethyl alcohol, indolizine, caffeine and isobutyl octadecyl phthalate were observed. The AFBR was operated in a continuous stream during 220 days. During this period the COD concentration was 503.84 ± 187.06 mg L-1 and 210.53 ± 78.37 mg L-1, afluente and effluent, respectively, with a removal efficiency of 56 ± 14%. In regard to the surfactant LAS, was observed 7.77 ± 3.06 mg L-1 and 5.67 ± 2.84 mg L-1 a ffluent and effluent respectively, being the efficiency of removal of 28 ± 27%. When the mass balance was perform, it was possible to verify that only 0.1% of this LAS removal was by adsorption. The effluent pH remained stable, close to neutrality 7.40 ± 0.32, the total effluent alkalinity was 233.40 ± 40.75 mgCaCO3 L-1 and volatile organic acids 57.64 ± 48.08 mg L-1.
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Nickel pollution abatement from landfill leachate using biomaterialsKakalanga, Sumbu January 2012 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Technology: Chemistry
in the Faculty of Applied Sciences
at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2012 / Batch experiments were conducted to assess the removal of Ni(II) from aqueous solutions and landfill leachates using low cost adsorbents eggplant peel (EGP), sweet potato peel (SWP) and banana peel (BNP). Preliminary studies were carried out to optimize biosorbent mass, pH, Ni(II) concentration, temperature and contact time for Ni(II) removal. The optimized conditions were then applied to landfill leachates using the selected low cost adsorbents.
Ni(II) removal efficiency for each biosorbent was investigated for each parameter. Results indicated that biosorbents masses, pH, initial concentration as well as solution temperature were important factors influencing Ni(II) removal from aqueous solutions. Percentage Ni(II) removal was 66±0.30, 38±3.97 and 33±1.20 using EGP, SWP and BNP, respectively. Ni(II) removal efficiency increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with increasing biosorbent mass, pH and Ni(II) initial concentration while it decreased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with increasing temperature. Although Ni(II) removal efficiency varied significantly with time and the biosorbents no significant (P 0.05) difference was observed between the time interval whether the experiment was conducted in batch or semi batch mode.
Results of FTIR studies indicated that several binding and chelating functional groups such as carboxyl, carbonyl and hydroxyl groups on the biomaterials surfaces could be responsible for Ni(II) biosorption.
The optimum biosorbent mass for EGP and SWP was 0.4 g and for BNP was 0.05 g. The values for initial concentration, pH, temperature and contact time were 100 mg/L, 5, 22oC and 2 hours, respectively. Ni(II) removal efficiencies using EGP, SWP and BNP were 66, 38 and 33%, respectively.
Taking into account the result and optimum condition obtained on Ni(II) removal efficiency from aqueous solution using EGP, SWP and BNP, the Ni(II) removal efficiency using these biosorbents from landfill leachate was investigated. It was found to be significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower than what was found from aqueous solution.
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Towards a predictive framework for microbial management in drinking water systemsBautista de los Santos, Quyen Melina January 2017 (has links)
The application of DNA sequencing-based approaches to drinking water microbial ecology has revealed the presence of an abundant and diverse microbiome; therefore, the possibility of harnessing drinking water (DW) microbial communities is an attractive prospect in order to address some of the current and emerging challenges in the sector. Moreover, these multiple challenges suggest that a shift in the DW sector, from a “reactive and sanctioning” paradigm to a “due diligence/proactive” based approach may be the key in identifying potentially adverse events. My research project has focused on the characterization of the microbial ecology of full-scale DW systems using DNA sequencing-based approaches, with the aim of exploring how the obtained insights could be applied into a predictive/proactive microbial management approach. To achieve this aim, I have focused my efforts on sampling multiple full-scale DW systems in order to elucidate the impacts of: (i) methodological variation and (ii) system properties on DW microbial communities, using a combination of bioinformatics, molecular biology, microbial ecology and multivariate statistical analyses. Regarding methodological variation, I have elucidated the impacts of sample replication, PCR replication, sample volume and sampling flow rate on the structure and membership of DW microbial communities. This was the first time that methodological variation was explored in the DW context, and the first time that multi-level replication has been tested and applied in DW molecular microbial ecology. Moreover, my findings have direct implications for the design of future sampling campaigns. Regarding system properties, I have shown that microbial communities in DW distribution systems (DWDSs) undergo diurnal variation, and therefore are linked to water use patters/hydraulics in the systems. I have also shown that sampling locations in the same distribution system are similar, with OTUs found across sampling locations at different relative abundance and detection frequency levels. An assessment of the impact of source water type and treatment processes showed that disinfection is a key treatment step for community composition and functional potential, and that several genes related to protection against chlorine/oxygen species are overabundant in chlorinated and chloraminated systems. Looking to the future, I believe that the application of a “toolbox” of techniques is key in shifting towards a proactive approach in DW management, that multidisciplinary synergies hold the possibility of changing the way in which DW systems have been studied and managed for over 100 years.
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Desalination technologies and environmental aspects : case study in LibyaEl-Hajaji, A. H. S. January 2018 (has links)
Water, otherwise known as the pool of life, is the very essence of all living things and as such is vital for survival, whether for living beings, social, economic development or for environmental sustainability. However, its continuing existence is severely threatened for future as a result of climate change, carbon footprint, population growth, environmental damage, combined with natural disasters like droughts and floods. The prospect of an alternative solution such as desalination of sea or brackish water to counter the limit on conventional water resources such as groundwater, which cannot meet demand, is therefore very promising, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where water scarcity and impaired quality prevails. Consequently, desalination technology has now become a burgeoning industry in North Africa or southern Mediterranean countries, such as in Libya. However, evidence suggests that as a result of by-products being discharged directly into the sea, particularly from coastal desalination plants, the physico-chemical parameters of the receiving water are changing and posing a threat to marine ecosystems. As a result of studies conducted on these parameters to analyse the brine emitted from the Zwuarah and the West Tripoli distillation plants (ZWDP & WTRIS) on the Libyan coastline, evidence shows there is a significant positive correlation at both sites between the biological data and physico-chemical parameters (rs=0.673; p=0.002) and (rs=0.637; p=0.003), which is a clear indication of the impact of brine disposal from both plants on the marine environment. For most of coastal desalination plants on the Libyan coastline, the most practical and least expensive brine disposal option is to discharge it into the sea. It is necessary therefore, to effectively manage desalination reject brine in order to ensure more efficient disposal and reuse. Therefore, it is suggested that experimental studies are aimed for dual benefit of on-site generation of sodium hypochlorite through brine electrolysis and to recover minerals and NaCl from the brine using evaporation ponds, while protecting the environment. Following the first experiment, the outcome of brine utilisation showed a significant production of NaOCl using graphite electrodes (MCCA 1.82 gr/m3). At interelectrode spacing 2 cm and 4 cm, the power consumption was higher, with a greater concentration of sodium hypochlorite generation varying between 10-25 kw/m3 (573-2140ppm) and 29-24 kwm-3 (572-2600ppm) than at interelectrode spacing 6cm 17-13 kwm-3 (350-1790ppm). Consequently, the selection of an optimum electrical consumption level is key in establishing the best scenario in terms of economy and efficiency. Subsequent to the second experiment of brine evaporation in the ponds, results showed that the evaporation rate in August was lower than in September (9.06 mmday-1, 14.63 mmday-1) respectively. The results of the SEM/EDS test showed that due to elevated surges of Na+ and Cl-, halite (NaCl) was the main mineral evident during crystallisation of the salt samples. Hence, the two experiments reveal that brine can be recycled productively, while protecting the environment.
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Fouling and its mitigation on heat exchanger surfaces by additives and catalytic materialsTeng, K. H. January 2018 (has links)
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) fouling is the most commonly observed fouling phenomenon in cooling water applications. Fouling happens when a process uses cooling water supersaturated with mineral salt crystals (i.e. hard water). Precipitation deposits on heat transfer surfaces whenever these inversely-soluble salt crystals, like dissolved calcium ions, are exposed to high temperature. An online-monitoring system for fouling phenomena was studied experimentally using a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride for carbonate fouling salt in de-ionized water. The effects of different parameters such as surface temperature, flow velocity, and concentration on the calcium carbonate scale formation process were experimentally investigated by using the developed monitoring system. The calcium carbonate deposition rates on five different metal surfaces (Stainless steel 316, brass, copper, aluminum and carbon steel) were investigated. The surface was analyzed by analytical microscopy to investigate the morphology of the deposit layer. The results revealed that SS316 yielded the lowest deposition on the surface. Nowadays, hazardous chemical additives are often used to mitigate fouling but chemicals are expensive and pose problems to the environment. Physical water treatment (PWT), a non-chemical method is good alternative for fouling mitigation method. PWT using zinc and tourmaline as catalytic materials is presented in this research work. Fouling tests were conducted for verification of this PWT method. Artificially-hardened water at 300 mgL-1 was utilized as the fluid medium to form fouling deposits. The hard water flow velocities were varied from 0.15 ms-1 to 0.45 ms-1 and the artificially-hardened water temperature was maintained at 25 oC and the experimental time was set to 72 hours for each run. The results revealed that in the PWT-treatment case, the deposition of calcium carbonate particle is lower compared to those in the No-treatment case. Furthermore, mitigation of calcium carbonate fouling by applying EDTA, EDTA-MWCNT and DTPA-MWCNT-based water nanofluids on heat exchanger surfaces were reported. Investigation of additive (benign to the environment) on the fouling rate of deposition was performed. Assessment of the deposition of calcium carbonate on the heat exchanger surfaces with respect to the inhibition of crystal growth was conducted by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results showed that the formation of calcium carbonate crystals can be retarded significantly by adding MWCNT-DTPA additives as inhibition in the solution. Moreover, investigation was extended by introducing a non-invasive-monitoring of concentrations of calcium hardness in cooling water. Investigation was conducted with a 2.5 GHz microwave cavity resonator. The principle of electric dipole moment theories were used to analyse the sample solution that occurs as a function of calcium ion content. The sample was centrally positioned in the electric field of the TM010 mode of a resonant cylindrical cavity. COMSOL simulation package was used to compare and validate the experimental cavity resonator frequency. Transmission signal (S21) measurements via Vector Network Analyser (VNA) with different concentrations were investigated and observed linear relationship in amplitude with frequency changes. These research successfully introduce a novel technique of monitoring of water hardness concentration by using non-invasive microwave sensor.
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Plano de oftalmologia sanitária escolar do estado de São Paulo: aspectos técnico-administrativos / Sanitary School Opthalmology Plan of the state of São Paulo: technical and administrative aspectsNastari, Edmea Rita Temporini 21 February 1980 (has links)
No Estado de São Paulo, desenvolveu-se o Plano de Oftalmologia Sanitária Escolar, no período de 1973 a 1976, junto às escolas da rede de ensino oficial estadual, que se propunha a detectar distúrbios visuais de escolares, prover a devida assistência, respaldado por atividades educativas e proceder a levantamento de dados sobre a problemática oftalmológica existente. Tratando-se de programação intersetorial, envolvendo as Secretarias de Estado da Saúde e da Educação, fez-se necessário todo um planejamento técnico-administrativo articulado, seguido de procedimentos de coordenação, supervisão e avaliação que se fizeram presentes em todo o transcorrer do plano. Mediante mecanismo de descentralização da organização dos serviços de Saúde e de Educação, o trabalho atingiu todas as regiões administrativas do Estado, com participação de grande contingente de pessoal da rede escolar, técnicos e especialistas em saúde, entidades governamentais, particulares e comunidade em geral. Considerando a metodologia empregada no plano e os resultados obtidos, faz-se pertinente a proposição de discutir alguns aspectos considerados relevantes, na tentativa de que este estudo possa oferecer subsídios para iniciativas semelhantes de pessoas ou órgãos interessados na problemática visual de escolares. / The Sanitary School Opthalmology Plan was developed in the State of São Paulo from 1973 to 1976 in schools of the public oficial teaching complex, aiming to detect the visual problems in school children, provide their proper care, based upon educational activities and set up the data on the existing ophthalmological problem. Dealing with an intersectorial program involving Health and Education Departments of the State of São Paulo, a technic administrative interrelated plan was necessary, followed by coordination procedures, as well as supervision and evaluation while the Plan was being carried out. Through the mechanism of decentralization of the organization of Health and Education services the work has reached all the administrative areas of the State of São Paulo, with the participation of a great contingent of the school complex personnel, technicians and specialists in health, as well as governmental and private entities and the community in general. Taking into account the methodology used in the Plan and the results obtained, the discussion of some relevant aspects is important, hoping that this work may provide subsidies for similar activities of people or services interested in the visual problem of school children.
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O índice de diluição de esgoto e o estudo de caso da região metropolitana de São Paulo / The sewage dilution index and the case study of São Paulo\'s metropolitan areaAvila, Rafael Doñate 28 June 2018 (has links)
A implantação e a ampliação dos sistemas de esgotamento sanitário devem contemplar não só aspectos políticos, técnicos e econômicos, mas também sociais, ambientais e de sustentabilidade. Para subsidiar a tomada de decisão com base neste paradigma, e auxiliar na definição das prioridades de intervenções, propõe-se aqui um novo indicador de sustentabilidade, que aqui foi denominado de Índice de Diluição de Esgoto - IDE. Este índice correlaciona a vazão de esgoto sanitário não tratado com a vazão dos corpos d\'água e permite efetuar a avaliar o sistema de esgotamento sob a ótica da capacidade suporte do ambiente. A revisão bibliográfica abordou quatro temas: os esgotos sanitários, os recursos hídricos superficiais, a poluição dos corpos d\'água por esgoto sanitário e os indicadores de sustentabilidade. Com base nos parâmetros de qualidade padrões dos esgotos sanitários e dos corpos d\'água limpos, bem como na legislação ambiental, foram identificadas quatro faixas de risco associadas aos valores do IDE: acima de 0,1% há o risco à saúde e à eutrofização de represas, acima de 5% à comunidade aquática, acima de 10% à harmonia paisagística e acima de 15% à harmonia odorífera. Com o IDE desenvolvido, foi estudado o caso da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo - RMSP: o valor do índice foi calculado para as suas diversas sub-bacias de esgotamento. As bacias com os maiores valores de IDE situam-se em um anel que circunda a RMSP, enquanto que aquelas com os menores valores, nas porções interna e externa deste anel. Poucas sub-bacias apresentaram valores inferior a 0,1% e muitas apresentaram valores acima de 15%, que extrapola os 200% em alguns casos. O estudo da RMSP foi realizado à luz de variáveis territoriais e socioeconômicas, o que propiciou uma discussão do diagnóstico e do planejamento do sistema de esgotamento sob a ótica da sustentabilidade e dos riscos associados. / The implementation and expansion of sewage systems should include not only political, technical and economic aspects, but also social, environmental and sustainability aspects. In order to support decision-making based on this paradigm and to endorse the interventions\'s priorities selection, a new sustainability indicator is proposed here, which has been called Sewage Dilution Index - SDI. This index correlates untreated sanitary sewage flow with the water bodies flow and allows the evaluation of the sewage system from the perspective of environmental support capacity. The literature review addressed four themes: sanitary sewage, surface water resources, pollution of water bodies by sanitary sewage and sustainability indicators. Based on the sanitary sewers and clean water bodies quality parameters standard, as well as environmental legislation, four risk ranges were identified associated with SDI values: above 0.1% a health and reservoir eutrophication risk was identified, above 5% an aquatic community risk, above 10% a landscape harmony risk and above 15% an odoriferous harmony risk. After the SDI was developed, it was accomplished the São Paulo\'s Metropolitan Area - SPRA case study: the sewage\'s índex values was calculated for it\'s sewage\'s sub-basins. The sub-basins with the highest values of SDI are located in a ring that surrounds the SPRA, whereas those with the lowest values are located inside and outside of this ring. Few sub-basins presented values below 0,1% and many showed values above 15%, which exceeds 200% in some cases. The SPRA case study was accomplished associated with territorial and socioeconomic variables, which allowed a discussion of the diagnosis and planning of the sewage system from the sustainability and associated risks point of view.
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Avaliação da implantação do sistema de hemovigilância no Estado de São Paulo / Evaluation of the implantation of the hemovigilance system in the state of São PauloFernandes, Maria de Fátima Alves 12 June 2017 (has links)
A hemovigilância é considerada uma importante ferramenta para a segurança transfusional. Os primeiros sistemas nacionais de hemovigilância, no mundo, foram implantados na década de 1990. No Brasil, o Sistema Nacional de Hemovigilância (SNH), que é coordenado pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), iniciou sua implantação, em 2002, com foco nas reações transfusionais (RT), em uma rede restrita de hospitais. No final de 2006, a possibilidade de notificar RT foi estendida aos demais serviços de saúde e os gestores de saúde da esfera estadual também foram inseridos nesse processo. O estado de São Paulo (SP), onde funciona um subsistema do SNH (SNH-SP), colaborou com 41% do total de RT notificadas, no período de 2002 a 2014, segundo a Anvisa. Contudo, apesar de decorridos cerca de 10 anos, o SNH-SP nunca foi avaliado. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a implantação do SNH-SP, a fim de obter subsídios para sua melhoria. Trata-se de um estudo avaliativo, utilizando-se metodologia de avaliação baseada no Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Systems do Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Foram utilizadas duas bases de dados secundários: das transfusões e das notificações das RT. Foram também utilizados três questionários concebidos para identificar fatores que contribuem ou não com a adesão e com a implantação do SHN-SP, pelos hospitais, serviços de hemoterapia (SH) e pela vigilância sanitária (Visa). Eles foram respondidos por 81 hospitais, 61 SH e 22 das 28 regionais de Visa. Verificou-se que o SNH-SP tem adesão crescente dos hospitais, especialmente os de maior porte, embora a aceitabilidade destes seja baixa, quando comparada com a dos SH. Foram realizadas 12.182.981 transfusões em 947 serviços de saúde, entre 2008 a 2015, mais de 55% delas, de concentrado de hemácias. O número de notificações de RT aumenta a cada ano, mas há subnotificação geral e de alguns tipos específicos de RT. Foram notificadas 23.942 RT, por 353 serviços de saúde. As 23.734 RT ocorridas nesse período se caracterizaram, predominantemente, como imediatas (97,96%), dos tipos febril não hemolítica (51,81%) e alérgica (38,20%). Apresentaram gravidade leve (87,62%), contudo, houve 35 (0,15%) óbitos. Concentraram-se nos maiores de 50 anos (51,49%). A incidência de RT nesse período variou entre 3,44 e 4,55/1.000, sendo mais elevada nas transfusões de concentrados de granulócitos, chegando a 53,06 RT/1.000. O SNH-SP tem gestão centralizada e tanto ele quanto o sistema de informação utilizado para notificação ainda são desconhecidos de parte dos hospitais. Há déficit de pessoal para trabalhar na área, tanto nos hospitais quanto nas Visa. Há falta de integração com outros sistemas de saúde afins, sugerindo a subnotificação de doenças transmitidas pelo sangue no SNH-SP, como as hepatites B e C. A estruturação do SNH apresenta simplicidade, porém, seu funcionamento atual, em SP, prejudica a avaliação desse atributo. Ao se analisar as RT definidas como eventos sentinela, a oportunidade e a qualidade dos dados foram consideradas insatisfatórias. O SNH-SP foi considerado útil, mas ajustes são recomendados para seu efetivo funcionamento. / Haemovigilance is considered an important tool for transfusion safety. The first national hemovigilance systems in the world were implemented in the 1990s. The Brazilian Hemovigilance System (BHS), which is managed by Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), began in 2002, focusing on the transfusion reactions (TR) in a limited hospital network. At the end of 2006, the possibility of reporting TR was extended to all health services and state health managers were also included in this process. The state of São Paulo (SP), where a BHS subsystem (BHS-SP) operates, contributed with 41% of the total reported RTs, from 2002 to 2014, according to Anvisa. However, after about 10 years, the BHS-SP has never been evaluated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the BHS-SP, in order to obtain inputs for its improvement. This is an evaluative study, using an evaluation methodology based on the Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Systems of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Two secondary databases were used: transfusions and reported TR. Three questionnaires designed to identify factors that whether or not contribute to the adherence and to the implementation of the SHN-SP, by hospitals, blood banks (BB) and by health surveillance (Visa) were also used. 81 hospitals, 61 BB and 22 out of 28 regional Visa answered them. It was verified that the BHS-SP has an increasing adherence of the hospitals, especially of the larger ones, although the acceptability of these is low, when compared with the BB. 12,182,981 transfusions were performed in 947 health services, from 2008 to 2015, more than 55% of them, of red blood cells. The number of reported TR increases each year, but there is underreporting, in general and in some specific types of RT. 23,942 TRs were reported from 353 health services. The 23,734 TR occurred in this period were characterized as immediate (97.96%), non-haemolytic (51.81%) and allergic (38.20%). They were classified as non-severe (87.62%), however, there were 35 (0.15%) fatalities. They concentrated on those over 50 years old (51.49%). The incidence of TR in this period varied between 3.44 and 4.55/1,000, higher in granulocyte concentrates transfusions, reaching 53.06 TR/1,000. The BHS-SP has centralized management. Both, the BHS-SP and the information system used for reporting TR are still unknown by the hospitals. There is a shortage of staff to work in the area, in hospitals and in Visa. There is a lack of integration with other related health systems, suggesting the underreporting of bloodborne diseases in BHS-SP, such as hepatitis B and C. The organizational structure of the BHS demonstrates simplicity, but its current functioning in SP impairs the evaluation of this attribute. When RTs defined as sentinel events were analyzed, the timeliness and the quality of the data were considered unsatisfactory. The BHS-SP was considered useful, but adjustments are recommended for its effective functioning.
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