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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konzultace učitel - žák - rodič na 1. stupni ZŠ se zaměřením na poskytování zpětné vazby / Consultation teacher - pupil - parent at primary schools focusing on providing feedback

Trpálková, Linda January 2019 (has links)
The thesis named Consultation teacher - student - parent at primary school with focus to providing feedback deals with specific role of consultations in the process of education as a form of cooperation between family and school. The aim of this thesis is to closer describe consultations teacher - student - parent in the extensive context and point out their potential in particular from the point of view of the formative assessment. It is a special educational opportunity that facilitates students' personal development and improvement in the process of learning via providing feedback which comes simultaneously from three sides. The theoretical part deals with defining term consultation teacher - student - parent, describing their functions and development as a communication platform. Part of the text offers an inspiring application of this untraditional appointment in Sweden. Attention is also focused to implementing students'sources that work as essential support for work with the formative feedback. The second, empirical part deals with reconstruction of three consultation meetings at primary school and reflects development of this event from the side of teacher, student as well as parent in the form of a case study. This research confirms the value of all three approaches and formation of...

Explaining education success with special reference to Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital

Chan, Siu-wah., 陳少華. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Nonparticipation in adult education : the perspectives of high school dropouts

Buttell, Carol A. January 2000 (has links)
Qualitative research was used to get the perspectives of high school dropouts about their lives as nonparticipants in adult education. The research problem addressed in the study was the lack of information from high school dropouts themselves about their life experiences. The purpose was to have high school dropout nonparticipants express their views. The particular research method used was case study.Interviews were held with 15 high school dropouts who had been out of school at least five years. Three one-hour interviews were held with each respondent. Each interview had a particular focus. The first focused on the respondent's family and school experiences until the time of dropout. The second focused on present life experiences. The third focused on plans for the future, including possible participation in adult education.The respondents were selected from the dropout population with members being multi-age, multi-ethnic, of both genders, and from various localities within a community of approximately 200,000. The respondents were selected through the researcher's personal knowledge of dropouts who had not participated in further education; names provided by a relative and two acquaintances of the researcher; and names given by other respondents.The three interviews resulted in 13 categories of information. Categories included the following data: demographic, family, support people, education, employment, and future plans.Five of the 15 respondents saw no reason to become involved in adult education. One would become involved only if current employment ceased. Seven planned to enroll in adult education classes in the near future. Two planned to enroll when current obstacles were overcome.Reasons given for future enrollment in adult education resulted in three categories, with five respondents naming more than one reason. The reason self-satisfaction was given by six respondents. Job change was named by eight. Returning as an example for their children was the reason given by four respondents.Respondents seemed content with their lives. They enjoyed sharing their thoughts.The results of the study represent only this study. The reported protocol for data collection, the narrative, and the analysis of data enable replication of the methods used in the research. / Department of Educational Leadership

Filosofie pro děti jako prostředek etické výchovy zahrnující různé oblasti života dítěte v mladším školním věku / Philosophy for Children as a means of ethics covering different areas of a child´s life

JOZOVÁ, Vladislava January 2018 (has links)
The work deals with ethical education, which can be used in different areas of child's life through the program of Philosophy for Children. The theoretical part characterizes the child in a period of younger school age, describes his cognitive and moral development including important psychological aspects. Psychological knowledge becomes an important starting point for the practical part of the work. Education in different areas of child's life carries specific features of the environment. Educational subjects, such as family, school, leisure time, can participate in the upbringing of moral behavior. The development of children's moral reasoning can be supported by the knowledge of different ethical systems. Ways to work in Philosophy for Children can become a means of ethical education. The role of teachers, parents and leisure teachers has an important place in this educational process, especially in the implementation of ethical dialogues. The practical part offers three philosophical stories, with the main ideas and plans for discussion. The stories serve as an inspiration for cultivating the morals of children in different environments of their lives.

Koncept volného času ve vztahu k životu předškolního dítěte / Leisure activities in the life of preschool children

FÁROVÁ, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines whether the term of spare time can be applied on everyday situations of preschool children and if so in what sense. It finds answers to the question whether there is such term as leisure time at preschool age. It is concerned with the meaning of leisure time during preschool years. It discovers ways to optimizing leisure time at preschool age while taking into consideration the developmental peculiarities of this age. It looks for ways of interconnecting leisure time pedagogy and pre-primary pedagogy where the author sees the possibilities of cooperation due to the great flowering of leisure time activities, growing population of preschoolers and developing knowledge of evolutionary psychology.

Třídní schůzka na prvním stupni základní školy. / Class meeting at the primary school

Mutina, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on class meetings at the first level of primary school. It discusses how parents and teachers perceive these meetings, and what is needed to be prepared to organize the meeting. The theoretical part is based on literature and resources written about class meetings. Its aim was to map the current trends in the organization of class meetings with regard to effective cooperation between school and family. The empirical part presents the results of the questionnaire survey among teachers. Its aims to give inspiration and examples of good practice, to encourage particularly beginning teachers in organizing class meetings, to offer experience with this form of communication between school and family, and to gather ideas on how to manage class meetings. In the end, this diploma thesis brings and reflects a new experience with the class meeting held in electronic form.

Eficacia relativa y diferencial de una intervención combinada versus farmacológica para el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad en la infancia

Amado Luz, Laura 12 July 2012 (has links)
El TDAH és un trastorn neuroevolutiu de l’atenció i la impulsivitat de naturalesa crònica que afecta un 4% de la població i que freqüentment s’associa amb altres trastorns, com els problemes de conducta i les dificultats en l’aprenentatge. Actualment hi ha base empírica sobre el seu origen genètic i biològic, encara que el seu curs evolutiu i el seu pronòstic estan molt influenciats per factors ambientals. És per això que un abordatge adequat del procés d’avaluació i d’intervenció d’aquest trastorn ha de contemplar de forma primerenca els contextos en què el nen es desenvolupa (escola, família i comunitat) i ha de comptar amb un equip multidisciplinari. En aquesta línia, las modalitats d’intervenció que han evidenciat ser més efectives són les medicacions psicoestimulants, les intervencions psicosocials i els tractaments que combinen ambdues modalitats terapèutiques. L’estimulant més utilitzat per al TDAH, el metilfenidat, és el fàrmac més prescrit en psiquiatria infantil i s’ha constatat la seva efectivitat de forma reiterada. No obstant això, s’ha d’administrar amb cautela perquè presenta limitacions que a vegades no en compensen l’administració, com el efectes no desitjats, el desconeixement sobre els efectes a llarg termini o els escassos estudis sobre eficàcia i seguretat en nens preescolars. Aquests troballes ens fan considerar les intervencions psicosocials, que també són una bona opció terapèutica. Les intervencions psicosocials validades empíricament serveixen d’entrenament a pares i mestres per manejar el trastorn, com també al mateix nen, tot i que en menor mesura, per exercitar les seves habilitats socioemocionals. La finalitat d’aquestes teràpies és que paral•lelament o tres la formació, s’implementen intervencions conductuals, cognitiu-conductuals, escolars i sòcio-emocionals en els contexts naturals del nen. Encara que està provada la eficàcia d’aquestes modalitat d’intervenció de forma aïllada, s’han trobat millores superiors amb els tractaments combinats o multimodals, que cobren un ampli ventall de dificultats i plànols de funcionament, permetent en ocasions reduir la dosi de medicació amb un manteniment dels efectes positius. Però, malauradament, encara s’observa una relativa carència d’estudis que incloguin tractaments combinats per al TDAH infantil, si més no a España. En el millor del casos, les intervencions han estat breus i intensives. Tanmateix, no s’han publicat estudis sobre l’eficàcia d’aquestes intervencions per millorar variables com el clima escolar i familiar d’aquests nens. L’objectiu, doncs, d’aquest projecte és analitzar l’eficàcia relativa i diferencial d’un tractament combinat (medicació estimulant + entrenament a pares i mestres) versus un de farmacològic, durant un curs escolar, per millorar diverses variables relacionades amb el nen hiperactiu, com també amb els seus mestres i pares (símptomes, rendiment acadèmic, clima escolar i familiar, autoeficàcia percebuda i coneixements sobre TDAH). / El TDAH es un trastorno neuro-evolutivo de la atención, la actividad y la impulsividad de naturaleza crónica, que afecta a un 4% de la población, asociándose frecuentemente con otros trastornos, como los problemas de conducta y las dificultades de aprendizaje. En la actualidad, hay evidencia empírica sobre su origen genético y biológico, aunque su curso evolutivo y pronóstico están enormemente influidos por factores ambientales. De ahí que un adecuado abordaje del proceso de evaluación e intervención de este trastorno deba contemplar de forma temprana los contextos donde el niño se desenvuelve (escuela, familia y comunidad), contando con un equipo multidisciplinar. En esta línea, las modalidades de intervención que han mostrado ser más efectivas son las medicaciones estimulantes, las intervenciones psicosociales y los tratamientos que combinan ambas opciones terapéuticas. El estimulante más utilizado para el TDAH, el metilfenidato, es el fármaco más prescrito en psiquiatría infantil y se ha constatado reiteradamente su efectividad. Pero se debe administrar con cautela porque presenta limitaciones que en ocasiones no compensan su administración, como sus efectos indeseados; el desconocimiento sobre sus efectos a largo plazo; y los escasos estudios sobre su eficacia y seguridad en niños preescolares. Estos hallazgos nos instan a considerar las intervenciones psicosociales, que son también una buena opción terapéutica. Las intervenciones psicosociales validadas empíricamente son el entrenamiento a padres y a maestros en el manejo del trastorno, y en menor medida el entrenamiento en habilidades socio-emocionales al propio niño. La finalidad de estas terapias es que paralelamente o tras la formación, se implementen intervenciones conductuales, cognitivo-conductuales, escolares y socio-emocionales en los contextos naturales del niño. Sin embargo, a pesar de la eficacia de estas modalidades de intervención de forma aislada, se han mostrado mejoras superiores con los tratamientos combinados o multimodales, que cubren un amplio abanico de dificultades y planos de funcionamiento, permitiendo en ocasiones reducir la dosis de medicación con un mantenimiento de los efectos positivos. Pero desafortunadamente, aún se observa una relativa carencia de estudios que incluyan tratamientos combinados para el TDAH infantil, al menos en España. Y en el mejor de los casos, las intervenciones han sido muy breves e intensivas. Asimismo, no se han publicado estudios sobre la eficacia de estas intervenciones para mejorar variables como el clima escolar y familiar de estos niños. Precisamente, el objetivo de este proyecto es analizar la eficacia relativa y diferencial de un tratamiento combinado (medicación estimulante+entrenamiento a padres y maestros) versus farmacológico, durante un curso escolar, para mejorar diversas variables relacionadas con el niño hiperactivo, sus maestros y sus padres (síntomas, rendimiento académico, clima escolar y familiar, autoeficacia percibida y conocimientos sobre TDAH). / ADHD is a neuro-developmental disorder of attention, impulsivity and activity of a chronic nature, affecting 4% of the population, frequently associated with other disorders such as behavioral problems and learning disabilities. Today, there is empirical evidence on genetic and biological origin, although its clinical course and prognosis are greatly influenced by environmental factors. Hence, an adequate management of the process of assessment and intervention for this disorder should contemplate early contexts where the child develops (school, family and community), with a multidisciplinary team. In this stratum, the interventions that have proven most effective are stimulant medications, psychosocial interventions and treatments that combine both options. The stimulant used for ADHD, methylphenidate, is the most prescribed drug in child psychiatry and has been found repeatedly to be effective. But it should be administered with caution, because it has limitations, like its side effects, the lack of long-term effects, and the few studies on efficacy and safety in preschool children. These findings urge us to consider psychosocial interventions, which are also a good option. Empirically valid psychosocial interventions are parent training and teachers in the management of the disorder, and less training in socio-emotional skills the child itself. The purpose of these therapies is that, - parallel or after the training -, behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, and socio-emotional interventions would be implemented in the child's natural settings. However, despite the effectiveness of these modalities of intervention in isolation, greater improvement has been shown with combined or multimodal treatments covering a wide range of problems, allowing sometimes to reduce the dose of medication, with a maintenance of positive effects. But unfortunately there is still a relative lack of studies involving combined treatments for childhood ADHD, at least in Spain. And in most cases, interventions have been very brief and intensive. Also, there are no published studies on the effectiveness of these interventions to improve variables such as school and family environment of these children. The precise purpose of this project is to analyze the relative and differential efficacy of combined treatment (stimulant medication + training for parents and teachers) versus drug, during a school year, in order to improve various variables related to the hyperactive child, their teachers and their parents (symptoms, academic performance, school and family evironment, self-efficacy and knowledge about ADHD).

Relationship between social support, self-concept and academic attainment of students in a Cheung Chau secondary school

Li, To-hung., 李桃紅. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

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