Spelling suggestions: "subject:"schedule planning"" "subject:"aschedule planning""
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Integrating Building Information Modelling (BIM), Cost Estimating and Scheduling for Buildings Construction at the Conceptual Design StageLi, Jinmin January 2016 (has links)
Estimating the construction time and cost of a building project is an essential task of construction manager, which benefits owners, engineers and contractors. Construction duration and cost, in particular, have profound influence on the outcome of a project at the conceptual stage of its life. The conventional methods used to estimate the time and costs of construction projects are based on 2D models, which need much time and effort from engineers, estimators and schedulers who are involved in preparing them because all of this process is done manually, especially when the project has several design alternatives. Considering that, Building Information Modelling (BIM), which is a technology that enhances data transfer and ensures cooperation among designers, engineers, and contractors, can provide an efficient way for cost estimating and schedule planning. On the other hand, sustainability has drawn more and more attention by the construction industry, this is because a project’s construction process has crucial impacts on society, the environment, and the economy. Modular Construction has been proven to ensure sustainable construction by reducing the negative impacts on the environment, reducing construction time, and improving manpower productivity. This research aims at developing an integrated model that interrelates BIM with construction cost estimation, scheduling, and sustainability at the conceptual design stage of projects. The aim is to reduce the preparation time and increase the efficiency of making major decisions for both conventional construction and modular construction.
The proposed model consists of five modules, including a data collection module, a cost estimation module, a scheduling module, a sustainability evaluation module, and a 5D integrated module. Plug-ins were developed in the model to link BIM tool (i.e., Autodesk Revit) with Microsoft Excel to ensure automatic data transfer among these modules all within a BIM platform so that owners and designers can quickly generate a reliable construction cost estimate, construction schedule, preliminary sustainability evaluation, as well as construction process simulation.
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Skolmatsalsmiljö och schemaplanering ur ett hälsoperspektiv : Kvalitativ ansatsByström, Madelene January 2015 (has links)
To investigate if the student’s school centeent, and that planning of the school lunch is done from a health perspective. Qualitative research approach was used, including both interviews and observations, to view the purpose. Evidence was collected using a participating observer, semi constructed questions and structured observation. To focus on specific parts in the material, a directed content analysis was used. One large and one smaller school participated in the study. The staff that participated in the interviews are responsible for planning the schedules for school lunches and the centeent environment at their schools. The observations were conducted first without students in the centeent, and then with students present. The interviews were conducted in conjunction with the educators organizing the scheduling and planning of the centeent. The research problems are Are laws, recommendations and guidelines regarding the pupils' overall environment in the centeent applied according to the respondents? Do the respondents experience that laws, recommendations and guidelines regarding the students' pyshical environment in the centeent are applied basen on a health perspective? Are applied laws, recommendations and guidelines observed regarding pupils' psychical environment in canteens, and is it interpreted to be based on a perspective of health? Are pedagogical meals applied according to the respondents and observations? Is there a difference between the larger and the smaller school? It was concluded that none of the respondents had knowledge about the recommendations from the Swedish NFA and the Department of Education regarding the amount of recommended time spent at the table and between what times lunch should be served. The larger school had however been actively addressing concern regarding both noise level and participation. The size of the school determines the amount of energy needed to spend on subjects concerning noise, planning, participation and the physical environment. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka elevers matsalsmiljö samt om planeringen av skollunchen sker utifrån ett hälsoperspektiv. För att få inblick i ämnet valdes en kvalitativ ansats och en metodtriangulering som bestod av intervjuer och observationer. Intervjuerna var upplagd på ett semistrukturerat sätt och bestod av 14 frågor med följdfrågor. Respondenterna var två pedagoger från varsin skola som var delaktiga i planeringen av matsalsmiljön samt schemaplaneringen av lunch. Observationerna var strukturerad vilket innebär att det som skulle observeras hade bestämts innan. Observationerna var deltagande så att personalen på respektive skola var medveten om att det skulle ske en observation av den fysiska miljön i matsalen. Uppsatsen är baserade på två skolor där en pedagog från vardera skola svarade på intervjufrågorna, observationerna ägde rum samma dag i deras matsal. Observationerna skede i två steg, först observerades matsalen utan elever och efteråt med eleverna på plats för att få en helhetsbild. Vid analysen användes en riktad innehållsanalys för att leta meningar från intervjuerna och händelser från observationen som skulle passa in i kategorierna. Observationen hade kategorierna matsal utan elever, med underkategorin fysisk miljö, samt matsal med elever med under kategorierna akustik, schemaplanering och vuxnas närvaro. Intervjun hade kategorierna fysisk miljö, matsalssituation, hälsoperspektiv, delaktighet och schemaplanering. I resultatet framkom det att de två respondenterna inte kände till Livsmedelsverkets och Skolverkets rekommendationer om hur länge elever bör sitta vid bordet samt mellan vilka tider lunchen ska serveras. På den större skolan arbetar de mer aktivt med att reducera ljudnivån i matsalen än på den mindre skolan. Det beror på att det större elevantal skapar mer buller. Båda skolorna arbetar med delaktighet från elevernas håll genom elevråd. Storleken på skolan och antalet elever kan i denna studie ses som avgörande, beroende på hur mycket arbete skolan behöver lägga ner på både schemaplanering, den fysiska miljön samt delaktigheten för eleverna.
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Užsiėmimų tvarkaraščių projektavimo sistema / Scheduling and Course Planning SystemGabrienė, Vitalija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Informacinių technologijų srityje tvarkaraščių projektavimo sistemos nėra naujas dalykas, tačiau sistemos turi būti projektuojamos atsižvelgiant tiek į bendrus, tiek į individulius poreikius kiekvienai švietimo įstaigai. Norint pradėti projektuoti sistemą riekia žinoti kokį rezultatą norime gauti ir parinkti priemones reikalingas sistemai kurti. Kokia kalba bus sistema projektuojama, kaip bus kuriama duomenų bazė ir kokie duomenys bus įvedami, kaip jie bus saugomi, keičiami., kokios bus programos galimybės. Gauti norimą rezultatą padėjo formacija apie jau egzistuojančias panašias tvarkaraščių programas, jų privalumus bei trūkumus. Informacija apie projekto užsakovą, jo poreikius ir reikalavimus padės optimaliai spręsti iškeltą uždavin��. / The goal of this work is to create Scheduling and Course Planning System which should help to organize courses and make timetables in more convenient, simple and effective way. This system should satisfy the requirements of lecturers and students. The system should be able to keep initial data necessary for generation of diagrams and reports. The initial data can be modified by the users of this system.
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Program pro plánování rozvrhů / Timetable Planning SoftwareMores, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is schedule planning for Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) BUT. Thesis describes the process of creating a schedule at FIT and the information concerning study at FIT that are pertinent to this process. It presents the design and implementation of an application designed to support schedule planning at FIT. The primary focus of this thesis is to simplify and expedite the process of checking, if the schedule being planned is correct. The product of this thesis is a functional application used for schedule planning at FIT, in conjunction with one other application.
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Program pro plánování rozvrhů / Timetable Planning SoftwareVosáhlo, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis describes the design and implementation of a multi-user web application for scheduling timetables and exams at the Faculty of Information Technology of the Brno University of Technology. This application will provide the user with supporting tools for the manual placement of the timetable windows. Thanks to the algorithm for pre calculating the longest collisions, this application can detect collisions in real time and display information about the number of lectures or exams for students in one day. It will also automatically check the teacher's requirements for the course timetable and automatically allocate exams to rooms. Registered users can create their own timetables and if they think that their version is better than the official one, they can propose it to the administrator directly in the application. Thanks to the history recording mechanism for timetable windows, users will be able to quickly and efficiently return unwanted changes back. In this thesis I will also describe the procedures and problems which occurs in the planning process and all the criteria that the schedule must meet.
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