Spelling suggestions: "subject:"scotland"" "subject:"schotland""
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Improving relationships within the Scottish NHS supply chainRees, Clive Adam January 1998 (has links)
The National Health Service (NHS) is a uruque organisation which expenences continual change, making the management of the supply chain a particularly challenging area. Key relationships at the two ends of the supply pipelines between NHS buyers and their suppliers and between local NHS supplies managers and their customer base are therefore crucially important. Following the 1990 reforms and the introduction of the NHS internal market, an environment has been created in which managers are generally much more cost conscious and customer orientated. The net effect of these changes has been to raise the profile of the buyer-supplier and Supplies Manager-customer relationships. A review of the current literature has highlighted aspects of relationships that can be applied to those within the NHS supply chain as well as identifying some conceptual gaps. Initial exploratory surveys of supplies managers, NHS buyers, suppliers and end customers were undertaken with the emerging themes being further investigated through semi-structured interviews. Two relationship review tools were constructed and an action research approach adopted to evaluate the tools which involved Scottish NHS buyers with their suppliers and Scottish Supplies Managers with their end customers. The experience of the case studies suggest that the tools are a useful way of continually reviewing relationships which is necessary given the dynamic nature of the NHS. The research also suggests that purchasing relationships between NHS buyers and the suppliers currently exist along the whole of the relationship spectrum - from adversarial to partnership type - depending on the influence of particular factors. Both extremes have a place in the NHS buyer's "relationship portfolio", the challenge is to recognise when and how to adopt a particular type. The research suggests that the tool devised specifically for use by NHS Supplies Managers and their customers assists Supplies Managers in their task of identifying a means of ensuring flexible packages of care are offered to meet the increasing expectations of all customers.
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Ideology and hearings system operations : the perceptions of five participating groupsVeitch, William January 1993 (has links)
Recent research related to the children's hearings system - Scotland's juvenile 'justice system - is limited. This study is an attempt to address this empirical deficiency. It examines the perceptions of members of five participating groups (guidance teachers, social workers, police officers, panel members and reporters) on the structure and practices of the hearings system in three regions of Scotland. The research involved 389 respondents in a questionnaire survey, followed by 45 semi-structured interviews with a selected sub-sample. The study incorporated three research issues. Firstly, the groups' ideological perspectives on juvenile justice and their potential influence on attitudes towards the hearings system, secondly, the groups members' observations on present hearings system operations and thirdly the participants' convictions concerning future practice and structure. The general conclusions drawn from the investigation indicate that support across the five groups exists for the continuation of a welfare based juvenile justice system in Scotland but that differences between groups emerge on the matter of the organisation of that system. Majorities in the police officer, guidance teacher and social worker samples were ideologically opposed to lay decision-makers in juvenile justice and most interviewees from these groups expressed reservations concerning the continuation, in its present form, of the lay panel as the decision making body in the hearings system. Most panel members and reporters in contrast however, and again in accordance with their ideological stances, continued to support the dominant role of lay people in the decision-making process within hearings. The research conclusions further suggest the existence of a process of ideological modification on the part of group members when translating theoretical concepts into practical settings. This process, identified as situated accounts, in some instances permitted participants to acknowledge and work with aspects and practices within the hearings system which contradicted their underlying ideological beliefs.
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Some aspects of the impact of oil on the Shetland economyMcNicoll, Iain H. January 1977 (has links)
This study analyses the impact of oil-related developments on output, incomes and employment in Shetland. An Input-Output approach is adopted based on a Shetland transactions table constructed by the author. Using this, the pre-oil Shetland economy is analysed as base for assessing oil impact. Three major oil activities are identified and their local effects estimated: Supply Bases, the Sullom Voe Tanker Terminal, and Oil-related Construction. Estimates of the impact of these on local activity are given in aggregate and on an individual industry basis. Appropriate oil sector 'multipliers' are derived. Attempts are made to modify the basic estimates by allowing for 'negative multiplier' effects, induced investment and other elements of impact excluded in the basic model. Finally, the possibility of oil-induced changes in local technology is considered and its implications for the preceding impact estimates discussed. In the conclusions the results of the previous analysis are drawn together and some policy implications suggested by them are considered briefly.
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History, hagiography, and fakestory : representations of the Scottish Covenanters in non-fictional and fictional texts from 1638 to 1835Currie, Janette January 1999 (has links)
This study is an examination of the differing and competing representations of the Scottish Covenanters that emerged from the signing of the National Covenant in 1638 to the publication in 1835 of The Tales of the Wars ofMontrose, by James Hogg. The disserttion researches representations of the Scottish Covenanters in thee centuies offictional and non-fictional texts, for example, seventeenth-centu sermons, eighteenth-centu chapbooks, and nineteenth-centu Scottish literatue, and it notes and examines the discordance in the various modes of literar discourse. The disserttion is aranged chronologically as the most logical method of tracing and demonstrating the discordance. An historical context is provided to each chapter and also within each chapter as necessar to explain and to situate the discourses under scrutiny within their contemporar climate. Chapter One examines representations of the Scottish Covenanters from the first signing of the National Covenant in 1638 to their disappearance from Scottish mainstream thing with the 'Glorious Revolution' in 1688-9. The chapter begins by examining the document known as the National Covenant and reveals how radically different it was from previous Scottish bonds of allance. The early Covenanters or 'Politick Chrstians' who attempted to promote and to live up to the spirtual and secular aims of the National Covenant were concerned to present a tre image of what it was to be a Covenanter. The Royalists and anti-Covenanters counteracted by detracting the movement though irony which revealed the inconsistencies of Covenanting priciples. The paper war of words included contemporar news sheets, privately circulated letters, broadsides and ballads. After 1660, when Episcopacy was reintroduced into Scotland literar representations of the Scottish Covenanters were, on the whole, denigratory as the Scottish Privy Council, with the full support of the English governent sought to prevent a repeat of the events of 1638. The satirical work of George Hickes is revealed as a crucial factor in the demise of the popularty of Covenanting. As the Covenanting movement became defensive rather than offensive the Covenanters counteracted with books and pamphlets such as Naphtali, that included declarations and 'last testimonies' of those convicted for treason after the Pentland Uprising in 1666. This chapter closely examines one of the published Covenanting sermons and reveals that it is inauthentic propagandist literatue. The representation of Scottish Covenanters in the crucial post-Bothwell/opish plotÆxclusion Crisis altered significantly. A comparison of the draft manifesto published by Royal Warant under the title, 'The Fanaticks New-Covenant', with a later document published by the 'United Societies' reveals that there were moderate Presbyterians after Bothwell Bridge who proposed upholding the Covenants. Their 'manifesto' was published alongside of the more violently rhetorical 'Sanquhair Declaration', which led to them being wrongly associated with the Cameronians. The final representation to be examined in this period is of the Cameronian historian, Alexander Shields. He portayed the Covenanters of the 1680s in apocalyptic tropes as a 'suffering remnant' in exile within their own countr. Chapter Two examines the discordant discourses of the eighteenth centu. The 'Revolution Settlement' of 1688-9 re-instated Presbytery and as the tables were tued, so the Episcopalian satirsts denigrated the Presbyterians by implying that all Covenanters were of a similar violent propensity as the Cameronians had theatened. The move towards Enlightenment away from the enthusiastic raptue of the seventeenth centu can be traced though these satircal representations which concentrated an accusation that Presbyterian preaching was ineffective and ridiculous. As Covenanting fell out of favour historians such as Robert Wodrow, and also the 'United Societies' as the Cameronians became known tued to apologia. Their accounts portayed the Covenanting movement of the later seventeenth-centu as entirely defensive. This was disputed by satirsts such as Pitcaire and Swift, and Enlightened historians such as David Hume. Towards the end of the eighteenth centu Reformed Presbyterians, as the Cameronians were now called, published major works which promoted positive images of the Covenanters. John Howie's Biographia Scoticana significantly altered the perspective of Covenanting. He depicted Covenanting as the natul successor of the Reformation in his hagiogrphical collection which begins with the mardom of Walter Mil in 1550. Overall, this chapter examines the way that representations of the Scottish Covenanters altered in the changing political, religious and intellectual climate of the eighteenth centu. Chapter Thee examines the literar representation of the Scottish Covenanters in the early nineteenth centu to 1807. Using Gerard Genett's Paratexts as a model the chapter examines the interplay between the text and the anotation in John Leyden's poetr and in his editing of John Wilson's poem entitled, Clyde, in the anotation and introductory material that Scott appended to five Covenanting ballads in the third volume of The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, in the anotation to James Grahame's long reflective poem entitled, The Sabbath, and finally, to the imitation ballad entitled, 'Mess John' in James Hogg's collection of 'traditional' material entitled, The Mountain Bard. The chapter situates the subjective editing practices of Scott into the contemporar political climate of a heightened revolutionar atmosphere engendered by the threat of war between the United Kingdom, and France and Spain. This chapter offers a revision of the poet, James Grahame. A close reading of The Sabbath, that is taen in context with his earlier suppressed anti-clerical and anti-Enlightenment poetry reveals that it is an anti-Establishmentaan, as opposed to purely reflective poem. Finally, in this chapter the notion of James Hogg as Scott imitator is rejected. A close reading of his ballad, 'Mess John' indicates his move from imitator to independent author. Overall, this chapter reveals that Scott revised representations of the Scottish Covenanters though an appropriation of eighteenth-centu pseudo-Covenanting and anti-Covenanting works. Chapter Four is a study ofScott's series of novels entitled, Tales of My Landlord that he published between 1816 and 1819. The chapter begins with a close examination ofScott's satirical representation of Reformed Presbyterians and dissenters in his first novel entitled, Waverley. After establishing Scott's anti-Covenanting tropes the chapter then proceeds to an examination of the novels from the series which constituted his most intensively derogatory treatment of Covenanters and their descendats. Takg Par's study of Don Quixote as an exemplar the chapter discovers the extent of Scott' s anti-Covenanting satire. As in the previous two chapters the contemporar political and religious climate is also discussed. Chapter Five examines the literar response to Scott's anti-Covenanting satire, and to the subjective editing practices of Charles Kirkpatrck Share. It suggests that the battle over the documenta evidence of Covenanting material signified the battle for authorial control that became the central concerns ofHogg and GaIt. The prose fictions of James Hogg, John Galt, Allan Cuningham and John Wilson are compared and contrasted. This reveals that Hogg had developed an entirely new paradigm of positively representing the Covenanters by acknowledging their heroism and fortitude while rejecting their violence and wild rhetoric. John GaIt's anti-romantic novel Ringan vu Gilhaize offered an inovative interpretation of historical reconstrction that appears to have been deliberately aimed at counterig Scott.
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Women's football in Scotland : an interpretive analysisMacbeth, Jessica Louise January 2004 (has links)
The growing body of literature on women's football has focused mainly on the development of the game and experiences of past and present players. Despite the emergence of research on women's football internationally there has not yet been exclusive attention to either of these areas in the Scottish context. Using an interpretive framework this thesis is organised around four main themes: the development of women's football in Scotland; socio-demographic characteristics of women footballers; the process of socialisation; and, the subculture of women's football. The synthesis of elements within the interpretive framework ensures that the research offers an interpretation that is both contextualised historically and informed by an understanding of the meaning of football in the context of players' private lives. In relation to the history of the game, the development of women's football in Scotland has indeed been shaped by the particular Scottish context. The research concludes that the socialisation of women into football in Scotland is an interactive and often a reciprocal process. The subculture of women's football in Scotland is characterised by three interlocking group cultures. The meaning of football in players' lives influences the nature of their individual membership to these group cultures and the importance they attach to elements of subcultural capital. The various meanings attached to football give rise to potential sources of tension between the dominant, emergent and residual elements of culture within the subculture. This original theoretically and empirically informed study of women's football in Scotland makes a contribution to the growing body of research on women's football and to our understanding of the social and historical significance of sport in Scottish society.
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'Children in good order' : a study of constructions of child protection in the work of the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, in the West of Scotland, 1960-1989Robinson, Anna Christina Mary January 2002 (has links)
How did the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children protect children in post war Glasgow? The analysis in this study of the 'construction' of child protection is centred upon three questions relating to the practice of the RSSPCC: What forms did intervention take? Who was the focus of practice? How and why did practice change during the 30 year period, 1960-1990, of this study? The period 1960-1990 witnessed rapid political, economic and social changes which contributed to the recognition by the state of social problems which affected families. The RSSPCC (founded in 1884) was established by the beginning of the twentieth century as the principal arm of the state in the investigation and prosecution of child abuse and neglect throughout Scotland. The Society sustained this key role up to the middle of the 1970s and then lost it completely in 1992. This study is not a history of the RSSPCC. However an historical perspective was adopted to further understanding of the organisation's role in Scottish society and in the lives of families whose standards of parenting were causing concern. The sources of that concern were found often within the family. Many mothers (less often fathers) sought assistance from the RSSPCC only to find themselves subjects of intense scrutiny and intervention. The analysis and conclusions of this study are derived from: the RSSPCC case records of intervention in the lives of 1,500 families, the records of 120 prosecutions of parents for cruelty and or neglect, a selection of Annual Reports from 1889 to 1993, and interviews with 51 RSSPCC staff. A theoretical framework which brought historical sociology, post structuralist models of power and feminism together with the concept of 'Adocentrism' (the unswerving allegiance to adult values) was developed to illuminate the puzzles, paradoxes and complexities of the changing constructions of child protection. This study concludes that the 'construction' of child protection developed and changed in response to a number of factors. However, the power to define and negotiate the subjects and boundaries of intervention was invariably retained by the professionals and furthermore the focus of that intervention was predominantly with and between adults.
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The genetics of a managed Atlantic salmon stock and implications for conservationFrake, Karen January 2007 (has links)
Numerous populations of wild Atlantic salmon have declined in recent years. The Atlantic salmon in Girnock Burn, an upland spate tributary of the River Dee, Scotland have been monitored intensely by government scientists since 1966. The burn is equipped with upstream and downstream traps, which have enabled monitoring of juveniles leaving the burn and adults returning to it since 1966. Recently, due to a decline in numbers of female returns, a supportive breeding program was instigated. Using microsatellite-based DNA profiling, this study exploited existing and novel tissue samples to investigate aspects of Atlantic salmon biology and conservation. A panel of up to 12, mainly highly polymorphic, microsatellite loci were employed to derive allele frequency data and to resolve parentage in egg, parr, smolt and anadromous adult samples taken between 1991 and 2004. Genotyping error was investigated and rectified where possible. Overall, the detected error was low (c.0.5%), providing confidence in subsequent population and parentage analyses. The error rate involved in estimating the age of salmon in Girnock Burn from scale readings was also estimated (c.2-8%). A study of the dynamics of natural spawning, based on the parentage of parr, confirmed that multiple matings by anadromous returns of both sexes were prevalent. Not all anadromous returns were apparently successful spawners; data from parr and existing redd samples failed to detect a contribution from 35% of males and 29% of females. An important aspect of the work was to determine the success of the supportive breeding program. Results showed that, in comparison to natural spawning, the program gave a more complete and even representation of adult spawners in offspring. In addition, there was no detectable difference in the output (number of smolts) of the two schemes when the number of eggs used in each was taken into account. The distribution of juvenile kin (parr aged 1+) within the burn was determined, which revealed clustering of full and half sib groups. This was found to impact on standard population genetic analyses. Adjacent samples (n = 50), each sampled over a c.1.5 km stretch of river were shown to exhibit significant allelic differentiation, while samples from individuals selected at random over a 7.5km stretch did not. Parentage analysis of adult returns showed that the number of returns likely to be philopatric was higher than would be predicted solely from physical tagging data. This was attributed to ‘leakage’ of the downstream parr/smolt trap. An initial investigation into the role of mature parr in adaptation of populations to the environment was made, although sire type (i.e. anadromous male or mature parr) was not found to affect survival in the freshwater environment in this case. More research into this aspect is warranted, particularly with the possible impact of predicted climate change on male parr maturity. A comparison of genetic diversity through time (measured by allelic richness) revealed no detectable change between 1991 and 2004. Estimates of the effective population size using different genetic (temporal) methods were associated with a large degree of uncertainty, and were surprisingly high (ranging from 595 to 1992) c.f. demographic based estimates (ranging from 95 to 144), which was likely to be due in part to violation of assumptions made in the calculations. These findings have highlighted a range of avenues for future lines of research, should aid in the management of Atlantic salmon within Girnock Burn and assist in the design of sampling regimes.
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Youth justice at the interface : the development of a multi-professional team in a multi-agency partnershipRigby, Paul January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates the development of a multi-professional youth justice team in Falkirk,Central Scotland, established following the Scottish Executive (2000) Youth Crime Review. The contribution of the multi-professional team was examined in relation to the potential benefits of having a range of professionals in one team operating in broader partnership arrangements. The extent that these arrangements facilitated implementation of evidence-based practice was also explored. Local strategy was analysed as a constituent of national policy, as Scotland began to develop a youth justice system containing aspects of the `Third Way' corporatist, managerial model evident in England and Wales. The multi-professional youth justice project of Connect was the focus of the thesis, although close multi-agency networks necessitated analysis of wider partnership arrangements. Employing a multi-methods case study approach maximised the available data and provided a rich understanding of the context and processes of local policy development. Interviews with a range of stakeholders in the Falkirk area constituted the primary data source, supported by observation of the working arrangements, document analysis and secondary statistical data. Elements of action research allowed ongoing data to be utilised by Falkirk Council to develop service provision while the research progressed. Findings are examined in relation to the wider theoretical implications of adopting a `what works' agenda in a youth justice system that has, for over thirty years, been predicated on a diversionary welfare principle. The arrangements in Falkirk may provide a model for multiprofessional youth justice work that does not embrace a centralised, punitive agenda. The research indicated that a multi-professional project could make a positive contribution to wider multi-agency arrangements, supporting the government aims of increased partnership working. It also suggested that operational developments, facilitated by practitioners in a bottom-up approach, could implement change capable of delivering services utilised and appreciated by service users, and meeting the standards set by the Scottish Executive. Further research will be necessary to provide evidence regarding the effectiveness of specific partnership arrangements in reducing offending and improving the circumstances of young people. While the individual nature of local authority responses to the Youth Crime Review indicates that a national solution may not be desirable, the findings from Falkirk provide data about those factors that may facilitate or inhibit developments in partnership working, which is now part of the framework of youth justice provision in Scotland. Individual case studies can provide evidence that youth justice practice in Scotland can retain a local, child centred focus. Such evidence may halt further moves towards a `one size fits all' justice model, which predominates in England and Wales.
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A social analysis of the upper ranks of the Scottish peerage, 1587-1625 /Boyle, Christina-Anne. January 1998 (has links)
This study looks broadly at the composition of the Scottish peerage in James VI's reign, and specifically at a subset, of the Scottish aristocracy who bore the titles of viscount or better between the years 1587 and 1625. Eighty-five subjects are identified, and classified according to the age of their titles, their religious leanings and the geographical regions from which their titles and powers were drawn, to form anumber of distinct groups---the established nobility, new peers, Protestants, Catholics (both overt and conforming), peers from the highlands and isles, peers from central Scotland, and peers from the Anglo-Scottish border region. / A social analysis of the total body of these peers and its sub-groupings is undertaken, and focuses on patterns associated with their birth, descent, education, succession, marriage, fertility and death. Where appropriate, the results are compared with data available from studies of the contemporary English aristocracy. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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The evolution of the English Party in Scotland, 1513-1544.Charteris, Joan Nancy. January 1973 (has links)
No description available.
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