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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiple vocies of the connection problems of different editions of elementary school text books.

Huang, Ya-yun 29 July 2008 (has links)
This study aims to investigate various and multiple viewpoints of scholars, textbook editors, elementary school teachers, and student parents on the connection issue between different editions of elementary school textbooks, so as to submit our conclusions and suggestions. The concrete purpose of this study is double: a) What are the multiple voices of the connection issue of different textbooks? b) How are these voices formed? In order to reach the above purpose, the research method is mainly qualitative method, complementing by quantitative method. The study subjects are three scholars, three editors of school textbooks, 18 elementary school teachers, and five student parents. We adopt interview method of qualitative research. According to the introductory interviews, the researchers compile preliminary questionnaire, which is distributed to 160 elementary school teachers in all the 16 counties and cities in the Taiwan area. The last open-end question allows the answerers to write down their opinions, which are then used as one part of data analysis of this study. Finally, we conduct our analysis and discussion by means of incessant comparative analysis and type analysis. Synthetically, we then produce the conclusions and suggestions of this study. The following are the conclusions we reached: 1. The connection between the formal outlines and the temporary ones of the nine-year-through consistent policy causes various connection problems of different editions years ago. Take math course for example. This course is being narrowed and regulated owing to the formal outlines' annual details, which, though brings out a converging agreement, still causes some connection problems, though fewer. Even though connection problems remain, teachers should manage to reduce the problems to the minimum when conducting their teachings, so as to make the teachings more favorably. 2. Because of poor understanding towards the present nine-year-through consistent policy curricula outlines, elementary school teachers can not explain the connection problems to the student parents clearly, which makes the latter take dubious stance towards this issue. The nature of elementary school curricula is of the class of starting point of Burner's spiral curriculum; furthermore, the teaching units are circular through the six years. Thus, the negligent and omitting elements can be redressed to some point. On the other hand, whether students' learning contents are negligent or not will be redressed by the "feedback loop" to rectify the teaching objects and complement the teaching materials. 3. Elementary school teachers with teaching experience less than five years are mostly inexperienced teachers who don't understand the curricula outlines. From our interviews we realize that all kinds of selection tests almost never touch issues concerning curricula outlines. Under this vein, the chance to understand the curricula outlines is relatively meager, which is a warning and chasm for elementary teaching staff cultivation curricula. 4. The connection problems of different elementary textbook editions have something to do with the natures of curricula or fields. Curricula of artistic ability have less connection, which might have something to do with having no tests. "Having tests" tops all the connection issues of different elementary school textbooks. 5. The connection issues of different elementary school textbooks manifest the loose joining of "theory and practice" of teaching, which is the chief cause of the long-term negligence of the outcry of elementary school teachers who really do the teachings. On the one hand, the low professional status and image of elementary school teachers partly contribute to the above phenomenon. On the other hand, many elementary school teachers hold the belief that politics is behind education. In the long run, they feel inactive to all the educational issues. 6. Transfer students have to face horizontal transfer of different editions of their textbooks. Various levels of transfer problems occur because of different transfer times during the semester. But connection problems are not unsolvable. The joint cooperation between elementary school teachers and the publishers of elementary school textbooks still can patch up the chasm of connection.

Latinamerikansk befrielseteologi i fem läroböcker : En textanalytisk studie av fem läroböcker i religion för gymnasiet / Latinamerican Liberation Theology in Five Textbooks : A Text Analysis of Five Textbooks in Religion of Upper Secondary School

Westh Emanuelsson, Berith January 2014 (has links)
Den latinamerikanska befrielseteologin är en kristen teologi som har sitt ursprung i slutet av 1960 och vill befria de fattiga och förtryckta människor i latinamerika. Denna rörelse uppstod på grund av sociola orättvisor, fattigdom och mänskliga rättigheter i utvecklingsländer i Sydamerika och har kritiserats av den romersk-katolska kyrkan. Därför, från ett pedagogiskt perspektiv, är det en intressant fråga om denna teologi är representerad i läroböcker i religionsämnet. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera om den latinamerikanska befrielseteologin är presenterad i läroböckerna. Denna forskning bygger på fem läroböcker som har granskats genom en textanalys och en enkel kvantitativ analys för att besvara studiens frågor. Resultatet visar att latinamerikanska befrielseteologin presenteras i de analyserade läroböckerna, men mämns inte vid namn i de två senast skrivna. / The Latin America liberation theology is a Christian theology that originate in the late 1960s regarding the liberation of the poor and oppressed people of Latin America. This independent movement emerged due to issues of social injustice, poverty and humans rights in underdeveloped societies of South America and has been criticized by the Roman Catholic Church Therefore, from a pedagogical point of view, it is an interesting question if this theology is represented in teaching material when it comes to the subject religion. The aim of this study is to analyze if the Latin American liberation theology is expressed in Swedish schoolbooks. This research is based on five textbooks, which have been reviewed by a coparative textual analysis and a simple quantitative analysis to answer the study questions. The result shows that Latin American liberation theology is presented in the analyzed textbooks, but is not mentioned by name in the two most recently written ones.

Les conceptions et les images de l'Islam et des Arabes dans les manuels scolaires d'histoire en France (1948-2008) : la constitution d'une altérité stéréotypée / Concepts and pictures of Islam and Arabs in history school textbooks in France (1948-2008) : the constitution of a stereotyped otherness

Mejri, Sonia 25 January 2019 (has links)
L’enseignement de l’histoire de l’Islam des Arabes tel qu’il est conçu dans les manuels scolaires d’histoire en France, entre 1948 et 2008, a-t-il pu constituer une image de l’Autre stéréotypée ? L’histoire véhiculée dans ces manuels présentent-ils une conception de l’altérité déformée et figée ? Cette recherche se base sur l’un des éléments les plus durables, constants et universels dans le système scolaire : le manuel scolaire. Véritable objet de représentation culturelle (Choppin, 1980), il est un outil multiple et ses responsabilités sont nombreuses. Résultat du difficile processus de transposition didactique, amenant l’objet culturel de référence à l’objet enseigné, il est source de savoirs, de connaissances et de représentations pour l’élève. Il est aussi le vecteur des compétences jugées nécessaires par la société et des valeurs de cohésion sociale et culturelle qu’elle veut pour ces futurs citoyens (programmes scolaires). Il est également le reflet de l’état des connaissances d’une époque et de la vision de son histoire. À partir de ces différentes demandes, des choix de contenus sont alors opérés, de manière autonome, par les auteurs de manuel scolaire. Outil influent donc, le livre scolaire est aussi support pour l’enseignant surtout lorsqu’il maîtrise peu le sujet. Bien qu’il soit complexe de connaître quelles utilisations les enseignants en font dans leur classe, ces derniers présentent à la lecture une vision de l’Autre (pas toujours étranger) parfois alter et parfois alien. La recherche sur les manuels scolaires est donc un terrain d’exploration idéal pour comprendre comment l’histoire de l’Islam et des Arabes est enseignée dans les manuels scolaires et ses conséquences sur la conception de l’Autre, à travers sa relation avec l’Un. À travers un corpus de deux-cent-vingt-deux manuels scolaires d’histoire, édités entre 1948 et 2008, quatre-vingts photos, plus d’une centaine d’extraits et une dizaine de cartes ont été sélectionnés.Inscrire l’analyse des manuels scolaires dans le champs de l’histoire culturelle permet de faire émerger la dimension sociale de ce sujet, c'est-à-dire « l'ensemble des représentations collectives propres à une société » (Ory, 1987). L’analyse culturelle des représentations de l’Islam et des Arabes s’inspire alors à la fois des études sur la constitution de l’altérité et sur les manuels scolaires. En liant « étroitement l’étude des textes, celle des objets matériels et des usages qu’ils engendrent dans la société » (Chartier, 1992), une combinaison d’analyses (quantitative et qualitative) ainsi que des critères de stéréotypie ont été établis pour examiner ces manuels et répondre à nos questionnements de départ. Les relations entre la France et l’Islam sont très anciennes, semées de controverses, de tourmentes, de passions et de partages. Elles sont le résultat d’expériences historiques propres à ce rapport si particulier et transmettent une mémoire forte, présentant à la fois des incompréhensions, réciproques, et des idéaux. Ce qui sépare a plus tendance à faire recette que ce qui rapproche mais se pourrait-il que ces incompréhensions proviennent de manuels scolaires enclin à produire une image stéréotypée de l’Autre afin de renforcer les croyances dans un conflit entre deux mondes ? De nombreuses études (Nasr, 2001 ; Mc Andrew & Oueslati, 2010 ; Costa-Lascoux & Choppin, 2011) et des rapports (Sellier, 2007 ; l’UNESCO, 2005 ; la HALDE, 2007) mettent en avant l’importance du rôle des manuels scolaires dans la reproduction des clichés, la persistance des stéréotypes et parfois du racisme sous des formes plus subtiles.Toutes ces dimensions entremêlées donnent à cette étude une vision originale et intéressante et apportent un regard différent sur la représentation de l’altérité. / The teaching of the history of Islam of the Arabs as it was conceived in history textbooks in France, between 1948 and 2008, could it constitute an image of the Other one stereotyped ? Does the story conveyed in these textbooks present a distorted and frozen conception of the otherness ? This research is based on one of the most enduring, consistent and universal elements in the school system : the textbook. True object of cultural representation (Choppin, 1980), it is a multiple tool and its responsibilities are numerous. Result of the difficult process of didactic transposition, bringing the cultural object of reference to the taught object, it is source of knowledges, understandings and representations for the pupil. It is also the vector of skills deemed necessary by society and values ​​of social and cultural cohesion that it wants for these future citizens (school programs). It is also a reflection of the state of knowledge of an era and the vision of its history. From these various requests, content choices are then made, autonomously, by textbook authors. Influential tool thus, the textbook is also support for the teacher especially when he has little knowledge over the subject. Although it is complex to know which uses the teachers make it in their classrooms, the latter present to the reading a vision of the Other (not always foreigner) sometimes alter and sometimes alien. Textbook research is therefore an ideal field for exploring how the history of Islam and Arabs is taught in textbooks and its implications for the conception of the Other, through its relationship with the One. Through a corpus of two-hundred and twenty two history textbooks, published between 1948 and 2008, eighty photos, more than a hundred extracts and about ten maps were selected.To include the analysis of textbooks in the field of cultural history makes it possible to bring out the social dimension of this subject, that is to say "the set of collective representations specific to a society" (Ory, 1987). The cultural analysis of representations of Islam and Arabs is then inspired by both studies on the constitution of otherness and textbooks. By linking "closely the study of texts, that of material objects and the uses they engender in society" (Chartier, 1992), a combination of analyzes (quantitative and qualitative) as well as criteria of stereotypy have been established to review these manuals and answer our initial questions.Relations between France and Islam are very old, full of controversy, torment, passions and sharing. They are the result of historical experiences peculiar to this particular relationship and transmit a strong memory, presenting at the same time misunderstandings, reciprocal, and ideals. What separates is more likely to be successful than what brings people together, but could it be that these misunderstandings come from textbooks prone to producing a stereotypical image of the Other in order to reinforce beliefs in a conflict between two worlds?All these intertwined dimensions give this study an original and interesting vision and bring a different perspective on the representation of otherness.

Postkolonialistisk bildanalys av Hem- och konsumentkunskapsböcker / A post-colonial image analysis of schools textbooks in home economics

Casal-Eriksson, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
The Swedish education system reflects the multicultural society in Sweden, therefore there is a need of school textbooks that pupils can identify themselves with to create meaning and value in their learning. According to the Swedish Education Administrations (Skolverkets) report (2006) and Selander (2003, s. 198) the school textbooks are the main source of education in class. There has been an implicit message in the older textbooks that is associated with the belief that non-Europeans are "seen" as victims, and that Europeans are privileged with a "good life". Many school texbooks has been analyzed from different points of perspectives, however, analysis from a postcolonial perspective on home economics books has practically been nonexistent. Analysis in this study are focused on how non-western people are been portrayed in six different textbooks in the subject to conclude if the colonial discourse is still maintained and reproduced in the school. To answer the question of formulation an image analysis is made of the six, previiously mentioned, textbooks. The result shows that since 1976 school textbooks are consistently reproducing the same image of non-Europeans as victims and underdeveloped- the way of portraying them as said has merely shifted from images of starved children to helpless victims of environmental disasters and occidental abundance but are held equally responsible for their underdevelopment, in anticipation of occidental aid.

Učitel očima veřejnosti / The Teacher through Eyes of the Public

Koutníková, Šárka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The Teacher through the eyes of the public" is focused on analyzing public opinions and attitudes towards the teacher personality. In further detail, it is focused on a teacher of the sciences, specifically science lessons and biology, and its educated subject. The diploma thesis is divided to two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes the relation between the school and society, defines the term Teacher, and maps the teacher career with problems they can meet with during their career. Teachers of natural science/biology are described in their dedicated chapter, where the teachers themselves and their achieved educational background and selected teaching elements are analyzed. The practical part provides a questionnaire survey by method of quantitative research with a total of 144 responders. The collected data is presented in columnar graphs together with its word characterization. A Z-Score test was used in an attempt to prove the hypothesis. The first part of the survey is focused on teacher personalities. The results show that the responders perceive teacher personality as very positive and that professional experience is definitely preferred within the subject. In the second part, the results introduce that the addressed public recognize teaching...

La mémoire en mouvance

Kruggel, Björn 12 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, il s’agit de développer et d’appliquer une méthode qui peut saisir le manuel scolaire comme objet de l’analyse historique et de l’analyse du discours. La méthode cible le livre seulement et combine des outils littéraires et historiques, quantitatifs et qualitatifs, en essayant de tenir compte de l’expérience du livre. L’analyse porte sur la narration de la guerre de Corée dans les manuels de six pays (Allemagne RDA et RFA, la Chine RPC, les États-Unis, le Chili et l’Argentine) de deux moments différents (1962 et 1992). La guerre de Corée a été un événement majeur de la Guerre froide entre les mondes capitalistes et communistes et a contribué à la course aux armements nucléaires. Elle a installé le modèle de la guerre par procuration comme solution de conflits entre les deux idéologies. Une comparaison large d’un événement précis peut nous donner des indications sur le fonctionnement des différents niveaux de la mémoire d’une société et expliquer des éléments du fonctionnement des cycles historiographiques. / This master’s thesis develops and tests a methodology that tries to understand the textbook as an object of historical and discourse analysis. The method centers primarily on the textbook and combines tools of literary criticism and historical research, using quantitative and qualitative analysis, while trying to capture the reader’s experience of the narrated history. We analyze the narration of the Korean war in the textbooks from six different coun- tries (East and West Germany, mainland China, the United States, Chile and Argentina) at two different times (1962 and 1992). The Korean war has been a major event of the cold war between capitalist and communist world and lead to the nuclear arms race. It introduced the model of the proxy war as a means of conflict resolution between the two ideologies. A larger comparison of a precise event can yield indications about how the different levels of social memory work and can explain elements of of the cycles of historiograph- ical paradigms.

La mémoire en mouvance

Kruggel, Björn 12 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, il s’agit de développer et d’appliquer une méthode qui peut saisir le manuel scolaire comme objet de l’analyse historique et de l’analyse du discours. La méthode cible le livre seulement et combine des outils littéraires et historiques, quantitatifs et qualitatifs, en essayant de tenir compte de l’expérience du livre. L’analyse porte sur la narration de la guerre de Corée dans les manuels de six pays (Allemagne RDA et RFA, la Chine RPC, les États-Unis, le Chili et l’Argentine) de deux moments différents (1962 et 1992). La guerre de Corée a été un événement majeur de la Guerre froide entre les mondes capitalistes et communistes et a contribué à la course aux armements nucléaires. Elle a installé le modèle de la guerre par procuration comme solution de conflits entre les deux idéologies. Une comparaison large d’un événement précis peut nous donner des indications sur le fonctionnement des différents niveaux de la mémoire d’une société et expliquer des éléments du fonctionnement des cycles historiographiques. / This master’s thesis develops and tests a methodology that tries to understand the textbook as an object of historical and discourse analysis. The method centers primarily on the textbook and combines tools of literary criticism and historical research, using quantitative and qualitative analysis, while trying to capture the reader’s experience of the narrated history. We analyze the narration of the Korean war in the textbooks from six different coun- tries (East and West Germany, mainland China, the United States, Chile and Argentina) at two different times (1962 and 1992). The Korean war has been a major event of the cold war between capitalist and communist world and lead to the nuclear arms race. It introduced the model of the proxy war as a means of conflict resolution between the two ideologies. A larger comparison of a precise event can yield indications about how the different levels of social memory work and can explain elements of of the cycles of historiograph- ical paradigms.

Implementace badatelsky orientovaného vyučování v hodinách zeměpisu na příkladu geografie města / Implementation of inquiry based education in geography at the example of urban geography

LEŽÁK, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The main concept of this final thesis is the genesis of educational material within the application concept of inquiry based education in geography at primary school or lower level schools. The central theoretical framework was chosen issue urban geography, as one of the most actual discussed geographic sub-disciplines. The newly formed educational material will have a complexial form - except themselves textbooks for pupils will be created methodological guide for teachers. Inquiry based education wants in a school closer to real scientific process , pupils and use to anchor the separate handling of information. Pupils tries to fix minor problems, verify their hypotheses using the process set out by research, analyze everything and then synthesized. The method , together with the knowledge of geography of the city are developed through work with GPS logger. The educational material is within the next stopover implemented in selected schools . Using the questionnaire, pupils and teachers the author provide valuable feedback.

Elevers möjligheter att utveckla statistisk litteracitet genom tolkning av tabeller och diagram : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av läromedelsserier i matematik för årskurs 4–6 / Students' opportunities to develop statistical literacy through interpretation of charts and graphs : A quantitative content analysis of textbook series in mathematics for grades 4-6

Tegnelund, Linn January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka möjligheter till lärande genom lärtillfällen (”opportunities to learn” [OTL]) elever ges i mellanstadiet i att utveckla statistisk litteracitet. Statistisk litteracitet beskrivs av forskare som en viktig förmåga för individen som demokratisk rättighet för att, i den allt mer digitala värld vi lever i, kunna föra och följa statistiska argument och kunna fatta välgrundade beslut utifrån statistisk information. I tidigare forskning framkommer det att undervisning i matematik inte sällan baseras på läromedel. Därav görs i denna studie en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tabeller och diagram i fyra olika läromedelsserier genom årskurs 4–6. Frågeställningarna som avser ge resultat är (1) I vilken omfattning får eleverna möta uppgifter inom de olika nivåerna av statistisk litteracitet i läromedelsserier? samt (2) Hur ser fördelningen och progressionen av nivåerna ut genom årskurs 4–6? Läromedlen analyseras genom Curcios fyra nivåer för kategorisering av statistisk litteracitet. Nivå 1 (N1) “reading the data”, nivå 2 (N2) “reading between the data”, nivå 3 (N3) “reading beyond the data” och nivå 4 (N4) “reading behind the data”. N1 och N2 är de grundläggande nivåerna som innebär att frågorna leder till direkt avläsning, beräkningar eller jämförelser som explicit är uttryckt i datan. Nivåerna N3 och N4 innebär frågor som leder till att dra slutsatser som inte explicit uttrycks i data genom kritisk granskning, förutspå eller generalisera utifrån statistisk information. Kategoriseringen visar att fördelningen av uppgifterna är inom N1 och N2 samt att en tydlig progression saknas i läromedelsserierna. För att utvecklas att bli statistiskt litterat behöver man ges tillräckligt med OTL inom alla dessa nivåer. Studien fann däremot att 99,7% av uppgifterna totalt kategoriserades inom de lägre nivåerna, N1 och N2. Detta kan tolkas som att läromedlen inte ger elever tillräckliga OTL i att utveckla statistisk litteracitet vilket kan påverka elevernas förutsättningar att fatta välgrundade beslut i sin vardag.

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